Wonderful Past Simple and Present Perfect

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Wonderful Past Simple and Present Perfect

By Nok Si Rung (彩虹鸽)

The test has 25 items (no writing “use”)
Past Simple
Present Perfect

Past Simple
เหตุการณืที่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว และจบไปแล้วในอดีต

Form : S+V2(ed) / S+didn’t+V.inf / Did+S+V.inf?

1)Finished action Ex. We studied PBL when we were in P.4
2)Story about a person who died Ex. Duck came to Thailand in 1990
3)Finished action with no results Ex. Pigeon didn’t have breakfast but it drank some milk.
Present Perfect
เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว และยังดาเนินเรื่อยมาจนถึงปั จจุบัน
Form : S+has/have+Past participle(V3)
1)Unfinished action (Since/For)
Since → the beginning of time (ตั้งแต่)
For → duration (เป็ นระยะเวลา)
Ex. We have studied Social Studies since we were in M.1
2)Life experience(alive)
Ex. Kakakoko has never been to England.
3)Finished action with results now
Ex. Korn haven’t had breakfast yet , so he is hungry now.
Been → ไปแล้ว กลับมาแล้ว
Gone → ไปแล้ว แต่ยังไม่กลับมา
so far
Exercise 1: Put the verb into the correct tense (Past Simple or Present Perfect)
1) ………………………………………..(you/buy) your train ticket yet?
2)Jam …………………………………(already/have) lunch.
3)How much coffee ……………………………………(she/drink) today?
4)How many books has Korn written? He …………………………… (write) one book.
5)Koko ………………………………(give) me a pen last weekend.
6)Pong …………………………….. (not/do) everything he needed to do yet.
7)Piti ………………………………..(ever/been) to Canada.
8)Patta ………………………………..(just/eat) a sandwich but Pear ………………..(eat) it a few hours ago.
9)Pita …………………………………..(go) to Hong Kong for the first time.
10)Pita …………………………………….(see) Pito in school but Pito……………………(not/see) Pita.
11)Pear ……………………………(buy) a lot of Piti’s books recently.
12)Dang ……………………………(sell) Serm’s car since they ………………(be) friend.
13)Jom ……………………………..(love) to eat chocolate for 9 years.
14)Jom ……………………………….(already/pay) his taxes but Jam ……………(not/pay) yet.
15)Jim …………………………………(be/born) in 2020.
16)Dave …………………………………..(study) Mathematics since he was in P.1.
17)Piti ……………………………………..(read) that book ten times in his life.
18)Pita …………………………………….(work) in Pito’s restaurant for six years. He ……………….(start) in 2014.
19)…………………………..(finish) Pito science’s homework yet? Pito …………………………….(already/finish) it.
20)How long ……………………….(Pear/play) Valorant? When ……………………..(she/play) it?
21)Piti ………………………………..(practice) Chinese when he ………………(be) in M.2.
22) …………………………………………………….(Serm/ever/be) to Thailand?
23)They ……………………………..(just/cycle) all day so their legs …………………….(be) sore in the evening.
24)Piti Pita and Pito …………………………….(catch) the flu for 2 days ,so they can’t go to school now.
25)Jom ……………………….(break) Piti’s window because Piti had been pranking Jom.
26)Pu ………………………………..(drink) twenty glasses of alcohol recently.
27)Dang ……………………………………….(work) for 24 hours, so he ………………………….(not/want) to go out.
28)Piti ……………………………………..(not/do) his homework yet, so he can’t play games.
29)When you ……………………………………(get) sick, ………………………………………(you/eat) anything yet?
30)…………………………………..(you/meet) Jam last Monday?
31)Nok Si Rung ……………………………………..(make) review worksheet for 2 hours but he …………………………………..(not/finish) it
32)Piti ………………………………(be) red in the face because he ……………………..(run) around the village lately.
33)I ………………………………(wait) for 3 hours so I was really glad when the bus …………………………(arrive)
34)Peach ………………………..(not/pass) Chinese exam because he ……………………..(intend) to study in Chinese class.
35)Pear …………………………………(go) to London since last Tuesday.
36)Pun …………………………….(run) for 4 hours, so he is very tired now.
37)Pita ……………………………..(drink) too much today, so he …………………….(have) to run to the bathroom a lot.
38)Pito ………………………….(buy) the house after he ………………………………(save) for ten years.
39)Piti ……………………………(buy) his father a bar of chocolate recently.
40)Korn ………………………………….(not/eat) breakfast yet before he ………………………(go) to school.
41)How long ………………………………..(Piti/learn) English?
42)It ……………………….(snow) for 7 hours.
43)Jim ………………………….(eat) hamburger yesterday.
44)Korn …………………………(break) the window 2 minutes ago.
45)Pong …………………………………..(drive) a car for 2 hours.
46)Korn ……………………………………(clean) the room since 5 p.m.
47)Jom ………………………………..(sell) soap for 3 years before he ……………………..(open) his own company.
48)Pita ………………………………….(walk) for 1 hour when it suddenly …………………………(begin) to rain.
49)Bim …………………………………(wait) for the bus since 2 p.m.
50)Pito ………………………………..(already/do) his homework, so he can play game now.

Exercise 2: Put the following under the correct heading.

1.Can be used to talk about people who are dead.
2.Refers to an indefinite time in the past
3.Refers to unfinished time.
4.Is unconnected to the present.
5.Can be used to talk about people who are alive.
6.Refers to finished time.
7.Refers to definite time in the past
8.Is often connected to the present time.
Past Simple Present Perfect

Exercise 3: Underline the correct verb form

1) Jom played/has played badminton since he was young.
2) Was Piti ever/Has Piti ever been to Laos?
3) Korn sold/has sold a lot of grilled ducks lately.
4) It didn’t rain/hasn’t rained yesterday but it rained/has rained today.
5) Did you met/Have you met Jam last week?
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