Adjacent To Inverted Grabens: The Case of The Segmentation and Growth of Foothill Thrust-Belts

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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Segmentation and growth of foothill thrust-belts

adjacent to inverted grabens: the case of the
Colombian Llanos foothills
L. Jimenez, A. Mora, W. Casallas, A. Silva, E. Tesón, J. Tamara,
J. Namson, I. C. Higuera-Díaz, A. Lasso and D. Stockli

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2013, v.377;

doi: 10.1144/SP377.11

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© The Geological Society of London 2014

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Segmentation and growth of foothill thrust-belts adjacent to inverted

grabens: the case of the Colombian Llanos foothills
Ecopetrol S.A., Instituto Colombiano de Petróleo, A.A 4185 Bucaramanga,
Santander, Colombia
Namson Consulting Inc., 222 Trafalgar Lane, San Clemente, CA 92672, USA
Gerencia de Exploración Nacional, Ecopetrol, Calle 37 N8 8-43, Piso 8, Bogotá, Colombia
Department of Geology, 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard, 120 Lindley Hall,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Present address: The University of Texas at Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences, Texas

*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: The geometry, kinematics and evolution of thick- and thin-skinned fold and thrust-belts
have been characterized for many tectonic provinces. However, the impact of prior extension in the
structural evolution of fold and thrust-belts remains under-appreciated. We use a series of balanced
cross sections across areas of thin- and thick-skinned tectonics superimposed over former exten-
sional structures in order to characterize the style of deformation, segmentation and displacement
magnitude. We detect the style of fault linkage in foothill settings adjacent to inversion belts. The
most relevant aspect is the presence of inherited ‘soft linkages’ generating zones of displacement
deficit, which in contraction interact laterally with en-echelon inverted segments via ‘detachment
linkages’. We document the temporal development and interaction between inverted faults and
fault splays branching from them where both are coeval but where the frontal fault tips propagate
more slowly during Oligocene and Early Miocene times. Later, during the Neogene, the frontal
fault splays slip faster than the main inversion fault. The structural style of thrust-belt development
displays along-strike variations, which reflect the changes in sedimentation rates and mechanical
conditions of deformation. However, the timing and magnitude of shortening remain uniform

Thrust-belts have been the topic of numerous Key questions remain relating to long-lasting
studies over the past decades (Chapple 1978; problems in inversion tectonics. For instance, how
Boyer & Elliott 1982; Butler 1982, 1987; Davis is the displacement profile of faults in a foothill belt
et al. 1983; Suppe 1983; Dahlen et al. 1984; McClay affected by reactivated normal faults? If inversion
& Insley 1986; Mitra 1986, 1990; Jamison 1987; is important, then the contractional displacement
McClay 1992; Baby et al. 1992; Mitra & Sussman profiles should be proportional to the extensional
1997; Mugnier et al. 1997; Couzens-Shultz et al. displacement profiles of the pre-existing normal
2003; Nemcok et al. 2005). Many of these studies faults. It is known that normal faults grow by seg-
focused on the geometric aspects of either thin- ment linkage and evolve via soft to hard linkages
skinned (Baby et al. 1992) or thick-skinned thrust- that generate jagged displacement profiles with
belts (Berg 1962; Allmendinger et al. 1983) or individual fault segments having displacement
more commonly fold and thrust-belts having both peaks in their central portions where they do not
end member styles (e.g. Coward et al. 1991; interact with other segments (Davis et al. 2005;
Teixell et al. 2003) as well as the transition from Kim & Sanderson 2005; Cowie et al. 2007). It is
basement-involved to basement-detached systems also important to note that individual normal fault
(Kley et al. 1996). However, few studies have con- segments interfere with each other whenever they
sidered the kinematic aspects, displacement and overlap or are in close proximity. This creates
shortening gradients, and geometries where thin- displacement deficits in the individual fault seg-
skinned belts are influenced by tectonic inheritance ments in those regions where they interact. In
linked to the proximity of documented inverted contrast, early studies in thin-skinned contractional
grabens or basement anisotropies. belts (Dahlstrom 1970) suggested that displacement

From: Nemčok, M., Mora, A. & Cosgrove, J. W. (eds) 2013. Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial
Inversion to Full Accretion. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 377, 189– 220.
First published online July 11, 2013,
# The Geological Society of London 2013. Publishing disclaimer:
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should be theoretically preserved as almost con- inverted Neocomian rift branch. Mora & Parra
stant, even within relay zones and overlapping fault (2008) have shown that the Llanos foothills of the
segments. However, little is actually known about Eastern Cordillera of Colombia are a mirror image
fault displacement profiles and mechanisms of fault of the western foothills (Fig. 1). Conjugate reverse
growth in thrust-belts. Thrust fault growth models basement faults bound the Eastern Cordillera core
have been recently proposed that are similar to and are responsible for the main topographic relief
those thought to operate in normal fault settings of the cordillera. At the southeastern end of the
(see e.g. Bergen & Shaw 2010). In this context the Eastern Cordillera, the Servitá Fault is an example
faults grow by segment linkage and the degree of of a reverse basement fault which is also one of
linkage increases as fault segments overlap. This the inverted graben controlling faults (e.g. Mora
produces a smooth total displacement curve. et al. 2008; Parra et al. 2009). In contrast, at the
In order to understand such variables in a foothill boundary of the contractional deformation front to
belt highly influenced by tectonic inheritance, it the east, material is carried out of the grabens dur-
would be necessary to understand the displacement ing inversion, by means of low-angle thin-skinned
behaviour of faults, either extensional or contrac- thrusts like the Guaicaramo and Yopal thrusts
tional, through time. Although this is an extremely (Rowan & Linares 2000; Martinez 2006). These
challenging problem, in most cases it can be par- thrusts are normally located forelandwards bound-
tially solved by drawing analogies with the lateral ing pre-thrusting, long-lasting, Cenozoic depocen-
spatial behaviour in the present-day deformed state. tres (Fig. 1).
However, with the goal of finding ideal behav- In the past decades there has been a great inter-
iours from natural observations, which can be gener- est in understanding the geometry, kinematics and
alized into predictions of displacement profiles, it is mechanics of Andean fold and thrust-belts (Shaw
also necessary to understand the boundary con- et al. 1999; McQuarrie & Decelles 2001; Allmen-
ditions and mechanical properties that pertain in dinger et al. 2004) and the Sub-Andean basins
the natural laboratories, which in turn will control (Cazier et al. 1995; Cooper et al. 1995; Echavarria
some local variations in the displacement profiles. et al. 2003; Ramos et al. 2004). These areas typi-
This paper is an integrated study of the geometry cally have poor seismic information that leads to
and kinematics of a foothill thrustbelt highly influ- uncertainties in the interpretation, which affects
enced by tectonic inheritance. We first analyse the the estimates and distribution of shortening in the
geometry of the Eastern Cordillera eastern foot- present day geometry. Even more difficult to eval-
hill belt based on the discussion of 12 published uate is the shortening history through time. Fault
(Casero et al. 1997; Rowan & Linares 2000; Bran- geometry is difficult to define because conventional
quet et al. 2002; Martinez 2006; Mora et al. seismic acquisition parameters rarely produce pre-
2010a, b; Roeder 2010; Egbue & Kellogg 2012) cise images. The study of fault geometry, growth
and seven new balanced cross sections. We compare and displacement distribution is therefore chal-
our balanced cross sections with those of other lenging in thrust-belts. However, recent wells in
authors in order to document and improve our foothill settings clarify certain variables and uncer-
understanding of the uncertainties and implications tainties related to the fault geometries. Recent
of the interpreted geometries. Then, we measure the developments in interpretation techniques using
shortening magnitudes in the different sections, seismic imaging and well data have substantially
estimate the timing of deformation in the Llanos improved the subsurface image of thrust-belts. For
foothills and describe the most relevant mechanical example, in a study in the eastern Venezuelan Lla-
boundary conditions governing the fault inversion. nos foothills, Roeder (2010) shows pre-drilling
Finally, we present a model that classifies major balanced cross sections with highly optimistic
faults in the Llanos foothills showing the timing assessments of total shortening (c. 100 km) and
and associated style of deformation. Our goal is to which show space in the subthrust position for
demonstrate that there is a pattern of fault growth deep subthrust plays as well as extensive potential
and displacement partitioning that governs the inter- oil kitchens (Fig. 2). A second interpretation incor-
action in space and time between thin-skinned and porating well data shows a dramatic reduction in
thick-skinned fold and thrust-belts. We argue that shortening estimates of more than 50% (c. 50 km
this pattern can be applied to other thin-skinned less shortening). Wells proved that most of the pre-
foothill belts influenced by tectonic inheritance. dicted shortening assessments were too large. This
example from Venezuela documents the evolu-
tion in understanding of the geometries and short-
Previous studies ening in thrust-belts from the early 1990s to the
present. Older estimates of shortening values for
The present day configuration of the Eastern Cordil- the Andean belts and the Sub-Andean zones in
lera coincides with the location and geometry of an different publications show large shortening values
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Fig. 1. Geological map of the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Black boxes denote the location of the areas
discussed in the text.

based on similar interpretations to those in the pre- interpretations using steeper faults without much
drilling assessments (see e.g. Roeder & Chamber- allochthony of the thrust sheets, may fit the data
lain 1995a, Colombia; Roeder & Chamberlain better. On the basis of this, the assumption is made
1995b, Bolivia). However, recent well data from that geometric solutions including extreme shorten-
the foothills of the northern Andes suggest that ing estimates (.25 km) along basement thrusts can
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Fig. 2. Cross sections from the Venezuelan Foothills by Roeder (2010). (a) Showing (above) a pre-drilling
interpretation with a highly optimistic assessment of total shortening (c. 100 km). Below a second interpretation
incorporating post-drilling data shows a dramatic reduction in shortening estimates of more than 50%. (b) Another
example from Roeder (2010) showing an optimistic, pre-drilling interpretation above and a post-drilling
reassessment below.
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be ruled out in the eastern foothills of the Colombian of the software used. This is different from the
Eastern Cordillera. method followed by Mora et al. (2010a, b), which
Fault interaction in the Llanos foothills is calculated displacements based on the fault parallel
reflected in the currently active tectonics of the flow algorithm of 2DMove. This is, first, a very
region (Mora et al. 2010a, b). Active basement specific tool of that software package, and second,
inversion faults in the southern segment of the it yields small differences when compared with
Llanos foothills (e.g. the Servitá Fault, Fig. 1) the calculations of displacement and length done
become inactive when a frontal thin-skinned fault by conventional line-length balancing.
(in this example the Guaicaramo Fault, Fig. 1) A subsequent step was to create additional ver-
grows and becomes the active fault trace. This sions of the southernmost cross sections we use in
defines a soft-linked interaction, which is appar- this study. These were done by two different inter-
ent in the total displacement behaviour measured preters. The original cross sections are shown in
from balanced cross sections. However, Mora et al. the data repository. Table 1 shows a comparison
(2010a, b) determined that a displacement gradi- of the shortening estimates from the versions by
ent exists from south to north, which they attri- different interpreters. In addition digital versions
bute to a change in the stress regime. Both ideas of the published balanced cross sections from the
still have to be tested with data from further north study area have been compiled and measured in
in additional segments of the deformation front, in order to use the same methods to calculate shor-
order to see if a change in the stress regime is the tening and displacements and finally to compare
cause or whether there are peaks and deficits in these values with the values obtained in our study
displacement owing to the presence of the differ- (Tables 1 & 2).
ent front segments. We therefore incorporate more Information from seismic evidence and thermo-
sections to the north where, in addition, a new struc- chronology has also been used to help constrain
tural style (which involves antiformal stacks and the timing of deformation. Finally thickness maps
passive roof duplexes) has been documented for the Cenozoic units were compiled in order to
(Martinez 2006; Mora et al. 2010a, b; Egbue & detect potential influences of the basin geometry
Kellogg 2012). in the spatial distribution of the different structural
Whether or not the actual displacement profile styles.
is jagged or constant at the scale of the study area
is fundamental not only to understanding of the
specific segments of the deformation front and the Results
segmentation of foothill belts, but also for the iden-
tification of potential oil traps, where the precise Geometry and structural styles of the Eastern
location of optimistic v. pessimistic models should Cordillera Llanos foothills
be influenced by an actual knowledge of fault seg-
ments on which displacement maxima and minima One of the most dominant features of the Llanos
are located. foothills is a prominent basement uplift cored by
the Farallones and Santa Marı́a Anticlines, which
are bounded by the Tesalia –Servitá Fault System
Methods (Fig. 3). This is the area with the highest structural
and topographic relief. It has a conspicuous north-
In this study we present a new geological map, ward plunge. In front of this structure, the Medina
which integrates previous detailed mapping Syncline is one of the Palaeogene depocentres
surveys by Mora et al. (2006), Mora et al. (2009), breached by the Guaicaramo thrust that began mov-
Parra et al. (2009) and Mora et al. (2010a, b) as ing after the Late Miocene (Mora et al. 2010a, b).
well as a completely new map of the northern por- The Medina syncline has a southward plunge and
tions of the deformation front between sections the Cretaceous rocks are exposed northeastwards
G–G′ and M–M′ (Figs 3 & 4). Using this new geo- along strike of its eastern limb, where the section
logical map and a dense grid of 2D and 3D seismic is bounded by a set of faults referred to as the Guai-
surveys, we constructed seven new cross sections caramo Fault System. Further north, a new frontal
(Fig. 4) that are consistent with the sections of fault system emerges, referred to as the Cusiana –
Mora et al. (2010a, b). All of the sections were Yopal Fault System (Fig. 3). The Cusiana –Yopal
balanced using the software 2DMove and one of Fault System bounds another Cenozoic depocentre
them was kinematically retrodeformed in order to that is breached by the basement-involved Cusiana
show the temporal evolution of the thrust-belt. Fault to the south and the basement-detached
Shortening and displacement values were calcu- Yopal thrust to the north. Both structures define a
lated in each individual structure based on simple more or less cylindrical southwards-plunging struc-
line-length measurements, which are independent ture, the Nunchı́a Syncline (Fig. 4).
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Fig. 3. Geological map of the eastern foothills of the Eastern Cordillera showing the main structures and the traces of
different cross sections that have been constructed. The traces of the main sections dicussed in this study are shown in
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Fig. 4. New geological map from the northern portions and the new traces of seven cross sections (G–G′ to M –M′ ).

We use the term Ariari – Guatiquı́a segment for We group the faults into fault systems, according
the area between sections A –A′ and C –C′ (Figs 3, to their proximity and potential mechanical inter-
5 & 6), where basement-involved deformation is actions, as described in Mora et al. (2010a, b).
dominant. Another segment is the Guavio segment, The Tesalia –Lengupá Fault System includes the
where the Guaicaramo thin-skinned thrust sheet is Mirador, Boa, Servitá, Tesalia and Lengupá faults
an additional element in front of the main basement (Fig. 3). The Guaicaramo Fault System includes
Farallones anticline; this segment is located the Guaicaramo, Pajarito, Chameza and Los Yopos
between cross sections D –D′ and F–F′ (Figs 3, 6 faults (Fig. 3). The Yopal thrust system includes the
& 7). Further NE the Tierranegra segment coincides Cusiana and Yopal faults (Fig. 3).
with the region where the most important fault is
the Guaicaramo Fault, between sections G –G′ and
J–J′ , which is a basement-involved reverse fault Geometries, shortening and displacement
(Figs 4, 8 & 9). The northernmost sector (Piede- patterns. Key features from published cross
monte segment, Fig. 3) contains duplex structures sections
and antiformal stacks in the footwall of the Guai-
caramo Fault between sections K –K′ and M–M′ The southernmost sections (section A –A′ to section
(Figs 4, 9 & 10). F – F′ , see Figs 5 –7) have already been published in

Fig. 3. (Continued) solid lines with letters from A–A′ to M– M′ . Sections A–A′ to F–F′ correspond to the cross
sections from Mora et al. (2010a, b). Sections G– G′ to M –M′ correspond to new sections constructed during this study.
Sections I– II to the north correspond to cross sections from Egbue & Kellogg (2012). Sections with traces in dashed
lines correspond to cross sections in the data repository by Alejandro Silva. Section with traces in dashed and dotted
lines correspond to cross sections in the data repository by Jay Namson. The codes of the sections from the repository
shown in the map correspond with names to be found in the repository.
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Table 1. Shortening data in each cross section

Cross section Tesalia – Guaicaramo Yopal Total

Lengupa system system system

A –A′ 14627.42 0 0 14627.42 Mora et al.

B – B′ 11757.97 0 0 11757.97 (2009, 2010b,
C – C′ 21680.35 2232.09 0 23912.44 pers. comm.)
D –D′ 12383.12 7167.32 0 19550.44
E–E′ 14195.76 7230.49 0 21426.25
F–F′ 11545.96 10853.22 0 22399.18
G –G′ 0 13339.92 1702.68 15042.6
H –H′ 0 16068.33 1188.69 17257.02
I–I′ 0 14357.69 3680.85 18038.54
J – J′ 0 9755.97 4839.02 14594.99
K –K′ 0 16052.24 7059.98 23112.22
L–L′ 0 12959.58 9043.74 22003.32
M–M′ 0 11311.48 10599.83 21911.31

MVI-800 9212.07 7400.35 0 16612.42 A. Silva

MVI-870 11234.16 7158.1 0 18392.26
MVI-1070 10179.2 9446.35 0 19625.56
ME-1230 10019.21 9399.75 0 19418.96
ME-1440 3815.05 20814.7 0 24629.75
ME-1600 4421.72 17608.65 0 22030.37
ME-1655 3586.72 21193.66 0 24780.38
ME-1800 CO-04 3981.12 25128.18 0 29109.3
ME-05 CO-08 3773.7 26070.9 0 29844.58
ME-01 CO-10 3408.35 26665.05 0 30073.4
ME-2210-40 2987.0 27200.8 0 30187.75
MVI-800 14563.8 0 0 14563.78 J. Namson (pers.
MVI-820 13295.89 0 0 13295.89 comm.)
MVI-870 13326.46 0 13326.46
ME-1000 10066.2 6489.21 0 16555.39
ME-1020 13625.43 0 0 13625.43
ME-1070 8252.3 11518.52 0 19770.82
ME-1655 10067.06 9621.64 0 19688.7
Tamara (pers. comm.) 10729.67 0 0 10729.67
Rowan & Linares (2000) 6200.5 16158.3 0 22358.8
Casero et al. (1997) 12295.5 3983.48 0 16278.98
Roeder (2010) 0 15853.72 3809.47 19663.19
Roeder (2010) 10185.54 15000.74 0 25186.28
Egbue & Kellogg (2012) 0 6817.86 16179.96 22997.82
Egbue & Kellogg (2012) 0 4780.81 12055.48 16836.29
Egbue & Kellogg (2012) 0 6740.19 15424.59 22164.78
Martinez (2006) 0 2929.05 14089.95 17019

See locations in Figures 3 and 4. See cross sections in Figures 5– 10.

Mora et al. (2010a, b). They show a transition D–D′ , E–E′ , respectively, and Tables 1 & 2). This is
from basement-involved to -detached deformation, important complementary information, given the
which coincides with the transition from the fact that the associated Medina syncline has a south-
Ariari –Guatiquı́a to the Guavio segment (Fig. 3). ward plunge while the associated bounding thrusts
The southernmost section shows four different (the Guaicaramo thrust) decrease displacement
fault stacks (section A –A′ in Fig. 5). The basement in the same direction (Fig. 3). The reverse faults
exposures are associated with the Tesalia –Servitá of the Tesalia– Servitá Fault System east of the
Fault System, where shortening is absorbed by northward-plunging Farallones and Santa Maria
inversion on the main basin bounding fault and anticlines lose displacement as they are traced
more frontal shortcut structures. Moving northwards northwards. In the data repository we show addi-
displacement on the Guaicaramo Fault increases via tional sections located in Figure 3, which are not
thin-skinned deformation (see Fig. 6 sections C –C′ , shown in the main text of this paper. This pattern
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Table 2. Slip data in each cross section

Cross section Tesalia– Guaicaramo Yopal Total

Lengupa system system system (m)

A – A′ 16420.23 0 0 16420.23 Mora et al. (2009,

B – B′ 8457.14 0 0 8457.14 2010b, pers.
C – C′ 21500 2265.32 0 23765.32 comm.)
D – D′ 13032.32 7214.5 0 20246.82
E – E′ 9998.51 7539.14 0 17537.65
F – F′ 3566.46 7985.61 0 11552.07
G – G′ 0 10109.87 1553.05 11662.92
H – H′ 0 11599.58 1019.72 12619.3
I – I′ 0 10310.28 3412.88 13723.16
J – J′ 0 6822.95 4811.42 11634.37
K – K′ 0 9767.17 6849.33 16616.5
L – L′ 0 12010.32 8808.13 20818.45
M – M′ 0 13888.56 9200.54 23089.1
Tamara (pers. comm.) 3209.88 0 0 3209.88
Rowan & Linares (2000) 8309.88 7634.83 0 15944.71
Casero (1997) 340.15 3319.27 0 3659.42
Roeder (2010) 0 14436.94 2790.75 17227.69
Roeder (2010) 6913.68 15184.18 0 22097.86
Egbue & Kellogg (2012) 0 5111.47 13675.26 18786.73
Egbue & Kellogg (2012) 0 2482.47 9410.86 11893.33
Egbue & Kellogg (2012) 0 6699.34 15330.55 22029.89
Martinez (2006) 0 329.02 9764.98 10094

See locations in Figures 3 & 4. See cross sections in Figures 5–10.

of decreasing displacement northwards along the MVI-1997-1655 (Fig. 3 for location) by Namson
Tesalia –Servitá Fault System is confirmed by the and an analogue version by Silva (see the original
additional interpretations used for this study and sections in the repository) coincide in their traces
shown in the repository (Tables 1 & 2, compare with version F1 –F1′ , and also give conservative
data from sections by Silva v. data from previous total shortening values (,25 km, see Table 1). By
publications by Mora et al. 2010a, b). It is worth noting the consistency of the shortening/displace-
noting that the most prominent shortening peak in ment values of the most recent version of this
the cross sections by Mora et al. (2010a, b) is in section (F1 –F1′ , see Fig. 7) with sections constructed
cross section F–F′ (see the original cross section along an almost identical trace (Silva, Namson; see
by Mora et al. 2010a, b in Fig. 7, named F2 –F2′ ) sections in the repository and shortening values
and it exceeds 30 km (Mora et al. 2010a, b). Other in Table 1) and parallel cross sections by other
published sections with roughly the same trace as authors (Casero, Rowan & Linares), we can sug-
sections F–F′ (Casero et al. 1997; Rowan & Lin- gest an actual displacement increase along this
ares 2000; see these sections on Fig. 7) suggest southern segment, of about 10 km.
much less shortening (see Table 1). The key dif-
ference between Mora et al. (2010a, b) interpreta-
tion v. Casero et al. (1997) and Rowan & Linares Geometries, shortening and displacement
(2000) interpretations is the presence of a lower patterns in the new balanced cross sections
cut-off between the Eocene sandstones and the
Guaicaramo thrust as well as a pull-up structure The northern portion of the foothills (i.e. the por-
below the Guavio anticline, both interpreted by tion which comprises the Tierranegra and Piedem-
Mora et al. (2010a, b) based on time migrated onte segments; see Fig. 3) represents the transition
seismic sections (Fig. 7). Both features add more from a region to the south, generally lacking anti-
than 10 km of shortening to these frontal structures formal stacks and duplexes in the most frontal,
and disappear when depth-migrated seismic lines thin-skinned structures (Figs 3, 8 & 9) to an area
are used. In Figure 7 we present a revision of the to the north, where the antiformal stacks are pre-
cross section by Mora et al. (2010a, b), which has sent (e.g. in the western limb of the Nunchı́a Syn-
less shortening than the original (see the revised cline, Figs 3 & 10). The new cross sections are
2011 version in Fig. 7, named F1 –F1′ ). Section based on available seismic and well data including
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Fig. 5. Cross sections A –A′ and B– B′ are from the Ariari–Guatiquia segment. See location of the cross sections in
Figure 3.

the most recent exploratory wells. We report a for shortening in subthrust structures to the west
new shortening gradient for the Yopal Fault System below the Guaicaramo Fault (see e.g. cross section
(see Table 1 and Fig. 11), which is much smoother M– M′ in Fig. 10). This is geometrically possible
than the more jagged total shortening profile of taking into account the fact that in the northern-
the Guaicaramo Fault System (see Table 1 and Fig. most section of this study (section M–M′ in Fig.
11). The displacement gradient can be inferred in 10) the Yopal Fault displays maximum shortening
the map view where an active monoclinal frontal (Table 1), whereas the stacks reported in wells in
structure transitions towards a cylindrical synclinal the western limb of the Nunchı́a Syncline are more
structure to the north (the Nunchı́a Syncline) with numerous than those reported in the footwall of the
increasing stratigraphic separation of the faults Guaicaramo thrust in cross sections to the south
(Fig. 4). (e.g. section L–L′ in Fig. 10 or J–J′ and K –K′ in Fig.
The evolution of the subthrust structures below 9). Thus, the thrust stack creates the maximum
the Guaicaramo Fault can be modelled with the structural relief of the Nunchı́a Syncline compared
available data. The frontal Yopal thin-skinned with the undeformed footwall of the Yopal Fault
thrust has been interpreted as the frontal escape (Fig. 10). This suggests that the greater shortening
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Fig. 6. Cross section C– C′ through the Ariari– Guatiquia segment. Sections D– D′ and E –E′ are through the Guavio
segment. See location of the cross sections in Figure 3.
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Fig. 7. Cross sections F1 –F′1 (Mora et al. pers. comm.) and F2 – F′2 by Mora et al. (2010a, b) through the Guavio
segment. See location of the cross sections in Figure 3. Cross sections by Casero et al. (1997) and Rowan & Linares
(2000) are not located in Figure 3 but their locations are very close to the trace of cross section F– F′ .

along the Yopal thrust leads to an increase in the northwards, reaching a maxima in the Piedemonte
stacked thrust sheets below the outcropping units segment (Fig. 10). The result is a total shortening
in the western limb of the syncline (see Figs 4, 9 minimum in the Tierranegra segment (Table 1 and
& 10). This transition is evident in the cross sec- Fig. 11), between sections H–H′ and J–J′ (Figs 8 &
tions. Section H –H′ (Fig. 8), which is the southern- 9). Therefore, most of the shortening and displace-
most section along the Tierranegra segment, has ment deficit in the Tierranegra segment comes
been modelled as having almost no subthrust struc- from the minimal shortening along subthrust struc-
tures below the Guaicaramo thrust, while the short- tures, which is the most speculative part of the sec-
ening related to these subthrust structures increases tions, whereas the more frontal sectors, coinciding
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Fig. 7. Continued.

with the Nunchı́a Syncline and Yopal Fault Sys- reactivated during Cenozoic orogenesis; (b) Lower
tems, are well-imaged in seismic sections. Another Cretaceous rift faults partially or totally inverted
region with good control is the hanging wall of the during orogenesis; (c) footwall shortcuts that are
Guaicaramo Fault in the Guavio, Tierranegra and newly formed contractional structures branching
Piedemonte segments, which can be reconstructed from the lower, reactivated part of the plane of a
in cross sections based on our new detailed surface Lower Cretaceous rift fault; and (d) thin-skinned
geological map (Fig. 4). thrusts that detached from the sediment cover
We have constructed alternative interpretations associated with bedding plane detachments. In the
of our cross sections G– G′ , H – H′ , I –I′ and J – J′ southern foothills, we mostly use the sections from
(see this interpretation in Fig. 12) increasing the Mora & Parra (2008) and Mora et al. (2006, 2009,
allochthony, that is, the displacement of the Guai- 2010a, b) to classify which faults correspond to
caramo Fault (Table 1 and Fig. 11). This interpret- each one of the behaviours mentioned above. The
ation removes the apparent jagged displacement Servitá Fault described in Mora & Parra (2008)
and shortening profiles and the consequent dis- and Mora et al. (2006, 2009), is a very typical
placement deficits in the southern portion of the case of fault inversion with null points and remark-
northernmost segment of the Guaicaramo Fault able differences of overburden along each side of
(Table 1 and Fig. 11). the fault, as indicated by the ZFT (zircon fission
track) data and vitrinite reflectance data (Mora &
Parra 2008).
Buttress and interpreted location of inversion In the northern portions of the foothills, that is,
faults v. shortcut segments in the region where the new cross sections have
been presented, although inversion was not directly
A focus of our analysis is to identify and classify the detected, it can be inferred. Normal faulting of the
style of inversion in the Llanos foothills. We iden- basement generated basement highs, some of which
tify a set of end-members using fault behaviours: have subsequently acted as buttresses against which
(a) Lower Cretaceous rift faults that were not localized contractional folding in the hanging wall
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Fig. 8. Cross sections G –G′ , H– H′ and I– I′ through the Tierra Negra segment. See location in Figure 3.

has occurred during inversion in the Eastern Cor- Guaicaramo Fault plane in the Tierranegra seg-
dillera of Colombia (Mora et al. 2006). It is inter- ment (Figs 3 & 4) to correspond to an inverted
esting to note how in sections G –G′ , H –H′ and normal fault plane where the hanging wall subsided
I– I′ (Fig. 8) the folding and contractional defor- during extension and later experienced contrac-
mation are focused in the hanging wall of the Guai- tional detachment folding during the Cenozoic oro-
caramo Fault, whereas the footwall is almost flat genesis (see cross sections corresponding to this
lying. Based on these observations, we interpret the segment in Fig. 8). However, along-strike to the
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Fig. 9. Cross sections J–J′ and K–K′ . See location in Figure 3.

north, between sections I –I′ and J –J′ (see Figs 3 & 4 be geometrically unlikely to have a thick, Lower
for plan view location of the sections), there is a Cretaceous sequence adjacent to (i.e. to the west
short segment of the Guaicaramo Fault trace with of) the Guaicaramo Fault plane in its hanging
a conspicuously different trend. This could be wall, unlike cross sections G –G′ to I –I′ (Fig. 8).
potentially associated with a short fault segment We interpret, therefore, the portion of the Guaicar-
that joins two different longer fault segments to amo Fault bounding the overturned limb in section
the north and to the south. North of this area, an J – J′ as a footwall shortcut. Therefore, in this
exploratory well shows overturned units and tight location the actual main inversion fault is located
folding in the hanging wall of the Guaicaramo west of the Guaicaramo Fault (see section J–J′ in
Fault (Fig. 9, cross section J –J′ ). Wherever these Fig. 9). Northwards in the Piedemonte segment
overturned beds are observed (cross sections J – J′ (Figs 3 & 4 for location) the Guaicaramo Fault
and K –K′ in Fig. 9), it is concluded that it would bounds the Monterralo anticline. In this area, the
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Fig. 10. Structural balanced cross sections from the Piedemonte segment (see Figs 3 & 4 for location). In addition, we
show above cross section M – M′ two different thermal models for AFT samples located in different anticlines. However,
the thermal behaviour is similar even when the structural position is not the same. See text for discussion.

footwall of the Guaicaramo Fault is composed of Lower Cretaceous, normal faults to the east and
multiple stacked sheets (see cross section M–M′ west (Fig. 10). Therefore, we interpret the Piede-
in Fig. 10 and published interpretations by other monte segment of the Guaicaramo Fault, with the
authors in Fig. 13). We define a structural domain Monterralo anticline in the hanging wall, as a short-
of breached tight folds in the Piedemonte segment cut. In this context, the boundary of the tight fold-
(Figs 10 & 13). This domain includes the Monter- ing domain to the east of the antiformal stacks
ralo anticline in the hanging wall of the Guaicaramo would be related to another normal fault that acted
Fault and the stacks in the footwall. Drawing an as stress riser during the initial stages of folding
analogy with observations to the south (see e.g. sec- and now is below the antiformal stack (see cross
tions G –G′ to I –I′ in Fig. 8), we interpret this section M– M′ in Fig. 10). Notice that this interpreta-
domain of tight folds to be bounded by former, tion differs from the one by previous authors in the
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same area (Fig. 13). In the latter interpretations behaviour that is similar and also repeated in the
(Fig. 13; Martinez 2006; Egbue & Kellogg 2012) Tierranegra and Piedemonte segments (Figs 3 & 4;
deformation was also focused in antiformal stacks. Table 1 and Fig. 11). The repetitive patterns in the
However, no explanation was provided to account shortening gradients in the Ariari –Guatiquı́a and
for either the focused deformation in this location Guavio segments include shortening by basement-
or for the dramatic thickness changes between the involved faulting, which increases to the north (i.e.
outcropping Cretaceous section and the coeval shortening along the Tesalia– Lengupa system)
section in the subsurface. and then decreases in favour of the shortening by
The Pajarito Fault located west of sections J –J′ , thin-skinned faulting along the Guaicaramo thrust
K–K′ , L –L′ and M– M′ (Figs 8 –10) contains (see Fig. 11, the pattern of the blue and red cur-
Lower Cretaceous intrusions (Vasquez & Altenber- ves between the Ariari –Guatiquı́a and Guavio seg-
ger 2005), which indicate that the fault plane is an ments). In the transition between the Guavio and
inverted Lower Cretaceous normal fault. In a more the Tierranegra segments, the Guaicaramo thrust
frontal (eastern) location of the eastern foothills becomes thick-skinned, more precisely between
belt, a structural style has been identified where sections F –F′ and G –G′ . In the Tierranegra and
the more external marginal synclines are associated Piedemonte segments the basement-involved struc-
with a ramp formed above a normal fault which has tures on the Guaicaramo thrust repeat the same
not been inverted (e.g. see the subsurface structural shortening pattern observed between the Ariari –
style below the Guaicaramo Fault in all the cross Guatiquı́a and Guavio segments. This pattern
sections in Figs 8 & 9). Similar observations in relates to northwards-decreasing basement-involved
the Middle Magdalena Valley foothill belt (see deformation v. northwards-increasing basement-
Moreno et al. this volume, in press) reinforce this detached deformation (Fig. 11). In section M –M′
interpretation. The documented dramatic thickness the shortening accommodated by thrusting along
changes between the Cretaceous units in the the Guaicaramo Fault System reaches a local
surface west of the Guaicaramo Fault and in the sub- minimum at the point where the Yopal thrust
surface to the east also support this interpretation. In increases shortening compared with sections K –
this context, the non-inverted normal faults would K′ and L–L′ to the south. However, total shortening
act as stress risers focusing the location of faulting between sections K –K′ and L –L′ remains constant
and folding and forcing the fault trajectories to (Fig. 11a). A similar relationship exists between
branch from the syn-rift fill through the Cenozoic sections E –E′ and F–F′ in the Guavio segment
fill. By analogy, we suggest that the Nunchı́a Syn- where shortening by basement-involved faulting
cline is nucleated above frontal normal faults and, (i.e. on the Tesalia –Lengupa system) and shorten-
like the Magdalena foothill example, occurs above ing by basement-detached shortening (i.e. on the
a non-reactivated normal fault, which should lie Guaicaramo thrust sheet) yields near-constant val-
between the reactivated Guaicaramo Fault and the ues (Fig. 11a). Similar patterns are observed in the
emergent thin-skinned Yopal Fault (e.g. Fig. 10 displacement profiles (Table 2). To summarize, the
cross section M–M′ ). This position is therefore basement-involved Tesalia –Servitá and Guaicar-
inferred to be below the Guaicaramo Fault in a amo fault systems decrease their associated shorten-
subthrust position in the Tierranegra and Piede- ing northwards in favour of shortening associated
monte segments (see sections G –G′ to M–M in with the basement-detached Guaicaramo Fault and
Figs 8–10). Finally, seismic evidence allows inter- Yopal Fault, respectively (Fig. 11).
pretion of the Cusiana Fault (Figs 3, 4 & 8) as an The evident shortening minimum in the Tierra-
inverted normal fault and the Yopal Fault (Figs 3, negra segment, Figure 3 (see total shortening pur-
4, 9 & 10) as a thin-skinned fault detaching in the ple curve in Fig. 11) can be almost erased if the
Cenozoic sedimentary units. Guaicaramo Fault is given a very low dip angle and
if the shortening across it is increased by about
10 km (Fig. 12). If this is not the case, then the Tier-
Summary of shortening and displacement ranegra segment of the Guaicaramo Fault would
estimates based on the new sections and also have a significant displacement profile with a
compared with previous assessments conspicuous peak at the centre (Tierranegra seg-
ment; Figs 3, 4 & 11) and two shortening and dis-
We use published and our new cross sections to placement minima at the extremes (see red curve
calculate shortening and displacement along the in Fig. 11). Such a pattern would clearly define the
Llanos foothills. The most evident pattern is what Tierranegra sector as containing a distinct Guai-
we will refer to as ‘repetitive patterns in the short- caramo Fault segment that was later linked to the
ening gradients’. This is illustrated by the Ariari– others. The Ariari– Guatiquı́a and Tierranegra seg-
Guatiquı́a and Guavio segments (Figs 3 & 4 ments of the deformation front are characterized by
for location) which together have a shortening dominant basement-involved deformation whereas
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in the Guavio and Piedemonte segments the base- segment (these are for instance folds in the
ment-involved deformation decreases in favour hanging wall of the Monserrate, Boa and Mirador
of basement-detached deformation, although both faults, which are the footwall shortcuts interpreted
have similar shortening values (Figs 3 & 11). If by Mora & Parra 2008; see Figs 3 & 5), indicating
the main fault systems in the basement-involved a folding event which pre-dates the main Pliocene
Ariari –Guatiquı́a and Tierranegra segments include thrust-induced denudation. Martinez et al. (2006);
either direct inversion or basement shortcuts, then Mora et al. (2010a, b) and Egbue & Kellogg (2012)
the two segments can be also defined as inversion- note that the records left by growth strata and uncon-
dominated segments. In the Tierranegra segment, formities indicate clearly that this earlier folding
the deformation is mostly absorbed by direct inver- was of very low amplitude.
sion and not by shortcuts branching from the main Two different lines of evidence reinforce and
inversion fault, as in the Ariari –Guatiquı́a and refine the rapid shortening and exhumation along
Guavio segments (Figs 5 –7; and Tables 1 & 2). shortcuts during the Pliocene and the early low-
amplitude folding in the Oligocene. First, recent
data in Delgado et al. (2012) based on AFT (apa-
Timing of fault movement, new data and tite fission track) ages and seismic data show that
comparison with previous datasets the upper half of the Neogene Guayabo Formation
has a Pleistocene or younger age (see the Guayabo
The chronology of deformation for the faults in the Formation in cross section in Fig. 10, where it is
southern Llanos foothills (Ariari –Guatiquı́a and defined as Neogen Molasse). The Yopal thrust cuts
Guavio segments) has been characterized by Mora through the Upper Guayabo sediments and the
& Parra (2008), Parra et al. (2009a, b) and Mora Yopal thrust sheet is cut by the Guaicaramo Fault.
et al. (2008, 2010a, b) and also along the Tierrane- Thus, we can date the latest fault movements as
gra and Piedemonte segments by Mora et al. younger than Pleistocene. The fault displacement
(2010a, b), Bande et al. (2012) and Ramirez-Arias of that age is at least similar to the thickness of the
et al. (2012). upper half of the Guayabo Formation (c. 2 km).
In the southern Ariari –Guatiquı́a and Guavio Second, an AFT sample (AM-02) from Mora
segments (see location of the segments in Figs 3 & et al. (2010a, b) from the Monterralo anticline
4) Parra et al. (2009a) suggested an Oligocene to shows that, for the last 15 Ma, this anticline has
Early Miocene inversion of the basement faults been exhumed from about 80 8C and experienced
like the Tesalia –Servitá Fault (Figs 3 & 4). In con- a previous reheating event after initial minor exhu-
trast, Mora & Parra (2008) suggest that basement mation during the Oligocene (see the tempera-
shortcuts like the Mirador–Agualinda, Boa and ture –time plots in Fig. 10). Geometrically it could
Villavicencio faults are Late Miocene to Pliocene be argued that this is indicative of out-of-sequence
faults (see location in Fig. 3 to the south). In the deformation along the Guaicaramo thrust cutting
Tierranegra and Piedemonte segments similar con- the underlying antiformal stack (see section M –M′
clusions have been suggested by Mora et al. in Fig. 10). However, AFT sample MP-85 comes
(2010a, b) and Ramirez-Arias et al. (2012), where from the same unit in the Rio Tocarı́a anticline,
thermo-chronology and provenance suggest that located northwards in an ‘en-echelon’ position with
inversion on the main fault in this segment, the respect to the Monterralo anticline, and shows a
Pajarito Fault (Fig. 3 to the north), started during similar thermal history but with a more pronoun-
the Oligocene and most definitively by earliest ced reheating and with cooling starting later (c.
Miocene. In this area Mora et al. (2010a, b) docu- 10 Ma; Fig. 10 and Table 3). Recent seismic assess-
ment faster exhumation during the latest Miocene ments show the Rio Tocarı́a anticline constitutes
of the Monterralo anticline situated on top of the the same outcropping structure as in the El Morro
Piedemonte antiformal stack (see Figs 3 & 10). anticline below the Monterralo anticline (see sec-
We interpret the stack and the Monterralo anticline tion M–M′ in Fig. 10). Therefore, AFT sample
as folds related to footwall shortcuts of the Pajarito MP-85 can be projected to section M–M′ . This indi-
Fault. cates that both structures have parallel exhumation
Mora & Parra (2008) suggest that the folds histories (see the thermal histories above cross
breached by faults are observed in the hanging wall section M– M′ in Fig. 10). Therefore, most of the
of footwall shortcuts of the Ariari –Guatiquı́a Monterralo antiformal stack and the entire duplex

Fig. 11. Summary plot with the shortening and displacement profiles for the different fault systems analysed in this
study. The letters on top of each plot correspond to the cross sections in Figure 3. The vertical axis is the shortening or
displacement value in kilometres and the horizontal axis is the distance from cross section A –A′ . The zones with
different colours correspond to the different structural segments discussed in the text and shown in Figure 3.

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Fig. 12. Alternative interpretation of cross sections G– G′ , H– H′ , I–I′ , J–J′ , from the Tierranegra segment, including a much longer footwall flat in a zone that is unconstrained
by the seismic resolution. This interpretation attempts to include an amount of shortening that makes the total shortening in the Tierranegra segment similar to that in cross
sections to the north and south in this study.
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Fig. 12. Continued.
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Fig. 13. Cross sections showing different interpretations of the Piedemonte antiformal stack in the Piedemonte segment
of this study. The cross sections above (I–III) are from Egbue & Kellogg (2012) and the cross section below is from
Martinez (2006). Notice the pure thin-skinned interpretation in all the structural sections. See location of Egbue &
Kellogg (2012) cross sections in Figure 3. The location of the cross section by Martinez (2006) is similar to that of
section II by Egbue & Kellogg (2012).

structure has formed since the Late Miocene with a time interval. If this is compared with the pres-
conspicuous Oligocene cooling event which coin- ence of Oligocene growth strata in the Piede-
cides with the reported unconformities (Marti- monte segment antiformal stacks (Figs 10 & 13)
nez et al. 2006; Mora et al. 2010a, b; Egbue & v. coeval exhumation of the inversion faults to the
Kellogg 2012), which we also detect in our cross west, the following important relationships can
section (Figs 10 & 13). be deduced: the authors argue that collectively one
Currently we are unable to date the earlier, low- can generalize from the observations discussed
amplitude folds in the southern Guavio and Ariari – above, that in all segments of the study area the
Guatiquı́a segments of the study area. We know shortcuts and inversion faults are coeval but the
that the uppermost reset ZFT (zircon fission track) shortcuts move at slower rates during the Oligo-
ages range between the Late Oligocene to Early cene and Miocene, allowing either the preserva-
Miocene (Fig. 14, also see Parra et al. 2009), which tion of growth strata or slower cooling. It is also
coincide with important granulometric, proven- evident that the Oligocene and Miocene shorten-
ance and subsidence changes in the Medina Basin ing rates were slower compared with Miocene to
(Parra et al. 2009). These changes are considered recent rates. These faster rates could be the result
to represent the onset of inversion at that time. In of either faster cooling (120 8C in 3 Ma as repor-
contrast, the ZFT ages (Table 3 and Fig. 14) are ted by Mora et al. 2008 in the Ariari –Guatiquı́a
not reset in the adjacent Mirador and Villavicencio shortcuts) or cross cutting relationships involving
shortcuts (Fig. 14), whereas the AFT ages are reset larger, Late Miocene to recent displacements. We
and mostly Pliocene (c. 3 Ma, see Fig. 14 and Mora summarize in two kinematic restorations these
et al. 2008, for more detail about the AFT ages). We observations, which are based on the data presen-
present here new ZHe (zircon uranium–thorium/ ted here (see Figs 14 & 15). In addition, given the
helium) dates from the hanging-wall block of the above-mentioned constraints, another map can be
same structures, which are Oligocene in age. Ro built that relates the types of faults with the timing
data suggest that the ages have been reset and there- of the faults in the foothills (Fig. 16).
fore the ages indicate that exhumation between
c. 180 and c. 120 8C started in the Oligocene and Isopach maps of Oligocene to Neogene units
continued during the Pliocene. Reset ZFT in the
hanging wall of the Servitá Fault documents an Oligocene to Neogene units represent the units,
exhumation from c. 280 and 120 8C over the same which would act as backstops to the Neogene
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Table 3. AFT, ZFT and ZHe data

Field code Longitude Latitude Elevation Unit Stratigraphic No. Gr* U Rho-S Rho-I Rho-D P(x2) Age +1 s Dpar
(8W) (8N) (m) age (Ma) (ppm) (NS)† (NI)† (ND)‡ (%)§ (Ma) Error

AFT data
72815′ 37.91′′ 5840′ 11.50′′


MP85 564 Los Cuervos 59 + 3 40 2.27 15.94 39.69 10.9 2.1 2.65
(195) (1367) (4075)
′ ′′ ′ ′′
AM-02 72828 26.72 5828 1.92 639 Los Cuervos 58 + 3 38 1.76 10.33 38.27 12.7 2.4 1.75
(269) (1575) (4064)
′ ′′ ′ ′′
BV-196 73847 0.2395 4817 33 2954 Quetame Pre-Devonian 20 26.8 3.05 2.61 1.21 86 2.6 1.1 1.89
BV-277 73840′ 12.7181′′ 4809′ 41.0401′′ 838.1 Quetame .416 30 35.4 4.303 3.403 1.202 76.1 2.7 0.3 3.22
Group (118) (9334) (4926)

Field code Longitude Latitude Elevation Unit Stratigraphic No.Gr* U Rho-S Rho-I Rho-D P(x2) Age +1 s
(8W) (8N) (m) age (Ma) (ppm) (NS)**† (NI)**† (ND)†‡ (%)†† (Ma) Error

ZFT data
BV-196 73847′ 0.2395′′ 4817′ 33′′ 2954 Quetame Pre-Devonian 38 420 26.636 57.880 4.3073 0 11.4 1.1
(1705) (3705) (3924)
BV-279 73840′ 8.3995′′ 4809′ 45′′ 831 Buenavista 144 + 2 20 204 185.783 235.65 3.6288 0 165.9 12.9
(6244) (792) (2766)

Field code Longitude Latitude Elevation Unit Stratigraphic Age + (Ma) U Th Sm Th/U He mass Ft
(8W) (8N) (m) age (Ma) (Ma) 8% (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ncc mg21) (mg)

ZHe data
BV-277 73840′ 13′′ 4809′ 41′′ 846 Quetame Pre-Devonian 12.6 1.0 345.2 68.4 4.0 0.2 19.68 9.6 0.80

No. Gr., The number of apatite grains counted.

Rho-S and Rho-I are the spontaneous and induced track density measured, respectively (×105 tracks cm22). NS and NI are the number of spontaneous and induced tracks counted for estimating Rho-S and
Rho-I, respectively.

Rho-D is the induced track density measured in the external mica detector attached to the CN2 dosimetry glass (×105 tracks cm22). ND is the number of induced tracks counted in the mica for estimating
§ 2
x (%) (Galbraith, 1981; Green, 1981). Values greater than 5% are considered to pass this test and represent a single population of ages.

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Fig. 14. Kinematic restoration of cross section N– N′ , based on the AFT, ZFT and ZHe data and on data in Table 3.
See the location of cross section N– N′ in Figure 3.

deformation front and therefore stop its advance Discussion

once a certain threshold thickness is reached (Baby
et al. 1992; Shaw et al. 1999). Therefore, we com- Shortening/displacement patterns
piled well data and seismic interpretations to deter-
mine the thickness of the Oligocene to Neogene It is important to analyse shortening and fault dis-
interval (i.e. the Carbonera, León and Guayabo For- placement together because fault displacement rep-
mations) to see if there is a correlation between resents only the slip along the fault plane, whereas
structural style and thickness. shortening includes all the deformation. Two key
The area with maximum thickness of the Carbo- points are evident in the shortening and displace-
nera, León and Guayabo Formations coincides with ment profiles. One is what we have called in previ-
the well-developed antiformal stacks in the Piede- ous sections the ‘repetitive pattern of shortening/
monte segment of the Llanos foothills. The stacks displacement gradients’ and the other is the dis-
are absent to the south where there is no well- placement/shortening minima related to the Tierra-
defined depocentre (Fig. 17). negra segment (Fig. 11). The repetitive pattern of
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Fig. 14. Continued.

shortening/displacement gradients shows how, in patterns’ as a result of segment linkage of different

two different segments of the deformation front, fault segments.
shortening starts with thick-skinned thrusts to the The second point relating to the shortening
south in each segment and is transferred to thin- and displacement profiles shown in Figure 11 is
skinned thrusts to the north (Fig. 11). This idea whether or not the Tierranegra segment (Fig. 3)
contrasts with the hypothesis suggested by Mora involves a zone of shortening and displacement
et al. (2010a, b) based on cross sections A –A′ minima. Based on our new cross sections and the
to F –F′ (see Fig. 4 for location). In that paper, compilation of previous ones, we propose that the
Mora et al. (2010a, b) suggest that the observed shortening/displacement minimum is real and not
shortening gradient is related to the change from an artefact resulting from a missinterpretation of
a transpression-dominated front to a contraction the sections. Field and seismic evidence on fault
dominated front as one traverses from south to displacement v. length ratios have shown that
north. However, our new documentation of a these range between 0.005 and 0.1 with an average
‘repetitive pattern of shortening/displacement gra- value of 0.03 being documented in most normal
dients’ shows that the shortening gradient from fault networks. The presence of different exten-
south to north between cross sections A –A′ and sional fault segments for inferred Neocomian mas-
F– F′ (Fig. 3) is probably not the result of the ter faults has been identified by Mora et al. (2009;
change from a transpression-dominated front to see Fig. 16) in the Guavio and Ariari –Guatiquı́a
one dominated by contraction. Its repetitive charac- structural domains (Fig. 3). The individual segments
ter demonstrates that it is not just a question of identified as the Servitá and Lengupa ancestral
kinematics. In the following section an attempt is normal faults (Fig. 3) have lengths of about 60 km
made to explain the ‘repetition of displacement with calculated extensional displacements of
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Fig. 15. Kinematic restoration of cross section M –M′ , based on the AFT data shown in Figure 10 (see raw data in
Table 3).

c. 3–4 km, yielding fault displacement ratios of c. them have individual lengths of about 60 km,
0.08. Other segments of ancestral normal faults being consistent in length with the well-documented
have been inferred in this paper (Fig. 16). All of Servitá and Lengupá type examples. An inspection
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Fig. 16. Summary map showing the different types of faults identified in the study area. See discussion in the text.

of the Neocomian map (Fig. 16) indicates that the detachments to the west. In addition, it is located
Tierranegra segment of the Guaicaramo Fault in front of an evident displacement minima in the
acted as an isolated segment interacting with the Tesalia –Lengupa system. We believe that the Guai-
adjacent segments via ‘soft linkages’. This kind of caramo Fault in the Tierranegra segment remains
interaction involves displacement minima in the mainly disconnected from the rest of the inversion
zone of reduced strain where the extensional seg- faults and only interacts towards the end of its evo-
ments do not interact. lution with the southern thin-skinned Guaicaramo
We next attempt to understand the kind of inter- segment and the shortcuts to the north. Otherwise,
action between faults in a contractional tectonic it is difficult to account for these displacement
setting. Bergen & Shaw (2010) defined an additional minima in fully hard-linked systems. The fault
term for thrust fault interaction, namely ‘detach- length/displacement ratio reinforces this point of
ment linkage’. This is equivalent to a ‘hard link’ view. The fully linked Servitá –Lengupá inversion
between faults (i.e. an actual connection of seg- fault (see Figs 3 & 16 for location) has a length of
ments by connecting faults, which cut the relay 277 km and a maximum displacement of 21.5 km,
ramps; e.g. Cowie et al. 2007). In ‘detachment lin- giving it a length/displacement ratio of 0.077
kages’ the linkage is not evident at the surface but (Table 4). If the Guaicaramo Fault in the Tierrane-
is apparent in a vertical section as a subsurface con- gra segment had enough displacement to eliminate
necting plane. In thrust sequences the splay faults the displacement minima, it would require at least
branching from the older fault have less total and 25 km of displacement. Therefore, with a total
maximum displacement than the older fault in the length of 240 km in the fully linked Guaicaramo
hinterland as shown by Bergen & Shaw (2010). Fault (from the Guavio to the Piedemonte seg-
Our cross sections and those of Mora et al. ments) the length/displacement ratio would be lar-
(2010a, b) illustrate that in contraction the Guavio ger than that determined for the Tesalia system
thin-skinned segment of the Guaicaramo Fault and already larger than the boundary reported in
is connected via a ‘detachment linkage’ with the the literature for length/displacement relationships
main inversion fault (Tesalia system; see Fig. 3 (e.g. Cowie et al. 2007; Table 4 and Fig. 11b).
for location). The Tierranegra segment of the Another idea that reinforces this point of view
Guaicaramo Fault is never connected through is the fact that, in the study area, displacement and
an obvious hard link with the inversion systems structural relief associated with inversion faults
towards the hinterland, nor with documented tend to be proportional (Mora et al. 2009). This
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Table 4. Calculated length/displacement relationships for the main faults in the

eastern foothills based on the maximum length of their map trace and the
maximum measured displacement from balanced cross sections in this work

Fault system Maximum trace Maximum Length/

length (km) displacement (km) displacement

Tesalia – Lengupa 276.78 21.5 0.0777

Guaicaramo 240.68 13.88 0.0577
Yopal 92.78 9.2 0.0992

Fig. 17. Isopach map of Oligocene to Neogene Units based on well and seismic data. The map also shows the location
of the different cross sections and structural segments defined in the text.
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is well documented in the literature (e.g. Yamada & the foreland, as shown in analogue models (see
McClay 2004). The Tierranegra segment is a struc- e.g. Couzens-Shultz et al. 2003). It is worth noting
tural low associated with an inversion fault. Folds that the key surface evidence of the presence of anti-
occur to the SW and NE of the segment but tend formal stacks in the Piedemonte segment is rep-
to die out as they approach it (see in Fig. 3 the resented by the two limbs of the Nunchı́a Syncline
Santa Marı́a anticline plunging to the NE and the (Fig. 4). The Nunchı́a Syncline is absent in the
Tierranegra anticline plunging to the SW). Thus, Tierranegra segment and the structural relief along
the shortening in the Tierranegra segment will be strike of the Nunchı́a Syncline, in the Tierranegra
less than that in the adjacent segments. We therefore segment, is much less (Fig. 4). This suggests the
conclude that the early formed extensional zones of absence of antiformal stacks in the Tierranegra
displacement deficit are inherited and thus still segment. We hypothesize that this interpreted
present in the contractional deformation front. absence is related to the fact that this segment is a
Displacement profiles and fault interactions zone not fully linked with the deformation front,
show a mix of tectonically inherited structural thus generating, as discussed above, a zone of
styles as well as pure thin-skinned independent displacement minima, and therefore a zone where
behaviour. The observation of pure thick-skinned very little deformation is focused. The antiformal
inversion and thin-skinned detachments occurring stacking and faulted detachment folds have shifted
along-strike can be explained with our results. It to the Piedemonte segment, where not only does a
appears that, instead of propagating along-strike massive, syntectonic, sedimentation sequence act
during inversion, the early formed normal fault seg- as a backstop but also the inversion system is fully
ments transfer displacement up-dip to a higher linked to other faults.
detachment wherever there is enough sedimentary An additional feature of the deformation belt that
cover to allow this behaviour. We propose this as parallels the NE –SW trending Llanos foothills is
a new interaction that here we define as ‘inversion the absence of any gradients in either the shortening
linkage’. or displacement values, along this direction. Com-
pared with the Piedemonte segment, the south
Ariari –Guatiquı́a segment has a completely differ-
Controls on the changes in structural style and ent structural style and exhumation is much higher.
how different styles accommodate shortening However, the total shortening values are similar.
Therefore, except for a local minimum in the Tierra-
In this section we discuss two observations from negra segment, shortening appears to be roughly
the study area. First we discuss the coincidence constant along-strike, although accommodated in
of the maximum thickness of Cenozoic sediments different ways.
with the presence of antiformal stacks (see Fig. 17
and location of cross sections L–L′ and M –M′ ).
Second we discuss the absence of a northwards Timing of deformation and how this causes
total shortening gradient. The foreland adjacent to different behaviours through time
the Ariari Guatiquı́a segment, located in the
southern part of the study area (Fig. 3), has thinner Another key finding is that footwall edge shortcut
sedimentary cover and a lower basement dip than faults and inverted normal faults are coeval.
the Guavio segment located to the NE (Figs 3 & However, during the earlier stages, the inversion
17). This results in more basement-involved defor- faults move faster and then slower during the
mation occurring in the Ariari –Guatiquı́a segment latest stages. Henk & Nemcok (2008) showed that
in order to build the critical taper necessary to this behaviour is a mechanical requirement of the
advance (Boyer 1995; Mora et al. 2010a, b). system and Bergen & Shaw (2010) proposed the
Instead, the thicker sedimentary cover in the ‘detachment linkage’ mechanism, which provides
Guavio segment results in the formation and propa- an explanation as to why, in the initial stages, move-
gation of a thin-skinned thrust sheet (Fig. 17). ment on shortcut thrusts is slower. This is control-
However, the thicker cover and higher basement led by the fact that thrust faults branching from
dip values do not always result in a more pro- previous thrusts accumulate less displacement than
nounced forelandward advance of the deformation the main fault. However, under higher far-field
front. We also detect a change in the structural shortening rates (Mora et al. 2013) and where the
style that is related to the presence of antiformal inversion faults had generated high topography by
stacks in the northern Piedemonte segment. Appar- the Pliocene, the normal stresses on the inversion
ently, a threshold thickness of Cenozoic sediments planes eventually prevent further slip and inver-
and the presence of two detachments cause the sion stops. Displacement is transferred to footwall
deformation to generate antiformal stacks rather edge shortcut thrusts, resulting in an increase in
than the migration of the deformation front toward slip-rate. The refined chronology of movement
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