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Office of the Vice Principal for Junior High School

Date: October 19, 2020

To: Subject Area Coordinators, JHS Level Coordinators and Faculty,

For the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned


OIC Vice Principal For JHS

Subject: Guidelines in Conducting Synchronous/Asynchronous Sessions and other

recommended practices
Memorandum No. 2
AY 2020 - 2021

Peace be with you!

As we adjust to the new ways of teaching and learning this academic year 2020-2021, it
is necessary to employ creative strategies and calibrated practices creating optimal
remote learning experiences, with close attention to the well-being of the teachers,
students and parents during this during these strange and challenging times.

Therefore, this guideline is being issued to be utilized as a guide in conducting

synchronous and asynchronous sessions promoting a good rhythm between on-screen
and off-screen learning activities. This guideline is grounded on the idea that both
synchronous and asynchronous sessions must be structured and well-
planned cultivating an ambience of constant valuing, meaningful engagement,
connectedness and authentic communication intentionally tapping into opportunities
for self-reflection, information processing and psycho-emotional recharging.

I. Conducting Synchronous Session

1. Synchronous session should be well-structured and intended to highlight

the important aspect of the lesson.

2. To benefit student learning and increase student engagement, teachers

may infuse the following practices during synchronous sessions:

a. Follow regular classroom routine at the beginning of the class.

Prayer, checking of attendance, do social check-in to break down
social barriers while creating the expectation of interaction.
b. Introduce the lesson: Tell students what to expect. Inform them
c. Discussion/Lesson Proper: Highlight relevant and essential points
of the lesson. Give meaningful and novel insights, activities and
avoid duplicating what is cover elsewhere.
d. Conclude the session by providing summary of the lesson and/or
telling the students what to expect, prepare or do for the
succeeding synchronous/asynchronous classes.

3. Encourage interaction and active participation. Beyond information

delivery, encourage a learner engagement and collaboration.

4. Use synchronous sessions as consultations, where applicable. If it suits

your topic and students’ progress, rather than using synchronous sessions
for didactic purposes, post questions or let students bring challenging
aspect of the lesson and get the group to collaborate and give inputs.

5. During synchronous sessions, if students encountered difficulties when

logging in, encouraged them to just keep on attempting. If after
considerable attempts, student/s are still unable to connect, tell them that
it is okay and do not panic. Inform the student/s that the session is
recorded, and they can watch the recorded synchronous session once the
problem is resolved.

II. Conducting Asynchronous Session

1. Asynchronous session must be taken to the advantage of the learner.

2. Teachers are highly encouraged to adopt the following practices during

asynchronous sessions/periods;

a. Reach out to students who are needing further assistance and

b. Supplement synchronous session with resources that students can
explore independently, consider posting questions, video,
infographics or summaries of major discussion points from the
lesson given during synchronous lectures or live session.
c. Encourage the students to engage with the content and other
learners. Teacher may consider posting a poll, discussion threads,
question or announcements in OpenLMS discussion board to frame
student learning and/or to highlight sticking points of the lesson.
d. Give timely, relevant and constructive feedback to students.
e. Answer student’s queries about the module and lessons given
during synchronous sessions.
f. Use this period to inform the students what topics or questions the
next session will cover, how they should prepare, and what they’ll be
expected to do.
g. Reach out to students registered in the modular learning plan.

3. When assigning learning task to be accomplished by the students


a. Consider student’s total workload, assign tasks or activities that are

critical and necessary to achievement of most essential goals.
b. Each task must be accompanied with clear directions. Be as
concrete and specific as possible. Consider giving instruction about
specific segment of the module they need to access, work on, view,
read, submit (if any) and the approximate timeframe to complete
the assigned task.
c. Give students reasonable amount of time to accomplish the task
d. Detailed instructions and procedures must be posted in the
OpenLMS. and in the directions indicate when you plan to respond
e.g., next asynchronous class or within class official class time to
manage student expectations for response time.
e. As much as possible provide learning plan that tells the learner what
to do, when to do it, and with what resources.

4. Teachers must be available for consultation. If workable, students could

reach their teacher via OpenLMS quick chat and forums, video conference,
email, telephone, text message or instant messaging.

III. Other recommended practices

1. Approach your course outline and content materials with a critical and
compassionate eye. Be flexible and forgiving. Balance the psychosocial
well-being with the demands of the curriculum.

2. In structuring learning,

a. Provide guidance and structure throughout the duration of the

learning process.
b. Consider how students will encounter things differently in a remote
learning environment while ensuring meaningful engagement,
achievement of essential goals,.
c. Adjust learning activities, tasks, and instructional materials to
accommodate the existing conditions and context of the learners.
d. Foster student’s sense of ownership of their learning process
through self-direction, discovery, inquiry and collaboration.
e. Offer appropriate alternatives for students who are unable to attend
your sessions (synchronous and asynchronous).
f. Provide learning activities and assessment task/s appropriate for
the developmental level and learning condition of the students
while avoiding giving undue stress to oneself, your students and
their families.
g. Make sure to assign tasks critical to the achievement of the essential
goals and provide timely, relevant and meaningful feedback.

3. Always remember, you can still teach well but you have to manage your
expectations. Technology is just a tool to guide our students remote
learning. It is your commitment, compassion and creativity that will spell
the difference.

Patience, flexibility, creativity, understanding, and compassion should drive us while

learning the nuances, idiosyncrasies, boundaries and opportunities of online teaching
and remote learning.

Suggestions for effective management and best practices for online teaching promoting
learner achievement of most essential learning competencies, growth and development
are highly welcomed. If you need support to make this happen, please communicate
those needs to your subject area coordinator so that we can develop a plan to support
your success.

As a learning community, we will rise above the challenge and respond to the call of
service with passion, collective commitment and indomitable spirit. Thank you very
much for your continued support and cooperation.



OIC Vice Principal for JHS

Approved by:


Principal, IBED PreK -10

“That in all things, God may be glorified.”

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