Our Town December 20, 1945

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Vol. 3O-No. 38

Chnstmas. 1,91,,5 - 0111' first Christma.'l wzthout the
threat and burden of IVar. IVlthout the st1al11 and horror
of knowing that our lored ones are HI dan{/e1".
Narberth Digs of .1 0 Inches of Snow
It should be the Mez'riest Christmast in many a year.
- U·IghPUpuS
:1 Township Amendmeltt May Fix
Plows Out AU
JUDIOr . Bon'wit Teller's Zonilta: Troubles M~f;n~ ~1~~I~~aIT:%'j~a~~~~~ Snow
and nature has done her part bl/ proVIding the traditional Narb.erth Man Killed
In AIrplane Crash
,snolV that 1S part of our dearest memorzes of childhood

Speak at R0tary
Christmases, Yet w our j01l. let us pause to think with
u of 217 Wayne Ave. Narberth. was
gratitude and honor those 1cho hare sacz'ificed that we
may live.
To all our l'eaders and advert tsers we send our sin-
cere wishes f01' a joyous holidaJ/ and .ioin with them in
Ardmore Club Plans
Bonwlt Teller's zonll1g trOUbles
In bUlldmg an Ardmole store ma~
be a uto
matlcally Ironed out If Low.
er Mellon commiSSIOners pass a
IepaI ted killed m an au'plane
Now the ploposed amendment clasl1 m Ansbach, Oelmany. on
01lgll1at1111>( \l,Ith the conUnlsslon- Novembel 27, accordll1g to WOld
ers, would give the Boald of Ad- lecelved by IllS palents on Decem-
justm~nt the light to grant a bel 6
speCial exceptIOn fOI the use of a In the service Sll1ce January
Day Clearing Roads;
Schools Close Early
Christmas Party at
heartfelt hope that 191,6 will see the establishment of new amendment proposed for the motol yehlde palkmg lot whell 1943, Pfc Haywood lecelVed tlall1-
firm foundati01/s for u truly lastil/g peace throughout I{nox Home Townslup's 1927 Zomng Code.
Healing on t:le amendment Will
the land IS unmedlatelY adJ~cent 111g m MiamI, Fla Chanute Field.
to an R-5 lesldence 01 an' M m- and Flesno. Cal He left fOI ovel-
the world, Thl ee talented nmth glade be January 16 at the Township
BUlldmg m AldmQle
dustllal dlStllCt I
seas duty m October, 1943, and
ThiS \\ould make It unuecessalv was based at the WllmgtQn Base
OUR TOWN, students of the Bala-Cynwyd
JUnior High School explamed the
Bonwlt Tellel now has pendmg
With the commlSSlonelS a petitIOn I
to change t'1e zonmg on Bonwlt , 111 England befm e bem/( transfel-
Tellel s Mason plOpeltv but It led to Gellnany I Irate



To Borough
Ha II·
to change the zonmjl; on the Mason would glye the Township's Boald It IS belleved that he \\ as le- ,
C. "The Thlee A's of B C" to o"el
Tra ffie aWr n i n g I ssue d B y P0 1Ice ChIe f.,
35 Students Make
0 o
Peter Hess Retires 50 mcmbels of the AldmOle Ro- plOpel ty which the stm e bought of Adlllstment the powel to let tUI nmg fI om a fllliough on the 0
adJacent to Its plopelty at Mont- BOl1\\lt Tellel use the land as a Rivera when the Clash occulled
tal y Club at their luncheon meet-
A d
As Vice President of
County Association
111~ last ThUisday
Gelald Pitman chaumlin of
gomelv and Andelson Aves m
for Aldmme The stOle
palkll1j1; lot The Boald of AdJust-
ment 111 glantmg the exceptIOn Method.·st Church
- - --.- - - h· Ch
W Ite nstmas ssure

First Honor Roll Petel CHess, Bala. retned as the daY mtlOduced Geolge W R ed a zone c:1ange a leSI-
dentlal to a busmess dlStllct so
also could lay down PIOVISIOUS fOl
landscape SCI eemng as a buftel

T0 HId
0 Servlces
"lce-pI'esldent of the Montgomery Ku kpatllck ,prtnclpa I of the the Mason plOperty could be used fOl neal by lesldentlal propel ties. Ten inches of snow blanketed thp Main Line Wednesday.
County Tax Collectors AssoCiation Bala-CynwYd JUl1lor High School,
who mtroduced the three stu- for palkmg Passage of the amendment
at the annual me€tmg of the as- A healing on BOl1\\lt Teller's \\ould give Bonwlt Tellel the llght slowing Christmas shoPPE'rs to a \\alk and gidng many school
Ardmore Junior High sociation 111 NOll'istown on De- dents. petitIOn was held at t:1e Novembel to use the Mason plopelty fOI children an unexpected half-l1olJdaY,
cember 12 Nancy Leith secletary of the meetmg of Lower Mellon commls- palkmg pUlposes but ple\ent Its
School Has Smallest He was plesented with a gIft bY School Commission. spoke on the SlOnelS The deCISion IS still pend- future use for the cansO uctlOn of ---- • II was the heaViest snow here
the association and made a life first of the thlee A s, the Aca- mg~ a busmess blllldmg.- - - - - - - AnilUal ChrI·stmas Two Narberth Naval If 01 many
beenveals Somellke
saidIt thele
List Since 1934 mcmbel of the association demIC PI ogl am. She told of the I haon't anvthmK 111 15
Officers Discharged 1~~~~\~R~~b~eog~I~~~ih~I~I~~Z~~;~~
Hes.~ IeVlewed the fOl matlOn. h pes of academiC COUIl>es offered
Annual Banquet Eve Service Will
In obsel va tlOn of the 77th
Honor Roll of the Ardmore Junior
High School 35 pupils wei e lll>ted
history and accomphshments of
the ASSOCiatIOn 0\ el ihe past 20
Ne\\ offlcel s of tl1e ASsOCiatIOn
the 7th and 8th gl ade students
and of the plepalatlOn for chOIces
III the 9th grade, and then m the
9th glade the ptepalatlon fOI
Funeral Services Held Last Tuesday
The thud annual Fathel and
Feature Solos
Two Nal bel til Naval offlcels Lt 11888 .
John M Patton and Lt James I
BIICkel \\ele leleased flam sel-
Not A Blizzard
Howevel, tile \leathelman mam·
ab recelv1l1g fil st honOl s The
ceremony was held last week m
the audltOllUm of the school The
hst thiS qual tel' was the smallest
ale W Velyl Walton, preSident;
WIlllam A Stembach VIce-presI-
dent, and Hemv J. PlOPOIt. secle-
tary and treasulel
choices m semor high school
She emphaSized the academIC
a\\ al ds made each yea I to the
supellOl students
For Sidney Milne Son banquet fOI Lowel Mel IOU s
soccel lettelmen and theu pal ents
\\ as 'leld at the WmdsOl-Essex
Inn, Nalbeltll. last Tuesda\
The Chllstmas pi ogl am of the
INal bel th Methodlst CIJllI ch \\ III be
I held Sunday Decembel 23 at 9 45
vice at the U S Naval Offlcel Pel- I tamed It \I as not a blizzard, smce
sonnel Sepal atlOn Centel Boston t'1e wllld nevel I ea(;hed mOl ethan
Mass 25 miles an hall! and thel e was a
Lt Patton who lesldes With hiS mll11mUm of dllftlng
111 the school's hlstOlY smCe the Hess, who was defeated for the Wl1ham Buck tl easurer of the Bay ton Preston a llinlOl at A M The dnldl en of the Begm- familY at 506 Homewood AVe I The sno\\ stal ted shol tJv after
first Qual tel' 111 1934 when only 26 Repubhcan nommatlOn by J Wal- Student CommiSSIOn, I>poke on Committed Suicide Lo\\el MellOn \\ as elected captam nel Pllmal I' and JUl1lOl depal t- Nal bel til sel ved 28 months 11J the 11 P M Tuesdav and did not
wele hsted. tel Hammons. Brvn Mawl. m the of next yea I s team ~ Nav~ 11J the Amellcan and Elll 0- stop IIntll late Wl'dnesdav altel-
the actIVities Ploglam He told of Last Saturday At Robel t HIll head soccel coach ments of the ::sunday School Will pean Theatl es and \\ as last sta- noon The offiCial deptll was listed
Follow1I1g the exel clses 18 stu- June pllman. IS fil1lshll1g Ius fifth the extl a-cUlllcular actiVities and
oents received melltorlOus Clta- Geol~c H Gllbelt. pllnclpal of paltlrlpate MIS A W, Wald IS tlDned at the U S Na\al Con- at 5 P M Wednesday as 941l1ches
telm as tleaSUler and tax collectol th p It theY play 111 school hte Radnor Home
ilons for WOI k apPlOachmg honor m Lowel _____.____
MellOn Township c
IneluJed among these al e the Lowel Mellon. and Vmcent V m chalRe of the ploglam by the stlllctlOn Tlammg Centel Davls- \lltll tilt' weathelman pledlctmg
1011 standards Pealce vlce-plesldent, spoke to bid I Ville R I A fOlmel constluctlOn an IIltUl1ate tolal of 10 mches
school band olchestla. pubhca- Funelal selVICe \\ele held Tues- the 55 palents and lettelmen who egmne san tle pllmalY glOups engmeel With the DuPont Comp- Tile cold weathel whlc'1 follow-
Those on the ~cholR5tlc honor
loll wele:
Gladys Allen. Balbala Alm-
QUist, Howard Althouse Ann
Sportsment0 HId
0 IcO~~I~~~~.ld~~h~fd ~~ve~~h~~~
tlOns and progl ams.

}Jlamed the athletiC plogram,

day at the Church of Good Shep- attended
held Rosemont
01 Sidney
W Russell McGI ath head of the
. Lo"el Mellon \oratlonal school
Milne 45, Houston Rd, Radnol. showed PlCtUl es of L M soccel
1\\lllle MISS Cathellne Hackman auv Wilmington he was a\lalded ed the heall snO\1 and which IS
IWill tl am the lunlor glOUp
The Chllstmas family wOlslup
a lettel of commendatIOn I expected to contmue for sevel al
Lt Bllckel fOlmelly employed days - made It vutuallY celtam
of Ihe ChUl ch \\ III be held at 11 as a mechalllcal engmeel bv hat Mam Lmel S \\ ould ha\e thel['
Pre Xmas Shoot
Beatty, Joyce Bosler Josephme dwellll1g on the mtel-scholast~c a retned mvestment councelOl Igames A M on the 5ame date The sel- ClJalles S Leopold Consultmg filst wlllte Chllstmas" sll1ce 1930.
Bradley. Frances BUI tt, Wilham
Colhns Barbal a CUI tiS WInifred
Engrum. Joan Fettig,
Jane Guhck, Petel Haillty,
• prO!(lam for boys and the girl s
hltJ amUl al plOglllm.
Next week's meetll1g of the Ro-
talY Club Will be a Chllstmas
\\ho committed SUICide last Satm-
e had gone on a busmess IIIP
Urges Support For .
-----.-- - mon theme of the pastOl Will be Engmeel of Pluladelphla lesldes
In the Days of Helod" New at 316 Gla~hng A\e Nalbelth
membels of the ronglegatlon \llll He spent 36 months 111 the Na\'\ ,left thell cals at 'lOme. thlowmg
i be Iecel\ ed at thiS sel vice At 4 and was last statIOned at the ,an extl a01 dll1aI V bUl den on buses,
Manv shoppels ancl lommulelS
Carolyn Layer, Sallv Lee Geolge
Lemmon, James McGlath, Ralph
Rifle Range Facilities Pal ty at the Knox Home, Wynne-
to New YOI k last ThUlSdllY and
had not letUlned \\hen the fam- e
Chlang Reglme P M tile annual Chllstmas Ves- Naval Tal pedo StatIOn. Newp01 t tl ams and tlollevs
pel ~Ivlce \\Ith a ploglam of cal-, R I I Most of the~e Ian somewhat be~

y n Ight 0f
Coun tIS·
Meacham. Con s tan c eNol ton. Being Increased a
Rlchald Okada Mallon OICUtt
Each mrnate of the Home Will Ilv letned at 1 00 A M Satlllda~ ols and Chllstmas musIc Will be - - - -••- - - lund schedUle but all \lele In op~
At High School lecelve a Chlistmas gift Thele given bY the chou undel the dll ec- lei atlOn The ronlllJutel tl ams on
Elizabeth Pedel son Joel Pel k-
m9 Bettv Ann Robel t.~, L\ dla
Will be a speCial plogl'am ot mOllUng I lIon of Alton K l)Oughel ty Solos I the Pennsvl\ ll.nla RallI oad cal-
01 essed t\ll ~~'s and capons wtll Chllstmas musIc. HIS daughtel Malgalct 22 went • \\I~I ble plesented bv MISs Helen Ired 1lJ some cases neallv double
Robmson: MalCla SaVill Jean
Schaefer, Nancy Shaw, Margot
Smolens. Janet Stewal t Bal bal a
Trunk, Jan Van HOin Alden WII-
be pllzes when the Lowel Mellon
Rod and Gun Club holds Its pre-
Christmas shoot Sunday lit ihe
Holiday Services
to the galage fOI hel cal at 3151Lleutenant Speaks at Stllcklel ClIffOld Walk and MI<
P M SatUldav and seell1g hel
fathel's car, went Olel to 1I1vestl- IJeague of Women
gate She found hel fathel V
I 'R H W t b
mel at OllJ
"age \\111 be delIveled by the
A b t
lle me.-
V·ICtory Loan Quo ta
tlleU usual nUll1bel of coaehes
The Red All 0\1 Lll1es one of
whose uolley hnes lUllS bet\\een
169th St Telll11lJal und the Ald-
hams, Juhet Wilson, John Dab-
Nash Falm on SPlague Road JUst
outSIde of Narbel th Stlll tal gets, slumped ovel the steeling \\ heel
With alI wmdows closed except
oters pastol
011 Monda\ Decembel 24 the
I ll101 e Tel mmlll I epol ted onlv mm·
01 oela\ s Its buses llOwevel. wele

Brave Blizzard In
splash boal ds lind compelltlon at
the tl aps Will compllse the after
noon's pIoglam. Refleshments
Will be Plovlde<l
AtNarberth Church one t!uough \\hlCh a galdcn ho,e
\\ as' mserted The othel end at
anuual Chllstmas E~e Sel\lce Will 'ro~rnshi
Lt AIthul H Hopkl~1S JI ga"e be held at 11 P M The seillce IS
the hose was attached to the ex- a fil st hand account of hiS ex- In ('halge of the mllw;tel assist ed Have Subscribed
haust pipe I pellences Il1 Chma at the Lo\\el by the ~outh of the chUlch The
0 0 ug
'Ield up fleqllentlv dUllllg the
height of the stOI m bv motol'lsts
VI 110 t entlll ed fOl th VI Ithout chams
auo stalled 011 tilt' shppelY stleets,
The Club's llfte chan man, HenlY $601,250
Hopkms of Nal bel th told the Presbyterian Group Milne was gladuated flam Mellon Township League of Wom-' Youth ChalliS Will smg t\\O calais
dll ected bv Elwood Al nold Jos-
blockmg tile bus loutes.
HI I T ' I
Manoa Zone Fight boal d of dn ectOl s at thell meet-
mg last Wednesday evemng that T
hiS committee IS l{lcreasmg the
o a
G th • S
llfie lange faclhtles at the Lower For SpeCIal Service
er un d•ay
P llnce t on m 1923 H e \las a mem- en Votels gloup on mtelnatlOnall
bel of the Colomal Club the M e l - I '
Ion Cllcket Club the Pllnreton lelatlOns last ThlllSda\ Hl the Ash- mas
Club and the sons of the Amel- I blldge HOllse Rosemont
eph Hu
t I d tl Cl
tOll \\11 lea 1e lllS
- >',
The Legend of the Black L VOlllntrel Vlolkels Il1 tl]e Vldol \ stalled 01 slId mlo ditches Lan

: 1VIadomla a Clulsl,mas stOl V \I III I tI~~n ~ ~lek P~~I ~~~t al~~I~~g~~~~V \(astel pike bet\\eell City L{ne A\ e~
g Iway lale
011 11111\ loads man\ motoll<18

Menon High School at Aldmore, Ican Re~olutlOn , I In 1941 Lt Hopkms \\ ent to the be told bY MISS OElcanOl Haywood Count\ s $4000000 E bond Qllota' and Wynne\\ ood Rd , \\ as dosed to
Fisticuffs Threaten where the Club's nfiers shoot CNlstmas selVlCes at Nalbelth He IS sUlvlved by hls \\Ife Ma'- Yalc school 111 CIUlla fm a tVlo-lp -- - -- dlovel the top County Olive Cllau- 11.1tfll fOI abollt an h011l Wec.nes-
evelY MondaI' evenmg. P1esb~tellan (:;hUlCh Will begm on Ion thlee dallghtE'ls Mal!;), '1/ 'll~1 tcachmg te,m FOI two and lIJall Rouel! R TllUS VIllanova dsa\ belause of bad gomg on Thlep.
As 200 Protest Gas When Improvements now undel • 1 Robelta and MIS H Wallls a half ~eals aftel thiS he was ani declaled toda\ Istels Hill bet\leen Indian Cleek
way are completed. he added, Sunday maUling at 11 oclock WheatleY' and three biotheis Almv All FOlce !lason officel be-I T d t L . M T I iDll\e and CIly Lme Ave

C 00I M
ISh emorlaI
Station there WIll be accommodations for when Blyant M Kukland pastOl GOIdon F DaVid D and NOlma~ tween the 14th Au FOlce and the • andoNa~:eltY;v~~\e ~I~~~~d ~~v~lSi~~, State :lIghVla\s In geuelal wele
CJ11lleSe Alm~
Nearly 200 lesldents
.pokesmen fOl two CIVIC associa- fOI e
eight pel sons to file at the same WI 11 spea k on "TIle Meanmg Of F .
and tlme-mstead of fOUl, as hel eto-
Inti aclub and outSide
Chllstmas" The thl ee lobed chons
tions braved the bhzzard Tuesda v matches as well as legulal prac- dl lec t ed by L . Sail e BlOwn Will
3NarrowIyEscape ._ _ _
Lt Hopk1l1S belle\ es
Chmag s centl al govelnment has
I many faults but that It IS the one
0 f Its combmed quota of $742000 HlgIl\\
ThiS IS 81 2 Pel cent of tile tot,1l
opeu a\butDep,llOfflllllls
the State
they \\ el e tI eac!w] ous llnd Ul ged
'lltus said a SUI vev of the 22 IHOtOllsts to use lllams and dllve

. Sunday
mght to plotest agamst the CO{l- tice fOI the Wmtel and Sprmg smg comInulJltv aleas III thl' county I alefull\ slure many loads wele
"Bethlehem" by Golds\\olthy ,that should be sUPPOlted b\ us ,New Building Would had disclosed a unann110US detel- roated \\It!ll(;e undel the snow
structlOn of busmess bUlldmg-s 111 months have been scheduled for ?thel anthems 111clude Bach S I HOI\e\el he added that C I J l a n K . uJlnatIon to end the last \\al-tll1Je Tlaffll' hght thlough AldmOle
a Manoa lesldentlal zone the Lo\\ el MellOl11tes m the Al d- Bleak FOI,~h 0 Beauteous Hea\-
They cro\\ ded the Havel fOl d mOle range and m a number of enly Light and Smg 0 Heav- mall" of the 1 el01 ms ali eady
should be encoluaMed to lllstItute PrOVIde Classroonls
ftnancnlg" dll\e \\lth ('\eIV obler- I\\ele S\\ltdlPd to blmkels lllstead
tl\ e leached and plel'lOUS pel rent- of stop-and-go ILghts to PI event
Township Boald of AdlUstmel,t mstances at the homes of othel ens' ToUls The young people's stalted b\ the Commul1Its..~ He l\nd Laboratories age lecOlds smashed sudden stOPPlll1l
healing 100m III the MuniCipal lifie ('Iubs blass ensemble \9111 accompanv the said that It \las not vet time fOl Man\' lommUnItles the can- SJllm Plo\\s Out
BUlldmg at Oakmont fOi neallY choll m calol smll111g The Jun- 1st SleddI.ng ACCI.dent a tlue DemOClaCY 111 Ch1l1a due \ass sho\\ed ale p01l1tmg thell In N,llbelt!J BOIOUg~1, two snow
three hours lor ChUl ch membels Will Sit With to the gl eat pel rentaMe of 1111- A memOllal fOI the 800 alumni VICtOl\ Loan act!\ Itles to\\ al (I a plo\l s \\ el e sent out at 7 A M and
In additIOn they ('arne al md
I'lth fOUl petitIOns which bore the
,Ignatures of mOle than 1,000
eSldents of the section
M. L. Lions Club then familles fOI thiS festival
FIOIal pieces "Ill be allanged bY In Mel.I·oIl Park
I 1M'
n Jower erlon
telaC\ at Ha\elfOld School \\ho selved final clean-up" MI TIIus said \\olked untIl 5 P M each plow
Tlie Ilhtel acv the hl~h pllceS 111 WOlld Wal II 111clud1l1g the Manv J e-sohlltatlOns al e undel RCl ompanlPd b\ tIll ee siJO\ellel s.
Lhe cIO\\ded Ii\ mg conditIOns. and 43 \lho gave theu Il\es. IS be1l1g \\ay and tlie sellool clJllcht'n I1l B\ the eud of the da\. all loads
MIS A C Staples and Lhe GUIld genel al low standalC! of Ilvmg plOposed fOI el ectlOn on the many dl'tllcts ltl e selllllM E bonds VI 1'1 e open
At one pomt m the heal mg
11ele was even a tlneat of fistl-
ufts 111 the an
InabilIty of the chan man of
Christmas Party cucle While the entn e chUlcn
Chllstmas decOiatlons \\liI be sUP-
made It vel I' dlffilUlt fOl Amellcan rampus of the school m Havel- Illlht up to the hohdaYs'
In the filst sleddmjl; aCCident soldlels to undelstand the Ch1l1ese fOld
ellntended bY Ml. C. N. WooI- leCOI ded thiS season 111 Lo\\cl Mel- \\ a\ of hte Ho\\ e\ el Lt Hopkllls
I Lo\\ el Mellon To\\nslllp With
. The goal IS m slgllt and I ha\€ no loads offlcmll\ closed had 16
The memollal 1\ III be Il1 the full confidel1l e \\ e \Illl leal h It . "now plows out flom 440 A M.
mmgton IOn Township. three Mellon Pal k said that thel e IS much to be ap- fOl m of a $400000 tlassloom and The E bond totals al e \\ pill additIOn 25 men spent the day
lwee-man boal d S Hel belt Keln W McHose and hIS com- youngsters nall owl\ escaped sell- preuat ed 111 the Chmese theY al e sCience bl1lld1l1g The camPlllg!1 above Ihf' thl ee-QUal tel mal k as shovellIng SIdewalks
·...yons. to attend dldn't help mat- Gifts, Magician, mlttee Will plesent the BIble ous mJul V III a !teak aCCident hal d \\ 01 kel s mgel1lous fl u~ndlY fOl funds fOl the bUlldmg IS undll the dllve entels the final t\\ a Snol' Removal Rules
'ers On sevelal occasIOns Lhe Turkey on Program School m then annual White Gift SundaY afteinoon at the llltel sec - and he st! essed theu PlO\,ISlOns the du ectlon of LeslIe R Sevel- \\ eeks today Chllstmas gift sales In both l'OmmUl1ltles attentIOn
1earmg went out of contlol while Sel vice Sunday at 4 P M when tlOn of Lafavette and Putnam fOI and plotectlOn of Amellcan mghaus headmastel of the as \\ ell as paYloll deductIOn PUI - of hOllse'10ldel s \\as called to the
letltlOners and objectors ex- For Children gifts wlapped m white will be re- Rds Mellon Palk filels fOlced do\\n III then countlY school DI Ed\\m M Wilson chase< \lliI be a big factOl III leg-ulatlOn which lequucs that a
'hanged heated accusations and cewed fOl the Presbytenan 01- Rlchald MIIllck 20 of 509 Put- In dlscusSlllg the Chinese Na- headmastel emelltus. IS hanOI al v boostmg the total ave I the $4000 - path\\ av be cleal I'd 111 front of
lrgUments across the room
More than 150 members and phauage of Philadelphia. John C, nam Rd \\ as be111g towed on a tlOnal Al my T,t HopklllS said that chall man Othel s admll1lstel1l1!1: 000 mal k .. eaeh Pi Opell\ \\'Ithm ten wOlkmg
Wilham Robmson, a new mem-
leI' of the board, was the onIv one Chlldl en attended the annual chil-
here when the heallng stal ted dren's Chllstmas pal ty of the fble School
-Iarold B. Bornemann, the oth('l Mam Lme LlOn's Club at the fOI d t~ffcas g
Havllck supellntendent of the BI- sled by an automobile dllven bv the Idea of such an Aim, IS neW the dllve ale Joseph N E\\mg.
hsted $300 as the goal Geolge F Kempf 19 of Howe and to Chllla and has lesulted m manY W Logan Ma('Coy. Thomas Ne\\-
h 1ft 111 addition to Standish Rds MellOn Palk At abuses. men and
the- mtelsectlOn a cal dll\en by tloned lIttle Oallllllg 01 the offi- 01 Allen E~ans
food ale leQUlsI- hall WillIam A Wledelshelm
Junl·ors Entertalan
- - -••- - - hOlliS aftel the sno\l stops House-
holdels who fall to comply face
One nate Il'sldent of Nalbelth
,nember. and Andrew Carson,
lUlldmg mspectOl. wei e delaYed Haverford COUI t Hotel Thursday
lY the storm
After all eVidence was In Lhe
Santa Claus Weslev Kummerle go calolmg
°?rl s sOl
Will meet Monday a
A socia
f the ChUlCh H L StlasbUlgel 58 of Putnam cel's often Siphoned off fOI their
1e young pe P et~ 30 P M t Rd neal Meetmghouse Lane Ian o\\n use the money plovlded to buY space fOl Ha\elfOld School stu-
I tl
I,ne w
'Ill ovel the tow IIl1e and Ullew Mll- supplies and to pay the soldlels dents the bllIldmg Will ploYlde

He explamed that these abuses faclhtles such as an autlItollUIrl.

needed classloom
BrOWllle· Troop 3 called the BOlough Hall Wednes-
da\ aftelnoon to lepOlt that she
had no soonel filllsl1l?d clealmg the
walk m flont of hel house than
Adjustment Boal d said they would dlstllbuted gifts to all the chll- close the evenll1g at t~e l110me2~~ hC~o~~e tI;~ps~;r.~ show that Stl as- \I el e due mamlv to the difficulty I thl ee model n labOl atOiles conlel- I the snO\\ plow came along and
take the petitIOn under adVise- dl en Thel e was a tUi keY dml)el Peal,l anLd vnMgmla eel. bUI gel's cal Jumped the Clll b aftel at 01 gamzatlOn m a countl v so ence 100m~ a soundmoof studIO tossed sno\l flOm the stl eet back
ment With all the tllmmlflgS The chll- Laiches ane ellon \ ast and del ent ta!tzed fOi musIc and speech lOll ectiOtl P t t· f "rh onto It
ReSidents claimed the petitIOn- dl en tilemselves en tel tamed With "Thele s a Song 111 the An" IS luttm~ the tow hne and stluck In (;oncluslOn Lt Hopkms named edltollal offices 101 student Pllbh- resen a Ion 0 e I School Half-HolidaY
f.'lS wele only mtelested m bUSI-
stunls songs and plano solos the pastol's theme If01 Cthll0lsAtm~s ~f11~~a~ve~ ; tl1lcfll~~~ 1~~1 ~: ot~~li Sun Yat Sen's thl ee Pl1l1clples the ratIons and enlm ged dmlllg fallli- Night Before Xmas' Schools 111 Lo\\ el Mellon and
ness plofits while they wele m- mOll11ng family WOl Sup a . ( fil st phase of Cllmese e\ olutiOn IS ties , Nal bel th sclleduled to l lose thiS
telested III plOtectlllg the SUblh- Thel A
ban atmosphele of then com- pel fOimed magic tllcks
e was gloup calOl smgmg
boY magician flom BlOOklll1e
· dI
-- __0_-__ itJ
s N';I~~ Ech~~~~nOf\\~4~ p~tn:l~ I natlOnahsm ' whlc h IS the Pi es-
undel th flont f tI e la
With a Pi esent elllollment of Was High Spot
n e ent phase the second '!tbel al- 560 boys the school stands III [he
I Filday fOI Ihe ~Iohda\ s suspended
l lasses at noon Wednesday. but
PetitIOners al &ued back tha t shown
fownslllp L1I1e Rd was a natural
tholOughfare fOl the development
Claus sound-motIOn PlCtUi es were
DecOl atlOns were m the hands
Th. reeL·InJure
C hn
e 0 1 C I Ism' \\hl(h \1111 stless educatIOn. filst lank of pll\ate secondalv
Fleed by the eftolts Of nelgh- and Ihe thnd 'dcmoclacy"
bOIS and poltce the clllldlen wele
found unhUlt except for mmor M E l ·
schools The school m Its 61,t
---- Ie-opened
Membels of Blo\\nle TlooP 31some palochlal schools also closed
veal has an alumm of mOl e th~n wei e entci tamed at a Chllstmas eallv because of the StOI m
pailI' bv the JUI110J Woman s Club I The stOlm blought a \\IUmng 10
Thlllsdav mOlnll1g.

of busmess and It would come of

,oonel or later
Several of those piesent were store
members of the congrega tlOn of elabol
Norman Snydel decOiator for
Stlawbudge and
m Ardmore. He trimmed
the Chllstmas tlee and had an
CIty Ine ras cuts and blulses SallY was tleat-
ed at the Blyn Mawl hospital Wh
The othelS wele tleated at the
scene by local phvslclans A
scapes nJury
Hill man escaped
'The boald of tlllstees mcludes of Bala-CvnwYd last Monday atlmotOilsts flam SupelIl1tendent of
BladfOld Smith, JI
ver urns Sumnel Rulon-Mlllel Robelt H
BeattIe Stokes B
plesldent the clubhou<e
CallIgan, Rex less aided b\ Mrs A F McCUlU,JV
Pohce Samuel W Gearhalt, of
MSI C R Sumnels head hos- LO\\el Mellon Who Issued these
Illlles fOI plc\entmg tlafflc ac-
ate tram display. -- --0___ 1ll1UIY at 1250 A M WednesdaY S Clements Robelt C ClothIl'l MIS AWed Dletlllh MIS Jo m,lldenls
I h e Collenbrook PI esbytellall
Church at Township Lme and Robel t J Thomas Chan man of the party was Head-On Collision in Buys New Home when JllS cal skidded and tUlned Rowland Evans Joseph N EWll1" ~etch~ b MIS Wilham H Pugh, ABC's of "intel Driving
Treaty Rds Manoa One of the
bulldmgs the petltlOnels would The entel tamment commIttee Front of St.
Joseph's McMullin and McMulhn have
0\1'1 111 Havel ford
ACCOldl11g to the Lo\\ el Mellon Ne\l hall
Joseph Hallison JI
James A
Damel A' ISO el t L Shcnk and 1\11 s I A Tcst blakes fOI slmultan.
0'BlIe'1 ~lfOtlstolnead sundlelland PI edsented I ('ous gllppmg Have t lie chams In
hke to bUild-a g:ll'age-would ll1cluded Russell Smith who also
acted as mastel of celemonies' College svld for Edna C Jones a Colomal pohce Stanlev W Peal son 28 Challes M Schaeffel JI Phlllp ~d 'f 1 calo smglllg an sel v- I Cont,nllcd 011 Pagc Two
stone IeSldence and gal ajl;e With East GI ave s Lane Chestnut H i l l ' I ell' Ies lments
oack up agamst the ChUlCh Edwald H 8no\\. HalOld J Keat~
Both the Bon All' CiVIC Asso- Ing and Robert M. Hudson ---- about one half aCle of 1,ll1d 10-
Tluee people wele lUJUled 111 a cated 522 Manol Rd
Wvnne- ~~~~t ~~I~lll ~~Qe~lkdGI~\a~elf~~~ ,and Rlrhald N Wllhams 2nd
C Staples Challes S Wa ton, JI A hlghs\lOt of the 1'\ pnmO" \\ as
lhe plesentatlOn of The "'Night School to EntertaIn
---0-- - .
CIatIOn and the NOlth Aronommk The allangement committee m.
CIVIC ASSOCiation sent Ieplesenta- cluded Kenneth LmdsleY and Her- head-on colhslOn at 1235 A M. ,""ood
\\hen he skidded while loundmg'
The pm chasel K W Mellon a shppel v lUll e The cal CI ashed L.
M •
S- -h--·-l-S
c 00
• t
OCIe y
IBcfOle Chllstmas" MIS Robelt!53 Cl ' l d '
Hal pel t~achel at the Gal dmer 11 I en a
t P
ar y
tives to the heallng,
One of the petltlonels was AI-
bel t H DaVid. Jr.
Samuel Calelh was m charge
Two gnls ale at Blyn Mawr \\ lto \\ III occupy the PI opel tv fol mto an non fenct:' at the Side at I El t d 17 M b Pal kel Sl 1001 Iendered plano se- I The annual Clulst Home Chl'lst-
thur H. Amundsen. v. ho 0\\ ns a of Ieglstl atlOns. Gaston Pichette HOSPital whele the\ wele taken IllS lesldence, was Iepi esented bv tile load and 01 el tlll ncd ec e em ers h'l tiOns I mus pal tv Will lJe held at Lower
llopelty on the NOIthwest COlnCI gifts' and HallY LeWIS and Ollan bv a passmg motollst Hallahan Real Estate Settlement Damages to the cal \\ el e estl- Lo\\ el Mellon Bop's HI- Y elected BIOII mes 1ll attendance \\'ele the MellOn St'nlol Hlp:h School. Fn-
Continllell on Page Two Khne. finances MalY FI ances Yallow 22, has been made mated at $60 ,1I1d t hp fem e $50 17 nell membel sma specI,!1 ml'et- Misses CalOl Almstl OIJ~ Ills But- d1\\'

Dress As Children 4Students Chosen

daughtel of Ml. and MIS H C.
Yallo\\" 207 Robelts Rd. AId-
mOIl'. IS bell1g tleated for a badlv
RlIt P asses Up Li,l] bera:er C1,eese __ - __ - III held at the AldmOle Y M C en, Jocel\il Calt,,!, Jud\ Gle\
A gDccembel 11
FIlt\-tlilee chlldlen \\111 be pn-
Susanne Hamilton Allll' II\llll teltallle(l m tile Schools home-
HalDlel Hel\eston IS thiS veal s N~talIe Keene, B:lIbHla Lund 100lllS ane! III the DOI\ns Gym
lacelated hp D SP011SOl leplacll1g 0111 el Robll1- MallOn Lukens. Susanne Meal s, 110111 1 to 4 P M Gl'OI ge Comp-
For Xmas Party To Be on Program Ruth McGee 30. 2310 GUllett 'on \lho leslgned to coach the Jod\ Millel, Balbala Montag\le ton a senlOl \1111 act as Santa
The Young Adult Fellowslup of FOUl membels of the cast of Rd, Dlexel Hill IS bemg tleated
[he First Baptist Church of Ald- 'Jul1lor MISS". a play given at for a flacture of the left aim a
BIlt Falls For a B;cycle Plllnp .."
The 11e\l memtwl s ar'2
Cath"lllle OVlell TommIe Jane Claus III tile ma1l1 paltv to be glv-
Don Pal ta\\ Kal en Revnolds, Dalla en III tile Do\\ llS G\m
more had a Chllstmas Palty last Lower Mellon Semor High School badlv lacelated face and lacel- Veitch COlli t11e\ Godle\ Le\\ IS Slentz PP[{~\' Ann Snulf's GI ace Canned goods clot'1mg, to,".
Saturday night at the home of Iecently bY the Showpeople Club atlOns of both knees Bald\l 111 Blli Ball Cllalles Bayel and Ruth TavlO! Mal Y LOll Tomp- potatoes and (OnlllbllLlOns hRvp.
Mr. and Mrs. L B CUI tIS Athens Will be heard ave I StatIOn KYW' Jack Salvas 23, son of 01, J The Pled Plpel of Hamlm did it \I!th a flulp Tom Blowel Halold Hali Jona- killS June Wpeks and Lidia been coliected dllllll~ the week by
Ave.. AldmOle All the guests 9 30 AM. Decembel 24 on the Clalence Salvas Pennbloke Apall- But Detective Sel geant Neal MrFadden of the Ha\ el fOld than Headle\ Ed Hiestand Bob Wllght Lo\\ el Mellollites
ments 631d and city Ave Phlla- Township pohce - wcll, he dId It \\Jth R blcvcle pump Lamb Malton Rnnelman Bob ------- -----------
came dressed as chlldlen
On Sunday the 8"IOUP met m
progl am "OUI Publlc Schools"
Jim Sll1pley, Jack Pennypacker delphia was released hom the
conjunction \\ Ith the High School Bal bara Wiggmton and Betty Dela\\Rle County HHosPltal Wetd -
The lat that 1I1vaded the cl'lIal of the McFadden homl' at
5a W Malthalt Ave South Aldmole gave the seljl;eant t\\'o weeks
Fowlel Belnald
Howald Teaf Nick Tiavaglllll, Naz
Ruckdps( leI, Square CI b' U llcert{lln Days II S

Union for a Christmas program, Keblv \\ PI e the stUdents chosen nesdav a f tel noon
In a setting of candles and holly, flom Lo\\ er Mellon.
Charles Eggleston gave "The
fOI lacel atlons
The plOgtam IS heal d evel Y punctUle wound of the left leg
e was tlea ed
the scalp, a of sleepless l11ghts
"Flom the sound of tlllngs' said the selgeant "he did tla-
Ulbanelh Flank Cobllln
- -
BUI'ldI'ng Damaged
--.- 0 ver- Army Move~· l\TOIV SCltOOI
story of Chl'lstmas m Words and Monday Tlle Chl'lstmas Eve pel- and laceratIOns and ablaslOns of peze WOl k on my heatel pipes. plaYed lude and go-seek \I Ith my , ' "
Music", formance wIIl'feature Jim Shipley both knees. Wife's Pi esel ve lal s and used the coal l hute fO! a bo\\ hng alleY" The Leon Spencel Reid Post
--- ---
.... as gUide of a tour of BenJamm Salvas dJ'lvmg a cal belonging
Flanklm Institute, With the othels to MISS Yalrow's lathel was gomg
After tlYll1g to sneak up on lum With hiS sel vice levolvel the
selgeant tiled tlaps He used tlJlee dlffelent kmds of cheese
No 547 Amellcan Legion post
home at 233 Simpson Rd Ald- eXistence for yeal s d\ll mil: wlllch l\Ia 111 Lme sUbUl bs In July 1943, I
Aftel' an uncel tam finanCial milItal y tl allllllg centel In the
League Sends Gifts acting as stUdents. NOI th on Cltv Ave. MISS MeGee The last one was lImbU\ gel, male was damaged to the pxtent Its mOl tRagI" was called and It It \\ as Il'ased b\ tile U S Signal
was dll\'mb South The cals col- of $500 Monday at 915 A M.
To Needy Families lIded In flont of st Joseph's Col- It was MI s McFadden who e\ entualh \\ as Iesponslble fOI when an Intel natIOnal tlUck own- \vent thlOUgh the State's dosed COlPS and opelated as a Plant
banks dlvlblon the Old Blookhne Assemblv Centel fOI tl a1l11l1g men
The Bala-CynwYd SOCial Service Appointed Chairman lege two blocks South of 54th the lat s death ed IJy the Newton Coal Co AId- Squall' Club embalked thiS \\eck 111 field Signal sel Ylce
League, whose Decembel meeting MIS. Jacob R Baltz ·Mermont Street on City Ave Aftel blowmg up one of the Boy's footballs she left the blc\'- mOle. Clashed mto ICHI Hnd Side on a safe and sound eal eel as a The Assembly Center \\ as of-
was postponed due to Inclement Plaza Bryn Mawi. active In the Dama!les on the two cars was cle pump leanmg agamst the top step of the cellal stan s 0111- of the house. <l'llool plopelty. firl,lliv dosed NO\embel 15 but It
weather. Is carrying on Its plans SUI glcal dl'ess1l1g depal tment of e<tlmated at $500 a piece mg the l1lght the selgeant clUlms the gna\\ 1111-: pulim[l: ami lomp- The tlUrk was pal ked on a The lamblmg flall1e bUlldlllg III \\ll' not until last SatUlclaY thaI;
for the holiday season. Money II:lfts the Main Line Branch Red Cross Lowel Mellon police Investl- 1111( was loudel The next mOlnl1Jg the\ foulld tile I,lt dead Ht glade on the South sldl' of Count~ Blookhnl' OllglllaUY bUilt liS utile Siglllll COlPS' leal gUlild an
hq.ve been sent anonymouslv to has been appomted chan man of 11 t eel II''" arl'ldenl the foot of the cella I steps With the pump all ass Its b,ll k P,Ll t 01 LlIle Rd \\ Inle the dill el WIlS 1lJ {oUlltly dub 101 thl' lVI,lSOlllC 01- llthrel ami t\\O enlisted men.
needy families and names have a hOUse maintenance committee the lubb.'1 hose on Llle bl('\,t!e pump had bt'Lll palpll l\\\a\ one 01 till' lwnws The blHke del, VlltS taken OIel bY tile Ha\l'1- nlO\ed out lind handed the keys
been fUl'l1lshed to clUbs \\ ho en- by MI s Al thUl P Baugh Jl.
tertaln chlldl en at pal ties BI anch chaillnan Othel mem~ ~
I,. M.
Health Report 'PleClllU... It togethel lIke J"au would Bn\ dpt['ctl\ l' lllSt' '"aid u
down County and tile Lll1e tl nurk
osseclbMked ovel tOld TownshIp Sl'IlOol Boald as tlJ the School Boale!,
The~ repol t no destitute sltua-I bel s of the committee Include The Lowel' Mel Ion Township tile sel geant, '\I e figlll e that the Iat hkcd IU I)'1el bet! el than to the NOI th side 11\n ovel the an auxlhal Y school bulldll1l( and DUlmg the depreSSIOn veaU the
tlons In the community and that Miss Laura Mae Pelry Rosemont Dnald of Health has lepolted one l'heese He stal ted to g-naw the lllbbel puHed Ihe bin de pump CUl band lllto the po,t home IeCleatlon center dub house PI opel tv became an
DUlm~ the \\ al thE' club house a"set of thE' defunct Merion Title
most cases concern le-accllmatmg and Miss Margalet Tennev. Hav- np\\ pa<e of chicken pox, and one
the returned selVlce man to clvlJl- el fOI d both of the SUI glcal dl ess- - -.. ,
an life. . lin!! department,
of <carlet fevel for the
I" prj; ('n"ll1g December H,
off the I{)p stcp and bloke hls OVl'tl baLk HO\l ['1st' could \,ou ex-
plait' It? Rats don't have heRI t attacks.' A'I~ \\ <1 \. I slcpt that
1111'11 1
Thele \\as no on(' l1J the bUIl-
dm!: and the tl uck \I a'i not dam- and Its expansl\e glOund:- had and Tlllst Co and wa.~ taken o~er
aged. the distinction of belll!! the only ContinI/cd on PtI.{/. Two
· ·

. W· F- h . BI k'N p.IekEx-S·
C.Itlzens In Ig· t to OC. ursery MenForTwp:Jobs;!~fii~~~~Z;~~;:.fi;;

pointed se~retarY.
the Gladwyne Gaten-
was ap-

-- Harral Replaced by Survey Heating Plant

Figures In Local Controversy ClubNowNear400 I Last Meeting Ardmore Man As
The Haverford Township School

Zoning Board Grants

Board has employed consulting en-
gineers. Moody and Hutchison
;Planning Engineer 1500 Walnut st., PhUadelp!1Ia. to

~enBbership ~ark
i make a survey of the heating plant
I Lower Merion commissioners fili- which
at the old Brookline Square Club.
the school has taken over.

7 Other Petitions;
led two important township posts
! I at Its meeting WednesdaY night.
Chairman Fischer Both appointees are discharged Out ofborn; Eternity the new Day is

:Hopes to. Hit 500 I

service men.
They named a new planning
Into Eternity at night will return.
-Thomas Carlyle.
engineer to take over the posi-

Appeal Is Refused Quota Before Spring

Bala-C y n w y d Neighborhood
Club's membership drive is just
short of the 400 mark Bernard
tion as secretary and engineer of I F==::::::::=====::::::::======::::;;:::,
the Lower Merion Planning C<lm-
mission which was left vacant
when Henry D. Harral resigned
more than a year ago to become
Attorney Fo~ Fairchild School Is Surprised Fischer. chairman of the Club's
memberShip committee reported
this week.
borough manager of Lewistown
The new planning engineer is
By Turnout of BaJa-Cynwyd Residents; The club has a self-assigned
quota of 500 to reach before Spring.
an Ardmore man-Glyde C. Stone,'
28, 221 Malboro Rd. He is a retired
The c!1alrman announced that
Solicitor for Neighborhood Club Leadsi 22 new members had been added
within the last month bringing the
Naval lieutenant. married and has
one child.
Stone is a civil engineering •
Opposition total membership up to 385.
New members. who have been graduate of Northeastern Univer-
sity, Boston. Mass. He studied na-
approved by the Club's board of
Resident:" of Baja-Cynwyd, backed by their civic organi- i directors, are: . val engineering at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and has
zation-the Neighborhood Club-won their fight last Thurs- 1 Ralph Kiester. 284 Montgom- [ had some experience in municipal
ery Ave .. plumber; W. H. Berdow,:

1--- I government work at Brockton,

day night to prevent the opening of the Fairchild School as 116 Grasme.re Rd .. sales manager; Ma.~s.. and as a real estate devel-
John A. McMaholl. 133 MontgoD:-'
a nur~el'Y and kindergarten at Conshohocken State Rd. and
e~:VI Asve.. brbestaurant managel'; DR. E.. P. K: BARKER I oper.
William T. Gatenby, who lives
Bala Ave. in Cynw~'d.
44 LIM
oca en Are
'1 es . Ba Itt, 21 Lapsley Rd.; I at Morris and Lafayette Rds. in
W. A. McVickar, 152 Vassar Rd., Who attended his last meet-
T~1e Lower Merion Board of Ad- nurseryman; Wetmore H. Titus, ing Wednesday night as presi-
jus.tm.ent meeling In the Township 312 Kent Rd., mechanical ell- dent of the Lower Merion Town-
BUlldmg at Ardmore dellled the
application of the school promo-
ters for a special exception to the
zo*.n ~~~~~
Montgomery. the
0 De h L·
I n ISC arge IS
gineel'. ship Board of Commissioners.
Robert J. Calhoun. Jr.• 5 Bal- Dr. Barker has been commis-
wyn Place, accolwtant; Joseph sioner from the Gladwyne Dls-
E. Barrett. 35 Brrn Mawr Ave., trlct for 10 years and siX months • Measured by Ihe span of
accountant; Dr. H. Hudson, 135 and for the 'past four ·Years
Neighborhood ClUb's solicitor, led I Overhill Rd., physician; Rollo H. president of the board. years, it h~s been a long. long
the opposition by outlining the I
residents' objections. I Repor 18 In Group
t 0
Pierce, 119 Dartmouth Rd., sales- In a farewell to his fellow
man; Edward Davis, 524 Ott Rd., commissioners he said: time since that first Christmas
Attorne~.. Paul Brandeus. repre-
,en ling the school. expressed sur-
D ue t A '
In real estate; Charles R. Naylor. "In this entire period of night, but it might have been
630 F dh Rd service I have alwa,'s endeavor-
prise that more Cum 59 residents
turned out for the beanng. i
ICountry _
or am ., office manager; ed to give Lower Merion Town-
Jcff M. Smith. 104 Summit. Lane, Sllip the most efficient and best
but yesterday when we meas-
u. S. Army; John J. Mahoney, I gove1'11mental operation possl- ure the spirit of kindness which
He stated that purchase of the'
property on whic~l the school IForty-four local men and women 193 RoI1lng Rd., merchandise ble. As President of the Board I Christmastime releases.
manager; Donald P. Spiller, 116 I have had the highest cooper-
would be located at 301 Bala Ave. were reported released from ser-
was dependent on the Township'S vice. The latest lists al~o inclu~ed Plinceton Rd., engineer. ation from the Chairman. the
Vincent R. White, 4773 Consho- ManaRer. Assistant Secretary.
I Christmas means happiness.
approvaL TI1e propert~· is owned the name of 18 Mam Lme serVlCe-
by William Conner. attorney and I men wh~ are due !10me on ships I'ocken Ave.. fiorist; J. F. McNutt, I Superintendent of Police. Cap- and Christmas happiness is to
former law partner of John R. K. ! arrIving In port dally. Among the 157 N. Latches Lane. accoU1~tant; tain of Police. Captain of Detec-
Scott. who died last week. men released are: Colonel H. C. Cooper. 321 l'e1l1- tives and all the employees of be shared. We want to share
Brandeis did not call anr wit- Captain Ralf E. McKinsey, Ard- broke Rd .. U.S. M. C.; J. Walter the Township. In particular. I our 1945 Christmas happinal
To thank you for your
ne."ses but a number of residents more.
spoke and others gave tllPir names 1st Lt. John M. Lappin, Glad- Mrs. Arinha Carver Undoch Livingston Havemeyer Bnlmm,
Hammonds. 718 Old Lancaster wish to pay my tribute1i to the
Rei.. Bryn Mawr. manufacturer; Superintendent of Police Ger-
Edwin W. Semans. 1221 Medford hart,. who gave L<l\ver Merion
I cheerful patronage and with yotl.
to the Adju~tment Board in sup- wyne. whose husband Dr. Seth A. Brumm, of 155 Rose Lane. Haverford. wish you Holiday Joys.
port of the Neighborhood Club's Pvt. Domenic Mercuri, Bryn Rd., Wynnewood; C. Elliott BarlJ" Township execllent protection
inserted an advertisement in a New York newspaper last Thurs- 717 Stradone Rd .. motIOn OIcturc I despite a reQuced force."
objections. ,Mawr. day to the effect that he was no longer responsible for any of her
The Club's solicitor and near-' T /5 Anthony Scenna, Bryn producer; John H. Webster, III, I I
b~' residents contended there was ;Ma\~r.
no need for eiC1er a kindergarten i T;.3 Helmut R. Wallace. Menon
debts. Both Dr. Brumm and his son. William, deny that: di\'orce
will be sought. Dr. ,Brumm declined to give any rea-son for his
26 Derwen Rd .. banKer.
Plans were made for an eve-
M anoa Cub P ack H eld United Shoe Repairing Colter's Market
or R nurser~' to be opened in that i StatIOn.. ,
action when in terviewed. ning of entertainment on Janu-
.. - - - - nlY 22. George W. Selby u!ld I .
Christmas Meeting and Hat Renovating 223 Haverford Ave.
neighborhood. They pointed 011t' T ~ ~ GUIdo D Alessandro, Bryn
that Bala-Cpnwyd had ample ~ Ma\\l. ..
kindergarten and school facili-' T/4 WIlliam A. Peterson. Ard-
ties. i more. .
MallOa, Sa ;lor Calls W;fe FrOln
I,. I,.
Lloyd A. Unger W1I,1 ,b.,e in Charge, Manoa Cub Pack 130 held their
vi the alIalr.
-----.-- --- - -
Christmas meeting in the audi-
torlum of Sacred Heart School
123 N. Narberth A\'e.
Louis Evanglos, Proprietor
Phone Narho '2250
This was in answer to a state-; M~\~~.tam George HaYes, Jr., Bryn
Coast After 5 Years Absence Local Groups Assume IMOnday evening when Den 4 pre- Narberth

ment of the petitIOners. that t~e; Cpl. Harriette J. Warren Ard- sented a Clll'istmas play in four
school hoped to draw Its pupIls! more
from Merion. Bala-Cynwvd, Wvn-: S6M 3/C J F Lo
. I I Y or scenes. showing the hanging of ell'
nefield and Overbrook.' . ! erford. ames. gan, Hav- Mrs. Joseph W. Gartland. of
203 Walnut Hill Lane, Westgate
the aircraft carrier Belleau Wood
wl1ich wa~ hit by Jap sUiciel~
Blocking Streets stocking, the. trimming of the tree,
Santa's arl'lval and the group
Montg.omery pointed out that i M/Sgt. Charters M. Heim, Nar- Hills, Manoa. received a Christ- bombers m October. 1944. dUl'lng Carl F. SchUltheis. president of gathered around the tree on
t~e sectlOn where opening of the l berth
mas present by way of the tele- the second battle of the Pllllip- the Haverford Township Civic Christmas m0111lng.
scl:OOI . had been. proposed was: Sgt'. Robert W. Murphy Haver- phone last week. The present pines. Council announces the receipt of David Hickman of Den 4 re-
pnmanb' reSIdentIal and should' ford.
remall1 that way. ' : Pfc. Bernard J. Flynn. Ardmore.
' was in t he form of a call from her
husband, Chi e f Pharmacist',:
I Holder of 10 bronze stars on his
Pacific campaign ribbon. Gart-
a letter from Police superintend-I ceived the Wolf Badge. Each Cub
ent Samuel Siegle regarding spec- Iand other cl1ildren attending were
A petition bearing t he names of' Pfc. Clarence L. 'P1'octor Ard- Mate. Joseph W. Gartland, USNR. land participated in 25 raids and lal streets for sledding during the, presented with a box of candy by
54 residents. which was circulated! more.
in the neighborhood of t.he pro-I S/Sgt. Michael J. Pachioli. Bryn
' who had just arrived in Califol'11ia 11 occupations of Islands while on Winter. I
t!le Pack Committee. Joseph Flynn.
from Okinawa. the carrier. He .also holds the Due to the fact that so many chairman.
posed school. was presented at the 'Mawr. Gartland will go to Bainbridge, Philippine and Good Conduct grouPS have requested C1e block'-j The next. meeling of thp Pack
hearing. I Sg-L Francis P. Iannotta. Br"n Md., for discharge after being ;n ribbons. ing. olI of particular streets. the i will be 11eld January. 28 and the
The Board of Adjustmpnt grant-I Mawr. the service for over five years. A graduate of \'Ve~t. Catholic polIce department has requested, next Pack Commul1lon \\'111 be
ed, seven petitions and denied an- SgL Joseph W. Kiah, Ardmore. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. High School, Gartland recently that local groups assume the re_ISUnday, January 6.
other one at the hearing. ,S/Sgt. Clarence H. Handwork. Daniel A. Gartland, of 210 Hard- saw duty on the minesweeper, sp.onsibility of designating a par- ----_0· __
They approved an application of 'Ard,more. ing Ave .. Manoa. U. S. S. Southward, which was lieular street in their community I President Truman has pro-
the Autocar Company of Ardmore .:- /Sgt. Harry P. Coward, Cyn- On duty in the Pacific since demolished In the typhoon at and Immediatel" notify Mr. Schul- 'I cla, imed July 22-28 as National
for a special exception to erect a \\ ~ d. - . . July, 1943, Gartland served aboard Ok1l1awa. thels what streets have been so Farm Safety Week. National Farm
one-story building In the South- Lt. Comdr. WIlliam R. Parker, desig.nated. He will than report to Safety Week was inaugurated last
past corner of a plot of ground ex- Wynnewood. . Oon Square Clubs Spenntendent Siegle the locations I year by the National Safety Coun-
tending- from 41 to 59 Greenfield
Ave.. West Ardmore. The company
Lt. James R. LeWIS. Ardmore.
T,5 John. L. Young. A1:dmore.
Protest Gas -StatI s~ that the Higlnvay Department cil.
Continllea from Page 1 Continuea from Page 1 wlII not put cinders on them Ban- 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. .
wanted to build in excess of the Sgt. Flment J. Defelice. Ard- bicades and red lanterns are 'avail- I'
. 40 per cent. building area allowed more. of Peach Lane and Township Line by the State Banking Department able to Civic groups to mark the
under the Towns~1ip's Zoning Code. Sgt. John H. Frussett, Narberth. Rd. He asked that the zoning of. when the Merion Title failed. sledding areas.
Nearby residents first entered an Sgt. Milton E. Cox. Jr.. Ardmore. !~Is.. p;ojJerty be. cl~~nged fro~ ~ I
On November 15 there wer!~ still Mr. Schultheis has been in touch
objection and then withdrew it
when they found Ollt that the, bert~. ,
Sgt. Eugene P. Wallace. Nar-
C I eSldence .dlstllct to an H 125 stationed at the Center. Some
busln~ss . dlstnct to p.ermlt. the of them were sent overseas; some
with the various civic associations
this week and citizens are urged
! BLANKET of snow on the roof,
buildings proposed by Autocar I S/ Sgt. Nicholas Santori. Ard-
would be an improvement for the Imore.
~onstlllctlOn of a gasolme sel vIce to other signal corps units, and to cooperate so that the children of .tl. peace and stillness and warmth
property. The concrete block build- iT/Sgt. Joseph L. Magarity, Nar- statIOn. . the rest to reception centers, as- ~;dji~~r~ ~~~~:~iP may enjoy and firelight, the lovely litter of Christ-
ings the proposed would replace i berth. The other petItioners were signment unknown. I--;::==::::::::::::::..--:.;:--~::.-:':=-=:-::;:.:-
frame structures. : Cpl. James J. McBride. Cynwyd. Walter F. Poole and Florence J. On Monday, December 10. five Ii mas on the living room floor. Certainly
An appeal b,' Leon Spencer Reid' Captam James M. Dodge. Hav- Poole. executors for the estate of members of the School Board met
Post.. American Legion. to make' erford. Frank Poole and Edward S. KI.e- with R. G. Tracy, head of the
SIUS, former owners of the Nortn- Philadelphia branch of the U. S.
,f ) there's a Santa Claus, and as we wish
alterations and addition to its post: Lt. Col. David :So Fitzgerald,
you a Merry Christmas we add this
home at 233 Simpson Rd., Ard- Bryn Mawr.
more, was granted. Lt. Wiley F. Corl, Jr .. Bryn
~ast cOI:ne r . of Bm'mont Rd., an.rt Army Real Estate division, to in-
ro\ynslup. Lme Rd., Mano~. '" hel e spect the premises.
petItIOn. IS sought to. ~Iect . an According to the secretary. C. , 4-'
wish for good measure: May good old
An application by Charles M. Mawr.
DaVIS and Bernard R. Fischer, for LL Francis A. O'Donnell, Nar- automobIle sales and sel."ICe bmld- Glenwood Hughes, the scJlOol 81. Nicholas come laden, this Christ-
a ~pecial exception to make alter- berth. mg and a gasolme statIOn. board is going to make an appeal
atlOns and additions at 211 and 213 Lt. James Bricker. Narberth. T!1ree attorneys ap~eal'ed to to the Army for financial aid in mas of 1945, with more of the good
E. Lncaster Ave., Ardmore. was T/3 Pfc. John D. Stevens. Bala- repI esent protestmg Iesldentlal the restoration of nine of the
granted. The special exception will Cynwyd. groups. tennis courts 4000 Plays things of life for you than you have
autl10rize the owners to dispense S/Sg-t. Raymond M. Mincarelli The cost of the service build- . . .
WIth a rear yard in building. Ardmore. . ing. the owners of the proper~y The .CO~ltS had ~en used fOl For Only $1.501
ever before enjoyedo
They granted the application of T/4 Jeremiah M. Casey. Nar- said, would be $50.000 and :t many PUlPC!Ses othel than tenl11s

1t~"4hl, ~--*---*_. ._*---'

Colon~1 Ion M .. Bethel. USMC. for berth. would be operated by a discharged p!aymg.. SaId Hughes. BlIIld111gs
!i specHII exceptIOn to erect a dwell- T/5 Paul J. Stalter, Merion Sta- Armv major. were elected on some of the
mg on a plot of ground on the I tion. One of the things that was courts; ~wo telephone poles were
stamping Township Line Rd. as planted m another court; basket-

East side of Edgewood Rd .. 282 i T/5 Joseph W. Wynkoop. Nar-
feet North of Montgomery Ave" in I berth. commercial was the development ball back-stops and badm1l1ton
North Ard~nore. ; John B. Emack. Haverford.
The A.dJu:,tment Board granted i 2nd Lt. William Kelman. Bryn
the apphcatlOn of A. E. Hoover to I Mawr.
of business places across the lIets were set up; one ena of the
street i1'l Upper Darby- Township, ~ourts was used for quoit Pltch-
the petitioners said. Within a mg. The courts were also used as
constru~t a business building at i Major Julian Johnson, Narberth.
th~ No~ theast cornel' of Montgom- i 1st Lt. Carl P. Lundy, Merion.
er~ A\e. and Ford Re!. In Penn, Among the men recently return-
stones' throw of the pi·operti.:ls a parfi;de ground.
they owned, the petitioners point- POSSIble tuture use of the prop-
ed out, there was a night club, erty has been. dIscussed by the Yuletide Fred TAILORS • FURRIERS • CLEANERS AND DYERS
102 Forrest Ave., Narberth - NARBERTH 2602
~ppeal of Anto.n Peicker for al-.
'ed are:
T /5 James Hutton, Jr.. Ardmore.
t.elatlOns and addItIOns to the busi- I T/Sgt. Robert. W. Murphy Ard-
service station and store. School Board 111 theIr -past few
The petitioners claimed they meetings.
bought their properties a:; busi- So far plans are in the offin~
Greetings Dannenhauer, Jr. 228 Bala Aveo, Cynwyd - CYNWYD 0928

ness bUlldmg on his property at; more. ' ness investments with the knowl- for the restoration of the tennis And Best Wishes
1?1 AS!11and Ave .. West Manayunk, i MoMM Howard L. Alexander, edge that some day Township Line COUl 1.1; and a survey is to be made ,MERION NARBERTH
\\ as gl ~n t~d. I ' Wynnewood.

f ~ppllcatl~n by Jo.1.n Troncelliti i Sgt. Charles Blackie. Ardmore.

01 .a .speclal excep~lOn to make: Captain Richard E. VonMlnden
aHe.1 atlons and addItions to the, Merion.
busmess and apartment building: T/5 Fred D Wright Ard .
Rd. connecting with City Line of the entire heating system of
Ave. would be a six-lane highway. the building. Also papers are be-
Spokesmen for residents con- ing drawn up for the purchase of
tended that the petitioners' only four acres of land adjoining the
interest was how much they could property Which is now owned by
HeleneP. Watwood 1[215
243 Haverford Ave.
Next to Media Drug Store
121 N. Narberth Ave.
he owns on the Northwest. corner i Lt. Col. Cai·) J Hansenmg;rd NARBERTH
make out of their land. Theu' Haverford Township.
CountY.Lme and W. Wynne- ,wyne. . . a-
.' '-~----ii:i~. I
interest, they said. was develop- Nothing has been decided about
., \\ood Rds.. 111 South Ardmore.
AP~hcat~on of M:s. Muriel B. i Wynne.
Bakel fOJ a speCIal exception' Capta'
Captain Eugene C Barn s P
. e"
ing and maintaining a community the repairing of the swimming
of homes. They. saId that con- pool and the gymnasium or paint-
whereby a single family dwelling wvnne\\~~Od I lam J. Bntsch, structlOn of gasolme statIOns and ing the building and renovation
garages m the neighborhood of the interior.
may be erected on her property at
the Northwest corner of Manor I Sn~'
Pf J I .L B k
111 ..
and Wellington Rds.. Penn Vallev m ;~. ames W. WIggins. Ard-
ec -. ~ryn Mawr. would 1)1" an eyesore and a nuis-
ance. Residents said they would
gladly drive any distance froll1 n 0
----0___ -
B °thd ay P ar ty IlE(;OIlDS i
was denied.
----. •
"1 0plfec·.
iMawr: Nicholas Martin'I, B ryn home to buy gas rather than hav~
a service station In their back-
Narberth DIgS I. Sgt. Michael J. D'OraZio, Ard- yards.
_-_0": , -
A birthday party to celebrate
Cantin Ilea from Page 1 I' more.
S/Sgt. Lawrence MtLaughlin.
car art<;l use when needed. Check Bryn Ma\yr;
Held SWIm Party
her 14th birthday was held last
ITueSday at the home of Marlon
Girl Scou.t Tr~op 52 of Llanerch ~~~~son, 1007 Penna. Ave., Brook-
Give Music That Lasts and Lives in Memory
windsll1el.d wiper and defroster. I T/4 WIlham A. Seifried, Ard-
hel~ a. SWlmmmg partw at the I.
The guests included the follow-
Be sure lights are working and in mOl e.
propel' alignment. . I Pfc. Edwar~ J. Berry. Ardmore. West Blanch of the X· M. C. A. mg boys and girls, alI of Haver- MERION FRED. DANNENHAUER, JR.
B. Reduce speed. Contrary to! Ts/Sgt. LeWIS H. Pugh, Narberth.
the belief of many. adherence to' gt. Horace S. Lee, Ardmore.
last Tue~day accompamed by Mrs. ford Township Junior High School:
R. .Nowlm, of Llanerch. ,a.nd ~iss Peggy Macaulay. Phyllis John-
Beltma Blauch of U~pel .Dalby. lOon, Alice Longenecker. Grace 121 N. Narberth Ave.

Narberth Theatre Bldg.

the legal speed limit is no guar-
M~ss Blauch was a swur:mmg m- S~ulze. Celeste Legnini, Gretchen
Certificate Given
antee of safety on Winter roads.
O~ten. speed must be kept to 20
mIles per hour, even less. to avoid To Police Officer
stl~ctor this past Summel at Camp Obold. Warren Qittinger, Thomas
Bm ton. . Younf, William Albright Howard
The grou~ held. a Chnstmas Dreizler. George Moore', Robert FOR OVER 30 YEARS
collision with other vehicles or'
Harry C. Trout ~:_~t_~..:!~t~w thIS week. Steinman and BaITY Wil~on.
. pedestrians.
c. Allow plent~' of room between·
" .
you and t.llf' cal' ahead. Avoid nepd I. In a speCial aUdltonum program
for sudden stops. Be especlallv 111 the Oakmont Schol on Friday. i
cautious in passing. When no't IDecember 14. patrolman Harry C. i
protected by til'e cllains. light ap- ,Tr~ut. of the Haverford Township' for
plication of brakes on-off-and-on Ipohce f~rce, was presented a spec- '
to point of impending skid will, lal certIficate bY the students and
!fIve better contrOl than a single: faCUlty of ~he Oakmont School.
ftrong pressure on the brake pedal. The certIficate, created by thr
DAMAGE We're Now Making Deliveries
D. Take it easy on curves even art teacher of the school. was pre- Protect your wool clothinro
when aided by sand or chains. De- strnte~ as a gesture of thanks for furs, rugs. against moth of G E Refrigerators
crease speed well in advance of In- 1e ...0 years Officer Trout ha~ damage. Have them BE?.·
tersections or curves. Go slow on ~atcl~ed ov~r the children at the LOV-IZED by us. Repaired
hridges. Cl'ossioads m front of the school. free if later damaged by

Narberth Electric &

E Til' '1 ' . . . . . During those 20 veal's. Office'1 moths.
.. e c lams ale mdlspenslble I Trout has watched nl n f h·
under extreme conditions of ice: own children and thr : Of hiS Called For alld
[lnd snow. T.hey cut stopping dls- I grandchildren com t I" h 0 1 s" All Medical Need. Delivered
tance about 111 half. and thev pro-' TI e 0 sc 00.
clde needed tractlon-otte'n es-; 11" I pr~se~tatlon followed a I
sentlal for getting underwa or mus ca PIOgiam by the SChOOl'
'limblng a grade. Or~!1estra under the direction of
,MISS Mae Spang. The prop;ram In
F. Never allow a sled of any de-I eluded a violin solo by Gertrud;
cliption to be towed at the rear, MuleI'. a solo by Ba'rbara M
Louis the Tailor
Cleaning. Pressing. Repairin/l
(If moto~ vehicles. This practice Is Laughlin. and a' strlnp; quartetl;
not only extremely dangerous, but I inclUding Bonnie Zll'kman Ruth At Narberth Statio. 234 Woodbine Ave; BROOKMEAD .Guernsey Dairies Cor Haverford & Forrest Avel
0 o

I~" a direct violation of Article X. ,Kramer. Janl!! .Br·adley. an'd Vlr- Narberth 2838-2839 Narberth 2666 PHONE WAYNE 1121
ction 1023, Penna. Motor Code. -.-.~ ,Tnhn~on, . VISIT THE DAIRY . .. ALi PRODUCTS AT RETAIL , Narberth 4182


...-----------"'""':" IOverbrook Presbyterian Church

Narberth Club ]1J1JJ.n ~., B.ell Bot~om ,Trousers' C~mposer James-Moore
Nuptials To Be
Held Christmas ' _II. Dlrect SUlgUlg at Chrlstmas Held January 4
To Present Chistmas Pageant
Meeting' Dec. 18 ~, ] 'aLI( Party of Rala-Cynwyd Club
The marriage of Miss Pattie The annual Christmas Pageant eral numbers during the pageant.
Moore, daughter of Captain Rob- of the Overbrook Presbyterian Among other participants in the
ert B. Moore, USMCR, and Mrs. .pageant are Peggy Wenzell Sch-
. • • Being a. Column of Moore, of Kent Rd., Bala-Cynwyd, Church ~11I be given next Sunday neider and Robert Foulkes, read-
Play Highlights Affair
Chatter Abo u i People
YOII Know. • . held its annual Christmas Party dancing.
The Bala Cynwyd Lion's Club Sir, She's My Baby", complete witl1
and Harry K. James son of Mr. eveninp; at 8 o'clock. The pageant ers; William W. Tomlin.son, Jr.•
and Mrs. Luke James, of Stewart II has been prepared under the diree- Henry Kaltenhaler. 3rd, and John
for children Tue:-day afternoon and The children played games. St.. Philadelphia, wUl take place tion of Delbert B. Gray. Jr., of Kaltenhaler. of Wynnewood; Perry
Attended by Over B~' DOROTHY OGDEN I in t:le evening, members wives 'I among them. musical chairs. at 4 o'clock on January 5. in st,: Ardmore, superintendent of the Boothe and Jack Lessig, of Mer-
lOO Members, Guests Christmas is coming, tra-la, tra- r and. guests .attended the annual Members of the entertainment Asaphs Church, Bala-Cynwyd. ~ Sunday School, and Mrs. James ion. Betty Jackson, of Narberth,
. .
la. And With our fil st postwal one,
. IChristmas dmner-dance, committee were Robert C. Schu-
Both affairs took place in the macher. Joseph F. Dolan, 3rd, and
Miss Marie Borden, of Bala-I D. Winchell, Jr" -of Wynnewood. wiII take the part of Mary; Betty
cynwyd, will act a.'l maid of honor; Among the features of the pageant Hunter. of Overbrook. the candle-
Over 100 members and guests of many a person is back "to hum" Bala Golf ClUb dining room, where M. Albert Flick. and Mrs. Robert M, Smith, of', will be a series of tableaux of lighting Angel. The chorus of sing-
'lC Narberth Woman's Commun- for the first time In years. Ia gaily decorated CllI'lstmas tree Over 80 people attended the din- Bala-Cynwyd, as matron of honor. Christmas scenes in costume by ing angels inCludes: Mary Liz
Ly Club were present at the Didn't the Ardmore Merchants had been erected. ner-dance which featured a steak Miss Jane Cline, of Bala;"CynWYd'l young people of the Church and a Klumpp, Virginia Russell. Pat Bal-
The children's party started out dinner, and music by Moe Jaffe, and ,Miss Mildred Gillespie, of candlelight service by a singing lagh, Carolyn Miller, Sally Robert-
;hristmas meeting he I d Tues d ay Association put Santa's arrival with a full course turkey dinner., pianist; Dan Dougherty, violinist
fternoon in the auditorium of over with a bang, though? Mi- Santa Claus, Hugh F. O'Neill, and saxaphonist, and Bert Martin Narberth, wUl be bridesmaids. Miss chorus of angels who wlll partie!- son, Nancy Shand, Janey Shand,
Jill Kershaw wUl be the junior pate In each of the tableaux. The Betsy Ulrich, Janet Russell. Jane
le Narberth Methodist Church. gawsh! Over 300 people saw him Icame in wi~h ~ huge ]Jack on hi,S accordionist. bridesmald. music has been prepared under the Benruido. Marv Gallaher, Ellen
The highlight of the meeting I back and dlstJ'lbuted gifts to eac 1 T:le musicians, all of New York,
as the dramatic club's presenta- climb down ye aide Township bldg. of the 24 children Each ~hHd w;s were obtained through John Crow- Robert M. Smith will act as direction of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Burr. from Main Line communi-
best man. K
__ru..:,e..:,g:..::e_r_._Th--.....:e:.....::c.:.:h_o..:ir_w:..:i1:::I_s::in...:.:::g~se:..v_-_t.:.:le:...s_. _
.on of "The Wonlall's Club Tl'I'ms with a :10P, skip and a jump. In- gl\ " en a toy clothlllg .and 'a .Chl'lst- ley, Orchestra Bureau, P h Hadel-
TI'ee". ulldcl' the dl'I'ectl'on of cidentallY,
one d'y'know
gave Johnny wIlet IleI' aanY-j,
lUeCormiek job ,mas bag fille~ ' , \\.It I1 can dy, cook'les. pia.
h' T Iley p Iaye d requests d uring A small reception for the brid- -
j al party and families wlll follow was presented last Wednesday at dent, Mrs. Henry Kite. Mrs. Har-
I.1rs. Henry A. Frye. The chair- -\.'et? He was Santa for the even- nuts an.d f r u i t . . dinner and for dancing later. the ceremony and be held at the 2 P. M. when Isidor Lateiner, BC- old Guckes, and Mrs. 'Herbert Rus-
nan of the dramatic club, Mrs. J. Aftel the dinner thele was group Christmas corsages were given
,'. EI'I·cllson. selected tile play alld ed toa returned
ing, vet and unemploy-
boot. Understand he wants caIol . . ,,'
S~nhmg, d'Ir\')c t ed an d ac - to th e women. D 001' pr izes were
home of the bride's parents. companied .bY Maricarol Hanson. sell received. Mrs. C. B. Suttle and
Miss Elizabeth Christie gave s. presented Vlolln selections. Mrs. M. H. Thomas poured at t:-Ie
hH~eemm~i;;sbe'°l:sthoef cath~t. cast \"ere to be a si'gnpainter. 'Twould be a cOfl~PBanllledBbtYt MOCTlJ.affe. ??mPEose~ agwl'aaprhdeedd, caompl~ensg otfhe,I,TIHe~osUJA' nautAol-l shower in Miss Moore's honor on . The club choirs, under the direc- tea table.
, nice gesture if someone around a e . o. am . ~usels. .ac
s follows:- these here parts could give him a of th~ c.!l~ldlen. pelf~lImed by smg- Right GUY"; five autographed November 27 at the bride's home., tlOn of Maybelle Marston, sang
Mrs. Smith and Mi£s Borden aJso Christmas songs.
Sanscrit has 50 letters to its al-
Mrs. Edward C. Shakespeare, iob for an Xmas present doncha lng. lecltmg ol.talkmg. copies of "Bell Bottom Trousers";
Irs. Franklin Hutchinson. Mrs. acree? ' O n e young smger was awarded oil changes by t:le Kirsch Chevro- held a shower at Miss Borden's, Mrs. Harold A. Backus, presi- Phabet.
~alph Giles. Mrs. R. G. Bennett, '. . . . an autographed copy of "He's An 'let Co.; extermination service b~' home. Mrs. Smith and Ml.c;s Bor-' ii~~Z?l.i~~~~Z?l.i~~~~Z?l.i~~~~Z?l.i~~Wi?iZi~~~Wi~
'Irs. Ben Mertz. Mrs. H. C. Mid- Well .. It seems Wynnewood IS All Right GUY", a new song by the Rose Exterminator Co.; free den also held a shower at Miss
If'ton. Mrs. Edwin Kirk and Mrs. percolatJl1I,; With ldea~ thiS week ... , ,Jaffp w;lich is to Pe published next finger waves by Arthur Orson; a $5 Borden's home. Llanfair and Pem-
'obert Gold, FIrst off, Mary K ..Glbson donated I month. ' f e n d e r job by the Cynwyd Auto broke Rds., on December 4.
Mrs. Samuel J. McCartney, ground amountmg to about ani Not, to be outdone by the chil- Body Shop: a free income tax 1'1'- Miss Moore had as her guest'
residpnt. preSIded. and the Rev. acre along Wynnewood PRR s~a-: dren. three members of the Club turn by the M. A. Flick & Co.; a this week Mrs. Stanley K. Green.'
:arl Hammerly gave the invoca- t,1On f.or expanded parkmg facHI-: also sang solos. Harry Adelizzi sang basket of fruit by Whiteside Bro- of Arlington, Va" who was the
ion. tlf'S W:l1Ch the PR.R promptly turn- :"Home. Home on the Ranga::: Joe thers, and a case of beer. former Miss Patricia Fox, of Bala.-
Mrs. William H. Durbin, chair- I'd down. Said It. d cost too much IMichelIs, a Christmas carol; and All facilities for the party were
nan of the membership commit-
ee. mtroduced a new member,
to devel.op - why couldn't they F. Emmet Hunt. president of the obtained by Christian H. Kirsch.
charge It up to good Will? Lots club. brought down the house with Programs were handled by John C.
III'S. William Dana. less people \~OUld gnpe about hav- a very amusing parody on "Yes, Ursprung, Jr., publicity chairman. Club Members Met
The music prop'am inCluded a mg to dnve 111 town because park-

~jf~~~E~~!i¥.!!!~~]~~~~~~z\e~nsl:.'~~~tl~~{~~~~~[E':!:~E::§I2:];:]~~f:~~~~~~l~¥:.~; &~2;~~~~i~~~i
:hristma:- flowers to be sent to The other Wynnewood "ideal'''
Warren Cline. of Lodges Lane,! George Robertson, recently re- marginal c:olor etfec:t .Iong the
hMe l~sIU. bMschcuat-l,itnllse·\' I'ead a lettel' comes from tile Civic Association Bala-CynwYd. wlll spend the holl- leased from the Navy, has resumed hem'hlnlehandt fll atterlng IA length
day. December 17. Work was sup-
ervised by Mrs. F. M. Hawthorne,
chairman of the Conservation and
of that thaI' burg. Seems contrac- day with his family. He then re- I his studies at the University of are
rom tlll' Salvation Arm~' askin~ tor lIIaJlOne~' of tlle Ardmore Con- turns to Massachusetts Institute I Pennsylvania. He is the son of er1ce , Including tax, Is Ie.. than
'nembers to contribute used pocket tracting Company by the same of Technology in Boston to re- Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Robertson" ~oo. I. J. Fox d~lgned it. .. -
g • y e notea, .nd the Garden Department.
The club's Christmas program The House of
I ,.-
books fined with buttons. needles, name, has practically agreed to sume his stUdies.
t.hread. tooth brushes. tooth pow- donate the barn on t~le Shortridge
cler. wash cloths, soap. etc. The tract (which he is going to de-
• •
"Si" Goodall. vacationing ,rom ~
i of Lodges Lane and Levering Mill
, Road, Bala-CYnwyd.
• • •
pOcket books are to be sent to I'elop) to the W. C. A. for use as a Peddie School. spent last weekend i Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sing-l this cold so early," ... "Have you
need~' people abroad, TIle collee- community center. Understand it's' at home with his mother. Mrs.: master. Summit Lane. Bala-ern ;been i~ the st?res, my dear?"They
tion will start immediatel,' and suitable for any and ali purposes- I Katherme Goodall
,MAIN LINE-"But it shouldn't get

Heckamore wyd. are entertaining at a house- 'are stnpped, literally empty.

members arc asked to lea\'(' the dances. little theater group and I Avenue Bala-Cynwyd 'warming on Saturday afternoon i "No nylons have arrIved as yet, Announces the Opening of Their .'
l)ocket books in th~ club librm·y. stuff like that there. Y·!mO\\,. don-, . ••.• . 'December 22. from 4.30 to of ,madam, but we'll notify you as
~he mcetmg ad.lOurned With a chao that. Were's no little theater' Hugh Jefferies. son of Mr. and I o'clock. soon as they do." ... "But I have New Facial Salon
~hl.lstn~as message b~' Mrs. Mc- mov~men.t cU~Tent below Wayne I Mrs. John H. Jefferies. of Arling-! • • • to have turkey, I'm having 19 for
~al t·~·l(". . . on t.le LIne. SN;Il1S llkc we really ton Road. Pcnn Valley. was also I Mrs. Frank A. Bedford. Jr.• dinn~r on Xmas pay. What'll I
, 1\1:1 s. Robel t Na.:-h and Mrs. Cllf- could use one clown thiS way and home last weekend from Peddle: Braeburn Penn Valle\' will enter- feed em If you don t have turkey?"
,orn Bat es nrC'sldf'd at the tea t11ere's a loael of t alent just, wait- School
t ablc. mg for a chance to express itself. . •••
I tain at open house
; Day.
Christmas 1· •. "No more work accepted till
lafter the ~10lidays." ... "But Tom-
Mrs. Katherine Brooks, formerly located in Cynwyd
for the past 20 years is now associated wi~h 1018.
- ----•• - -- M~\'b.e we could work up a scheme TIle marriage of Miss Louise 'I • • • Imy, ~'ou've grown so much yoU
FJarl B. Bechtel ,
101 W; C. A. members to contnbute Baml Hoopes. daughter of Mr. and Corporal Watson Supplee. son Iwon'~ be a?,le to wear any of your
mone\ or lime or effort or mater- ! Mrs. Albert Warfield Hoopes. of of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Supplee,: old cIvvies. ' . ,
For that crisp "pickup" feeling that will lean your
skin glowing, your spirits soari'ng-try one.
Wed Saturday 1~ls to put the bld~. Ulto sliap.e so i West Chester. and Ensign Robert Lodges Lane. Bllla.-Cymvyd, is - - - - - - - --
.. \\e CaUl? get to \\OJ,~ t!lel'e lI~ht I Johnstone Harrity. USNR, son of home on furlough.
p: maillage of mUch Il1tel est I SOl~!l a li~i' An, su~estJons flam Mrs. Frances Hanity, of Haver-
D. A. R. ChalJter
• • • • RANO
IhlOUghout .Mont,gomf'rv County ai, b d,. . I ford. and Mr. William F. Harnty,
was solel11l11ze~ Satu~:day .after- I T~G LI;,ES - FlanJl~' ,Le.~eh of Merion. will take place on De- ingston, of 72 Princeton Rd..
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Liv- Meetlng. D ecem ber • RICDEL
no.on. UllltllW In matllmon~ Mr~. Petcl s Xn~as shoPPlllg on Lanc,ls- I cember 29th at 5 o'clock at the' Bala-Cynwyd will entertain MISS 1945
Eh,;aheth T. NIChol~, 432 Hig'lland t.er PIke t other ('I'e. . . . Llke\\'Ise
Rd .. Pottstown. anri Prothonotarv Mar~' Chancc, one of ARC's most home a the b:lde s p.Rlents,
I f ' ... ,. I • ,
Joan Holleyman. of Greensboro, (,
10 I,,, Nal'b e rtl
Earl B. Bechtf'!. 774 Queen St'.. c;Jal'mmg- and effIcient sec'y, who,l . MI~s Margal.et Walfield Hoopes, N. C:' over the Chnstmas.hohdays.
bytheway, is takmg a month's: slstel o~ .tll; bllde..and MISS F~an-I T~elr, son. Wilham H. LI.vmgs~on, The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chap-
The cel'emon~ was performed at leave 01 abseuc.c eome January.' c~s Hall,lt,. slste.1 01 the b.llde-, J~., \\ ho has. Just b~en dlschalg-ed tel'. D. A. R., of Narberth, held
4 P. M. in Salcm Erangplical and ARC agrel's nobod~' deserves it! gIOO!? \\111 be maIds ?f I:on~l. " ,h?m the Almy, Will accompany its December meeting on Mon-
Reformpd Church. Campbellt WI more .... Ka)' Lee l\larshall zipped' MI. Wilham F. HaJJ 11'. ,JI .. \\ 1111 MISS Holleyman home on Decem-
As the Shadows
Lebanon Count,'. b,' the 'he\~: by me lJefore I had a chance to' serve as best ;nap f?r hiS brother. 1 bel' 26. Ii,e WII! staY over the New day. December 10, at 2 P. M. at fall on the close of an-
PaUl B. Snf'ad. pa,tor. ncpllew of ask about Bob. . . Would like to i .. I
Year hohdays~ • • the home of the regent. Mrs. Jos-
the bnde. kno\1' whether Jean and Charles: MISS . Slt'lan~le K. . McLea~. , , . , eph H. Baker, 290 Haverford Ave. other year. we desire
Assembl,'J1Ian Lloyd H. WoOn Vol~er are back in town yet. Jean! daughtel of MJ. and MIS. Hemy. HalOld Guckes. Penalth Roa~. .
E\'ansburg. Count,: Republican said Lt. IS, g.) Charles was due for: J. J\:1cLt'an. of Bowman Avenue.: Bala-CYJ1\vyd: recently raised In ~ MIS. Isaac H.. ShellY. State ~o express our deep
('hnil'man. and Ml'S Hplf'n BlytheI' a Nal'y discharge last time theY' Menon. and MISS Patncla A·I rank to RadIO Man 3/<:;. IS now chairman of Approved Schools,
NOITistO\\'Il. at (('nder! the roilplr.' were home in October. ... Turned; O'Neill. dau!::!lter of Mr. and Mrs. ' statIOned m South Amenca. was guest speaker for the day. appreciation of you!,
Thf' bridc was attired in a brown out Father Can (ass't. pastor at, Arthur J. 0 Neill. of O\'cr Hills. I - '.' At the meeting. a substantial goo.d will and friend-
,ilk Faille ~uit \\'it;l IJI'0wn arcrs- til(' BI'~'n Mawr Our Mother of, spent last werke~ld at West·Pomt., Warren B. NeVille. son of Mr. sum of money was raised for Ellis
~ories. 811(' \\'on' a corsaC'f' of bronze Good Counsel Church) and Il,ad I .... ,and Mrs. Charles E. Neville. roland. also a ':White Elephant" ship, and to wish for
chr"santhrmullls. mutual friends in Sant.o Thomas: The marnage of MISS Ethel; Lodges Lane. Bala-CynwYd. was sale took place.
Miss BlyUw \\'as dresspc! in ~re('n Ipnson camp. . . . Any 1I10rc snow Allen Stor1l1, daughter of Mr. and, released by the Navy this month.
witth black acee~sol'if's. SIll' wore a ,like last week and Elsa Low prom- ' Mrs. George M. Storm, ClareJ.1don' I
Tea was served by the hostess.
Those assisting wen~. Mrs. Harold
you during the Christ-

- • -.
corsa!!e of pink chrysanthemums. l!Sed she open up in Florida and, Road. Penn Vallcy. to Pnvate Mrs. Jane S. Carel'. Menon Gar- C. Fenno. Mrs. Carl L. Wells. and mas season of 1945 all
_ _ _ _ _ 0_ __ I find me a Job s~ I could go. too.... , First Class Samuel C. Cissell. 3d. dens, Menon. and Mr. Charles A., Mrs. John Miller. Presiding at the
Thr tmth is. onr's \'ocation is! E\,Pl: hear SWltchboarelman Lyle AUS. son of Mr. and Mrs. I. New- Carey. Jr.. of Dr~xel Hill. an-, tea table was Mrs. W. Grier Bri- the better things that
l'\e\'er somf' far-off pOssibilit\'.- Toblll smg? Well, hark ye well, i ton Durboraw. of Wllmmgton. nounce the marriage of their ner Christmas decorations were Ii fe affords,
It is alwa,'s the simple round of 'cause he could gi\'e "The Voice" I took pla.ce on Sr.tUl'day. at 3.30 daught.er. Miss Jane I!J~sie Carey, attl:actively arranged on the tab I'
duties which til(' passing hour some competitIOn. <?ur Police Force o'clock. m the Narberth Presby- to EnSign Charles William Ayres" The nex't meeting of the Chap:
IS a talented bunC:l of gentlemen, tenan Churcl~. Reverend Bryant USNR. son of Mr. Claude M.: tel' will be on January 21 at the Extends Season Greetings
jiiiiiii.-.-.-•.•.•-••.•-.-.-•.-• ••--iI
brilH,:,.-J. W. Dulles.
I ;~ettlng herself set for Xmas in r A reception at the Philomusian Memorial Church of Saint Paul,: l~m~yo n ~o· d os:p 1 .
no SLUff.... Myrtle Thompson was, Kirkland offiCIated. A,Tes, of Casper. Wyoming. In the II f M's J I B 'M C 11
C a , To All
lhe !)ooth next to me at the hair- Club followed the ceremom·. Overbrook, November 17th. I _ ..__ ..::_~--.--- - - - - - -
I,drc;ssers last, week. . . . "Lefty":
I :'Iietlt the fanner L. and U of N. C.I the purpose where we could keep: uine Diamond Jim Bmdy relic?'
NARBERTH Helene P. Watwood Narberth and Haverford Avel_
t:~l1Il1S star IS on illS way h,ome: the kids to help themselves. . .. :Yup, saw it with my ~~vn"eyes when 'I THEATRE
flam the S. PaCific. . . . Eel New- I Lea\'e us face it It is a very ,I stopped m to say hi to Velda 243 Haverford Ave.
~~omb. (AUS Capt. and LM grad in 'mall world I Imagii1e the mutual 'Dorries last week during the snow I Narberth 4270
Next to Media Drug store
3.1.) ,al'l'l\',e~ ho~e last week. having : ~urprise when a USAAF Capt. who: storm. (and incidentally. warmed Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Dec. 20-21-22
sl\l\ed.~;lle~ \\ounds 111 the ETO. 'just returned from the ETO turn- ,my feet on her old Franklm stove). BETTY HUTTON Narberth Coming Soon a Slenderizing Salon
... Ensl~11 10m Ramsey took hlln- ied out to be the bov who sat next ,Seems Diamond Jim wanted a
self. a Wife a coupla weeks back. i to me in gramma'r school some I birdcage to end ail birdcages so
I She s a Wa\'c officer from.the West I time back. He hasn't changed a lordered a specialty from the Far 1 "INCENDIARY BLONDE"
Coast. ... Understand ~)Iek lel'ee- ,bit from the terrific tease ;11' used East.. What turned up stuns the'
ma.n had lumself a nght swell i t,o be. either. It's Capt. Harry Sic- Imagmation. It has a solarium on ~~:~-:.~~~=====
pany a little while ago, With lots 'bel' of 119 Athens Ave.. Ardmore. top of the pergola-like structure Sun.-Mon.. Dee. 23-24
of returnees present. ... Mrs. Fred! and he is 11{lme again with his wife~ which is the cage. Egad! For a
Peters reports all her children will !11·ene. in tow. Gives one a good bird. yet, such deluxe sunba.t~ing! PEGGY RYAN - ,JACK OAKIE
be home th.ls Xn:~~ ,~~lI' t;le first: feeling to be back in these here I
Ballytore Rd,'s Jim Bonner has "On Stage Everybody"
I(line 111 yeals. Sa, 111 to Ted for :parts. which sho do look good after been right ill With bronchial pneu-
seeing nothin' but strangers for so monia-but is better now. Jim, Jr. , I,AUREL and HARDY
1111£'. '. • • •

Season's ! "Hear tile leen-Age Canteen 'long. It sorta makes the ;lOme and sister Joan are giving a cock- 'THE BULL FIGHTER"
,glOUp l~ gomg to have t.o move back~'ard seem lots greener after tail party on the 30th - I can't ' • • • • • • • •
agam fJ 0111 t1~e ,l?ullo~k-Sal~derson seeing t'other side of the fence for wait-with so many people home, i
Greetings po~t come em I~. 46 \I hat With fil~e a while, huh? looks as thougl: a real whirl may I Tues.-Wed.-Thurs.. Dec. 25-26-27
I la\\s. etc. Seems too bad they can t Over a cup of coffee (plus a dish start up at any time. Can't be too
i ftnd th~msel\'es a !Jennanent home of ice crf'arn. to boot.) Lou WalIach soon to plese some people. includ-I FRA,NK SINATRA
I so t~le\ can contll~ue. ~o assume gave out that one Bllroness Dc ing \'I'S trb', 'cause parties are one
PHOTO-HOBBY I thell . own responSibilities. Don't! Spoellereh of Haverford has two of the best things in life, donc:la
JUVel1lle Court Jllcjges ascrIbe juv- sons, Jack and Bill. Seems she has agree?

emle . del1l1qu.mcy to lack of re- all their worn s:loes repaired and
sponslbllIty- twould llelp to keep then sends them overseas to the
tile ~~oungunS a going concern in Belgian war relief refugees. There's

thiS II1stance. seems. as if. Aren't a good thought for open-handed

37 N. NARBERTH AVE. tllere any publIc-spu'Hed citizens and hearted Main Liners. Incident-
v:ho can find them a permanent ally, there's a new clothing dri\'e
Narberth 2163 berth? Hal\' about St. Coleman's upcoming one of these d-ays so PEACE ON EAR.TH-GOOD WI'Ll.
Pal'lsh Hall. or the Jr. High School hold onto your old stuff and send

~~~~~:~:~~~:~ - --~------ -_.
gym,? 01' the Narberth Community it to t.he freezing refugees.
- ClUb. Surely there arc a load of Now I've seen everything! Di.1a
places roundabout tllat could serve know Ardmore contains one gen-

~\1 FLOWERS ... the best ~.~ I EVERY holiday

~ ~' has its significance, but none can
lvay to express ~
~ compare with Christmas. It is the
~ ~
~1 CHRISTMAS ~~ one time of the year when self-seek-
I~~ SENTIMENTS ~ I ing gives way to selflessness, and all
, ~~ Poinsettias are It-':
~1 C h l' i s t m as I ~~ are united in one common attitude
~~ Che~rful and ~
~ as indispens- ~ A GOOD \V AY to keep Christmas of good will towards our fellowmen.
~1 able as the ~
~1 Christmas tree ~ .tl. well is to bring joy to every·
~~ itself are these ~
~ one we can. This, we believe, is the Our entire personnel joins in wish-
~ gay p I ant s. ~~ I spirit of this cOlJlmunity . . . one
ing Christmas joy to those whom we
Time To Hang Up ~4 Don't ponder ~, of the important 'easons why liv·
~ ov'er a gift- ~
I ing here affords such genuine have served,' and to others as well.
Your Stocking '"
give Poinset- ...
tias and you ~ ~ plca~ure.

* One of the higgest ~1 g i v e t he.,

To you who have stood bv us so Accept our sincere thanks for the
items in your Christmas ~~ C h r i s t mas ~ faithfully during the year 1945 we
privilege of being of help in maring
~1 spirit! ~, wish a whole world of happiness
stocking thill Yule seaeon
~ ~ pressed into this Christmas season. this Christmas of 1945 truly merry.
of 1945 will be our note ~ Hand Made Balsam Wreaths, Sprays, Etc_ ~ Merry Christmas to you and to
of thanks to you and our ~ Balsam Christmas Trees~ Potted Plants ~ every member of ),our family.
wish for the biggest, ~ ~
merriest, happiest Chriet-
mas you have ever had.
~ ~
H. L. YOUNG & CO. ~
';' MYRTLE AVE. ~ Don't Forget the New Address ~
Member Federal Reserve System
Chlltham Village, ~ ,~ Cor. Haverford & Forrest Aves., Narberth
Upper Darby ~~ 39 N. NARBERTH AVE. t~ Narberth 4182
Granlte 7020 HIlltop 2384
~. Narberth 2608 ~
. . . . . . . . . . . ._ ... ~ ~ ..;....._ _........_ioo__
OUR TOWN CHURCH NOTES Pagean t Sunday' at Ard-Wood Civic
l!:nter QR

Ad Ch h
"rcond class mat\er October, 1938, st the Post Oll'lco at

r more ore
Infant Baptism was admlnls-
t.ered last SundaY at the Nar-
Narberth, Pa" under the Act Of March 3, 1879,
--F~unded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic A.ssociation Plans Bus Service bert.h Presbyterian ChUl'ch with
water from the river .Jorda.n se-
cured throu~h Cpl. Lloyal K. Gra-
ham a member of the clmrch
OEORGE A WALKER, PresIdent md Editor servln~ in the Army until his en-
H LESSERAUX Advertl.5lng Mnnager trance into theological seminary.Presbyterians Will As~ociation
Children baptized included:
PlIbllshed Every l'hllr,day Receive White Gifts
Judith Eleanor Dod~e, daught.er Resolution Against
Deadllne tor adl'rrtlslnR and neWs eopy-Wednesdny gAM.
Sub,ct Ipllon "0t.e-$2 per year In advance of Commander and Mrs. Sherwood
H. Dodge. . For Christ's Home Widening Streets
Publication OlTtcc-EIRIH Cricket AI'enue, Ardmore. Pn. ,John MclntYJ:e Drain. son of
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721: GreenWOOd 7740 Mr. ancl Mr:;, Donl1lel S, Drain. The First Presbyt.erian Church, A move to reinstate ·school bus
Member of [lucks-Montgomery NeW"DRPer Publlshers A.ssoclatlon Donald Butler ,Jones. son of Mr. Ardmore, will celebrate Christmas service from the area served by
I and Mrs. CIlarles R. Jones. Jr.
William Brooks McConaghy II,
at speci~1 service on Sunday. De- the Ard-Wood Civic Association
son of Mr. imd Mrs. Donald R. eembel 23rd. The Rev. Allan Mac- to the Ardmore Junior High

l' II U II «' II LEN 01\11

, McConaghy. Lachlan Frew, D. D .. t.he minister,
Jeanne Carrell Philson, daugh- will lead the services. Music
School was started by the AssO-
ciatlon at their meeting held last
Note: For publication on ThlU'sday, all church notlc~ must tel' of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Phil- t~lroughout the day will be under week, Bus service has also been
be recetved by Monday at 5 P. M, each week, l\tail notice to SO~'eter Blake Reecl. son of Mr. the leadership of Claribel Thom- requested for the Senior High
this paper, c/o BOll 350, Ardmore, Pa.. or telephone Ardmore , . School students. .
and Mrs. Donald H. Reed. son, A. A. G. C .. orgall1st and dl- F. A. DuBois. superintendent of
!i 720 or Hilltop 3600. Donald Righter Smedley, son of rector. the Lower Merion School District
=============================:!.I! Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Smed-
ley. ._____
At 9.30 A. M" the Church School
Iwill have a Christmas program in
assured officials of the group that
the matter will be given every
Narberth Pre8byterian St. Margaret's Catholic 'Contract For School
Wlndoor and Grayllng Avenues
I Church ' W k
EI ectrlcal or
Rev. Jnmes F Toner, Rector,
'Ithe Church Sanctuary. This will
Ilncl\lde the pageant, "Wlly The
BIGGEST TAM - Very hlgh·ttyle it thla big
er is avallable as soon as manpow-
to operate
services. Action by the School

Re", Bn'ant M, KIl'klalld, Pastor Rev Charles P, O'Connor IIChimes Rang," by Alden, under
the leadership of Mrs. Hubert W.
BLACK ' BLUE-Electric blue ostrich feath. B d' t d I th
oar IS expec I' n e near ti-
lohn Van Ne',s, D D.. Pn.etor Emeritus Rev Charles T Dinan The Haverford Township School ers flutter round the crown of a black velvet tam 0'. ahanter in putty·color velvet worn by ture
Renel E, Johnson, ARSistant PAstor fn resldenc ... Rev WIIllam J Kane Board accepted a bid Thursday Lyons. Jr. Participating will boe bonnet that ties under the chin with grosgrain Cathleen Cordell (NBC's "JUtt Plain Bill"). It Aiter adopting a resolutiOn dls-
SUndAY Masses-6,30: 7.30: 9,00: 10.15; llIght for ~petrical work to be Mrs. William H. Green, Scholar;
SUNDAY ribbon. Cathleen Cordell (NBC's "Just Plain Bill") can be a different hat by your own arran gem tnt approving the general widening of
!l,45 A M -Anllllal CIIl'I·,tm,,, PIO- JLl5; 12.15 Sodallty and Miraculoull done in t~1e Scllools by W. Harry Mrs, J. Leonard Rutledge. Rich likes it because it becomes her red hair' and she every time you wear it and the color goes with 'all roads and streets in Lower
gral1l by C'l1l1cll t'll of B,,- l\l'f'dnl De\'ot2ons. Tue5day e\'entn8' at ..
glntH'l. Pllnllll:., auc! .J11- P M Roberts, ,Jr .. Merwood. ~oma.n: MM · . G ] J p HSanEseldn.
I s car knows it will stay on. John Frederics designed it. any costume background. By John Frederic... Merion Township. the Association
11.00 A, M-- \~~:'-l~:;~'d~~,',';~;~l:,' ~"mlll,: - -B('plT;;/. -Chvrch-- New electrical fixtures are to be llSIClan;
Of - the-- put in the office of t.ll\" secretary, er. Artist: Mrs. Clement E. Sutton,
rs. eorge . . - sent all Township commissioners,
'members of the planning commls-
. III Till' DlIv..., of Hf'lml. I
Chri.tnld" 1l1ll'IC hI' the'
l~ /'alJgpl ~er~lel~;~:~g~nH~~I~es~Ji~:h~fca[I;;Jr., Little Brother: John Lyons.
rIVe Starte d F or
Queen: Allan MacLaclllan Fr'i:'w. N ot R esponsl'bl e F or
A bell A M ' t k'
Ica~'~~f eguecYfons. ~~~aali:ad; I;~~ slon. and all presidents of various
400 p, Ivf--Annutlt Clllbtnl.l s \" .... 111'1"
:-;('1"\'1('(' wnl1 ,I Pl(JI.':I<t1l1 (If I
Narberth, Pa.
Rev. R, G Middleton, PAstor
.Junior High School: and in the }1:,~r~a~~~o~r;'J%~~e\~ii~'\~YOS;~Shipments Abroad Drainage Condition several pocket books which need ~~~~IU~~~~iations, copies of the
cafeteria kitchens of the Bl'Ook- to be tilled A general me ting of the gl'OuP
SUNDAY ~--.---
Cnrnls aUfl jChll ... tl1lll'"
01\]"1(' 11\' tl1l' chOir. cllrcct- 9,45 A. M.-Church Scbool.
f'ct In' Olffll1 K D()ll~lH'll\. I 11,00 A. M,-Mornlng Service. I iine, Chestnutwold,
Manoa schools.
Llanerch and presen.tation of White Gift,s,
Chnst s Home, and carol Sll1g111g I .
.for The Home League and War
by a vester soung people's choir vIce Bureau of the SalvatIOn Army pomted soliCItor of the Haverford
E. Larson, recently
Left T urn C II'ISlon
, 0
-- wI'1I be held ien Janu'",....'
election of officers and directors

A hIll f Chn ... t nIH'" 111f':-.s-

fnU' hv 111" In1n1..,tl'l",
under t~le direction of Walter Iannounces that it. is now ablll to Township School BORrd. stated at Woman In]' u r ed In
. for the year 1946 will be held.

jLl~'Ie llu~'~Jf-a'boud"",([Jf£WWJ)_U 0.1 Pfannenstein. Imake shipments to the war devas- a board meeting last Thursday that The association has inclUded ift
11.% P, M ;-.I'!\!Cf' TIlt' Youtl1 C})OI\lS Ell' I ......
At the 11.00 A. M. Morning Wor- I tat.ed countries and an appeal is the school board could not be held Alice L'Herltier, 26. daughter
ship Service, there will be special ibeing made for pocket books, ones Iresponsible for the correction of IMI'. and Mrs. J. C. L'Heritier 20 St. PaUl's Rd .. and Edgemont Ave.
of its area. Arnold Rd .. Drexel Rd.•
\\'Il! ;-11lJ..:: .Jo<';('lJll Hutton I
CI~ristmas music. Dr. Frew will yoU no longer need. filled with surface drainage on the 12-acre Aldwyn Lane, I Villanova, 'was Applications for membership from
w!ll l/'atl i ht' ChllSUl1l14.i
~tIJIY Ek,111Ur Rnssf'll off!':'
I f- I
br1l1g the Christmas message. variOUS articles. slleh as spools of schOOl tract, Eagle and Manoa treated for shock and contusions these SUb-divisions should be
pra,"1 Ml-' El,'onor Hay- By GEORGE LILLEl ":"IFE" GOES ON ,.) At the 4.00 P. M. Christmas Ves-I t.hread. needles. wash clothes, soap, Rds .. Manoa. lof the right knee at Bryn Mawr made so that thev may be acted
\\oocl WIll 1(',IC1. "Tilt' 1.('-,
g"ll<l of tlll' Bluck M.,-
\' 0 RK-, N . Y . - L a t est NBC's late afternoon five-a- pel' Service. the Christ.mas can-I :lail' pins. hooks and eyes, pins, Property owners at Furlong Ave. I Hospital Tuesday evening, after upon at the January meeting,
Hollywood star to come to radio \l'pr'k strip, "Portia Faces Life," tata, "The Incarnate Word," by tooth brushes, buttons, power and I and Bon Ail' Rd., Manoa, com-Ian automobile accident. W. E. Rosengarten, secretary of
IS Barry Fitzgerald. He gets hIS which consistently has rated No.
by soloists, chorus and narrator I which you may
Robert Elmore, will be presentecl! powder puffs, or am' otller article plained to the Board that due to' According to the Lower Merion the PlaninnR Commission of the
think is usefUl to improper surface drainage on the police, Miss L'Herltier was driving Township was the guest speaker
Narberth Jlrlhodist Church, own program, "His Honor, the 2 01' No.1 among the r~dio serial~ under t.he direction of Claribel these women and mothers who I Williamson tract, they had flooded j East on Lancaster Ave.. Haver- at the recent meeting. John T.
E.~s{'x Rnd PrIce A"{'Dupe
Barber," comedy story of a small- (rival: "When a Girl Marries"),
town Judge, Tuesday nights on marks its fifth year of emotional Thomson. A. A. G. O. T:le narra-Ihave been deprived of everything. !cellars and washed-out lawns. ford, when a West-bound cal'. Messert. president of the group,
Minister. Cnrl R. HommeI'll',
9,45 A, M,-CIHlleh School.
H.OO A, M.-Sermon
NBC, beginning
Oct, 1(i. Result.
no doubt, of
tor will be Richard Thomson: th,c i If desired the name and address
I I Larson said t:lat. this drainage making a left tum on to Buck presided,
dramatics Oct. sol\?ists: Helen Moore. soprano: lof donor may be placed inside from the school board property was Lane collided with her cal'.
4. During the Juha Johns, contralto: Walter these ba~s and acknowledgement a natural drainage and not the re-I Miss L'Heritler is employed by I -----.----
To those leaning on the lItlS-
6.45 P M,-Youth Fellowsl1lp, time it has had Pfannenstem. tenor: find George WIll be forth coming. suit of an~'thing the school dis- the Agnes Irwin School, Wynne- taining inflnlte, today is big with
his Oscar win- the same writ~ Barsta!'. baritone. Mrs. C~larlcs Sel1\\'emmer of 1321 trie~ llad donp. wood. ...~. blessings.-Mary Baker Eddy.
Holy Trillit!J Lutheran ning role in er, robust, for-
the film, "Go-
Church tyish Mona
JIll( My Way," Kent: the same
~~~I~re~\I~n~, ~~'~?{,r~~s~ovr:' gaming the: <lC- star ("Portia"),

Samuel T NICholo.', D, D .. Pastor t a l' ove:rnight blonde. well-
fa m (' at 57.
S I i g h t (5-3),
drpsscd Lucille
Wall. For all , . NARBERTH
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
11,00 A, M.-MornlnS WOl,hlp.
7.00 P M.-JUI110l llnd Sel1lor Lutb- Barry Fitzgerald aId says be,ng
a g g l' e: s sive-
Jawed Fitzger-
Lucille Wall
the five years, ~
b I u e - eye d,
Washi n g ton PRESBYTERIAN I
_ _ _ _ _er Leagues,
Arises Early to
Bathe Two Children,!
••• faille at 57 a H 0 'I I ywood
eel e: b I' i t y is
••• ill the mood born Miss Wall
! "downright boring." A bachelor, the feU't· that during
hp Iivcs III a rc'nted bungalow she mIght sneeze. Although she
has s u f f ered
a broadcast
with his IroqUOIs Indian fnend never dd-nor did she e\'eI' sce ~ Windsor and Grayling Ave. ~ut
:,nd houseman,. Gus Tallon. To anyone else-the actress carries °i1l ••f Rev. Bryant M. Kirkland, Pastor iii.~,··•
Finds House Afire : livelier Hollywood. he prefNs .-:: Sunday, December 23rd ~II:
Mrs. SmIth A. McClamC', 702 evC'nings at home with book, pipe a hanky Il1 hand. one' lip each ~ 11,00 A. M. "The Manlng of Christ- !if.
Buck L:u1P. HU\'l'rford, Iwd arisen :md piano (he started planu les- slcl'\'(" to stifle that which never
.~ mas" Sermon Topic by the~'
early Monday to bUIll(' her t \1'0 ~ons ,1t 50). In cont rast to his h"ppens. A trick of the show: .-:: ~:Il
children and [lct her husband off con\'inclllg mone rol~ (F:lther to gC't Miss Wall in the propel' I ~
to work at t ~ J(' Sun SI1ipiJllilding Fltz~lbbon), Fitzgerald IS a Dub- mood. a pn\,;rte organ concert be-
Three Choirs-Brass Ensemble.
4.00 P, M. White Gift Service. M.,-·
and Drvdock Co. 111 CI1('~ter. forc air time.
Othel'\\'isp Iwr 110me mlgl1t ha\,e, 1m botn ProtE'st~nt. Re:ll name: ~ Christ.mas Day I.~,C'II'.
been in fla111l''', Wll!Jam Joseph Slw,lds. w COMO'S COME·l:JP 0i1l.'." 10.00 A. M. "There's A SonR in the
Mrs. Ml'Clall1P \\'as but bing hrr
two childl'\'n, Bl'\'Nl" ~. ~l1ld ~t,,\·­ CHUCKLE BOY
\\'hcn 1110on-\'oicl'd Pprry Como , .-:: Air" Sermon Topic by the PM-

'~ ~
l't'llIl'ns from HollYwood to hIS
t'n, 4, at 7,15 A. M .. when she, On a he;ll tv ehuckl., (at th.' "Supper Club" radi'o show tMon- I'
smplled smoKe, H.Ulll1lllQ out intu right tirnl').· blirJ.\· (G-2. 220 n;l\' through Fl'Iday evpning~. .~
the hall she ~a\l' t~lal thp house I pound,) Don Wll,on-announcer NBC) October 1, It will Cll11l3X a Yo:
was tillrd WIth smoke. After 10-1 of CBS's IW\\ Frtd;r), night Glllny long, stp;ICI~' promotion-exploita- ~
ca t il1g til(' fir" shr ask.,cl till' t l' Ip- Simlll, show-has
Phon'e operator to turn III the ll~ml' ,n r;ldlo. Ex- Unl\'el ,Ity of h,': 1) hiS ;111'
bl'come a tiun campaign ~ ~

Thr Oakmonl Broo]: ]mr and, "a 1 j g u a r d,
Ardmore firp l'Ompnllles qUickl~' thiS iolh' Jel.
pUL Ollt til" fire m tl1(' rafters of
I Colul'odo fnol.

I'J\\' g(Jt IllS pro·

It'll,,o): 2) 2U~h
("{'ntllrv • Fox

PIC t li I' e s: :1)

the c('nar and thr flooring of t:le fc:,sicmal otall Victor rC'cord,'
clmnillg 1'00111. 4) the COln'~
~~,f. I
singing bari-
Accordin~ to till' Ha\'erfurd, tone 1ll a PJggl~'
Township policf' tIll' tirc was caus- I W I ~ g I y trio, booklllg COIn-
pany. Gen"r;.l •• OHURCH
£>d bv an O\'crhpatcd flup ill the W! Iso n quit
chimile,·. TIll" damage \\'as estim-
ated at $250. sports ~nnounc­
Jng (he dC'-
ocri bed to the
A J11 U senll'nts.
That campaign
to d:l t l' has
cos t 5200,000,
Pcrr~' Como

Narberth, Pa.
Sunday, December 23rd
Rev. James F. Toner, Pastor
Christmas Party natIon Rov \\'111 run to a 'i1l,-.f Ma~ses: 6.30-7.30-9.00-10.15-11.111, ~ut_.
Girl Scout Troop 251 of Munoa, I ~l'HOeo' fOIllOlis Don Wilson qual tl'r-milllOn •.. 110 bllckfire .-:: Christmas Day
held a Christmas Parl,' Friday I .\' r {) n g - woy .• , GUllI'V'S voice by Yl';(r's l'I1fl. Not alwavs th ~ Masses: 6,30 (Solemn High 8.00- M
e\,ening in the Unllpd Prl:Sb:--lNian I l{o:,e Bowl run IiI
c;,~.' \I'lth hlgh·priced plibliclt~ 9.00 (Children's) 10.15-11.15. iI:.
CllUrch of Manoa WIll1 43 membcrs ' In '29) becausl' of high blood prps- "Oorts (rccenl backfire: La\\'renci kIe~ Confessions: Saturdav and Mon- M
att.ending. I sUI e, slllce then ('34). as a Ilwrry 'flbbdt as a "lilt p:.rade" sjn~pr) ~ daY-4 to 6 and 7'to 9 P. M. ~M
The program inc'luded an all-I ,pJ['le'r oi ('Umllll'rclal plllg:,. has thl' Como com",on IS pa~'llli all
then tie JV[pXIl'un Chnstmas celp-, \'. on most uf till' trod" :lI1d It~tl'n­ HIS "SUPPI'!' CllIb" raling ha" ~ ~.!if.,_.
bration with all the gIrls purtici-, I'I~' poll awards. He's threp VI'al s gonp up: tlllC(' Como ll'cords an ~ ~N:
patinf. anallgpd by JV[r;;, Arthllr' 1l1;IITled (10 a Poll~h cOllnipss). alllung the fir,t 10 JUke-box favo-
Taylor. assktallt !Puder of the in- I Like all good Holl}'\\'oodians, ritC's; Ill"s conduded a good pic- R ~ ~u~~~~~~~U~"~_.~ ~
termediate [!roup, Donald H;rrlo\l' 'Wll,on, 45. ]IV"S ture, "Doll F:ICC": in all. appeal>
~ M
Gifts \\'\ere exl'11allgC'd and re- on a San Ft.:rnando Vallcy ~<tnl'h. the "inglllg ,Irnval of '45-'4!i'l!I
fre '",,, 'll s scrl'ed, I i~ ,~
l.evcrln~Mt1I Rd. nCar Montgomery Pk.
Rev. FrAnklin Duncombe, D, D.. Mlnlst..r ~
~ Saturdny. Dtcember 22nd .:.
Thoma, (d) of Utah says in the Decem.
ber American MagaZine that compul.
ef,'. 3,30 P, M, Chlldren'., Christmas Party ~ ~
tor Cradle Roll. Bel<lnner~' Ilnd Pr\- ti".-'
sory military service in peacetime is ! ~ man.' At. WomAn"Fj Club. ~. .
undemocratic and un~American and .~ Sunday, Di'cember 23rd ~.
shoutd be abOlished In favor of a vol· .-:: 9,4S A: M. Bible S'chool and Organlza- ~
untary system. The chairman of tho ~r. lton, Whl <· G
~,Itt. Sen·lce. M.,-·
powerfUl Senate Military Affairs Com· ~, 11,()(J A, M. B'eatltlful Faml!}' Worship
mitteo thinks that the right kind lind
number of American youths will vol· .-::
Sen'icf, Chrl<tma" mu,lc and mes-
.'age, BeAutiful decorAtion.. ~-.
unteer for an occupation service not
I m:
exceeding two years if Army life is ~~
~ 4,00 P, M, Ve,per 8<'n'\ce Broadca.t ••
made sufficiently attractive and reo .~ m'er WDAS. Christmas Message and ~.
munerative. Carols '111.. Union TAbernacle Pre"- ~-
~~ byterl"n Church ChoIr wt1I Il'lve a Ri.,·•
1~ ~,.

Pea(!e On Earth
spPclal prOKrn11l.

lef.. I·
8,00 P, M, Annual CAndlelight Service.
Thr..e Choirs,

~ pM~~d~;;r~~~~~b~ve24~hlldren'" MiI,~,
I CandlellGhtln" Sen'lee, There wlll be
~ moving Picture ot Child of B.th- ••
I..hem trom birth to t.welve yeAr~ of

I .~
'loY I. H~.
II.M P. M, Cnrlst.mas Eve Carol service.
The Servlc.. will be broadcast over
WPEN. and will be In charge of the

~G d l~ -IIT M
I ~~ Radio Commlttec ot the Fhlla. Fed-
~~ eratton of Churches. Dr. Henry H.
I t~{{;t~~s~:~~~~,.'''~t :Fo~:~l~ ~.~
. '"
, WHETHER YOU USE a tub o~ a washer
When you launder shirts, you will be sure
. Of a strea,mlined Jab If you blue automati.
. ca.'ly while you w!lsh, adding bluing flakes
'!'11th the soap: ThIS t~Chnique will not only
II ~~

, ~~
00 I 0 en WlIlIAms,

nt the

will partlclpare,
~ru;~~·;'r~r,·DbO~~~~~~nD'L~~~~;~ it
12,00 A. M, Caroling bl' young Dea.,le
directed bl' M1M Lois Townsend.
B'Rptlst ~:Il


Insure gleamIng whIte and color bright Jt:~ ~

'e1 ~,
Shirts. that Will. neve~ h~ve bluing streaks,
but WIll save tin" by elIminating the need
for a special bluing Job, After the two clear U~'!"'-~«"U.,""N;$tflAo:lI¥_.
wate~ rinses so essentilll to gOOd laundry I "
practice, starch the shirts, adding a spe. I~ ~
cially prepared wax·like product to the
starc,h to keep the iron 1rom sticking and ;el Christmas, 1945 ... of all Christmases ... looms as the most soul- t!
j'ili i~ ~
to give a smooth, dirt. resisting flni"h.
;:zq- ,I." ~ .
": - - ." ~"--iL,
' .
stirring, the most meditative. Afriendly day in which to dream as OVERBROOK
~l~~ !~ well as make merry ... a day when "Peace on Earth, Good Will to PRESBYTERIAN .:
~ Men" will assume a greater meanin2' ... a hope so profound that CHURCH ~
~~ it transcends utterance. Give
thanks for this land where people
Lancaster Ave. and if
I.~~,;. are free to gather openly and pray. Give thanks for the birth of City Line
Rev, George Emerson ~

the Saviour who taught the world that love is more powerful than Barnes, D.D., Pastor ·.1
M! hate, good mightier than evil, Ii fe stronger than death. Express 9,3O A, M._Reg:~:rD:e:lon of Sunday ill.
~r School. ~
~. your thanks-by attending church. 11.00 A. M,-Chrlstmas program. Ser. ~.
mon bY Dr. Barnell, "God's lP-I'.

.: Ul1BDeakable Olft." Music: ftiL.,_·
Organ, "In Dulu Jubll"": ~l'l{
·rit. Choir. "Turn Carols," "An- I.,'.
.-:: Il'els We Have Heard on
'. HIgn," "Glon' To God,"
~ "Whlle All Thing.• Were In
'rit Quiet Silence;" solo by:.!li
~ ~
Catherine Latta, "Sleep M~'-.
CLINCH COLLECTION - Vicki Vola, etar of ONE.OF THE OBJECTIVES of the $27,000,000 Presbyterian Rea_
These Churches ~e,lcome V
~ oU
latlon of ChristmAs
otterlng tor the p"e,byter- ~:.It

s~al!. and radio, shows off her favorite pin.up

pIctures Which she has appropriately named her toratlon Fund I. to give aid to the long "uff~rlng ,,~0,,1
Europe and Asia, Included In the total war deatruction was
In .. ~
Ian O,'phanale, ChI I_tm.... ~.
carols, ~
"clinch collection," Made up of a series of the

__ ~_~~~_~~~~ __ ~d
famoue Back Homo For Keeps Illustrations, $1,500,000,000 worth of churCh buildings in Europe alone. The above

~~~~-~~~~ ~
Vlckl'a favarlt.. are. the Navy pictures. The sCeno of deaolatlon in Manila ia typl~al of cities Which have be,n
reuan - her guy Is In the Navy. bombed by the enemy, '

, ,



Both of the Butera Brothers Are Out of the Service! So Wh(ft?

IThe~ Tear Do'wn the' Arcade; Build Sixteen Bowling' Alleys
i Inc.Theinstead
sign should read Butera,!
of the Ardmore Realty'
Co., or the Ardmore Recreation!
Centre because the Butera family:
is an institution of businessmen'
A Butera Strike which likes to keep its interests:
close to its fireside. :
Brother Charles of the Butera For nearly 18 years the Butera
family has. won enough loving famuy pas run bowling al1eys, or
cups, silverware, emblems and academieS, as' they are profession-
trinkets with his famous bowl· all called, in Ardmore, But bowl-
ing alleys are not their only ace
ing arm to furnish a gOOd-sized m ~l~e hole. Uncle Harry has a,
trophy room. thnvmg real estate and broker- I
age business rol1ing- along while i
For his trick shots and his the three boys were in the ser-'
championship heaves, his name VIce. ,
is known in bowling circles from The three boys, Joseph, Charles!
Coast to Coast. He has been feted and Thomas were al1 in the army. I JOHN C. PILLION, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Pillion,
JOAN JARDEN, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and .Thomas have just re-I
and toasted at bowling banquets, c,:ntly receIved their honorable of Chauncey Rd., Penn Valley, will' grin like this evel-y time you
George,W. Jarden, of 605 Essex Ave., Narberth, is attending her During the war he served a discharge after years overseas - call him by his nick-name. Jackie. His father Is a vice-president
second year at Mrs. Samuel J. McCartney's nursery school, Wood- hitch in the service and is now Charles served his hitch in this of the Albert M. Greenfield Co., philadelphia.
side Ave.. Narberth. Joan's father was a former lieutenant com- I courtesy Photo H<Jbby ShO'P')
mander in the Navy. He recently received his discharge after ready to continue his bowling country. Incidental1y. Charles is
the headman in the bowling angle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
serving overseas aboard a mine-sweeper in the South Pacific. career. of the family business and is Quite Claine and Patsy Peeples at tlhe
Charles "ith his coordinated a ch~mpion bOWler himself. He's I At The nursery school.
body and ann action and his un- w In l~numerable tournaments and,
Tree in Brooklyn 1906 I HAVERFORD
trophies and knows his
failing eye for the pins is one of from A to Z. Joe and Tom work bowling
"Aw Mom. do we hafta go ta bed just yet.? Do we? Can·t we stay
the Butera bowlin/:' corporation's more With Uncle Harry in the real i
best drawing cards, estate business but they keep a
~lose eye on the rest of the family
TIle picture shows Charles in mterests. Paid Immediately For
'Jp ancl see Sany Clors?"
"No. you cannot. Now run 06traigbt along to bed or Santa Claus
won't come at all."
charaetetistle action - the kind Now tI,lat the boys are back from
of action that led him to bowling the service and the building busi- '
A Xmas pageant will be given
ness has started rolling again th ;on Friday l1lghl. Decem 1 2', a
be' 1 t
"A\\' Mom. we wanta see Sany Clors. Mom. we wanta see him fame. ~utera~ bought the Arcade build: : 8.00 P. M. A party will foIlow t:le
come down the chimley. Aw Mom, leave the light boining, wont'cha, When the Butera brothers 111g which includes 44 to 60 on w.lpageant with special music and DIAMOND JEWELRY
"No. I'm going to put the gas right out and YOIl children
:;i,raight. to sleep or Santa will just leave coal in your stockings,"
in the Ardmore Arcade the I struc~ion I
open their 16 new bowling alleys La.ncaster Ave. last June, and have refreshments.
alieadv started work on the con-l
of 16 bOWling- alleys and I.
On Wedn~s.~ay. Decem,l?e r 1-9. We are paying the highest prices
corporation is planning a series a .bu~lding to house them. The the Agnes II ~\In School \I III .gl~~
Thank goodness. the;y finally got to sleep, of· exhibitions to shOW Charles bUlldmgs will probably include a a Xmas. P~I ty for the ntll sen
off. 1soda fountain. six billard tables! school chlldlen at the school.
in hlston'
I and a .sna~k bar. It will have air-; On Friday. December 21, a,t 3
"Did you get the tree, father? Oh my. isn't it a beauty!"
··Yes. it is a dandy. but it cost. $.50 cents. They had a smaller
I i
condltlOl11ng. soundproofing fire- P . M. Mrs. A. Peoples and Mrs. M'I 135 S 13th St
proof walls and drapes. as ~ell as McClainevill Will. give a birthday, lOS 0
E t 1898
one for $.35 cents bUt. it wouldn't have reached to the ceiling." grandstand seats. countersunk al- i party honOring little Beverly Mc- We Also Buy SILVER
leys. andforunderground parking .~ 'd""'"
fa- .\',"' '''-''J
.d.d.'" 'dJd 'dJ,n" .d "'..:d...d ... !'4l.4'....."'''!A ....:.....:.a''!i'~.. ~~
"Let's start trimming t.he tree. Where are the- candles? Oh dear!
I do hope we don't have a fire this year. Move the t.ree away from
toe lace curtains."
"Now let.·s see-put the presents for Tommy on this side of the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , cllitles approximately 52 cars.
Although about 15 small busi-' ~
In.ess,:s will have to be rearranged: ~~
"\\lthm the Arcade, most of thE'm ~
""" • ""d-,40.;."'
· t mas -Belongs To
- _._-- ',' , '> '.',

parlor and Jil11m~"s over there. and \\'e'lI put the gifts for Hortense I Iwill remain there by dOUbling uP:~"
I Ch t'ldre.n ~
;ll the "Turkish Corner." She'll love this fUr piece and muff set, and floors of l ~
or mOVIng into the upper ~
Ill"re's the gold watch to wear on her new shirtwai"t,'· l,the bU1I~l11g. Altogether,
23 busi -I \, ,~

~esses wllI be housed there includ- ~ FOR GIRLS FOR BOYS ~
* **
1I1g the bOWling academy.' 1;'1 ~
"Jimmy! Wake up! It's Christmas mOl'I1ing,"
"Did you just wake up. Tommy?" n~w academy is using their com- : ,~
The Butera boys say t11at the: "{' Dresses Shi rts
Skirts *
·'Yeh. let's go downstairs,"
"Holy Gee! Jiminy Christmas!! Gee Whiz!!! Holy Smokes!!!!
bmed 15 years of experience in! ~
i the game to the advantage of their .~.i
Leather ~
Gosh-Iookit wot Sany left,'· i ferent local leagues to arrange,~' Jackets 1\
i customers and will encourage dif- : ~~ ~
Heh Tommy! look. I /:,ot a hook'n ladder an a fire injun wit four
l10rses pulling it. an a "Foxy GrandJla" an "Buster Brown" funny
I many toul'l1aInents. Also, the 10- 1,1
; c~tlOn of the academy is l'onve-! ~
'l1lent. to five different t.YIlE'S of:.~
Blouses * *Jackets
"Hch Jimmy! did',ia see what I got? A set a Rover Boy books
,In a gunmetal watch an a magic lantern, an what's t.his? It's a year's
transport.ation wit.hin the Main:;'1
Lme area. I'll
Eutera. Inc. hopes to get under . ~
Coat &
L . * Corduroy ..
prescription to "St., Nicholas." Gee. we musta got about everything
we ast for,"
"Let's gO out. an see what the other guys got."
way somet!me in February; mean-I ~4
while. theIr other businesses are,~'
cliPPIng along- at a boiling pace.: \~
Sets * L
"Hi ya Tommy! Hi ya Fred! Wot did'ja get fa Christmas?"
"Oh! I got. everything. I got roller skates wit ball burying wheels. I
an fl Willie Keeler bat an a official baseball. an a Whole dollar bill. Local Fire ~Iarshals Issue Rules ,
Ardmore can be glad that some 18 I ~
'per item than thev cost at. a cat- ,'hvears aJr 0 ' Father James brought 1;'1
' . ' IS famIly to settle m thIS part I ~1
.e~·rrs and can be brought In a box, of t.he cOl1ntr~'. because they have' ~
Pants * * Sh t
or s
but me Mom says she's gonna mind it fa me, she's scared I'I! spen
it all at onct. I think I'll save it fa the "Barm an Bailey Cercus."
"Well, so long Fred. we gotta go home fa Christmas dinner,"
For Safe Holidav From Fires
FirE' Ma,rshals of Lower Merion and Haverford Townships
\ of 50. ! made a, pla~e for themselves here l'~
The business will develop as the: and I.n. turn have given the town i ~
food situation ihroug'10ut the na- :a .tthnvmg business and a commu-I ~ Robes (Satin &
FI anne I *
** Bath robes
Ma cki naws
tion improves. For instance. ~n the: ~
has issued warnings against holiday hazards. A list of wa;ys and , . .nl y gathermg place \l

Annie I the upstairs girD was passing the bUrkey.
"Very fine turkey," said Uncle Henry,
"Yes," Mother beams, "Bridget is an excel1ent cook."
"I called the employment agency for a cook the other day," Aunt
mean", to escape tl'agedy are:
Place the bottom of your Christmas Tree in a pan of water
and add water when needed. This method when used with fresh
trees reduces its fiammability. Place your tree well away from
late Winter or early Sprmg a,
houseWife will be able to order.
whole dinners several weeks in ad- : ; J
vance. with each item s~ prepared.

* Polo ShiFK
:Mabel chimes in. "and would you believe it, I had to interview over stO\'es. radiators and other sources o'f heat. When yoU' smoke. that. It needs only cookll1g. I~'
\~ ~
twenty cooks before I found a good one and slle demanded sixteen B AUTIFUL A ORTMENT Of GIFTS
~ ~~ ~
keep a\\'ay from the tree. At first, however, the store prin-, THE BONELESS
dollars a month," ' The trer should be welI secured against falling and should cipal1y will scn'e customers who i FOUNDATION GARMENT SEE OUR E
Father. clearing his throat. "I wrote to the new hotel Oceana in
Fiorida for rooms and what do you sUPPOse they charge? No less
be so placed that standin~ or fallen. it cannot block a doorwaY
which might be needed to escape from the room.
IThese deep freE'7e
buy them units now
from Frost, or who
stores, Inc.:
units will be available for'
fncredibly lIone-
less, beautifullY
"_flte I--UNCII &. JUDY ~~
Candles or oPen flame lighting is entirely out of place. Use
than five dollars a day." purC~lase at the nominal fee of, designed to gIve ~ '"
"B~' George. that is .~teep." from Uncle Henrs, "but I did heal' the equP.lIy attractive electric lights made especially for decOl'a-
tions. It is important. howr.ver, that YOUr Christmas lights be in
I5125 to 5500 and wiII range from· g~~~~ccte ~ng ~u~ ~ Kid dy Shop ~...
they set a fine table." 4 'l2 to 16 cubic feet in size. For' preme comfort, \.
"WeI! if that. hotel imagines I'll pay them any such price as that. good condition. A short circuit in worn wiring might be sufficient approxima tely 51000. Frost Stores. ' Ex per t fittinll', ;1 ~
tlley have another think coming," growls Father.
Mother is just wondering if she'll take the fourth trunk.
to stmt the trer burning. Sets bearing t.he label of Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc .. hal'e been tested for fire hazards and pro- Inc. will build so-caIled "walk in",
units. which will accomodate
and adjustment
~f:~C~epili s~o~.
Please Note Ghrloslmas Shopping Hours ~
"Hortrnse is got a feller." Wis in sing-song fashion from Tommy. nounce dsafe by pxpert.s. Renew if they are worn. products bought wholesale or in: Before Alter ~II ~
"Now Tommy. you stop teasing Hortense." Don't o\'erlofl,C! your electric circuit.s flnd see your fuses are quantlt.y.
Self-service is t.he Rencrfll l'ulp
0 pen Every Eventng . U n t'19 I
P•M •
"Well she has so got a feller, he give her a five-pound box a of proppr rating preferflbly not o\'er 15 flmperes. 'An overlOflcled
circuit is ext.remely dangerous for fire may start in the wa lis, except in thl' bUlky itrms. such as: MES-MEDICAL BLDG. ~i ~
~'.;IJ 201 C·liy LOlne Ave Near 54th SI ~~
Huyler's Brst.'·
"Thomas. how did you ev('r learn to speak the way YOU do? It. If YOll dC'corate ~'ol1r home USI' incombustiblr l11at.rrials. t1ll'keys, rOflst,s. etc. ARDI\IORE
must be those rough boy~ YOU play with, like that "Tackhammrr Ma- Flame proofed matel'lflls can hE' purchaseci flt. man~' stores. Ardmore hfls tIle first store in i Call Ardmore 3219 for an I' I
this section of the country, but: Appointment ;,; ..., ., __ .~
guirE'." says Mothrr. Christmas wrappings burn like tinder and should be removed later stores are expected t.o be. __ ~.'Jl#n:o%,...,;:>;.;7';;~l",;~,;:o-,.;nn~:>;.;r:r:J":;:;;,..~~-:.-~~~~~~· ",-n-nr~n~
"Did ~·ou say Maguire." asks Uncle Henry. "He must be 'Sledge- as soon as possible. TIleY should be placed in a covered metal opened in Jenkintown, German-: --- --------------- - - - - - - . -- -- -. -
Hammer Maguire's' boy. I went to Public School 23 with Sledgeham- container with lid unCH disposed of. town and C!1estnut Hill. '
mer.·' Be careful of heat operated toys and new electrical gadgrts
"011! hush up Henry. you're always encouraging them, and those if they do not bear the label of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
~obbler children they go with. What are their names, Randazzo or Be especially careful of electric trains. All wiring should be in
Jomething? " good condition and all connections tight, Before going to bed see
"You mean Guiny Randazzo, Mom? He's a nice guy, honest he all CUl'l'E'nt is off.
is. Mom, says Tommy, you oughta see him spit through his teeth." Finally if your tree catches fire or fire happens from any
"Aw, his kid brothel'. Tommy the Guin, can spit foider than other cause call the Fire Department immediately. Know how to
11Jn," argues Jimmy. place the call beforehand.
"I don't see why you can't play with gentlemanly little boys like
Perc~' Livingwell."
"All' !\10m. that Poicy he's a sissy. He got a two-wheel bike fa
Christmas an I ast him could I have a toin riding it and he said his
NelV Modern Ardmore F oodstore·
old mall cr I mean his father wouldn't leave him leave nobod~' borry
d." ,
"That settles it," determines Mother, "starting the Nrw Year you
First of Its I(ind On Main Line,
Lays are going to go to Professor Pitt Rivers' Saturday morning danc-
ing class and learn to mix with nice children." I
Frost stores, Inc .., a corporation nrw and modern design of display:
"I got everything I wanted except a Galt revolver, an I didn't
think I'd get it anyway," said Tommy.
Father loosenrd the two lower buttons on his vest, "Colt revol\'-
~f Milden and Wl:I,tr, dealers m cabinets. The~' are filled WiCl fro7,- i
sea.food and 'pollltl ~ . at. 1212 FII- en merchandlsl' of all sort.s. incllld- .
bel ~ _St:~ Phllad~JP:lla: opened a Img over one hundred items SUit-I
rl'S, Gatling guns and battleships with armament that can shoot fif- ne\\ stOl, at the cal nI'l of Lancas- able for deep freeze units. Among The Ben Greenblatt Stlldios
teen miles, let,'" hope we never have any further trouble." te~' Ave: and RI,tlenh~lIse Place 111 lhese are poultry. meats of all cllts ~ SIIUBERT. TIIEATRE BLDG,
Al dmol e on Decembrl 3, and var!eties. vegetables. pa_~tries, 1
Uncle Henry puts in his two cents' worth, "Why. it's ridiculous e Frost Storr,s. ,I!lC. has.lpased the I pies, Jrlllls and even l1'ors d'oeuvr-I
250 S. Broad
to think of another war. the world has become too ciVilized. I ven- 10rmer Slavll1 s SporlIng Goods es. The h'ors cl'oeuvres, inciclental- I PEN. 5522 - FREE BOOKLET
tLlre to say that we will never have another real war. You must re-
member this is the year 1906, Now Jimmy is nine and Tommy, here. store at 44 E. Lancaster Ave .. now 1.)Y~.:::\\;'~il~1~c~a~m~e~t~O~tl~ll~·e~e~c.:en~t~s;~le=s~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
located at. 14 Rittenll0use Place, _
is eleven and I don't think either of them will ever live to see big and the former Vollmer's Chicken
nations fighting each other again,"
Hortense la soap and water beauty coming out of her own sweet
Specialties store at 42 E. Lancaster
Ave" now located at 53 E. Lan- Ge11ui11e
dreams) "Mildred Livingwell's beau, Harold Veinsicely, gave her a
magnificent box of writing paper,"
"He must be the son of old H. A. S. Veinsicely, the babnker,
president of the Greenpoint National Bank, I hear he draws a cool
Ilve thousand dollars a Year," says well-informed Uncle Hemy.
caster Ave. in Ardmore.
The two stores, leased to Milden
and White by Joseph Cairns, Jr"
Inc., of 45 E. Lancaster Ave. are
being thrown together and reno-
vated to accomodate a complete
"Heh Mom! kin we git a sheet an hang it up an have a magic
l:l.1ltern shOW after dinner, kin we?"
''I'm afraid you'll be too sleepy,"
"Heh Mom! kin I have another hunk a mince pie?"
"NO, Tommy. you two boys have been stUffing yourselves all day.
Here is real1y a unique gift for your wife or friend. Thesr ~ R"
You're going to bed in a few minutes and I think both of you should
have a nice big dose of castor oil before you go to sleep."
WATER HEATERS belts are made of the finest PYTHON snake skins; t.hey are rich.
exclusive! They will wear almost indefinitely because they are
lined with first quality calf skin. The bronze buckle has been es-
pecial1y designed for these belts, They will be delivered the samr
For Immediate day ordered in a, beautifUl CELOPHANE BOX.
~ f) \\T OPEN Installation and fFe Man.ufactu.re Them
All the best wishes for Delivery. Limited The only reason that we can offrr these HER SET
exclusive belts at this price is due to the
Quantities fact that we manUfacture them and save
Real Christmas cheer
And the hC:ppiest kind of
you the middleman's profit. Send us your
check today for Christmas delivel-Y.
510. Jd:
A bright New Year

@ Electrical Appliance Co.

Style. Belt Co •
• Owned by
44 E. LANCASTER AVE. Essex' Repair Shop F. B. TIERCE & CO.
Ardmore Arcade, Lancaster Ave. Ardmore-Phone
ARDMORE 104 ESSEX AVE.. Ph, 2135 2-4 4)1 W. 5757
Rit. 5846 1214 Areh St. I-hila. (7) Pa.


Ardmore Church to £a~~~;~:~t~;!~:~;.:~~:~~; ()~KNOsOOC=::TWA'O"TYEOUR ::~:~:"~;=~dt~~;~~, :; ~~:::Fo~~:li~ays

thy Harmstad is in charge of the flow of streams and on the tem- Miss Wharton's School, Bryn
.I __I_C__T_O__R_Y_'_S__S
V __O
__S__ J Boy's Leg Fractured
In Auto Accident
Present Pageant production; Mrs. Dale Steinmetz,

music: Sargeant,
Thomas and Dicklights.
Curtis and
The cast ?..
' perature and moisture content of Mawr, will close Friday, for the
()~o<::::>o<::::>o<:::::>o<:::::>oc::::> the air, In t~at year America need- Christmas hol~days, with a Christ-
costumes: Mr. Alfred Montgomery,
Publication by the State Plan- ed no such stUdies. Our fprests were m a s sptlaa eInttIitsledin'te"I~speersSetdOrywI'tOhf (7,~
tll e r
Francis J. Earley, Jr., 13. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Earley,
142 Union Ave .. Bala-Cynwyd, is
at the Bryn Mawr Hospital with
ning Board of a program for the prodigious, and Pennsylvania for- Christmas carols and shows the ~t
of characters include: Alvin Koch-
Christmas Play Will er, Janet Smith, William Clark.
conservation of the State's natural ests were leading the nation in arrival of the Shepherds. wi!'
a compound fracture of the right
Be Given By Members Marcia Browne, Harriet A~n
resources emphasizes the realiza- their output of saw timber. Today
Smith, Loretta McGraw, LoUIse
t'· f d b th w r that A"
Phoebe E?helby McNeely, Bryn .lll~/;
Mawr; Patncia Tamm. Haverford;
He was admitted Saturday night
Of Congregation Ward, Barbara Curtis. Barbara
lon, Ol:ce .on us y e a , .' the .mencan hoUs~ng and con- Barbara Shore. Haverford; Edith after being struck by .an auto-
Reese . Mrs.E. . H .
any f~I:thel resources
Ward ' Mrs .
and mmeral wasteful can
use only
of SOIl
be structlon program IS everywhere Brewster . ' Philadelphia', Martha mobile.
Frank.Martin, Dal.e.stem~etz, Bob
at our national peril. Coal, oil, handicapped by a shortage of lum- Macalhste~', ~~rberth; Anne Bed-
In observance of Christmas Sun- Coat~, Jean !?Ultls, ~IS. James
iron, top soil and forests \~ere ber a~d our,Eastern cities must be d~e, !I~velf!lld, Nancy Hales, Hav: 'I!/ Crossing the street at t~le inter-

day. December 23. at the First TaylOl. Edwald. Wl~lte. Evelyn
given us by nature with a prodIgal supplIed mamly from the far West. elford, .Et:ld Ravenscroft.. Rose '1 1i section of Bryn ,Mawr and Union
Baptist Church of Ardmore. White Humpton ..Mrs ..AI thUl l\:'IcConnell.
hand. We have spent them all witc1 Conservation is befng forced on mont, alE; 10 ~he cast. , /.,{/) ~ Aves.. Bala, he was struck by the
Gift services will be helel' in each John Myers. Ml. and MIS. Charl~s
equal prodigality. The New World, the attention of every thoUgcltful The ~mde!garten !lnd. n~se!y front fender of a car driven by
department of thr Church School E~gleston. Ralph Hest~r, Robel t
once an untapped reservoir of en- American. It is a broad field. as school WIll jam them I~ smgmg In Frank G. Richards. Jr., 35. 507
at 9.45 A. M. The gifts received GI,ant, Ja.ne Ann TaYlo~, Mr: ~nd
ergy and raw materials. has con- the State Planning Board points both Frenc~ and EnglISh'~ ~l., . , Cynwyd Circle, Bala-Cynwyd, who
in this traditional Christmas ser- MIS. Geolge Rogers. MIS. WIlhaJ!1
tributed so much to the develop- out in its latest issue of "Pennsyl- School Ie-opens on Monday, , _ took him to the hospital.
vice will be presented to the Bap- Clark, Neal Metcalf, Mrs., Le:-V IS
ment of the mechanical age and vania Planning." It means saving January 7, 1946. ~ 1'1
tist Orphanage in Philadelphia. Richards told Lower Merion po-
Cook. Mrs, James" Scott WIll. sm?,
the materials of modern warfare from waste, not only our hard and . ••• ~ ~ 'FI. lice he did not see the boy until
At the Morning Worship at 11 the soprano solo, a Holy !'l"lg~t.
that today the WQJ:ld's largest re- soft coal with their precious by- I t 'F To Compete for Prizes aftel' he had struck him.
o'clock. the Choir will sing the an- and Mrs. Fra.~k Coa,t~~ ~Ill smg
serves of oil, coal and timber are products, and our soil and o u r . tzv., , ~ i,~(I}1. /1. Francis is an eig:rth grade stUd-
them, "There Were Sl1ephel1ds," by ar: .,alto solo. The Vn gm s Lulla-
no longer to be found on American forests, but also our cities from All .l~cal 11lgh school stUdents ~ V
decay through noise and traffic are elIgI~le to ~omp~te for large . 't}'..,' ~ ,iI'S
ent at st. Matthias' School, Bala-

P >}!ffi"At
Vincent, with Mrs, J. Paul Faust. b:v. by Dl!dley Beck.
soil. , .
soprano soloist. Alfred B. Mont- More t~an any other 45,000 jams. It means protecting our resi- scholarshIps whIch WIll be award-
T!le ChOlr WIll render tradItIonal • Cynwyd. He was on his way to a

gomery. Jr.. guest organist and square miles on tne earth's sur- dence neighborhoods from unnec- ed by, New Jer~y College for
ChrIstmas carols. The organ num- friend's house when the accident
choir director. has selected the fol- ~ers played by Mr. Montgomery
face, Pennsylvania has contribut- essary invasion by business and Women to studentS Wll0 enter tl~e ~ occurred. ,

lowing organ music: Prelude, Il1clude: Prelude. "Pastoral Sym-
ed to the energies of modern civil- industry. and our industry and college ne?'t Summer. Included m _' ~ //~ nA ~~=r6~Jr6'16~~~~W*~~
"Gesu Bambino." by Yon; Offer- phony,': by Han~el,: Offe~'t0n::
ization. The time to guard its re- business from unnecessary handi- the offermg are several la~'ge J'.) ~
v;,,/ 01 \
tory. "A Christmas pastorale." by Improvlsatron on SIlent NIght:
maining resources has unmistak- caps caused by the pollution of grants whi.ch are open only to gIrls \'f '"
Matthews: Postlude, "Hosanna11!"
by Dubois,
by K;·.eckel: Pl?s.tlude. "Adeste ;F'I-
ably .arrived. Europe faced these streams and rivers.
d~les. by Whltmg, The o~er~ng
problems long ago. Its forests and
from outsIde New ~ersey. Among
T!le 1945 Session of the General th~se are two NatIonal Scholar-
HILE on a bomber escort mission to targets in Oldenberg, Germ';·ny,-[t. ~
Col. Francis Gabreski shalt down two Nazi fighters, althClugh his own ~
it Season
On Sunday evening a. pageant-
drama. "The Tidings of Christ-
WIll be gIven to the World MISSIOn
soil had supplied food and timber Assembly under the leadership of shlJ?s of $500 each and the ,Mabel
Crus~de Fund .of the Northern
for thousands of years. In the Governor Martin passed many in1- SmIth I?ouglas Scholars~llp of
plane was already damaged. But that was only the beginning. Above ~
him he saw a flight of Messerschmitt 1105, armed with rocket cannon. A u " .,
mas," written and directed by the BaptIst ConventIOn.Nineteenth Century the tremen- portant conservation measures. $,800, whIch have, been awarded lot
Rev. Mr. Faust. will be given at ---0._-- dous growt~l of its population forc- Their success in making this Com- smce 1939. swarm of smaller fighters accompanied the lias. '~F'
8 o'clock in the Church Sanctuary. We Il.eed not power or splendor; ed attention on conservation when monwealth the leader in the in1- - - -....-.- - - Although outnumbered, Colonel 6abreski dauntlessly led his unit into the ~. rom
The setting of the play is a bomb- Messerschmitts, breaking their form"tion. He singled out the lead plane and ~~ !
Eve. 1945. nnd much of the action
centers around a painting of the
Wiae hall 01' lordly dome; the United States was merely be- portant movement for the protec-
These form the wealth of home. inexhaustible wealth.
-Sarah J. Hale.
A parent's good example will
ed church in Germany. Christmas The good. the true, the tender. ginning to explore its seemingly tion of America's resources rests assist the tempted child in solv-
finally on the understanding and ing his own problems.-Dl·. John
In 1873 Robert Louis Stevenson, support of all our people. W. Holland.
sent it.down in flames. Climbing b"ck to the melee, he spotted another cannon- ,~~~
carrying Nazi plane getting into position to attack the American bombers.
Colonel Gabreski fired Hom 600 yards "nd it crumpled. The bombing mission ~
~~~l!~n~.r~~~~lJ~n~J~~I~n~~l~n~JlS!:~ISn~!t~n~il~n~i~~~n~il2!~l2!~~~t~n~Jl~n~1~n!~ISn~rlSg~r~H~~~~I~n~1~~~~~~~~e;r:~~ 90. through safely. ~ REDUCING AND HEALTH ~

~~ ~ On another oQcasion, Colonel Gabres~i destroyed three fode-Wulf 190s, ~ SALON ~
.~.-. holds the Distinguished Service Cross, the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying ~ ~'e take pride in MI.- ~
All told he is credited with 28 enemy planes-all downed in aerial combat. He 'Il
••'. : , •• • • , . . . .

FIRST A I D TO ~O\l( Cross with si~ oak leaf clusters, the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters. and ~
. h \\
~. :qO;inpCpme~ tW~:hW;h:ren:: ~~

~ **************************************************
tha Polish Cross of Valor.
; ; --------~. ~

iI•N_~~ ~ RP Scott 0pens ~ SLENDERATER~~~


will lead a Mozart-Beethoven pro- )

• • gram at the Acodemy of MUsic,
Broad and Locust Sts.. Philadel- ~
This is in addit,ion to our

Mercury Agency
p~lia. an Thursday evening, Janu- \. regular service.
ary 31. at 8 P. M, The concert will ~
be the second in the Great Masters
Festival Cycle which was launch- ~
126 Coulter Ave.
~:)I( ed with notable success under Dr. ~ C f SObl A ~\
~ ~ Dash's guidance in No\'ember With j ~" .. o.r. 0 I ey ve.
••f •~
Won Navy Award For enthUSiastIc reactIOns from a ~
capacitv audience aJld high praise ~,
Ardmore 4120 !"
~.r ~.'. Manufacturing Work from tl1e press';:'~"'';7",,;nll'):,y;nl''Snr''''''..,JI!'''~,!,:~
~ During War

~ ~
i ~=E~:~~~~£~iJ~:,~~
~; ~:)I( doors of

I . . .
43 E. Lancaster Ave .. Ard-
j! RaymondP.Scott opened the

DARBY AND EAGLE ROADS ••• OAKMONT ••• Hilltop 1288 ••• N,icholas A.Gano it!.
~enmsgpI~Y C\~~~~ th~·:~10~;;Pe~~s.
one sedan coupe. a two-door sedan
Whether you decide on the home, m\Jrch or
~: ~:)I( and a town sedan. our funeral parlor-s, we can be entrusted to
~f' T.vo Registered Phar.",acists Alt"ays Ott Duty '~. Scolt moved from 213 E. Lan-
.J(:~ caster Ave. where, during the war. handle AU DETAJLS. Completeness and one
~; ii ~~. e' he manufactured air plane parts
~ '~f ~ ,lit. for Grumman Hell Cat planes,
Tr.~ ~
~. For this \t"lork he. andd thlis cNom-
~N: pany recen y receIve
high st<JFldol'd are basic poliaes to wbiGb
N k ·1e avy
~.-' Ii!. Certificate of Achievement. He
~ undertook war work in order to
we strictly adhere,
.: N~;';' ~:)I( keep his emplOi/ees busy for the
~ ~~. ~ I duration after cal's were frozen
Sf•: Tr.~ ~ ~ in 1942., He employed 40 people
~. ~_
~;\l at one tune.
Prior to 1941 he was located at
.~ 1P~ ~ ~ 125 E. Lancasler Ave. where for Dt,RECTORS OF fV>NE,RA,LS
~: N~" ~:)I( yeal'S he operated the Main Line
N~ ~ i:K ~:J'l. DodRe Agency.
Tr.~ C''Jl~RP
..IJ ,1/ Ch 'I. g
.~ .~.
J(:~;:N: m
?!!!, New Mercury cars are beillg re,
ceived now On a monthly quota
1820 £HES,TN-U'T SnEET
~ ,~ ~ iW. ;,;. basis. OrdevB arc being placed ,"",""",ua. MKM

"9?We?~ j ~:,~v.mctI:;i~.~,:' l.!'~.· ·~ I !~J~~:~g~~}~~e:;;;~;; __--2==::::::::::::::=~::::=:::::::::::::::::::====:

_./ "J ".

~ 4 Y/dHil{j .~ # ~ ~~to~!,"i:0ther t
. i".·.·
•. ·•.· .··•."...:.'.;.'·•. •. •:. I~.'• ;,;. places he kept, open while they

~ $1 Z 5 " ; i~~;.rJ.~ ~ ~ ;;I~stl~~~1~-G-;tting • --.

:l '/lIu.fed.T... ~ :yeof5,~2'5~~tvbO~ ~\.,,::::tAf ~ ~ Off Paoli Local / ',- /~~'_ '7)~'
~~ Mass production J!
~ l'~'"-'A~re ~~.. ~;~ feltw~~;y::t~ig~off~~~eiIao~~1r1;~1
Tuesday evening. t-.~t1l-.~ ~ ... ~. "'. . ._.~_.
Sf economies make ·Wi
Chen Y n P BeO.a
d d ~_·t
~. Kathleen Walsh. l!3. daughter of
Ni:. Mrs. Joseph C. Walsh. 5 Dreycott ~
ll\!~ t h' I
~ IS OW prl"Ce poss.'ble!
~~f "0 ..'. lJ"'·!1:D-. ...J':'
:Jl. '1i1.~.:)I(. Lan, Haverforcl. took the 7.45 P. M.
train home after Christmas S~10P-
;".,' lA "''')'
our uno' I,t~s'
t ·'«·dU'.L. I!"
.'~ a
,. ioI.~
... 'C'CJmt:I~ ~ A Beaut.-ful Way to -. ping.
While she was getting off Lhe
t-im~. Every j:i.ght on ey~1'Y 1l1'€@-t>V(iFY WI>n w
' do
~ 14 l(arat gold over base of sterling
~ 'R-O G'.E·R.~. . &- G'1-\ r"h:~r· ;~
A,l'..L~Llll;. ~_ ~i 1.~:)I(.
stll'lal)ipnedat, the Havel'ford Station she
t.hil't O".n~e~s night wi t.h cheel'fo\ll cha.)1RJ'1oae-NI II.
',q M! ~ _. Another passengel' took 111"1'
silver with rich tones of modern ;l,
plastic. l\fagic Feed prClvents flooding
Say l!!l!!~lerry ~hri!itmas" ':K
~ hom~. After Lryil1!i in vain to get
a doctor Mis.~ Maggie Coughla.n.
shm,i41g s~roffilbol of nhe pass-i,ng of wa.r's shad-OIIi.
to -"0

Sf M! ~ ~. Kathleen's aunt. took her to the 'fhe,Fe ~ r-ad';'an.t ha-ppinel'H ;11 t:t.~y g;aota1~
or leaking high in a plane-and
OD) N~
'2_ d/!!!O. ~ Bryn Mawr Hospital w:lere she
~SIl: was treated for contusions and
.L:,. 1\'1 . h L .\ d
l'litrti 100'r.. ~~. ·en a'lle eornmg orne worn "",&1:. J>'lIn

the ground, Magic Point is soli'
smooth you can't even hear it'/)
write. Repeater pencil feeds new
points-like a machinc gun. Servi~e'
,. ~

~~~/- ~
~ l4:~~.
, . x .. ,;~,~


AChristmas gift of year.round lovel'iness for her
':J'l.. laal,cmels'a.tions of the scalp and upper
Kabhleen is an eighth grade
student at st, Coleman's School,
~.,~' ArgYle Rd .• Ardmore.
t;!lose who h~ar tihej,r Chr-i.s-flmaf; ea-I'ols l!fld'«
L' l
swl6S a·Ile 6 ase,,,, 1It6,N'er W
biter noa-ve been i,n a gl'ea-t whi:le.
()l1'loll UIIU'fI

~ on both Pen and Featherweight ,,:;.:.;. 0 ~ ~ nails and lips. , • the exquisite Chen Yu Pagoda ;~ To Condu-Oc-t Concert
T.r.~ E-K~. T.r.~ ~:)I( Set, Chell Yu long lasting naillacquer and match. ~ For m-a-l'1'y, t!his wl~l be a wist.~td Chnstma-s-hM
~'Mf-·'.~ Repear8f Pencil is gu.(J(anl£~J~T_~~~ '::"~.~~"'._'-:'~
~. "J!~f ~:)I( a Christmas brave and st,rong in t>ne l-;;nowledge
- r
r-;'~ _" ,,-
.', i-'il.. _~ ,~~ "
••••••.•.•••• ·.-11II·.·.:.·1 ;,w.'
ing lipstick, Lacqucrol, Chip Chek, and Fast Dry rl James Allan Dash, prominent
young conductor and organist· of
~ Ardmore and musical director of
that those who bOllg t victory so dea-ry wiD
1 'I
~ ~ ':'::'!JJ:p.; '. . ~ .,;;:: stand in a charming mahogany rack. Chen Yu ~:)I( the Bach Society of Philadelphia, moWiEe 1K>m01OIIOW'S "",OIlW It bJ,igh.~er placte for ~ an.
! '-' i!~'
~~ ~ Gifl Sets are priced from $1.75 to $2;),00. *
~ "1ooY 'P-'!. -Iur ..rlra ~
~ i! ~uftF"I}SSlft,""At ~ ~
~ AND NOW ~ ~l~" "'lG"~'
~ ,RES.
-V~1 .o~ ~
I).) I
THIS ts a pharmacy a-o
GII~'I'S ~
i! -a
which physicians turn i:K_.
~~ ~ pprnCl'at d b ~.
with instinctive preference; .4

If J.~
!~ATIALLpAOPLPISLHE ~ £c::;y:~:~g~:~~:;~:~~
'J6i' consideration; Yet, though ;~
M E;el'YO~ 11 ;
we maintain highest ethical
standards, you pay no pre-~:.w
All National Brands of
"iii ~~ mium for this Profe:;sional ~. ~
J(o'~ Also Other Sl"Jades ~ ~ Cigarettes -.
~ "'~~:.w ~ll
Prestige and the service.

~ ~ ~ ~
~ !l.,~1.79 'J6i'.-. ~ Cigars b)' tile Box ~
! Per- Set tll' Tax Extra ~ ~ All Brands of Tobacco by ~
~ Ii! ~ tile Pound ~
~ ~. , ~ ~
! Pit ESC 1_'I I- '-1" ION ~ ~~l~n~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lsn~1~~~~lr:~~~lS!~l~n~r~ I
i! LABOIlA'I'OUY ~ For Hanging On the Xmas Tree f4
~ With Every Scientific Safeguard ! .~
~~ Or Just for the Ir:dd:es
~... ... ~
~ We Carry a Large Stock Of ~ ~
i! ~~ .~.-'
P last i ~ Del i ~o pter s ~
Ii More "Deliciously Different" il!
D:~~~ :::~sE~E:cD~x~::Aa~dISN:~~~~:~E
I~ . 29·~ Ii BLACK VELVET - Evening
glamour with the long .klrt Is
coming back with, a bang this
year and there'. nothing more
flattering than black velvet. Joan
It Moves ···It Runs Tompkins (NBC's "Young Wid·'
~N: I
der Brown") wear. this off·the-
Ji i1
Ji'i"~il1iiii'1iiilltiiiiJi1iijjli1iiil~iJiiiWJfiiiJliiii1l~icl~~iil~ij~ ~~iltii"~jfI~i1i~ ili'iifi'i iIl~ ilfl'i icl1iiicli'iiil~i&1i'i"~iif~
~ ,
111 shoulder, '.tim·walst version with
white, Venlse·type lace sleeves,
designed by Ceil Chapman.
Educators to Hold Columbia University.
Representatives of this organ-

Blindlnstructors VETERANS AND SERVICE NEWS Anl1,ual Convention ization of over 53,000 teachers will
"From War to· Peace-A Cllal- also ht'ar Captain Harold E,Stas-
lenge" will be discussed by the sen , Former Governor of Mlnne-

To Teach Veterans W · I dT I Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross County Veterans to Wins Commission delegates to the annual convention sota, discuss Education in the
of the pennsylvania State Eclura- United Stations. captain Stassen
tion Association to be 11elcl in will speak at the final session of

9 Instruction Centers amlng s~ue

Harrisburg, December 26-28. A the three-day convention, Friday,
0 .\ Forum program on this themc will December 28, at 11.30 o'clock; in

For Blind Servicemen Care For FIrearms Honor Gen. Cota be held Thursday afternoon, De-I the Forum of the Education Build-
cember 27, WWl Lyman Brvson, ing. ,
director of education of the Col-
umbia Broadcasting' System, as the
A shoe shine parlor of fashlon-
To Open Soon Radio Program Has leader. Until rcccntly Doctor Bry- able Park Avenue, New York City.
son has been professor of adult featured bootblacks in formal eve-
Blind instructors will teach blind Tax Unit Official Been Arranged for education at Teachers Col1eAe, ning attire.
veterans In ine special instrction
centers under a new policy adopted
Says Certain Arms December 20
bY tlle Occupational Therapy De- Must Be Registered Wine. Beer
partment of the Veterans' Admin- Veterans returning from the American Legion and Veterans
istration, Major General Paul R. wars with souvenir firearms, and of Foreign Wars Posts in Mont- Really Fine
Hawley, Acting VA Surgeon Gen- families receiving firearms through gomery County are being invited BAKED HAM SANDWICHES
eral. announced today. the mails from veterans, are warn-
VA's problem with sightless ed that many of these weapons to cooperate in arranging "listen-
veterans lies almost wholly with must be registered to avoid viola-
men from World War I, of whom tion of the National Firearms Act.
ing" meetings. at the National
Guard Armories of the County on
there are 320 in VA Hospitals and The warning was issued by F. V. 5004 CIT" i\VE
185 in VA Homes. There are only Wills, Investigator in Cllarge of December 20 \vhen pennsylvania
six blinded veterans from World the Philadelphia office of the AI- will pay tribute to the Command-
War II and 65 blinded from other cohol Tax Unit. ing General of the 28th Division,
wars and from other causes In Wills pointed out that the Fire- I Major General Norman D. Cota,
military sen'ice in VA Hospitals arms Act provides penalty of a
and Homes. fine up to $2000 or imprisonment andllls Artillery Commander,
The low figure of World War n up to five years, or both, for viola- Brigadier General Basil H, Perry.
veterans Is credited by VA officials tions. It Is a violation of the law to At the suggestion of Governor S. H. CARROLL
to the maximum p:,ysical rehabil- possess, sell, exchange, transfer,
itation ant! social adjustment or give any of the type of arms
which is being given in Army in- listed in the Act.
I Edward Mart i n, Montgomery
County Commissioners Hillegass,
Peters and Mensch have written
Stuart Henry Carroll, 23, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Canty,
of 716 Stradone Rd., Cynwyd,
struction centers to the 1,200 sol- Included in the list of arms I' the veterans' organizations of the has recently been awarded his
diers blinded in this war. Approxi- whicll must be registered are: ma- County about, the event, which will commission as lieutenant in the
mately 680 of the 1,200 men have chine guns, sub-machine guns, be observed with ceremonies in Marine Corps at Quantico, Va.
Newly Decorated
been discharged and returned to shotguns and rifies with barrels
civilian life, and 520 are stin in the shorter than 18 inches, excepting I Harrisburg and Indiantown Gap.
A state-wide radio broadcast
In the service almost t!1l'ee years,
Carroll is no\\' stationed in Bav-
centers, the Army reports. .22 caliber rifies where the barrel
The plan of VA instruction for length may be 16 inches, firearm
has been arranged on December
20 from 9 to 9.30 P. M. to enable
onne, New Jersey. He is a p;raclll-
ate of Lower Merion High School
Dining Room
the blind, w~ich is designed to silencers or mufflers of all kinds,
make them self-reliant, includes: or any.type of gun or pistol from
'I' all returned veterans of the 28th
Division to hear General Cota.
and the University of Pennsyl-
vania. New Dinners Served
instruction in braille, use of braille which more than one shot or bul- GOvernor Martin stated that all
type-writers, use of braille watch- let can be discharged with one pull armories in t!le state would be
Men Hid· Me d a I Wynnewood
es, use of talking books, pereep- of the trigger.
tion of objects and sounds, recog- The AlcohOl Tax Unit is con-
made available for the occasion
but pointed out also that local 0 lng .House 5109 P. M•
ni.tion of people: how to get about ducting a campaign to acquaint meetings to hear the broadcast Of Honor WI·n J b BANQUETS • PARTIES
WIthout aid, personal hygiene, pen- present holders of war trophies might be held at any other con- . 0 S
cil wrIting, use of hand tools, use wi~h the provisions of the Act. venient place. The first Medal of Honor win- 1226
of 11ands, games for the blind and Wills urged all persons having The 28th Division. the former ners to be hired by the Veterans' l\Iont~omel')' SOCIAL FUNCTIONS
other recreation. ' firearm trophies in tl1elr possession Pennsylvania National Gard, in- Administration under a new Presi- Ave.
. Fi.rst instructor appointed to be- ~ gft I i~ tO~hi W~tll hi~ at the I Honored for palticipation in 20 hazardous combat flights clded the following units from dential order giving prefer>2nce to Call Narberth 9282
gm mtroducing this plan is George co 10 ax nt, 01 Pu lie Led- over enemy positions in Borneo as a medical observer, Lt. William Montgomery County: Co. C, lllth hol~ers of this country's highest
Hackenburg. for 17 years a field gel' Building, Philadelphia 6, or I Inf., Norristo\\'\O; Troop D 104th military award are John J. Tom-
representative of tl1e Pennsylvania telephone his office, Market 5114.. W. Wilson, (MC) USN, son of Dr. and MrS. George Wilson, of Cal'., Norristown: Hd. 1st Bn'., 11lth inac and Edward A. Silk of Johns-
State Council for The Blind and The Investigator in Charge will; 700 Hagy's Ford Rd., Narberth, has been awarded the Disting- IIn!., Pottstown: Co. A, lIlt!l Inf., t P

IMany Seeko-Adv--I·ce Of
more recently a dictaphone opera- determine whether t!le firearm is I uished Flying Cross. He was decorated bv Captain Leslie E. Geh-
tor for VA. There will be 80 veter- of a tyPe covered by the provisions res, commanding officer of the U. S. Naval Air Base in San Di-
ans at the Dayton, Ohio, VA Home of th Firearms Act, and will assist. ego, Calif., where Lt. Wilson is now stationed. Lt. Wilson parti-
Pottstown; and Battery C, 166th F.
A., Conshohocken.
own, a.
Tominac will serve in the VA's
Jol1l1stown officI" and Silk will be in
De1lClOUS Horne C00ked MeaIs

under his gl.\idance and instruc- It'~

thfe preparation of the registra- i
cipated in the missions from last March to last June, to make t~n
ut!lnedeRI·egtiJolenapll·OefflI1ce PidttsbUrgJtl. -AT-
1VA Con t ac t Off·Ices THE WIN D S 0 R - E _c:. 5 EX
Ion armsof toInternal
Collector be forwarded
Revenue.to The
the I medical obser\'Utions of Naval aircrewmen in action. erans s WOll
C en s or er, ve ,-
Other VA centers for instruction assistance will be given at no ex- ,-. -" Honor may be hired as Medal
who have the VA Con- of
of the blind will be located in the pense to the veteran, l\/IEN1 AND urOl' !fEN I More tllan 6,000 persons a week tact Representatives, upon recom- Windsor & Essex Aves., Narberth, Ph. Narberth 925.
Bronx, New York and Tuskegee
Ala~ma Hospitals and in the fol~ ·
_ _ _ _0
d t
n ._ YY 1"1 Ivet~rans and their relatives. seek
advI.ce at the Veterans' Adminis-
mendation of the Administrator
of Veterans' Affairs. withou t com~ l"
lowmg. VA Homes: Bae1, N. Y.,
Bay Pmes, Fla., Kecoughtan, Va., Vets Cautl o.e
Bring Papers When

IItratlOn's Regional Contact Office

according to Miss Margaret R:
pliance with the requirements of
Civil Sen·ice. D ...- t The Finest Food at All Tima
Los Angeles. Calif.. Mountain Wellbank. Contact Officer at the As Contact Representatives
Tominac and Silk will mert \'et~
Home, Tenn .. and Wood, Wiscon-
sm, . Signing for Pension Manoa Oakmont
. ' ICustom .House, .2nd and Chestnut
,Sts .. Philadelphia. In addition to erans and their dependents seek- DOllo~hue'!ls STEAKS
p n ew ICe Veterans of World War II are Major William .T. Dunbar. QMC, Lleuwnant John P. Mamon,! personal visits. more than 700 ing ad\'ice and either answer the SEA FOOD
0 eAdm·
N . Off
t t· cautioned to bring their discharge, Officers' Reserve Corps, having U11lted States Army, rcturned .quenes per week are received by quer,' themselvps or direct the 62nd & WALNUT 515. CHOPS
V Inls ra IOn with. them When registering for been placed on inactive duty Is home last month 011 terminal leave I mail. questioner to t!le proper source of
Brig. Gen. Robert W .. Wilson ReadJustment Allowance at a pub-. , . .' " after 28 months overseas in the: This rapidly increasing number information.
Whose appointment as Deputy Ad~ lic employment office. If they do spenCVng hiS telmmal lea\ e at the European Theater, when he met, of inquiries is handled by 21 Con- Both mpn were Arm,' lieuten-
mmlstrator.of Veterans' Affairs for not have their discharge their' home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. hiS son, John Paul. Jr., for the: tact Representatives, all of thcm ants during the war. Tominac \ras
Pennsylvama, New Jersey and claIm can not be taken. Arthur J. Dunbar, 1017 Roosevelt first tlmr. Mrs. Mamon, the form- :\'eterans of \Vorld War I or II and honored for destro~;ing a road i
Delaware was recently announced Some have. reported to file' Ave.. Manoa. Major Dunbar enter- er Betty Rountree. and their son; supervised by Miss Wellbank. block and capturing a 1"rench town I
by Ge.n. Omar N. Bradley, the cl.alms but failed to carry their' ed the sen'ice June 9, 1941 as an have be:n ll:'m g With her parents I
Many Questions are answered by when the top of a Sherman tank 'l'he HOWl 01 Good Food

Administrator, has arrived In discharge explaining that they' enlisted. man and subsequently at 22 01 chm d Rd., Oakmont. a Contact Representailve stationed when armed with a 50-ca,libC'1' anti-
~hlladelphla ~reparat.ory to plan- were havmg it recorded at their served as an officer in a staff sup'- 0 0 0 at the main fioor lobb,' of the aircraft gun. Silk won his decora-
BI~g t.1e .00ganizatlOn of VA C0:-tnty Court House. It Is re- ply capacity, both in the European Narberth Custom Housp, while others are Uon fol' wiping out 17 Germans
I atnch Office No. 3 which will
No. date
con 1'01 the tn-state area.
been set fol' the
opening of thiS Branch Office Fu-
ture plans f tl will Vnot t
0 .1e e erans' Admin-
affect' the
qUlrrd that the veteran present Theater and the continental
th,: discharge when filing fol' Re- United states.
adJustment Allowance benefits and

----0---- _.
a photostatic copy or an" .' '1 '. • ClUe( Pharmacist Mate JoselJh
copy can not be' accepted . sum al ;l\. caller
of 203 Walnut
hIs Wife,
Narberth. recently
tel' from their son,received a let-
Lt. Comma'n-
del' .T. C. Snydel', in which he ill-
referred to ele Contact Office" on
DI'. and Mr6. O. J. Snyder. of: the fourth fioor of the building.
Woodbine and Narberlll Aves., Iipiiiiiiiiiiiii.ii••
who were holding up a Yank ad-

·"Tl,e Horlse of Rr'd,'ng Hab,·l.s"

Philad~lphia area, whic~l is 10- thus
1st! atlOn RegIOnal Office fol' the
far have been namet ~~~~ his arrival ill California f,om Oki-
Five new American Leaio
cat('d m the Customs House at the late Ernie Pyle. They are at I nawa .Iast wce,k. He. IS gomg .to
•. Lane, Westgate HIlls, Manoa. upon )
cased the Thanksgiving menu,
served aboard his ship, the U.S.S.
~IEnKIN~S Victor, Your Host
2nd. & Chestnut Sts .. or of other Bloomington. Ind.: New orleans,', Bam.blldAe.. 1'\lcl.,. ~O,I, dIS.chm A.e Fergus. As Commander Snyder,
RegIOnal OffICes in Pennsylvania La' Chicago Il1' Albu
New J~rsey and Delaware,
In lme with the reorganization ' .• ' _a .
. aftel bemg m the sel \ Ice fi\e yealS
. N. ·M. and H'ol1y";~od C ~uelque, and seven months. He is the son
;of MI'. and MI:s. Damel A. Gart-
will not be home fOr Christmas.
Dr. and Mrs. Snyder arc hoping
11e will have as good a dinner on
and decentralization plan as an- The American Legion now is: land, 210 Hardmg Ave .. Manoa.
n?un~ed by qen, Bradley, all Vet- chartering an average of five new: Gartland has been on duty in
Christmas Dar
A rdmore
Op('n Every Day
hi the Week.

till I oughtmt ~he country Will be. World War II. During the first! sen'ed aboard the Aircrati Carrier
el a.ns Admmlstration installations posts a day, most of them All-: the Pacific since July. 1943. He Closed
129 S 13th St
~cedh un~el supervI~lOn Be~leau Riding Apparel Christmas Day
lanc Offices.
r--:=-=-=--=--=---------------------- :
of 13: 1 hree days of November 60 such' USS
:le\I' posts were chartered.
Wood which was hit Cpl, William F. Monahan, .Jr..
,by SUICide bombers in October, of 328 E. Spring Ave., Ardmore;
~ the Philippines at which time he 1619 Brookhaven Rd., Wynnewood, '
1944, during the sccond baitle of and captain Mark S. Knox, of,
For l.\len, Women and Children
Ideal Gifts for Christmas
Open Mon.. Wed., Frl. Evenings

KIN. 3248

\V ~!!~~!!!!~~~~~~~!!~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~
. Nunan~Slook Post 338 Amer- Christmas cheer at Scotland· an d le xecuti\'e Officer of his
I ! was gll'en a letter of c011lmenda- are among the men who were dis- I
i tion tlby We E Commanding Officer separation
charged from
the atArmv
center Fort atMon-

~~ (fIlls
Ican LegIOn is selling Christmas . m the PaCific. He has 10 bronze moutl, N. J.
trees on the grounds of the Legion School and also towards the "GiftS stars on his Pacifie Campaign rib- Bizie M. Pucci, SC 2/C, husband
DU/J-out. Gra.sslyn and Ralston to Those Who Gave" for service-, bon and al;,o has Philippine and of Mrs. Anna Pucci, of 2530 E. • LUNCHEONS • DINNERS • BANQUETS
Ave:;.. Oakmont this week. I men in hospitals at the meeting· Good COnduct nbbons. He recent- County Line, Ardmore, is on his
Fmal plans were made for the I held in the Legion Hom Frid y Iy did duty on t1J~ mmesweeper way home from duty in Pearl Har-
sale. with members participating evening
at the meeting of the Executive II e a USS Southard which was demol- bor.
Welcome was extended to AI- Ishe.d 111 the typhoon at Okianaw.
Board held Tuesday evening. It fred Hinselman, veteran of World He IS a Jl,raduate of West Catholic of Mrs. Elizabeth BeausanR, of
WO Charles Beausang, husband

mem~rship to date is 127 which Post.

was announced that the POst War II who recently joined the Hlgh School.
. .
Ardmore, and T/5 John L. Young,
Cadet. H. Raymond l\'lessick, of 142 Walnut Ave.. Ardmore, are
Is far In exce~s of th~ u~ual paid- I Joseph Huey, commander, ap- Army !'Ir Force, . lion of Mr. and among the men who are on their
Bcuutiflll COl'k/uil LOll/lye
up ~embershlP at thiS time of the pointed Arthur Taylor chairman Mrs. h. R. Ml'~~lck. of Sycamore way home from duty in Pearl Har-l
yeal. . ...
I ,of the New Year's Eve party to Rd.,' Man?a. recclved hiS discharge bor.
The .soclal meetm~ Will be held be held in the Legion Home. Plans D.ecembel 11 after three years.' ser- S/Sgt. Raymond M. Mhlcal'elli,
JanualY 8 when It IS expected to for alterations to the building Vice, .and was last stationed at of 333 E. County Line, Ardmore,'
hav~ ~ degree team of the 40 and 8 were approved and work will be Amall II a A;nny. Alr~eld, Texas. has been honorably discharged
t~ mltiate new members at that I started after the new vear. Cadet MeSSick, hiS Wife and their from the Army at the Indiantown
time. i Due to the social meeting night so.n, Jackie, who will celebrate his ~ap Center after four yejlrs serv-
____ . ' falling on Christmas Eve, the next ~ISt .blrthday on January 12, have Ice. Servmg overseas as a supply
~anoa Post 667 Amencan Post meeting will be held January l.e~ull1ed from Texas and are now sergeant with the 131st Anti-air- ,~ For a Delicious HOI1'le Cooked
LegIOn contributed tow a l' d s 11, hvmg m Ardmore. . I craft Artillery Gun Battalion in
Staff Sergeant Albert C. Fell, Jr., I England, France, and Belgium, ~~
of.210 Shelbourne Rd., Manoa, re- Luxembourg, Holland, Germany
celved his discharge from duty on and Australia.he has been award-
December 13 at Fort Story, Va. ed the ETO Rlbb<Ul with four bat-
S~rgeant Fell, Who was in the ser- lie stars.
25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Pap..)
Vice almost three years returned
CIl!. Earl M. Eden, son of Mr.
to the States a year ago. after hav- and Mrs. David B. Eden, of 2829
Ing been wounded while serving Haverford Ave., Ardmore, . has
been honorablY discharged froin
51. 5 (»
WlIha,rn Ed war d Grammel, the Army at the Indiantown Gap
OUR TOWN, BALA.CYNWYD & MERION NE~ A.O.M.. Seaman 2/C, USN, of 206 center a'fter more than two and Assorted Relblles
You mn send mone, order..•tamDtl Or Per50nal cbeck. Addr_ au Manoa R;d., home on 30 days' leave a Ilalf years of service. He served (,derv Stuffed With GratNl Rail' Carrots
communication. to Lower Merion I'ewspapen Ardmore Pa. from Okmawa reports in Philadel- overseas with tlll' 513th Parachute . Beet.~ and Horseradish Relish
(Special MonthlY Ratel) " phla on January 2nd for reassign- Regiment in England, France,
ment. . I Belgi~m, Luxembourg, and Ger- Spiced Pear
CAU COI'!J0ral Wllllarn Matthew, USA,[man y . For his action toUl' he has APPl't izers
Ardmore 5720 GREenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600 of Philadelphia, formerly of Shel- been awarded the ETO RibbQn Pineapple Juice - OrangI' Sl:crbert - Half Grapefruit
. -:==--:-::-:-::- __ ~ ~I! bourne Rd., Manoa. is home on with three battle stars, the' Com-
I furloul/.'h. He has re-enlisted 1n bat. Infantryman Badgoe, the SOllPS
FOR SALE PERSONALS I the Army and leaves for Texas on American The:l tel' Campai,::n Chickrn Gumbo Consomme
ANTIQUES-Moving to apartment. and ::ATm;;;;--:::-;iiTh~;;::=~=--:~--:-:' January 4 for further training in Ribbon. the Good Conduct Medal Roa~;f Younl" Turk"y Bread Stuffing Cranberry Sauce
must sell antique low poster bed and LAhDIES Wbbr throw awar Your old the Army Ail' Forces. and the World War II Victory Bakf'rl Slll~ar Cured Ham Champagnr Sauce
chest of drawer 8, antl Que Iove seat, mlr- Bring an db ag8. to rlefcases,
them 8ultcnee8,
us for renalrs·. etc?,~ R an dl e P. Gosshng,
The "'-bin . S.A.T. 2/C, Medal. Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus
rors, etc.
Baring Call
0713 Media
after six. 0170 during day & Sh OP, 43 W. Lancaster vAve.. Ardmore. """ IUSN . a.f 206 Fairlamb Ave., West- Albert· P. Kohlhas, .Tr., son of A. S('alloped SI\'eet Potatol's With Apples
JUNIOR MISS black cloth coat. Leopard PIANOS I §ate Hills, Manoa, arnved in the P. Kohlha.s, of 681 Aubrey Ave., Creamed onions ' Glazed Carrots
collar, size II. SkIIng. SUit. Men's .-:~~..:..:=:.::.. I tates last week from Japan and Ardmore, has been promoted from
clothing, size 38. Top coat, tuxedo, ar&nc1l & Upr!cbte 1is expec.ted !lome for the holioays commander to captain, Now sta- Do you want a pleasant job with a good future? A job Buttered Fresh Peas Mashed Potatoes
::;'~~~:rbse~~t ff:o~tlcallY new, reason- "lANai DOt> GRT QUick I
P'alr Prloee
won ~IS dlsc.harge from service. tioned at Mare ISland., Captain
e sa\\ ~uty m both the Atlantic Kohlhas is a araduate of Lower
that pays you while you're learning? A job that carries Cabba~1' aJ'ld CranbrlTY Salad

IRISH MAIL pushmoblle, excellent

dltlon, ball bearing throughout, 315. con- AIm Courteous
WrIte Men I and .PaCific ,.Th eel's.
at I Merion High School
in 1926, and
regular increa5es in salary? Then, come to one of the Mince Pie lIOI or Cold
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie With Cheese
Tel' Cream S<'l'eral Flavors
C'.\.I Hilltop 4006-M. C"RUVL p, HUGHES .. 80"" IS p~vate '\\ Ilfred Gettz, Jr., of 21.8 the Annapolis Academy cl~ss of Bell Telephone Employment Offices. A friendly inter- BEVEHAGES
5U6 ~:rlret It.. I :.' an.oa Rd., Manoa, upon hiS 1940. His brothers, FranklIn R.,
LIONEL TRAINS, O-gauge, 6 freight
cars, 1 passenger car, tracks and
transformer, 835. Call Hilltop 6874.
PIANO MOVIl'fG 8:iL OR I allival. m Guam from Maui of the and David M., have recently been
All. 1450 Wed 51M Hawaua.n ~slands, met a f~)\'lTIer discharged, David from the Marine
viewer will tell you all about the advantages of
working for the Telephone Company.
Make Your Reservation Early - Call Blvd. 9162
--H=-=-=......---:..:.-.==--==-..== I II tt S '-I~ E S S
1 STANDARD SIZE ping ponll table. SIO. benIna. Ora 4521 pa!, COl paInI Raymond DaVidson, Corps Ail' Force after 10 months
1 set paddlea and net, 35. Both In ex- als~ of Manoa. The two boys held in the Pacific Islands. and Frank- Work is usually near your home. Congenial asso-
cellen~ condition. Call CynWYd 1966. OME FURNISHINGS an Im~romp~u party in Bud's Tent lin from the Army Ail' Force.
1945 EDITION Encyclopedia Brlttanlca, WindOW Shades-Venetian BI1Dc1I ?~. Decemi?el 9th in celebration of • • ciates, friendly atmosphere, excellent working condi- 1049051 W. GARRETT RD.! UPPER DARBY
m~;~~ep~~asonable. Write Box 350, Ard- L1noleUDl 115 19th bll'!hday. B l C d tions, clean rest-rooms, and ample opportunity for ad- CHILDREN SERVED AT HALF PRICE
GENUINE FISHER I animal fur piece,
excellent condition, 160. Call Ardmore
1015-101rE,Bn~~~te~ A~~8 n
Phone' BI'YJJ Mawr 1i'~ ~r It,,~.,,,
Staff Sergeant Bennie Strick-
land: recently re.turned from the
a a· ynwyWalter W. Fricke, son of Mrs. vancement combine to make telephont: work unusually AMPLE PAltKING SPACE
5780. UPHOLSTERIN I A~OI es, now stationed at Grenier Helen K. Fricke, of 417 Tregaron desirable.
WARDROBE TRUNK, Belber, pre-war, TP;:;n;r;;;;;~;;;.;::::=-;.:;:.:.:;;;;G:;,,-=,- I Field. New Hampshire. spent the Rd.. has been promoted t6 the
neve' used. Phone Hllltop 5224-J. I1PHOLBTERINO "N 0 REPAIRING- i weekend home With Mrs. Sbrick- rank of technician, fourth grade. Come in.now! Bring your birth-certificate or other
ELECTRIC IRONER In exceUent operat- I
8prln~. of th.!.!e-Plece sultll repaired. land,. the former Virginia Hexter At present with the 97th Division
prOQf of citizenship. Apply at any of the follow ina
Inr condition. Cheap. Ardmore 5501.
4-BURNER General Electric Stove. CaU
Anywherechairs LEWIS Wayne
~7 tut lAncaster Ayenue. WaYlie
15.00 14M
I 00 of Hirst Ave .. Penfield .
S.ergeant. Dorothy
' on occupational duty on Honshu
Elizabeth Island, S~t. FriCKe fought witll Employment Offices: "A
Narberth 3730. WANTED TO BV'" Hexte r.o f H l1'sl Ave., Penfield, and the 97th in " its sweep through the
DOLL COACH, Wicker, rubber tires, U II Staff Sergeant Edith V. Potter, of Ruhr and in the Czechoslovakian
hood, '10. Call Hl1ltop 1l06-R. FURNITURE ANTIQUES I~oston, Mass .. who were stationed campaign. He holds the combat Room 315, McClatchy Building
ONE MARTIN hair dryer, used 6 months.
Call Hl1ltop 0518.
BRlC-A-BRAC, china, etc., of all de-
I In San Francisco with the U S
Mdisarline. Corps, have r.eceived their
Infantryman Badge. (69th & Market Su., Upper Darby)

NOWCut Is theI time h toC order

....... cord wood SPEN CER, ORE. 3551 c lal
. n"e fl'om service an d are Paul H. Logue, aVI'atl'oll ma- 6909 Market Street, Upper Darby
an:r enlt all ",uwYd 0984. VETERAN DESIRES Car or station wngon ,motormg home expecting to arrive I' 1st' t 2/C 11·59 I. Penn St., Norristown
WANTED TO RENT for bllslness, prl\'ate party, no deal- I the latter part of the ·,veek. Ser- c l1n s ma e, , of 30 Lodges
ers. Price S400. CnU Cynwyd 5092 day geant Hexter has been in the ser- Lane, Bala-Cynwyd. has been
WANT TO RENT 4 or 5-room rurnlshed or evening. vice three Years. honorably discharged from the 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia
apartment Or house for Naval Officer. WANTED 0 Naval service. at. Ja~ksonville. Fla.
wlf. and .on, about JanURry 1.t. Call 45 Anderson Avenue, Ardmore
Hilltop 0724. WAR VII:I'ERAN Burs Furniture, aew.
used and antiques washing &: Bewlnl
Chatham Village
Lt. (jg) Denni!' J. Flanagan, of
409 Pembroke Rd" Cynwyd, is 410 York Road, Jenkintown
U. of P. STUDENT and family desire 2
bedroom house or apnrtment. No ~a~~lnell, Plana., &nythlnl J:Iectrlcal, Lieutenant Theodore J. Berry, serving aboard the U.S.S. Jerauld
amoklng or drinking. Call Merion 0537, &ll\co~~e.:::a~e BG~~i:r~~rt~e:e B~:. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse K. Berry, in the Pacific. or call Enterprise 1·0100
UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, refined Palntlnp Jewelry I'll Bur from AttIe 5q9 Cumberlan~ Rd.. Chatham 0 • 0
couple, not particular about size. Ex- to Baaement COtEMAN 007 N 7th 8t IVII1~ge, a1'l'ived Il1 San Francisco Commander Herbert P IIal'klns
l:ellent references. Call Hancock 3523. Phlla 23 LOMbard um C~h~OI:nia, His bride, the former son of MI'. and Mrs, Pel:cy Hark~
VU'rlnl la Boykin, of Mobile, Ala.. ins, of 28 Bala Ave., Bala-CynwYd. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYlVANIA
me ler hUsband at the West has returned after serving for 20 814 LANCA~TER AVE., BRYN MAWR
CHARITABLE rNSTITUTION haa func1l Coast and they PIa? to come here months at the Naval Base Hos- UA friendly Place to Work"
available for flm Dlortllale at 1I'llo to spe~d the holIdays "',ith his pilal. Hollandia, New Guinea. John B. Stoudt Bryn Mawr 9246 Charles F. Stoudt
IS rear term. paralile monthl, I! de- parents whilc on a month s leave. Harkins, a physician, has resumed
~~~b ~~It~~pm:~wfe. Quick ae:tlOD. Lieutenant Berry had bee!1 sta-I his private practice In the Mer-
tioned in Japan. mont Plaza. Bl'vn Mawr.
. ~

S~~\T~ Haverford High and Lower Merion Fives Gird for League Races
Haverford Booters
By L. 1\1. FORD
There hasn't been any mention
made of It, but don't be surprised
Two Haverford College soccer
Villanova Passers
Academy upset the locals, 43-38,
although Villanova led until the
final five mmutes. Reybitz regis-
tered 11 POInts, all 111 the first half,
if Leo. Curtm. coach anp at~lletic
director at RacInor High before
.lommg the Mannes. becomes as-
OF LOOP TITLE JAN. 4; stars, members of the Hornet team
Wllich recently won the Middle At-
lantic Intercollegiate League title,
have been -picked on an All-Amer-
To Enjoy Respite and Lord collected 10.
Against Yale last Saturday
nig~t at New Haven, the Ells sent
sOCIated \\·!th another Mam Lme
L. M. TO PLAY FRIENDS ica squad selected by the National
Soccer Coaches' Association of 4 : 5 . 6 I Wildcats to Play at Villanova down to a 46-33 defeat,

~1i1) ~ \i ~:e
Curtll1 currently is a Marihe Its fourth of the seaSOll. Tony
Corps captam. but expects to be
+ Players chosen were Charlie Rhode Island On Lavelli almost Single-handed
dlscl1arp;ed from the service soon. Matlack, outside rig~t. and Bob wrought the Wildcats' downfall,
Before becoming a Leatherneck. he
Upper Darby Is First IRo binsonmen Rout Clayton, right halfback. Clayton January 5 firing in 11 field goals and a foul
coached Radnor High's basketball was Haverford's playmaker and for 23 pomts. Lord registered 14.
team, handled ell' football Ime- Calling it qUits until after the The game was 1l10rdmately rough
men, and sel'ved as athletIC direc-
Section One Foe Merchantville In served as temporary captam until
the final game. TECH .HCAL FOUL HOLDING PUSfollNG holiday season, Villanova College
courtmen met Valley Forge Gen-
and 30 personals were called, m
additIOn to several techmcal fouls.
Another Haverford standout,
For Locals Inaugural
Under Curtin's tutelage, the Evan Jones, was picked at inside 9 eral Hospital team last Wednes-
Raiders made rallid strides on nght. Jones led the Hornets m day night at the Mam Line Field Malvern Prep Coach
the basketball court, dislilayed a scoring with 13 goals from his cen- House.
castly improved and more ag- By BOB KING Shaping up surprisingly well for tel' forward position. The Villanovans won't taste ac- John McKenna. former Villa-
gressive R'ame. And last pear a
redoubtable Radnor tcam, coach-
ed II)' Ellis Dwyer. gained the t\\'o Interacademlc League oppon- glind Immediately ahead, Lower
Eastel'n Pennsylvania final round ents. Haverford HI~h's basketball Merion Hlgh's courtmen clash
Splittll1g even m games with the Suburban Section One League
n Fans Honor
tion agam until January 5. when
they play Rhode Island State at
Kingston, R. 1.
nova varsity football player, has
been named athletiC director and
heacI coach of football. basketbll
and baseball at Malvern Prep. A
of the PIAA tournament. No team tackled West Chester Thurs- with Friends Central Friday nigbt
other Radnor five ever advanced dav 111 Its final test before the holi- at Downs Gymnasium in thefinal-
so fast and so far.
DUl'll1g curtll1's absence, how- dnn
• St~\'e Juenger's Fords WIll re-
pre-hollday game.
The Maroon machine, opening
averford Tearns 10

(JiIlUfO\JIllt 7)

(lVO'NT) (Z l1..",.'N) Since bowing to Princeton. 47-
40, m thell' second game. Al Sever-
ance's c~arges lost to U. S. Mer-
cllant Manne Academy and Yale
1938 Villanova graduate, McKen-
na was selected on several All-
Eastern elevens at center.
ever. a ~hakeup at the Wayne while subduing Fordham, 56-39.
School resulted J11 Olle of Radnor's turn to t he court wars January 2, for the first time m 19 years under
a coach other than Bill Anderson,
CANCEL Ed Reybltz, the newcomer at
best COaC~1ll1g staffs 111 hIstory. playmg at Yeadon In an mter- "cored a deciSive 42-25 triumph SC~E center. and veteran Joe Lord tal-
Workll1~ under veteran Jules Pre-
vost. thf' RaIcheI' lootball staff in- leaf<ue clash. In t:lelr
clude'S DI\yer. Cluef Metoxm. the PlIOI' to openll1f>; defense of their with Coatesville Tuesday night at
final workout over Merchantville, then collided Jack Gilligan Chosen
'Most Valuable' By JUMP B~LL VIOLATION
hed 14 pomts each as VIllanova
led all the way agamst n mept
Fordham five. Merchant Manne
Jail I{ 8as~
IndIan \\'110 preViOusly coaclled at
Glen-Nor and Lebanon ValleY. and SUbUl ban SectIOn One Lea~e
tp€, foreign floor.
Oille ROIDSon's charges, giving I His Coaches DURING THE HOLIDAYS

tille Jannal y 4. In the openIng no mdlCatlOn that Buzz Wetherald
Urs1l1us' Chff Cah ert.
The combination has clicked league game. Upper Darby Will be w:'ls the. only expel'l~nced perform- Haverford High School's cham-
FOR RelaX over a grand meal
cooked as yoU like It
smoothlY and it's not like!)' Cur- pia, ed at home. el, swal med all over Mercha!!tvllle pion football team w h . d
tOll will (,Il,io~' playing second .. " to smother the New Jersey mvad- W d d . . as onOle YOUR ••• perfectlY served.
fiddlp when he retul'Jl~. Curtin C'clThe Blooklme basketeels open- ers under a barrage of baskets . e. nes ay night m the school
has real coachmg ability and an CISl\tllelr season Fnday With. a de- Fllday night before an appreCla- dmmg hall. wher, 230 townspeople
indomitable spirit. He deserves ACRCH'm\,
a chanee. And ma~ hap hc'lI be
open 10 olTprs...•
. . Tues.da\:
~ 34-23 tnl11ph ovel: Epls~opal tlve Ardmore gathering.
bt caine a cloppel last
Then the F~rds fell to balanced attack,
thel.1 fi~st defeat at FIl:nd~ Cen- counted for 17 field goals and eight CIO\\,n, .'
'Lower Mel:lOn ac-
turned out to present players With
Displaymg a surpl'1smgly well- gol~ footballs and sweaters sym-
b~ll~ of the SUbUlban Big SIX

ROMEO CAPRIOTTI. ~1)f'edy tlal s h,lI1ds. 40-33. at Blookhne.
Boa tll1g an 18-13 leacl at the
frcm the 15-foot line Leading the
.' f
Plefe111l1g to wOlk anonymously.
the self..... ,tyled Haverford High DIAMOND JEWELRY and Cocktail Lounge
Villanova College halfback. lab- half. Haverford was over~lauled by ~s~nul~ was Dick Maste~·s. 6- oot Football Fans' Committee planned We are now paying the world's high.
ored unclel a tel I lfic ph~ ~Ical the sharpshootmg Fl'lends five. Bill _01 wald., who had 11 pomts. . a gala evenmg for 30 players. three • PIAA BASKETBALL FOLLOWERS will watch league officials est prices tor DIamonds. You are
handIcap dunl1g the 1945 foot- Pool,' did most of the damage dur- IIAIN CONCIDUE. r. I. I. IUiURI.. STATION
Mastels. teammg nIcely With student managers and Coaches go through these gyrations during the 1945-1946 campaign, which sure to r!'ce!\'e the true and honest
ball ~enson. But, glltty a,~ they m9; that prollfic second half. wIlen Len Shephard and Tom DaVIS .at Stmson Steve Juenger and AlIi~
come. the WIldcat pla\ el per- t1lP FOI ds "'ere \\ eakened by the the sconng statIOn. collected five COlnOg'
tonned so speclaeulaIlI' t ha t lIe loss of DIck WillIams. the lone Jet- fIeld ?oals an~ one foul to top th;e
gets underway locally after the holiday seas·on. Edmund Wicht.
PIAA Executive Secretary. has announced all court officials will
valuc for your dJamonds When yoU
deal with this old reliable lIrm.
Established 48 yeus.

trllm SOe • Dilln,r trllm 85e
The Suburban Big Six Trophv explain rules violations by anyone of the 15 gestures shown above.
was selected for t 1](' AII-Ca thohc terman. and CharlIe Bray via the V.ICtOIS. Othels who played pa1- donated by the Fast Federal Sav~
All-Amellcan tpam cho'en by Tom pel ~onal foul route.
Stidham. M,lI quet te coacl]
I tlcularly well were Johnny Kane ings. and Loan A
In the \ Ictorious surge against and BIll Reese. both of whom Per Darby was S;~;~~t~°cft~
A \ eteran 01 Almv actIOn 111 Episcopal. 15 Hawrfold playerf: tower 6-foot-3 at center. I liam Zirkman S~hOOI Board presl= I
t f U
wfI- B kI- S 51
roo Ine nap s ump
I N. W. Cor. 11th '" Walnut Sts.

0 rounce Chester 51 28 SERV ICE DIRECTORY

Italy cllllmg \\ 1m hIll' \\'on the scorecl 15 fipld goals agal11st 10 for LOWER MERION MERCHANTVILLE dent. Other ti'oPhies presented to I
SII\ 1"1' Star for gallantry. Capll- t~,le ~11l11 ClllllPn Bob Ro~lston I:e g - Masters. f ~.~.
Ottl had half hiS heel ~hot a\\ av Ister\':d
b~ gunfil e
fi\e field goals fOl 10 po,nts Davis.!
He su!fpred Sill apnel to top the attack. wIllie Bob Mc- Kern,!
ii Wilson. f ';t.~. Pg the Ford footballerss were the
3 0 6 Broown, f 2 0 4 Jack Madden Memonal symbolic
0 1 I Shlrlcy. c 4 210 of thell' 9-0 ThanksgIving Day
ITT , • ,
\\ otmcls 111 the back Both In,lllr- Cau~land contnbuted two and Brown. f l O 2 Dempsey, g I 0 2 trIUmph over /TTppe ' D'b
If'S I'a used consldel able pam on t lll'ee fOI' 0e\'en Bl'av a d Jim Hawkins,! 1 2 4 Walmer, gOO 0
the football field; tile 11('pl had to Hess• ea~h coll:cted ,~. t\\I 0 fieldn goals Reese. Kane, c cO O O l 0I Gallagh·r.
West. ! gOO 0 0 00 Memorial.
the Lawrence (Larry) Gelbach
I al Y. an
A S Narberth Keeps Th·Ir'
d ==============================;;;;;
V I' BI' d
be tlgllllv taped b; Tla1l1l'r Jim fOi fOUl pomts.
Taene\' befm e eae 1I game. Ifll.VI:R1·ORn
WetllCluld g 4 1 9 T h
G F P Ree\cs. g
g' 2 2
1 0 2
6 e.
M dd
a en
placed m competItion by John ,J.
was ene Ian In Carpen Iry. J0 bb'Ing
But Romeo \Iho eallled AlI- W,lilAm' f l O 2 Kane f 2 2 6 Scott. g O O 0 Stretch, Merwood undertaker.
S( J101.1.'l lC honOl s as a FI al1kfOl cl L\ nell f l O 2 Cooper f 2 0 4 17 842 Totais It1 Named In honor of a former Hav- Brookline and Narberth have an sion game He appears to be Ollt REPAINTED R~pIlJrlng. RemodellnR
HIgh Sl at Se\'Pl al sea,son bat k.
~~_~O~dl' ~ ~ ~ h~~,'~e~ i g ~ ~~ffatl;;ne fl~~oU~~~tL~~ 1~;~k~fba1rO~~g~~ mWa~?b~\~tlIVl'llOldS Contraethl&"
gale hIS an 111 elelV ~aml'. tack- l\IAI"h','n gOO 0 Bueh'An II: 3 I 7 c c Low M!'llon, 19.11. 3:Mi irfNord footlball capta m who died m tllll'd place by n ETAPED Call U, F or Est unatf'
. _-_e - avy pane ClaSl, l It was pre- ~
lmg vICIously and rlml1mg ilkI' a MOII,-on.f 0 0 0 WRlren" I 0 2
hea\ ;'1\ el~ h t. GllllrW11 e I I 3
Free Ice SkatI'ng sented by Frank Madden. a bro- durmg the holidaY week.
ther. I half-game over Wayne as a result
The Brooks. \\ 110 appeal' to have of trouncmg Upper DarbY. 43-28.
I n P rospec F or t 38 Rodman Ate. Llanerch
Thc slim. 165-poundel' Silrint- ~1'~[s\'~~:~ f ~ ~ ~
cd 2~ ,al cis for the only score Wh,tnf'\. f 0 0 0
ROlllston l" 5 0 10 Tot ..l, JO 3 23
Haverford Fans
Lawrence H. Gelbach Sr pI'€'- found the ",1llnll1g formula at last last Thursday at Bala-CvnwYd.
Bented the Gelbacl1 Trophy 111 !lave the toughest assIgnment. fac~ The borough could make a fight of
memory of hiS son. a former Ha\'- I m~ games on foreIgn courts on It for first place bv upsettmg ClIf-
II H.llton 22R I

Immediate Delivery
of the g-:Jme as Villanova maul- McCIllt c1n, g I 0 2 erford athlete who was killed WIllie I successIve days WIth Norristown ton next Thlll ~day and WIll be
('d ;\l.l1'qul'tle. Ill'oIJabl1' IIl'Ol1lpt- BIll'. ~
ing' Stidham to name him to the ? COId~<, e ~ g 0
2 0 4 Free Ice skatmg is in prospect WIth the Armv m the European I and CoatesVllle next Wednesday shootmg tile works 111 an effort to
for Haverford township devotees. theater. It was gIven to Jack G11I- and Thursdav. Narberth Will be do it.
AII-Catholil' backfield a 10 n r; ,011"'. 0 lIt was announced yesterday l>y igan, Haverford oo-captam and called to challenge none other Tilere is raw feelm~ between t:le , Venell'an BII'nd CO. PI ~l.'"
~ ~OS
\\ Hh Frall( is Dancewiez. Notre
Dame: H('ll1lan \\'edpmcvl'r. SL
TO!IlI, 15 4 34
_ _ _ _e - dmator. I
'Steve Juenger, recreation co-or- I 185-po~nd center. selected by than pace-settmg Clifton Heights. teams due to the fact that Al t
coaches as the team's most val- but WIl! ha\e the advantage of Spector ancl John WI~e. wl10 Play- I 702 N. Amel"ican Bldg.. PhS)a. Wallted
j\lar~ ·s. .\Ild Holy Cross' stan
I{os) 0\\ ski. Ste\'e PrI'tko PI'eked Plans are underway to flood the uable player durmg the 1945 eam- ,PlaVll1g on Its home court at Bala- ed \\Ith Narberth last veal'. are
Brookllne Countrv Club acreage. palgn. C.\'l1\\Yd JU11l0l High next TllUrs- captam and manager. respectively. ' I'EN. 0335 • • • •. ,
.. ~
Unrill' ...
" ...
On All-Pro Teanl neal the baseball field, Juenger Mam speaker of the dmner was day. I of ele Chftons. The latter handec! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I QUIck Removlll1
IUYt:RlcORD SCHOOL'S foot- declared. Provldmg the •weatIleI' I Ctr.dl. Joseph A. Wagner. USN. A, 'Brookline doe~n't ret1ll'n home the bOl ou"'h ... a 57-4"" setl)ack on I "au Prices
Courteous Men
ball team topped all Mam Lme StC'\ e Plltko, j'f'llwmbered as one man cooperates, townshIp skaters fDlmer Haverford High tackle, 'untIl Thursday. Jan. 3 w~en Nor- the naITO\\' Cllfton COlll t earlv m I .llso Plano 1I10VIDII
el('\ ens 111 the final ScholastiC of tl1f' finest ends In VIllanova may begm glldmg over the frozen Comdr. Wagner later wrestled and nstown I~ sJah'd to VISIt the Hav- t he season and Narbert~l Ilas been Write
SJ101t~ In~tltllie lankJl1g~. select- Collef<c's stal-studded football ~llS- Brooklme surface next Wednesday played football at F. & M. He grad- erford JunIOr High court. pomtmg for thIS letul'll battle e\er P. HUGHES
I, 0. SON
edln DH k Dunkel Ha\el'forcl. In- All-PI
tl'l nCfldf'mlc League t Itll<;l, hac! a (at [f'am In the 1942 game WIth
590 1at mg as comparpd to 559 Tpl11ple. Plltko thIS \ ear played
fm llndete.lted VaneI' 1"01,,(' MIIl- \\ Ith Clel eland R<1m~. NatIonal
tOl \ ha~ been ',plected on thp 1945 or T 11Ursday
0 team. Capta1l1 of the Wllcl-

L oca l-S--h-·e-I-S--
On AII-SchoiastI'c
t d f
I n , 111 erne
P ,
ua ~938romt en~s me Ical school
at Bryn Mawr pressne 51-28 \ IctOlY over Chester stal. makes Narberth's chances
HOsPital a-nd later served there as Mondav whIch ended a five-game much bnlZhter.
chief reSident phYSICIan and as a IIOS1l1 g streak m the league. have
omce. The addllion of Hall'\' Kel-
The Brooks, flesh from an im- leher, former St. Joseph's College

Kelleher made an auspicJOus

II :l1l46
ar Call
AtJT,. 7450 -

tal \ Ac ademy. Soutl1ell1. ~1l0\1 1I1g LeaQuP champJOns b\ CIl tue of member of the Penn faculty. hopes of mak1l1g It a men'V holl- sta rt In the lea~lIP by cagmg 10 Evenmn GR.l.....
SOlllC lnstlficatlOn fOI tl1C lank- SUllcla\", 15-14 trIUmph over
lJ1g~ fi"nlohed With a 61 9 Pl'I epnl- Wa~hIl1gton Redskms.
Members of Haverford PI'lgh. Comdr. Wagner Jomed the Navy I dav bv upsettIng both second place pomts on fi\'e field goals agamst I
agp a,~ (omparccl to 61 1 for West
CatholIe the team It defcated for
PIltko, fOlmel
Lower Menon and Haverford in 1942. servmg aboRrd the AIr-I' NorrIstown and CoateSVIlle. They Upper Darby WIth eIght
Northampton School football teams were m- craft Carner Langley dunng Its extended Nornsto\\n In a 57-53
far-flung tour of duty. DeSPite IllS game and lost to CoateSVIlle by
PainUng Paperhaneinc
Hlgh till ee-Ietter
the PhIladelphIa scholastic cham- I hll ci VIll,1l10\ all to bp selacted on oquads annollnced ln~ week by athlete. IS t~le elUded on the AlI-ScholastiC 1945 many medical dutle.~. he also acted onl.y one pomt in an extra period' Ash r 2 I 5 ,JAnickI f I 2 4I General Oontractlnr
' ~. ~O'" as wresthng coach aboard the 111 t~lell' first meetIngs WIth these Y"Ab, Ie\'. r I 0 2 MIlle.. f l O 2 I Get Our Estlmato
plOnsl1lP All-Pro ple\ pns. EddIe MIChaels, the EvenIng BUlletIn. Langley. teams.
I Mo't~rcJl,! 4 0 8 Kozllk. f l O 2 Next best thbzg Sunset 3277

prpsPl1t PhIladelphia Eagles plav-
el. \\ as a perenl1lal chOlce and ford S c h 001 ' s Interacadelnlc
Fntz Thornton. star of Haver- Ben Ogden, Temple track coach
Joh111n Mells \\ as another stand- League championslllp team. was and Overbrook HIgh athletIC dl- a strong defense. had the punch Gunthel. K-C I 2 4 Sebel, I':
Brookline finally canle up '''I'th C,ll1lg11ll. f
" Phlllps c
3 0 6 LogAn. c
6 2 14 Conl\·. g
I II 13
2 0 41
out chosen at end on the first eleven. rector, was toastmaster. Other and We teamplay to go \\'Ith It as Lllfferty Ii () I I --- I 929 Anderson Ave., Dr!'xel H\II
~I\IX L1XE IX\GtTE ---_e_____ _ Kim BIllmgs, co-captain and PUbhc League guests were Harold lit scored Its second vlctorv over ~~~~~;:: g ~ I~ Tot<t16 6 1628 I Viecory came too late 10 peemit
l"lSI \\'t.'dlu'sd,n's HlSllltS
COI!(,.,\dle. 48 Cl1l~tl1 47 Wal lace WI"II He""d a.
guard of the Haverford High Geiges and Ike Woolley, NOl th-I Chestel' thiS year. Danny Phipps.
eleven which won the Suburban east High, and West Plll1adelpllla's Impronng steadily With each Totals 22 7 51
tOe manufal:lUre of enough
Hamilton watches 10 meet all
NOlllSt!1\\ll 50 Clifton Ht Igilts 45
L.1 "I 1 Thursd.l\:·s Heslllts Football OffI'cials BIX SIX title. was selected for the Wes Hackman and Sam Kirshner, game. held Lee Logan, Chester's
Ed Walker. North Cathohc ace center. to one field goal wIllie
BlUoklIn!' ..... 10 9 17 15-51
Chester........ 6 9 9 4-28 demands this yeae. So if the STONE • BRICK
lo;,rbellh 41 UUPe'1 D.',b\ 28
ClIfton H .. lghl- .01 WoI\n, 45. Fred (Doc) WaHace, Havelford second squad. coach, represen1ed the CatholiC leadIng Brooklll1e's attack Wlt~l 14 Haml!lOn you want 10 gille iso't
lJOIlll.I:'!o's Itt'~ults
Brookl1l11 51 ChI stlt. 28
School coach, has been elected Two Lower Merion piayers were League. Dick MattIs, Lower Mer- pomts.
pI eSlclent of the ne\\I~ -orgal1lzed chosen for the third eleven-Jlm IOn mentor: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bill Ash and Lou Mostardi were Eek. f
2 0 4 Sheler, f
~ 0
here, it's on the way-and we
can pronde a Hamilton Jpft cer-
Clifton HI jg:ht<; 7:1 Contt q tl1t> 48
\\",1\11(, 60 UPPf'! Dl1b) 49 NOlllslown CI1f:pter of tile Penn- Flack. huskY tackle, and Parry Reed. donors of the Brewster Gal- outstand1l1g In supporting roles. Towne! I 0 2 R Sheld·n.! 3 2 tificate to serve uatil it gets here. CEMENT WORK
sl.tndtJlJ,: of ttl(' T(',lI1lS svl\al1la InterscholastiC Athletic Scott, captam and ace ball car- lup Memonal flagstaff; Fled Wal- and lanky John Nason, former Hill MaJOI:t 1 0 2 Bllthc. f 0 0
\\'on Lost P C A~SOCJlltIOn. I'll'\" Jack Gilligan. H-averford lace. Haverford School coach. and School athlete Just out of the Navy. Bassett, ! 1 0 2 TOIJllan. ~ 0 2 H. I''. STELZER CELLARS
Ciliton He",hl, ......... 8 1 ~~~ TIll' ~lOUp organized to conform High eo-captam and cenier, also stoney McLinn. WIP sports direc- made an impressive league bow Feene\'. f o liD Sh·ld'n. ~ 0 I (Formerl\' W,tll RI~!i'S 8: Bros.) EXCAVATING & GRADtNG
\r..'n\I1P " •••••••••• 5
&10 \\ 1l1l a Iecent lulmg tllat all P, I. was chosen_.
556 A A football offICials must belong
-_e___ _ tor. also attended.
Four Penn players-Bob Deubel'.
with an ll-pomt performance.
LarlY Henrv. formel' Haverford Hpl'nn'n. £
Flathm'" e 2 5 9 L<>onard. ~
Fullerton g I 0 2 Jack'on. ~
~ 0 Ii
2n Bal.• A\~,. C:vn\\yd, Pa.
enll\} d ~250 Estimates Cheerfully
Co If'qlllf .••••• .... :i 5 375 1 lo a c!laltprecl giOUp. WIlham M. Tell of Training Bob Sponaugle, Rocky Adams and High athlete Just out of the Armv. Kelleher. g 5 0 10 TotAl, Given
Ull)){ I D.1I h\ ••••••••••• 3
B:ookllJle' 2
(, n~ I Pnzl'l'. Jr. Ha\'erfol'd Scllool. was W D Bob Mostertz--were among the also made hiS first appearance Middle·n. II: 2 I 5
CllI'-tel 250 (hos,'n ~ecretalY W. D Cressman, omen octors gue~ts. along With Temple"s AlI- With tile Brooks. Doug Sheppard. Lusz.ak, R 000
~{'Xf \\ l't'I\'s ( .. ,lInt'o:,,;
\Vro Die 2h--E,1()oklllH .It Nnlll~t()\\n. plesldent.
NOlnstown. \\ III serve a,~ vIce At the Ilmclleon meetmg of the State stars. Jack Burns and Mort who 1\\ as :-xpl'cted to pla\'. was kept
MIsslOnarv Society of the FIrst Hochhelser. on t 1e SIdelines With a bad knee.
loS 7 4fl
.... 14 5 1J 13 -4~
William A. Cipolla
\V,nll( lit Ch( stet
- - - - -e_ BaptIst Church of Ardmore, held Oscar Granger. Haverford prm- the r~sult of a SPill m the Ascen- Unpel DAI bv 2 7 9 10--2R 882 N. 42d St.. Phila .. 4. Pa.
Thllr'· De'c 27-Cllfton HI< lit NlIhllt]l
Blool.lllH' :1t COflt{s\l11r Issues Warning Of on Monday the speaker was Dr. ripal, and Supermtendent
h L h told f I Schools Dr, R. R. Abernathy were
Bob WhI'te Chosen cer, earnm~ eIght battle stars and
UTI"nter ACCI'dents J osep me awney, s e
~IAIN I,JXI: Il \SI{L1'IlALI, U:,\Gl'E
fTncludlng G,lnlcs of Dpc 17)
I n
With stleets and highways in- Margaret Williamson Hospital in
experiences durmg 25 years 0at the le1' gue.sts of honor.
---~-- Haverford CaptaIn
takmg part m the North Afncan,

Slcihan. Italian and European

41tcratlons - Kitchcn CabInets
GP (i Jo1 Pts
snow-covered. Keystone SI~I~;h~asCI~~~. associated wit~ Pike Sewer Cave-in I
Pl.)\{ 1 TCtilll
Gl1lng('1 NOlllstown 9 56 10 122 ntll1glv Bob White former Haverford campaigns. Free Estlmatcs
lI1lll1ln. Clifton
Kel1111, CO.I\("\ Illl'
B('llolk, NOllhlown
H"lllnolull N,lIb(llh
9 43 27 113 AutomobIle Club urges precautIOns the Woman's Clll'I'stl'an Medl'cal
8 42 26 110
9 41 19 101 annually
10 46 9 101
agall1S t s I pd (I I n g acci d e nts ,W.l1 ., 'Cll College where she has trained over
take a heavy toll of C~lll- 100 Chinese women doctors.
Causes T ra DeIay ffo
IC H'gh at'll·~t ' II c t'n H e
I " c e. WI ap al I·'I
DIscharged last October, White
av 1'- l'etuI'ned to Haverford and pla','ed
Traffic on Lancaster Pike waS ford College's 1946 football team, ~ullb~ck. Despite ankle and leg - - - - - - - - - -
mjul'les, ~e scored three touch-
Chestnut st., Newtown Square
C,Il\lIt. WO,II('
.JoICk-on UPPII D,lI b\
S"I\"I NlIrb"llh
B[',lllllll. Wn,ne
8 41 16
10 41 11
7 38 l(j a9
6 38 II
~8 dlPn m deaths and cl'l!Jplmg in-
91 Junes
F. C. B. Kent, Manager of the seven mon tllS In
Although she and others spent delayed for hours Friday follow- it was announced Wednesday.
. a COllcen t rati on mg a cave-m about 200 yards
87 Mall1 L111e DIVISIOn of the Club. camp and have since been sent East of Chatham Rd., Wynne- is a 6-foot, 194-pound husky. He
White, who lives in Brook1ine, downs.
The duty of man is plain ancl
e______ If' MIRRORS . Phone Newtown SQ. 0997-W

SP['ctOI Clifton
LoP",lll Chpstl'l
H .14 17
...•• 6 2fi 30
82 al
declared that sleppmg casualtIes back to Amenca, the ~10spitals have wood.
e almost ~erbll1 to occur unless not closed. They have been kept
plaved center for the Fords for $imple, and conSists but of two I
Sgt. Daniel Magee of the Lower tl11'ee "~al'O befol'e enl'ollm' g a' pomts,' 1111' duty to God. whIch I
SIwnl.ll Not t tstO\\ n . q :is 2 J~ ~ " Wall anll ~Iantel. Malle to Orller
R Sheldon. UnDel D u b\ 10 .~ I
A RocheJll. WA\ lie .... lj 26 12 (;2
8 74 Sl eps '
t k < t
64 sleddmg through the use of roped en 0 PIOVI
e sa
f open by the CIlInese women doc- Menon pohce discovered
e tors
.. .
, h
about 545 A M There /Haverford College 111 1941.
'.. . ,
every man must feel; and hiS I and Rcs.lvercd.
' duty to his neighbor. to do a." he, Genuine Plttsburl:h Plate Gla..
Made Fro. ~
I 0 •N G,
1t.1.11k\\.lld Contes\llIe .•. 6 24 14 off areas Mll1dful that even when MIS. Waltel Black. pl'eSldent, \\as a all' about t\\O feet "'Ide. He enllsted m the Army All' Id b d b Th OLD MIRRORS •
.Tnllicki. Che-l('1 .. ' ... H 19 2:1 61 thIS nrecautlOn IS taken. some preSided at the meetmg. 1Jlll'ee. ~eet long and nme feet IIFOlces the foIlowll1g year and serv- wou e one y. - omas Remodeled anll ftellJvew.. GENERAL CONTRACTING
Pollock. Clifton .....•.• 7 25 7 57
HUI st. NOlllqO\\ n .•...•• S 20 17 57 clnldlen WIll use unplotected
Keen Cllftoll .. .. ... 8 :!fJ 4 56 st'ets the Club offICial urf<es mo-
Ml{ldleloll N,lI bl" th .. , 10 21 12 54 tO~'Jst~ to be on t:le lookout fori that which IS sordidly selfish; no
Phipps BIOokllll( .,. h 22 10 54
---0--- -
Ideep m tlhe first West-bound lane ed as a squadron mteillgence offi- Pame.
There IS no mean work. SllN.e of the four-lane 11lgl1way. --------
Traffic was directed through ~llIIlIt~IIII11II11I1Ulllllllfllllt-2l1ll1l1l1l11nl!f~"III"'II,II"I"I"III"lrIIll"""II"I"""I"I""''''''''II''''''''"';I
Gu~tafson. Notlhto\\n
Ha\ erlord .I"noor "I~h s, hool
9 22 9 53 sleddel s. An appl'al IS made
pal pnts to safpguard nhelr clllidren IS morally wrong;
to ll'l'ellglous wOl1k, save that which tJhe. two East
in every barl'lers a.nd red lanterns were == I
bound lanes and 1==
~ :
Get 011I' Enima"

Body & .Fender !

Inl ra-Mllr.11 /laskpthalJ b~' fOI blCldll1g use of sleds In haz- sphere of Me the post of honor put around the h o l e . ; : ; ~ Glass
H('slIlts of (;aI1H'S PI.l\('d I.ast \\'('I'k
9th Glod.·
Won lost 'Wlrdous_Pl_a_cC'_sV:-' S IksthedPostHofd utY.-E. 8· Chapin. ~~~itJ~~i~~~rS!~~t~~jla~l?a~g;~ ... = i" ~ ~~~4~CO. B~:::va~:e~t:;2
I' 1315 PIke

~ '------------0,..1 G~:~:e&lll70~~la.ll, ~to~iVM

COl nell " 2 0 1000
I 500
ar ets par e ornels ~eo~:rlf~~e~I?~~~ct~~~ \~I~~h :aat~~ .. - Repairs ! I'~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g
To Be St Soccer Season
PI )lIeplon 0 1 000 washed a hole undel' the paVll1g -
COl nell 26 Penn 7.
' 0 I 000
which c~used ~;:~e~m. 1 Complete Auto I r
HlI1\lIld 23 Yo 1... 16
PItf,'bUl gh 26. Pllncetoll. :15 what ~ Painting' and [ : OARPENTER
Pcnll. 20. HlIl\'lIld 18
COllleil. 34. Pltt,lnll ~h. }oj.
81h GI.,de H[lverfold Colle~e had a war- Refinishing ~ RA010 ' JOBBER
Penn Sta("
S, "Iellse . ..
0 1000
0 I Ol'~
1 0 1001)
tllne enrollment of only 1811. but
till' Hornets turned out one of
tl1en greatest soccer teams in re- i ~ Ardmore Aulo Body REPAIRS Repairs - Remodenng
TJalri\ ptte
.. 0
cent years dUllng tile 1945 season.
And fOlnllclable soccer teams are
- and Paint Co. New Buildings
Let Us Estimate On
Temple ..
PrIlll ::tntr. 12 lJl slnu<; 10.
a 1 UOO noUllng new to the Mam Lme
school. WHY WAIT FOR 1~_ 65 E. Lancaster Ave., y Ollr Work
S\! ,loellse. 12. Lalli \ et le, 4 Undefl'ated and untIed in eight - Ardmore ~
Lehigh. 16: Temple 4

01 ex,,1
7th Gradl'
., . . . . .. I
games, Haverford
MIddle Atlantlc Intercollegiate
0 I 000 League champIOnshIp. The Hornets
captUled the YOUR CAR TO ==g
Ardmore 2211
~I R. E. NOeK
Gett;.'bul" I 0 I 000 BREAK DOWN? 127 Wilson, 1\lanoa
numbered among t~1Clr victims
I1UIIIIIIIIIIIHllllJIlIII1l ' 1H1111111IttlIlIIIl11111111111111111111ll1111Illllllt1l1111111i;
PMC 0 0
H '\'el[OI<1 () I 000 Penn COlnell and PI mceton. all of ;:; Hilltop 3179 Aftcr 5 P. M.
\\ 110111 were dpfpated wilen Ha\'er-

I 5800,000
SW,IrthmOl" . ,.... . 0 I 000 Let our expert mech-
Drexel. 30. }illtl'lford 17 ford pame from behl11d m tile final anics give you a complete
Gf'ttJ-sbtug, 2. S\\f1IlhmOlP. 0 qUat tel'.
'Fmf"lt). Till pe war Yetel'ans and a fresh- check up. . Depend 011 us
l"ext W""k·s S"hndllh' man hom JamaIca. Bntlsh West for all repairs - fro'm ;:;
FII Dec 21-Laf.1\ Ct!,,-PPIlII Blllte
TetllPlc ..Ul stuus IndlCs. sparked Ray Mullan's ma-
ch111e to the title. Arme Post. \\ ho minor adjustments to com- § WORTH OF
Sat Dec 2~ 900 left Haverlord 111 1943 to pilot a plete overhauling. MAIN LINE
HII\'elfOld-P M C. B-24 LIberator Bomber over Afnca

1030 and Europe. returned to college af-

whe:l::~;~}I~:7z~:G Start
Han III cJ-Prlnceton.
ter the openmg game With Ursmus Place your order NOW SOLD BY US SINCE
and took over the outside left post.
Wed. Dec. 26 100
Yale-Cornell Charhe (Beans)
er Naval All' corpsman. starred at
Matlack. fOl1n- We will dehver Oysters or
Clams, iced on the half-shell in
to Call lis ;:; We are active. We can
Temple·Pelln Stllte time for your dinner. -Don't Fail Atlantic Service Station
outSide ng~lt. While hiS Naval V-5

300 sell your real estate quick- WEST CHESTElt PIKE '"
LAfaYette-Lell Igh UnIt was statIOned at Penn. during ly. Consult us TODAY I
Thu Dec 27
SYI nct1~~- UrMlnus
I 00
the Fall of 1943. Matlack won AII-
America recogmtlOn for IllS play 1'IAIN THOMAS

White Flash
~ Electrical Work
With the Quaker soccermen.
S\\lIrthmole-P M. C. and

Wiring, Baseplugs,
& GROSHON Ethyl GasoUne
Another former serviceman. Bob
Clavton - discharged from the R0SEN'S CIGARS
FISH MARKET 37 E. Lancaster Ave.•
Lamps, Switches, eteo

Army 111 1943 - was the team's
playmaker at center halfback and CANDY .lrdmor.. - Phone 5239 Atlantic Lubrication Service ' All ElecRtrical. Appliances
Approved agency for F H. 4 Washing and SimoniZing epalred
Consciousness of right-doing acted as captain until the final 2029 E. DARBY ROAD 110 W. Lancaster Ave. Mortl:ages
S~:~~:ter i
brings its own reward; but not game \nth Johns Hopkins. Then SOUTH ARDMORE Opposite Autocar Mortrare Corresponden t for We will pick up and return
amid the smoke of battle IS ment Clayton, Post and Matlack were
seen and appreCiated by lookers- plected permanent captains of the
Soda Fountaln - Schuol Supplies
Ice Cream • Beveralea Phone: Ard, 4510 - 2858 304 W. Ave. John Hancock
LIfe Insurance Co.
Mutual your automobile. I
on.-Mary Baker" Eddy. 1945 squad. Phone UllItop 9972 - We DeUYer Ardmore 1825 §
'------ •
PHONE: Hilltop 9193 -' Hilltop 8186-W

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