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RBERTH COI,:t"J.; IT'; L .I.'

~::lSOR AVE.
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ER'fH, PAo, tHURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945.
volo 3G-Noo 39

• H. Rieklin Dies
Enlist Girls Who Like
To Roller Skate For
Rehabilitation Work
Ardmore Hostess Distributing Christmas
Shortridge Tract Developer
At Narberth Home; The Camp and Hospital Com-
mittee of the Main Line Red Cross
in Ardmore has an additional vol- Offers 70-Year-Old Barn A$
unteer service. It is enrolling girls
Boro Businessman over 18 who like to dance or roller

Memorial Community Center

skate and who here have free
" afternoons, to assist in the rehabili-
tation program of the Valley Forge
Successful Founder General Hospital. The group which
dances with the patients at the
Of Hardware Store noons, atwill12.15
hospital leave Tuesday after-
P. M. from the
• Was 75 Years Old Red Cross headquarters and return
about 5 P. M. The roller skating
Garbage Contract t President of Civic Association Would Like To
Funeral sen'ices were held last group will leave the same time on
Thursday afternoons for Norris-
Calls For Tri- W ~ekly See Little Theatre Movement Started- Zon-
Friday afternoon at the Rap Ilae1- town arid return a little earlier.
Sacks Chapel. 1945 N. Broad st.. The Red Cross Motor Corps will
Summer CollectIons
The new garbage contract ap-
. Ch
mg angeIAS so ought L A vee
ancaster ' and
Philadelphia. for Hyman Rieklin.' transport the girls both ways.
75 who died at Ilis home. 118 -- -__ 0_-- _
proved by Lower Merion commis- WynnewoodRd.
Es~ex Ave.. Narberth. early last,
Thursday morning.
Award Prl·zes In sioner~ will give residents thr~
collectIons of garbage weekly m
the Summer instead of two. Prev-
ious contracts have been for twice Edwin B. Mahoney of the Mahoney Construction Com·

One of Narberth's most colorful
residents, MI'. Ricklm has been I
described as a "part of Narberth". I
F·ISh' Game Contest weekly collections both in the
Summer and Winter.
The contract was awarded to
Peter Blosenski. Lima, Delaware
pany, Ardmore, has offered the 70-year-old barn on Wynne-
\vood's historic Shortridge tract to thtl Wynnewood Civic
A native of Pinsk, Poland. he i , County, at a bid of S75,OOO for Association for use as a War Memorial or a communi,ty 'len-
came to Philadelphia when he was' three years. For the bi-weekly
twenty. First employed in a sweat Offo tel' it was announced this week.
shop. he later bought a I~orse and ICerS N omlna ° te d b y collections the Township paid
$66.900 for the last three Years. ------+ The barn was bUllt lon~ after
wagon and peddled milk, eggs. R d d G CI b' the estate's mansion house which
butter and cheese. After business
had picked up, he was able to T
0 an
un U, The bi-weekly collections will
be made from November to April. RETIRES originally was the "Six-Mile
start his own milk business at 625 wo Con est s inclusive, and for the remainder
of the year there will be three
House." marking the distance to
Philadelphia on the toll road of
s. 11th St. However, when the collections a week. Lancaster Pike in colonial days.
milk business became unionized Awardmg 01 large fish, game The estate was later sold to the
he sold out, and moved to Mal- and vermin prizes and nomina-
vern where he opened a general tions of officers for 1946 were the
store. the Valley Store. high lights of the December meet-
Valley Store later burned down ing of the Lower Merion Rod and
and he moved back to Philadel- Gun Club held last Wednesday
c. Brooke Jones Shortridges during the 1890's when
t,he Pennsylvania Railroad bnilt
the Main Line. and one of th,
Shortridges was a director of the

phia. where he had a hard time night in the American Legion
earning a living. Someone told Hall. Narberth.
11im he should go to Narberth. John Munro. Wilmington, Del."
and so 37 years RgO he came here. won the vermin prize. The an-
L.M. Commissioner James B. Swartz, president of
the Wynnewood CiVic Association,
stated that concerted community
action was necessary before the

intending to open a grocery st ore. nual contest in which club mem-
However. there was alreadY one bers entered their largest catches
grocery store. anrl he opened a of fish and game ended with the
llardware store inst ead. He knew follOWing winners:
Succumbed Friday gift could be accepted.
"It will cost a considerable 811m
of money," Swartz reported, "to
renovate the building in order to
nothing about the hardware busi- Striped Bass-John A. MiJler, make it usable; but it would be
JJess and for the first few years Narberth; weight 12 3 14 Ibs., Rose ifary Venuto, of 63'7' Lorraine St" Ardmore, a hostess at the USO-Labor Plaza, ~aking over Police Honor Guard worth it if thE' community gets
the Ricklin family had a hard length 26 inches-caught at Beach Santa's duties at Town Hall last Saturday. Receiving their Christmas presents are. (left to right): Sill:- behInd the idea,"
time. Little by little. however. Ha\·en. n81man Third Class Chris Peterson, of Brooklyn; Private Thomas J\ycock, of Sprmgfield, ~Iass.; pn- At Funeral Of Swartz pointed out that there
Narberth grew, and more and more Flounder-Franklin P, Kormer, vate Howard Hatch, of 2105 N. Ra,ndolph st., Philadelphia, and Specialist Third Class Louis Tevell, of is no little theater group below
people, pa~ronized IllS store. Now i Bala-Cynwyd: weight. 12 Ibs" 1 Floutown. (Courtesy Plnla. InquIrer) Prominent Leader Wayne. that he felt the building

TeaehAd IMore Men Retum

the RlC~l1!,! Hardw~re Store d~f'S oZ.-caught at ·Wildwood. would be admirably suited for
ers tten

such purposes. and that the com-

a fiou1'1shmg busmess and Its I Great Northern Pike - Mrs.
founder has been described as onei Ellen A, DIetrich. Upper Darby:
of . Narberth's most successful i weight. 16112 Ips.. length 41
Geoo Earle Buvs )
c. Brooke Jones, Lower Merion
Township Commissioner since
munity would have a meeting
place for its young people. while
W dd' G f
busmess men.

neighbor hved rehglOn.

, inches-caught in Canada.
"Mr. Ricklin was the.,kind ofi Wall-Eyed Pike-Charles Spen-
m~n who~e~terday. saId a,I eel'.
''He be!leved length. Upper 22 Darby; wei~l1t. 4below
1l1ches-Caught Ibs.:
- I For J acqueI1°loe Than D-ISCharged\
e log
° tS 1932, died Friday at his h*Je on
Mary Waters Ford Rd., West
Manayunk, after a short illness.
veterans would have a memorial
to their comrades-in-arms.
Mahoney, in pointing out the
advantages of the site and buil-
• tha.t It made no dIfference to Mal'yland.
in all. religIons. and often said the Conowingo Dam outside of Many Lower Merion Township Frank A. Fogel, Wynnewood ding. said that the basement of
officials were among the friends Park Apartments, Wynnewood, the barn would lend itself to small
WhICh church you went so long I SmalJmouth Bas s - Hen l' y C I T . ° George H. Earle, late married Ttl f 21 B k f who attended his funeral, held assistant to the aUditor of the
as YOUI' heart was el('an and good I Drumm, Upper Darby: weight ompu sory raIning man of Haverford and formel i 0 a 0 ac or Monday at th~ Charles White- Bell Telephone Company of conference rooms, is amply llg-ht-
ed, and has a cellar which could
"He was .never able to forget' Picker~I-HcIl1'Y Drumm: Up- S OPIC
and you loved your fellol\' man. '33/4 Ibs -caught in Maine I T o At Mee tolng ~?ver~or of pen~sYIVam~, . .IS .ShOP-: ur ough s an dOlF;-' I nY phia. Interment was in Old St. ~:~naSl~e~~~~~o~~ ~;~~~~ in ~;~;
man Funeral Home in Philadel- I' t· t M Continued Oil Page Tllree
the hardshIPs he 11lInself lIa.d i pel' Darb~': weight 2 lubs. 14 OZ.: In Harrisburg pmg m Istanbul s bazaal fO! wed- , 15 Released David's Churchyard, Radnor. The telephone industry.
gone ~hrough. and because of thIS I length. 23 inches _ caught in,
he did all he could for other Ma m('. I

p~oPle. He always seemed hap- I Rainbow Trout-Thomas John-

I School teachers from the MaID
ding presents for Jacqueline Sacre. I
Jacqueline IS the daugl1ter of a
. '.,
PI~St wh.en he was dom(/; some- i son. South Ardmore; weigh.t, 2 I Line listened to discussionS of ~elgla.n a~vlser fO! TurkIsh Ial - I were relea~e~ from sen:lce. at val-

Flfte~n local men a~ld wome~ll

Rev. Henry S. Noon conducted the
Police Escort
Fogei, a graduate of Girard
College. stalted with the Bell
Company as a bool)keeper in
Police of the Lower Merion. 1904. He was appointed as as-
EBond Christmas
th1l1~. fOI someone else. He love?, Ibs, 11 oll.-caught in RIdley com ulsory military training at load mtelests. IOUS ~eplHatlOn c;ntels lecently. Radnor' and Philadelphia forces
Amenca and ,often saId 1hat Amel.- I Creek. Delaware County.
leans. , ~Idn t appreciate then'
countn. .
p. , I Jacqueline and former Gov. I The !1st also sho\\ s a to~a.l of 21 1 formed an escort for the cortege
Brown Trout-Henry Drumm, the annua.l conventIOn ?f the Earle expect to be married some- I me.n belIeved to. be .arnvmg for from the funeral establishment to ariie has' one son. Major Frank
. . I Upper Darby: weight. 2 lbs. 4 oz. ?ennsylva11la State EducatIon As-. . fmlouglls and leasslgnmen,t.
sistant to the auditor in Janu-

Ithe cemetery. An honor guard of Fo~el of the United States Army,

1937 Sales Boost Drive
He nevel had the OPPOI tunlty -caught in Maine. <ociation in Harrisburg thi6 week. tIme thiS week, . ! Among the men and \\ omen Lower Merion and Radnor police- and two daughters, Gloria Fogel
to gO to school. but due to hls 111- ' B ' k Tro t H nry Drumm ~
tense interest in e\'erythiIW; and to IO~ t ~ - ; 'T . In the bazaar Earl was lookmg I released are:
'Attending the conventlOn :were for oriental rugs jewels and an- I MoMM 2/c Howard L. Alex- ~e~hwas pos e
t d d" tl
U1mg le servI~e
'~Cl I d
land· er an Nancy B. oge.
F I County Now Within
hi!' cxtensive reading. he was a 011 lillie age wo teacher~ from public. and prIvate cient weapons. 'Aiready he ha!' i ander. Wynnewood. ,a e grave... The veteran telrphone man is 90% of $4,000,000
SOUDdF·II ms Tk a member of the Telep~lone Pio-
very well informed man. -----0------ schools 111 Lower Menon and Hav- spent $50000 on wedding guests.' Coxswain Hazzard O. Watkins, TownshIp NatIve
He could talk not only to older
people but also ,to youngsters. a en erford TownshIps and Narberth
Earle said witnesses at the wed- ' Haverford. Born in Lower Merion Town- neers of America. He was re-
ding ceremony would include hig:, i STM 11c Willis J. Braxton. Hav- ship, Mr. Jone!' was the son of the ~i~1;IYa~~n~~~~'0~~e(;~m:r.a~y f~~= Montgomery County was above
H~ always had tune to explain I to them. and to tell them; Of P bli Off-. I Five educators headed-UP a State representatives here, Charles' erford.
~ympostum on the SUbject, high- Wilson. U..S. Ambassador t~ :rl;lrj', Bkr 3/c Alexander Merwin,llearly
late Simeon M. and Elizabetn '.
Heysham Jones. ~e receivt;~ nis ~~~:nt~~nn~t'1b at the Llanelch 0.00 E bOlld quota. when tabula-
. the 90 percent. mark of its $4.000.-
.He \\ as a membel of thr Hebrew
Literature ~oclety of PhiladelphIa: I
U C lela S ' l : j , ; l I L l . l g a conference of second- key, prOlm5('o to .a.ttea<1. II !11~ W.Hlllcwuod.'
',rv school principals-one of a health and the politIcal sItuatIon
:ei'ies of meetings going on con- permitted.
education 111 the Lower
Sgt, Lester E. Peters. Narberth. I Merion schools and later attend-I
T/Sgt. Samuel S. Kelso, Ard-' ed Drexel Institute of Tech- Gen H HA'ruoId
, . _' I
tlOns of sales wele completed at
noon today.
The agRregate sales were listed
the. Palestme League; . tl~e Bnth ~1ll'rentlv as a part of the Penn- Miss Saere. interviewed at ller Illore.
Achun ~eneficral AssoelatlOn. and W'll B Sh
F ~Ylval1la' State Education ASsoci- home where slle was discussing T/Sgt. Ernest McCleary. BI'yn Mr. Jones was actively engagfd
I • •• ,as $3.061.000.
was a (I1rector of the Down Town
Orphans, HO,me.,
.Mr. Rlcklm, IS surVived b\' his I i IrS
w~fe. Ray; SIX ('hll~ren. HRITY At H
own ~ or ~tion's annual convention.
Ime oca Y
11 "
delegates last mg~lt heald o~~ Earle.
detalls of her trousseau with Is- M a w r . '
tanbul's most fashionable dress-
Along that Ime. con~'entlOn makers, was as entllUsiastic as Cynwyd.
in politics here from the time be
Pfc. Merle M. Frederick. Bala- was old enough to vote. Trad;-,
1 tionallY an organization Republi-
Pvt. Michael J. Talley. Haver- can, he was appointed to t.he
Urges A-Ir Museum ! This week. workers are urged
'to ha \'e ewry completed E bond
sale ~'ushed tlll'ough the issUing
agencies. to the Federal Reserve
Bank so that due credit to this
Rlcklm. Mrs. DaVId Bnckmall. and' a\ er or sp.okesman . S~IPP01t. comp~I~OIJ "I lOve George," she said. "1 ford. Board of Commissioners on sep- county is assUl'ed in the drive
Mrs. Harry Moskow!tz of New military trammg-wlth quahflca- knew he would come back. and M/Sgt. Daniel Divirllio, Bryn tember 16, 1932, by tile Mont- tlnal Quotas.
YO:k; Mrs. LoUIs Weiner of Nm:- Haverford Township citizens will lions. . I llave only- one desire-to make Mawr. gomery County Court to succeed Difference In View E bonds a.~ Christmas gifts-
b~1 th: Mrs. LOUIS C~'ass, and LOUIS, see their government in action H. Virgil Grumbling of Berlm, him happy." Sgt. Horace S. Lee. Ardmore. William H. MeMoran, who died ill purchased 111 the final YUletide
RI~klm ..both o.f Pll1ladelphla. and ~ . . .' Somerset, County, one of nine ed- Earle was reported to have Pvt. Joseph J. Inners. Ardmore. July of that year. In ensuing Over Where It Should rush to cOI?Plete preparations for
thlee glandchlldren: Jay Bnck- I and. ha\ e .an 0~~01 tUl11~y to ply ucators speaking for the veterans bought a medium-sized invasion T/4 Richard Custer, Narberth. years, he was elected and re-elect- Be Located the blR' hohday-was a major fac-,. and Robert and Joanne i theIr public offICIals With Ques- of their P. S. E. A. convention barge to be converted into a Sgt. Edmund J, Barrett. Haver- ed to the post. tor In boosting sales in Mont-
Rlcklm: ' I tlOns at a town meeting on Jan- districts, said he was for the yacht for cruising along the Medi- ford. For many years he was chair- gomery County to the $4,000.000
b Th~ store IS no~\' being ma.naged uary 4 at 8:15 P. M. T/~ Curnow D. Carlson, Bryn man of the Commissioners' po!ice Gen. H. H. Arnold. Anny Ail' E bond Qu~ta, COl!nty DI:iv~ Chair-
y. hIS son .. LOUIS. and MI. and
MIS. We mel.
TI . t'
training if it IS necessary to terranean coast.
. d "maintain permanent peace," but
le to\\n mee mg. sp.onso.l~ declared "the educator should Mrs JosephWh-Ite I'
----.- - Mawr. and fire committee. At one tIme
AmonR' the men recently aI'- he was manager of the West FOI'ces chief and native of Glad- the Manufacturers Association.
man Robel t R. TItus. Plesldent of

- L·IghtS
----.--- by the Ha\'Crford TownshIP CIVIC have a great deal to say about nved are: . ManayUnk baseball team and h(l wyne. would like to see a National de~lared t~day.
AU T ff Ie Councl!. WIll be Il~ld m the aUdl- the program,"
tonum, of the SenIOr HIgh School. Levi Gilbert, President of Ship-

D-les 0n Monday
T/Sgt. Ewmg A. Lape. Nar- was always an active member of Air Museum established some-
S/Sgl. St?kes Stitt. Ar~mO!e.
. . the West Manayunk Fire Com- wheres in the United StateS.
Last ",eek wl!-s ~arked by
heavy E b~!l.d bUYing m. the last;;

-II B U-f
Brooklme... pensburg State Teachers' col-
,Sound motIon PIctures ~f ml;l- lege. who has been in two world
I11clpal governments In actIOn WIll '\'ars said the kind of war he'd
T/~ Waldell A. Hemy, Bryn
I Electrical Contractor
An AAF spokesman said that sa!? Tlt~s,
1 tric a 1 contrac- nearly 15,000 letters have poured
mlpute.Chllstmas shoppmg rush.
NatUl ally the W01 k of the vast
WI e 01 orm be shown for the first wme in this ~'rk ' to fight" is "the war for
section The pictures were pre-
pared in' the Pennsy!\'ania State pe~g'
d at'onal system can Funeral Servloces
T/5 Theodore W. Holland. Ard- t J:. pr~ment ~ ~c 30 y ~rs M' into headquarters from a\'iation army of bond selling volunteers
T/5 Clarence H. Thompson, Jones "'d'as N
01 m
I anayun or
a m:~be~ of
e 'd ~.
l/e;: ~r societies and representatives of but a large percentage of them
eased up as the holidaYS arrived
College Extension Service. They ur .e uc 1
red .' . de- Ardmore. son Lo ge o. , . an . "the a.viation industry boosting canvassed every possible prospect

Restaurants e-tI ed
will lI1f'lude shots taken of Hav- take ' ~l~~~t af::J HU- Held on Thursday Pfc, Herbert E. Boyd, Jr.. Ard- Continued on Page Two the proposed museum. to assure Montgomery County
Change From crford Township's Eoard of Health \'.el0.p~,g e ea e ~. 0 I'er' more. -.---.---- attaining all ItS Victory Loan
Overhead To Right engaged in rOlltine work and of tlatlve t~e ~mellcan C sHldlen Afternoon T/5 Frank Rutherford, Ard- The letters were in response 1,0 quotas. This is especially true of
Lo\vcr Merion Township's police I showed, said .~01mehr WA n e more. a nationwide canva;;s started b." school children who did a mag-
force. Wallace of ~l1e, w 0 was 0 tlle T 15 Leo C. Turner, Ardmore. Arnold last month to find out nificent job in this drive."
Side of Corner
ah'e;d" taken
Wilham S. Livengood. secretary SHAEF Public RelatIons Staff.
of tile State Depal·tm,ont of In-
steps to ternal Affairs. will be the speaker SerVICeS
for the first half of the program
.--- -
Funeral services were he I d
Thursday afternoon at the Fran- ford.
for Mrs. Joseph P. White. 50. who berth.
Pfc. Scott W. SCUlly, Haver-
t 0 B e H e ld k enfie1d Fu nera 1 Home. Ardmore. 1st Lt. Hal'l'Y P. Frantz. Nar- For P-
nee V-10IaIon
t- general public opinion and to re-
ceive recommendatio!1s.
u en ces I'n v
"1 predict we will surpass the
goal at the end of this week if all
I'e\\· s celltel' the E bonds purchased are pro-
around location, of the museum cessed through the Federal Banks
;f~~f~ t~\'i;l~nd~rd?;~n~g~t~;~l~i when the pictures are shown. For Mrs. Schneider died early Monday mornin~ at her T 15 Frank J. Jackson, Bryn
t ffi The second part of the program
ra c lights, the State Highway will be a town meeting open for-
Department revealed today.
Funeral services will be held ne:;:s.
urn. in which representatives of Friday afternoon at 1.30 P. M.
home, Narberth after a long ill- Mawr..
Secretary of the Montgomery Menon StatIOn.
Captam SIdney O. Krasnof!. Many Complaints Of
andd Wt hken the project should be by Saturday."
un er a en.
Thirty thoUsand answers are
expected. Those already received
HaverfordSeeks .---

he~~~nsa~' p~:~~y~~redt~f~~m:~~ the Board of Commissioners. for Mrs. H. Gertrude Schneider, County Republican Committee A ~/Sgt. Ernest O. Bargland. Jr., Over-Charges On ~le~~ g:;d cet~t ,~avor the progralCl
vanced to comply with a law tile Health Board and School Board wife of Charles Schneider of 1224 and first vice-president of the l' morRe. h
1942 sppcial Legislature passed to QuestIOns answered will be writ- ner'al Ilome of David G. Franken- Company, MI·S. Whl'te hft~ been ford.
will answer questions. Bon Air Rd.. Bon Air, at the fu- Mulieres of the Narberth Fire
h ave all traffic lights throug,>hout ten prior to the town meeting. field & Sons, 317 N. 52nd st., known by many for her kindness """
P T 1
ic ard . ayor. aver-
T/4 Ermeneglo
,. .
1 Cell 1111. Ar d -
Xmas Merchandl'se oth
er pro ems
out inclUde whether the mus~um
to b .
eo Irone B-Ig ParkBd
u get
t ts d wou Id be bUI'lty b pI'I'vat
e con -
t he State placed at the right side The.Y will be "'athered from the 1 h' Itt t more. . . Out of 188 res aUl'an un er cerns, l1;iven financial backing of
of intersections. - Eo West Philade
member organizations of the Hav- Montrose Cemetery will be private. pIa. n ermen a and generosity.
For almost io years she managed f R h
P c. IC a r . d S De W 1 t '
ae e, Nar- he JurI IC Ion 0 'sd' t· f Cl are nce K .. mU11lcipaJities, or shOll Id ere d b Y
a Y '
The lights must be changed erford Township Civic Council. Mrs. Schneider died at her home I and ran the White Sweet Shop, berth. . . restaurant panel chairman for the the F~deral Gove.rnment. . $42,750 Asked For
1rom overhcad suspensions. stand- During the program the Hav- Saturday afternoon following a Narberth. Sgt. Paul R.. Zmm, Ardmore. Upper DarbY War Price and Ra- TYPIcal enthUSiasm for creatIOn
ards in the middle of interbections erford Senior High School band long illness. A resident of Bon The Rev. G eo I' g e Emerson M/Sgt, LeWiS A, Carafa, Ard- . 1 8 h be of the museum was expressed 111 Recreation Program
or whatever other methocls being will play. Air for 25 years she had been ac- Bames D.o. officiated at the ser- m o r e . . Boa.rd, O. a~ e~ a letter to Arnold by W. C. wold
used, to the right side of the cor- In announcing the program. A, tive in community affairs for a vices a~d !'he was interred at the S/Sgt. Wmslow D. Campbell, charged With price ViolatIons an of the consolidated Vultee Air- In All Wards
ller only slightly higher than an Newtown HUff. publicity chairman number of years. She was a mem- Arlington Cemetl'ry. Bryn Ma\yr: must be called before the board craft Corp.. San Diego.
automobile's level. for the Civic Council and presi- bel' of the ~elmont Chapter O.~.S.. Mrs. White is survived by her Sgt. WIlliam C. Buzzard, Arc- for hearings it was announced Wold d.escribed the plan "an A $42.750 budget being prepared
While the statute will not be- dent of the Ridgewood Park Civic MaJ;loa un~t. 667 of the A.mencan hu!'band, a dau~hter, Mrs. Robert more. , k ' excellent Idea" and declared that by Haverford's Park Board for
come effective until President A~sociatlOn, said: Leg.IOn AuxI.hary, Haver~01d Town- Bakel', two grandchlldren, Robert. Lt. Morns M. Green, Ardmore. this wee'. .' the ail' institution would pay for
Truman and Congress officially "The sound pictures will give shIp CounCIl of Repl;Ibhcan Wom- Jr'. and Joseph Baker, and a sis- - - -••------ Kay will be aSSIsted 111 t~~ itself by stimulating pl'ogre~ in submission to the township com-
declare the war over. Shro~'er our residents a unique interpreta- d t dent f both MissiOonary MeetiOng work by C. S. Halsall, .104 Palk aviation. He suggesteQ that It be missioners is designed to place the
said. "A number of municipalities lion of the government machinery ~~e a~ill~pP~O:~~~~ co~munity>hMrs. William G. BOwel', Llan- Ave., Llanerch: Fredel'lck Mac- located in Washington. D. C. Township's recreation facilities on
already have placed orders for: through which their affairs are Club and the Bon Ail' Woman's . At Methodist Church Dougall 114 S. Sixth St.. Darby; .____ a par with other suburban com-
. d material t.o make the II conclucted.
b Wherever they have Club. R l t d ..C- -h - ·' John McFarland, 1212 Lindale R 0 t ary DOIS t rl'b U es t munities.
reqUIre changes." I
, een s lown in Pennsylvania the" SUI'vI'\'I'n~
. " besl'des hel' husband ee ec e At the missionary
airman the Woman's Societv of the Nar- Ave.: dl d meeting of H owar A
d A
d . ChP l' 'I'S
a Int'. y W 647
K H ' TI11' fi'nls Il1nR toucIleseVI'l'e put
Norristown 11as plAnned for re- Ilave met an enthusiastic re- are two daughters, Mrs. Gerald ..
. Shae an ve .. an a r. . GIOfts at nox orne on t Il e1946
. b u d ge t reques t at a
moval of the three remaining sw,- s!=!onse. Town meetings like these Transue and Mrs. Anthony W. Dr. Irwin Griggs, assistant prO-I berth Methodist Church. Mrs. Davis. 830 Harper Ave.. all of - meeting of the Park Board Wed-
. 1 IJ b ' bl' ff" fessor of English at Temple Uni- John A. Hamilton will speak on D 1 H'1I t I b e da fternoon J nathan M
~~~SI~~i~Y~~s i~1~.~ ~~~d ~~,~~~~ ~~~iZCl~~n~I~~~I;. ~~g:fh~r 1~~aJs h"~~ ~~~I~I:- .J. J~~d:r~: ~rt.r~sh~~:
8 d A'
d D K 'Ib b
all of us In attainment of ,.
f versity, has been reelected chair- her experiences as a missionary
man of the faculty-student com- in Japan.
r:j;e H. Ivallar. acting chairman m~~~~~~ 7~n~rd~~~de~~
of the board also disclosed that Knox Home, Wynnewood. held presided.
Ct~e ~t~er:' ~hairman'
albf of 0 the board:
n Il'y an e a . llt neces-
sary equipment has not been pur- 0 .lec Ives. 'b' t. " CIVIC ton. D, C. mittee on controversial I'SSUes for The meetin<>' on Januar.v 3 Is Is' be'1D~ e uge
d i d w'th T P k B d 'tl th com-
chased as yet, Borough Secretary . - - - -- MOd P . . _I_ _ '" - the board
the coming year. Dr. Griggs Jives being sponsored by Mrs. Henry complaints of price violationS' in Thursday.
I their Christmas party last
lle ar Oar, WIle
missioners' backing, hope to Pl'O-
Approve Bond I °ge °tearce at 422 W. Conshohocken State Rd., A. Frye, secretary of missionary many stores durin~ the Christmas They had a huge Christmas VIde playground area.~ in wards
WillIam Bowen said today.
R n°t I Gladwyne. education. holidays, with some stores appar- tree in the living room: a ma- that are now without recreation
--I-po--- A $500,300 bond has been ap- U niVerSI y eel a s ently tryinR to charge all they gician entertained and a lar(o'(e facHities; develop recreation faci-
C aro rogram prov~ b~' Lower Merion Township Midge Pearce of BalB:-Cynwyd, Haverlord G:rl Escort Cla':m can for scarce articles. hamper-fnll of gifts were dis- litles and programs on land that
The Montgomery County Court commiSSIoners for J. Walter Ham- as a member of the IndIana Unl-j
Chorus presented a program of mte~nds, Wll0 beMhcrijns thiS four year versity Choral Union, is appear- J l M k 'N ... , ... He cited as an example a dis- tributed. already has been acquired and. in
After an old-fashion turkey din- cooperation with t~e Haverf<;lrd
ewe s, oney a ell ear H t,el
T charged servihce madn's comtplaint
Christmas music in the main hall- 'm as t owns p reasurer and ing in many recitals and r a d i o , that he was c arge 21 cen s over ner the group was entertained by school ~oard, prOVIde recreatIon
way o.f the Court House, Monday. collector on January 1. The Fi- programs being presented at the 0 ceiling for men's shorts in a local the Haverford Township Hi~h supellvislon for all playgrounds.
mornmg. James A. Currens is con- ~alil~YI adnd pellPbosit COtmPfaIlY of University and in surrounding store. d . ed b tl School brass ensemble. August I This is the bud!ZPt, reauest of the
ductor of the chorus. ~' an WI e sure y or the cities. With the appointment this The veteran was a VIS y le Beckel' led the carol singinR. Coutllllled 011 Page Three
victed, Dubbed ------Hazard
F:re --- ----
. Fall of Milton F. Reh" to take A Haverford girl and her es-
charge of choral mUsic at the COrt were robbed of $80 in cash
it at Miss Mann. He forced her local price panel that he could
to turn over a gold choker neck- bring suit against the merchant
'Bobby JOlles' St~er Willds Cops
E ...
University. this field of musical and $600 in jewelry as they were
actiVity has been much enlarged. about to enter the Barclay Ho-
lace and jll'tlcelet, and a pair of and could receive a minimum of
gold earrings, $50 if the dealer were found guilty.

T een.A !1.·ers Sa·dl O

t B
e N· ...
The Choral Union of 258 voices tel in Philadelpllla last week.
includes 1 the girls' glee
h clubs, men's Lt. John F. McCloskey. Jr., 25,
glee cub, and teA cappella of Germantown Ave.. Philadel-
The thieves made their es- The returned soldier thereupon
cape after orclcring Mis.~ Mann instituted
and Lt. 'McCloskey into their
"On all suit
. d th
durablefor h'ls
t f thO
In 36 Holes 01 Winter Golf
choir, plus a number of Bloom- phia, told police that he and car with instructions to. "sit celyet d e tSU~PtOI l' °OPA ehman e -
ington adult singers. In addition pom e ou, le as fitled in the pollee report at the
to ~inglng as one large group, the MISS Mary D. Mann. 19. of 407 there looking straight ahead." factureI'. who' places a retail ceil- 1'-
A 1490-pOund, brown and white Haverford Township Police sta-
Lower Merion High School teen ~d .. Ardmo~·e. circulated tile peti- individual organizations also put Berkley Rd.. Haverford, were When reporting the robbery ing price on each item of apparel steer took four suburban poli(~e- tion last nhtht.
agel'S. Who have been buffeted tIOn !1ccordll1g to American Leg- on variolls programs. leaving thetir car prior to enter- to tlile police. Miss Mannbsta t- for the purchaser's protection. men and three amateur cow "He knew every hazard, every
about frol11 pillar to post sil1l'e the ion official,<. ____.____ ing the ho el when two gunmen ed t lat the men used a us ive "This is a warning to all pur- f
.chool year started. were faced with The pecition objec~ed to the use approached, la:lguage but did not try to chasers of durable goods to be punchers on for a game of gol sand trap. On the fairwaYs he
was always one step ahead of the
a residential petition this week. of the Legion Home b~' the teen- Auxiliary Made $155 Lt. McCloskeY reported one harm her. The couple finally sure and inspeet their purchases last Thursday afternoon.
The petition, circulated among agers for their Friday night danl'- of the men saying. "Get in and arrived at the dance at 12.30 for the manufactul'er's Ceiling The calf and the police teed la~so." "When he Rot tired of running
residents of Sutton Rd .. was sign- esc It complained of noise and At November Bazaar start it liP," In the excitement A. M, Price Tag, as a protection against off on the Pennsylvania Railroad awn v he would turn arourld. bellOW
ed by 14 citizens. most of them nuisance. At the Cll1'istmas meetin~ "of he dropped the keys of the car, Lt. McCloskey. a Naval flier overcharges. Company Golf Course in Brook- like' a full-grown bull and charRe
fathers and mothers. It wa.< sent The petition also objected to the the St. Margaret's group of the and in the darkness, was unable in the Pacific Theater. was e:s- "Inftatlon is not a localized dis- line about 1 P. M. When dark-
to Bullock-Sanderson Post. Amer- use 01 the home by any outside Woman's Auxiliary of st. Mary's to ftnd them. corting Miss Mann to the hotel aster like a fire 01' flood," the ness settled at 7 P. M. the calf us."What did we do then? Well.
Ican Legion, the organization that group except the Legionnaires Church, Al'dmore, last Thursday One of the robbers then point- to attend a dance given by MI'. chairman added: "where one walked of! with honors and his that's nobodY busines:s."
Rave them shelter when theY were themselves. The matter has been evening, Mrs. Samuel S. McNeal'Y. ed his gun at the lieutenant and and Mrs. E. B. Coxe. 3rd, or might stand a good chance of freedom. At 12:35 P. M. the police had
evicted from the Ardmore Worn· refel'1'ed to Thomas McConnell of in a settlng of red and green fOI'ced him to turn over S80. In Darby' Rd.. Haverford, were Rettlng out of its way. We can't "That calf must have been rais- 1\ call that the steel' was wander-
~'s Club,
James V, Esposito. 140 Sutton
the McConnell and Harker law ChI"': '113S decorations, read "Our
Continued on Page Three First Chriotmlls Tree,"
the mE'antime. the othel'
- h, dl;-wn a knife and pointed
man giving for
Mary O. Ccxe.
thcir daughter, Miss run away from
Rot to stand up and fight."
inflation: we've ed by Bobby Jones,"
I Sel'geant Thomas Johnson as he

Continl,ted 01l Page Three

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