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A Capstone Presented to the Faculty

Of IBA College of Mindanao Inc.

T.N Pepito St. Valencia City.

In partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree

Of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Amiler, Mark Clinton P.

Asna, Eden Mae T.

Rapista, Daniel L.




BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ----------------------------------------Page 3

CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM---- --------------------------------------------Page 5

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ----------------------------------------Page 6

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ----------------------------------------Page 6

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY ---------------------Page 8


RELATED RESEARCH LITERATURE --------------------------------Page 11


RESEARCH APPROACH -------------------------------------------------Page 21

METHODOLOGY ----------------------------------------------------------Page 22

DEFINITION OF TERMS -------------------------------------------------Page 29

REFERENCE -----------------------------------------------------------------Page 30



Background of the Study

Now, in our society all over the world, technology is the most

important advancement, a necessity in bringing about progress as we move

along in this computerized world. Technology has been rising in an

incredible, fast rate. Majority of the things we meet, or encounter is applied

with it. Everywhere you look, you can see applications of it.

The IBACM Supreme Student Council, has been left behind in terms of

technology applications, (i.e. students will fill up a form to provide his/her

personal information, calculating penalties manually, manual signing of

attendance in every activity). We are stuck in the old practices of doing

everything manually, members have been longing for a change, which will

make the workload much lighter with the help of the technology. This dream

of theirs is now clearly reachable. Making a system for the overall welfare of

the council is a great opportunity to help and show what we learned for the

past three years. As the highest student organization and representative of the

school, the student council members will have many responsibilities and

expectations to uphold.

So we proposed a system that manages these manual working

processes. With the proposed design, staff, students and any authorized

persons can get all the available information from the integrated database.

They can get their syllabus, academic calendar and results, register courses


Furthermore, to brighten or bring out efficient and effective

administration of academic information system like students results,

academic calendar, syllabus, register course etc.

It will also help in making the processing of information as well as

feedback faster and also give focus to institution of higher learning on the

facilities obtained in the use of modern system of communication.

Also, the aim of this project is to give a rough and ready introduction

to database and its integration with the local database.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers of the study are developed a system. Student

Information System of Supreme Student Council that will keep record of
attendance and fines/penalties.

















Fig 1.1 Framework of the Student Information System Supreme Student

This system has admin and user, the admin can only create read

update, Student, Academic year, Organization, Organization Members,

Section Officer, Department, Program, Penalty, Payment, Event, and

Announcement. User can only to Register, Login, View Penalty, and View

Announcement. The system easily to use for admin and user.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop an effective Student Information System

Supreme Student Council, for Irene B. Antonio College of Mindanao, Inc.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. Could the system manage the record fines of the students?

2. Can the system add and update student information?

3. Can the system que the total fines and penalties of the student record

for the whole semester?

4. Does the system recognize the specific fingerprint of the students for

the attendance?

Significance of the Study

The days are over where students keep on signing attendance for their

presence in a specific activity or event in the school. It has been a practice of

the SSC of the school to monitor the presence of the student every event either

major or minor. These ways cannot prevent issues such as: Forging of

signature, Human error and Incomprehensible penmanship.

As an alternative way to solve those issues and problems, a biometric

attendance which is a fingerprint recognition is more than just a wave of the

future for the school and as well as for the students of IBACM. It is one of the

most popular forms of innovation technology especially in this generation. In

its simplest form, the scanner reads each student’s unique fingerprint

whenever it is time to sign in or sign out in an event.

Because of its capability to recognize unique psychological

characteristics of a student, biometrics technology work perfectly for student

time. If the student is late during the event, the biometric can track what the

time the student signed in or out, to be accurate and hoe exactly the offices of

the SSC will penalize the student.

The accuracy of which the student is on the time. Biometric

psychological attributes cannot be duplicated or forged. SSC officers feel

confident that they are tracking each student’s time and attendance

accurately. Because the biometric captures each student unique traits, a co-

student cannot sign in or sign out for another student by pretending to be that

student. By improving accountability and responsibility, students tend to

respond differently to how their time is managed at school. The accuracy of

identifying who is late or early to that event.

Biometric fingerprint has arrived at the perfect time to relieve student

resources, SSC officers and moderator of the tedious tasks often associated

with tracking the student’s attendance. This technology was designed to

specifically track students based on individual singularity that cannot be

duplicated. The accuracy in the biometrics maximize productivity, while

minimizing the time and cost.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is focused in the performance of the Supreme Student

Council to produce a system which eliminates the hassle of manually

checking each event for a student’s penalty for an absence in an event, making

it computerized so every data needed will be found immediately just by

searching through our database. By doing so, it will improve each student’s

transaction time with the council. With the help of the system, their work

efficiency could be doubled. This will also open more ideas for a fast, better

and innovative ways to make things much easier. Using technology to our full

advantage produces more ideas through innovation.

In this system, we can login as an admin or student. Registered

students would be able to see the SSC’s upcoming events and their current

fines as penalty for their absence during events while the admin can add

upcoming events, students, organizations, sections, departments, programs,

fines, organizations, officers, academic year, etc. Admin also have the power

to edit what they added to their site but can never delete anything from the

database. Also, when it comes to the computation of a student’s fines, once

they search for a name on the system, it will automatically generate the

amount payable for the student including all the information for the events

where he was present and absent. This will give them transparency and less

arguments when it comes to transaction.


This system will scope the following areas to make our system.

 Flex code Software Development – is a complete software development

suite for proprietary wireless applications that provides two paths for


- This is one of the main process for fingerprint on website.

 PhpMyAdmin – is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to

handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. PhpMyAdmin

supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB.

Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns,

relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc.) can be performed via the

user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any

SQL statement.

- The main purpose of this language is to make our system visible or

responsive, because our project is put on the web that the students can

open online and also this language is unique when we develop a


 Fingerprint Recognition – refers to the automated method of

identifying or confirming the identity of an individual based on the

comparison of two fingerprints. Fingerprint recognition is one of the

most well-known biometrics, and it is by far the most used biometric

solution for authentication on computerized systems. The reasons for

fingerprint recognition being so popular are the ease of acquisition,

established use and acceptance when compared to other biometrics,

and the fact that there are numerous (ten) sources of this biometric on

each individual.

- Is one of the most unique sensor to the students, and it is easy to use

and never be duplicated the fingerprint. Also cannot be forged, reduce

the amount of student work, less full in line, extremely quick one can

be identified or rejected in a matter of seconds.

- The security of every student being registered to our system.


 This system will not be online – the supreme student council

information system will be online database.


Review of Related Literature and System

Student Information System for Kalinga State University-Rizal Campus

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology

Research ISSN 2348-120X (online) Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp: (223-229), Month:

April - June 2016, Available at:

Eileen Bayangan-Cosidon

Marrero (2009) in his study entitled “Student Information System for the

University of the Cordilleras” stressed that the concept of Information System (IS)

emerged in the early 1960s. More often, when information system is defined, the field

Information System (IS) is always associated, IS is an academic field that deals with

the generation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of

recorded knowledge. Furthermore, it is a collection of related components designed to

support operations, management, and decision making in an organization. Generally,

IS is supposed to inform people. Information System supports people or users in

making intelligent decisions based upon the information derived from reliable data.


This study will help us to gain more knowledge to do our project because in

this project also deals with the generation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval

and dissemination of recorded knowledge. Furthermore it helps people or users in

making intelligent decisions based on the information from reliable data.

Student Information System (SIS)‐docs/govwbin1.html

According to Evangelista (2011) the University’s Student Information

System (SIS) of Nueva Vizcaya State University is a secure, web accessible

interactive computer system that allows user access to grade reports, transcripts,

schedule of classes, and remaining balance for the semester and register for classes

online. Through the system, students would be assigned a unique identification

number. All data to and from the university would use that unique identifier. The use

of individual student records would: 1) Increase the admissions capacity to follow a

student’s progress over time; 2) provide better quality data to drive more enlightened

policy decisions resulting in enhanced educational opportunities for all students; 3)

reduce data collection burden through a web enabled SIS; and 4) as a tool of parents

in monitoring the academic performance of their children.


The project SIS helps us more ideas of how our project is secured, web

accessible interactive computer system that allows access to reports, transcripts,

schedule of classes and remaining balance and register for classes online because

through the system, student would be unique identification.

Online-Student Information System of Benguet State University

According to the Online-Student Information System of Benguet State

University (2013) it would be a new way of record management and transaction

processing that would achieve efficiency on processing student information. It would

be a great help to the administrative personnel, academic personnel, grantors or

stakeholders, and students in updating, retrieving and generating student data. The

main objective of the study was to design as a standalone student information system

of Benguet State University (2012). In order to achieve the general objective, the

following specific objectives of the study were identified:

1. To identify the information requirements in the existing student

information system of BSU.

2. To identify the problems encountered in the existing system.

3. To identify the information requirements needed.

4. To determine appropriate security and control measures are needed for

student information system.

5. To determine the benefits of a student information system as perceived by:

 Administration offices;
 Academic offices;
 “grantors”/stakeholders;
 Parents; and
 Students;


Online student information system bring us knowledge of new way of record

management and transaction processing that would achieve efficiency on processing

student information. This project helps to do something like easy to use in other word

our system can be friendly to the users, also us clearly ideas. That our project can

update, retrieving and generating students data and for their penalties.

Pacio (2013) on her thesis entitled “Online Student Information System of

Benguet State University” gave emphasis that as main goal of the school “to generate

and disseminate new knowledge and technologies that will promote sustainable

resource development and enrich the competent and effective services geared towards
efficiency and economy” which is inconsistent with the existing student information

system of the Kalinga State University Rizal campus.


Gave us emphasis that main goal of the organization to generate and new

ideas that technologies will promote sustainable resource development also the

competent and effective services, efficiency because student be monitored every time.

Web Based Student Information Management System

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and

Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013

S.R.Bharamagoudar1, Geeta R.B.2, S.G.Totad3

The design and implementation of a comprehensive student information

system and user interface is to replace the current paper records [1]. College Staff are

able to directly access all aspects of a student’s academic progress through a secure,

online interface embedded in the college’s website. The system utilizes user

authentication, displaying only information necessary for an individual’s duties.

Additionally, each sub-system has authentication allowing authorized users to create

or update information in that subsystem. All data is thoroughly reviewed and

validated on the server before actual record alteration occurs. In addition to a staff

user interface, the system plans for student user interface, allowing users to access

information and submit requests online thus reducing processing time. All data is

stored securely on SQL servers managed by the college administrator and ensures

highest possible level of security. The system features a complex logging system to

track all user’s access and ensure conformity to data access guidelines and is expected

to increase the efficiency of the college’s record management thereby decreasing the

work hours needed to access and deliver student records to users.

Previously, the college relied heavily on paper records for this initiative. While

paper records are a traditional way of managing student data there are several

drawbacks to this method. First, to convey information to the students it should be

displayed on the notice board and the student has to visit the notice board to check

that information. It takes a very long time to convey the information to the student.

Paper records are difficult to manage and track. The physical exertion required to

retrieve, alter, and re-file the paper records are all non-value added activities. This

system provides a simple interface for the maintenance of student information. It can

be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students

easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the information

is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time

consuming. All these problems are solved using online student information

management system. The paper focuses on presenting information in an easy and

intelligible manner which provides facilities like online registration and profile

creation of student’s thus reducing paperwork and automating the record generation

process in an educational institution.


This project makes us think of the user interface is to replace the manual paper

records because allowing users to access information and submit request online, thus

reducing processing time and also stored securely on SQL servers manage by the

college administrator and ensures highest possible level of security.

Development of Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System for Non-
Academic Staff in a Tertiary Institution

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems

ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online) Vol.5, No.2, 2014

Adewole K. S.1*, Abdulsalam S. O.2, Babatunde R. S.2, Shittu T. M.3 and

Oloyede M. O.4

E-mail of the corresponding author:

Most of the attendance systems use paper based methods for taking and

calculating attendance and this manual method requires paper sheets and a lot of

stationery material. Previously, very few works have been done relating to the

academic attendance monitoring problems. Biometrics has been used in biological

studies, including forestry, for the collection, synthesis, analysis and management of

quantitative data on biological communities such as forests. Biometrics in reference to

biological sciences has been studied and applied for several generations and is

somewhat simply viewed as "biological statistics" (Smart Cart Alliance Identity

Council, 2007).

According to Jiexun, Wang and Chen (2011) as quoted in the research work of

Oloyede et al. (2013), the origin of biometrics has been in the public sector; however

biometrics is used for the identification and verification of criminals. Other

sectors where biometrics has also thrived are the Banking, Education and Health

sectors. For example, emerging application markets include biometrically enabled

transactional payment solutions and biometrically enables wireless for business

use. Oloyede et al. (2013) carried out extensive research on applicability of biometric

technology to solve the problem of staff attendance. However, the researchers did not

write any software to address the problems of attendance.


This system tell us that in order to do attendance manually can cause delays

of calculating the fines/penalties and also student can forget their signature makes us

more motivated to create the system that highly secured cannot be biometric give us

knowledge that this system can’t be forget because of uniqueness security.

Repository of Student Information (ROSI)


According to Wikipedia (2014), in the past, universities and large school

districts in particular have created their own bespoke student record systems. One

such example is the Repository of Student Information (ROSI) system at university

0of Toronto. With growing complexity in the business of educational establishment,

most organizations now choose to buy customizable software and increasing numbers

are buying software a service (SAAS). Most student information systems in use

today are server-based, with the application residing on a central computer server,

and being accessed by client application at various places with and even outside the

school. But student’s information systems have been moving to the wed since the late

1990s and that trend is accelerating as institutions replace older system.


Most student information system in use today are server-based, with the

application, residing on central computer server, so this project make us think of

advance and secured, easiest to the user for making records, report to the SQL for

secured security.

Student Attendance Management

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and

Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR 10

In the journal paper of “Student Attendance Management” (Dhanashree A.

G., 2011), it had known that attendance system software is required to replace the

traditional attendance system for a purpose to reduce the processing time and the

paper work cost used in traditional attendance system. This journal paper main

objective is to indicate the disadvantage of the traditional attendance system

compared to the proposed system. In addition, the journal paper had also indicated the

characteristic of the proposed system. On the other hand, from the journal, it had

shown that the proposed system only provide a very simple application with some

features that allow the users to manage their student attendance more easily and


As mentioned in the journal paper, it did not include any special hardware

(such as fingerprint scanner, mobile phone, bar code scanner, and etc.) in order to

make the software work. It only requires basic equipment such as a set of desktop

computer. In short, the proposed system only requires the users to install the software

to their laptop/desktop for managing their student attendance. Based on the journal

paper, there are two modules introduced which is admin module for managing the

classes and report module for generating the attendance report.


This system can do a simple application with some features that allow the

users to manage their student attendance more easily and efficiency, effectively. The

student can’t forget anything being registered the database secured by security of



The review of related literature and references give us more ideas of how we

can improve our project efficiency the Student Information System of Supreme

Student Council (SIS SSC). This system developed in order to overcome or pass every

problems facing like forging signature of the students using manual way, it acts the

easy way to tract or generate the students using Registered in our database and can

also monitor the presence student’s during program or event at our school according

to the Rules and Policies in school President that should be every program student

must be present in/out. This system makes easily and effective to use, in other words

this system is friendly to the admin of SSC officer and user’s, student can only

preview their penalties and awareness of the announcement from president of the



Research Design and Methodology

This chapter discusses the technicality of the project, details of the

technologies to be used, and how the project will work. This chapter contains

four (4) sections, namely: Research Approach, Methodology, Requirements

Analysis and Systems Requirement.

Research Approach

An individual corporation bodies or even a nation we are confronted

with a lot of problems everybody such as relaxing to education technology,

physiology and psychological aspect of life. In order to solve these problems,

we must make a strong decision as to methods and steps of solving the

various problems. To be able to make a headway so we need to conduct


Therefore, research is considered as the process of arriving at a

dependable solution to a given problem through the Quantitative Research,

analysis and interpretation of data.

Qualitative is used to quantify the problem by way of generating

numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used

to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and

generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research

uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research.

Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than

Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods

include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile

surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews,

longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic



The researchers will use a descriptive model called waterfall model.

The model will be used to produce the system has undergone a series of well-

planned activities so that the deployment of the system would not be delayed.

Below is this figure of how the waterfall model was being executed.



System Design


System Testing

System Maintenance

Figure Modified Waterfall Approach Model

Figure 1 illustrates the Modified Waterfall Model that will be used by the

researchers in developing the Student Information System of Supreme

Student Council which is made up of several phases. These are the following:

Requirements Analysis

The study aims to assess the extent of compliance of the student

information system of supreme student council in Irene B. Antonio College of

Mindanao Inc. Thus, the study used the descriptive-evaluation research

design. This method involves the collection of data through survey

questionnaire and observations in order to test assumptions or to answer

questions concerning current status of the subject of study. The descriptive-

evaluation design was deemed suitable for the study because it involved a

comprehensive analysis of the system’s input, process and output component.

Also, the Requirements Analysis was used in the development involved

user’s and admin validation and verification to ascertain result.

Systems Requirement

 Memory: 2 GB RAM.

 Intel HD Graphics.

 CPU: Intel Core I3 3.40GHz.

 File size TBD.

 OS: Windows 10 or Windows 7 and 8.


Flex code Software Development Kit (SDK)

Figure 1: Flex code Software Development Kit (SDK)

Flex code Software Development Kit (SDK) is a fingerprint recognition

software development kit that allows computer programmers to integrate the

fingerprint technology with the applications or websites. This software is

available from the Flex code official with purchase.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

Figure 2: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Logo [ONLINE].

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 is a freeware to let the computer

programmers to develop software and it is provided by the Microsoft. It

allows the programmers to develop applications and websites in platforms

such as Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, and etc. The Express Editions is

more suitable for novice developers.

Structured Query Language (SQL) Server

Figure 3 : Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL Server is a local database storage provided by the Microsoft along

with the Microsoft Visual Studio. It is provided to let the computer

programmers to manage and store information while develop the

applications and websites. SQL Server appears to be a Relational Database

Management System.


Digital Personal U.Are.U 4500 Reader

Figure 3.3-F4: Digital Persona U.Are.U 4500.

Digital Persona U.Are.U 4500 Reader is a device that developed and

sold for the use of biometrics fingerprint. This hardware is developed for used

to detect the fingerprint of student or worker. However, Digital Persona

U.Are.U 4500 Reader does not provide the SDK file for the computer

programmers to integrate into their applications or websites. So, in order to

integrate the hardware with the developed applications or websites, the Flex

code SDK is necessary.

Requirement Analysis

In this phase, the researchers will study how the system works,

determine the user’s wants, needs and requirements, and recommend a

solution. The researchers will interview the school administrator, SSC Officer

to find out system requirements. After the interview, the researchers will

analyze the data, research on related literature and studies. It also involves

developing estimates for the work to be performed, establishing the necessary

commitments, and defining the plan to perform the work, and finalized the

project plan.

System Design

On this phase, the system will be designed based on the requirements

needed in the system. The researchers will design the database model

structure, link the database tables, design the data forms, and prepare the

presentation of the project. The evaluation of the design and functionalities of

the system will be conducted. The programmer will review and revise the

design of the tables and forms of the system and test the functionalities of the

system. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) shall be employed as data model

for the system. The programmer will create the source codes necessary for the

system to be constructed.


The researchers will conduct the system dry-run and conduct training

of the target users of the system. The users of the system will check if the

recommended functions and suggestions of the users are met.

System Testing

The process of evaluating a system or application, in order to check

whether the application meets all requirements of the client and to detect the

errors. Requirements such as software functions and features where checked

to determine if it will work according to the specification. This stage ensures

that the produced system is complete and performs efficiently, evaluate

whether the software perform all activities after integration with the existing

operating environment, and measure up the reliability and overall quality of

the software.

System Maintenance

This Phase is to ensure the information system is fully functional and

performs optimally until the system reaches its end of life. The System

Maintenance Phase comprises the following: management of changes to the

system to support end users, monitoring of system performance, and

performance of required security activities such as backups, and continuation

of end user support.

Definition of Terms

Singularity - The state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular.

Tedious – Boring, tiring and this can be both frustrating and cannot guarantee

coverage of all the program execution paths.

Transparency – refers to the information which flow amongst stakeholders

for the purpose of informed decision-making and taking the right action.

Biometric – refers to the study of measurable biological characteristics

Fingerprint – the analysis of the individual’s unique fingerprint

Forging of signature – refers to faking signature without permission, making

a false document or another object or changing an existing document or

another object without authorization.

SSC – supreme student council


[1] Alice. “Student Information System Project Manager (Admin/Professional

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[2] Andres, C. “Admission System and Online Examination for Benguet State

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[3] Galang, A.A.D. “Enrolment Management System for Data Center College

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[4] Evangelista. Student Information System (SIS) of Nueva Viscaya State

University. St. Paul University Philippines, pp. 20-24,2011.

[5] Liao. “Student Information System of the College of Hospitality Industry

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[7] Marrero, S. “Student Information System for the University of the

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[8] Pacio, R. “Online Student Information System of Benguet State

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