PSY 101 2019-2020 Syllabus Sections: 101, 102, 900.: Exam #1 Unit 3

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PSY 101 2019-2020 Syllabus Sections: 101, 102, 900.

Senior Instructor:

Douglas L. Chute Ph.D,

Professor of Neuropsychology, Stratton 218 Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104

Section Instructors: Office Hours: By Appointment e-mail under Contacts in the course.

Week # Topic Modules Assignment

1 Intro to Psychology & Research 1 - 3 Unit 1

2 Biological Bases of Behavior 4 - 6 Unit 2

3 Sensation & Perception 17 - 19 Exam #1 Unit 3

4 Consciousness, Evolutionary Psych 7 - 12 Unit 4

5 Learning/Memory/ Language 20 - 27 Exam #2 Unit 5

6 IQ, Motivation & Emotion 28 - 35 Friday Last Day to Drop Unit 6

7 Development and Personality 13 – 16, Exam #3 Unit 7

45 – 47,

8 Health Psychology/Abnormal 36 - 40 Unit 8

9 Thanksgiving Week No Classes, No Lectures Reading Week

10 Psychopharmacology & Treatment 48 – 55 Exam #4 Unit 9

11 Social Influence & Cognition 41 - 44 Exams 1-4, participation due

Drop Dead: All work due December 8th

Finals Week Exam #5 (MUST be completed

By Friday December 13, of Finals
Known University Closing
Columbus Day Monday Oct. 14th
Thanksgiving Nov. 26-29th

David G. Myers and C. Nathan DeWall Psychology in Modules 12th edition (2018) is
required. The modules edition is preferred as it fits better with the quarter system.
The textbook is required. Blackboard has all the materials for the electronic portions
of the course located on your Drexel BBLearn website. You do not need anything other
than the textbook from the publisher. Drexel University book store has arranged
discounts for electronic and rented version of the text as outlined below. The price
indicated does not include the bookstore mark-up!

1. Achieve Read and Practice for Psychology in Modules 12e by Myers and
DeWall (12 month access) special for Drexel: $55.99 net price to the
bookstore (retail markup additional).
2. Package Title: Loose-leaf Version for Psychology in Modules 12e & Read
+ Practice for Psychology in Modules 12e (Twelve-Months
Access): Package ISBN: 9781319249342 NET $70.99 (retail markup

With the first option, students get a subscription (rental) to the ebook and
access to the Achieve Read and Practice on line resources for the fall and
winter term. The Achieve Read and Practice components require access keys.
They are not required for this course.

With the second option, students get a subscription (rental) to the

ebook, access to the Achieve Read and Practice on line resources for the fall
and winter term, and the physical loose-leaf version of the book which they
can keep. The Achieve Read and Practice components require access keys. They
are not required for this course.

BBLearn contains all the necessary projects and experiences.

For students with budgetary constraints it may be possible to get by with the earlier
11th edition: David G. Myers’ Psychology in modules however, the readings above and
examination questions come from the lectures, BBLearn web site, and the 12th edition.
The purpose of this course is to present up-to-date psychological information and
concepts relevant for a general arts and science education and as a foundation for
more advanced studies. Peer educational techniques and guided self-discovery will be
used in conjunction with traditional reading assignments and examinations. In
addition, the experiential learning projects will introduce key skills in experimental
design, data analysis, and critical thinking in psychology. A writing component will
be an important part of the learning and evaluation process.

All course questions and comments would normally be posted on the Discussion Board for
that Unit. That way you can benefit from the threaded responses of other students and
peer commentary. For example, if a point in the textbook is not clear, post your
question for comment by other students or the instructors. This is meant to be an open
forum of communication, so politeness and helpfulness are its hallmarks. Your
Discussion Board postings are graded at the end of term as an overall written portion
of the course amounting to 50% of the final grade.

If you require technical help, go to If a matter of a personal

nature requires privacy, contact your Section Instructor listed under the Contacts tab
of the software or the Senior Instructor: e-mail:

The overall grade is composed of 5 exams (during weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, and Finals Week),
which are equally weighted. A participation grade is earned by participating in the
experiential learning components of the Units in the course software. There may also
be extra credit awarded.

A Participation Grade is determined by your Section Instructor and requires you to

have posted on the Discussion Board for each of the projects listed in the Units.
Some units are two weeks in length and require at least a post and a commentary, one
each week. Participation makes up to 50% of your final grade.

Exams will be posted and completed online (on BB Learn) during weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, and
Finals Week. Exams open on the Friday at mid-night at the end of the designated week
and remain available until the last week of the regular term. Exams and Discussion
Board posting ends with the Drop Dead Date of December 8th. Exams are “open book”
with any materials you wish to have available to you (excluding other students).
Each exam will be comprised of 20 multiple-choice questions covering course
materials, lectures, and the textbook. You will have twice the normal time or 60
minutes to complete each exam, and you will receive your grade and feedback (i.e.,
specific items answered correctly vs. incorrectly) immediately after submitting your
exam on BB Learn. You may take each exam as many times as you would like (i.e.,
unlimited attempts up to 10 times) before the end of term. New questions will be
randomly generated for each attempt. If you take an exam more than once, your
highest score will be counted as your final score for that exam. Missed exams will
be counted as a zero.

The honor system requires that all work be yours alone and unassisted and that any
materials, web sites or any other sources you use be listed as may be required. Drexel
University’s academic, ethical, and honesty policies apply. Academic dishonesty may
result in failure or expulsion.

Grades are not normally curved:

A+ = 97-100 B+ = 87-89 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 67-69
A = 94-96 B = 84-86 C = 74-76 D = 60-66
A- = 90-93 B- = 80-83 C- = 70-73 F = <60

Extra Credit may be awarded (see “Extra Credit” section below for more details).

E-Mail and Web-Based Communication

Official e-mail communications from the instructor to students will be sent to the
student’s official Drexel University e-mail address. The instructors will PRIMARILY
communicate via the Discussion Boards and the Announcements section or other features
of the BB Learn course delivery system. Students should regularly check their Drexel
e-mail account and the BB Learn system several times each week. For help with Drexel
computer and e-mail accounts, go to For help accessing BB
Learn, contact Drexel eLearning technical support using the form found at
E-mailing your instructors should be limited to personal questions. All other course
questions should be posted in the course Discussion Boards.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Students with documented disabilities who need course accommodations, have emergency
medical information or require special arrangements for building evacuation should
contact the instructor within the first two weeks of class. Verification of any
special arrangements needs to be made through the Office of Disability Services, Suite
210, 3201 Arch St, phone 215-895-1401. Further information on this can also be
obtained at

Students with a disability requiring a special accommodation should notify their

Section Instructor and the Drexel University Office of Disability Services as soon as

Academic Honesty Policy

Drexel University is committed to a learning environment that embraces academic
honesty. In order to protect members of our community from results of dishonest
conduct, the University has adopted policies to deal with cases of academic
dishonesty. Please read, understand, and follow the “Academic Honesty Policy” as
written in the Official Student Handbook:

Extra Credit

You can earn extra credit for participating in Psychology Department research
studies. SONA Systems is a website on which you can find information about
studies currently being conducted in which researchers grant extra credit points
for your participation. In order to read about these studies, participate in
them, and earn extra credit, you will need to follow instructions carefully on
how to use SONA Systems and set up an account. This information is available at:

You will receive 1 extra credit for every 30 minutes of participation in studies
that are offering extra credit. You can earn up to a maximum of 4 extra credit
points (2 hours of participation) per participating course.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all studies on SONA Systems will provide extra credit for your
participation. Please check any study to read the description carefully. If a
study is offering credit, it will be clearly stated. You can always contact the
researcher of a particular study if you are not sure.

The last day you can earn extra credit will be the last week of classes.

If you choose not to participate in any of the research studies or if you are
ineligible for studies, you have the option of earning an equivalent amount of
extra credit points by participating in Alternative Extra Credit Assignments
only during Weeks 6-8. You must obtain a passing score on the assignments in
order to earn the extra credit. To complete the alternative assignment, you must
set up a SONA Systems account. Instructions on how to do so are available at: After
logging into your account, you can search under “Studies” for a title called
“Alternative Assignment.” Click on the study and follow instructions to earn
extra credit.

Be sure to check SONA Systems weekly as new studies may be added throughout the
term. SONA automatically reports your earned extra-credit to us at the end of
term. It will not show up in the grade book until then.

Technology and Internet Access Requirements

Students must meet the technical requirements described at

Student’s Responsibilities:
All Work Due
It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with readings and exam due dates. There
are no make-ups for Quizzes and Exams and late assignments are not normally accepted
for grading. True emergencies do occasionally happen, and arrangements should be made.
Allow extra time for technology problems. Grades of incomplete will not normally be

Incomplete Policy
If the student requests an incomplete (I) or no-credit (NC) grade, it is the student’s
responsibility to make sure she/he meets the University criteria and deadlines for
requesting these grades. If the student stops attending the class, she/he will not be
automatically dropped from the course and she/he will receive a grade according to
her/his overall performance. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that
she/he is properly enrolled or de-enrolled in the course.

Course Drop Policy

Dropping a course results in the course being removed from the student’s academic
record. All students may drop courses through the end of the first week of the current
term by using BannerWeb for students. No approval is required for upper class
students. Freshmen must meet with their academic adviser before dropping a course.

Course Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawing from a course results in a “W” appearing on the student’s academic record.
Before withdrawing from a course, students should, as a courtesy, consult with the
Section Instructor. Students may withdraw from courses through the end of the sixth
week of classes, but from the second to the sixth week of classes, student must obtain
their adviser’s authorization before withdrawing. Such authorization must be obtained
in writing and in person by filling in the corresponding form. In the absence of
her/his adviser, the student must obtain the authorization from their Department or
Academic Unit.

Financial Obligations
Students who do not satisfy financial obligations to Drexel University cannot be
entitled to a grade by the instructor or the University.

Changes to syllabus
Modifications to this syllabus may be made during the course. Students will be
notified of any changes.

Approved Psychology Faculty Meeting 3/13/96

Revised 9/21/98, 9/05/05, 9/18/07, 9/18/13, 9/5/16, 2/24/2018
Instructions for Signing Up for Research Participation in Psychology Studies

Please Follow Instructions Carefully To Ensure You Receive Extra Credit

Step 1: Go to On the bottom left hand corner of the screen

click on “Request a new Account”

Step 2: Fill out the required information. To ensure that you receive extra credit, enter your
Drexel email username when it asks for your user ID. For example, if your email address is, your user ID would be aaa11. When entering your email address, please enter
your Drexel University email address. Be sure to choose the correct course and section number
that you are enrolled in for the current term.

Step 3: Check your Drexel email account and receive your password. Go back to the Sona
Systems website listed in step 1 and login. (After logging in, you can change your password by
going to “My Profile.”).

Step 4: After logging in, read through and review the IRB human subject policy for research.
Note that a phone number is provided if you have any questions.

Step 5: Click on “Study Sign-Up.” Studies that currently have available participation times
(timeslots) will have “TIMESLOTS AVAILABLE” listed next to the name of the study. Click
any of these studies to read more about it. Be sure to pay attention to eligibility requirements
and any sign-up deadlines that might be listed.

Step 6: If you meet all eligibility requirements, click “View Timeslots for This Study” at the
bottom of the page and you will see a list of available timeslots. Choose a timeslot that is
convenient for you, and click Sign Up. An experimenter will be waiting for you so if you cannot
make your appointment, please be sure to cancel it or email the research coordinator of the study
to reschedule if it’s too late to cancel on the system. **Please note that if your instructor
provides you with the option of receiving extra credit by signing up for studies or presents
this as a requirement, you must complete studies by the end of Week 10 to ensure that you
will receive credit**

Step 7: Upon completion, the researcher of the study will record your extra credit points in the
system. You can track your extra credit points by clicking on the “My Studies and Credits” link
on the main page. If you have any questions or concerns about receiving credit for a particular
study, please contact the researcher directly.

Step 8: When you are done using the system, choose Log Out from the toolbar on the left side to
log out. You are now logged out. It is always a good security measure to close all your browser
windows as well, especially if you are using a computer that is shared by others.

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