Ogl 365 - Module 1 Paper

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Module 1 Paper: An Insider’s Guide

Sarah Bowers

Arizona State University


Welcome to Hope Church Youth Ministries! We are so excited to have you join this

family and want to help you succeed to be the best pastor or director you can be for your

students. You have such an important role in this ministry, and we can’t wait to see how your

ideas and experiences will help us as a team to serve our students better. Because we want to get

you comfortable in your role right away, here are some ground rules that will help you to

understand our Hope Church culture and our team better.

Success Guidelines

1.) Be sure to let your supervising pastor know which days you plan to come into the offices

during the week. You may be able to complete all your work from home, but it helps to

build community with our team if you spend some time with us in the offices when you


2.) Talk to our student admin on your first day for help setting up the accounts you will need

in Basecamp, Canva, The Rock, and Outlook. She will explain to you how these

programs work and has all the passwords for the accounts we share as a team. The high

school intern can get you set up with a Planning Center account too.

3.) The back door of the office is locked but your access code will let you in. If you are an

intern or volunteer, you can let the front office know and they will let you through with

no issues.

4.) Some unfamiliar terms that we use as a team often is Live Design, pads, and CA. Live

Design is the company we use to create our graphics and signage, so we typically discuss

the designs they send us during meetings and when planning a new series. If you are

involved in speaking or production, you should know that pads are the instrumental piano
chords that the band plays underneath the end of a sermon or speaking part. Finally, CA

stands for the Creative Arts team that runs operations in the main auditorium, and we

frequently interact with them for events that we host there and for worship-related


5.) At Hope Church, we strive to plan our events, graphics, and communication around the

trending culture that our students are immersed in. It would be helpful for you to stay on

top of trending music, TV shows, apps, and memes in order to contribute meaningfully to

planning our series and services!

6.) Everyone usually keeps their office door open throughout the day, which means that you

are absolutely welcome and encouraged to come in and chat! If the door is shut, that

means that the person is either on a phone call or having a private conversation with

someone else, but feel free to knock if it looks like that isn’t the case.

7.) We all really like going out to lunch as a team, so you usually don’t have to pack a lunch

if you only go into the offices a couple times a week. We have a tradition of going to

lunch as an entire team if someone is joining the team, celebrating a birthday, or leaving

to take another job, so expect to be going out often!

8.) Because we interact with so many other ministries, pay attention to learning names and

saying hello to the members of other teams, especially the facilities and worship teams.

The more connections you make with other ministries, the more willing they are to help

you with finding resources that our ministry doesn’t always have.

9.) Keep all receipts that you get from purchases made on your church credit card. There’s

an app you can use to scan them in, or you can give them to the administrator and she’ll

take care of it for you.

10.) Since Hope Church is becoming your new church home, take time to go worship

one of the main services on Saturday or Sunday. The high school ministry staff goes to

the 10:35 service every week if you want to join them. It can be difficult to separate your

work life from your spiritual life, so it is essential that you make time for yourself to

worship and grow in order to get the most out of your experience working at Hope


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