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Dances show the T'boli's affinity with nature.

ABOUT THE The unique dance movement is characterized
by: heads bowed low; arms extended
T'BOLI PEOPLE sideward and forward or obliquely sideward;
and knees and trunks slightly bent. There is
frequent use of the upper torso, subtle facial
expression, and arms that flow from pose to
pose–the fingers held close and still, curling in

and out and the elbows are flexed. Generally,
In the mountain of Cotabato lives a the T'boli rhythmic movement often builds up
colorful ethnic group known as Tboli. This to trance to ensure that omen from the spirits
group has many names including Tagabili is interpreted properly. The T'boli ritual dance
and T’Boli. The T’Bolis occupy an area of is used to appease the gods; solicit good
about 750 square miles where the harvest; seek deliverance from pestilence;
Southern ends of the Southwest Coast mark birth, weddings and death; prepare for
Range and the Cordillera, also known as war; celebrate victories; affirm social unity and
the Tiruray Highlands, merge. The culture identity.
center falls more or less in the central
part of a triangle whose points are the EXPLORING THE
towns of Surallah, Polomolok and
Kiamba. Within this triangle are three ETHNIC GROUP OF
major lakes: Lake Sebu, Lake Lahit and
Lake Selutan. MINDANAO


T’Boli folk literature reflects the typical

beliefs, customs and traditions of their
society. Practically every aspect of T’boli
life is governed by folk beliefs and
sayings. The epic Todbulol is the core of REFERENCES:
T’Boli folk literature and the foundation
on which T’Boli identity rests. The epic is
sung in it’s entirety only at important 3/subcommissions/subcommission-on-cultural-
occasions like weddings. This may last up communities-and-traditional-arts-sccta/central-
to 16 hrs, depending on the number of cultural-communities/the-tboli/
versions sung.
The T’Bolis are people of medium
build. They are light in complexion.
Some of them are square-jawed.
Their hair may be curly or straight.
T’Boli women dress in a long
sleeved, tight-fitting, waist length,
collarless blouse which is in plain
black, dark or navy blue. Their
tubular skirt is ankle length. For
special occasions, the T’Boli woman
is dressed in a pin-striped linen T’Boli kesiyahan or marriage is a long process
skirt. T’Boli men, no longer wear that may be conducted in three major stages:
traditional attire. Today, they childhood, puberty and adolescence and the
normally go about in ordinary pants Like other hill people, the T’Boli subsist on hunting,
and skirts, with the typical T’Boli fishing and cultivation. The rivers, lakes and marshes crowning celebration called moninum.
sword which they always carry at of the region have always been the source of the fish
Marriages are prearranged by the parents
their side. and may be contracted at any age, even
caught by using fishing rods, spews, nets and other
immediately after the child’s birth. The
traps. Mudfish, catfish, fresh water shrimp and snails
FAMILY & HOUSING moninum is a series of six feasts, hosted
are common food items. Ducks are also raised along alternately by the families of the bride and
the lake’s shores. the groom. Done over a period ranging from
2 to 6 years, the moninum is an optional
T'NALAK WEAVING & METAL WORKS celebration which only wealthy T’Bolis can
afford. Each feast runs for 3 to 5 days and
nights. Polygamy is allowed among the T’Boli,
a practice resorted to especially by the
In a T’Boli family, the father is the head of the family. chieftains and the wealthy. The grounds for
Depending upon his economic resources and ability to divorce include incompatibility, sterility or
support, a husband can have a number of wives. To infidelity.
them, it is prestigious to have several wives. However,
The T’Boli metalcraft tradition distinguishes. T’Boli culture
a husband who wishes to marry again must seek the
and is linked to Glinton, the god of metalwork, who occupies
permission of the first wife. All the wives live under one a stellar place in the T’Boli pantheon. T’boli metalwork The T’Bolis do not regard death as inevitable, rather it is
roof. consists of bracelets and solid anklets. A recent product of a trick played by the busao or evil spirits, or punishment
Houses are spread sparsely over the entire T’Boli area. the metalwork tradition is the T’Boli figurine. T’Boli weaving inflicted by gods. This is rooted in the belief that one’s
is another skill that has been raised to the level of art. Their spirit leaves one’s body when one is asleep, and one
They come in isolated clusters of three or four, since traditional cloth, the t’nalak is made of krungon(abaca fiber) awakens the moment the spirit returns. Thus, should the
there is a close interaction among relatives. The house extracted from the mature fruit bearing, wild abaca. spirit not return, death occurs.
is raised about six feet or more above the ground with MYTHS
the side always barely more than three feet high. The DATU
T’Boli society is ruled by a datu
roof is made of cogon or other dried grass which is who assumes several roles. He The T’Bolis’ supreme deities are married couple, Kadaw
strung and sewn down to the bamboo rafters with has social, economic, religious and La Sambad, the sun god and Bulon La Mogoaw, the
political functions. There are a moon goddess. They reside in the seventh heaven.
strips of raw abaca or rattan. The posts are of bamboo number of datus in the T’Boli They beget seven sons and daughters who end up
except for the three stump still rooted to the ground society with varying degrees of marrying each other. Cumucul, the eldest son is given
that are occasionally utilized as posts for the inner power, fame and status achieved a cohort of fire, a tok (sword), and shield. Cumucul is
or ascribed by the datus to married to Boi Kabil Sfedat, the second is married to
portion of the floor. The walls of the house are of
themselves and recognized by the second daughter, Bong Libun.
bamboo split from the inside and flattened out or of their followers.The position of
woven bamboo strips called lahak. datu is not hereditary.

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