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A HYMN FOR BAND Flute a =—— = Piil_ mosso 30 a 32 : =. = 1 40 42 =~. J FY, OS * thy LS & Slower “3 Aa“ a as P G Slower still —_=— 50 > ~~ asl : f ——— ©Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Ine, Deleware Water Gap, PA 18327 “International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Reproduction ofthis publication in whole or part without pennission oF the copyriht over is an offense subject 10 criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Oboe Hugh M, stuart Andante a 16 24 a 28 — Pili mosso 30 32 44 Slower 4s SEE P G Slower still 48 ten. 50 a tf — Fall molto © Copyright MCMLXXAY, Shownee Pres In, Deleware Weer Gap, PA 18327 Intemational Copyright Secured AI Righs Reserved ‘Reproduction of this publication in whole or part without pemision of | ‘the copyright owner isan offense subject 0 criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Bassoon Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 4 af —— ee 6 8 @ 10 Pit mosso 30 32 34. 48 G@ Slower still 50 a a tf —=_ #£ all molto © copyright MCMLXXXV, Shawnee Pres, In, Deleware Weer Gap, PA 18327 ‘Intemational Copyright Secured AI Rights Reserved ‘Reproduction ofthis publication in whole or part without permision of ‘the copyright owner isan offense subject 0 criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Ist Bp Clarinet Hugh M. Stuart Andante 2 4 ns Sr b Pitt mosso” p ey 32 = @ BI Slower 46 G Slower still 50 fen. ten, 48 oS lOO ee ~~ a. ° f ———__ ff ©Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Inc., Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 all. molto ‘iucrtatonal Conyigh Secured ‘i Rights Revered Reproduction ofthe publication in whole or pat without permission of the copyright onner ian offense subject fo criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND 2nd B> Clarinet ‘Hugh M. Stuart Andante 2 4 24 a 26 ele! a ele se a SS = * Ba D Pit_mosso nf —___S_""=_¥3 ey = 44 Slower P G Slower still 50 ZF SF 48 fen f ec NU stm rene, Dn mae SSF” Cem nay Se Sr i on i a ina A HYMN FOR BAND 3rd Bb Clarinet Hugh M, st Andante ba _= = —= = 5 = 2 Z = oz 2 a 3 268 Pill mosso 45 EE = == . 3. =f 36 ‘“ & Slower J P = a, 8 G Slower still a f —>_ © Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Inc, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 Till:molto “Intemational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Reproduction ofthis publication in whole or part without permision of ‘the copyright owner is an offense subject fo riinal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND E> Alto Clarinet Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 A = ; E | ———— Z = of es, 6 8 @ 10 ns “4 ———__*_ Pi mosso 30 32 34 f 36 o 38 40 = Ss + $e + = j 42 44 ce & SSS Ss a ' 48 G Shower still 59 ten. pu“ — 2 ~~ | f combs MEMLEXXY,Seynee Pre nc, ere su Gi 74187 a —¥, ff "ee mae eramcremtaT] ‘he copyright owner is an offense suject fo criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Bb Bass Clarinet Andante 2 4 ee ; i Pid mosso 30 32 34 t—— a - 36 & 38 40 LL 42 44 Hi Slower 4g =e ; WF use) i ; s ore gal Py =F SS SSS —Sj > cg ———s ™™_ © Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Ine, Deleware Water Gap, PA 18327 ral. moito ‘Interational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Tet pei a pw emo] acpi ona ao eos ne onl pose A HYMN FOR BAND B> Contrabass Clarinet Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 4 2°, $$ 5 a 6 8 a 10 2 Pil mosso 30 32 34 t— 36 Bo 38 40 ———_ a2 44 Slower ee ee ee 48 G Slower still 59 p> ————-—- se ™__ P 7 ——_ FF © copyright MOMLXAAY, Shownee Pre Inc, Deleware Meter Gop, PA 18327 yal oto Internationa Copyright Secured Rigs Reserved Reproduction ofthis publication in whole or part without permision of the copyright owner isan offense subject f0 erminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Ist & 2nd Eb Alto Saxophones Andante here 2, mf nl mf 28 Pia mosso 30 f = Slower 46 2 i g@ pone stillso ie Fn © Copyright MCMLXXXV, Shawnee Pes, ne, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327—=<———— If International Copyright Secured ‘AU Righs Rexered—_rallsmolto Reproduction of ths publication tn whole or part without permission of ‘the copyright owner is an offense subfect fo criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Bb Tenor Saxophone Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 4 24 oO 26 28 of = Pid mosso 49 Ea 34 f 42 a Slower 46 fa G Slower still, f — rr © copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Inc, Delaware Water Gep,PA 18327 all. molto “International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Reproduction of ths publication in whole or prt without permission of the copyright owner isan offense subject to criminal prosecution A HYMN FOR BAND E> Baritone Saxophone Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 4 46 42 aa Slower Se 48 a a G Slower still 55 tens f it ral. alto © Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Pres, Ine, Delare Water Gap, PA 18327 ‘nteratonl Copyright Secured AILRighis Reserved ‘Reproduction of ts publication in whole or part without permision of {the copyright owner isan offense subject 0 criminal prosecution A HYMN FOR BAND Ist Bb Cornet Andante Hugh M, Stuart 2 44 1B Slower 48 G Shower still —_" SSS SSS © Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Inc, Deleware “International Copyright Secured Water Gap, PA 18327 all All Rights Reserved Reproduction ofthis publication in whole o part without permision of | ‘the copyright owner isan offense subject 1 criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND 2nd By Cornet Hugh M, Stuart Andante a B a 28 Pill mosso BS 42 44 Slower 48 G Slower still 59 ten ff ten a a p= Ss ? “ES SS SSS —— © copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Inc, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 “Intemational Copyright Secured A Rights Reserved ‘Reproduction ofthis publication in whole o part without permision of ‘the copyright owner is an offense subject fo criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Ist & 2nd F Horns Andante 2 Hugh M, Stuart 12 throughout 4 af 6 @ ia 44 Slower 46 2 lower still 5p 5 = f —_ ff © conyright MCULXXXY, Shawne rest In, Deleware Water Gp, PA 18327 rac molto ‘hieratonal Copyright Secret MA Righs Reseed Reproduction ofthis publication in whole or part without permission 07 | ‘the copyright owner isan offense subect fo criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND 3rd F Horn Andante Hugh M. Stuart mf © Slower Slower still 50 © = = = — f =F © Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Inc, Deleware Water Gap, PA 18327 all. radlto ‘International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved ‘Reproduction of this publication in whole or part without permision of ‘the copyright owner isan offense subject 0 criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Ist Trombone Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 > <= —_. _—_—_ — 6 8 a 10 ee = 42 44 ox) E) Slower __46 nT a ie a Slower still 50 te yo tS en —— f —— _ ff © Copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawne Pre In, Deleware Water Gap, Pa 10227, “ale molto International Copyright Setured ‘A Rghs Revered ‘Reprodution of ths publication In whoo pat whoa perision "he opel omar nan afene mst eine poo A HYMN FOR BAND 2nd Trombone Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 4 of $$ ii mosso 32 es — =———* 44 B Slower G Slower still 48 i 50 ———= FF f rail. molto ©Copyright MCMLXXXV, Shawnee Press, Inc., Delaware Water Gop, PA 18327 ‘ner Cori See ii haere Teen i pletion, WE po RC peo _the copyright owner is an offense subject to criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND 3rd Trombone Hugh M, Stuart Andante 2 A Pitt mosso 30 32 34 f a “4 B Slower G Slower still 59 48 ten. A tf —=_ Tall: molto © copyright MCHLXXXY, Shawnee Press, Ine, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 Intemational Copyright Secured (AI Rigi Reserved ‘Reproduction ofthis publication i whole o pat without pemision of the copyright owners an offense mbes fo criminal poseaton. A HYMN FOR BAND Baritone T.C. Hugh M, Stuart Andante 3 4 {—<————_ a S a mp oS ~~ Pid mosso 39 32 34 f 42 44 (BH Slower 46 G Slower still 59 48 f —_ © copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Pres In, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 Fall. molto “eternal Copyright Secured ‘AI Rigs Reserved ‘Reproduction of this publication In whole or part without pension 27 ‘the copyright owner i an offense subject fo criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Baritone B.C. Andante SE a of —<————_— tf 42 Hugh M, Stuart 4 aS’ TES a 10 mf = Pit mosso__ 30 a 34 ———— — > — oT oT TT ~. 44 B Slower 46 a 2 a GSlower still50 gn, f <———_ yr? ——_ Tall. molto © Copyright MCMLXXXV, Shawnee Pres, Inc, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 “International Copyright Secured AU Rights Reserved ‘Reproduction ofthis publication in whole or part without permision of | ‘the copyright owner isan offense subject o criminal prosecution. A HYMN FOR BAND Tuba Hugh M. Stuart Andante 2 4 _ 3 Pid mosso 30 32 4 t———- 42 44 ® Slower ce Se eS NL 48 G Slower still 59 ten oe 7 pS SF f ff ©copyright MCMLXXXY, Shawnee Press, In, Delaware Water Gap, PA T8327 pall. molto “International Copyright Secured A Righis Reserved ‘Reproduction of ths publication in whole or part without pemision of ‘the copyright owner isan offense subject o criminal prosecution.

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