Globoworld B1 Unit 14 Class Material

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KEY WORDS for the simple past:

yesterday one minute ago back in 2007

the day before yesterday, two days ago back in 2008
last week three weeks ago back in the Seventies
last month seven years ago back in the Eighties
last year a long time ago back in Primary school
last century in the past On Monday last week
last Semptember in 1492 Years ago
last Summer in 2004 when I was a kid
This morning in January 2006 When I was in elementary school

Didn’t = did not (used for all verbs in English except CAN, MAY, MUST and BE


1. Spelling: spot spotted carry carried
work worked log logged try tried
vvvvvv talk talked hug hugged deny denied
look looked admit admitted study studied
pull pulled pet petted apply applied
r kiss kissed clog clogged
order ordered stop stopped

2. Pronunciation: prohibit prohibitted te d de
admit admitted create created end ended decide decided
love loved
vvvvvv plant planted penetrate penetrated suspend suspended collide collided
change changed extract extracted separate vvvvvv
separated blend blended erode eroded
play played want wanted regulate regulated need needed explode exploded
study rstudied repeat repeated
move moved rent rented
log logged
do the dishes paint the walls
do errands = run errands fix things = repair things
do my nails baby sit my little sister
do my hair dust the furniture
do my homework wash the windows
make dinner listen to music
make breakfast work in the yard
make lunch wash my clothes
cut the lawn relax
water the plants rent a video
walk the dog invite friends to my house
feed the dog cook a meal
wash the car visit my family
sweep the floor
mop the floor
clean the bathroom
Inglés - Francés – Alemán – Portugués - Italiano - Español - Traducciones

1. Last weekend I cleaned my room. I didn’t water the plants last weekend.

DID….? used for all verbs in english execpt CAN, MAY, MUST and BE
Inglés - Francés – Alemán – Portugués - Italiano - Español - Traducciones

Inglés - Francés – Alemán – Portugués - Italiano - Español - Traducciones

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