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Standard Operating Procedure SANOF|

Customer Master Database Management

15 December 2013

14 November 2016

11 December2013

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Director Finance and Administration

Director Business Operations

Director Specialty Business

Director Business Development & Excellence

Manager lnternal Compliance

Chief Technology Offi cer

Area Distribution Manager (ADM)

Standard Operating Procedure SANOFI ,..;
1. Purpose
This SOP is prepared to ensure that proper process is in place for creation, modification, updating and
auditing of Customer Master Data in SAP and ensure proper maintenance of customer tagging in
eSET (Electronic Sales Effectiveness Tool).

2. Scope
This SOP is applicable in managing customer master database for all Sales Centers (SC) and
Distribution Head Office (DHO). Following processes are covered by this SOP:

2.1 . Creating new custome

2.2. Modifying, blocking, unblocking and maintaining existing customer

2.3. Auditing and inspecting customer data in periodic interval

2.4. Tagging and mapping customer data in eSET with respective BUs and its territories

3. Definition
3.1 Customer Master Data: The master database in SAP containing all necessary information of a
customer for conducting business transactions.

2.1. Customer Master Data Audit: A systematic and independent examination of customer records
for accuracy, completeness, status and performance (financial or otherwise) in a periodic

4. Archival Period
Master copy of this SOP has to be archived at DHO for six years with acknowledgement record sheet
After the date of expiry, one original copy of this SOP has to be preserved.

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Standard Operating Procedure SANOFI t
5. Responsibility

st. Position Responsibility

. Ensure appropriate systems, procedures and resources
4.1 Director Supply Chain are in place for management of Customer Master Data in

. Ensure implementation of this SOP.

Asst. Manager, Distribution /
. Ensure training of this SOP to relevant people with
42 proper documentation.
Sr. Executive Distribution . Monitor implementation of this SOP through periodic
audit and inspection.

. Ensure accuracy of data sent by Sales Force and Sales

. Ensure creation of new customers as per the procedure
4.3 Distribution Officer (DO) described in this SOP in time with accuracy.
. Conduct periodic audit and inspection (self-inspection
and team audit) and take Corrective and Preventive
Action (CAPA) as per findings.

. Ensure that all relevant persons performing the activities

are properly trained with documentation on this SOP.
Area Distribution Manager . Review the data before sending for new customer
(ADM) creation for completeness and accuracy.
. Ensure the activities performed are in compliance with
this SOP.

. Ensure proper information filling in prescribed XL Format

Customer Service Officer as per Annexure-ll and send to DHO for Customer lD
(cso) creation within lead time.
. Send block / unblock / modification request to DHO.

Sales Colleague . lnitiate customer creation / modification / deletion request

4.6 (MlAi Medical through SC as per company policy in prescribed format
Delegate/ASE/ASM) with all supporting documents.

6. Procedure

6.1. Creation:

6.'1.1. MIA will initiate customer creation by filling Customer Enlistment Request Form (CERF)
with all required information (Annexure-l: Customer Enlistment Reglresf Form).

6.1.2. MIA will ensure that the following information are clearly mentioned in CERF at minimum:
. Customer Trade Name (full name including abbreviation, if any)
. FullAddress (Traceable detail information including Street, Location, Upazilla I
Thana / District and Postal Code)
I Business Phone Number
I Name of Owner / Proprietor i Director or Authorized Peq

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Standard Operating Procedure SANOFI J
I Owner / Proprietor I Director or Authorized Person's mobile number
I Drug License and / or Trade License Number

6.1.3. MIA will attach all relevant supporting documents (Trade License, Drugs License,
Registration Certificate or Enlistment Request Letter in Official Pad) with CERF and
submit to immediate supervisor (ASE / ASM).

6.1.4. MIA will ensure authenticity of all submitted supporting documents with CERF for new
Customer lD creation. Relevant suppofting documents may differ from customer to
customer based on different Customer Category as mentioned below:

st. Customer Category / lndustry Required Document

Retail Pharmacy
1 Wholesale Pharmacy Drug License
- Distributor

I Diagnostics Retail
2 I
Trade License
Diagnostics Center
Vaccination Center

Dispensing Doctor
Vaccination Doctor
Pvt. Hospital
Pub. Hospital Letter of lntent from Proprietor /
Pvt. lnstitution appropriate Authority in official pad
Pub. lnstitution
lnt, lnstitution

. Sales Colleague E-mailwith detail information from relevant

4 . lnternal Customer department

. Export E-mail with detail information from relevant

5 . Toll department

Counter Customer
b a Sales Center No document required
I Direct to Patient

7 . Others Document as appropriate

6.1.5. Any CERF containing fake / duplicate / tampered documents will be immediately rejected
by ASM / RSM.

6.1.6. ASE / ASM / RSM will check the information and give recommendation for enlistment with

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Standard Operating Proced ure SAN OFI 1t
6.1 .7. One customer can have only one enlistment i.e. one customer lD on company's system
for doing business. lf one customer has physical establishment in multiple places then,
more than one lD can be created in system as per below process:

st. Criteria lD Creation Norms

1 'Goods receiving' and Bill payment' are One'Billto Party'

done from same address / location.

2 'Goods receiving' is done at one One 'Bill to party' + One 'Ship to Party'
location and 'Bill payment' is done from
separate location.

3 'Goods receiving' is done at different One 'Bill to party' + Multiple 'Ship to

locations and 'Bill payment' is done Party'
from one location.

4 'Goods receiving' is done at different Multiple 'Bill to party' + Multiple 'Ship to

locations and 'Bill payment' is done Party' linked as appropriate
from different locations.

6.1.8. ADM will check and ensure that all required supporting docurnents are submifted along
with CERF (e.9. Drug License, Trade License etc.) by MlA.

6.'1.9. ADM will further check the genuineness of supporting documents and will reject if any
fake i duplicate / tampered documents are submitted.

6.1.10. CSO will check bywild search (asterisk") using'Name" and "Address" field in S,AP and
will confirm ADM that the customer is not enlisted earlier to avoid duplicate lD creation.

6.1.11. After checking and validating all written information provided in the CERF, ADM will
approve and handover the CERF to CSO.

6.1.12. CSO will immediately fill-up the standard XL template (Annexure-ll: XL Data Sef for
Customer lD Creation in SAP) for new Customer lD creation as per the approved CERF.

6.1 .1 3. CSO will send the completed XL template to DO by email.

6.1.14. CSO will preserve approved CERF with all supporting documents at SC (as per the lD
sequence) in designated file.

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Standard Operating Procedure SANOFI J
6.1.15. CSO will send Customer lD Creation request once in a day to DHO. After getting
approved CERF from ADM up to 12:00 PM, CSO will send the request in XL Data Set
within same day by 3:00 PM. CSO will send the Customer Creation Request in the next
day if approved CERF is received after 12:00 PM.

6.1.16. After receiving the XL template DO will cross check and validate XL file by wild search in
SAP by using "Name" and "Address" field to ensure that no duplicate lD exists against the

6.1.17. For all request received from Sales Centers up to 3:00 PM, DO willcreate the Customer
lDs within same day by 5:00 PM.

6.1.'18. DO will link Territory Code in eSET and will send the request to lS by e-mailfor updating
in mOrder immediately (before 5:30 PM).

6.1.19. DO will communicate the new Customer lD to SC by e-mail on the same working day of

6.2. Modification:

6.2.1. For any change in Customer Master Data (e.9. Name, Address, Upazilla, District, Postal
Code, Shipping Point, Shlpping Condition, lndustry, MIA Name, Territory Code etc.) both
in SAP and eSET, MIA will communicate with ADM by email with reason for change /

6.2.2. MIA will submit necessary supporting documents for any change / modification request.
depending on the change request type as given below:

Modification Request Required Dccument

For Retail and Wholesale Pharmacy:

Trade and Drugs license
Customer Name, Owner Name, Address,
Category change For Other Categories:
Change request from Proprietor i
appropriate authority in official pad

Upazilla I District / Postal Code /

Shipping Condition / Shipping Point / Approvalof ADM
Territory Code change

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Standard Operating Procedure SANOFI -l
6.2.3. ADM will verify the change requested taking help of Delivery Assistants or by directly
communicating with customer.

6.2.4. After verification if the change request is found valid, ADM will send such change request
to DO by email for bringing the change in SAP and eSET copying Asst. Manager

6.2.5. Asst. Manager Distribution will review and approve such change request. lf the change
request is major (e.9. complete change of name) then it has to be approved by DSC.

6.2.6. After approval, DO will do the change in SAP on the same day of receiving such request.

6.2.7. ADM will check and confirm that the change has been done in SAP as requested.

6.2.8. For any change / modification request processing, procedures mentioned in Clause 6.1.4
- 6.1.14 has to be followed (as applicable).

6.2.9. For any change of MIA Name or Territory Code tagging in SAP and eSET, DO will inform
lS to update other systems accordingly.

6.3. Blocking / Unblocking:

6.3.1. Blocking:
L At the time of Customer lD creation, if CSO identifies any duplicate Customer lD through
wild search in SAP, CSO will immediately inform DO by emailto block the duplicate lD.

ll. For any type of request for blocking / unblocking of Customer lD, CSO will communicate
to DO by email, copying ADM, Asst. Manager, Distribution and SAP SD Power User.

lll. CSO will mention the reason for blocking / unblocking in detail.

lV. lf DO finds any duplicate Customer lD while creating Customer lD through wild search in

SAP, DO will imrnediately block the duplicate Customer lD and inform CSO and ADM
through email.

V. As part of the yearly audit process, if DO identifies any fake / duplicate Customer lD, DO
will block the duplicate Customer lD and inform CSO and ADM of the respective SC
through email.

Vl. Asst" Manager, Distribution will inform DO if any disputed outstanding is reported against
a customer. DO will immediately block the Customer lD and inform CSO / ADM through

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Standard Operating Procedure SANCFI t
Vll. After identification of any duplicate Customer lD, DO will include the Customer lD of the
duplicate one in the name field of the original Customer lD. An illustration is given below:

Customer lD Customer Name Explanation

ABC Pharmacy is blocked as it is a

12345 ABC Pharmacy (D-54321)
duplicate of Customer lD 54321.

6.3.2. Unblocking:
L ADM will send request to unblock a Customer lD if a customer whose lD was blocked for
disputed outstanding has paid / cleared-off the dues.

ll. ADM will also send request to unblock if any customlr whose lD was blocked for no
business for long time and wants to resume business transaction.

lll. DO will take approval from Assistant Manager, Distribution to conflrm that the customer's
dues have been paid off.

lV. After receiving unblocking request, DO will check the particular lD in the Duplicate lD list
maintained at DHO and will ask for further clarification from CSO, if required.

6.4. Customer Master Data Audit:

6"4.1. DHO team will audit the full Customer Master data once in a year and DO will lead the
audit program.

6.4.2. Audit team will check the following items while conducting audit.

st. Items for Checking Remarks

Nomenclature Pattern and Format
1 Customer Narne
Names are understandable

Traceable and detail information including Street,

2 Address Location, Upazilla / Thana, City / District and Postal

Owner / Proprietor I Director /

3 Correct and Full Name
Authorized Person Name

4 Phone Number Business Phone & Owners'Mobile Number

A Drug License Number Valid Number

6 Customer Category Consistent with business type of customer

Crosscheck full list by searching similar name and

7 Duplicate Customer lDs
address field by'wild search (*)'

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Standard Operating Procedure SAN OFI ,4

6.4.3. Asst. Manager Distribution and SAP SD Power User willjointly review the audit results /

6.4.4. DO willprepare CAPA based on the findings of the audit.

6.4.5. DO will regularly follow up for timely implementation of CAPA.

6.4.6. After completion of audit, DO will close all action plans in time and will ensure cross
checking of these action plans by Asst. Manager Distribution and SAP SD Power User.

6.4.7. Audit report has to be submitted to DSC for review and approval with proper

Document History:

st. Ref. Document Date \ilritten By Reason for Revision

1 DtsT/soPlo03/01 December 2005 AdilSarkar First Production

2 DtsT/soP/003/02 June 2009 Md. RofiqulAlam

lnclusion of Clause 1, 4.1. -
4.1.7 , 4.2,4.3, Annexure - 1,2

Revision in clause regarding

creation, modification, blocking I
3 DtsT/soPl027/03 December 201 3 Sylvia Sultana unblocking, audit of Customer
Master Data and inclusion of
Annexure: l, ll, lll, lV

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Standard Operating Procedure SANOFI t
Annexure-l: Customer Enlistment Request Form

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Standard Operating Procedure SANCIFI J
Annexure-ll: XL Data Set (for Custonner lD Creation in SAF)

Fields Example Comment
Country BD Bangladesh

Name 1 Emon Pharmacy Trade name of customer

Search Term EMON Short name of customer in Caps lock

Name 3 Abu Sayeed Ahmed Owner / Proprietor's name

Telephone I (+88-02) 8354572 Business phone number

Telephone 2 (+88) 01817536606 Owner / Proprietor's phone number

Street 351, Elephant Road Traceable detail address

lnformation City DHAKA District / Thana

Street 4 Shahbag Upazilla / Thana

PostalCode 1205 Area wise post code

Region BD Bangladesh

Data Line 0047870 Drug License Number

lndustry BDO3 Customer Category

Language E English

Company Code 7063 Company Code of Sanofi Bangladesh Ltd.

lnformation Reconciliation Account 24000451 Account Receivable Account

lnsert 0001 for Cash Payment

Payment Terms 0001
lnsert 0002 for Credii Payment

Sales Organization BDO2 SanofiBangladesh Ltd.

District 8D0028 Sales district mapping in SAP

Price Group B3 Annex u re-lV : Price Group

Sales Shipping Condition BK Shipping condition for various routes

Currency BDT Bangladesh Taka
lnsert 000'l for Cash Payment
Payment Terms 0001
lnsert 0002 for Credit Payment

Delivery Plant BD22 Delivering Site

Sales Office BD22 Sales Center

Vendor 46258 Sales Colleague Customer lD

Pasrell a)fls nex ua otsrrcuotsa)P/027/0)s A4uthotrizetdBy

Standard Operating Procedure SAN OFI ,1
Annexure-lll: lndustry / Customer Category

st_ Code Customer Category Remarks

Customers who purchase product directly from distribution/

1 BDOl Counter Customer
sales centers

2 BDO2 Direct to Patient Products directly sold and delivered to end customers

Pharmacy whose 80% sales include product sold directly to

3 BDO3 Retail Pharmacy patients. These pharmacies may conduct retail sale to
customer but do not sale any loose strips or bottles.

4 BDO4 Wholesale Pharmacy Pharmacy whose 80% sale is towards retail pharmacy

A BDO5 Dispensing Doctor Qualified (minimum MBBS) doctors who practice privately

Any medical facility with less than 10 beds for patients

b BDO6 Clinic
Example: Marie Stopes Clinic

Hospital under private ownership

7 BDOT Private Hospital
Example: Square Hospital

Hospital under government ownership

I BDOS Public Hospital
Example: Dhaka MedicalCollege and Hospital.

Any institution, other than hospital, under private ownership

I BDO9 Private lnstitution
Example: DAB

Any institution, other than hospital, under government

10 BDlO Public lnstitution ownership

lnternationally operated institutions that have affiliates in

11 BD1 1 lnternational nstitution

Example: UNICEF

Organization operated or controlled by Non-Government

12 BD12 NGO authority

Example: BRAC

13 BD1 3 Diagnostics Retail Any retail outlet doing business mainly of diagnostics items

14 BD14 Diagnostics Center Medical centers that offer diagnostic services

Privately practicing doctors who provide vaccination

15 BD1 5 Vaccination Doctor

16 BD16 Vaccination Center Health centers conducting vaccination

17 BD17 Sales Colleague Company's sales employees

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Standard Operating Procedure SAN OFI ,g
st- Gode Gustorner Category Remarks

18 BD18 lnternal Customer Different department of company

19 BD19 Sales Center Sales centers of Sanofi Bangladesh

2A BD2O Distributor Authorized 3d party who distributes Sanofi products

21 BD21 Toll Other company who does toll business with Sanofi

22 BD22 Export Overseas customer to whom Sanofi export products

23 BD23 Others Any category not included in the fields mentioned above

Annexure-lV: Price Group

st. Gode Frice Group Coneerned Gustomer

Counter sales customer, Direct to patient, Sales

1 BO No Discount
colleague, lntemal customer, Sales center

2 B1 Special Price-Slb 1
Public hospital, lnternational institution

3 82 Regular Disc-Slb 2 Wholesale pharmacy

4 B3 Regular Disc-Slb 1
Retail pharmacy, Diagnostics retail

Dispensing doctors, Clinic, Vaccination doctor,

5 B5 Regular Disc-Slb 3
Vaccination center, Diagnostics center

6 B6 Special Disc-Slb 1 Private hospital

7 87 Special Disc-Slb 2 Private institution

I B8 Special Disc-Slb 3 Public institution

I B9 Special Price-Stb 3 NGO

10 BA Others Others

11 BB Special Price-Slb 4 Export

12 BC Special Price-Slb 5 Toll

13 BD Special Disc-Slb 4 Distributors

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