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All Actions Have Consequences

In an ideal world, Aristotle stated that a man’s ultimate duty is based on happiness, his decisions
have to be based on what gives him or her pleasure. Besides, according to Immanuel Kant, a man can act
on his/her duty in two ways; in accordance with duty and from duty. Aristotle also stated that an agent lacks
virtue unless she enjoys the performance of virtuous actions, while Kant on the other hand affirms that the
person who does his/her duty regardless of contrary inclinations shows a moral worth that the person who
acts from inclination lacks.

Everything we think and do has consequences for us and others. Our choices and decisions guide
our lives and create our future. Whether people notice it or not, the decisions we make today affect our
tomorrow. For example, your choice will have an underlying consequence. If you choose not to go to
school, then you won't receive a good education that may lead you to not being able to get a stable job or
career. The choices we make will guide our lives and will shape us into the person that we choose to be.
Nobody else will control our lives except for us. Another example is if a student decides not to take a
specific class in high school, it may not be a big deal. But, once this student decides to take a major during
college, it may come to light that he needs to take this particular class because that class taught the basics
of that major.

The definition of right and wrong will vary from person to person. Each individual has his or her
morals and standards and they must make choices based on these moral principles and standards. A
person must be brave enough to make his choices and know the consequences of the choices, endure
those consequences, and be strong enough to be content with their choices. Furthermore, we must not let
the desires of others dominate your life. Freedom of choice is essential in each of us.

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