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Ion Association versus Ion Interaction Models in Examining

Electrolyte Solutions: Application to Calcium Hydroxide Solubility
M. Isabel Menéndez and Javier Borge*
Departamento de Química Física y Analítica, Universidad de Oviedo, C/Julián Clavería 8, 33006 Oviedo, Spain
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: The heterogeneous equilibrium of the solubility of calcium

hydroxide in water is used to predict both its solubility product from
solubility and solubility values from solubility product when inert salts, in
any concentration, are present. Accepting the necessity of including activity
coefficients to treat the saturated solution of calcium hydroxide (and by
extension, all electrolyte solutions) and the inadequacy of any general or
nonspecific equation (such as the Debye−Hückel limiting law or Davies
equations) to calculate activity coefficients of 1:2 electrolytes, our results
uncover (i) how the inclusion of ion pairs in the last mentioned equations
makes them adequate for low ionic strength solutions and (ii) the need of
sophisticated models, such as the ion-interaction Pitzer equations, for
calculating the activity coefficients when ionic strength is high. In addition,
we have developed a set of MATLAB scripts and propose the use of the
free code PHREEQC version 3 to perform all the calculations described in the article. The tasks proposed here can be
complemented with the experimental determination of the solubility of calcium hydroxide in water along with the experimental
checking of its solubility in aqueous salt solutions during several lab sessions. Experimental guidance is provided as Supporting
KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Physical Chemistry, Computer-Based Learning, Textbooks/Reference Books,
Aqueous Solution Chemistry, Precipitation/Solubility, Thermodynamics

M ost electrolyte solutions cannot be adequately repre-

sented by ideal and dilute ideal solutions due to the
presence of electric charge: they are the examples of nonideal
However, some years later, total dissociation of strong
electrolytes was recognized and, almost simultaneously, the
ion pair notion (an association of two solvated ions of opposite
solutions, where the use of activities instead of concentrations is sign that do not form a true chemical bond between them) was
necessary. Activity coefficients are introduced as correction introduced. This latter idea was initially ranked as a cunning
factors that transform concentrations into activities. The argument to reproduce, with greater accuracy, experimental
thermodynamic representation of electrolyte solutions (thermo- data related to the electrolyte solutions (electrical conductivity
dynamic model) requires (i) an itemization of the solutes measurements, basically). However, in a few years, exper-
present (speciation or chemical model, answer to what species imental evidence confirmed their existence. Figure 1 shows
are there in the solution?) and (ii) a methodology to estimate
different chemical models for the particular case of calcium
activity coefficients (activity model, answer to how can we deal
with their nonideality?). There are as many thermodynamic
models as combinations can be formed between chemical and
activity models. We present the full spectrum of thermody-
namic models and apply some of them to study of the solubility
of calcium hydroxide in water and in aqueous salt solutions of
any concentration. The models and experiments are appro-
priate for upper-level physical chemistry students.

Chemical Models
Figure 1. (A) The simple chemical model (only free ions); (B) one
possible intermediate model (free ions and some ion pairs); (C) the
complex model (free ions and all possible ion pairs).
Speciation of electrolyte solutions is controversial from the very
beginning.1 Arrhenius’s original proposal was to assume that
the strong and weak electrolytes do not dissociate completely.
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

hydroxide saturated solution in presence of an inert salt (a salt As previously stated, a thermodynamic model is any
that does not present any ion common to those produced in combination of a chemical model and a model to calculate
the dissolution of Ca(OH)2) represented by NaCl: from those activity coefficients. Scientific literature classifies thermody-
considering just solvated isolated ions (Figure 1A) to those namic models in four major groups (see Table 1).11
where isolated ions coexist with all possible ion pairs (Figure
1C) passing through intermediate cases where only some ion Table 1. Classification of Thermodynamic Models
pairs are considered (Figure 1B).
Thermodynamic Model Chemical Model Activity Model
Activity Models
2 Basic Free ions Ionic strength
Debye−Hückel theory is the simplest approach for calculating
Association Free ions + ion pairs Ionic strength
activity coefficients in electrolyte solutions. Its foundations and
Interaction Free ions Ion interaction
limitations can be found elsewhere.3,4 Essentially, the activity
Mixed Free ions + ion pairs Ion interaction
coefficient of an ion, i, is a simple function of the charge of the
ion, zi, the temperature, T, the nature of the solvent (through
its relative permittivity, ε), and the ionic strength of the
solution, I. The activity coefficient of a neutral species is unity. Note that the application of the simplest possible
Figure 2A outlines the modus operandi of the Debye−Hückel combination (free ions + ionic strength activity model) is
very restricted (only to extremely dilute solutions). The mixed
model is the most complex (note that the most sophisticated
descriptions are used for both chemical and activity models)
and will not be implemented in this article.
The usefulness of a thermodynamic model is based on the
quality with which it reproduces the available experimental data.
Different thermodynamic models are used to calculate the
solubility product of calcium hydroxide (eq 1) from
experimental measurements of its solubility (K°(T) = f (s))
and the solubility from the solubility product (s = f−1(K°(T))),
where the function f is the mathematical representation of the
thermodynamic model. K°(T) is the standard equilibrium
constant (see the “The standard equilibrium constant” in the
Supporting Information).
Figure 2. (A) Modus operandi of the Debye−Hückel theory (ionic
strength activity model) and (B) the Pitzer methodology (ion Ca(OH)2 (s) ⇌ Ca 2 +(aq) + 2OH−(aq) (1)
interaction activity model). In (A) white circles represent ions and
empty circles neutral molecules. In this model, the activity coefficient It has been established that the determination of solubility
of species i (with charge zi) in a particular solvent (ε) and at a products from solubility measurements is not an adequate
particular temperature (T) only depends on I, a global property not method to get accurate solubility products, mainly due to the
affected by the nature of the ions but only on their charge (zj) and need of using a particular model to evaluate activity coefficients
concentration (mj). In (B) green and orange circles represent ions of of the species involved.14 However, throughout the history of
opposite charge, so black and white lines correspond to repulsive and this Journal, many articles devoted to the study of solubility
attractive interactions, respectively, modulated, in each case, by the
specific nature of the ions. In short, ion interaction activity models
equilibrium have appeared15−23 with the goal of obtaining
perform a microscopic description of the interactions much more “equilibrium constants” from solubility measurements. In most
detailed than that performed by the ionic strength activity models. of them, authors encourage the use of activities instead of
concentrations (Ramette15 advocates this idea with special
vehemence) and they follow nearly the same outline: choose a
theory, which yields activity coefficients valid only for very low particular chemical compound, measure its solubility in water,
(≤0.01 mol kg−1) ionic strengths. Many other semiempirical and apply different formulas (mainly the Debye−Hückel law
functions based on the same parameters have been described in and the Davies equation) to calculate activity coefficients. The
the literature to estimate activity coefficients at higher ionic pedagogical value of this approach is indisputable, but it is not
strengths (the documentation accompanying the computer possible to obtain good solubility products without using
program Aqueous Solutions5 contains an exhaustive enumer- advanced thermodynamic models, as we shall show later.
ation of such functions). The Davies equation (valid for ionic The reverse relationship between solubility product and
strengths up to 0.1 mol kg−1), originally proposed in 19386 and solubility, expressing the solubility as a function of the solubility
revised in 1962,7 is one of the most popular equations. product, is also interesting not only from a pedagogical
Henceforth, activity coefficients calculated via Debye−Hückel, viewpoint but also for its numerous applications in real-life
Davies, or similar formulas will be referred to as the ionic problems where solubility is strongly affected by the presence
strength activity model. of other ions. Real-life problems are more appealing for
There is another model, opposite to the above one, to undergraduate learners as they allow them to appreciate the
calculate activity coefficients in electrolyte solutions. It treats, capability of physical chemistry to solve such practical issues.
one-by-one, the interactions of each solute species, B, with all To the best of our knowledge, only the paper of Willey23 deals
others. This proposal has its origin in the principle of the with the prediction of solubility from solubility products at salt
specific interactions of ions,8 and Pitzer equations9,10 are a aqueous solutions, a complex system more similar to real ones
practical realization of this new procedure. Figure 2B outlines than simple pure aqueous solutions. Again, the application of
the modus operandi of the Pitzer methodology, which will be advanced thermodynamic models is mandatory to obtain
referred to as the ion interaction activity model. correct values of the solubility.
B | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education



The NIST Database result for the equilibrium constant of eq 3
As the solubility product of Ca(OH)2 and its solubility in water is presented (at 298.15 K) as log10K° = 1.30(10). This implies
at several temperatures are available in the literature, students K°(298.15 K) = 20.0. Note that the uncertainty associated with
should look for this information to assess the quality of their log10K° generates a range of possible values for K°(298.15 K)
results. The NIST Critically Selected Stability Constants of Metal comprised between 15.8 and 25.1. Using the NBS Tables,
Complexes Database24 is a source of outstanding quality to get ΔrG°(298.15 K) = −7.576 kJ mol−1. Then, K°(298.15 K) =
values of K°(T). The value of the solubility product of 21.25, a value within the range predicted by the NIST Database.
Ca(OH)2 is presented (at 298.15 K) as log10K° = −5.29(10), In this case, it is necessary to consider simultaneously the two
which implies K°(298.15 K) = 5.13 × 10−6. Note that the equilibria: solubility (eq 1) and association (eq 3). The
uncertainty associated with log10K° generates a range of application of the association model (using the Davies equation
possible values for K°(298.15 K) comprised between 4.07 × to calculate the activity coefficients) yields a solubility product
10−6 and 6.46 × 10−6. The NBS Tables of Chemical of 5.57 × 10−6 (“Predicting solubility product from solubility:
Thermodynamic Properties25 provides ΔrG°(298.15 K) = association model” in the Supporting Information):
30.422 kJ mol−1 for the solubility equilibrium of Ca(OH)2,
where ΔrG° is the standard reaction Gibbs energy (see “The K mγ(T , p) = ∏ (mBγB/m°)υ B
= 5.57 × 10−6
standard equilibrium constant” in the Supporting Information). B (4)
Then, K°(298.15 K) = 4.6794 × 10−6, a value within the range
where γB is the activity coefficient (molality scale) of the
predicted by the NIST Database.
substance B. Using the NIST Database value for the solubility
Like any physical quantity derived from an experiment, there
product (5.13 × 10−6), the percentage relative error is 8.61%,
is not one single value for the solubility of calcium hydroxide in
which means that ionic association models generate accurate
water at 298.15 K. The classic study, par excellence, on this
solubility product values in water.
subject was carried out by Johnston and Grove26 in 1931. The
proposed value was 19.76 × 10−3 mol kg−1. It seems that Interaction Model
several factors such as the aggregation state of the solid For the present case, Pitzer model generates a solubility
(crystalline solids do not behave like amorphous ones; particle product of 6.90 × 10−6.
size is also a critical factor) or the preparation method of the
saturated solution influence the experimental value. It is worth K mγ(T , p) = ∏ (mBγB/m°)υ B
= 6.90 × 10−6
mentioning that the solubility of calcium hydroxide in water B (5)
decreases with temperature, a fairly infrequent behavior. In the The percentage relative error, with respect to the NIST
Supporting Information, a procedure for the experimental Database value (5.13 × 10−6), is 34.48% (although this value
determination of calcium hydroxide solubility in water in a falls to 6.79% if the comparison is made with the upper limit
student lab is outlined. The time needed to carry out this proposed by the NIST Database). For the problem we are
procedure is 4 h. solving now, that is, prediction of Ca(OH)2 solubility product
Ideal Solution Model from its solubility in water, values provided by Pitzer model are
similar to those offered by the ion association method.
Although out of Table 1, the simplest way to obtain a first
A MATLAB script (s2k.m) for the calculation of Kmγ(T,p), or
approximation to the solubility product comes from the ideal Km(T,p,m), for the three cases just described has been included
solution model where solute−solvent interactions are very in the Supporting Information.

similar to solvent−solvent interactions and the size and shape
of solute and solvent molecules are also similar. These PREDICTING SOLUBILITY FROM SOLUBILITY
conditions mean that enthalpy and volume of mixing are PRODUCT
zero, which are never fulfilled by electrolyte solutions. The
application of the ideal solution model to the saturated solution Up to now we aimed to predict the solubility product of
of Ca(OH)2 yields a solubility product of 3.09 × 10−5 (see calcium hydroxide from its solubility in water. Now we proceed
“Predicting solubility product from solubility: ideal solution to a more applied issue where the aim is the prediction of
model” in the Supporting Information): Ca(OH)2 solubility, not only in water but in aqueous salt
solutions, of any concentration, based on its solubility product.
K m(T , p , m) = ∏ (mB/m°)υ B
= 3.09 × 10−5 This procedure is customary in professional practice, such as in
B (2) pharmaceutical industry to know how the solubility of a drug
changes in the presence of other species, and is also important
where the index B refers to species in solution, m° is the in the study of the variation of the solubility of calcium
standard molality, and υB denotes the stoichiometric number. carbonate in the presence of carbon dioxide (the solubility of
Taking as “right” value that proposed by the NIST Database calcium carbonate in fresh and salt water is a crucial parameter
(5.13 × 10−6), the percentage relative error of Km is 501.59%. for the development of all living beings with external shells).
This large error clearly indicates that the ideal solution model is Terms salting-in and salting-out stand for the solubilization and
inadequate to represent the saturated solution of Ca(OH)2. precipitation, respectively, of a substance due to salt addition to
water. For our particular system, in 1931 Johnston and Grove
Association Model
experimentally studied the variation of Ca(OH)2 solubility in
In water, ions coming from Ca(OH)2 dissolution can form the presence of different salts and at different concentrations. A
CaOH+ ion pair. The formation of the CaOH+ ion pair in procedure for the experimental determination of calcium
saturated solutions of calcium hydroxide through eq 3 has been hydroxide solubility in aqueous salt solutions in a students’
experimentally verified. lab is outlined in the Supporting Information.
C | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

Recently, the freely distributed program PHREEQC version measurements. Yellow, green, and purple lines were obtained
3 has been published as a tool for chemical speciation.27 It is a considering an additional ion pair each time. It is evident that
professionally oriented code ready to run under both Linux and results worsen considerably, mainly at high ionic strengths.
Microsoft Windows operating systems, which allows the use of When all possible ion pairs are taken into account, six
the two theoretical approaches tested in this work (association simultaneous equilibria coexist in the solution (including
and interaction models). The software was designed to handle calcium hydroxide solubility equilibrium and the autoionization
much more complex systems than Ca(OH)2 in presence of of water), so chemical complexity is high and the solution of
NaCl, but it is easy to use to solve the teaching problems and, the six coupled equations is strongly dependent on the values of
at the same time, provides a “professional experience” to the the standard equilibrium constants used. As mentioned above,
undergraduate students. completely different values for the association constants of the
Association Model weakest pairs can be found in the literature and choosing one
or the other fully determines the outcome. Calculations with
We focus on the Davies semiempirical equation combined with
equilibrium constants other than NIST values (not displayed)
the ion pair formation to predict Ca(OH)2 solubility. The cases
show dramatic changes in yellow, green, and purple lines and
where the inert salt NaCl is present in the solution at different
indicate that the only stable fact is that neglecting the effect of
concentrations is examined. The NaCl salt makes possible the
the weakest ion pairs (in this case the most uncertain) yields
formation of up to four ion pairs between its ions and those
the best results.
coming from Ca(OH)2 dissolution: CaOH+, CaCl+, NaOH,
The correct use of association models involves the
and NaCl (association among more than two ions and chemical
knowledge of accurate association constants of all the possible
reactions yielding new species are avoided). A literature search
ion pairs. If dubious values are employed, calculated results may
indicates that these four ion pairs have been detected and their
be not fully trustful. To corroborate this idea, we include two
association constants (obtained from NIST Database24) are
new calculations in the Supporting Information. As the number
20.0, 2.51, 1.26, and 0.50, respectively. It is worth mentioning
of different ion pairs in a solution is increased, the use of the
that different literature sources display different values for the
association model is more and more complicated.
association constants of the weakest pairs. Particularly, for the
pair NaOH, Koryta et al.28 give a value of 0.20 and the value, by Interaction Model
default, provided by the program PHREEQC version 3 is 10−10. Next step in the prospect of calculating accurate Ca(OH)2
Calculations are performed using PHREEQC version 3 and solubilities at high ionic strengths is the use of the specific
NIST equilibrium constants (input files have been included in interactions Pitzer’s model. PHREEQC version 3 code provides
the Supporting Information). the Ca(OH)2 solubility at different NaCl concentrations
Figure 3 shows four continuum lines corresponding to displayed in the dashed blue line in Figure 3. Pitzer results
different chemical models tested for the solution, along with the are close to experimental data and to those obtained by the best
association model. However, Pitzer results could be obtained in
a straight way, so we propose that this model is adequate to
predict calcium hydroxide solubility in salt aqueous solutions
when the ionic strength is high.

This article presents a step forward in the pedagogical approach
of physical chemistry to real situations. Both the Debye−
Hückel limiting law and any of its semiempirical extentions are
instructional models useful to get acquainted with the
calculation of activity coefficients in electrolyte solutions, but
useless to solve real problems. This article describes two
possible alternatives to the academic treatments: a relatively
simple one (ionic association theory) and a more advanced one
(specific ion interaction theory). The first alternative is subject
to the tentative selection of ion pairs relevant in the solution,
whereas the second alternative only needs the parameters of the
ions in the solution. Calcium hydroxide, a sparingly soluble
Figure 3. Variation of the solubility of Ca(OH)2 in the presence of substance, has been used to illustrate all concepts presented
NaCl. Blue dots are the experimental data obtained by Johnston and through the prediction of its solubility product from its
Grove. The solid lines are the theoretical results obtained by applying solubility and the reverse process, the calculation of its
the association model (red, CaOH+; yellow, CaOH+ + CaCl+; green, solubility even at high ionic strengths. Computational tools
CaOH+ + CaCl+ + NaOH; purple, CaOH+ + CaCl+ + NaOH + are provided to perform all calculations described.

NaCl). The dashed blue line is the theoretical result obtained by
applying the interaction model.
experimental data (blue dots) obtained by Johnston and Grove. *
S Supporting Information

As CaOH+ ion pair shows an association constant much larger The standard equilibrium constant; experimental determination
than those for the remaining ion pairs, we start our test of the of calcium hydroxide solubility in water and in aqueous salt
association models by including only this one. The red line in solutions: chemicals, hazards, instrumentation and lab guide;
Figure 3 indicates that the association model with the strongest predicting solubility product from solubility: ideal solution
ion pair does not deviate very much from experimental model; predicting solubility product from solubility: association
D | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

model; MATLAB script to calculate calcium hydroxide (22) Green, D. B.; Rechtsteiner, G.; Honodel, A. Determination of
solubility product from solubility values; PHREEQC version the thermodynamic solubility product, Kspo, of PbI2 assuming nonideal
3 input files; predicting solubility from solubility product; behavior. J. Chem. Educ. 1996, 73 (8), 789−792.
association model; influence of equilibrium constant of the (23) Willey, J. D. The effect of ionic strength on the solubility of an
electrolyte. J. Chem. Educ. 2004, 81 (11), 1644−1646.
weakest ion pairs. This material is available via the Internet at (24) Smith, R. M.; Martell, A. E.; Motekaitis, R. J. NIST Standard

Reference Database 46. NIST Critically Selected Stability Constants of
Metal Complexes Database (Version 8.0 For Windows); National
AUTHOR INFORMATION Institute of Standards and Technology: Gaithersburg, MD, 2004.
Corresponding Author (25) Wagman, D. D.; Evans, W. H.; Parker, V. B.; Schumm, R. H.;
Halow, I.; Bailey, S. M.; Churney, K. L.; Nuttall, R. L. The NBS tables
of chemical thermodynamic properties. Selected values for inorganic
Notes and C1 and C2 organic substances in SI units. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data,
The authors declare no competing financial interest. Suppl. 1982, 11 (2).

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