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1. What type of mentoring programme does your organization follow?

a) Formal mentoring

b) Informal mentoring

2. The knowledge of mentoring is based upon the following sources of information:

a) Personal experience

b) Observing others in my unit

c) Discussion with peers

d) A program in our organization

e) Educational institutes

f) Community organizations

g) Others(please specify)

3. I would rate my knowledge of mentoring as:

a) Excellent

b) Very good

c) Moderate

d) Poor

4. My general attitude towards mentoring is:

a) Very positive
b) Positive

c) Neutral

d) Negative

Please answer True (T), False (F) or can’t answer (CA) to the items below:

My Functional Group has a mentoring program.
Mentoring is freely offered to everyone on an informal basis.
I have been mentored or coached by someone more senior (with more
knowledge) within the last 1 to 5 years.
I have mentored or coached someone more junior (with less knowledge) within
the last 1 to5 years.
What role have you played in mentoring until now?(mentor, mentee or both)
Currently, my boss (immediate supervisor or manager) is my mentor
The organization supports and encourages the free exchange of information
We are encouraged by management to learn new things
There is a need for mentoring in our organization.
If true, at which level it is needed:
There are a number of people inside our company whom I consider to be role
I feel comfortable going to the senior members of our group and asking for their
input, opinion, etc., on any issue.
My current supervisor freely offers advice and counsel to those who need it.
I am comfortable going to my boss asking for help with a problem that I cannot
Information sessions help to effectively communicate and explain the mentoring
Training sessions are held at regular intervals for the participants
Discussions between mentor and mentee are encouraged in our organization
Periodic checkpoints are in place to evaluate the progress of the mentoring pairs
The mentor and mentee clearly communicate their expectations to each other

Below is a list of some of the more common benefits of mentoring. Please rate the
Value of each in the box indicated. (Values are ranked on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1
being the lowest benefit and 5 being the highest.)


Learn how to balance work and life
Expand knowledge of career path and options
Develop interpersonal and communication skills
Expand knowledge of the company
Gain knowledge of a different function
Improve networking capability
Develop teaming capabilities
Improve job satisfaction and morale
Others: Please specify


Foster inclusion
Develop next generation of leaders
Encourage organizational savvy
Transfer corporate knowledge and values
Provide an alternative source of feedback to mentees
Enhance coaching skills
Utilize the wealth of professional expertise and experience
Other: Please specify

This questionnaire in general helps to know to know the mentoring programme of the

The various parameters are:

1) Knowledge of mentoring

2) Experiences with mentoring

3) Need for mentoring in the organization

4) Desired benefits of mentoring

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