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Araullo High School

Taft Avenue cor. U.N. Avenue, Manila
Art 8
First Periodic Test

Name: __________________________________ Score: __________

Gr. And Section: __________________________ Date: ___________

I. Identify the following Southeast Asian Art topics if it is FABRIC DESIGN, ARTS and
CRAFTS, and SCULPTURE. Write FD for fabric design, AC for arts and crafts and S for
sculpture, in the space provided.

_____1. Sihn _____11. Phra Bang

_____2. Khrama _____12. Canting

_____3. Wau Kite _____13. Old Jacquard Looms

_____4. Wat Pho _____14. Dong Noi Cave

_____5. Golden Thread Silk _____15. Dastar

_____6. Merlion _____16. Gia Rai and Ba Nha

_____7. Sa Paper _____17. Pidan

_____8. Silk Painting _____18. Batik

_____9. Songkok _____19. Block Printing

_____10. Sri Mariammam Hindu Temple _____20. Wayang Kulit

II. Write PAK if the statement is correct, and GANERN if the statement is incorrect. Write your
answer in the space provided.

_______________21. Songkok is a cap that is mostly worn by Muslim women.

_______________22. The Dalang tells the story, interprets, and gives the voice of each
character in the Wayang Kulit.

_______________23. The Sa paper is made from the bark of an mangosteen tree.

_______________24. The ukiranhalus is also known as rough carving.

_______________25. The Batik are a product of Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia.

_______________26. Old jacquard looms are used in making gold thread silks of Vietnam.

_______________27. The Lao peoples history are being told in their books.

_______________28. Artists use metal blocks in hand painting.

_______________29. The center of weaving in Vietnam is Khorat.

_______________30. Pidan are pictoral tapestries of Cambodia.

III. Read the statements carefully. Choose the best answer in the choices given. Write your
answer in the space provided.

______31. It is a type of Cambodian weaving that creates patterns while weaving the silk.
A. Ikat Technique C. Canting
B. Uneven Twill D. Hand Painting
______32. It is a type of batik that uses canting.
A. Ikat Technique C. Canting
B. Uneven Twill D. Hand Painting
______33. Prohut bark is a natural dye that produces what color?
A. Red C. Black
B. Indigo D. Yellow
______34. What do you call the Cambodian wrap skirts?
A. Krama C. Sampot
B. Sihn D. Pidan
______35. What do you call the Lao womens’ ankle long skirt?
A. Krama C. Sampot
B. Sihn D. Pidan
______36. What do you call the arts and crafts that is made up of rice paper with bamboo
frame and small candle and is flown up in the air?
A. Wau Kite C. Silk Painting
B. Sky Lantern D. Sa Paper
______37. The puppets in Wayang Kulit are made up of what kind of animal?
A. Cow C. Water Buffalo
B. Buffalo D. Horse
______38. What do you call the kind of cap that is widely worn in Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia,
Singapore, Southern Philippines, and Southern Thailand?
A. Kopiah C. Silk Painting
B. Sky Lantern D. Sa Paper
______39. What do you call the sculpture that is the symbol of Singapore?
A. Sri Mariammam Temple C.Wat Pho
B. Merlion D. Dong Nom Cave
______40. What do you call the preferred wood for building houses and boats?
A. Cengal Wood C. Mulberry Wood
B. Narra Wood D. Kamagong Wood

IV. Enumeration:

A. Two categories of batik design

41. _____________________________

42. _____________________________

B. Three category of Brunei Darrusalam men’s headgear

43. _____________________________

44. _____________________________

45. _____________________________

C. Three Types of Relief Sculptures

46. _____________________________

47. _____________________________

48. _____________________________

D. Two kinds of Malaysian sunken relief sculptures

49. _____________________________

50. _____________________________

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