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Vol. 30-No, 18

WOMEN IN SERVICE Schools PlanMedical Examinations ,
, On ~Iid,vay Islands Relaxes on Ship
~1:i~a~e~t~l~eggs Coast Guard Waf PeWo:belle~f ~~~:lry
p\ t James J Begg-s Sl 26 on , T h e Penn VaHey home of MI-
Recent Health Act Provides
of MI and M1 s Leslie K Begus Robelt A Kellls \\ as JObbed SOIl1"

of 119 Kel11l\\ 01 t h Rd MellOn
~~I~ klkledW1~ldc~~~~ ~~cil\a~d ~~
Ph'l d I h· Grou p
atE~~t;l~~etl~~USo~edsh~~~O~~l~oa ac Inery or u rogram e

ar 0 C I a COO Is I ncue
IPh· ISh Idd
hIS palents on Sunda, Conshohocken State Rd HI, ,
OH'lscas smce Feb1 uan p\. I a e p Ia gamed tlnough a back \\ mdo
~~~g~I~~0~~~111~1\se~t~~1~~lt~n~;~ f.el~I~!~~\~~~:~~was a\\a~
~eal Attached
dn ISlon of the
to an mfantn
FIfth ~, m~ pvt
IOn To Be 155 Years Old
August 4 Th1ce diamond Jlngs a dllLmond
lJIacclct and a dIamond ba1 p.n
on a

Beggs \\as a membel of a leco,d
He IS sUl\1\ed b\ hIS palents
t\\O Slstels Edna Bq~gs and MIS
WIlliam Hl'nz\ He alsn Il'a es
0 I U t rl St t
11 Augllst 4 t 11' 111 e
Coasl Guald \\]lIch had Its 0I1~Jl1
1ll Phllaof'lpllla WIll celebillte the
155th ann1\ el sal'v of the begmnmf1,
a es
\\e1e stolen

• eyS •
- - - -.••- - -

HERE AND erves Authorities in Haverford Lower Merion and

, hIS \\lfe Mlllll' lind t\\O SOl1~
J.lInes JI fOUl H'atS old aut!
of t111S gJl'lIt blanch of SI'I\ICe
Todav cele~latn1g the a1l111liel
<al ~ \\ III be 1/2000 men no\\ sel\ -
0n USS Mb'
0 Ile THERE Narberth Study Details, Covers Employes
·oI n P,
Robe, t 'oUl months
_ _ _.____ Il1g 111 till' Coast GlIlI1d as com-
p:lIed \\Ith tile handflll of men \\ho I and Teachers As Well As Pupils, Starts Sept,
A n n e x at
flce \\eJ( III the Coa t Gllllld lit Its be
gmnmg In 1790 Alexllndel Ha11111
ton elf IIted the 01 g:mlzlItlOl1 and
\}egan \11th 10 dnnmutJle cllttels
Narberth Boy Helps
In Blows L\gainst
Plans fOI ll1augUlatll1g a ploglam f01 the complete
Half' yOU I'\et visIted the Little medicoll and dental examlllatJoll of all public and puvate

0 l IP
O PI 'tl'ca eace eo~t111g $1000 each TlIl',e figllles ~ Lock Shop ~ Its II little hole 111 schoo] :-;tudenb teachels and emploJes ale bemg made 1~
M \R\ Il\; E MALliS rE R
,lie almost lost no\\ \\hen tlll'\ Okina,va the Ilall shop located al 104 Dud-
1\lal111p M( Alllstel bloll1el of al e <ompal ed \\ Ith t! e enOl mou, 11'1i AI e second house on the Il'ft local :-;ltlnll ball "chool dl"t1lcb
Ml<S Mal\ McAIltqel of 207 ~t,;\cngth of the Coast Gual d of to apPlOacl1ll1g WmdsO! A\ e hom AutllOllt\ all(! InOlle\ fOl the }11 ogl am ,~l e pI 0\ Ided In
"fi Mill tlll Felm Kell\ sea1l1al' sec HaH'!1ol d' I Enlell11J.\ the dl1\ e "
Ha\elfold Ro Nal])ellh ts 11'- G.O.P. Chairman Says On t111s bllthda\ liS on othe1 and Clas.s USNR son of Mts Mal- \\11\ \on 1\111 see II smllll gablf' I'X dn Act j)a":-;ed b\ the Slate Legb!atme and apploved b~
laxll10 aboa 0 a bllltlesl1tp In the bnthda\s Sll1C1' tile \\al s be 111- tl11 Kell\ 212 Iona A\e Nalbf'lth tendmg Olel a dOOl \\11\ toppea
City Interests Seek lllnll coastgualdsll1l'n \1111 be Call\ bv t\O bl<!(k keys on \\ h1< 11 IS III GO\eInOl l\Iallm on June 1, llJ15
Paell1e afteJ pa1t1Clpatl l ll: f01
SIX \ll'eks 111 the Okllla\\ a cam-
plllgn County Control
1111' tlOOPS fJ om EIll ope to the pa= Penna
I sel\ ed aboal d the lIght I S( 11~l'd Smedle\ sLack Sl10P At
c1fic otl1eJ s \\ III be C011\ 0\ mg SllP (I Ulsel USS MobIle \\ htch ducknd the SIde IS alaI ge ll'd ke\ mal ked
ply shIps fOI the big d11\e agalllst II dozen Kamikaze planes lind kevs maoe to Oldl'l I A Buys TWO ntocar
.. School dlstllcts of Lowpr Merion
and Ha\ el ford To\\ nslups and
Nalbelth BOlough come undet the
Ultimate annexatton of t Ile JIIPlln sllll otl1('IS \\111 be on dnt\ jeladed enenn mll1e<
• Pfe i\1ellJtt Lt-ntz \\\l1ne\\ ll]i' Staff Sgt \\lllIal11 \\alsh A <\
COUlt nOlI statJonpcl at Hq (;0 IF Ha\clfOlo ll'ft Wpdnl'sdll\ fOl Easteln end of Dela\\flle Count\ 1I1 the Phl!tupll1eS helpmg to clelll and SUlllOe bOllts III oldel to mOve
Olltslde PallS l~ fl11a1111 Flollda aftel 60 d<t IS the P11CI' bemg sought b\ po\\el tile enem~ flom smllll Islands b\
"OIkmg 111 thl' Rf'I'Olds P1oceSs1l1 lealP Sgt Walsh hilS hl'en 111 f
Itlll' selllee 14 months 10 0 til Phlladelp I 11

h i l l telests fOl P>l~sl'd m the olel-illl a~salllt 1ll dose anel slllash mOle han 350 and thele on thlec 1\lIll s Ila1W. !tt-
Mal1\ Illll be bllS' SllpcIIlsmg the Jap shole lillgets as he Icontll\)l1- elalh lhousands of kplS Ke\s to
F10m till' I'ntlancc ~Oll dl'slend
se\elal ~teps UltO Ihe lI11\ <hop Ad
r Lots more
I'f If'glslatlon Rules and regula-
Illnns fOl callymg out the act 'tIere
dla\\n up by the Pl'nns"lvama De-
I paJIJl1l'nt of Hl'alth
Both PalOchlill and prnate
\\h1Ch \\PJe spent at Stalag Ltr polltlcal halJnony AJlhUl P bound fOl Japanese \\atels and tton to \ICIOl\ at Okll1alla fit I'lel\ concel\able k1l1d of 10lk I schools come unnl'l the ilet Exam-
• 2nd I t fohn Penn\)lackll Ad 4 He \\ as t eleased b\ Pat ton S Blethpllek chan mlln of the Dl'la loadIng of munlt IOns on slllps -I Samet mes dllllllI till' campaH;l1 -daOl key s lugga e key s \l unk jll1'ltlons Il1 thesf' sphools \\ rH either
~Ii~:: M~t~ll~lIl~n l~l~iSk~\\S rl'l~' I I rlllI d AJ lll\ wal I' COllnl~ Repubhean Exccul1\ e ~~h~\~I~I11h~I~~~:~I:l~il~O~~ \:~\~\~ 1 Ie 37th IlH 101 Ploblem OPf'1 at IOn lte\ s Iltp\ S to! fit bIll eau111 dlt\~1 s Transaction Scotches bl eallwd OUl tl1l011gh the mach-
Sll\S he lnnks fine has gall d Sg-t John 1 emllieman Committee dl'clall'd ~ estel dll\ calls fOl U adltlonal sklll~ of the I f)1 Ihe Moblll' III tll1S \\ al she and c ll'Jts I 1 lei \al e esh il eaal;ci
I R UInOr f P It t JlICI \ set up III the public school
\\ 1'1ght To elhpi they 1001'( d A~enlle has been hon01abl~ dl~- It \1 as BI ethellck \\ ho Ilt a Ie seJ I Il e to sa e 11\ es of f('llo\\ fight 1110\ eel 11l ~o clo,e thaI hI 1 CI l\\ et 1\ a c 1 c ~:UJ1s]1\ c \th apl acllocks e\V n eres I 0 I C' tllCt Ol .'>upel nsed by publlc
sQld 1111'\ ould leadtly Identlh some eXlep lO11a Ie I C SCI 001 !lealth Illltholltles
0\ eJ soml' foot ball pH I tll e of L
Gene Da \ Is S
II 11m ged flom the AlIn\
P;l('I!iC al 1';\ I I • • •
Cfllt ml'ettl1g of Southeast f'11 Il'l s at sea
Penns~ !UIlllll RepublIcan lelldet, Coast Gllat dsml'n all' too US\
b t lIUlfol111 Illstgllla
b I k I I I
I that al e scal( I' LOoa \ I Olnpany
n 1n public schools lind 111 prl\ ate
1b p , \ I ~11lg d Irs f er 001 1
taken 111 42 \I\len Lt Dalls v.a Pfc 'Fed Coholan 101h ;'1011n
captam of the U of P footh 11 tlln Dll 610 Essl'x Alelllle 110me
team In 60 day s fmlough I epOl tcd to t
tIg~1 e~OO;l'llItlOn
I T~~IOl the teUllS of polt thl' stllllng Il'cold of the natIOns bl I'lel~thl11g flam hI' klels O!\IOlk loom Illth Its dtlIl PII'SS AllnOnncrmellt thIS \\pek that clools ale e!aSS1fII'Q thele ~ave
I\e Stlltf' pUI\ cl1all111all M Illlls \eal to _l\e mwh thOllghL to
\\ Ith Delallllie oldl'st nal al <;el \ ICI' The\ ltke to Itt a cks
The Mo Ill' \\as at III' ('( cal \
c~~~i~~Sl11~1~1~CO~~g?l\ mf~ g
Balk of OWi 1ll1\ Sl10P IS the
gllJ1drl S bUl1el sand kel 111 a the AUlae al Cnmpal1\ hilS Plll- I
rl a eg I' 0 p l e a
P;~\\ 1I:1~~g d~~~t\~eSexO;mr~~~I~;~l
ASl1P\llle N C PIt Conolan \\R Clunt\ Ilelllemb el thlll falllous cnttels ha f' enol 1\ P \ele Jla lwd \\Ith cl1lnl's HCle 'a\\s sels Ols Rnd l:ha~eo adoltlOnal PIOPI'II\ 111 Aln- Suppo t of tile S\flte \\111 ,upple-
Lt J)"Ir! ~ Olll1lan hll A A held pIlsonel m Ital\ fOl t\\O Blelhelllks 1lllUllatUl11 to the Itlken alradmg PlIlt llll\el\ Am ~~n~~~g :~~lI~~~i~~ Il1 ~~\ectol co CI la\\J1 mO\\CIS IIIf sllal)Jened ltJC' mOle 0 finllp! srotdll'eI If'POItSlmlnt and aU"I1111enl thIS p10gram
r I) !':ahlllf' A\l'nlll' I" l11me 01 months bl'fOie bcm~ 11'IellSed bJ SI III chall111"n fo11o\\eQ R plea E-IICall \\al of thl' lasl 1:J~ \eal" Id b\ Ihe unflle of the :\101J11c gllge IS lepa 1 I'd 11I11Qles lo<ks Ihllt thl pI 1\ 1111l~ht bl 111O\eo If! smg Ihe medtcal llnd dpntal
~~~d1~\sll~f'al;0 n~ln~Ss l?lpPt?letl : / the FIfth Alm\ but todn\ theIr Job IS CUI 11110 srlPlal~olhpl shIP" I R 111101S hale heen pIPlalpnt for Iflndalrls to the ht~hest degree
b\ TI\I)I tint III pall\ fllCllOn
I tl IPS and ke\s 'l1pplten

c., 11l11te fOl a R"publlclln \lelOI\ m r f'lIt hhlOl\ 11 f' shp \\IIS dome I somp lime \ 1 Joseph N Pel\ JI I pn«lble
, ~~~t~\~n~tal~1enlL1tI16u;~~nnl~~JI 1st Sg-t '''lllJam F Flltn!'1 11 Fall HI' pOl11ted out that TII\ The lad10l11an nn lhl' Gleell- IVIral~rl J n aoe to lhe laps 011 f11lS un IOUI' shop IS (l\\ned ann \\Ptp))\I ll1 InnllollllW 1Illele-t 1Jl CoqwlatlOn nf ph\"lrlans and
#I toTa1l1!1fl. Fla Iwoodbl11eanQClelelalloA\('nup, !lIme omeothlsadmllCISne\pl landpal101 thephal111aelsttl11nte ~\~0~~1I1~deIlSI\;blated 90 ca\es oprlatpo 1)\ Nltllan E Smedlp 101 "omeofllHPe\\famtl afflllllte, m('c)(IIIS0elet\ <Yl011pSnJeant1cl-
repo1t • • IS home on ~O dll\ fll1lo11!!"b a It'l ]lflC been II ble to fOl ~et 1he old \\ 110 \\ 01 ked undel fil e on t Ie ~n PI e Ja s \~el e l11rlmg t1 oop and \\ 110 (am~ (0 Nat bel t h III 1903 He Ihe (nmp 111\ ann pIa nnCQ 10 mOl e I p 1;,
It el bpcau I' t pI Ogl am 15 only
II \eal 111 Gelmal1\ He \\111 re D"u M:ntlll g1lbelnlltollal PIll11 210 Bealh thp (oxS\\alJ1 \\llo \\palsl~J' UIIS PShe knocked out 43 lap ~talted \\olk \\I1I'n he \\as 14\eal, It to Che If' tapJtal of tlll'll OIl rIagnostlr \\heJe defects ate
• e f'~lclOA,len~~\{~I~I;:~~lrln;~ ~~h POtt to Indlanto\\n GaP al ann liS "Iesult Dela\\lIle a Slllel Sial fOI b1111PI\ at Cape I gltals \\Illl dl ect hIts lind \\hen old and has llel'n 11l 111l'challJ(al 1110 ,hlpbulldlllg ll1du tllalpl11pllC I fllll1d TlNtlmpnt b\ famllv phYS1•
<c _ • " C( I nt\ \\as sUIl oul 111 Ill!' cola Glollcl'stl'l the eleclIj[lan s matI' :\1~ JII ~ tiled 10 SUlJpl\ thell \\nlk all hIS life Fot the pa"t 20 Thl' Aulo<al Compam dl,cloSl'd al s \\111 be Ipcommendl'd
mond Va left \\eonesca~ fOJ "altE'I" 1\elsmm 107 Diu Isf~lllsStlltepatlonllge\\aSCon IVlho\\pntJt1\\ththefilst\\lIl'at tlOl1l11~eb\moto1t111CkS Plcked!\l'alshe 11asopelated the Little t l latll!la, bOlloht plopelt1es at roconducttheexamll1at10nsln
Camp Beall' Cal le\ A\enul' son of Mr ano M s C{llHd Oklllal\1I - thpsl' mpn dall' Coa<t )ff 1 t11Ck ILock Shop 1_ \\ LalH I"UI ~\I' ana at 210 Ihr Ha\elfOld TO\\nshlp School
Lt Thomas B F~ll:"uSOJJ A '\ R'lbel t M Weisman \\ ho 10meo I
Bl et hf'llck mlldp t he stat cment GuaHI htston flom the Autumn of I( T\I~ n~ze1~ bJOc!;:,lOllSI'S and mIl I • • W Lan( I tel AI I' fI om the P11l1a- I DIS llel thf' Slate hilS aBated
F hilS been 110nOlabl\ dlSchalgc! tIll' MlIlmes lelt MOllaa~ 'fl' \Veonesd l\ III Hplv to all al\lcle 1941
flam tl1l' Al m\ IPa lIS Island IIII I appeal I'd III thl' Phlladclpl1Ja
]1 qllll el undel tbe head Mal tm I Ad
r W ---.-. -
boxes \\(If' '1118sh(d b\ hel !WI" Hall' \011 a 10 k tlll1t Sill ks lo"t delphIa Elplllil C0111plln\
\ Flf I ~Il tllllC s she slOPiJrO JIIP III a ke\ Illlt 111\1st bp)1 eplller! blo
So 082 50 ThiS Il'plesenls onlv part
II \I as not 1(\ ealed b\ the COlll- uf IhI' cost nf these eXaml11atlOns
fanll I chaloes b\ kl l lll1 0 and kpn II kc\ 111 a lo<k Ml Smpdle\ pan I Illmt \ as tl1t' I'Xal t al110unt 'llC I hI' I emall1nl'l aPPlnpnated

·ss'10n Changes Zone T0 1;:1 OIl'S McChll I' TIn eal

In thl' conlllllal1<e of II \Indlc
Co 'tSS
more oman c III 1l1~ 1I ;;op-: \\ 1111 all NI 111 s \1 III c onll' to \ OUI homl vn <all He of tht p II (l1a c PIl<C but I he Al 1)\p the lo( al schnol dl,tJlCt has
She s\\ept dean \\llOh alcas 01 hilS sluu\lened 243 la\\l1 j"ol\el l agen(\ HllllsentaL1\eol tllePhll Ib 11 lllcJuo(d 111 Ha\l'lfoJds 1945-

Comml ' S A t • tJle plIllOnllg, pollCl 111 Delll\\lIle

COtllt\ Bletlellck saw that Ta~
Il( I \la" \\lltl11g hIS o\\n llcket of
lhleats I
I mml
):'1 keo off l11dl\ldual tmgcts as ~In(l SPlll1g and expe(ls t 11' ola out W Gllpnlkla leal I'stale J6 <:choo! \e11 budget
!dllHINI sll(has55 1111S ll1d nme to be 011'1300 befOlC the srasOIlI:ldCIPhla EIHll1l milS leal t'tlll' e an In H;nelfOld WIll cost be-
?ll'm1ll1l1lOn and ~lIpp1\ Ollllljb
lone 01 tlH ~Ulllal' pI Il( 1111eh
pas f'S
MI Snpc]c
j \ al d h
\\1 f' llll holdl11g
'aId the ale pllce \\as tlllell $15000 and :;;20000 In Older
apPIOXIIl111el\ S225000 fOI lhool QI<lJlCttO obtam a State
Thl" PlO-

BlOCk SIX toryA partmen

I D ,. S, (
I do knol declalecl B1elhl'1~
If \1 e I auld PIlO OUl fIght
"Uukrr! i111 I <; pI kl'd Iff H the al 104 DlCllp\ AI(
I ";peCla ble 1an e of 9 000 \ 11 d
T1rl :lallj
1\\ 0 SOllS 101ll ~I a ne c a1J~ II ~I a Il
1he p opel til" Ill\OIIf'd III II Iconll bllllOll to thl~ ::tmount the
tl allsae t lOlls one of t lIe hI gl sl I ~( h( 01 dlSI I I I IS requ111'(i to pa~'

'll ~eall1st the PhJ1aol'lpJ1111 \\age tax (~oroner Says Death An;loPI go! 111 t~ a Ian I' of 1500 llO gll'aL gl31l0son 1\ JO I leal l tate df'als on Ine Ma1l1 Lll1P 111Iec lcal examlllPIS not less than a

FrankeI I ppea eCIslon

m JI' Idellts of Dela\\ale Countv 'IT R I f Iv Hts befOle bCll1g battEd dOI\n S11l ull 1'\ I all apt 111[1 ]illl1 anc 11I IPllnl ll' I I I' I 10lal I I pel pel SOIl lind to dental ex-
allo\\o1JldIHllI1ILPO\\PlfuIPllll ",as ,A.. esuto t _ --,--- l'lstslll<fathelll1lhelnk Ill;P se __nHllllallltlOllOfapllIOXlllll\[ ~I111l11"notlessthlln50cl'ntsper
_ _- - - - -
~d Iphla 1I1telesls to manage Olll
df:'lIlS pllt an pndto Homp Rule ID rIll
'k' T
Ing' .Jys;o
I I d 1110re S I(ler
I' I
l-,f 0
IDI R)scoe Smedlp\ an 0 leop,t
It sllgeoll anCl pl1\ ICI<1n
1\ "liOOOO H( Jldll1~ to lhe LOllel pll 011
leSldes ~I 1 n 'TOIllSlllJ a e 0 onl I DII I.?: II (Ol1lll1!? If'ar plltllS

t IS
y po
. "PIan nc Ultlllll1(1\ annex tile Easeln No In Pacific "Tar 1111 Wallell Pa Ille NOlth Sldf' PIOPI'II\ t1a 11 Il\e bf'pn made 111 Ha\f'liord
.. Ienmg Of AU u tIp e weII·mg
M 1'I D I' n0 of oUt (Olll1t \ \\ e \\ould oet J211 "
MISS TClIll B I IIPlol 52 of 1
10np( I \l101I \1!t)1l11 24 hOUlS But Ivalle\ Rrl '\ll1l11nle dIed on Fll
thPlt \\111 be no SUIJ{Ilc!el to the ela\ afteln()(l11 al BJ\n l\Ia\\1 Hos 0 MI and MI
S ~~t JOSf'pll 1 I ou~hllll son
P 1 Lou[:llllll I
I On th( Roo\, ~h( If 20~ Wi I all( 1st e1 A e IS ,lilpc] a I Tl \\ nslllp 10 pxamll1e 2 810 233
llJout ~!OO 000 ilnCl Ihe olhel at eacl,pIs Il~ spllool el11plo~p.s and
So 'lIrl! Rf'l11embclf'd -James })Oll SlOOOO The \alllatlOlI lIP II\( bus dtllel In the pRrochlal
Tlght · . V· t ry for CI·VI·C Groups
• \11 e lax ~ang on such tPllns )llial as the le<lIlt of dllnkmg L\- 8!7 Cllekll A\C AlcimOlf' has I Cout I l f U l' Pa(/r. T1l0 Ipsrnl apPl JXll11alel ~O pel (ent s Iionl of the TO\lnshlp fiOOwllI be

ReguIat Ions, IC 0 _________

The aluc1p 111 the Phlladelpl1fl sol
1m IlPJ enl111en MaltlJ1 Ignolps Pel1(e salo MISS Bfltrhel01 had TIH'llrl
ICllI If'cleplo~l'd to the Emopean
Me Cliu ( Thl ea t IS 1I11s1eadlllg to also sJashrd hl'l till nRt and \ 11st< I L llWlllill IS an admJJllstl a 11\ f'
of OpeJallOnS S~t S · A Hld
re e
of the aclual lalue of Ill' plopeJ- IxaJ11ll1ed Th"nnlvS\lIetl' pIl\ate
lteS s } 001 m HlIplfOJO 'Tov.n,lnp IS
I he N lit h <;Ioe pi opel! \ lll\\ I11P Hal el fnt 0 FIIpnri,
Ejl!lI<lllll T F1Rllkp] :\lrllol1 le;:11 (""IRtp r1P\('lojlEl <In- a\ the lpast No Ihlf'at \\a" Issued but COlonpl \Vl11s10\\ J Ru"ho11 conlam I !!"lIla f' a tOlplOflm ann \ heh has D;) silident h tl'fi The
s e(wlist lllrl Altll1g FilS! SCI
10 "n\Ol1f' I
Till'S 1I1el1lent \\as of Mont Ol11f'l\ Count\ sllld \llat talll 01 tlIP \elplan 71h Mecllcal cpclallo11s offl e of II1£' Elecilic :let appllf's onll to secondal;Y
l1ou]l('ed jnda\ lhnl the d('ll<.;IOIl of LO\\('I :\lell011 10\\Il<.;hlp 1l1?oe b\ mp tlla! Delll\\1I1e COUll Q"atll \\as caUM'O b\ tile pOlson as Supph Plltoon A\n Company It lOllb the A 1I0ClII s S hnols ancl dol'S 1101 1l1clude col-
ll""lOlll'l<.; ZOlllll<T hI" ])loj1o"ed "IX ",tOt\ apaltment t s eO-OpI'1a[ on 111 tlll' fulme slle han Ipsponden aftel blood Ha\lng 1eCel\ed hiS baSIC t11l1l1- or arvIn UPPPJ plant on tllf' \\est ilJl(! \\111 11'''1'
COnln '" \lnllld be mPlsU!ed b\ the co opel-ltlan~11 SlonS 11 u at CAmp Lee Va S~t Lo 19l1- \ " make POSSllJ e exten Ion of AUlO Dl'tAI" 01 the medIcal pxall1i-
hou<:e out of :'lIe I IOn "ouIcl be appealed aoonlt 1f'CI'IICS hom tlw Stall' SI1f' \\as lakf'n to the hosPltal1l1 ~\\as tatlOnedllt MItchel FICICI CAl, Sloe II Hk fatllltlf'~ on Ine n"t 01 IIIllCh half' bpel1 plepa1ed
~ -J e \\'ednc" Slate Chaulllan Ta\IOt staled the IO\\el MellOn tOllnslllP polIce ~1Ly a~o FOlt Dlx N J brfole ---- Plnns\ll<lllla Rllllo:ln as \\ell a~1 G Ha\elfolrl b~ DI R R Aber-
i\lertlJ1g: III the To\\n"hlp Rut!rltng at "\11ln10 a~ tllell1eptlllgheldlast\\eek~hIlLlaJl1blllanll'summonedbvhelfam 1mbalk111g fOl NOlth AfllCII Fet)- Wynne,,,ood .l\fan I1l~JIO\f'd \CL!'sstothepllsentslO
S · Hld For
COlltl1l11cd 111 Parle Two
cia\ llwht the comn1 1~"lollet" llot on h j Ul ned 1humb" do\\ II '1 lei the P1tlmal \1 Ellf'l( ~olf ~11~ht~ 11\ pI \ ~lC Ian Poh<c dlsPiosed tl fl t I lal \ 8 1943 HIS slup \\ liS 111- tXT
\ eH O\el t lUI'S IOU C , U co- ph\Slelalls h<td told thrm the t e and n as CI'
lIe f E '
ngineer 111 T I! -----.----
on F1<'ll1ke!~ plan t01 an apo1!tmellt hou"e but the\ g,ne Ilpoatlon b\ all RepubllPilns We \\onan lecentl\ had been despon liO\(S 111 a ~o ISIOI1 R sa eted
t 111 Delil\\alp Count\ aglep \\Itll d I
11otl(1" thr\ InlllHlerl to itghttll the legl11atlon s f 01 COIl:-; lUC I tnat but behele l1at co opPJallOn e~1
If t I
I Ie \1 as oun
f d b 1 tI
\ Il'l 1110 leI
1 d

lillee \\I'eks 111 BellllUna

the elgeant ,pl'nt an lln~xpp
So t LOllghl1ll (Ill PI ed tile sel
F or'P enna R R
< .....
lip SOllt I SI( r Pi opel t\ no\\ oc
cuplen bln a small lonl' bIUld1J1t:
contallllll a glS fWlf'll1Ol
npxI to tl~c Amoral 101lrl plant on
1 II bl
IP · I
e ervlces

tIOn of all 8pal tment bUildIng:" 111 lle ~ a c t OJel

Afll'l Ihe 10l11J11ISSIOnpIS lTll'et-+
111" Fl 111 pI salrl
ThIs \\as 1101 Hnexpe(leo aftel
1 T 0\\ n s h Ij)
EIYT0 Campalgn
-- -- - I
n:Juld be II tllO wa\ suel't

--'lIS-.- DI'SeaSe
'11ltlee to declCll'
le ,MIS Edllald BatchplOl \\Ith \\hom
Sillte ChaJl111an \\ants JI OI!lel- shl' hII'd m lented Inoms 111 tl1l' me 111
- \\lS{ that IS 3 matlel fOl h1S Com-\home of MI" Hallll'l Hallll~
S ff
j 1 1941 and has
bIen a\\alc!ed the EUIOpplI1 Af PU\ln ;)3 10 d~ d S\II'J
Funela' SClll{P fOI \Vallel R Ll1e NOltll Its p lI( lasl' \\1 ena
f 4 4 a
!lcan Mwc!le Ellst CampaIgn RIb nellood \\T~O Ie I' un a\ "I app belllg lecnnlPlted to lllClf'aSeCi P10
bon the AmellCaJ1 Ddf'nsl' RIb ICI1l111es \
\V\ Alltocal to <leate bette1 a( (e
C nand flom the assembh Illle no\\
1~1\\1' hel\l\\flSdIIlCa elucllOn nl heal\ dUl\ t111cks fOI
10 I
D. Benner

t hI' num!JPI of pro )Je 1\ ho ltllned Con t agIO B r8.k race u ers II hon the Gooo Conduet "Iedal tllll1mg \ el I' le ( on Ion a\ at Uli Ihan lise 1 'OffIce · Says
01 I fOJ the filst zonnw hpallll
ano thp S10\\ tllP\ PHt on \\'hat
1111' r0I11111I<;<lOnpI' l1all' done IS
F PTA Gor roup
Cases Are Reported
ro en oneSIn
MIS Rlith W GlaCf' of 200 S pl'l1ll1eS Campaign
and a Blonze Sel\lce Stal fO! Ohlel H Ban Funelal Home In
P<tltlclplItlOn III the NOith Ap- tel lllent I\as aL HOJl1I'\\oOCl Pa onla"e oftleAlIlo(al COl11pam saldl
I Robl'lt Wooo IdlPtll,lllR man

1\I'SlpIOa\ lIlal Ihe plllchasl's \\('1e

M D' d F
an Ie rom

rll s tl11( 11\ spot 7011ln" lind \\ e In ' , e A t ot III of 11 ne\\ (ases of con Nal bel Ih AIe Nm beJlh 1\ 110 < J! BelOl e entelll1g Ihe SCI I H r S~ t Pm I m 1\ as cIllef enguH Cl 111 I1n n1\dc 10 fat 1111a t e mOl ll1~ of ma 0 d ''IT
tpl1CI tn It We l11tl'nd to tag\O\lS dlsellses fOl Ihe \\I'ek end 111 flont of hel h0111e IIlmo"j ]J Lou hl1l1 altenoed Ha\elfOid t111anU of \Ia\ of tile Penns\1 IIPliais ann flnl I co PIOClUCI~ al I "'n "oun
takp It 10 Collll me Juh 27 hall' bcpn lepolted 111 \\ecks ago has been hobblll ~ Sln~Ol HIgh School 1I1d \\as Illtel \ama RHhoads Easilln IC"10n a tllO\lgl1llll'c o mpaJ1\ lIas no aefinlLe
WP 11 takf' \\ hI Ie\ f'1 I 11011 I' l>rOn1 ises To BeCOIne LOll el MI'l Ion TO\\ nSll1p h\ Robl'l t 11 ound on t\\ 0 blOkfll bon s I n 1plo\ ed !n Hel bel t F Fostel y~~~tJon he held Sll1ce FehlUal\ plans fOI POSI\\ fll exp III Ion F unel a I SPI \ I( PS \1 f'rl' hpld Mon-
neCesSal\ 10 pIltrrt Flankels ()neofl\tf '()rlssue8 J 11101l1l1s to\\nShlphcaILhoffICP1 which \Iele dtagnosed as a Blllldel and Contllldot of AId A f\\ lk 1 P I The t\\O PIOPCltlPS IJa\' be nlr!l\ aftplnOol1homtheStuard
JI1111rO I lof'n Jllg a19i~ lscd hI the Phlladelpilla E!prllH F\IIplalHome Cll,ket Aq~ Ard·
lights Thetp 1111 bf' All ,ppel1
hom the rommIS'10nf'1 s OP ISlOl1
Of Fall Electl'on
'I. _. _
TIJe nl'l\ (asp ll1e!1I0f' measles s])Jaltled ankle
mumps fO\ll tubetculosls ACCOIdll1g tn x II'" take11 ~l
- - ••- - - -
Ig~n 11Stl:~11~1I [ ~~IEp~JJ 1Il Sit (ompan\ as sel\l(E hradqllallPl s IllnlP fOI Pl'lcl\al D Benner 53
\"'het)}el \11' \1111 go ducct 10Com
mOn PIcas COllll nl \\1 pthl'l 0 II
on I' and \\hooPtJl[: cough fOlll most Imllledlatrh aftel the HI
IThis blll1g s 10 a total 611 (IISf'S fOI dpnt ,'dIS GlaCf' had nnlh111Q bll1 ~
Ser, es I Ho pit.ll
n s (
\\ 11 e A [en a II' 11\1'1 V f01 Ihe Mllll Lll1f' (11\1"IOn 111e cf IJp Pfl1kllp\\ Apa1tment..; Con-
of PIU blllr:h flom \\hl h he ~l~d dl ISlnn heAoqllallels 11111 he 1110\- \In\ and Pllrr AH' Natberth.
auoeRI '\ 11 hc manc to the LO\\f'1 (,111111dp El\ anno\lnlpd at n the fil,t sf'lcn1l1nnths of 1945
Mellnn BOrll d nf Aellu tmen t 1\ e mcf'lll1f: of t hp I 0\\ el Mp] nil I ' - - .Accounted
..- -
H sl1l1plr SPllllll hul ilftel no slon
of 1l11pJ 0\ el11ent mOl e x I a \ s \\ - r
On StiI,veIl Road IllliI
a ll'11 ell 1I1ef't 111 1 1" I'd Irl11pOllll1\ 10 a aJR~p ano a 1\1 n \\as fOl111n dpad l1l In, apart.
I t Col Fl a l1el C \Vnoo \\ hose pn ~ S~lJ I c~ t Jl1 p\J~I\~~~~1~1~~ll1Pp:i~~C fOl mCI Sl hool PI opel I\ al 909 ann nJrI1 I nn Ju!\ 24
\\111 clo''Clde lat"l F~state tflken on Tuh 2~ Thrsp shn\HrI 'J ... I In s 1 'J 92~ Lanc Istpl AII' BI n Ma\\l -\ elfllm ;Jf:pnt fOl the Peun5~1-
Altllnu"h FlflnkPl O'IlPI of illp D 1110rlflftr Cnmmltlf'p JRst F l ' that t\\O bones 111 het ankle \\ Ie \Ilfe rlno famll\ 11\c at _L Talllel billul lind Ne\\ \Olk and In 19~9 A spokesman fOI the Eleclll( I III Ral1Jold Bl'nnet \\as oro·
~ca11",pnt Sltp ;It 01(( Lan a tel dR\ Illghl rhal \\hl'n sl,,, ca n 111 the p~latp nf ChillIes Hap lJlokl'n 1,,1 Ha\clfOld I nO\\ Sel\ll1e a~ I\\a< ]llol1lotNi 10 0 1 Ion engll1Cel COl11pan\ saw \rstelnl\ thai Illp J10tJl1erd dl'ad at 8 P M 1a t Tues-
Rd and N Lote!es Lane hold a Pfll 11 fOl electIon as ~rhnol 0 IsI10lne nf Lo I\f' I Melton 011"'- clllPf of meo](31 ~f'l'lC'e at a lal~e at thc Dclmalla dllislon \llt11 of- lea con Ihe teJl1pnlal\ qllfllte ls1 c.l1 bl D1 A C Me smer The
buld111P' De1111l\ to ploeepo tIle repto! thlS F'nll sh" \\111 ad\0(3 IP ll111th Shall' each \\f'le ::t\lalde j l~lected Direct()r (Tcnplal Hospllal along the St11- fiefS a1h3~allp CllallC"t ( ; 1 " \\111 not ex(eed thlf'p \palS The enlonrl off1<e 111 Norn~town
apalU'11ent hO\l~1' Sltl' IS no'\ 111 fln to Clla11es H \Veston HlIloId F r.J \\ell Rnad n 11' mO\en ° 1]( a_o 111 (ol11pI11\ he saId plans to PUI <tat"d Ihat deafh '~a< caused by a.
l:; 3 re 1dent znne \\htel1 mOll1b1ts rrn Retl\e "alent Tl'lIchels Assc- \VpsfOI1 and Esthel W K111!! dl- Challes H Ya101e\ of 11 Gtepl Dllllng Ihe hf'lght of tile cam thl sa111r eapa(lt\ lind thlPp \ealS chllse plopelt\ and hlllid a ne\\ self IJ1fheted \Iound 111 the chest
such con tluctl0n IClatlon COld111g to the accollntmg of tho Hill Lane O\plblOok \\ho 1, palgn to dtlle the Japanese hom la el lIas tlansfelled to AlloonR l\1am LIl1! adl111l11"llatlon bl11lrlll1p: flnm a 22 cll1bl" nflp The body
CommlSSlonel< not onl\ IRlsed I\lthou"h leC:1gl117,ll1g that all 5>41272978 f'statl' on Wednesd3 comptIo1lC1 of the Pf'nn Mutl [No!tlleln Bmma and open a land ~n l!'l38 he selled on tho clllef en tn hOllsP botn ~enellli offtees ann \\a' dlscolelco 1)\ M B Wallace,
thE' zonmcr of Flankl'l s P10 l1l'lt\ glOUp of palents ha\e a Ilght to TIle balance I\as a\\lIld"d blll'k to Ltfe InsUlancp Compam has be!'l sllppl\ louie to Chma Ihousanns ~ll1f'el S staff at P!111adrJphta ano sel\lce opellltlOl1S I
but the\ ~jumpprl IIC10SS to tile fOJ m such an Ol ga11lZatlOn t 1" tJ ustees to! uses and pm poses of hon01 ed b' f'lectlOn as a duect 1 of American and Chml'se soldIers JnO\ pd to Indlll11apohs 111 1940 as
Nortll Side of Old Lancaste1 Rd Lo\\ 1'1 1\1 I'll on school du etc r.1 s tJlIst Thl' pI I sent d1stllbutIOll of Ihe PhIladelphIa Contlol of tho 1\ 1'1 f' ttl'ated at tll1S famed ]t111gle engmel'l l1111nlenance of \\ a\ He
----.- --
GI dn rile HOIue Sold
mal Roel of thp apaltments
UP~l t11\ estlgatton It" as learn-
I e(' thllt Benne1 had packed and
and placed a StlllJ of land f10m hale nl'\el encoulagl'o "he fOlma came about liS a of ' I l l ContlOllels InstltuII' of Amell P ( hospital \\11'; a Mn on J' a ".) I a'" plepal111g to mo\e to Baltl-
Edo-ehlll Rd to Union Ale also tlOn of palent tcachet "IOUPS dealh ot Mal\ H \Veston R Yaldle\ also \\111 sel\e liS chal Col Wood has been 111 tIll' Alln\ S\11\l\Jl1g Rle hIS \\Ife a dall"h- Challrs L Campbell JI Ie I IlIne Mel \\I!ple hf' had been
111 an R 31e SJOf'nllal dlStll(t Bolh RClell'll a poll conrlurtl'd b\ daUgl1tel of the decedl'nt Ocl 22 Iman of the ploglaJl1 COmmltte tllll'l' '"als and a mClseas 28 tel Jelln Ann ilnd a son Rodne~ pOlls Ille <II Ie of a lalee modeln IJlIl1 frlled HIS \\lff' \\ho had
theFJankl'1 P oppll~ andlhs I1l'l\ thr LOI\£! Mf'tlOn Icaglll' 0' 1944 elllltl1g 1!l4') lnd 1946 months S\lung II11h the Alm\ 111 India s
I tl< IPSloenle 011 1110 aue of beel III 111\' been III CahfOlma.f()r
shIp on Old Lanlllo'lcI Rcl had \\olllen \otel~ lelealed mal1\ m
been PIl'I 1011 1\ ZOI1C d R 5 \\ hll 11 t l\ ot of ( P 11 I 111 tea hel I SU
The Unllnll11011S HlIon ot the llOllP PIOllllS!'sftol bc 1~1l1' \olt1
pellnlls apallll1rllt 1I0lhl'S (1lllon Olganlzallon 01 such II
HI ea t
'IS M T0 I I N S ove

mp emeDt ew tate
R es auran
~lcllnd sllualed at YOll1gSfOl(l nme tlmp
Rd (ladl\' nl' Thl' pI opel t\ 1\ liS BpnnPl IS ,\11 \ II eo b~ hIS Wife
old 10 fill and MJS Nathan N M IV F Bel1nf'1 and t\\O son6:
lltlel fOI $27')00 The bllll'l,I\\l1ham awl Sp.Igeallt Drayton.
eG\l1111I"IOn \11 a \IC(01\ fCll thl' m\101 I~SlltS 0 III
lied Cl\lCClll(
thai 10mI'd\l1d\\1Ih
tlll'm 111 PI otestmg plan< of F 1an MOlon
al- D(TnllOllll1(
~ mle 1l1~ 0 tlllllPal~n
Demu( I aUc
tl~e L

01 I 1 Se e k To Plug Loophole Dom' Away g w1eth Medl'cal Examm'atl'oDS CtllclI
maric 3d SpttJpment has been Hill
1IIIe I(Ple"Plllf'd bl Ed\\ald N 110\ slatlOned on Timan
II trllllenl
Ce111etf'J\\\IIS 111 West Laurel
kel to bUiln
glouP I\as ha( kpd UP b\ tllp Bala- 111~at AtrilllOle CamlJal~1l
Thl' Ml'llOll c1\ Ie \\as 11I'Icl III th" TO\\ n~l1lp Bill I
ISst e, --- ... .. F()(Ir Mlli,t Fall L,· lie ~ll1Y
c\ 11\\\ 0 Nelt!hbnl h000 ClulJ 1111 \\ CTIl rilS( uSSPICjl D t I I DC III hf'aItll offH lals tills \\ el k
\\Iln p tf'llrtl)l~ tllf' le loncd SlllP d IIe t\f\O °tlWIS lemolcBI:l lc cal1 soughl \\a\s aurl ml'al1S of enfOlC I-Iealth R e£uIatlons
· 0eol_p W S lpler hI ali Ii nfflcel
II'°t"III~llt F tlt,e

~n Lall~ns ~Clon 1~ 1 RIC ross· Quo ta

saId hc JJPIsondl\ fplt as thnllQI1
.. till'
d I
te1T~ t tl{
NOll!l "Ioe of Old ' lOll s nl Ie onl( 1 >lIe 1 I
Jall1es GllmolP HRllla\\a\ 1a 111 m !! t 11' 111'\\ S atf' a( t 11'ql1l11l1C a
I C () \ e r n g Res tau r n t s
tIl e cel'lfi
"C Itln11 nf "n OIV
I ef
· fl·" HrtFe
ct W\ nlle\\ non and 1'.11 s Ro\' land mOl I' -\I mel'nl I I'glllat Inn of II'S-
I rf Irel. Mob,,"le [J Jllt
emplm pS shonlo not )1' dt oPllecl
11' I 'JI1ll11 1111Pl lI11"n EIIIII VIIl<1 110\a :\11 EI\ II'IS hllllanl At thp S,,111e tUliP thp\ In J.,l\IPl Mrll'ln \llel1mmal In
to ooell \ll) til" 1'111111' aliI' lIOn of B 1\1 ~I 0 I ~oll"llt 111elll(10S clf 'J]llu~lllcr 01011"'- S'l(rllllll of cf'I'II~ ~11ri 01l11klJICl J~Jt§l
ectEd to ploIClk p a torm of !)IO 10f BII '111 ~r 100
;:Cnll- fOl"I1?1 I Ph_11I1 l\nlo1 rt\\l~ 1~leI1~? !l: la lIae 11nle 111 tIle 1"1 \\lll~lln~ololl~oll~
,,11 O B I 1 I I fi' f "1 Aonntl'n b\ till' Acill 01\ Heallh B 1I1ld lune Z7 Hl41 fnl plAce Il'adln • liP ~ 10n the 1,11'1I1ce~
• o ('~IJ t:;J q:::;,
P 1 t J\la\\l Coll~"f' and h.s lll'ell a qUill' lPHlt I ceJtt cates 01 t 10,1' tl'e PlotpCtlOll of thE' publIc I1I''llth 0\ IP-nlolllr the conauct of Ileen es altead' lUIS bl'en slall
t "< t tru
a"'d f omt C'l"p'l1lle
l"a I' tf' e 11010111-
de "tJon2: adlocate ~ of sQcwl~ II' f 0111 IIl~11dhnt!n 1 fnoo and one1a l lOn of puhllc e"tl1'~ and d l'nkU1~ PI flC"" d
111 arcOl - I'd I CJl1 peln bitS bern F PIOS po b\ ilJ"nrn IS coolJ,,'atmg WIth th$
1 abl a 1+11 t 1S s t Othp1 D!'l11'ell t lr canoldR e AIllollgh Ilpalth 1I11thollhe s m allee l'1tl1 allthOllt\ confelJeo hI the Act of Ma\ 23 194;) Healih 1fflUlI \\111 be llQllIIpd local RPri C1n s offielal that til M:1.ln Ll11p Blanc'l 111 secu"U'!g
~he '.fm\1~lll~ C~n\ lfll~l{te~\I~g ~1lale Flank Kd-eJe~llIn GMrctltOl1 \01 ¥~\~C;;<fl~:g~ a~~dNa~~~~rll B~~~\:~l~ No ploptlelol ,hall he glantpd a lll'ensf' to opel" e 01 conO'lct to nlla!-c 111 peCl lll1 t f P OIIS out ll1 ]\Tam LlllP ate::l 'Ill fab fal beo' IdonOJ~ f01 the \Islt of the Mobile
tho ap<l1tml'nt hOllse 70nes IS ex t11'1S111el lin oln al met I a puhlic ealll1g anr! dllnklll:: pla(e \\ltllll1 thiS Commol1\\palth except lllIJ ll''lte OI1P f Ot t 1le B UIl'au 0 f Its Quota \\hpn thp Mobile Un1l UnIt
BI \ 11 Mal\ 1 fO! to\\ nshl}) comll11~ \1a e not ml'l slllce the nell 11'S-
peeted to lesull 111 a II'S rl1lng of I tlllJal1l legulallOJls \\I'le sent out upon compliance \\Ith the fo11o\\lIlg legu Ia t Ions Health COnsl'1 \ allon DCIJa I tment \ISlls A dmoll' 111'xt \lipek These donatIOns are for blood
the nU111hel of famllIcs \\ho elln slOnel b\ tlll' Slate DepaltJ1ll'nt of Health 1 Thp plemlses of all public eatlng and dI1l1kll": pla<l's shall of Hellltil HallJ blllg aJlothe1 fOl \ MI' AIlhlll P BHUI1 J( plasma and at the ~ame tittle
be hou~ed 111 "ltc:h stlurtuIP, and ----.--- tltt' nl\chlllrl\ COl thr 11lsPPttlOll be kppf llean ana fter ftOlll hUll 01 IlibulSh tile PIOpllf'tol and tIl( ll1ud tOl (hUllnan of thr IVl1111 Itl1f1 donol" "Ill be typed to determine
thelefol e a H'ductlOn 111 the In Bo) Is Jailed On ami hI ensl1lg ot all publll I alllig 2 Walls md eeIlllIgs o[ all looms s110111 be kept cle HI and III t lit fill s uf t he llI~PI clll1g O!\ll( I BI ullll of till' Blood D0110t ~"I- \\ ]11'\111'1 t hey aI e T~ pc 0 All
come fJ am thpsl' PI opel tics 1 t11d dlllhing pl,lcl's \I a~ belllt,: set goot! Iepa u Thl' 111'\\ St Ite all Iequll f'S til It \ I I IPPI' til d 10 1/ siden t of 1 \ Pl 0 donOI saIl' ehglble to con-
COmn1l<"lOnels plan to gl\C Pl1b- lJarceny C large 111 1lI0tlOn 3 All looms III \\hllh R1tllles of food 01 dllnk llll' ptepalcd 01 III pllllOJlS be 1ll1dt 1'\(1\ llllt~ 10\\1'1 Ml1lOJI and Ha\elfold tubUle to the \\hole blood pro·
lIe notice that 011 tlll' thlld \Ved- Robelt Mlehael Bailon 18 of llJe flIst health boald to meet sel\ed 01 JJI \llmh ulen,lls ale \Va heel slntll be \Iell 11~llted and 1l10ll1l1S At lh~ elld ot Ma1<h JUlie TO\\l1s11lps and NaIbeJlh BOlom I gJalll Then blood \\111 be taken
nesda\ of Seplelllbel tlwv \\111 \\111 be LO\lel Mellon on next Mon- ventllatl'd Sl'plembtl and De~embl'l 1epolts to llIUl.l then apllOl11tmpnts to onl\ at thl' PhiladelphIa center
hold a h1'1I1JJl~ on the apalt111ent El~le Rei Manoa \\as commttted cia\ nt~ht \\htn p10\JslOns of tile 4 RUlllllng \\all'l undel plessUle If a\allable shall bl' ea sJ1\ Inll"t be spnt to lIalllsbUlg sIJO\\- donate bloocl on one of the thue and \\Ill be flo\\n dally to the Pa-
house zonmg' qUl'st IOn to lIll Count\ Pilson b\ MlIgls~ 111'\\ Sta Ie Act IIPPI 0\ ed 1)\ GO\ _ 1l1g We l1ul11beJ of mspe( tlOns-to1- da\ S Aug ust 6 7 01 8 Clfic \\ al fJ onts f01 emergency
CommtsslOnels 1l1le\lsmg Rpa1t- Iiale Allen Lo\\el Mellon T\\P e11101 Madill Ma~ 23 \\111 be dls- acce<slbh to all 100111S 111 \\11I(h food IS plepaled 0 utenSils ale ltttnsps th~ numbpi of new h(ensl's 111e fac t tlllt the l\Iobile U'llt tlansfuslOns
COlltll/lICd OIL Parle Two t I a\\alt coml actiOn on R chllll(e cussed 1\lIslll'd and lhe \\lIteJ supph Ul1dPI an\ cl!cUllIstance~ shall be ade- Issued the numbl'l of plac(s CUI- 10l11lS to Aldmoll' llIaklll u It po, T~pp. 0 donOls all' asked to eo·
01 la1cenli of a \\atcl1 fl0111 S EI- At 'II t ' t f quatl' and at a safe samlal\ qUll1ly obtal11ed flom a SOlnce 01 SOUIC- 11'I1tlv l1{ensed tile numbu of Ill- SIbil 101 local 1)l'o}Jle to sloP al opelrrtf' \\Ith the local blanch by
- - -•• - ] IS W III' IIt Tl'
11' CIlal ~e 1\\1 as1 IICl II 01 "a dJJlI' \\plepala
clll1l1l1n Ion 0 HIa es apP101 e d b \ tl Ie S e( Il'l 1l \ 0 1 HIlI
III bl' (onsldel rll 1 'pe<liOn s 1l1e num b ( l Of P Iaces t he Blood Donol Cpntn on Mo 11- Iwmg to tlll' PhIladelphIa Center
S ergean t D 1'0" ns ulouglll b\ tile LOll 1'1 Me 01 I\hah \\111 sllPplenll'nt the State
'VOId has beellll'cl'J\l'd hell' llf 11\p Poll(1'
:J DlIllIlg tile sell <on 1IIIen 1IIls all pIP\lIlenl unless othcl ef 11l1Jng to 1l1ut tllC llqulllmC'nts .. OI11CI\ All !l1s1, ad of Oll1g tntl] \Ihpn mllcd FOI thl~ emergent V
J(gulatlonsandcontll1uetoleqUllelfectlll' ll1eans apPlulecl b\ the SIClltI1\ of Helllh He plOIlC!pd to thl'nU111IJe101places\\hnE l ollec Philidcluhlll 1< a \\Ondllful con S,I\lte ellf-lble donOls may b'"
the death bv dIO\\nll1g of S"l He Ila" .111estl'd on Julv 23 b\ the exuumatlOn of alI food estah Ipre\enl thr enllallce of flItS all opnllngs mlo the OUte1 all shllll be tlons \\oe OIde1ecl Ihe numb!'1 of 11'111 n<e to fliam Ll1lel s and a laskpt! to g1\e blood on short
geant Hamilton A McPhelsoJ) IOffilllS U WaiNS and Gl'olge Ilshment f'111pIO\es and a ce1Ufica leffell1\eh sCleened and dOOlS shall be sell-tlosllw places fell \lhl<h lelo(1I11On-of Il l,el\lIC III 11e\\ of the ~Jrat ollie! notlll'
Jr 25 of \V'\ I1Ilell ood \\ ho 1\ ns DII k, 1\ ho CItal geel that the bOI lion of t h( u he tllIl HobN t J 6 Fh -lIght P11\ Ie 01 \\ ate1 fit shed tOIlets \\ Illl a Sl stt:111 of (C n cs IS be Il1g consldcl cd I he lontlllumg needs 11l he Pactl1c 1\11 s Hellll<l1 also announcp-d
:;:tatloned CIt Robbm~ 1'leld 01 harl [pken the \\at(h \\hllr \\Olk Thomas LOI\el Mf'IIOn health of- COlltlllllCll 011 Parle FOllr numbel of liccnses le\nked the ale, \\l1lth should br lmall\ sup Illllt the Mobllp Ul1It \\111 VIsit t~le
He lost hts hiE' \\h1!e S\li mm1l1'" nt mil \\ Ilh Wllght at the Nalbeltl1 ficel ;ud TUf"ria\ that ill' thoU!!ht numhel of )110 elllllonS for \lnla- POlled salcl MIS Baugh 69th St Branch on September 24
Camp HB." kll1s A CIel\ 'I ith R Bt ld!!!' Gal aile The\ also chaUl- mnst mpmhel < of the Lo" er Mellon boa1d mE'm\:le1s 1ecentlv recel\ ed lion there i5eE'med to be that t11e tlOm llnd lhe numbpi of con\ 1etlOn MIS R G HI'1111Ch blood donor 25 and 26 The Uppe1 Haverford
resuscitatol 'tI orked for an hour eo that hc sold the "atch to an BoaJ d \\ ere 11l favot of eonttnutnl1: copies of the ne\\ lestaUlant regu- examinatIOn of food handle1s ~lll reslllting from these pro~eclltlOns challman f01 the Upper Ha\ er- Blanch \\ 111 cooperate with the
trYing to revive the soldier befora ArdmOle JP"elet f01 $11 "uch a lellUlatlOn lat1on~ and are stud~im[ plam for be continued Health B.uthorJtie~ also are em- ford Township Branch of the 69th St Branch in securllli donOIs
he was pronounced dead HIlS ball was set a.t $1000 In Ha\erford Township health enforcement The unofflclal opln- Speakinll for Natberth Borough ContInued on Page Two Red Cross. announced that her to meet thell' quota

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