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TABLE 9-48 Summary of Recent Major Industrial Accidents That Are Sourced to Process Safety Failure

Incident Causes HAZOP Identification of the Cause

Flixborough, UK (1974) The cause was determined as the failure of a HAZOP would not have been able to predict the
Cyclohexane vapor cloud bypass line connecting two reactors handling actions of the plant staff.
explosion high quantities of cyclohexane. The bypass
line was installed in a hurry without proper
engineering or safety review.
Bhopal, India (1984) The multiple causes that led to this accident A well-done HAZOP would have predicted the
Release of poisonous MIC included storage of a highly poisonous hazards due to the non-operability of the relief
gas (Methyl isocynate) chemical MIC in a facility that was shutdown system. But it would not have predicted the
and idle, failure of the scrubbing and flare nature of the risk and catastrophe in case of
system to absorb the toxic vapor, and lack a loss of containment unless all details of the
of knowledge on the nature of toxicity of the chemical was known. (This raises a question
chemical itself. as to how much we know about the long-term
and short-term effects of chemicals).

Seveso, Italy (1976) A runaway reaction caused the chemical TCDD HAZOP would have predicted the consequences
Release of poisonous gas (2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-paradioxin-one of of runaway reaction and release of the vapor. But
TCDD the most potent toxins known to man) to be the lack of knowledge about the chemical itself
released through the relief system in a white and its consequences would not have been
cloud over the town of Seveso. A heavy rain predictable by HAZOP.
washed the TCDD into the soil. Lack of
knowledge and poor communication with
public delayed response from authorities.
Three Mile Island nuclear In the Three Mile island nuclear plant, In Three Mile Island, there were alarms in the
plant (1979) shutdown of main feed water pumps caused control room but the operator did not know that
Equipment malfunction chain shutdown of steam generators and the the relief valve was stuck open and the coolant
and shutdown resulting reactor. Pressure build-up in the reactor level was getting low. Alarms in the control
in partial meltdown of system occurred and the relief valve on room resulted in confused initial actions by the
reactor core system opened to relieve the pressure, operating staff that actually worsened the
but failed to seat back. Result was loss of situation. Though the reactor core suffered a
containment of coolant through the relief partial meltdown, worst case scenarios were
valve. But somehow there was no direct way avoided. A HAZOP would have predicted lack of
the operators could know that the level of critical alarms but would not have predicted the
coolant was dangerously low in the reactor actions by the operating staff. Reports indicate
and that the reactor was overheating. that there were, in fact, too many alarms (nearly
100!) in the control room.

Piper Alpha Offshore It is believed that the leak came from HAZOP would have predicted and corrected
platform (1988) pipe-work connected to a condensate pump. a lot of items that were found lacking in
Leaked condensate A safety valve had been removed from the the platform during the subsequent inquiry
caught fire resulting in pipe-work for overhaul and maintenance. including unit spacing and locations, safety
massive fire and The pump itself was undergoing maintenance provisions, etc., but would not have predicted
explosion and loss of the work. When the pipe-work from which the the causes of the incident and further the
platform safety valve was removed was pressurized reason for escalation of the incident to a
at startup, it is believed that the leak occurred. catastrophe.

(Source: G. Unni Krishnan [138], Reprinted with permission from Hydroc. Proc., By Gulf Publishing Company, copyrighted 2005;
All rights reserved.)

layout, or miss hazards due to leaks on lines that pass through 9.145 FAULT TREE ANALYSIS
or close to a unit but carry material that is not used on that unit.
However, hazards should generally be avoided by changing the Fault tree analysis (FTA) is used to assess the frequency
design. Assessing hazard by HAZAN or any other technique should of an incident. A fault tree is a diagram that shows how
always be the alternative choice. primary causes produce events, which can contribute to a partic-
A small team similar to that used in HAZOP carries out ular hazard. There are several pathways in which a single
HAZAN. The five steps in HAZAN are: primary cause can combine with other primary causes or
events. Therefore a single cause may be found in more than
• Estimate how frequently the incident will occur. one hazard, and may occur at different locations in the fault
• Estimate the consequences to employees, members of the public. tree.
• Estimate the plant and profits. The graphical structure of the fault tree enables the primary
• Compare the results of the first two steps with a target or causes, and secondary events are combined to produce the hazards.
criterion. We can compare the relative contributions of the different events
• Decide whether it is necessary to act to reduce the incident’s to the probability of the hazardous outcome by employing the
frequency or its severity. probability of occurrence of causes and events on the fault tree.

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