Volume 106, Issue 18

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February 19, 2021•Volume 106, Issue 18•nique.



. .

technique 2021 Recruiting Class p18 Review: ‘To All the Boys 3’ p13
News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20



In late January, Tech and Emory

jointly hosted a virtual hackathon to
bring students together to design tech-
nological solutions to make returning
to work and school settings during
COVID-19 easier and safer.
A hackathon is a design race-like
event where students come together to
tackle different problems by develop-
ing software.
Tech’s Coulter Department of Bio-
medical Engineering and CREATE-X
program collaborated with the Emory
Global Health Institute and University
School of Medicine to host such an
event from Jan. 22-24, where students
were challenged to come up with solu-
tions for returning to work and school
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It was originally going to be an
in-person event this past fall, and we
were going to tackle some of our global
health issues on our end,” said Keri-
ann Roy, operations and evaluation
manager at the Emory Global Health
“Then COVID hit, and suddenly
we were at home, and someone was like
‘What if we did it on COVID?’ and we
switched gears,” Roy said.
She stressed that the event was
chiefly a chance for the two Atlanta
schools to collaborate and combine
some of the main focuses of their cur-
riculums. This also led to a rule of the
event where each team had to include
both Emory and Tech students. The
ongoing circumstances of the pan-
demic supplied the theme of the event
as schools and businesses everywhere
struggle to find ways to return to in-
person gatherings safely.
Each of the 29 teams in the compe-
tition pitched their project to a panel of
See HACKATHON, page 2
Top L: Photo courtesy of Ryan Horton via Twitter; Top R: Photo courtesy of Netflix; Above: Photo courtesy of Alex Madison


Providing support with Black Mentor Jackets istration. When Kerney attended and that people are there that can the best teacher, but if someone guide them through their time at
MAYA TORRES in the early 1980’s, there were only help you that have gone ahead of else has the experience, why don’t Tech and beyond, as well as men-
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR two Black professors within the you,” Kerney said. you just go ahead and get that in- tors that could make students feel
entire Institute. That’s where Black Mentor formation from them?” comfortable.
Mentor Jackets has been go- Society has come a long way Jackets comes in. Her own daughter graduated “They feel more comfortable
ing strong through the Student since then, but still, only 2.8% SAA and BAO have partnered from Tech in 2017 and Kerney with a mentor that looks like
Alumni Association (SAA) for of professors are Black as of 2018. to create a mentor program for noticed that her daughter’s friends them,” Kerney said. “Most of the
some time now, but Jeanne Ker- When almost two-thirds of pro- Black students that will reveal op- were constantly reaching out with students come from a background
ney, CE ‘84 and president of fessors are white, Black students portunities beyond Tech as well questions. where the only people they see are
the Black Alumni Organization are forced to look elsewhere for as keep students involved post She knew that herself and people that look like them.”
(BAO) noticed a key problem. role models of color, especially graduation. her peers had a wealth of knowl- This idea extends beyond the
Black students were not nearly as considering how white-dominat- “I know, in my own experi- edge to share with their younger Black mentor program.
involved with the program as their ed engineering and other STEM ence, that it helps to talk to some- counterparts. “We need more professors who
peers. fields have been. one who’s walked down the path It was simply a matter of how look like the students, which is
Since Tech was desegregated in “Particularly in the Black com- that you’ve walked before,” Ker- to best communicate it. not just we need more Black pro-
1961, Black students have contin- munity, there’s just a lack of un- ney said. “You know, we always Kerney also wanted Black stu- fessors,” Kerney said. “We need
uously been overlooked by admin- derstanding that you need help say you always hear experience is dents to have mentors that could See MENTORS, page 9
Summer abroad? technique
Natalie Boutwell
Lane Elder
Program directors from the Office of Inter-
national Education share details for summer Friday,
study abroad programs 44 February 19, 2021
sion and explained the safety haz- HACKATHON FROM FRONT
allowed us to put our ideas into second place team, COVERED,
ard issue at hand. action,” Poddar said. Both Roy designed a portable wallet to store
The two stated that they had the judges composed of experts in and Poddar mentioned how stu- and keep masks sanitary.
not seen any signs indicating they public health, business, technol- dents could draw from their own The third place team, nonose,
could not sit or pounce on and off ogy and operations. personal experiences with social created a comfortable mask that
of the statues on campus. These included people from Em- distanced school to inspire the discourages improper mask wear-
Upon discovering that the dy- ory, Tech and outside companies creation of their products. ing. Both of these teams received
namic duo were Tech students, who were interested in the solu- “As students, we are concerned a $3,500 prize as well.
the officer issued both jumpers a tions offered by the hackathon. about our health by the prospect The products created during
GT Student Code of Conduct of After the initial round of judg- of returning to in-person facili- the hackathon included software,
Violation for Criminal Trespass. ing, 10 finalist teams were se- ties, which led us to brainstorm devices and other projects all de-
While still at the scene, more lected, securing a $1,500 prize our own personal ideas that would signed at aiding the eventual re-
events started to take place as at least, and were then judged help us to feel safe,” said Poddar turn to in-person events during
another member of the group in a final round to determine about why his team decided to this pandemic.
began to vomit, all while at- the winners. participate in the hackathon and “It’s going to take a while before
CHAD NOIRBENT tempting a daring escape to the The winning team of the hack- where they got the idea for Rota- we actually get back to normal,”
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Stingerette van. athon, Rotations, saw the hack- tions. Poddar added “the hack- Roy said. Roy especially thinks
The officer was able to redirect athon as “the perfect opportunity athon allowed us to more fully Rotations will help people in a
NEW PLEDGE? them to the statue where they to conceptualize and model ideas flesh-out our ideas in a careful and less COVID-strict world to still
Around half past midnight on would repeat the deed several more backed by research that could help thoughtful manner with science maintain some caution before re-
Feb. 7, GTPD received a call from times. It was soon uncovered that prevent the spread of COVID-19,” and consumer-usage in mind.” suming a completely normal life.
a fraternity in reference to a sus- the students were underage, and said Arvin Poddar, third-year CS, The team created a platform to Although the hackathon was
picious person standing outside Grady EMS shortly pulled up to one of the students who worked plan safe room layouts for schools restricted to virtual means, the
their on-campus house. the scene. Following the inspec- on the project. and businesses returning to in- teams in the competition came
An officer was dis- tion of the entire group, the third He was joined by Ryan Co- person meetings and utilized cut- up with many ideas to help fa-
patched to the scene and student was taken to Grady Hos- belli, third-year CS, and Mer- ting edge research on the virus to cilitate a safe return to in-person
was able to reassure all those pital. Her collaborators received issa Coleman, third-year human inform their software. gatherings.
involved. Upon arrival, the police violations for Possession of Alco- health major from Emory, on the As the winning team, the stu- As Roy summed up, the differ-
officer took note of the perpetra- hol before being escorted back to project. dents received a $3,500 prize and ent perspectives brought together
tor’s identity and placed him un- their dorms. “Having an Emory student will be enrolled in CREATE-X’s by the two schools’ collaboration
der arrest. Thankfully, no one at and two Georgia Tech students launch program this summer to “gave a different lens” to the com-
the scene was injured. No drugs LOVESTRUCK enabled us to conceptualize strong turn their project into a startup. petition, allowing for the creation
of any kind were involved in the Valentine’s Day: it’s that magi- tools that maximize public health The hackathon produced many of many multidisciplinary solu-
incident. cal time of the year where some goals and to create software that other innovative projects. The tions to our present-day issues.
It is unclear why this lurker turn on The Bachelor and curse at
was standing outside the fraterni- the contestants whilst others try
ty. Perhaps this was his strategy in to impress their significant other.
order to scout out the on-campus According to crime reports
architecture. though, the most sinister crime
For anyone else consider- that occurred on campus during
ing doing this should note that the misdemeanor-inclined holi-
standing outside a house and day this year was actually a traffic
suspiciously looking around does violation. This year at Tech, it is
not quite have the same effect recommended to stay indoors, not
as admiring a structure for its just because of the biting cold and
exterior design. the ongoing pandemic but also
due to a driver driving the wrong
SKY HIGH: THE SEQUEL way on a one-way road.
Tech remains one of the best Around 5:30 a.m. on Feb. 14,
aerospace engineering schools in an officer was dispatched to Wil-
the world, but jumping off of stat- liams Street after receiving reports
ues under the influence does not of a vehicle on the sidewalk. The
necessarily boost the rankings. driver’s license was taken, and the
Around midnight on Feb. 6, case was closed by an arrest.
an officer on patrol witnessed two A nice reminder that on this
individuals in front of the Clough most romantic day, you may get
Undergraduate Learning Com- love struck but also car struck if
mons practicing the art of flight. you are not too careful. Stay safe Photo courtesy of globalhealth.emory.edu
The officer questioned their deci- out there, Jackets. Students from Emory and Tech collaborated on a platform to assist with social distancing.

sliver // your thoughts


Valentine’s Edition: If happiness starts with an “h”, why does mine

technique NEWS EDITOR
start with “u”? The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper Natalie Boutwell
yall got any phineas and ferb pron? Taylor Gray EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OPINIONS EDITOR
IIf you say you love Atlanta get out of midtown and work on mak- Journey Sherman
ing it better Jannat Batra MANAGING EDITOR
It’s ok to wear red and black on campus but it sucks to clarify it’s for Hope Williams
non u[sic]ga reasons Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the ENTERTAINMENT
guys hate to break it to you but wrestling is fake Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of EDITOR
Gather round kids and hear the tale of my current unemployment the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique Maya Flores
situation :( publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in
There is no such thing as conscious thought the summer.
There is no such thing as unconscious thought Jack Purdy
Premarital eye contact is a sin, Dianne. ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/ PHOTO EDITOR
Dani Sisson
I wish Pascal from Animal Crossing was my grandpappy ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
I wish they would keep their name the Washington Football Team week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- DESIGN EDITOR
and their mascot would be just a different football team mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. Amanda Wang
I’d like to have a cat and name her Eugene. After the Sufjan song. net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ONLINE EDITOR
“I’m hysterically American, I’m a construct of your mind” - A Sarah Miller
Christmas unicorn Copyright © 2021, Taylor Gray, Editor-in-Chief, and the Geor- TECH EDITOR
Do not perceive me. gia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper Keely Culbertson
Lane Elder? More like Helter Skelter may be reproduced in any manner without written permission
I would commit murder for 1 (One) Jumbo Push Pop from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publica- HEAD COPY EDITOR
tions. The ideas expressed herein are those of the individual au- Avni Shridhar
single handedly carrying the sliver section of the nique takes a toll.
i am the Mother Quipper. thors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of
Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia
Stop being racist in the sliver box its very sad for you : - / Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First
I really think that puffins should get more appreciation as a species copy free; for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
we’re here to burgle your turts
// NEWS technique • February 19, 2021• 3

In-person tutoring makes a return to Clough

support they needed without be- VID-19 spike upon everyone’s
ANDY BORST ing needlessly exposed to CO- return to campus,” said Linda
STAFF WRITER VID-19. Green, director of Tutoring and
However, while the online op- Academic Support.
On Feb. 8, the Institute offi- tion has been a sufficient alterna- “We’ve been thinking about
cially returned to in-person tutor- tive to continue helping students how to return to in-person in
ing through Tutoring and Aca- in a safe manner, many believe some capacity since last fall. The
demic Support, a unit of Office of it is not as effective as in-person Institute gave us the go ahead, and
Undergraduate Education. tutoring. With that in mind, the we decided that waiting until Feb.
With the apparent risk CO- Institute made the decision to 8 would allow our student staff
VID-19 posed to students and reopen in a hybrid capacity, with time to be ready to transition.”
faculty members, the Institute some sessions being offered on- In-person tutoring has been
previously closed many in-person line while others are offered in around for years at the Institute.
activities, including in-person tu- person, to accommodate both It has proven to be an excellent
toring. The offering instead shift- parties’ concerns. way for students to catch up on
ed to an online platform through “We didn’t open at the start content that has confused them or Photo by Lane Elder Student Publications
BlueJeans, allowing students to of the semester because we stay ahead of the curve and make A sign and hand sanitizer welcomes students
continue to gain the academic were afraid of a possible CO- sure they have the knowledge to the in-person one-on-one tutoring center
squared away.
“Tutoring not only helps stu- “Both tutors and students who five times a day, as well as enforc-
dents gain a deeper understanding require tutoring will be given the ing a strict mask-wearing policy
of the course content, but it also choice as to whether or not to par- for admission into the tutoring
helps boost confidence, promote ticipate in online or in-person tu- session,” Green said.
effective study habits and lessen toring,” Green said. Hand sanitizer and disinfec-
the imposter syndrome,” said Jus- In this way, students, whether tant wipes are also available at the
tin Boone, assistant director of they tutor or need tutoring, are entrance for students using the
Tutoring and Academic Support. able to pick and choose whichever study space.
“Participating in tutoring also options work the best for them While risk is still inherent in
improves technical communica- given their specific circumstances. resuming in-person activities dur-
tion skills by encouraging stu- To accommodate for returning ing this trying time, Tutoring and
dents to articulate their thought to in-person tutoring, Tutoring Academic Support have taken
process as they solve problems.” and Academic Support has cre- many necessary steps in order to
When planning for the recent ated a comprehensive plan to en- be safe and appear committed to
tutoring transition, many students sure a minimized risk of exposure keeping both students and faculty
expressed concern about whether and transmission for in-person safe. Students interested in reg-
they were to be given the choice to sessions. istering can sign up at tutoring.
do in-person or online. “We have given tutors their gatech.edu for up to two tutoring
In response, the Office of Un- own whiteboard markers and sessions a week. They can schedule
Photo by Lane Elder Student Publications dergraduate Education made sure erasers to ensure that transmission appointments any day of the week
Students study at the in-person tutoring center located in to keep these concerns in mind in that manner is reduced. We are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., depending
room 273 in the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons when going back to in-person. also committed to cleaning [up to] on tutor availability.
4 • February 19, 2021• technique // NEWS

Options abound for Jackets to swarm abroad

“We’re going to have the family More than thousand miles cause it is a campus abroad and They may need to show more
NATALIE BOUTWELL try to create a virtual introduction away, in Lorraine, France, pro- not a study abroad program. flexibility in their traveling plans,
NEWS EDITOR to the city where [the students] gram directors and staff at GTL “It provides year-round pro- be willing to adapt to temporary
would have been living which is are planning for a semi-normal grams for our undergraduate border closing, curfews, visit
Tech’s summer study abroad Granada,” Comfort said. summer. students who take regular Geor- fewer countries, but this will not
programs have had to alter their Additional plans have been “This coming summer, we re- gia Tech classes while living in make the experience less valu-
traditional structure to balance made to engage the host families ceived nearly 400 applications for France,” Bass said. “Besides the able,” Bass said.
students’ scholarship and safety and students with conversation 300 spots, which is typical during regular GT classes, GTL of- Unlike their classmates in
with the continuing threat of the exchanges and cooking classes. a ‘normal’ year,” said Catherine fers fun, unique cultural activi- France, students who signed up
COVID-19 pandemic. Comfort also plans to use Bass, director of academic and ties, events and field trips to en- for the Oxford program earlier
Some programs, such as “Salud roundtable discussions with seven student affairs for GTL’s under- hance the students’ experience in this semester will not have the op-
in Spain” and “Latin America medical professionals from Spain graduate programs. France.” This year, students may portunity to do any international
Today,” have decided to go vir- and guest lectures from professors Accepted students will be liv- be limited in their cultural activi- traveling. The program recently
tual, offering an online Global at the medical school in the Uni- ing on GTL’s campus with ad- ties and weekend trips if current announced that it would not ac-
at Home Program. Additional versity of Grandad. ditional “safety measures imple- travel restrictions around Europe cept applications for the upcom-
programs, such as those at Tech’s “Rather than just interact with mented [that] mirror those of the continue into the summer. ing summer. Students on Tech’s
Lorraine Campus (GTL), plan to me, which [the students] could do Atlanta campus and those man- As a replacement for a grand subreddit report that they have
have students in a format as close anytime, we wanted to give them dated by the French government.” tour of Europe, Bass suggested not received their refunds from
to pre-pandemic as possible. the resources they would have had In the fall semester, GTL host- that students focus on France and when the program was originally
Others, such as the Oxford if we could have gone abroad,” ed students with few COVID-19 explore its unique regions. cancelled in 2020.
Summer Program, have been can- Comfort said. cases on their campus. “The location of Metz allows Representatives of the program
celed completely. Students will also have the “We looked at French gov- for easy trips throughout France, did not respond when contacted
The Technique recently reached option to participate in cultural ernment guidelines and those be it to Paris or going to the Alps, for comments.
out to directors and staff members activities such as flamenco dance of Georgia Tech and picked the the French Riviera, the Norman- For students who are unsure
of these programs to learn more classes and discussions on Spanish stricter of the two. We follow dy beaches, the Loire Valley castle about studying abroad this sum-
about their plans for the upcom- films and TV series. Tech’s social distancing recom- region or the beautiful Alsace re- mer, Bass says, “It is a very per-
ing summer. An additional class will be of- mendation of six feet rather than gion only 2 hours away.” sonal choice which only they can
“We recognize that this sum- fered to students interested in tak- France’s prescribed three feet With traveling this upcoming and should make based on their
mer may not be the summer we ing part in an internship focused four inches,” Abdallah Ougaz- summer, Bass encourages students level of comfort.” To find out
were hoping for — ­­ in terms of on Hispanic medicine. zaden, director of Georgia Tech- to be cautious. “The caveat is that more about these and other study
the pandemic being over, every- The “Salud in Spain” pro- Lorraine, published in a director’s [students will] need to act respon- abroad options, students can visit
one being vaccinated — we’re still gram was designed specifically letter for the fall semester. sible, respect the safety measures atlas.gatech.edu. Applications
in a kinda unknown with what for students interested in health GTL has more flexibility in and precautions experts from each for the “Salud in Spain” program
is going to happen and what this and medicine. offering options for students be- country have agreed upon. will remain open until March 15.
summer is going to look like,” said It can be combined with the
Kelly Comfort, director of “Salud “Latin American Today” pro-
in Spain.” gram, directed by Spanish profes-
To deal with this unknown, sor Paul Alonso, allowing students
Comfort has shifted her tradition- to complete four out of the five
al study abroad program in Spain required courses for a Spanish mi-
to a virtual format. nor in one summer.
There will be both synchronous The aforementioned uncertain-
and asynchronous components of ties of this summer and Spain’s
two courses which focus on health current and future response
care and medicine in Spain. to the pandemic encouraged
“For the student who wants to Tech’s Spanish Department to
make this summer meaningful make the decision to move their
— academically, professionally, programs online.
culturally and linguistically — I “Due to restrictions in the
think this is a really great option,” countries where we normally go,
Comfort said. it just wouldn’t make sense for us.
Her goal in creating the Global For example, currently, in Spain,
at Home program was to make there’s restrictions on even leav-
the experience as immersive as ing your province … [and] on
possible for students by recreating how many people can gather be-
many of the typical elements of a sides your immediate household,”
language-based study abroad such Comfort said. Photo by Emily Orton Student Publications
as city tours and exchanges with “It just wasn’t going to be pos- Georgia Tech Lorraine’s campus remains open for students looking for
host families. sible for us, at least in Spain.” an international experience despite the pandemic’s travel limitations
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Hope Williams Opinions on Off-Campus Housing
Maya Torres
Students living in Home Park, The Mark and UHouse dis- 8
cuss the advantages and drawbacks of living off of Tech's
life@nique.net campus49 February 19, 2021

Lawrence Ross discusses college campus racism

then you’re not colorblind, and people from history by naming up an excuse about why you tory of African American
in fact, we don’t want you to be buildings after them or honoring can’t speak up, or are you going Fraternities and Sororities,”
colorblind,” Ross said. them with statues. to be in spaces where you may which, in addition to his most
Ross continued by explain- “Oftentimes, the campus en- be the only person to actually recent work, provide a clos-
ing the danger in refusing to vironment itself can be insulting have a voice?” er look at the intersection of
acknowledge race. to people of color,” Ross said. Ross has also written Greek life and race on colleges
“Usually when people are “Remember, most of our cam- “The Divine Nine: The His- campuses.
talking about they’re colorblind, puses have been around for over
what they’re really trying to say 100 years, you know maybe 200
is that ‘I recognize there are racist and something and sometimes
stereotypes associated with your 300 years.”
race, and I don’t want to fall into Examples of this include Rus-
those, so I’m going to erase you,’” sell Hall at the University of
Ross said. Georgia, which is named after
HOPE WILLIAMS He also explained how dimin- Richard Russell, a U.S. Senator
LIFE EDITOR ishing the importance of race as a for Georgia who was a staunch
sociological concept is a form of segregationist, and the Silent Sam
On Tuesday, Feb. 9, the Of- erasure as well. statue at the University of North
fice of Fraternity and Sorority “A lot of times people will say, Carolina Chapel Hill, a Confed-
Life hosted a talk with author ‘Well, race is a social construct,’ erate monument that was toppled
Lawrence Ross to discuss the as though to say that it’s not that in 2018.
experiences of Black students on important, right?” Ross said. “It’s important to under-
college campuses and how rac- “... Money is a social construct. stand that symbols matter and
ism remains rampant across the How many of y’all are willing to buildings matter,” Ross said.
country — both in the Greek life give me all the non-important “They’re not just people being
system and outside of it. social construct money that’s in hypersensitive.”
Ross attended both University your bank account? Seriously, Specifically within the IFC
of California, Berkeley and Uni- because one could be a biological and National Panhellenic Con-
versity of California, Los Ange- nothing but also a sociological ference (NPC), historical and
les (UCLA), where he graduated everything in this country.” current racism must be addressed
with a BA in history and MFA in Ross continued by discussing with complete honesty.
screenwriting. Ross is a member the difference between race averse “If you’re going to deal with
of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and race aware students. a topic like race and racism, you
Inc. “A lot of times what will hap- have to be honest with yourself
He has written several books, pen is that you will see an over- and you have to be honest with
including his latest, which was estimation of the race in terms yourself in understanding that
the focus of the talk, “Black- of the projection, whether or when we talk about race and rac-
balled: The Black and White not it’s on your IFC [Interfra- ism within IFC and Panhellenic,
Politics of Race on America’s ternity Council] or Panhellenic it sure as hell wasn’t inadvertent.” Photo courtesy of thelumberjack.org
Campuses.” or on your college homepage,” Ross said. Lawrence Ross spoke to the Tech community on Feb. 9 about
The talk covered many topics, Ross said. “It was purposeful and inten- how racism on college campuses can be found in Greek life
including detailing racism on col- Ross also discussed how rely- tional and continues on to this and in other areas such as in the admissions process.
lege campuses across the country, ing on common historical narra- day.”
both recent and from the past. tives, such as that the integration Ross emphasized the inher-
This includes racist parties of universities meant the end of ent responsibility that each
and songs, blackface, assault of racism, as extremely harmful for person has.
Black students and the usage of Black people who still face edu- “You have to be anti-racist to
racial slurs. cational disparities and racism on the point that what you’re talk-
“The problem is that often- college campuses. ing about is that you believe in an
times, when we have this look of “Jim Crow segregation was American society where everyone
college campuses, whether that’s something that was constructed should be able to take part as first
Georgia Tech or anywhere else intentionally from the federal lev- class citizens,” Ross said. “That
as being utopias, what we don’t el, local level, the state level and means you have to be anti-racist,
do is give a real realization that culturally, to be able to create ac- anti-misogynist, anti-homopho-
these spaces are just like the rest cess for whiteness, lack of access bic, anti-ableist.
of America,” Ross said. for those who were not white,” “You have to look at every-
Ross explained how institu- Ross said. thing and constantly say to
tions and colleges often handle Affirmative action was a pol- yourself, how can you make this
racism and how this ends up icy that began during the 1960s world better.”
shifting the focus of the conver- to intentionally provide Black He continued that white stu-
sation away from the target of the Americans and groups who have dents should never expect it is the
incident and to the person who faced discrimination for their job of minority students to edu-
was being racist. gender, race, sexuality, religion cate them and that it is their re-
“The very first thing the insti- or nationality the opportunity sponsibility to learn how to sup-
tution or the organization would to gain access to spaces they had port communities of color.
do, would individualize it,” Ross been forcefully kept out of for “White students need to go
said. “‘These are just two people centuries. out there and demonstrate that
at one chapter. Don’t look any “It basically says, ‘We under- when they actually put out a
further, two people at one chap- stand that society is intentionally statement, that it is not just per-
ter.’ The next thing they would inequitable,’” Ross said. “‘Inten- formative, it actually has some
actually do is they would mini- tionally, it’s not just simply be- teeth to it,” Ross said. “White
mize its impact. ‘This does not cause people make choices, it’s students should not rely upon mi-
reflect the values of the fraternity intentionally inequitable because nority students to be their racial
or reflect the values of the orga- we did all of these things.’” whisperers.”
nization or the institution,’ and Affirmative action has become To close the talk, Ross left at-
then the last thing they would do such a contentious policy that tendees with a message that us-
is they would trivialize it.” in 1996, California Proposition ing your voice is one of the most
These actions end up dismiss- 209 was passed, banning affirma- powerful ways to make change.
ing the impact of racism on stu- tive action for any of the state’s That change could be in IFC,
dents of color. governmental institutions. Stud- NPC or in spaces outside of
Part of the talk included a ies have found that since 1996, Greek life and college campuses.
short quiz. Black, Latinx and Native Ameri- “Are you going to be the part
It asked attendees if they can students’ enrollment rates in of the people who are just the
would be able to identify both California state institutions have non-racist ‘I don’t want to talk
their race and others’ races. dropped. about race. I’m racing averse,’” Photo courtesy of Amazon
“If you can recognize yourself College campuses themselves Ross said. Ross’s book, pictured above, was published in 2016.
and you can recognize other peo- also create spaces that still give a “Are you gonna be anti- His lecture to the Tech community built
ple and their race and ethnicity, platform racist and reprehensible racist? Are you going to make upon the main topics in the book.
// LIFE technique • February 19, 2021• 9

MENTORS FROM PAGE 1 five Black deans in Georgia Tech what people that don’t look like “Just look at your inner circle said. “Learn to start to interact
history, more than the amount of them have experienced in the and say, ‘Can I reach out and find with someone that doesn’t look
more Black professors,” Kerney Black professors in Kerney’s time. U.S.,” Kerney said. someone that doesn’t look like me, like you.”
said. “We need more Latinx pro- “[Seeing an increase in Black Further, Kerney is interested in get to know someone who doesn’t The best way to start this pro-
fessors, we need more Pan-Asian faculty at Tech] feels good,” she further integration of students of look like me, maybe start to study cess and create a welcoming en-
professors.” said. “Those give me a lot of hope.” different races and from different with someone who doesn’t look vironment is to inform oneself
During her own time at the The road forward, how- backgrounds. like me?,’” Kerney said. about the history that has brought
Institute, Kerney attended on an ever, doesn’t stop there. Kerney “Segregation is not legal in the Although Black Mentor Jack- the country and its society to
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps would like to see a further inclu- United States anymore, but we ets is a crucial program for Black where it is today.
[ROTC] scholarship and found sion of Black history in school still live segregated lives,” Kerney students, Kerney also wants to Kerney advises non-Black stu-
her own role models through the curriculum. said “At Tech, one thing that I focus on forming mentorships be- dents to pick a book or podcast
ROTC program, as well as her so- “I look forward to the white know from talking to the students yond race and gender barriers. and use it to educate themselves
rority and the fraternity through professors and the white students is that the students generally just “If you are Black, you have to not just this month during Black
which she was a little sister. really beginning to study and rec- don’t feel welcome.” get a white mentor, and if you History Month, but every single
Still, she would have been ognize left out parts of the history Her advice is for students to are white, you have to get a Black month.
greatly assisted by a program like of the United States and develop reach out to their peers of differ- mentor, and there’s an oppor- To learn more, visit gtbao.gta-
Black Mentor Jackets if it had ex- true knowledge and empathy of ing races and ethnicities. tunity to do all of that,” Kerney lumni.org.
isted during her college years.
“It would have been helpful to
have someone to always be able to
talk to, someone who had already
graduated,” Kerney said. “I had
a lot of informal upperclassmen
mentors, but to have to talk to
someone who had already gradu-
ated would have been huge.”
Kerney’s biggest asset gained
from Tech was the confidence,
competence and resilience she
needed to begin her career know-
ing she was capable of greatness.
Now, decades out of college,
she is still learning from the men-
tees she has served as mentor to.
Kerney struggles to stay relevant
and relatable. She has a hard time
communicating the things she
would have wanted her 21-year-
old self to have known without
sounding like a lecturing mother.
“[My role is] encouraging her
to make her own decisions, not
being dependent on somebody
else to make decisions for her,”
Kerney said.
Long after the time when she
would have had a mentor at Tech,
Kerney is inspired by the change Photo courtesy of The Black Alumni Collective
she’s seen since her graduation. The Black Mentor Jackets programs gives Black students at Tech the opportunity to meet and
While there is still much more learn from Black alumni. By having role models who look like them, Jeanne Kerney, the President of the Black
work to be done, there have been Alumni Organization, explains, Black students are able to get advice specific to their experiences at Tech.
10 • February 19, 2021• technique // LIFE

Home Park, UHouse, The Mark: Right for you?

Madi Nichols, second-year ChBE Connor: UHouse has a lot of
SOPHIA TONE and Home Park resident; Jasmine bugs and roaches. The kitchen
STAFF WRITER Ramirez, second-year ChemE and doesn’t have very much prep
The Mark resident; Brendan Wil- room. The common space is fairly
Off-campus housing is a popu- son, third-year BA and UHouse small.
lar option for students who want resident; Adam Pendry, third-year Ramirez: It’s very far and I feel
some freedom away from the Tech CS and UHouse resident; and like I’m always wasting energy.
campus, or perhaps just a laun- Zach Connor, second-year AE
dry machine that actually works. and UHouse resident. What advice would you give
Atlanta has a lot to offer. The to students looking for off-cam-
areas surrounding the Institute What is the best thing about pus housing?
are wide-ranging in their person- your housing situation? Buchanan: Start looking early
alities, price ranges and distance Buchanan: I have a pet cat and and get a group together the same
from campus. a chill landlord I never see. You size as the house. Landlords are
To the north of campus lies can get away with anything. more likely to sign you to the lease
Home Park, a neighborhood built Wilson: Distance to Tech if you fill the house, because they
in 1901 for steel mill workers and Square and East Campus really just want your cash.
saturated with century-old homes, Pendry: Living with my own Wilson: Look early in the aca-
each one unique and (likely) big bed and own bathroom. demic year, as most options are
slightly run down. Connor: The location is by limited by the time spring rolls Photo by Sophia Tone Student Publications
Directly west of campus in the far the biggest perk of living in around. Home Park is known for its unique and historic homes,
Howell Mill/Marietta Street area UHouse. Pendry: Take your time (even if including the “Primary Colors” house above.
are a smattering of newly-built Your apartment overlooks the there are deals) and listen to other
apartments for students who want city, you’re across the street from students’ experiences.
close proximity to campus but Publix, and Midtown is a very Ramirez: Make sure you have
distance from Midtown. small walk away. your priorities because no one
M Street Apartments, 935M I also love my roommates, but place will have it all.
and Westmar Student Lofts have this isn’t necessarily a UHouse If you want closer [to campus]
all become popular choices in re- exclusive bonus. I can only com- it’ll be more expensive, if it’s really
cent years. pare UHouse to on-campus cheap it’ll be kind of old and run
Further to the east is Univer- apartments, but comparatively, down but still pretty nice com-
sity House (UHouse), an apart- the rooms are much nicer, the pared to campus.
ment building nestled in the heart new rates are significantly cheaper
of Midtown and overlooking the than on-campus housing, and What is your favorite spot
highway. Catty corner to UHouse maintenance requests get filled at near your current home?
is The Mark, a building with simi- a much faster rate. Wilson: Whole Foods, Tech
lar aesthetics but a shorter walk to Square, Peachtree Street.
the nearby liquor store. What is the worst thing Pendry: Publix 10000%
Here we provide you with stu- about your housing situation?
dent opinions on three off-campus Buchanan: Ants. Ants all over What are some traditions
locations: Home Park, UHouse the kitchen. And super old super and quirks exclusive to your
and The Mark. gross kitchen appliances. neighborhood? Photo by Garrett Shoemaker Student Publications
The Technique sat down with Nichols: The house is pretty Nichols: I don’t know about UHouse, located in the heart of Midtown,
Emily Buchanan, third-year CE old, so it looks a little dingy in traditions but the houses in gen- is popular among Tech students looking
major and Home Park resident; some places. eral are pretty quirky and eclectic. to move off campus into their own apartment.

Smith Hall: Brotherhood of communal showers

other from the floor, from what I in our rooms - it’s all controlled on someone’s [specific] shower shoes, “My honest perception is that
MAYA TORRES can tell. It’s a community setting.” the floor,” Dearman said. “We’ve I’ll [recognize them],” Dearman it was overhyped,” Bard said. “I
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR During his first day on cam- had A/C the entire [fall] semester said. “It’s a little weird talking to shower early mornings or early
pus, Dearman walked in to so far, except for two days ago. It people sometimes, but it’s some- afternoons, and usually, there’s
Of all the freshman dorms on see that the ceiling in his room got really cold one night, and that thing to do. It’s a good social in- no one else there. The people I’ve
campus, Smith Hall is the most had collapsed. caused the switch to swap in the teraction. It’s a way of seeing peo- met, I’ve met independently of
notable — and the least regard- However, when maintenance building and we all had blazing ple without making plans to hang the showers.”
ed. As incoming first-years were arrived two hours later to repair hot air. We all woke up sweating, out with them.” Bard attributes most of this to
self-selecting their dorms, gos- it, he was able to easily sweep that but I think it’s a bond.” Ryan Bard, first-year CS, also the COVID-19 regulations.
sip about the infamous building under the rug. Even the showers have further lives in Smith and enjoys the mu- “With the COVID restric-
spread among students. Another incident occurred in contributed to the sense of com- sic played on speakers in the bath- tions, forming a community is
Smith, an all-male residence the fall semester that caused more munity within the dorm. room during typical showering harder than normal,” Bard said.
hall on East Campus, is known discomfort, which once again They have led to conversations times. “You can’t leave your door open
for rats, mold and, most promi- established a stronger sense of between fellow residents while However, he has not formed and have people stop by.”
nently, the honeycomb showers. brotherhood. they shower. a social circle within the Smith Dearman, on the other hand,
The showers are set up in hon- “It’s definitely different in that “The curtains don’t go all way Hall in the way that Dearman has has found it easier to establish a
eycomb shape, with entrances to we don’t control the temperature down to the ground, so if I see this year. group of friends on his hall.
other shower stalls inside of an in- This is especially thanks to
dividual stall. the help of the Smith Resident
So, to walk into the back row Assistants (RAs).
of showers, one must first walk “My RA’s on my floor are ab-
straight through the front row of solutely wonderful,” Dearman
showers, where an unassuming in- said. “They have set up multiple
dividual could be bathing. socially distanced activities that
These circumstances, while we can partake in to get to know
perhaps not the most ideal, each other better. We had a little
have built a community within birthday celebration for everyone
each floor. on the floor with an August or
The men of Smith have formed September birthday. They laid out
a brotherhood through shared ex- some treats, and then we came in
periences. a couple at a time and signed [a
Zachary Dearman, first-year birthday card] and got a treat.”
AE and self-proclaimed “proud Living on campus can be
Smithian,” has found his hall- quite different from other years,
mates to be a key resource in his but groups such Smith Hall have
social life, especially during pan- made it easier for students to settle
demic times, which may limit his into their new homes at Tech dur-
and his peers’ access to group so- ing a pandemic.
cializing. “It wasn’t necessarily a first
“I’d say being more in the choice, but I’m perfectly okay
dorm, I get to know the other with living in Smith,” Dearman
people in the dorm better,” Dear- Photo by Garrett Shoemaker Student Publications said. “You [find community] in
man said. “Everyone knows each Smith Hall, located on North Avenue, is known for being one of the oldest dorms. bonding over in how we all get
Residents this year have had the added experience of COVID-19 restrictions. through it together.”
// LIFE technique • February 19, 2021• 11

Cooking & relationships at Flavorful Fridays

mental health, but they also keep has a different process,” Wimbley “The process really leads us Students can also visit the web-
MADHURA GANGAL inflammation low [and] keep your said. into half the conversation about site nutrition.gatech.edu.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER heart feeling healthy.” Wembley was referring to the patience… Just being willing to “Thank you for being here
One of the goals that John- second of his three P’s, which go at the best pace for the best and showing us how to create a
On Friday, Feb. 12, as a part son and Wimbley expressed they stood for the process. outcome. You really don’t want to delicious meal and teaching us
of their Well-Being Weekly se- had was to de-stigmatize fats and “What you want to do is you rush the recipe,” Wimbley said. all about what healthy relation-
ries, GT Health Initiatives held carbs. want to learn the process that Wimbley and the VOICE ships can look like,” Johnson said.
a one-hour workshop, “Flavor- “Fats are not a bad thing, we makes it the most successful rec- team can be reached either “Knowing that it doesn’t start
ful Fridays.” The theme of the need them. Fats are responsible ipe and the most successful rela- through email at voice@gatech. at perfect, and that they all take
week’s program was healthy for the absorption of fat-soluble tionship,” Wimbley said. “There’s edu or through the website voice. work, continuously, is a good mes-
relationships. vitamins … [and] from a taste all different types of processes, gatech.edu. sage to hear.”
During the workshop, dieti- perspective, fat makes things taste but you want to find the process The team of two registered Additional programs in the
cian Amber Johnson and health good,” said Johnson. “Eat your that works best for you.” dieticians on staff, including Well-Being series include Mind-
educator Deontez Wimbley dis- fats. That’s our takeaway.” Wembley concluded his ad- Johnson herself, can be reached ful Mondays, TEDxTalk Tues-
cussed having a healthy diet and Wimbley then turned the con- vice with his final P which stands through email at nutrition@gat- days, Well-Being Wednesdays and
maintaining healthy relationships versation towards a different top- for patience. ech.edu. VOICE Message Thursdays.
as Wimbley demonstrated a few ic, his three P’s for cooking and
heart-healthy recipes. healthy relationships.
Although, in the past, the “One: any good relationship,
Health Initiatives’ dieticians used even any good cook, requires
to hold this event in-person in the practice,” Wimbley said. “So it’s
Student Center healthy space, due the continued repetition of try-
to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ing something new, making a
workshop was held online over In- mistake, admitting the mistake,
stagram Live. recognizing what went wrong and
As Wimbley went through the trying again, and really having
recipes for oven-baked salmon, that flow within our relationships
cucumber salad and baked po- as well as within our cooking that
tatoes, Johnson chimed in and can really help us advance towards
provided information about the a more healthy … life.”
nutritional values of the different Johnson expressed the impor-
ingredients and the benefits that tance of not being too hard on
consuming them could yield. oneself.
“I think we commonly know She mentions framing failures
[salmon] as a lean healthy form as learning opportunities rather
of protein, but what some folks than simply deciding to never at-
might not know is that it’s also tempt the task associated with the
a really great source of Omega-3 failure again. Photo courtesy of healthinitiatives.gatech.edu
fatty acids,” Johnson said, “and “Every recipe has a different Health Initative’s Flavorful Fridays, held virtually through Instagram Live, are part of a weekly
those not only help support your process and every relationship Well-Being Series. Students cans learn about health topics while watching a cooking demo.
OPINIONS EDITOR: Journey Sherman technique

Someday is not a day of the week.
— Denise Brennan-Nelson
February 21, 2020

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion Feeling disconnected?

Students’ roles working with SGA “I was no
The community’s responsibility to communicate longer able to interact
with my phone without an
The current elected undergraduate Student for Title IX after the Department of Education overwhelming dread ...”
Government Association (SGA) officials Brielle brought forth reforms to sexual assault com-
Lonsberry and Kyle Smith took office during an plaint procedures. This committee then part- AVNI SHRIDHAR
extremely unprecedented time last spring and nered with other Student Government Associa- HEAD COPY EDITOR
despite that, have still managed to make great tions within the USG system to back a Title IX
In May of 2020, I deleted thought. But, instead of assuaging
strides within the Tech community. In a time reform that “prioritizes the mental health and Twitter. my rising feelings of panic in rela-
when transparency was needed most, they were well-being of survivors.” I deleted Snapchat. I deleted tion to what was going on around
there to bridge the gap between SGA and the Lonsberry was also responsible for leading one of my Instagram accounts. I me, maintaining connections to
went even further, and I stopped the outside world only served to
rest of Tech’s student body. surveys and focus groups pertaining to safely checking my texts. I stopped an- heighten my anxiety. I’m not sure
During times of inevitable speculation, this returning to campus in the fall. Moreover, she swering calls from friends. I avoid- if it was a slow progression or if
ed news outlets like the plague. I it happened all at once. But, sud-
administration made sure to set the record led and moderated town hall meetings that dis-
quit listening to podcasts. I hate denly I was no longer able to in-
straight and provide concrete facts instead of cussed pertinent issues like the rising of COV- to admit it, but even stopped lis- teract with my phone without an
tip-toeing around important issues. Whether it ID-19 cases. After the Department of Homeland tening to music too. overwhelming dread inching its
Two months into quarantine, way up my throat. Sometimes I
was advocating for Black lives or international Security ruled to restrict international student’s people were desperate for human felt like I was suffocating.
students, this administration showed up for the visa lengths, Lonsberry advocated against it and interaction. Zoom cocktail hours, So I shut it all off. (Okay, not
Tech community. wrote to senators Loeffler and Purdue. Instagram challenges and online all of it. I still looked at Tik Tok).
game-nights abounded, but in- And the results were… well
Although the platform that Brielle and Kyle Executive Vice President, Kyle Smith, was a stead of trying to stay as connect- they were good. Sitting at home,
ran on past spring was not fully fulfilled, it is student member of the Health and Safety Task ed as possible, I made a shift into I had much more time to myself
more than reasonable for them to have turned Force and also met with President Cabrera over isolation. to just think. I learned new things
This was a radical change for about myself and became confi-
their attention to combatting COVID-19. A few the summer to discuss students’ needs and con- me, someone who prides them- dent in the things I already knew
of the major issues they planned to tackle were cerns prior to returning to campus. selves in being up-to-date and about myself. I was able to embark
in-the-know, someone who was on simple personal projects that I
further implementing minimester, integrating In June of last year, Smith also helped com- constantly cycling through mul- never thought I would be able to
mental health curriculum into GT 1000/2000 pose a statement with the Graduate SGA that tiple apps, someone who priori- do. I began to exercise, take dance
courses and launching the Menstrual Product backed the Black Lives Matter movement. Like- tized creating and sharing online. classes, learn how to write in Hin-
I have always thought that main- di, tie-dye clothing (thanks Tik
Plan. wise, Smith was also behind efforts to reform taining connections to your fam- Tok). I finally had time again to
We recognize that other failed initiatives GTPD and allow students to be involved in the ily and friends, your community just do art.
having to do with transportation may have also interview process of potential GTPD candi- and the world is one of the most Other than that, this was
important things one can do. But the probably the first time in
become secondary due to the mere fact that dates. He has presented GTPD with outreach I just couldn’t do it anymore. my whole life that I was able to
there are fewer people using the service because approaches that will better serve all Tech stu- Up until that tipping point, I properly give my attention to my
had been trying to do it all. Keep sisters, who are ten and twelve.
of COVID-19. dents. Although we are quite pleased with all up with my emails, run social me- Where before I would shoo them
One specific initiative that SGA deserves to these efforts made and all their other contribu- dia accounts for different organi- away when they asked me to play,
be commended for is their involvement in the tions as well, there are still changes that need to zations, maintain upwards of ten now, I now had the time (and the
personal accounts, keep up with energy) to say yes. I know that this
“Wreck the Vote” campaign that served nearly be made. We believe that implementing men- four different weekly podcasts, pandemic was difficult for many
2,000 voters at McCamish Pavillion. They en- tal health into GT 1000/2000 courses is cru- watch Youtubers, binge Netflix, people and in many ways, but
sured that this polling place was entirely run cial. Additionally, the Menstrual Product Plan play mobile games, listen to all I am so thankful for the time it
relevant new music releases every gave me to spend with my family.
by student poll workers and lead by SGA’s Vice should be more widespread than ten residence Friday, call my family multiple After the summer, I felt com-
President of External Affairs. Likewise, SGA’s hall bathrooms. We would also like to see a push times a day, keep up with friends fortable enough to download
from home and college over text Twitter again, and now I use it in
involvement with the “Jackets Protect Jackets” for more inclusive housing options for transgen- and Snapchat and FaceTime. It a casual fashion; it doesn’t mat-
program, where members handed out thou- der and non-binary students. felt like a daily chore that I en- ter if I ever tweet or even check it
sands of personal protective equipment kits the This past year, Brielle and Kyle have had to joyed. Or did I? every day. I just look at it when I
I often think about how I got want to.
first week of school, left a notable imprint on stu- lead us through numerous world events, but to that place. When did my online I know it is important to con-
dents. have managed to still run a transparent and suc- life turn from vibrant and enrich- nect with the world around you,
SGA President, Brielle Lonsberry, should be cessful administration. We believe that because ing to an overwhelming blur? I but you cannot do that if you are
maintained that blur through the not connected with yourself and
recognized for her spearheading of the Sexual of their leadership this school year has gone strangest semester of my life as we the people closest to you first. I’m
Violence Advisory Committee and advocating much smoother than expected. were sent home due to the novel not necessarily recommending the
coronavirus pandemic. That blur cliché “delete your social media.”
was all we had for those first few but I do recommend approaching
months. the online world as optional and
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Collectively piecing together no-pressure. It should never feel
information about the world is like a chore, and if it is no longer
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. what gave us our sanity, or so I bringing you joy, just disconnect.

Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on

technique editorial board opinions@nique.net
content found within the pages of the
Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
Taylor Gray EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Got something to say? Then let focus on relevant issues that currently
Jannat Batra MANAGING EDITOR your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
nique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at facebook.com/thenique. We that you include your full name, year
Natalie Boutwell NEWS EDITOR Journey Sherman OPINIONS EDITOR want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
Hope Williams LIFE EDITOR Maya Flores ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
Jack Purdy SPORTS EDITOR Amanda Wang DESIGN EDITOR We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
Sarah Miller ONLINE EDITOR Keely Culbertson TECHNOLOGY EDITOR response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
as topics relevant to campus. We will for length and style.
Avni Shridhar HEAD COPY EDITOR Dani Sisson PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that opinions@nique.net.
6 • February 19, 2021• technique // OPINIONS

Conservatism: a philosophy with no home

infuses the majority opinion into conservative philosophy is far too split. There will be many Republi-
“At this moment, the government, while conserva- profound to be summed up by a cans who will see him as a martyr
Republican Party abandoned tism holds that although major- campaign slogan. The Republican and fully support his campaign.
conservatism and embraced ity opinions ought to rule, there Party also seems to care very little There will also be people who op-
should be mitigated democracy, about the environment, which is pose him, as in any primary, and
its antithesis: populism.” so that by the time majority opin- not a conservative sensibility by ultimately it will come down to (I
ion is written into law, it has been any means. believe) Trump against someone
MICAH VEILLON reviewed and refined. Although, many of the top who is more conservative like Dan
STAFF WRITER Conservatism maintains that down solutions proposed by the Crenshaw (who has not professed
the majority opinion, if left to left are not the correct way to to be ruining anytime soon). Ulti-
its devices, naturally decays into handle such a complex dilemma. mately, I feel the party will choose
tyrannical mob rule, threaten- Perhaps the issue is with the lib- Trump, who will in turn lose to
In the mid 19th century, our ing the subsequent Trump presi- ing the freedoms our institutions ertarian view on the free mar- Biden again.
country would witness what dency. Trump would establish a grant us. Conservatives hold that ket, however, I’m not quite sure The Republican Party will then
could very well be described as narrative that would culminate at man is not a rational animal, but yet. Conservatism stands for free enter a state of turmoil (if it hasn’t
one of our most important po- the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, rather a passionate animal; and markets, of course; however, the yet) and ultimately split over
litical moments: the splitting of 2021: America is broken, the gov- if bantered to, will regress to his consumer culture can be quite Trump and populism. Although,
America’s Whig Party. The party ernment is against you, and only primitive state. Populists flirt with dangerous, thus, conservatives I don’t want it to split solely be-
split over the issue of slavery, with I can fix it. At this moment, the and pander to this passion, while stand for a tempered free market. cause Trump can’t win, but rather
northern anti-slavery whigs go- Republican Party abandoned con- conser vatives I could con- because populism is remarkably
ing on to create the Republican servatism and embraced its antith- seek to censure tinue point- dangerous. In the near future,
Party. Abraham Lincoln would esis: populism. it and keep it at ing to the I plan to see direct action from
soon join the party and help dis- It entirely disregarded the wise bay. flaws of the conservatives in the party in an
pel with the practice of slavery in words of one of its former Presi- Moreover, as republican attempt to denounce this populist
America. dents, Calvin Coolidge, when he it stands, the Re- “Populists flirt with and party, but I’ll spring.
In similar fashion to the split remarked that “When a man be- publican Party digress here. Finally, I would like to explain
of the Whig Party, the Republi- gins to feel that he is the only one is no conserva- pander to his passion, While I what I wish will happen, because
can Party may soon witness its who can lead in this republic, he tive party, leav- while conservatives seek worry about thus far I’ve only explained what I
own split as well, with its divisive is guilty of treason to the spirit of ing the philoso- the fact that feel will happen. Fundamentally, I
factor being populism and loyalty our institutions.” phy without a to censure it and keep it at conservatism hope to see the party split. I have a
to Donald Trump. I would like It was James Madison’s great- political home. bay.” is homeless, few qualms with american conser-
to explore why I think this will est fear for our republic: a candi- Honestly, con- I think with- vatism in general and personally
happen, as well as why 2016 left date playing to the emotions of servatism was in the next prefer the British conservatism of
conservatism with no party to the people, telling them the solu- diminished once eight years Edmund Burke, rejuvenated by
call home. tions to their problems reside in people began to the Repub- Sir Roger Scruton.
In the Summer of 2016, in one man, and one man alone. As I view it simply as lican Party I wish to see a party come forth
Cleveland, Ohio, the Republican have stated in my previous two ar- a capitalist ideology with tax cuts. very well could split, resulting in that is worthy of articulating the
Party would nominate Donald ticles, this is a nation of laws, and Sadly, many Americans believe the possibility for a genuine con- conservative philosophy, because I
Trump as their party’s candidate not of men. conservatism can be summed up servative party to emerge. I fully truly regard it as a marvelous phi-
in the race for the White House. Populism and conservatism by the mantra “Pro Trump, Pro expect Donald Trump to run for losophy, and believe that it is in-
At that convention, there would be are incommensurate for one main Gun, Pro Life.” This couldn’t be office again in 2024, which will tegral to preserving the wonderful
words spoken to the crowd reflect- reason: namely, that populism further from the truth, for the ultimately be the cause of the freedoms we enjoy in this nation.
// OPINIONS technique • February 19, 2021• 7

Scrapbooking through school

have to worry about finding the
“In an unprecedented perfect picture with my best out-
time like this, scrapbooking is fit and the most scenic view to get
a way to take back control.” the most likes.
I can just focus on creating my
NATALIE BOUTWELL own narrative. In an unprecedent-
ed time like this, scrapbooking is
NEWS EDITOR a way to take back control. Like
all art, scrapbooking is freeing in
the way that it is open to possibili-
ties. There is no right answer and
This past summer, I started company in the present while pre- no guidelines or rubric one has to
Royal Bun in the Oven Harrison’s Final Rose a new project. With the risks serving the memories of the past. follow: a refreshing experience for
The Duke and Duchess of After making a racially of the pandemic restricting my One of my irrational fears is a student tired of comparison.
Sussex, Harry and Meghan, insensitive comment, the sea- usual summer travels and plans, I that I will forget all of the events, In the future, when I open up
have announced that they are soned host of “The Bachelor” needed an activity, outside of my places and people that were once my college scrapbook, I know
expecting their second child. has decided to step down tem- classes, to entertain my time. so meaningful to me. Sometimes I will smile. I will be able to see
The baby will be eight in line porarily. This decision comes Upon my mom’s suggestion, I when I can’t remember the name everything: from my nervous
to the throne. This good news after Harrison made light of a began to make my college scrap- of my favorite elementary school freshman self on the first day of
follows Meghan’s tragic mis- previous contestant attending book. teacher or when I forget where a move-in to my proud senior self
carriage that occurred over the an Antebellum themed party I ordered a navy-blue album certain picture is from, I think on graduation day.
summer. They welcomed Ar- because the event took place in from Michaels and collected all of about how fragile and fleeting our I will be able to see the best
chie in May 2019. 2018 and not 2021. the memorabilia I had saved from memories truly are. parts of college – photos of my
my first two and a half years at Our collective memories – our smiling roommates on our Spring
Tech: my acceptance letter, ticket history – are protected in text- Break trip to the beach – and the
stubs from football games, souve- books and archives of important challenging parts of college – pho-
nirs from study abroad. documents. But what about our tos of my fellow marching band
I started to organize page af- own personal memories? members wearing masks and play-
ter page with these memories and In today’s social media ob- ing instruments in socks.
photos, stickers and small, hand- sessed society, most people choose Scrapbooking, to me, is more
written anecdotes. Scrapbooking to keep their memories online than a craft. It is a way to create
soon became one of my favorite with platforms like Facebook wa bond with my mom, sharing a
Invention Time Scam Abroad activities. and Instagram. I’ve long avoided common activity we both enjoy.
Tech’s Invention Studio has Students that were signed Multiple times throughout the making my own social media ac- It is a way to ensure my memories
recently reopened to the public up to take part in the 2020 summer, my mom and I would counts, turned away by the pres- are preserved in an everlasting for-
after being closed for months Oxford summer program have scrapbook together. Since my two sures of deciding what to post. mat.
due to COVID-19. To ensure still not received a refund from sisters and I were babies, she has To me, posting on social media And it is a way for my future
the safety of students, there the canceled trip. The pro- created albums of our childhood. seems more like a competition self to reflect on the highs, lows
will now be a maximum oc- gram planned to run in sum- Oftentimes, she worked on than a way to share or preserve and in-betweens of my college
cupancy set and everyone will mer 2021 but got canceled yet my youngest sister’s photo album stories. experience. In some ways, I am
be required to sign-up to enter again. Students are claiming to while I worked on my college al- I prefer a more traditional grateful for the blank space the
the studio and sign-out upon be out minimally $5,000 until bum. We would chat or watch our form to keep my memories: in a pandemic created this summer
leaving. summer 2022. favorite TV shows while working journal, a notebook or a scrap- because it gave me my favorite
side by side, enjoying each other’s book. In these formats, I don’t new hobby.

Maya Flores
Emma Ryan Friday,
entertainment@nique.net February 19, 2021

Black History Month art showcase in CULC

ing around her and a crown upon
MAYA FLORES her head. The golden crown is the
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR first thing the viewer sees against
the otherwise blue painting, giv-
In honor of Black History ing the impression of Basquiat.
Month, the Georgia Tech Af- Carson’s use of bright colors and
rican American Student Union bold lines create powerful and
(AASU) has curated a collection striking visuals.
of art made by Black members of Carson’s third painting “Ephe-
the Tech community. The show- sians 6:12 / War in the Mind” is
case is on display in the third floor an emotional painting of a wom-
of the Clough Undergraduate an spewing red from her mouth
Learning Center. and lightning from her eyes in
The AASU’s Black History anguish or in anger. The texture
Month Art Showcase features sev- in this painting adds a contrast
en works of art, including paint- to the cartoonist depiction of
ings, multimedia pieces, photog- the woman.
raphy and poetry. The art featured The verse that the painting is
was selected by the AASU BHM named after — “For we wrestle
Committee from a pool of appli- not against flesh and blood, but
cants from the Tech community. against principalities, against
Angelique Carson contributed powers, against the rulers of the
not just one, but three paintings darkness of this world, against
to the installation. All of her spiritual wickedness in high plac- Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications
paintings feature Black women in es” — has devastating resonance Artist Angelique Carson has three paintings on display in the AASU’s Black History Month
different lights. The first, “Reflec- in the light of racial injustices that Art Showcase. Joining Carson’s works are poems, photographs and other paintings.
tions” resembles a playing card BHM highlights.
— two young girls are painted Another piece of art featured in white washed by a christened / “They Found Me.” Painted on a “Consider these ‘entities’ as An-
facing opposite directions, both the exhibition is a poem — some- fear complex,” Raphael’s words three foot tall piece of wood, this gels divinely guided to help mani-
with the same challenging expres- thing not often included in art in- rightly indict the world we live in. piece is dominated by a smiling fest the life you want for yourself.”
sion but in different clothing and stallations. Khamansha Raphael’s The poem ends with the deafen- multicolored face, surrounded by Make sure to check out the Af-
hair, each with a small 3 above “On the dead homies” is a gut ing lines “Nah, I’m just trying to smaller grey and purple faces with rican American Student Union’s
their shoulder. wrenching and intimate look at stay alive / Million man marching swirling eyes. Black History Month Art Show-
Carson’s other two paintings the Black experience in America. with all the homies / that might “This painting expresses the case on the third floor of the
have heavy Biblical themes. “False With lines like “Gold med- never make it home.” acknowledgement of entities in Clough Undergraduate Learn-
Prophet” depicts a woman up to alist or perceived menace / it The most striking painting this world that are working with ing Commons before the end
her eyes in water, with hair flow- makes no difference in a society in the showcase is Nigel Davis’ you, not against you,” said Davis, of February.

Swift to re-record albums, starts with ‘Fearless’


Over time, Taylor Swift, pos-

sibly one of the most prominent
singers of the generation, has
changed her rhetoric through her
song writing.
The former country singer,
originally from Pennsylvania,
wrote songs about the unabashed
intensity of love as a teenager, re-
leasing album after album detail-
ing the magical, magnetic power
of true love.
The original “Love Story”
was one of these classic romantic
songs, where Swift sang about
the unconditional love between
Romeo and Juliet and chose to
give the Shakespearean drama a
happier ending. With the strum
of banjos and her country twang,
she created a classic that would
end up as a TikTok sound almost
13 years later.
In the summer of 2019, Swift
took to social media to announce
that her producing company, Big Photo courtesy of Taylor Swift
Machine Records, was planning Former country star turned international pop star Taylor Swift has begun re-recording her previous albums. The first re-
to sell all of her original music to recorded song, ‘Love Story (Taylor’s Version),’ has already been released and ‘Fearless’ is set to be released in April.
another company backed by me-
dia entrepreneur and music ex- In February, Swift announced fiddle player and backup singer and placing herself in a Shake- Swift’s newer work peers into
ecutive Scooter Braun. While she the re-recording release date of that are heard in the original. spearean fantasy, this new single the concept of love with skepti-
held her publishing rights, Swift Fearless, her second album origi- The difference, here, is that audi- is written by an adult woman cism and remorse — a far cry
lost the ability to make important nally recorded in 2008. A cryptic ences are given an opportunity choosing self-empowerment and from the Romeo and Juliet in-
decisions about her music, like message posted on her Instagram to revisit Taylor’s old work from self-agency. spired romanticism of “Love
whether it can be used in adver- has led fans to believe that the a new perspective and see how In the cover art of this album, Story.”
tising or media. rest of the album will be out Fri- much she has grown and changed she is seen wearing Romeo’s shirt, It is exciting to see Taylor
Just after releasing two major day, April 9. as a singer. Her voice no longer speaking to the ownership and Swift take charge of her own mu-
surprise albums, “folklore” and The first single from her new has that country twang, and the independence she has grown to sic. Such an influential artist re-
“evermore,” in 2020, Swift has recording, “Love Story (Taylor’s change in enunciation breathes cherish. visiting past work will likely have
made the decision to re-record Version)” is a refreshing yet faith- life into the song. “Love Story (Taylor’s Ver- an interesting impact on new
the first of her stolen albums — ful take on the wildly popular While the song was origi- sion)” provides a stark contrast releases as audiences get to relive
this time, with full control over classic. The lyrics are the same, nally written by a brash teenage to her recent albums, “folklore” the experience of listening to the
her music. and she even hired the same girl exploring the depths of love and “evermore.” song on the radio.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • February 19, 2021• 13

Third ‘To All the Boys’ flat despite chemistry

FILM Lara Jean’s various crises and
indecisions, which, at this point,
To All the Boys: Always any viewer of the TATB trilogy is
and Forever intimately familiar with, make up
GENRE: Drama, Romance the primary conflict of the rest of
the film.
STARRING: Lana Condor, He gets into Stanford; she gets
Noah Centineo into Berkeley and then falls in love
DIRECTOR: Michael with NYU. What is a girl to do
Fimognari when the love of her life is going
to school on the West Coast and
RATING: TV-14 she kind of wants to live on the
RELEASE DATE: Feb. 12 other side of the country?
As Lara Jean struggles to an-
««« swer the age-old question of head
vs. heart (with all the appropri-
ate theatrics), the film clunks
EMMA RYAN through every trope in the book:
ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Peter searches for reconciliation
with his estranged dad, the Covey
When Lana Condor (“Deadly girls adjust to a stepmother and
Class”) and Noah Centineo (“Si- impending nuptials, and the stan-
erra Burgess Is A Loser”) brought dard drama of promposals and
Jenny Han’s young adult novel to highschool romance unfolds in
life in 2018, they were irresistible. the background.
Netflix’s “To All the Boys I’ve In true TATB fashion, Kitty
Loved Before” became a pop- has a secret, Margot offers mater-
culture phenomenon for a few nalistic advice, Lara Jean bakes,
reasons: it had an endearing cast Chris does something that’s sup-
and a charming story; it was con- posed to be outrageous and Pe-
sidered a big step for Asian-Amer- ter and Lara Jean break up at
ican representation; it had all the least once.
hallmarks of a classic rom-com. And of course, the storyline
The chemistry between the culminates with the two of them
lead actors and the cutesy kitsch having sex, an entirely unpredict-
of the entire film made for an un- able and shocking turn of events.
deniably delightful experience. The big issue with “Always and
Three years later, the third Forever” is that ostensibly it is Photo courtesy of Netflix
and final installment in Netflix’s about growing up, getting serious, The latest installment of Netflix’s teen romance trilogy ‘To All the Boys’ is dis-
franchise based on Han’s trilogy is learning there is a world beyond appointing to fans of the series and fails to live up to the magical first movie.
substantially less delightful. the confines of highschool. But
Following up on a compara- the film, and Lara Jean herself, are The soundtrack features fun a rooftop lit by fairy lights, with point, and in this film Peter, for all
bly mediocre second film, “To so wrapped up in themselves that cameos by Lauv, The Spice Girls, live music and a one-in-a-million his good looks and charm, comes
All the Boys: Always And For- the growth that happens seems BLACKPINK and others. And view. across as mostly just immature.
ever” follows the now-iconic Lara forced and irrelevant anyway. Condor and Centineo certainly But while this approach worked Condor and Centineo are both
Jean Covey and Peter Kavinsky One can’t watch the film with- are not hard on the eyes. in the first film, it prevents this talented actors, and the chemistry
through their senior year of high- out wondering “So what?” Does it Like the films that preceded it, one from being anything but trite. between them is still fun and en-
school and all of its accompanying really matter and who really cares? “Always and Forever” doesn’t take Lara Jean’s doe-eyed innocence, joyable to watch. But despite their
turmoil: college admissions, the Not that it is an unwatchable place in the real world. The delib- inability to make up her mind, efforts and their apparent love for
senior trip and prom. movie by any means. The cutesy, erately composited shots and me- and quirky tendencies are endear- the film and their roles, “Always
Drama ensues when Lara Jean over-the-top aesthetics that won ticulous sets give it a cartoonish, ing in the first installment, irritat- and Forever” falls flat due to a
and Peter are not accepted into the so many hearts in the original Anderson-y feel. And the events of ing in the second, and downright poorly developed plot and an ab-
same school, even though, as Lara 2018 film prevail in this one, from the film are not particularly real- infuriating in the third. sence of any real maturity that all
Jean’s younger sister Kitty (Anna the costuming that made Lara istic either — it is a world where Peter’s curly-haired, puppy-dog of the cute visuals and pretty faces
Cathcart, “Odd Squad”) puts it, Jean an icon to the graphics that seniors at NYU invite random appeal captured hearts all over the in the world do not make up for.
they “aren’t cut out for this long give the film its true-to-the-origi- highschoolers to their parties, and world when he first appeared in (And don’t even get me started
distance thing.” nal DIY flavor. where those parties take place on 2018. But it is a little old at this on Kitty. She’s the worst.)
14 • February 19, 2021• technique // ENTERTAINMENT

Songwriter Blaemire speaks about latest album

“‘The Hustle’ was very much
MAYA TORRES about hustling and being in New
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR York and trying to get my music
out there and trying to bottle the
From rhythm and blues to rhythm of New York City in that
musical theatre, writer and per- record,” he said “‘Ampersand’ was
former Nick Blaemire truly is a more about collaboration and this
musical jack of all trades. But in idea of ‘I don’t want to do this
his latest album, “Superstitious alone,’ and I love the process of
Drive,” Blaemire wanted to try giving my ideas to somebody else
something new. who’s talented and seeing how
“I wrote a lot of the songs on they can respond to it and make it
‘Superstitious Drive’ within the better or different.”
year of recording it, and some “Superstitious Drive” was also
of the verses I wrote while I was a direct response to the events
singing, like it’s a lot of improv ... happening around Blaemire.
that got me to a more vulnerable “This record was entirely about
place,” Blaemire said. “I was frus- this pandemic and the political
trated by trying to make a living administration that we have just
making music, when it’s a very lived through and the hopes for a
personal act.” brighter future and the acknowl-
Blaemire is best known as a edgement of the sort of frustrating
writer for his 2008 Broadway mu- contradictions inside every hu-
sical “Glory Days,” but has since man being,” he said.
participated in the pop/rhythm Although “Superstitious
and blues group, Nick Blaemire Drive” is a deeply personal album,
and The Hustle, released his first Blaemire was not the only con-
EP, Ampersand and performed tributor making it happen.
in productions on Broadway and “My collaborator is a genius
beyond. Most recently he experi- person named Van Hughes. Van,
enced a personal crisis as the Co- like the mode of transportation,
vid-19 pandemic tore him away which he absolutely is,” Blaemire
from the stages on which he had said. “He definitely takes me from Photo courtesy of Teresa Wood
been entertaining audiences. the place that I’m in to places I Musician, writer and theatre performer Nick Blaemire speaks to the Tech-
In short, Blaemire has had a never knew existed. And as a col- nique about the process of creating his latest album, ‘Superstitious Drive.’
busy decade. laborator, there’s kind of no more
Now, not only is he using his you can dream of.” guage that I find really inspiring, his output, Blaemire does not at- “Physically, I’ve been trying
past experiences to inspire his lat- Earlier last year, Blaemire and through music or through sto- tribute the outpouring of writing to get out and about as much as
est work; he is also trying to break Hughes experimented with writ- ries,” he said. “Once the pandem- simply to more free time. I possibly can during this time
away from the career he has had in ing and producing sounds from ic became reality and not just like “Just surviving is an accom- [when] there’s so much stillness,”
order to explore something more Hughes’s computer, and a collec- this anomaly moment, I was like, plishment and making your time Blaemire said.
authentic. tion of songs emerged. The two ‘I have one life and I would like meaningful feels like the goal now “I especially love driving. I find
“Musicals … are extensively decided to move forward with the to continue to live it the way that more than ever,” he said. “That’s it to be an incredible act, and very
about something else, even if music and attempt to produce a I was living.’ I liked getting up helped my art. It hasn’t changed metaphorical for what it feels like
you’re writing about your own ex- record. every day and writing. And even in terms of the rate that I’m work- to be a person. … You could die at
perience,” he said, “The pandemic “When art tells you what it is, though suddenly I wasn’t sure ing, but I think my work has got- any moment, so stay on the road,
just has given this opportunity to you kind of have to listen to it,” what it was for anymore, I just felt ten deeper and clearer, because stay focused and there’s some-
really speak to something specific Blaemire said. “As an overthink- like I should.” I’ve had the time and because this thing like the car is driving itself
and discover how I felt about it ing person, that’s hard.” Throughout last year, Blaemire pandemic has reshaped the way at certain times. I think that’s a
through the writing, as opposed During a year of uncertainty wrote not only “Superstitious that I think about life.” metaphor for the artistic process
to just writing another song about and hardships, Blaemire found Drive,” but also two movies, a A strong motif within Blae- — you have to let the car drive.
time has already gone by, or an ex- balance in creating. television pilot and three different mire’s latest album is the theme Let the album tell you what it is,
perience that somebody else had.” “Writing has always been this stage shows that are still in prog- of travel, either direct travel let the music guide you.”
Beyond his work in the world thing where I can put my nervous ress. from one place to another or in a Nick Blaemire’s album “Super-
of theater, Blaemire’s music still energy somewhere, and where I But while the pandemic has larger sense of aging and moving stitious Drive” is out now on all
tells a story. can log my experience in a lan- certainly affected the volume of through space. music platforms.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • February 19, 2021• 15

‘Framing Britney’ focuses on toxic tabloids

Hailing from the Bible Belt,
FILM the film shows how quickly Brit-
ney took on an innocent “girl next
The New York Times door” imagery at the beginning of
Presents: Framing Britney her career. Her Louisiana accent
Spears peaked through during sit down
interviews and backstage footage
GENRE: Documentary and reminded the audience that
STARRING: Britney Spears, while she later became one of the
Liz Day most famous pop stars of all time,
Britney started off as your tradi-
DIRECTOR: Samantha Stark tional all-American girl.
RATING: TV-MA Britney’s image was quickly
manipulated by the tabloid press
as she got older and became more
OUR TAKE: ««««
« comfortable with her sexuality.
The documentary makes an in-
teresting case in the fact that it
TAYLOR GRAY claims that the Monica Lewinsky
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF and Bill Clinton scandal bled over
into Britney’s career. The peak of
On Feb. 5, the world became Spears’ career occurred at a time in
obsessed with Britney Spears which the American people were
again thanks to the release of finding out the minute details of
the New York Times produced the sexcapades of the President
documentary, “Framing Britney of the United States. Late night
Spears.” The documentary sets talk show hosts and conservative
out to investigate the crumbling mothers alike started branding
conservatorship her father, Jamie Monica Lewinsky and Britney
Spears, has over her and her al- Spears as sexual deviants akin to Photo courtesy of Hulu
most 59 million dollar estate and the school sluts and started blam- ‘Framing Britney’ focuses on the life and downfall of Britney Spears, including her and her father’s
the #FreeBritney movement that ing Britney for spreading sexual tumultuous legal and personal relationship. The documentary is available to stream on Hulu.
has spread throughout fans of the messages through her skin tight
star over social media. outfits and saucy dance routines. of their relationship. The docu- of the frenzy media that got her The most important takeaway
The documentary begins with One of the most shocking parts mentary then edits in clips from there. The documentary sheds the from the documentary is the way
Britney’s roots in Kentwood, Lou- of “Framing Britney” is the film’s interviews Timberlake did where most light on the ways in which entertainment media has shifted
isiana where she was plucked into concentration on her relationship he bragged about having sex with the tabloid media, at the height of over time and how the rise of so-
stardom at a young age. From the with Justin Timberlake, and its Spears while the heavily misogy- their paparazzi power in the early cial media has given celebrities the
jump, the film highlights the in- effects on her image. The film es- nistic media at the time served as to mid 2000s, tore Britney and power to control their own public
tense scrutiny and misogyny Brit- sentially equates their relationship his hype man at the expense of her career to shreds. image. By providing a platform
ney faced from the age of 10. to one of a royal couple, and ex- Britney’s mental health. The film While the heavy misogynistic for celebrities to be themselves,
Clips of a baby faced Britney plains how the media’s fascination then touches on Britney’s mar- tones that surrounded her career toxic paparazzi have mostly been
singing a soulful rendition of The with every detail of their personal riage and subsequent divorce from from the minute it began were put out of work because we no
Judds’ “Love Can Build a Bridge” lives started the initial downfall of Kevin Federline and her peculiar skimmed over while they were longer need them to capture those
flash across the screen, followed by Britney’s good girl image. relationship with Sam Lufti, who happening, looking back at the personal moments that remind us
the host of the program asking her Timberlake, who walked away the film regarded as “the architect situation with the cultural con- that celebrities are regular people
if she has a boyfriend. from the relationship with his of her downfall.” text of the #MeToo movement is too. Instead, Britney and other
This awkward interview mo- image still intact, weaponized “Framing Britney” sets out to startling and prompts viewers to stars like her are able to share
ment serves as the beginning of the tabloid press against Britney answer the questions surrounding wonder why the media was al- those mundane moments directly
over two decades worth of an in- Spears and made her out to be Britney’s conservatorship situa- lowed to run rampant with their with us and have more control
tense and inappropriate focus on the bad guy, claiming that she tion, but the film ends up focus- fascination over the young pop over how they frame themselves
Britney’s body. cheated on him during the course ing more on the events and effects star’s body and personal life. in the public eye.
16 • February 19, 2021• technique // COMICS

Sarah’s Scribbles by Sarah Andersen Lio by Mark Tatulli

In the Bleachers by Steve Moore

SMBC by Zach Weinersmith

// COMICS technique • February 19, 2021• 17

LunarBaboon by Christopher Grady Aw R ats by Sarah Miller

Pearls before Swine by Stephen Pastis


XKCD by Randall Munroe

18 • February 19, 2021• technique // SPORTS

Tech football welcomes strong 2021 class

27th in 2020, Collins was able Franklin, stands out as Tech’s ity, with a lot of plays in his senior posing offenses headaches in the
GRAHAM LEWIS to add a few missing players that top offensive lineman recruit of season ending with him finding a future.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER could be difference makers in 2021. Rated as one of the highest way to be open. The commit will Replacing the best punter in
2021. linemen in Georgia, he currently probably redshirt his first-year, as Tech history, Pressley Harvin
The 2021 recruiting season Four star wide receiver James stands at third for guards in the he looks to add more weight and III, is no small feat and will be a
officially concluded this month, BlackStrain had a rather busy re- state and 24th for guards in the get used to the Tech system. challenge for Tech recruit David
as second-year head coach Geoff cruiting season, receiving offers nation. Four-time state champion Grey Shanahan. Having spent last year
Collins looks to improve the from 23 Power 5 schools including He was the second-highest re- Carroll is no stranger to winning. training at one of the top kicking
team’s prospects going into a new LSU, Florida and Georgia. The cruit behind BlackStrain. The 6’4, Being named Mr. Football for schools in Australia, Shanahan
season. Having taken over a ros- ESPN top 300 receiver stands tall 308lb lineman could help provide AAA in Tennessee, Carroll will will likely start for Tech this up-
ter totally designed for the triple- at 6’2 and is known for his abil- Sims time he hasn’t had to make look to make an impact on the coming season. Look for Shana-
option, Collins’ first partial class ity to make quick decisions when decisions while passing while pro- defensive side of the ball. An ex- han to be Tech’s punter for the
had just one four-star recruit. Last contesting a pass. In just nine viding much needed size to the plosive player, Carroll was ranked foreseeable future.
season brought notoriety as Col- games, he recorded 1,015 yards, line. as a top 20 player in his home The class will look to improve
lins was able to sign an impres- averaging 18.8 yards per recep- Standing near him on the of- state and received offers from off of Tech’s two reconstruction
sive class, landing quarterback tion. BlackStrain shut down his fensive line will be tight end Ben Princeton, Yale, and Wake Forest. seasons, starting off this fall in
Jeff Sims and freshman sensation recruiting process early after com- Postma. Ranked as a top 70 tight The 6’3, 260-pound defensive end what every fan hopes will be a
Jahmyr Gibbs. While the 2021 mitting to Tech last year. Another end in the country, Postma is is impressively quick off the ball, “normal” season, or something
recruiting class fell to 43rd from Tech four-star recruit, Weston known for his route running abil- an advantage that could cause op- like it.

SOFTBALL FROM PAGE 20 tear going 2-3 with a walk. Saturday’s games against Rad- game got at least one hit. The 11-0 innings of this game, allowing one
Cowden had four runs batted in ford featured Blake Neleman’s sec- win gave the Jackets their first 3-0 hit, striking out three, and throw-
she played a non-second base po- via a three-run home run, her first ond complete game of the week- start in eight years. ing 40 strikes on 57 pitches. She
sition. Freshmen Mallorie Black collegiate homer. end in the first game. She struck Game two against Radford was had a no-hitter that was broken up
and Jin Sileo got their first college Fifth-year senior Crosby out nine batters, walked two, and a continuation of the first game’s with one out in the fifth inning.
hits, both singles. Huckabay got her first start in only allowed two hits even with a bashing. Kauf hit another home In terms of complete domination,
Game two against Boise State right field in the five games going shaky fourth inning by her stan- run, Cowden’s third home run this game was as good as it got all
was a literal doubling of the score, 2-2 and scoring once. Jin Sileo, dards. Kauf absolutely bashed was a grand slam, which she deftly weekend.
with Tech winning 10-2 via the who played exceptional defense Radford’s pitching, scoring twice, followed up with in her next at-bat Georgia State was 3-1 coming
run ahead rule in the sixth in- every game, hit her first college homering in the third inning and with a bunt single. This was Tech’s into Sunday’s game, losing only
ning. UGA transfer Madison home run in the third inning, driving in three. Cowden hit a most efficient game, needing to to Boise State in the latter half of
McPherson made her Tech debut which may not have come about bomb in her second at bat on a 3-2 only hit four times and not even their own Saturday doubleheader.
in the circle, pitching three in- had the first base umpire not mis- count for her second home run of hit through the lineup a full three Kauf came into the game hitting
nings of two hit ball, allowing the takenly called a foul ball down the the weekend, driving in five of the times. Eight of the first nine runs .750, and was 0-1 in this game,
last of the runs Tech would face line earlier in the at bat. Fifth-year 11 Tech runs in game one. Huck- were scored with two outs. Rop- but walked three times and stole
for the weekend. Roper scored senior Morgan Bruce pitched the abay’s first inning single scored er walked twice and hit a single, two bases.
three times and had three walks. last three innings of the game, her 100th career RBI. Eight of the scoring twice. Third-year sopho- Awald hit her second home
Kauf continued her weekend striking out four. ten batters that hit for Tech in this more Lexi Ray pitched all five run and drove in two. Neleman
pitched another complete game
shutout, striking out ten again.
Third-year sophomore Bailee
Zeitler, who had been switched
to second base to make room for
Sileo at shortstop, got her first hit
of the weekend on a two run home
run in the second inning. Tech
showed incredible plate discipline
the whole game as every hitter
reached at least one three-ball
count. Fourth-year junior Cam-
eron Stanford drove in the game
ending run with a bases loaded
single in the fifth inning, enforc-
ing the run ahead rule to clinch
Tech’s undefeated weekend.
Kauf’s .692 average for the
weekend earned her ACC Player
of the Week honors, and Nele-
man’s 17 innings of 0.41 ERA
pitching earned her co-ACC
Pitcher of the Week.
As of writing, Kauf is leading
the ACC in hits, doubles, total
bases, and walks. Neleman leads
Photo courtesy of @GaTechSoftball via Twitter the ACC in wins and starts. She
Brianna Roper (21) and Kennedy Cowden (center) celebrate during Tech’s sweep of Radford on February never allowed more than one hit
13. Cowden and Crosby Huckabay (19) were offensive threats all weekend as Tech started the season 5-0. per inning the whole weekend.
// SPORTS technique • February 19, 2021• 19

Are legends staying legendary longer?

less able to afford the gaudy costs Jaromir Jagr entered the NHL ericks and Udonis Haslem is still in his young career, but this streak
WILL FUSS of keeping their bodies in prime in 1990 at the age of 18 and played playing at age 40, albeit only for a consisted of his age 26 through 33
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR shape. all the way until 2018, finally re- few minutes a game. Rafael Nadal seasons. Most players are at least
Lebron is the foremost example tiring from the world’s best hock- and Roger Federer have each been out of the league or beginning to
It feels like some players are of a big star spending big money ey league with the second most playing tennis for at least eigh- decline at age 33, but after an age
never meant to retire. Sports pun- on his health. Reports from 2019 points of all time at age 45. He teen years at an elite level and are 34 season plagued by injuries, he
dits have been predicting Tom pegged his annual spending on still plays in the Czech Republic still winning titles while Novak bounced back to win his fourth
Brady’s decline for years now. his fitness at around $1.5 million. and contributes just under a point Djokovic is coming for their re- title at 35 years old, leading the
Lebron James was foretold to fall Russell Wilson claimed to spend per game in Czech Extraliga at cords. league in assists in the process.
off after his supposed prime in Mi- over $1 million himself in an in- 49 years old. It may be a love for Zdeno Chara, Patrick Marleau Even in the early games of this,
ami and again after he left Cleve- terview with Bill Simmons. the game that keeps him playing and Joe Thornton all debuted in his 18th season, he is dominant
land a second time. Zlatan Ibrahi- It may be love of the sport that at this point, but he still put up 1997 and are still active in the again. After over 1,500 games in-
movic, Serena Williams, Jaromir keeps some players going since almost 50 points in his age 44 sea- NHL. Frank Gore has played cluding playoffs, he is dropping
Jagr, and an increasing number of many do play well into their de- son in the NHL, almost overkill 16 seasons and garnered almost 25/8/8 on nearly 50% shooting.
athletes are playing at a high level cline. NBA legend Vince Carter, to add to an already magnificent 20,000 scrimmage yards at the He throws down ferocious dunks
well past their athletic primes. Is who just retired after last season, career. bruising running back position, like a young player and has up-
this phenomenon simply recency was only scoring five points per More and more high level and a significant number of kick- graded the finer parts of his game
bias or the development of better game in his final season, a far fall players are having extended ca- ers and punters play into their 40s to account for any wear years of
dietary and recovery practices, from the 20-plus he scored in his reers across a number of sports. in the NFL. Drew Brees and Lar- elite play may have had on his
lengthening the careers of the peak years. The late Kobe Bryant Alex Rodriguez, Bartolo Colon ry Fitzgerald have had long, con- body. Before his age 32 season he
world’s best athletes? managed over 17 points per game and Adrian Beltre all played 21 sistent and illustrious NFL careers only had one year with over eight
Success begets success in the in his final season, but even that or more seasons in the MLB and as well. Ibrahimovic and Wayne assists per game; he has eclipsed
case of many of these athletes. was less than half of his best year only retired in the last few years. Rooney dominated top flight soc- that mark every season since then.
Without the income provided by and was often seen with ice wraps Dirk Nowitzki played for over cer for years before lighting up the Advanced training and taking
sustaining elite play, players are when on the bench. two decades for the Dallas Mav- MLS. Zlatan even returned to AC elite care of his physical health
Milan after his stint with the LA have kept him at near-MVP level
Galaxy. play into what should be his de-
None of these players, how- cline.
ever, have quite the impressive These long careers aren’t a
reign of dominance as some of the completely new, 21st century fea-
greatest of all time in their respec- ture to sports. Wayne Gretzky, al-
tive sports. Brady and Lebron are most unanimously considered the
both in the GOAT conversation best hockey player ever, had a 20
in football and basketball respec- year NHL career. He only scored
tively. Brady just won his seventh under 90 points three times, two
Super Bowl at age 43, and it is his of which came in shortened sea-
fourth title since turning 37. sons. Michael Jordan still scored
Brady became the oldest MVP 20 points per game in his last sea-
in league history at 40, winning son at age 39, though he retired
his third. To still be the best at that twice earlier in his career and only
age takes investment, and videos played 15 total seasons. Brees,
of massage tables in his massive George Blanda and Brett Favre all
houses and offseason training in played similar or greater numbers
scenic locations like the Bahamas of games than Brady, but all three
show that he spares no cost. declined more dramatically than
Lebron started a streak of eight him. This level of sustained great-
straight finals appearances when ness, increasing one’s resume even
he was 26, in what would be most into the 20th season of a career, is
Photo courtesy of Mark J Terrill Associated Press players’ prime. He had already a newer phenomenon that comes
Lebron James won his fourth title, first with the Lakers, in his 17th been in the league for eight sea- with greater strides in the science
season, leading the league in total points and assists at age 35. sons and made it to the 2007 finals of physical health.
SPORTS EDITOR: Athletic longevity technique
Jack Purdy
Will Fuss
Brady wins his seventh title at 43 and
Lebron wins his fourth at 35 as the
best players enjoy longer careers 419
sports@nique.net February 19, 2021

Tech softball sweeps opening weekend games

Tech’s runs batted in by way of pearances all while starting every man Blake Neleman pitched a and allowed her only earned run
JACK PURDY only six hits, three of which were game. complete game for the Jackets in her three weekend starts, a solo
SPORTS EDITOR home runs. Junior second base- The first game against Boise in a 5-1 win, which was also the home run. Roper actually started
man Breanna Roper walked six State began the late morning of only game of the weekend that re- in right field for this game, mak-
The second weekend of Febru- times, recorded three hits and Feb. 12 to escape possible inclem- quired a full seven innings to be ing it the first time in two years
ary was a dreary one in Atlanta. scored seven times in 16 plate ap- ent weather. Second-year fresh- played. She struck out 10 batters See SOFTBALL, page 18
Rain came in and out with never
ending cloudy skies and cold tem-
peratures in the 40s. While it was
as bad as weather can get in At-
lanta, Tech’s softball season began
as good as it could.
The Jackets hosted the 22nd
Buzz Classic, which included
Boise State, Radford, and neigh-
boring Georgia State. Tech played
Boise State in a doubleheader on
Feb. 12, Radford in a doublehead-
er on the Feb. 13 and concluded
with a single game against State
on Feb. 14.
Since the 2020 season was
shortened as the COVID-19 pan-
demic began during last softball
season, every player was granted
an extra year of eligibility by the
NCAA, which helped Tech retain
depth in their lineup going into
the 2021 season.
Tech won all five games they
played over the weekend, allow-
ing only three runs and scoring
44. Tech hit for .421 over the five
games, led by freshman catcher
and right fielder Emma Kauf
and junior first baseman Patricia
Awald. Both hit over .500 com-
bining for four home runs, six
doubles, 12 runs batted in and Photo courtesy of @GaTechSoftball via Twitter
seven walks. Junior center fielder Co-ACC pitcher of the week Blake Neleman (9) and freshman infielder Jin Sileo were two of Tech’s stars during their 5-0
Kennedy Cowden hit for 14 of start, which included a pair of wins each over Boise State and Radford and a final tilt against Georgia State, pictured here.

Winter sports approach ACC championships

side, the men are coming off of an showing that they are peaking at match in their five wins this sea- The women’s team holds an
impressive showing of their own. the right time and getting ready son. impressive record of 7-4. Seven
Entering the Invitational, they for the final stretch. They are led by the star duo of of their eleven opponents that
were ranked 22nd nationally. They look to continue to im- redshirt freshmen Keshav Chopra they have faced have been against
They too had numerous podium prove in each of their events as and Andres Martin. ranked programs.
finishers including three that had they get set to go full speed ahead Both are tremendous singles’ They have been able to pull
first-place finishes. The team is at the ACCs. players and play with great chem- off three of their wins against
led by senior All-American Caio istry alongside one another as ranked opponents. The team has
Pumputis, freshman Bantur Unlu TENNIS doubles partners. been really strong against a rath-
and junior Tyler Branscombe. Men’s tennis is currently sit- The team looks to continue er tough schedule. They look to
Both of these teams have been ting on a 5-2 record for the year. their momentum as they take the continue this high level of play
putting together a series of im- They have had a dominant start to trip down to Florida for matches as they get set into the thick of
pressive performances and look the year as they have yet to drop a against Florida State and Florida. conference play.
to make a profound splash in the
ACC Championships.
Both the men’s and women’s
SWIMMING track and field teams finished out
Tech swimming began the the regular season with strong
wrap up of their seasons as both performances in the Music City
the men’s and women’s teams have Challenge in Nashville and are
their eyes on the upcoming ACC getting set for the ACC Champi-
Championships. Both teams will onships in Clemson on February
be making the trip up to North 25th.
Carolina one week apart from one The women’s teams were
another with the women’s team strong in the field and long-dis-
competing from Feb. 17-20 and tance events with several of their
the men’s team competing from top finishers in those events. The
Feb. 24-30. team saw strong finishes in the
The women’s team is taking 3000M, mile, and 5000M as
great momentum with them as well as pole vault and long jump.
they are coming off of an excel- There were multiple athletes that
lent showing at the Yellow Jacket showed big days of improvement
Invitational. They had numerous having personal bests in their re-
athletes finishing the day on the spective events.
podium including seven of them The men’s team also had the
finishing in first-place in their re- long-distance and field events
spective events. Team leaders in- leading the way for them. Their
clude sophomores Brooke Switzer best events were also the 3000M Photo courtesy of @GT_trackNfield via Twitter
and Imane El Barodi as well as ju- and 5000M as well as Long Jump. Tech’s indoor track regular season wrapped up last weekend in Nashville.
nior Emily Graham. On the other Both of these teams have been The team looks ahead to the ACC championships at the end of the month.

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