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Analysis of my Portfolio: General English

Having attached all the material that has been requested of me

for this subject, I can emphasize the following points about my
school year:
- Although it has been a year full of complications, with many
shortcomings at the beginning on the part of the school to
teach its students, I find that the material sent in this
subject of social English has been quite good, all thanks to
the fact that the learning guides They contributed an
important part to me when it comes to understanding and
putting into practice what I have learned, but a positive
point that I have to highlight is the material given to the
- One detail that I would like to highlight is the difficulty that
we students have gone through to learn online, since
although the guides and online classes helped learning, in
my case it was very difficult for me to get used to this way
to learn, since I have been a schoolboy all my life learning
in a school, with my teacher and classmates present, so a
radical change in a course like III ° medio makes me quite
sad, since I am sure that if we had had a normal school
year, I would have learned much more detailed content
such as exponential functions and complex numbers, so I
feel that I have learned but not what I would have liked
Another point that I would like to emphasize was about the
classes per classroom, since, although they have taken a while to
do them, it would give a positive evaluation, since the teacher
was able to exercise her subject with "normality" within what fits
, since he could show us and explain all the material of this year,
in addition to being able to share something more graphic or
didactic such as perhaps an example video
Conclusion of my portfolio

After reflecting on what the subject of General English has

been in my junior year of high school, I have been able to
come to the conclusion that, although we have had one of
the worst pandemics in history, I feel that at general levels I
have achieved my objectives, since I have been able to
learn and apply the knowledge learned during the year as I
have indicated in my analysis, and that is why I am quite
calm, because it is not enough to learn the subject, but it
must be put into practice with guides and PPT for example,
for your maximum understanding; I am also sad deep down
because I have not learned what I would like in my III °
medium, since I always demand a lot from myself when it
comes to learning and I feel that I have not learned much, it
is true that it has cost me a lot, but thanks to my desire and
responsibility I have been able to learn what I asked for
during this year.

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