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What's behind the pyramids in Egypt, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa,

sunflowers, snails, cypresses and even your fingers, do they all have something in

The answer to this question is hidden in a numerical sequence discovered by the

Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci. The characteristic of these numbers is
known as the Fibonacci numbers, each of these numbers is the sum of the two
previous numbers

The Fibonacci Number Sequence

The Fibonacci numbers have an interesting feature. When you divide one number
from the previous sequence of numbers, you will end up with numbers that are
very similar to each other.

The Golden Ratio value is obtained after the 13th sequence obtained from dividing
the previous Fibonacci sequence
In fact, this number is worth the same after the 13th order known as the "Golden

You will see these examples of the Golden Ratio in this explanation, which you
also encounter in your own body and even in all living things in nature, this is
evidence that Allah has created everything according to terms and beauty.

 Human Body and the Golden Ratio

Leonardo da Vinci's famous Monalisa painting

When doing research or designing a product, artists, scientists and designers of the
human body, assign proportions according to the golden ratio rule as the measure.

Leonardo da Vinci and Le Corbusier used this ratio in their designs.

The human body, whose dimensions are determined according to the golden ratio,
is also taken as the basis in Neufret, one of the most important reference books of
modern-day architecture.

The proportions of this ideal relationship represent the various parts of the average
human body and more or less meet the values of the golden ratio over which the
design can be determined.

The t/s ratio below is always equivalent to the golden ratio.

t/s = 1.618

However, it is not always possible to use a ruler to find this golden ratio on
everyone's face, it only applies to the "ideal human form" that scientists and artists
agree with.
The first example of the golden ratio in the average human body is when the
distance between the navel and the leg is taken as 1 unit, the height of a human
being is equivalent to 1.618 units.

Some of the other golden ratios in the average human body are:

 Distance between fingertips and elbow / distance between wrist and elbow,
 The distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head / head length,
• The distance between the navel and the top of the head / the distance
between the shoulder line and the top of the head,
 Distance between navel and knee / distance between knee and toe.

One example of the golden ratio in the human body is found in the distance
between the navel and the top of the head divided by the distance between the
shoulder line and the top of the head.

Human Hand
Turn your hand and look at your index finger. Most likely you will see the
proportion of the golden ratio there.
Our fingers have three parts. The proportions of the first two long parts of our
finger provide an explanation for the golden ratio. Not only that, this applies to the
thumb which has two joints.

You have 2 hands, and fingers that are three parts. There are 5 fingers on each
hand, and only 8 fingers correspond to the amount of gold: 2, 3, 5, and 8
correspond to the Fibonacci numbers.

The Golden Ratio in the human hand

The Golden Ratio in the Human Face

The Golden Ratio in the Human Face

There are several golden ratios on the human face.

For example, the total width of the two front teeth of the maxilla divided by their
height gives the golden ratio.

The width of the first tooth from the middle relative to the second tooth also gives
a golden ratio.

This is a comparison of the ideal sizes a dentist might consider.

Some of the other golden ratios on the human face are:

 Face length / face width

 The distance between the lips and where the eyebrows meet / the length of
the nose,
 The length of the face / distance between the tip of the jaw and where the
eyebrows meet,
 mouth length / nose width,
 The width of the nose / the distance between the nostrils,
 The distance between the pupils / the distance between the eyebrows.

The Golden Ratio of the Lungs

In a study conducted between 1985 and 1987, American physicist Bruce West and
professor of medicine, Ary Goldberger, revealed the presence of the golden ratio in
the structure of the lungs.
One of the characteristics of the bronchial tissue in the lungs is its asymmetrical
arrangement. For example, the airway pipe divides into two main airways, one
long (on the left) and the second short (on the right). This asymmetric division
continues into the next subsection of the respiratory tract. It was determined that in
all parts the proportion of short to long bronchi is always 1/1618.

All this information once again demonstrates the superior nature of our Lord's

Golden Rectangle and Spiral

A rectangle has the same side proportions to the golden ratio, which is known as a
"golden rectangle."

Let's test the features of this golden rectangle together:

The rectangle whose sides are 1 and 1.618 on the other is a golden rectangle.

Let's assume a square is drawn along the short side of this rectangle and draw a
quarter circle between the two corners of the square.

Then, we draw one more square and a quarter circle on the remaining side and do
the same for all the rectangles like the one in the main rectangle.

When you do this, you'll end up with a spiral shape.

Golden Rectangle which creates a perfect spiral shape

British beauty expert William Charlton describes how people love spirals and has
used them for thousands of years suggesting that we like spirals because we can
visually follow them easily.

The spiral which is based on the golden ratio has the most incomparable structure
you can find in nature.

One example is the spiral sequence in sunflowers and pine cones. This is one of
many examples of how Almighty Allah has created everything that is perfect and
in equal proportion.

Examples of logarithmic spirals in nature

Structure On Shells
When examining mollusk shells, the shape and structure of the internal and
external surfaces of their shells caught the attention of scientists:

The inner surface is smooth, the outside is grooved. The mollusk's body is inside
the shell and the surface of the inner shell must be smooth. The outer edges of the
shell increase the hardness of the frame, thereby, adding strength to the shell. The
shell shape is astonishing by its perfection and profitability is still ongoing at its
creation. The spiral on the shell reveals perfectly geometric shapes, in awe-
inspiring beauty that "sharpens" the design.

The shells of most mollusks grow in a logarithmic spiral.

Logarithmic spiral structure in animal shells of molluscs

There is no doubt, of course, that these animals do not understand the simplest
mathematical calculations, let alone the logarithmic spiral form.

There is no doubt that these animals do not understand the simplest mathematical
calculations, let alone the logarithmic spiral.

So how do these creatures know that this is the best way for them to grow?

How do these animals do, which some scientists describe as "primitive," knowing
that this is the ideal form for them?

It is impossible for such growth to occur without any knowledge or intelligence.

That consciousness does not exist in mollusks, despite what scientists claim exists
in nature itself.

It really doesn't make sense to try to explain it in a possible way.

This structure can only result from high intelligence and knowledge.

Allah Almighty has created these living things to be perfect.

Such growth is described as "gnomic" by the biologist Sir D'Arcy Thompson, an

expert on the subject, who argues that it is impossible to imagine a simple system,
as long as the growth of a seashell is based on expansion and lengthening in
identical proportions and do not change.
One of the best visible examples of this breed is the growth on the nautilus, which
is only a few centimeters in diameter.

Crosbie Morrison describes this growth process, which is very difficult to design
even with human intelligence, suggesting that along the nautilus shell on the inside
of the elongated spiral, it consists of a number of chambers with walls lined with
mother of pearl. As the animal grows, it builds another chamber at the mouth of the
spiral shell that is bigger than the previous one, and moves forward to a wider area
by closing the door behind it with a layer of mother of pearl.

The scientific names of several other sea creatures with logarithmic spiral forms,
which contain different growth ratios in their shells are: Haliotis Parvus, Dolium
Perdix, Murex, Scalari Pretiosa.

The Golden Ratio of the Hearing and Balance Organs

The cochlea in the human inner ear functions to send sound vibrations.

This reinforced structure, which is filled with liquid, has a logarithmic spiral shape
with a fixed angle of 73 ° 43 ′ which is the golden ratio.

The anatomy of the human hearing apparatus. The cochlea has a logarithmic spiral
Horns and Teeth Grow in a Spiral Form
Examples of curves based on logarithmic spiral shapes can be seen in elephant
tusks, extinct mammoths, lion claws and parrot beaks.

The spider always knits its web in a logarithmic spiral.

Among the micro-organisms known as plankton, the bodies of globigerinae,

planorbis, vortex, terebrae, turitellae and trochida are all arranged in a spiral.

Ammonites, which are now extinct and found only in fossil form, also have
logarithmic growing shells. Nor is the spiral in the animal kingdom confined to the
shell of the mollusk alone.

The horns of animals such as the antelope, mountain goat and ram also grow in a
spiral shape based on this golden proportion.

An example of an animal horn that has a spiral shape

The Golden Ratio in DNA

The double helix structure in DNA has a Fibonacci value

The DNA molecule in which all the physical features of living things are stored
have also been created in a form based on the golden ratio.
DNA consists of two perpendicular helixes.

The curves in each of these helixes are 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide.
(1 angstrom is one hundred per hundred million centimeter.)

21 and 34 are two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

All this information is just some important proof that the universe was created by
the Most Intelligent, in other words, that Allah created the universe and everything
in it from nothing.


Golden Ratio in Yellow Poplar leaves

If you look around, you will see many plants and trees shrouded in leaves.

From a distance you will imagine that the branches and leaves are arranged in an
irregular random way.

Regardless of the fact, the point at which each branch appears, the order of the
leaves on the branch and even the symmetrical shape of the flower, are all
governed by constant laws and very large dimensions. Wonderful.

Plants that have obeyed these precise laws existed from the moment they were
created. In other words, not a single leaf or flower arises by chance.

How many branches a tree has, where the branches will appear, how many
branches it has and the arrangement of the leaves are all predetermined.

In addition, each plant has very unique branching and leaf order rules.

Scientists can classify plants according to their own order.

What is remarkable is the way that two poplars, one in China and one in England,
for example, are aware of the rules of similar proportions and apply the same ratio.

Of course not, allowing all of these plants to make their own unique mathematical

Leaf level, number and rotation are based on the Fibonacci sequence

Let's do a quick count of the leaves of this plant in pots.

Let's continue counting until we find another leaf at the same level.

At this point let us also remember the number of turns we counted around the rod.

At this point let us also remember the number of turns we counted around the stem.

The two numbers we get, the number of leaves and the spin, will be the first two
numbers we see in the Fibonacci sequence.

If we start counting in the opposite direction, we get the same number of leaves,
but on different numbers of turns.

The number of turns in each direction and the number of leaves encountered so far,
reveal three consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

It may be circular or spiral, depending on the type of plant.

One of the most important results of this special shape is that the leaves are
arranged so that they do not have more shadow on each other.

According to this proportion, known as "leaf difference" in flora, the order in

which the leaves are arranged around the stem is assigned a certain number.
This arrangement is based on very complex calculations.

If N is the number of turns we need, then counting starts on one leaf until we find
another leaf at the same level, and if P is the number of leaves encountered during
this cycle, then the fraction P / N is the "leaf difference" in these plants.

Leaf Difference = Number of leaves in the cycle / number of turns

The special number divisions for some plants are as follows:

 1/2 of pasture (grass) crops

 1/3 of swamp crops
 2/5 on fruiting trees (eg, apple trees)
 3/8 of banana species,
 5/13 on round plants.

The way that every tree of the same species realizes this ratio and obeys the
predetermined proportions is a great miracle.

How does this banana tree, for example, know about number division and how can
it do it, regardless of where the possibility exists or not in the world, what is certain
is whether this plant can comply with this rule?

According to this calculation, when you start from any leaf and make 8 turns on
each banana tree trunk, you will find another leaf at the same level and at the same
time find 3 leaves in this cycle.

Wherever you go in the world, from South Africa to Latin America, this number
division will never change.

The existence of a comparative sequence like that of leaves is important evidence

that living things could not have come into existence by chance, but that they were
created with very complex structures.

This means that Allah Almighty and All-Knowing has coded the proportions in the
genetic structure of living things and created them with this information.

The numerical magic we find in plants goes much further than that.

Although the branches of the trees we see around us may appear to be arranged
arbitrarily at first glance, they are also actually arranged according to very complex
plans and mathematical calculations.

Botanists have identified the golden ratio number inherent in a branch of a growing

We can look at the example of the sneezewort plant. Let's now look at the
relationship between branching and the golden proportion in this plant.
Plants that are growing, will grow new branches from each shoot and new
branches on one side.

If the number of branches in the horizontal plane is calculated, the Fibonacci

numbers can be seen.

The Fibonacci sequence is an important key to understanding calculations well as

well as the order in plants.

It shows the order and aesthetics of the leaves and flowers arranged according to
the Fibonacci sequence.

The fact that plants are formed according to certain mathematical formulas is one
of the clearest proofs that they have been specially created.

The sensitive measure and balance in plant atoms and DNA, also exist in the
external form of plants.

Other evidence of creation involving the golden ratio includes several flowers,
seeds and fruits.

Sunflowers are one of the best examples of this.

The spiral shape of the sunflower which has a golden ratio value (1.618)

If you pick up and examine the sunflower, you will see that the seeds are arranged
in a spiral.

And if you start counting all the beans in a spiral back and forth from right and left,
you'll find two consecutive numbers from the Fibonacci sequence.
Sunflowers have a number of seeds that correspond to the Fibonacci sequence.
From left to right the number is 21 and from right to left is 34

This is of course not limited to sunflowers.

The leaves of dense seed plants, such as cabbage, also spiral in succession from the
right or the left around a center point, as in the case of sunflowers.

The daisies and pine cone sides are also arranged in a right and left spiral.

If you calculate these one by one, you will get a number based on the Fibonacci
sequence, in other words, on the golden ratio.

The numbers in the spiral in plants are:

 • 5/8 and 8/13 in pine cones,

 • 8/13 in pineapple,
 • 21/34 amidst a daisy,
 • And 21/34, 34/55 and 55/89 in sunflowers.

The evidence for Allah's perfect creation can be found in all the sharp
measurements and regularities.

The Golden Ratio in Snow Flakes

The shape of the golden ratio forms the snow crystals

The golden ratio is also seen in the crystal structure.

Much of this structure is too small to be seen with the naked eye.

However you can see the golden ratio in the snowflakes. The various long and
short variations and the protrusions that consist of snowflakes, all produce the
golden ratio.

The Golden Ratio in Physics

You can find the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio in fields that fall within
the realm of physics.

When light affects more than two adjacent layers of glass, one part of the light
passes through one part that is absorbed, and the rest is reflected. So what happens
is "reflection many times." The number of paths the light in the glass takes, before
reappearing, depends on the number of reflections it applies. In conclusion, when
we determine the number of rays that reappear, we will find that this corresponds
to the Fibonacci number.

The Golden Ratio is God's Creation

The fact that so many life or dead structures in nature are not related to each other,
but are formed according to certain mathematical formulas, is one of the clearest
proofs that all of this has been specially created.

The golden ratio is an aesthetic rule known and enforced by artists.

Artwork based on reason is an aesthetic perfection.

Plants, galaxies, microorganisms, crystals and living things created according to

these rules imitated by artists are examples of God's superior works of art.
What Is the Task?
So many people have tried to analyze the peculiarities contained in the golden
ratio. They found several formulas including:

1. arrange it into a series of numbers by Fibonacci

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, …

2. Creating Visual Geometry

3. Find the Ratio, and this Ratio starts at the term 13th.

For example:

Term 13th of Fibonacci sequence is 233 and term 14th is 377. Try to divide
term 14th with 13th.

= 1.618025751072961 (You can see more on the second page)

Golden ratio is symbolized by the Greek φ

φ= 1.618

i. But, no one knows about how to make it in the sigma formula.

I try to put it in sigma formula

References :
EncyclopepediaContributors. 2001. (uploaded from Golden ratio - Wikipedia on March 17, 2018)

Doczi, György (2005) [1981]. The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and
Architecture. Boston: Shambhala Publications.

Hemenway, Priya (2005). Divine Proportion: Phi In Art, Nature, and Science. New York:
Sterling. ISBN 978-1-4027-3522-6.

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