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X- English

Worksheet One

A. Rewrite the following sentences using passive voice:

1. One must do one’s duty
2. She accused him of theft
3. How will you cross the river?
4. When did you write the letter?
5. Have you taught the boy?
6. Why did she beat the servant?
7. Where will you spend your holidays?
8. Light the lamp.
9. People harvest water during the rainy season.
10. Rekha has forgotten the answer to the first question. She is answering the last question now.
11. He does not obey his teachers.
12. You will not disturb me.

B. Re-arrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences

1. sky/the/sun /warmly/ascending/his/was/now/ blazing/ the /on/ ledge.
2. his/two/lying/plateau/ brothers/the/he/sister/saw/and/his/on/dozing
3. the hand/your library/should be/as well as/fee/accessible/to/to the eye/and/
4. one of/that of reading/known to/is/greatest/the/pleasures/man
5. a rich variety/adventure and wisdom/the/world of books/has/of /
6. own/you/book/convenience/can enjoy/a/at your/
7. hall/inside/ palace/it /all/grandeur/the/was
8. pearls/were/interwoven/flower/sparkling/with/garlands
9. stage/with/wooden/painted/the/decorated/ a/was/backcloth
10. Interested/Engineering/LICET/doing/am/Computer/in/Science/in

C. Punctuate the following sentence

1. One was said to be the famous sunset ruby which had belonged to the empress-queen Maria Theresa.
2. Oho he said to himself The angry waters must stay back now
3. He shouted again will no one come, mother mother,
4. mother will be watching for me he thought and he began to run toward home
5. peters father was one of the men who tended the gates in the dikes called sluices
6. dont go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time
7. M. hamel saw me and said very kindly go to your place quickly little Franz.
8. are you saying youre going to be able to construct a human being
9. then Sir I shall really have discovered the absolute
10. where are we going sir asked the aero-coachman?

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