Our Town March 22, 1945

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:•• R9E~T'r C')".''''_··:ITY L I BRAR'l

\': I .: D::: -.' r.·! E: •
tlAnr;:n:-.:, PA,
N ~1


Vol. 29-No. 52

NEWS OF THE MEN AND G. O. P. Council Thinks Party Suffers ~:,:~::iD!t~n:~s $72,500 Quota for
• March Term of Court
WOMEN IN SERVICE At Hands 'of Wealthy B f ene actors
Salvation Army Drive
With 21 cases listed for trial.
the March term of Civil Court got
under way Monday With Judges
Harold G. Kmght, George C. Cor-
• Overseas Promoted Answers to Questionnaire Suggests a Subscribing Membership-Re- son and William F. Dannehower
publicans Need Progressive Program and Reliable Candi- Forty-three jurors had been ex-
cused prIor to the opening of Goal $10,500 Higher Than Last Year Owing
. dates, Th ey Say. court this morning when eight

Results of the survey made by "ressive prORram offerinlt only ef- Additional sup;p;estlons were Riv-
others asked to be relleved of Jury
duty. Tnals start2d with a panel To Overseas Demands; Chairmen and Cap-
of 84 jurors, most of them women.
the Lower MerlOn-Narberth Coun-
cll of Repubhcan Women to de-
fiClent, able. and reliable candl-
en in one member's letter read
recently at an executive board Those from the Mam Line ex- tains Named For Compaign Starting April
termme "why we lost on Novem- "The Importance of pohtlcal meetlnp; bY Mrs. Veitch: cused were Glenn Cox. Penn
bel' 7" and to furnish .construc- educatlOn 365 days of the year "Neighborhood work must be Wynne; S. F. Broome, Haverford;
Dolores Cal frey. Ardmore; Mar-
2 and Ending April 23 I
tlve sUggestlOns fOI" achlevmg VIC- lookmg toward espeCIally the edu- educational durmg the 365 days
tory m 1946 have been annouhced cation of our youth. of the year, not a last mmute ap- garet C. Dwv,2r, Ardmore; Nor-
by Mrs. S. L. Veitch. chan'man of "The Democratic Party has, peal for converSion. It maY be man P. Fernon, Bala-Cynwyd; A wartime quota of $72,500-$10,500 more then last
the political actIVIties committee. difficult to gO from house to house
llghtly or wrongly, given the work- Vlrgmla L. Honder. Wynnewood; year-has been assigned to the Main Line district for annual
"Well over 30 pel' cent of the mg man a sense of security. The m the 'off-season' between cam- Wllllam H. SherWOOd, Wynne-
members answered the Question- RepublICan Party must show that paigns on the educatlOnal pro- wood; Ethel G. Wagner, Ardmore. Salvation Army Dri\'e which will open April 2 and continues
nan·e." saId Mrs. Veitch in a let- we have been, and are. behind lOtsRrams, but to formulate a founda- - - - - - - - - - - - '..until April 23.
tel' leportmR the results to Mrs.
Hannah Durham, chan'man of
the state CouncIl's political ac-
of thL~ social 1~p;lslation.
"The Repubhcan party should
tion for that, I would suggest two
1. "A few definite 'planks' of a Police Cooperation Released Announcement t.h8lt the quotlL
would be mcreased to meet great-
tlvltles committee. A chal·t was have a most attractive I'adlo com-platform for which the Repubhcan er demands fOl' overseas work
enclosed showing what the mem- mentator With a weekly or seml- .Pal ty really stands. on which It came from 1\1l's. Albert W. Mosley.
bel'S thoup;ht were the contnbut-
mg factors m the defeat of the
1944 campaign. Twelve politICal
weekly schedule dunng the whole
of the next four years to counter-
act the propaganda put out by
IS makmg Its fight. It cannot stand
for a New Deal phIlosophy but
promise to handle It better. • • .
Cuts 'Court Cases Wayne. Mam Lme chairman for
the fund ralsmg cpmpalgn.
"War actiVities of the Sa:)va,-
people as Walter Wlllchell. tlon Army of the gl'eater Phlla-
actiVities were hsted III the Ques-
tlOnnau'e RInd the members rated
them m the order of their Im-
"Too many people of the lower
waRe bracket thl11k of the Re-
It must take Issue With princi-
pIes, and not With mcumbents.
2. "I would dramatize a 'sub-
Great Improvement Idelplua al ea, which mt'ludes our
Mam Lme dIStIICt," declared Mrs.
portance m the waging of the
pubhcan Party as one of pnvllege
and wealth. ThiS should be cor-
sCl'lbmg membershiP' in the Re-
pubhcan Party. It IS far' better If
Over 20 Years Ago, Mosley. "consists of mamtammg
SIX Red ShIeld Clubs and 22 mo-
Sgl. Duncan, of 6 Sabme Ave, Captam Cabrey, 24. son of Mr. Some of the suggestIOns offeled
to help achieve victory m 1946
"ReVision of mallmR lists might
a vast number of voters become a
party to the financmR of a poll-
Judge Tells ,Chiefs bile canteens. Smce Pearl Har-
bor Day the Salvation Army has
Narberth, Ilas be>m ovelseas and Mrs John J. CabreY. of 201
Wmdsor Ave., Narberth, has re- were also summallzed 111 Mrs. be an economic savinR as well as tical party and Its campaign, than Cooperation among pollce de- served mOl ethan 7,000.000 serv-
SlDce APlll. 1944, ~ervlllg m a centlY been promoted to hIS Veitch's report as follows: less uTltatlOn when three mem- that the party feel Itself depen- partments as exemplified by the
reconna I~sance squad of the
mechamcal cavalal \"
PI esent rank.
Entel'mR the service in March,
"Start now to bUIld a stl'onR
pohtlCal orgamzatlOn WIth a pro-
Ibel'S of one family t;eCelve Quan-
I dent upon the largel' benefactIOns Pollce Chb2fs ASSOCiatIOn of Mont-
titles of duplicatlIJg hterature."
I of the few.
ICemen and women: prOVIded 433,-
905 meaL~ and given 90.000 serv-
Sgl Duncan !uaduated from • 1942. Capta111 Cabrey has been
gomecy County has resulted m a Icemen lodgmg over mght.
Lower MellOn HH~h School m overseas Sl11ce last August. He IS lessenmg of the case load In the "Demands for our ovcrseal! ac-
1940 HI~ blather. 2nd Lt DaVid
S. Duncan. IS also ovelseas.
Albert G. Cedarstrom. Jr" Y lIe
attached to a field Artillery dl-
VISIOn of the Seventh Army.
Lt. "Ridge" O'Sullivan, who has
Registrars to Sit Direct Hit Knocks
Out Rocket Gun
lExceed Quota In county courts, declared PreSident
Judge Harold G. Kl11ght Thurs~
day l11ght at the 14th annual dm-
ner of the assoclatlOn at the Man-
tlvltles are mcreasmg. RecentlY'
we receIVed a request for 50 Sal-
vatlOn Armv workers to gO over-
seas for lehablhatlOn work m Bel-
EOn of MI and Mrs. Albert G been Spend111g hiS furlough With
CedeH;tlOm of 408 Havelford Ave, hIS Wife. Betty Nash O'Sulllvan,
Narberth. alllVed home Monday, and their small daugllter, has le- In 40 Localities Spotted By Miller
Private First Class John A.
I Red Cross Drive ufactur.~ls CountlY ClUb, oreland.
More than 300 members and
guests attended.
"The orgal11ZatlOll of the Po-
DWIght Eisenhower has asked the
to equIp
a' canteen at the Supreme Heact-
and run
March 19. fOi a 30-day leave. turned to En~and General Hos- Miller, Jr., of 111 Forest Avenue,
Yeoman Cedelstlom has selved pltal, AtlantIC City, N. J. ltce Chiefs ASSOCiatIOn m 1931 was quarters ..
20 months m New Caladoma and • .- • If Bill Is Enacted Narberth. serving with the Third
Marine Division here spotted one
Reach Goal For First the greatest step made m law en- "Overseas serVIces for our men
m the South PaCIfic. under the di- forcement m tID~ county during and women m the armed fillces IS
T/Sgt. John A. Dougherty. of
rect commann of Admiral Halsey 211 Iona Ave. Narberth, has Wl'lt- April 28 May Be Last of the .lap rocket guns, enabling
artillerymen to destroy It."
Time Since Sta,rt the last 20 yeals," said Judge SGT. JAMES W. BARNETT. JR. on)\' a part of the work we are
~nd Lt. Commander Harold E. ten home from Germany, that hE!
StIas~an He also sel ved as pel- IS a pnsoner of war m Camp Day to Register Miller, in an observation post,
saw white smoke curl up in a
Of War Kmght. "It has plomoted cooper- WOld was lecently received by called upon to do. Last veal' the
atlOn and fnendly feelmgs. Pollce Sgt. Balnett's palents. Ml. and money raIsed m the greater Phil-
sonal yeoman to hIS chief of staff Stalag, Luft, 3. Germany. peculiar manner after a gun know each other and wOlk to- Mrs.' James W, Barnett. of 143 adelphia alea was spent a."i fol-
and was later placed m chalge of Attention of those citizens of fired some 2500 yards away. He Wlth'leturns still commp; in, gether. Mellon Ave. Nalbelth. that lows'
the mRII and file room at a South An aellal engmeer on a B·17. "We have about the sam.'! num- then son had been leleased from "For ovelseas services $150.000;
PaCifIC naval headqual LeI'S. Sgt Dougherty was shot down 1\1ontgomelY County who are eligi- communicated with Marine ar- Thomas Lloeaweaver, chairman bel' of cases each year but we a German pilson camp March for mobile canteens. service clubs
• • • mer Bockum. Gel1nany on August ble but, not registered fOi votmg tillery and was told to keep his of the Mam Lme Red Cross. 1945 don't have more than a fifth as 20. by the RUSSian Almy. and all othel cIty work. $300,000,
Lt. William G. Carrol. mfant 1\". 12 1943. and has been a pl1soner was dIrected thiS week to a sched- eyes on the position and let War Ftmd announced today that
ever since. ule of travelmg registrars of the them know what happened. This 112 pel cent of the quota 11as been many tnals as we had nearly 20 Listed as mlssmg on Ju!\' 3. and for the home fJ ont mamte-
\' ounded m Italv has been moved yeals ago. The pohce WOlk IS 1944. Sgt Balnett was lepolted nance of establIshed agencies•
flom CorRI Gables. Fla to the • • • County ReglstlatlOn Commission. he did-for five hours. Then the
The reglstl alS WIll Sit at 40 dif- gun fired again. Over the fis- reached much better today. As a conse- to be a orLSOnel' of the Gel- $350000"
pre. Marietta. the fOI nll~r Doro-
Weikel. vlSlted MIS Charles ferent locahtles thlOup;hout the sures of Iowa .lima, he again time that the War Fund 11as ql.lt~nce cases are developed better mans on August 10. 1944
Walter Reed Hospital. Washmg- ThiS year Will mark the first Headql1al tel s for the campaIgn
ton. D C. HIS mother MI s. Whal- thy
ton B. Carrol of Gyps\" Lane.
·W~'Jmewood. and hiS aunt MI~s
Humphnes of Havelfold

Anna Carrol. spent last Sunda~' Camp HelD, Montauk Pomt, N. Y.

Ave, thiS County between Apnl 3 and Apnl noticed the trail of smoke and
votmg leglst!atlOn busilless.
Those who IUlIVe become of age
Fourth of July skyrocket.
Within five minutes. Marine mCleased
past week She IS statIOned at 27 from 2 to 9 P. M to conduct flames, similar to that of a giant of the Wa.l and IS due ChIefly to fendants
over the top smce the stal t
and about 90 pel cent of the de-
enter pleas
Other factOis
contllbutlOns and fuller Klllght as contllbutmg to the
Judge Veteran Tr.eed on WIll be the Mam Ic.me Salvation
AldmOie. officeMrs.at John
15 CrICket
executive secletarv of the office.
B Kane, Ave.,
with him at the latter hospItal.
• • •
* or who Will be 21 on or before artillery registered In on the gun
I,t. "'ilIiam Clipsham. of Hav- June 20. persons who have been and its ammunition, and lit up the War Fund's one-day campaign
T/Slrt. A. .T. lEek) Purring, of erfOld Ave, has had a second 15- removed flom the rolls for failure the sky almost as bright as da3' on March 4.
51)3 GOi don Ave, IS home on a da' ,~xtenslOn to 1m; 30-dav fur- to vote for two Years. women who with a direct hit.
coverage of the ten ItorY

Included m two contnbutlOns COUI

0enelal Improvement 111 the dls-
POSition of COUI t cases was th,~
t's policy of umfol m sen-
nces and fl equent seSSlOns of
a 'eckCharge Mam
Chan'men and captams f{)l' the
ArdmOlLmee:1945Mr~ dllve
MI s. Lydia B Rek MI S.
H. L.are'Balderston.
W Ii
II am
45-da~' furlough after sel \ mg 32 lough At the end of hiS fUllough have maUled. pel sons \\ho have received tillS week were the su- te Lwb and WIlham Somers.
monthl5 m tIDe South PaCific. he WIll return to Italy. moved here from other counties bUl ban Water Company's check mIscellaneous COlli t and the case BI vn MawI: MIS GeorRe Sear-
Also Enters Plea of
1\1erion High Scheol
and others who have not been leg-
lstered may 1 eglster or correct
theIr 1 eglstratlOn
Under the present law. May 21
Harold I. Kline Is [01 $6.000 and a $2.007.35 flom the PleparatlOI1S by the DIStllct At-
Autocar Company. Local 131, tomey's office.
UAW -CIO and othel employes. '"The police officers of today as
Another first marked UP bv compal,~d eo those of 30 years ago
Guilty to Strikin.g
mg Wll~on. Mrs. Emilie Emmons,
Robel t COrllgan and MoroS. John
Bala -Cvnwyd: Mrs Rlch.ard
NEWS LETTER IS the last day to leglster pl"lor to
the Pllmary ElectIOn on June 19
Howevel. If a :BIll now m the Leg-
New'V'CampHead the dnve this year was the eallv ale like a 1910 model FOld as
fll st time
compaled to a 1941 model,' said
offICial end of the 21-day dllve Judge Kmght. "The police todaY
ale well-hamed. They lecelve not Flancls H McCaulley, 47, Phll-
Chew Mrs F C. BUl-ke Mrs.
James F. Walren. Mrs R M.
Cornman and MIS. Robert Had'-
1,T. Ijg) N. STANf,EY KAV ..\ NAGH. '38. FPO SF. IS m HawaII Islature IS enacted. APl"ll 28 Will
Lme BI anch was able to repOl t adequate compensation but a good adelphIa a f01mel u · S Al m " Bala-CYnwvd apai tment house
Before he left FlIsco he contacted (through the NL> LT. ELAINE become the last daY to 1 elnster. Lower Merion Teaeher Its quota reached wltlun the three d,~al more than 30 veals ago. I ma.10l, \\ho lost hiS llg lt aim an caPtal11~ Ml~ Challes P Me- l d
KING. '39, and to mak!" a long stm \ shm t saw her fiv,~ 111ghts In Pel sons may register or conduct
week lImit. still don't thmk they ale paid sustamed sellOUS head 111mlles m Menamlli MIS' Charles P Shoe-
successIOn. In HI1.\"aU STAN made an Island hop and saw LT. (jg) other registration busll1ess at any I

place the reglstral:s ale slttmg. I'e-

JA1\IES H. SNYDER. '39, slept m a tent which stan saYs, IS not 11l~ gardless of theIr home addless.
Named Director Accordmg to Chairman Lmea- enough but they do lecelve IWOlld War 1. entered a gUllty maker Mrs GOlclon Thome Mrs
weaver. this was caused bY the enough so tha~ .men of ability, plea last Fuda\ mOlnmg before I [ D Bepogs. Mrs W .1, Downs:
Idea of Nay" lIfe "The weather IS fine, but plett~ gills ale a .§carce Tilt: offICe of the COmlUlsslOll-at Ca~p ;Qwjght . '-'" ,-'OOper&tIOll of Wal" FUIill work- Intelhgence and mLegllty ale at-I·Judge GeOige C. Corson to clHllg-IMls. R G. WmSlow and MISS
artlcll! in Hawall" , the Court House IS open dallY for ers. SpecIal tnbute was paid to tlacted to the pohee busmess and es of assault and battery and Jean Warne
conduct of reglstlation busmess E W. Barnes. Camp Executive Mrs. R D Shattuck who headed ma&2 It then' hfe wOlk." passmg a wOltlll.?ss check Gladwvne MIS Flank WIlson
ENS. BILL KISTI,ER. aftN domg some coastwise shipping dOwn flom 8 A M to 4 P. M. and on of the five Pluladelphla YMCA the repOl ts and audltmg depart- _____._ McCaullev a fOlmer lesldent of and MIS GIant OleWller
to Panama, etc. IS back 111 MIami He saw BII,L DEAL a few days ago. SatUi days until noon Camps thiS week announced the ment; MIS Flank S. Lally and Bala-Cvnwyd, \\as lemanded to HavelfOid MIS MIller Conder-

passrrl a ('jerk-tvplst tpst and now hop.?~ to put hiS high schOOl tram- ship:
The followmp; 1 eglstra tlOn da tes appomtment of Hal:old I. Kline MIS. Lvnne 1\1. Correll, War Fund
S/SGT. BILL FRYER. aftel completmg hiS tour of bombillg mis- 11ave been fixed fOi Nal berth BOi. of Penn ValleY, basketball coach reSidential publiCity; Wilham J.
sions nut of Ital" as a gunnel l~ now at LO\HV FJeld ColO. He recently ough and :bower Mellon Town- of Bala-CYnwvd JUnior HIgh Lloyd and tIle Pelillsylvama Com-
School. as dn ector of Camp pany, recheckmg collectIOn 11'-
r er LandBOught
Od pilson untll next Flldav at \I hll·h man MI s .JacQlie~ Vauclaln and
time Judge COl son announced he MI s R. W Hecaske".
Will Impose a suspended :;entence
D?tectlve GeOlge Dnks, LO\\!'1 Jones
West Mana vunk: Mrs. SIlas

C 00I
TO BUild Sh
ing to wOlk The returnees ale lep]acmg men who all' bemg tran~­ Apnl 20-Nal bel th Borough at DWight, YMCA camp for boys at POI ts, and Patrolman Phil M1ll11lS :Mel Ion testIfied McCaulle\. \\ as MellOn: MI I' WIlham G Wg,l-
ferred to the Infantry. Bill \I as employed 111 the offices of the Penn- the Nal bel th Fn e CompanY Downmgtowll who headed the new publIc speak- llilested Malcll 5 for fOlgmg a tOll MI~ ,John Folks Jl Mrs.
Api'll 26 and 27-Lower Menon Klme succeeds Elmer A !!.iss- mg system which l>ubliclzed the check m the amount of $20 He John Robbms and Mrs. Fred S.
sylv8111a RR Co before he entell~d the sel vICe. Township at the TownshiP BUlld- felt. dean of bovs at Abmgton dnve at all Mam Lme raUlOad said \lhen pollee \\ent to McCaul- Malcolm
HIgh School. who has been dlrec- statIOns.
SGT. and MRS. .TOE 'MARIANI al e now living near Moultne, Ga , mg, Ardmore ---.---- Rosemont Residents ley s home to take him Jn~o cus- 0\ 1'1 blOOk' Mrs Geor~e Mar-
,,-here t11e SGT IS m the MedIcal Corps.
I.ILUAN G. BI,AIR, AMM 31 C Ottumwa. Iowa. ~avs hello bY
P M h Lo
tor of DWight for the past SiX

Bryn Mawr Women te:fcl~~r nl~w~~~~~t%e~l~ ~~h~ol~ vt att ew ve Lose

years. .
Prote~t In
---'.--- todv they found McCaullev s \\,1[.0, till
Anna, nUlsmg a bleedmg 110
\' hlch the defendant 1 eadlly ad- NOIliS
Penn ValleY: Mrs. F. Pl'lce

Lower MerIOn
sendmg the weekly Issue of "IOWINGS" flom her Naval baSe.

GEORGE A. I,EACH, JR., S lie EPO NY, IS tech1l1cally a stole-

keepel m Noah Afnca. When he wlOte tellmg about a swell Chnst- On Grand Jury Kell diG
for the past 15 veals.

len ermany'
Camp DWight Will open on June
27 for an elP;ht week season after
\"hlchc speCial pellods Will be op- I
• nutted havmg mfilct.ed
It developed that although theY
\lele lesldmg In th,~ same preml- Howell
WIth dlamatlc abruptness the se" that MIS McCaulleY had 111-
Lower Mellon School Board COll- :-tltuted dlvolce pi 0 C e e d In g s gent
RadnOl' MI s T..Rshe Pl":\lor.
Rosemont. Mrs.
Villanova: MIS. J. 'Weir Sar-
H. Elmer

ma.s pal ty thev had fOI about a thousand youngstel s, hIS hands weI e elated until Labor Day.
Young men mtelested in serv- eluded heallngs Mondav mght on agamst her hnsband some time WYnnewood' MI s Joseph B.
numb from the cold.
48 Criminal Cases mg as counselOis at Camp DWight
should get 111 touch WIth Mr Klme US
H b an d 0 N ar b er th
f the ploposed pUlchase of a school ago. A declee glantmg the dlv(]l('e McCall ,Jr Mrs Benlamm Bar-
site m Rosemont and applopllat- was hand,~d do\\n bv the local net! MI~' Robelt sterne and
Via MI G H Gllbel t. MI s J I Bos\\ ell and Mal tm Shendl\n.
cOll'espondent for the Boston Globe \\e lealn that m the mvaslOn of To Be Presented by t!llough the Philadelpllla YMCA Woman Served Only ed money for the pUlchase of tile COlli ts Sll1ce McCaulley \\ as al- MI s James Omm.
I ested on thIs cllal ge.
Camp Office. land.
Leyte. TIS LINCOLN .T. BOSWEI,L. With a bomb-disposal umt. had a
D. A. Smilliel 4 Months Overseas The end of the tlll1"d healllig
SI10Wn Pl-ctures of
"erv "close shave" HIS umt, SIX men and an offIcer, dug m for the
11Ig!lt m the middle of an ammul1lLlOn dump A few hOUlS later, an
all' wal nlng \\ as sounded and a 500-pound Imcendlarv bomb lut the Two BI yn Mawl women are on
Speakman Post to
Have Open Meeting
Pvt. Matthew J. Love, 26, whose
for a plotestmg glOUp of Rose-
mont citizens came \\ hen Dl.
Joseph W. Andel'son, s('hool d~-
Wife. Kathleen and children, rector. made a motIOn that th~
Blood Donations HERE AND
dump. AmmumtlOn stleaked over thell' heads for thlee and a half the ApIII Grand Jury which con-
hours, but the entire glOUP was unmJUled. vened Monday at the Montgom-
1'1 y County COUl t House in Nor-
The Harold D. Speakman Amer-
ICan LegIOn Post. of Nal'bel th, Will one
Madelvn, 7 yeals old, and JUdith, Boald's plevlOUS action m appro\ -
and a half years old. !lve at mg the PUlchase be latlfied. the Thomas M Royal Bag Com-
LT..JOHN l\IRAZ. IS at Sheppard FIeld. Texas, awaltmg assHm- nstown. Also a woman L~ foreman hold an open meetm~ Monday, 233 HavelfOld Ave, Narl>21"th, was SchOOl dlreetOis unanImously ap- palW. Blyn Mawr, Viewed movmg
Management and emploves of
ment He's gettmg to like Texas He saw HENRY NEIL and TOM She IS Ehzabeth Obel holtzel , Malch 27. when the guest speak- reported killed m actlOn 111 Ger- plo\'ed the lesolutlOn. plCtllles oi some of theu' mem-
Suddenness of the actlOn left bels donatmg blood dunng a le-
YBORRA not so long ago. We can't send vou LARRY l\Icl\ULLIN'S Trooper 1'1
Rd.. NOll"lstown. Wheth- er wl1l be Jimmie Keys. USN. who many on March 1.
01 not she IS the first woman the delegatIOn of five Rosemo!1t cent VISit ot the Blood DonOI Mo-
addl ess as our last NL to him at Scott FIeld was leturned. PVT. ED to serve m that capaCIty m Mont- lost both al ms In a battle m the HIS parents hve at 149 S. Eagle
Citizens and theu' Wlves a llWe bile Umt at the Mam Lme Red
RORKE, '41, who IS on hiS \\ay to Ft. Bennm@, to DCS, was hele gomery
When your lettel came and sa~'s hello.
County could not be de- South Thlough
the courtesy of Harry
termmed but Judge GeOige C. BUll'. Delawale County legIOn- busmess 111 Ardmore, befO! e en-
Rd, Manoa.

Love was In the garap;e stunned.
It was Frank H. Jackson. Beech
ClOSS m Ardmore.
These Plctlues ale pal t of a Sunda\".
Sunday. Febll1alY 25 is Palm
As alwavs 11 IS the Sunday
Corson. \lho charged the 'Gland naire. colored motion Pictures tellng the sel vice m 1944. He had Rd.. Rosemont, \\ho lecoveled reel of Mam Ll1le Volunteer A,~lIv­ commemOi ImmediatelY Pi eced1l111.' EMLer. It
cpr•. CLARENCE H. THOMPSON, APO 403. NY, Is m France. Jury. saId he could not recall a suffiCiently to ask the School ltle~ shown ulJ?,er the title of Red tlV of .Je~us ates the tllllmphal en-
Wll h 111m IS TED HOLLAND. and these fello\\ s have been together woman havmg SCI ved as fOl eman WIl! be shown of patients at the been overseas four months.
He IS surVived beSides IllS par- Boald If thel!' group would be ClOSS Sel vices.
mto ,Jerusalem when
ever smce theY took then' filst phYSIcal As vou plObably reaa. else- hel etofOi I' Pelry Pomt Veterans Hospital en- the mUltitude stle\\ed palm branch-
Joying Amellcan Legion sponsored ents, by three brothers. Sgt. Tho- consulted about the al chltectUl e ----.- -- - es or lathel leaves. fOl the tvplcal
where, TOM BELL \\ as last heal d of \\ hen out on bIvouac. Jane Copeland. clel k. GlenSide, entertamment.
was chosen as secretRlY.
mas P. Love, who was wounded and landscapmg of the new Nursing Shortage palms hke tho"'e of Palp~tllle. have
The Post commander. Clarence In France and IS now in the Per- Due to the sellous shol tage of no blanches In ~omp. Romnn and
k/C ROBERT C. ('OLLINS. '36, Tyndall Field, Fla. BOB was After the charRe. membel s of Beltz. Will preSide at the meetmg. cy JOllies General Hospital, Battle school before It was bUilt.
Evelett E. BUllmgame, pleo,l- nUlses the JUllior Ambulance High An"hcan chm ches genuine
home ovel Christmas because of the Illness of his new daughter. the Grand Jury convened Imme-
Barbara Wade After graduation Bob expects to go to Advanced dIately to start consldel atlOn of
-- Cleek, Mich .• Corporal John C. dent of the boald, told Jackson Dllvels and Lhell' fllends m Blvn palms al e used fOi decm ahons on
Love. With the Army Engmeers ll1 plans were too far In the future Mawr, undel the leadelslllp of Palm Sundav, but theY lIle rare
NavigatlOn School m Texas. Now he s flsmg m a Liberator and says bills of mdlCtment m 48 cllmmal Youngster Hurt in Belgium, S/Sgt. Charles F. Love, to discuss the constl uctlOn. He MIS Mal tha K Kane, 746 Pres- and expensive for OJ dmal y URe. An
he had qUite a thnll takmg a tm n at the controls one da~'. H~s blOther, cases to be PI esented by Dlstnct
LT. ROSS, '39, IS With the Palatroops m the Plullppmes, and TED, Attorney Fredel'lck B. Sn111he. Fall From Car With the All COIPS m the Plll!lp- said that no plans had been PH'- ton AVI' . BI vn Mawr. al e turnmg eallv flOWelll1g Willow, which 1s
pmes. pal'ed and no architect had been over theIr mectmg hOUlS begm- populallv called a palm, IS often
Y. 2/C, '38, IS at Manhattan Beach. Membel s of the panel RI e: Mat- Adelbert Campbell. three-year- Three sisters also surVIve. Thev letal11ed.
tIe Adams. houseWife. 232 MoOl- old son of MI'. and Mrs. S. C. ale, 111n" Mal ch 26 at 8 P M to the used as a SUbstlLut .
head Ave.. West Consllollocken; MIS. JOflo'!ph Neff MiS "SO, it's a brush off" said Preston School 111 BI yn Mawr to • * *
PVT. JOHN B. BIRD, '44. IS taklllg a SIX week's course in elec- Mary Cannon. houseWIfe., 111 Campbell. of 332 Lanthwyn Lane. Charles J. Abel, both of 1\1anoa, Jackson as he departed With the the Red ClOSS Home NUlsmg With Easter so near and the
tlODlcS at Chanute Field m preparatIOn for Radnor work. CHARLIE Rambo St" BndgepOi t: Jenme Nal bel tho was miured last Sun- and Mrs. Paul Kerr. of West Oak- COli tl1ll/cd 011 Page Two Course weather so fine, our thoughts na-
JAMIESON IS at the same place. day. when he fell from his par- tUi ally turn to somethmg new to
Fellman. houseWIfe. 611 N. Chal- ents' car as they were dllvmg on lane weal on Easter. And then there
Mr. and Mrs. Love recently VIS-
lotte st., Pottstown: Thelma Old Gulf Rd. Bryn Mawr.
CPL. JIM BEIRNE'S, 42. letter comes from Anchorage. Alaska, Glossman, clerk, Bryn Ma\H; He was taken to the Bryn Mawr Ited Sgt Thomas P. Love at Bat-
APO 942. Seattle. Jim lsn't too keen about "Sewald's Fol1~'." but you've Cora Helgeshelmer housewife. 412 Hospital where 12 stItches were tle Cleek.
been there only a few months, you may lIke It better later on. School St . North Wales: Jonathan taken m his chin. and 9 stitches
Home Renovated, Wedding, Fire, Burns RI e the chIcks and rabblLS and
baskets for the lit! Ie folk. Seems
odd thIS year to see chicks and
labblLs and Easter eggs made of
S/SGT. HORAC}: MacLEES, 37. APO 493. NY, IS fina)1v going
places. Now he's m Bmma He figures the people are at least 100
Contlflued on Page Two taken under hiS chm. Opens New Shop
The Kathlene Beauty Salon, -·-Everything Happens to B. M. Lawyer \\ ax. and by lookmg closer to find
the~' have wll'ks and are renlly

.Refuse G. O. P. Committeeman Request

formerly located at 3~ Levellng candles AnotllPr year -- and no
~-ears behmd IlS m til(.') States. He wrote hiS letter WIth a good bottle of chocolaLe Ea.<;ter eggs-but the war
American beer at hIS Side. Mill Rd . Cynwyd has moved to a
new location. the corner of Lev- EvelY til 111 II.' happened to Attor- firemen were at the house and in can't last forevel--and when Its
ermg Mill Rd., and Montgomery ney Jo~eph Harnson. Summit actIOn. over the chlldlen Will have all the
We sen l, MAJOR HARRY 1\1. RANDEl,. APO 520. NY. in Ital" the The roof and two upper fiOOIS metal tOYS. lubbel balls and Easter
address of LT. LARRY PARKER. The MAJOR corrected us and now
we contacted the LT. s fiancee. MISS Betty Wagner, and she says Lany
wants Han'Y's address. And that's that; thanks, Harl'Y, we've got Larry
To Use School For Political Purposes Ave., Cynwyd.
The new shop has been I edec- day.
orated and new eqUipment hM
also been added.
Grove Ave., Bryn Mawr, on Sun-
of the bUlldmg \\ ere badlY gutted eggs. a bountiful Amenca has al-
After putGmg the fimshing by fiames. smoke and water. m- ways plovlded *for * them.
touches on the lenovatlOn of Ius cludmg some of the newly pamt- •
at APO 758, NY. OK? , home for the weddmg of hiS cou- I'd and papel ed looms Evel yone seems busy clea.ning
Use of the Gladwvne Publ:c rector, who lives In the Wynnewood The weddmg was postponed un- up then' lawm. But don't you think
LT. W. S. o'StrLLJVAN. APO 220. NY, IS in India With a B-29 School for politICal purpOSes was Park Apartments. Wynnewood. Memorial Service sm fire bloke out and the wed-
dmR had to be pogtponed and tIl 4 P. M. it a httle eally to uncover the
outfit. He's seen it lot of Chl1la, OPlUm, rice. rickshas. poor coohes and de111ed to 01l0n Klme. Repubh- spoke UP when 811pelintendent DU- A memollal service Will be held tllen moved to hiS brothel's home. After Ii lla.sty read lustment of fio\\ 1'1 beds? Man~' annuals in my
rich mandarms as hiS tIme IS dIVided between the two countries. can committeeman. by the Lo\\H bOIS explamed Klme's request. Sunday, March 25. for PrIvate phms the nuptials wei I' trans- gaJden have lived throuRh the
Menon School Boald MondaY "We like Erwin very much," she George M Peters, of 205 Elm After the eel emony he retUined felled to the home of Harnson', Wmlel. and a lOSt or hght snow
lllght. said. "but I don't think the school home to find that fire had blOk-
SGT. ANTHONY R. STUMPO. APO 247. SF. IS somewhere in the TerIace. Narbel tho at the Presby- en out ap;al11. While figlltulll. the blother. Dr. ISlaI'I Hailison. 20 \\ould kill them If the\" were un-
Khne. who Is deputy tax collec- should be used for political pur- terian Church of Nal berth.
Mananas. He mIssed the NL whIch gave the LM-Radnor football score, tor of Lower Mellon Township and poses." fire hiS light hand was severely Lee Ave. Blvn Mawi. The offlel- CO\ ered Sevel'al p;al denel s told me
so here, It IS, SGT" LM 0, Radnor 27. Pvt. Peters was killed m action burned. at.l11g" clergyman was Chaplam they had planted fio\\ el1112 sweet
would like to be a candIdate for After dlscussinR the matter the in France on Febluary 5, 1945.
tax COllector of Lower Menon SchOOl Boal d l11structed Superin- For several wel'ks. Hllll'l"'On lla~ LOIHS Paills, U. S. A. who wa.~ a peas and Day 2al den pcas before st.
PVT. THOMAS G. SPEZZANO, '43, APO 512. NY, is in ILaly. He TownshIP and would like to be a tendent Dubois to inform the Re- had paperhangcrs. pamters and fellow student of the l}lldegloom Paluck's Thev say the earller
othel' wOlkmen at Ius home fixlnll; at the Umverslty of Pennsvlvama. yOIl plant gllrden peas thl' better
made a tnp to Vatican City, whele he saw and spoke to HIS Holiness. candidate for tax collector this publIcan committeeman that It
Pope PiUii XII. "Rome Is a great place. I slept m a bed With real Spnng. viSited the office of Super- was not the pollcY of the Board to
sheets. and,I'm 100kinR forward to my next t1'lP there." mtendent of Schools F. A. DuboiS a.llow their school bUIlding to be
Casualty Li~t it, up for the weddmg of hiS CoU-
81n. MISS Bertha Le111er. 1000 Lall- fore
Hallison left the ceremony be-
It "as Quite
ca.<;ter Ave.. Brvn 1\1awr. to David turn to Summit Grove Ave. On cessful.
completed to re-
your {'rop WIll be. Later crops of
peas 111 thiS chmate are not so suc-
Monday mormng. He said he used for pohtical purposes
Wounded GreenberR. Philadelphia manU- Ius retUln he found fiames all;a111 • • *
ALBERT W. ZILENZIGER. HA l/C. '44. FPO, SF, Is with the wAnted to use the school on Sat- One of the members suggested had bloken out 111 the 100f and Met Mr. and 1\1rs C D. Fawcett
Marines in the South Pacific. He's a medical man and hopes to go to urday afternoon, April 7, for the that KIl11e hold the Steubner re- Pvt. Norman H. Gebhardt. whose facturer. of 125 Wlncestel Rd. Merion.
one of the Navy School after retul'n1?g to the States. purpose of Introducing Malor Ed- ception III the Gladwyne Com- wift:, Mary, hves at 117 N. Essex Hall"lson wa.<; m the cellar when 1i1emen wple ealled agalll
Ave. Nalberth: in EUlope. a \)o~' l'tilled to advLw him IllS The filt' st:trtt>d. Illltilson bP- 'lhp1r IlPpllpw, Chall!'''' W. Perry
Will R. steubnel' to thl" eOlllll1llll- 11111l11tV Hall. Rltll I'd Slllllln\" Il1llllll11l( flom Kar-
~ CPL. CIIARI,ES RAINSFORD. APO 716. SF. somewhere in the ltV. MaiOI' Stell\1ner. '1'110 IS slill At tile slime time the BOllld llP- I"te. I"mnk A. Fa\\ Sl"U. son o[ 1l01l~t' \VIiS uu 111 e. TillS \\ as al h('\'('s. 11O11l a ~lJlllk 110m a hnl'1:- aehl 1 III IIII MI. 131'11\ IS clue! en-
uoon. et Ii dav slove willch iHlllled the
South Pacific, is certlllll the Army acts strangely and 111 WIlVS not ea:w in the Army. waR picl;ed by a PI'oved a request of Conrad Barker MIS. Ann F'awcett, of 115 MerIOn
HarrISon dashed from the cel- wooden shllwles. ' gl1Jper 01 the Kal achi office of
to comprehend, 'for they'v. ma.de me a corporal." He wrote his ~tter Gladwyne's group of Klme's followers to be to hold an ll1ustrated lecture for Ave.. Narberth: in Europe. It was on Nov. 27 last veal' that Standard Vucuum 011 Company.
next commIssioner at the beneftt of the Gladwyne Fire Pl'Illoner of Germany lar to the yard found smoke pour-
in such a gale it was hard to keep hold of the paper. a meetmg two weeks ago at the Association in the school. S/Sgt, Norman B1'llce GIU, ing from the wooden shingle roof. fire bloke ont in the Mclntvi e He left KlllRell1 WednesdaY niRht.
Dove Lake bome of Howard Long- The Board approved a request of wll0se Wife, Ja.ne, llves at 219 Nar- He caUed the Brvn Mawr File aalnage Building. BI:vn Mawr: causing all ivinR hel e Sunday. flying nine
Hello CPL. B. S. LEE. APO 460. NY. Here's hoping you like India streth. to Harrtson's law office thousand mIles m four daYs, to
the Penn Wynne Recreational As- berth Ave.. Narberth. has been 1'1'- Company but two neillhbors, To add to hiS tl oUbles. Hal ri- the tune of a one W8,' fare of $1,-
by this time: KlIne told Superintendent Du- soeiatlon for the use of the Penn port.ed a prisoner of Germany. The George Gane and Harvey Wil- son
boll'! that the IZRthcring would be Wynne School lIrounds this Sum- son of Mrs. M. A, Glll. of 18 Elm- liams. the latter an Investigator ill suffel ed R seriouslY burned 041.12.
DICK DIBATISTA. '38, Naval Hospital, PhiladelphIa. IS on the orderlY and only cocoa cola and mer for softball Also 8 request of wood Ave.• Narberth. Sgt. Glll was the Inheritance Tax Office hel e. r1lzht hand. sllstamed when he at- • • •
staff as a Physical Instructor, and, of course, the two-time intercol- "hot dogs" would be served. the Athenians to use the Academy previouslY reported mls.sing in had put calls in before he did. tempted to rll.1Se a. trap door 111 The \'oluntarv contrib'Jtlona te
Continued on Pet(Je Two J
Continued on Page Two Mrs. J. C. ~ellets, Jr.. school dl- Building on AnrU 9 for a m~etinR. France since November. When he hung up the reoeiver the the roof.
'- t \
I' I"







WAN ~T~'P ,
"'-slrl\ble Rome. come In & See Us.

'T I) DR0 S .
h customers.
AMemorial For Our Gallant Dead
This neighborhood has had continuous occasion to moum its
of Seat.ed LAnd In the County of Mont.
gomery. pennsylvania for taxes due
thereon 10r the yea". 1939 and 1940
• n'd prior years.
~ O""')..
~ , ARBI<:ltTII
39 N~t~RBERTR, FA.

war-loss. So far our Gold Stars. on the basis of ratio. are twice those By vIrtue of sundry Acts of the arberth 2202
General Assembly of the Commonwealth rhQne N
of the cit~··s average. There will be more, but higher hop~ can lie in of Penllsylyanla, relating t.o tne sale
the co'nviction that the conclusion <inboth theaters) is a matter of of seated land In the CbUllty of Mont·
months as compared to the years that collected the sad toll which gom"ry, etc.. for taxes due and un-
paId. I Will offer at public sale at the
now distresses us. . Court House. III the Borough ot Nor-
In addition to Marl/aret Dempster. a Navy nurse who died of na- rIstown, PennsYlvania. all APril 18th,
tural callses \\'hlle on duty in California. the foHowing young men 1945, at. 10 o'clock A. M.. the toIlowlng
described pieces of land In saId Coun-
from this ,c;ertion ad om the list of thr~ gallant dead: ty. or such part thereof as msy be
Frank A. Bonner, Jr. Richard A. Ebersole nece"".ry to sat.tsfy t.he a mOll Ill. of
taxe... due and unpaid agaInst. same
Robert T. Burke
John A. Burns
Charles D. Heckel
William C. Hook, Jr.
and conttnue the sale from day to da)'
as the aame may be found necessary. T.t.t Ca:I., Be
JUl\tin A. Casavecchia James B. Mackenzie, Jr. TERMS OF SALE
Samuel J. Clevenger, 3rd
John T. Clements
Allan C. Munro
George Peters
·Sle•• der I
Robert A. Compton, Jr. Joseph J. Timothy Red~ce the carefree and easy way.
Willard Davis Robert J. Timothy Place yourself in our expert care.
Jobn J. Dixon James E. Tolan, 3rd.
Our wounded also provide. an impressive total nor should we for- We offer you every scientific facility
get the local lads who have been taken by the enemy and who are to get rid of excess weight quickly,. •
now suffering the privations of prison camps.
Thus has War made it.'> deep mark on this little town and on all pleasantly, heathfuJly,
the towns throughout the land.
for • PLANNED EXERCISES and help-
fUl suggestions with each course.

About one of five of the active

5:~.OOO nurses In the country is
serving with the armed forces.
All Medical Needs


Lancaster Oounly 126 COULTER AVE., ARDMORE
Fresh Killed At Narberth Station OPEN EVENINGS
Phone ARDMORE 4120

Also Full Line Of

125 N. Narberth Ave.

, ,
And Other Types
Of Permanents


Bryn Mawr Women Norristown; Jean S. Bover. house-

(O.T, 3 '15)
He has, is, and will do his
We must see to it that he

Continuer! /rom Paoe 1

wife': 224 E. Pomanee st .. Nonls-
t.own: Neva M. Farris. housewife,
duty to save us, our liberty, has as much aid and com- •
S. Hlllegass. ret.lred, 426 West St., Colonial Vlllal!:e: Grace Klndill, and our country, from dan- fort as we can give him.
hOllse'Yife. 38 Hartranft Ave., Nor- •
Pottstown: Mary A. Kulp. house- ristown: John F. Kulo. retired. ger, even at the cost of his Let us do our duty as fully
Wife. 216 Lincoln Ave:, Telford:
Ellen M. Lachman, housewife,
1022 Rambler Ave.. Pottstown:
326 Railroad Ave.. Souderton. and
Rachel D. Yoder. housewife. Er-
life. • I as we are able!
Catherine McFadden, hou!'ekeep-
er, 1421f.z W. Airy St.. Norristown: Twp. CO-Op. Assn. MUSIC
Heloise Mitchell, houseWife. Bryn
Mawr: Kathryn Mosel'. housewife,
Norristown R. D. 2: William Rob-
To Show Pictures HATH CHARMS Hove You Bong·ltt Your Share?
JURt in-large stock of
inson, retired, Willow Grove: Hel-
· en Schneider. hOllsewlfe. Elkins
A moving plcttlli:! entitled "Men
of Rochdale" will featllre the popular and classical rec- •
Park: JUlia Sturges, housewife.
1107- Belleview Ave.. Pottstown:
· Lillie' Tomlinson. housewife, WH-
Uleetlng of the Haverford Town-
ship Cooperative Association 1;0
be held In the Manoa Public
ords including the world'.
greatest artists and or- N'B.-be.-th Ele~. & Kallio Co. •
· low Grove. School, Wednesday, March 28th Forrest & Haverford Aves.
Mambal's of the orlll"illal PAnel
of 24 jurors who were excused by
Judre Corson are: John J. Mar-
at 8 P. M.
The 1Um \\'111 porlray the back-
ground and de~lopmeh~ of the
Merion 05Z0
Narberth, Pa.

tin, clerk. BaJa-Cynwyd: Lillian consumer-cooperative m(r:emetlt. •
Bacchi. bousew1f!!, 83~ Arcb St.. All are welcome to attend.
~; ,
March 22, 1945. outbr~ak of war. He wUI return

r.l ~,!!,
;. ._j!i<~,
. }(( p~:J ~;t~mbers .~~~r:~:?G~~lM:i~~;J:~~~i,;~!:.J~f~;~}:~N;~~':~
to the Canal Zone after several ,

.•.., Junior Club months. His Wife Is staY1nIWith

his parents for the present.
" . To Hear Talk ~_
Peter Campbell. son of Mr. and
The Rev. ,and Mrs. Bryant M. , 1 1 0 ' "
"cuss.on 930 Montgomery Ave.• Narberth.
A 'girl. born MII,rch 19. to Mr.
A girl, born March 6. to Mr. IUld h
Pork and lamb liver are as val-
uable nutritionally as calf and
Mrs. Georlte T. Pew. of Laurel been home recently on a 24- our beef liver.
Healthy Liver

II On Silver Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell, of 518

Kirkland. who r,ecently t M moved ' and· Mrs. Raymond
Montgomery Rucci. of
Court. Narberth. Lane. Haverford.
A girl. bol'l1 March 8. to Mr. and pass. II ....
Enroute to F01't Leavenworth. Quick Vegetable Cooking .
--- ----
Merwyn Rd .. Narberth. celebrated
from S. Narberth Ave. 0 erwyn, Mrs. R. P. Wetherald A girl. born March 16. to MI'. Mrs. Georg-e Browning, of 320 Kansas. Major Ovalle has iust re- -Cook vep;etables QuicklY in as
• Meeting to Be Held his fifth birthday recently at a
Rd., entertained Mr. and Mrs.
party at his home.
George B. Supplee, Mr. and Mrs. 1
t W'll S k Ab'
pea ou
and Mrs. Samuel Cleveland, of 205
Upland .Rd.• Merion.
Cherry Bend, Merion. I
turned from the Canal Zone little water as possible.
A boy. bol'll March 7; to Mr. a.nd I where he was stationed since the
April 5; To Hear The guests included: Sandy and
Howard V. Nold, and Mr. and Mrs. Dumbarton Oakes A boy. born March 16. to Mr. 'Mrs; Leroy Gibbs. of 203 Green-I
• New Compositions Mary Strickler, Danny Thomas.
Harry Simpson at 'dinner MondaY
T . B
and Mrs. James Beggs. of H9,Ken-
ilworth Rd.• Merion.
field Ave.• Ardmore.
A boy. born March 18. to Mr.
The Welfare group of the Nar- Susan Brown, ommy
evemng. en-y, Mrs. Naaman Keyser, of Ply- A boy. born March 16. ~o Mr. and Mrs. DaVid Wilson.of 426 Old 25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Paper)
• berth ,Junior Women's Club. will Scott Cornelius. Jimmie Hemple. • • .' mouth Meeting,' spoke at the and Mrs. James Beg-gs, of 119 Lane. Haverford. $1.40 FOR FOUR PAPERS
have charge of the next general Nancy and Judy Norcross. Susan
Lt. John C. Heymann, stationed ",meeting of the Woman's Com- Kenilworth Rd.• Merion. - '- - - - - - -
club meeUng. to b~ held at the Humphreys. an~ Ju~lth Cowl~s.
at Robbins Field. Warner Robbins. munlty Club of Narberth. held A boy. born March '16. to Mr. ECOnOml'cS Class OUR TOWN, BALA·CYNWYD & MERION NEWS
Community Buildinp;. April 5. Mrs. of New York. a COUSin of Peter s.
Go. spent four days this week I March 20. Her subject was, "Penn- a_ld Mrs. Nolan Mortney. of 820
" Hulme S. Brown, will be chair-
Mary ElizabeOth \Vr~ght. daugh-
with his parents Mr and Mrs sylvania Dutch Arts and Crafts."
'" .. HosteSStas at the meeting were
Montgomery Ave.. Narberth.
A boy.' born March 12. tQ Mr.
The Henry George School of You mAY MOnd monsy order. ItAmPA or J)t'rllOnAI check. Addreu all
The speaker will b.e Miss Elaine tel' of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Edward W. Heymann, 530 Ott Rd., Mrs. Edgar Cockrill and Mrs. C. and Mrs. Frank Rutty. of 809 CUf- Social Science will give a fr~e 10- communication. to Lower MerIon NewlPapers. Ardmore, pa,
Wright. entertained
Cooper. from the Cooper Jewelry Merion. of 11 Hampton Janet Ave..
Hill. cynwy. d H'15 we·if an d c h'ld
I l'en J • Du rnee. 1 Mrs. A. C. J ones an d ford Ave.. Ardmore. week course In fundamental eco-
Store in Philadelphia. and will Joan Robb, Susan' Humphreys, will spend some time with the Mrs. R. W. PhllJlps were at the A girl,- born March 12. to Mr. (Spec.lal Monthly Rata)
nomics at the Y. M. C. A.• 116 W.
'. use liS her sUbj.~ct. "Our Treas- P t C b II S C b II H f il tea table. and Mrs. Wi1liam Schaefer. of 65 Lancaster Ave.. Ardmore. beg-in-
ured Sterling Silver." She will ex- a~derJu~mf ~o~vle~~a~ h~Pfiful eymann am;'y'. •
Mrs. Joseph Miller announced W. Princeton Rd.. Cynwyd. ninR' Tuesday. April 10, from 8 to
plain how the customs and times birthday party. held last Satur- The FeJlowship Committee of, that a dessert luncheon and A boy. born March 12. to Mr. 10 P. M. , Ardmore 5720 GREenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600
• affected the different silver pat- da:v.
terns. Club members alia urged to • 0 •
the Narberth Community Club. of \bl'idge would be held April 11 at
which Mrs. R. W. Phillips is th.e club rooms, at 1 P. M.,
and Mrs. Edward McBride. of 158
St. Paul's Rd .. Ardmore.
The class will attempt to R'ive an
understandinp; of economic prin-
I .
bring IIny of their treasured pieces Nancy and Gwen Hunsicker. chairman held the last luncheon Mrs. Samuel J. McCartney ex- A boy, born March 15. to Mr. ciples whic.h ~nderlie the SOlution HELP WANTED-MALE PIANOS
of 'silver and have Miss Cooper daughters of Mrs. M. K. Hun- and bridge of the season at the tended an Invitation to aJl club and Mrs. George SulUvan. of 110
sicker, of 221 Es.~ex Ave.. Nar- home of Mrs. H. C. Middleton, Jr., ,members and their husbands to
of post-war Ploblems. REAL ESTATE SAI.-sMAN - If yoU Grands &: UDrllbta
identifY t h e m . ' Gray's Lane. Haverford.
an~ ~~~s. ~~r~aZf~i~~: ~t fJ1 e
r I QuIck Removal

~~~n_~.--~n-.o •••' really want .to make monf!Y in this IIO{;GRT Pair PrIce.
Mrs. Suzanne Joret GiJI, of berth. left this week to visit their president of the Club. 5 Shirley I hear Mrs. Robert P. Wetherald, t scth'e market we can usc YOU, provided PIANOS
Courteous Mell
yl)ur not the type that likes to sit

NIl1'berth. will introduce a new grandmother in Allentown. over Rd .. on Thursday, March 22, at lof Penn VaJley, discuss the Dum- Wynnewood Park Apts.• Wynne-
song which shoa composed and the Easter holidaYS. one o'clock • barton Oakes plan at Mrs. Mc- wood. I
around an office. and, realize to make
a Sale YOU mUAt lI8k someone to buy.
" MI's. Ed"'al'd
" Nunn, a club • • • . •• Cartney's
A N behome.
th 495
6 A boy. born March 11. to Mr. and Main Line Office, where Real ERtate CAREFUL 5846 Market It.,
'I Phna.

• member, will also introduce a new Mrs. Rudolph Volger, will en- The Project Committee. of ve., ar I' • on p r l . Mrs. Arthur Lyon-Vaiden. of Hav- sells 12 montlnl every year. Comml.- PIANO MOVING OR OALL
song of her own composition. tertaln a !troup of friends at her which Mrs. joseph Miller is chair- ----.--.-- - erford Gables. Haverford. slon basis. Car essential. Experience not All. 7.:10 Wen 5114

necessarY. Give two rererences and 1n- E,enlngl Gra. UP
A baliI'd meeting was held at home. 590 HanseH Rd .. Wynne- man. will entertain at a dessert Lean far Pralein A girl, born March 11, to Mr. i formatIon about yourself. P. O. Box
• the home of the president. Mrs. wood. on Saturday evening. to luncheon and bridge with door
FrederiCk M. Robb. Jr.. Wednes- discuss "Pressing Problems."
When buying meat remember
prizes. on April 11 at the Com- that it is the lean that counts for
and' Mrs. John Trainer. of 236
Woodbine Ave.. Narberth.
day ,~vening. The Book Club met
YOU ARE 45 OR OVER. and arc
".....:.----------=------------ I
•• • • munity Room on Windsor Ave. protein Ilnd vlt.amlns. . A boy. born March 8. to MI'. and to have .. bushleKs or your Window Shades-Venstlan 81lnda
• :..;:".:....:--~-.:-..-...... I own ror these war days and for the LInoleum
at. t,he home of Mrs. Robert Rum-
f . 'd la t w k Mrs
Mrs. Charles Raser. 30 Wood-
Hjalmar Iside Ave.. has r,aturned to her
• ••
Mrs. E. H. Hausser. of SCllm-
;~eit a;d M~;.·Robert, Rumford h,ome from Bryn Mawr Hospital: ton. visited. her daughter o~~oo~
• I I
.. peace
we wliJdays'
send0 you
t come. wr l te us td ay a
ROme rother 0astonlsh-
1015-1017 Lancaster Av·.,
B-n ...-
• ~ , Ing facts which wliJ show you what so _...:Pc.:h:..:o:::n~e_· .::B:..:ry::.:n::-:M=aw::cr~I~12~0..:o~r~1l~2:.:.1_
'J ","D

• gave reviews of the life and works \\ here she has been a patient fOI IB. Bel!. JI.. of 507 H
I. .
many other men arc dolJl~ In varioUS UPHOLSTERING
of Elizabeth and Robert Brown- the past three weeks. Ave .. Narberth last week. ! , p•.rts of the U. S. and how you can get
e , started ImmedIately. whether you have ---------~-..::..---
I money or not. Just send lettor or post- UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIlUNo-
• ing.
Club 16 met at the home of , ton. Colorado.
I card to Dept. 141. R. C. BUlldln~, Little- Sprlnlrlt of three-pIece IIUlti repairllll.
110.00; chaIrs recovered, 15.00. 00
e Anywhere. Call LEWIS Warne 14M
Mrs. Louis Getzow, with Mrs.
Harry Davis as assistant hosWss. HELP WANTED-FEMALE 227 East Lancaster Avenue. Wa1l\e.
• The Welfare group met at the , WOMEN and MEN: no experience nec- SEWING
homl'! 0[ Mr~. Hulme S. Brown. and
•.y i

di~cussed plans for the following (Formerly Past~r of Arch Street Church) CI~aJ1J·J.g j m:~~~~y; g}ll t.1.~~r~:a.parltn~.~meCI~W~~ LEARN
decorations. Alsodressmaking
SEWING. & home

• ... ~ • P M 3020 button holea anll
• meeting. , HeIghts. a.. adlson. alteratIons. CaH HtlItop 0495-J.
Will Speak at'
()c:::>()c:::>()<:;::>()<:::;;>()<:::;;>()<:::::> •


We are known
careful handling
cate fabrics and
for our
of deli-
APARTMENT or house, furnIshed. by CAMERAS. AccessorIes. Large selectIon
• i Army orrlcer, wire and 2 daulthters.
16mm sound motion pIctures for rent
Convenient to transportation and ShOP-jIOW as 25c reel. Order IRmp~. scroenR:
pIng, Call Lt. Gilmore. SRratoga. 3232, accessories. Castle 8 or 16mm ftlm. Kunz
Rev. Frank Duncombe, Minister I
By .. yet our charges are eco- I ext. 12 Motion Picture ServIce 1319 VIne
e i
IMMEQ!ATELY, rent or sublet furnish- Street. Philadelphia 7. •
DAVID MALICKSON at Eight O'Clock · ,
nomicaI. You can always • I cd 01' unfurnished apartment or I MOHOGANY flat-top desk and chaIr.
I , 'llOuse. Adult COl,,pIe. civilians. no Chlt-
depend on us for quality • 1dren or pets. Write J. S. Ben, 117 Wood- j 244I-W.
Good condItion, 820. CRIl Hilltop

Senior Play
I Kide Ave.. Narberth.
, I' - - - . - - - - . - - ..- Pa. ----::--:-:::::--::-:---...,,---,---:-:--,.-=--
I PRE-WAR Maple crib 125 TAYlor Tnt
RESIDENT or Oakmont wishes 4 or 5-1 54. Call HJlltop 6884: .
I_ i
An est.imated 1200 persons at- and e, Our 22 em's ofr e,l ship ror wife and 12 year old daughter. 2 METAL llnk springs :for- tWin
room apartment In Haverford Town- ------
beds, 17.
tl'nded the Senior Class produc- \
, Experiellce Spells HllItop 6890-J. ~e=--:::II:.cI:..:I1:cto:.::p:-:.:42:.:7::.6:... - - - - - - -
tion of "TIle Man Who Came to
Dinner". presented in the High
School Ruditorium on the evenings.
GOOD FRIDA Y ,•" R - ELI A B I LIT Y •'Unrurnlshed
- • - - - - • - -
YOUNGbUslncss man and wIre desire
4-roQm apartment. !lrst or second !It',
Narberth vIcinIty. Write P. WAR VE:I'ERAN Buy. FurnIture. new.
of March 16 and 17. • O. Box 350 A. Ardmore. Pa. u..d and antIQues. WashIng & sp.wlm:
James Austin supported by an i RECONDITIONING 'FAMILY or 3 d..perately need furnlsh-, Machines. PlanaR. anythlnJC Elect,rlcel.
ably directed cast ,gave a. splendid PALM SUNDAY GO'OD' FRIDAY ! ,. cd apartment or house. Permanent. F.sthers. Hair. Bric-a-Brac, SIl,'er. BraM.
& Coppel'ware, Marble Furniture., ruJl,~.
impersonation of Sheridan Whit- 1\,00 Th. Triumph nf Chrht REMODELING • Ardmore 3160. Fred C. smlt.h.' Paintings. Jewelry. I'll BuY from At.tlc
Three~HourServf('e 12'to 3 , CARS WANTED-29-35. nO dealers. Hill- to Basement. COLEMAN. 907 N. 7th at..
side. Other than an uncoopera-
tiVE' false mustach on SaturdaY
4.00 I1rnadca~t. I11.hnp Cnr~nn
nn WDAS Seven Words- it REPAIRING e
toP 3356-M. I
Phlla .. 23. LOMbard 9332.
night. all acts progressed smooth- 4.30 Ve.per.. Sermnn hY Pao- Seven Ministers ,e old china. wonted - Furnlturei IlNJ'llIl.
ly and properties were just where
needed at the right time. The
orchestra directed bY Dr. Bruce
tnr on WDAS
A number of posItIons are now open to ambitious
excel1ent communities at at.
tractIve prIces.
vases. brIe-a-brae.
copper and brass. If you have anythlnl
old. call Bryn Mawr 2324.
C. Beach played t.he "GyPSY Trail
I EASTER SUNDAY young ",,'omen. They are jobs in which you·will be can· ii Par Sale or Rent. St. Matthew's Church. Call HJlltop 10111
Overture" before the first curtain
was raised and durinJ< intermission
rendered selections from the 11 :Oo--GlorioulI Easter Service
tributing to the war·effort. They are jobs with good

31:1 Montllr.merY Avenue. CynwYd.
MAIN LINE. Let me knoW :/our reQuire-
Sell :l'ollr CRr III (·PI"r Darb,. Wh"...
"Merry Widow." pay ••• regular i"creases • ',' and many opportunities ~ NDDYER S
CLEANE R S A ",. gomery
ments E. A. Clarke.
AI'e. (West orRealtor. 719 Mont-
MeetiDl/; House I.OIT oTerh.n~ 1.1. H 10 :- ....",1.
m. PR,. top ••• h )lrt ....
4:0o--Eallter Broadcast Over WIBG and WDAS'
Stage. managers for the perfor-I
mancl' mcluded: Sara MacGoni-
gal. James Roney; Stage Crew.
Bill Dilks. Marshall Joynes. Bill
Humphries. Duane Hendricks. Carl
4 :3O--Radio Service Broadcast Over WDAS '

Excellent Bible School (Every Sunday 9.45) and )\len',; Clas,;

to advance. You earn as you learn.

There is a real FUTURE, too, in these jobs.

102 Forrest Ave.. Narbert.h
228 Ba.la Ave., Cynwyd
Lane), Merion. Pa,. Cynw)'d 3300-3301,
Trinity 0660.
))IIIM a hnll .. t' for f"J.trn~. Any milk" nr
",,,,h·1 Hl:l'! to tlH·!. RII",or per.l.t. thot
npW <ftr, will h. m.de . . .oon •• G.r-
i nu'"Y r"',,. a11I1 )'011 know wh.t thAt ..Ill
dn to u•• d rnr I'rl,·••. !jell now.
LLANERCH-F'Urnlshed two rooms and TO
MacIlroy; Properties. Nora Cleav-
Bell Telephone offers positions in which you ..,iIl be CYNWYD 0928 ,prll'ate bath. non-hOl1sekeepln~. Gen- PAUL L. BRIS R
er. Nancy Markle. Betty Watson.
l :l;~~antr~D~~er~endd ~~~r. ~l~g~e t'illd~g~ '~G I~Ob' ~

Betty Jacksoll. Pearl Keller. Bet- , MORTOuR 81 lInn

working in a clean, safe, and pleasant atmosphere. No .:"~~I...o.-.o.....,....).-.o.-..n. . .n....(-:. 1088-3. lOll; 1. r.rrett. d. , ftr y. To. '
sy Wilbur: Set Decoration. Betty ~~';~i~':7,.,;\1("",~~~-;::.
HUi.ton; Prompters. Jean Tyrrell, • ~~LONCAS' THEA,fMYA/ilDNAV..-
experience is necessary. 'Friendly supervisors train you
Miriam Sweeney: Stenographer. '~e. i~~~~~:I1~'/:,':::,g:~~;~·
Bernice Uberman: Choral Direc- .; eQVIPMENT; YNE/il WILL BE A and are always ready to lend assistance. Quiet rest·
tion. John Raymond. Mrs. Eleanor · WAITINCLIGr~HOMErELEPHONl
Shute: Make-up. Gordon Miller: A /JETTER RCA">N ."
. rooms offer comfort and relaxation. You may choose
Assistants. Ann Seldeman. Connie
Kern. Amelia Gran: Costumes. from a variety of inte~sting jobs.
Van Horn Co.: P,·oRTam. Betty
Abernathy. Ninita Barkman: Ush- Make arrangements to drop in-real soon-and learn'
ers. Phyllis Leavell. Ann Wilkin-
son. Pearl Keller. Joyce Bust.eed. .11 about these opportunities. An interviewer is ready
Betty Jackson. Ruth Heideman,
Alke Chesterman. ShirleY Rau.
Barbara Welsh. DOt Johnson. Bet-
t" Wat.~on. Virginnia Murphy.
Barbara Benedict. Mary Baily.
Wllll., ACIil'IT'C"L WA,a"""TS'R1AL. TIolE 601:
to answer all your questions. Visit any of these offices:

45 An~rson Avenue, Ardmore

Termite - Rodent Control
Bothp.l·ed With Household Pests? Call the one,
SURE AnsweI·.- Phone us for quick action.
How to Make
LeArn thl. Inlne.tlnl': art,
Betty Rodg-ers. Audrey Donning- Confidential Service-No signs on Our Trucks. t.hen make them at home.
ton. -LONG TOM':- ILA;'TINC uNli'rl:N T-'QGETl: A.l;~
1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia Regular monthly service. Call me TODAY.

Omitted from the program were AqTILLIRVM.t.I'l'~ 'R,ADIO
TELEPHONE: -SWITCH&OA.'Rtf. Room 315, McClatchy Building Classes Forming NOWI
the names of William Thompson. USING IT' 10 CH"NNEL", HE CQNt'[CTli TH[ (69th. Market Stl., Upp.r Darby)
eXpressman:' and Samuel Edger- AIRPL.AN[$ -1'HI..,. WITH B"TTfQV-COMM"NOIA~ PHONES: WAI,NUT 3S66 CYNWYD .3372 RACE 2344
ton. radio techinician. 'WHO ll'oCUI HEAVY rlRl:apOWIA 57.59 E. Penn St., Norristown
Charles J. Hutton announced , ON TN" a.O",v. ~
Monday that the proceeds from 410 York Road, Jenkintown
the pla:v amounted to approxi-
mately $700. This amount will be
divided among all those students
or call Enterprise 10100
who sold tickets. These salesmen
will receive a pro rata share of
Please bring along your birth-certificate or other proof Repaired RADIO REPAIRS
the $700. The commission they of citizenship. BrlnJC your radio to be
repaired. You SAVE
receive will be attributed to the
co!'t of their cap .and Il,'own and
W(WA.~~ (1'1 ..1) ~l.IC~ T!L(PHON[l).
money and iet MUCH
,<ulcker sen·lce.
Also Electrical
yearbook. Mr. Hutton hopes that , A. nASON T ..lv WUl SIAR,HING tro.,
when all the money is accounted ~
'.. 'JUST ~oo ..,,,.oc FIIoM POLo'CIl M(A'D-
THE BELL TELEPHONE COM;PANY Of PENNSYLVANIA 35 Y cars Experience We i'Uarantee all Installa-
tions work arid service on
for from the ticket sales. the 50-
Hcitors will be able to receive from
jjA Friendly Place to Work" DEVANEY all makes of radios and
twenty to twenty-five cents on Till lEU TELEPHONE COMPANY OF /ENNrYlVANI4 ..216 S. 60TH ST. every type of electrical
every ticket they sold.
Bowling Tourney • • PHILADELPHIA
oPp. Imperial Theatre appliance.
All students interested in en-
terinll: the annual suburban Open
Bowling- tournament to be held at
• All. 8125
Joseph F. Barbieri
the Ardmore Bowling Alleys on 321 Hampden Rd.
April 7. should contact John D. Upper Darby Blvd. 7933
Ra:vmond for entrance blanks.
Members of the Boys Bowlinll:

PTe Jobs Offer-

team numberinll,' 36 memberships
will complete a.~ well as any other
L. M. students. Groups will bowl SIDING! Wall an'd Mant.I, lIIade to Order
and Itesilvered. Made From
at 9 A. M .. 11 A. M .. 1 P. M .. 3
P. M .. 5 P. M .. and 7 P. M. The
GenuIne pittsbur~h Plale Giasi.
entry fee of $1 is payable at time Remodeled and Resllvered For silverware. old china.
of bowling Highest 24 three game SKILLED MI:N-
jewelry, crystal chandellere

totals will become the semi-final- RELIABLE WORK:.
and new or old furniture.
ists and the twelve highest three
game totals of the semi-finals will
compete for first place. Semi-fina.!
and final matches will be held on
SECURITY Get Our Estimate

H. L. YOUNG I GO. Glass Shop

Estates Purchased

April 14. The foul' highest 6 !tame

totals of the semi-finalists and ADVANCEMENT 17 MYRTLE Aft.
Chatham VlIlllie. Upper Dll1'b,.
7315 West Chester Pike
Boulevard 3082
finalists will be declared the in- Granite 7020 HlIltop 2384 5839 'Larchwood Ave.
dividual winners and will be eli-
Phone Sherwood 5639

gible for the 1st. 2nd. 3rd and

4th pJace prizes. A trophy will
be given to the school that the Harlen J. Tritsch, now in his 27th year with us, has an inter-
winner represents. Upper Darby
High ha.~ this trophy at the pres-
ent time. Individual gold and sil-
ver bowling balls wilJ be given to
esting/ and important job. As a Supervisor, he checks on the
movement of street cars, is on the alert to prevent threuened Grandfather
the four highest finalists.
Because of Schoolman's week
traffic jams, and to straighten out other emergencies that
in his territory. In a few words-he keepa the whee/a ro/JinA!
Clocks Repaired TYPEWRITERS
there will be half day sessions on
March 23 and 24. . . Students
readinll,' the book The Tale of Two
But there are other things about PTe work that he likes. He
has worked steadily through depressions when employes by the
As well as English, French and Swiss
Clocks. Clocks called for and deliv-
Cities mill,'ht be interested to hear Turn f your unused
the radio adaptation over radio ered. Estimates given and all work
thousands were being laid off in many other kinds of work. He l;vppwl"itl"r Into money.
station WCAU this Monday eve-
knows that his job offers ~ecurity to a high degree, because
, guaranteed. , W p pay lop prices, allJ'
ninp; at' 9 P. M. •

Main Line Stores

To Close Good Frid~y
transportation is a business that' goes on and on with little
fluctuation in the number of employes needed.
(Formerly With Riggs & BI'other)

GArrett Rd.
Also, Mr. Tritsch has found there il plenty of room for 232 BALA AVE., CYNWYD, P A. 7020 W.
Thl' majoriLy of Main Line Cynwyd 3250 Boulevard lJU
stores will observe Good Frida:v i
advancement in his chosen work.
by closing for the three hour period
between 12 noon and 3 P. M. on If you're thinking about tomorrow-think of PTe.
Friday. March 30.
Chain stores. as well as the small
stores. the motion picture houses.
tap rooms, restaurant.'l, drug stores,
We make a specialty of
and rl'tall storl's, all will close dur-
Home regular mimeographing and
inR this period. .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • 4
mailing servil'e for cluba,

The Philadelphia Transportation For Eldprly Persons
Company. will stop every trolle, Ared and Clu'ouic Insl,ilutions. cl1l1rcbes and
car and subway for.JJne Dllnute of Uuil'lt Itetllol'al buslnI'5l'i1'!l. We also do the
NUMEROUS GOOD JOBS availabl. wi,h PTe. ~'air l'rh·f. Wbel'e Kind Care l" a
prayf'l'. beginning at 2.59 P. M. It Courleous l\Ien Primary Consideration finest mnltl!Jl'Bphlng.
Also Planu Mavin.
is f'xpf'cted that the Yellow Taxi-
cob Company will follow suit.
Steady employmen', Apply 820 W. Dauphin S" ••,. Write Good Food Spacious Grounds
24-Ur. Nllrslnr Licenlled
It Is estimated that while high-
er educaUon Iluffered a loss of
1ellS than 1/10 of one per cent
dUJ:'1,ng World War I, It hall lost
more than 60 per cent durinJ the
pruent, war.

, ·'''V}:r·:';~~L~~~;!;;.;;,;.,,~\i.; ,;,\.j;,;,>"""""".,:",'",, ·,~i:,,;:~:,\.JIi'~' :, '··"':"""i::·l~L

... P. HUGHES &: SON
$U6 'l\ial'ket st.
. or caU
Evenl n •• GS"t.
A.LL. 74$0 - West 51" •
Convalescent Home
Barinl' 1875 or 9326
Letter Shop.
6116 l\luket lit.. Upper Darb,
BITd. 30..
, -~ , "., -.
turned over to a Derosh Memorial · 'rdmore Trl·Umphs
A •
Central Y, 33-29, last Thursday

,: . . . ,. CENE INarberth on Spot

OFF TO FLYING START Kiwanis 'PaSsers Fund being raised by a Clifton
Heights citizens committee. • In Girls' Cour.t Loop
at the Kendrick Recreation Cen-
tel'. Roxborough, '
Misll Riley led Ardmore with 13

~;~',,~" . .- _:-- In Title Series Defeat All-Stars

. G,F,P,
DanlelJl. t 3 1 7
Kramer, t 6 5 17
Harman, t 4 0 8
Rullo, t 3 2 8
Ardmore's girls basketball team
scored it.o; llecond victory In four
starts In the Phlladelphla Subur-
Ipoints. while the other two for-
wards, T. McClatcheY and Cav-
ery, divided 20 points between
, Rauch, { 3 3 9 Law. ! 2 0 4 ban Girls LeB.ltue when it downed them, •
. Here's hearty congrRtulatlo~ to
Coach ElJis Dwyer and his teIl'ific
little battlers from Radnor High
I C 03tesvielle
Phil Harman Tallies
BenJamln,·{ 1 0
Cello, c
McVeigh. c 5 1
Keeth, It
Smith, g
3 0
3 1
2 Logan, {
6 Joyce. c
0 1 1
9 I 19
11 Hermnn, g 2 3! 7
7 SUitor, g 2 2 6
4 O'Nell, g 3 I 7

~: School for as grand and glorious
a showing as any school could
Four Field Goals H'amkl, g 2 0
2 0
25 10 60
- - - Totals
hope to make in athletics.
Borough Five Needs In Memorial Game Totals 28 11 87 •
• • • Halftime
Klwanl.. score-Phlla.
All-Stars, All-Stars,
28. Ol\'lclals 32;· j:-:~~~:~.
- Klein
It'll elTer remain a mystery as
to how that little gang ever did Victory Friday to Members of the Narberth Main and Mattis.
Line League team and Phil Har- •
. It. but It's down there in the rec-
ords .for keeps that Radnor, not Stay in Running man: Penn star. played on an all-
even figured to win its openln,.
If the Narberth Lep;ion ba.~ket­
star team Tuesday that helped •
game In District One, marched all honor the memory of Ted Dor-
the way to the Eastern finals be- ball team expects to win the Main \
fore bowing out of the State PIAA Line League championship it Will, osh, former Clifton Heights High
basketball tournament.
• • • have to break the jinx at Coates-
Now that Radnor has gotten ville-and there is no better time
School star who was kllJed In ac-
tion recently. O,Ter ~oo
They were oPPQsed by the Ki-, •
the taste of state tournamellt to start than this Friday when
competition we proha bly can the teams clash in the fifth game
wanis All-Stars. chosen from the SPRING HATS
count on the ,Vayne school be- of 'their title series,
ing back for more. The Raid- Coatesville, which finished the
ers this ~'ear. hal'e A'il'en Radnor l'egular season in a tie for second
. recent Delco tourney at Chester,
at Ridley Township High School.
To Choose From ••
The Kiwanis team finally took
teams of lhe future a hiJ:hcr place and then eliminated Ches-
'goal than the~"l'e' e\'er had he- ter in two straight games in the the decision in the exhibition,
We have a large ar-

fore and that'll mean a lot. semifinal playoffs. has won both 67-60. after All-Stars had led,
Lower Merion's remarlmhle series games on the Scott High
tourne~' success 0\'''1' the yea rs court at Coatesville,
32-28, at half time.
Harman tallied eight points on
ray of the fin/est spring ..
was the determination of each The Lukens Steel A. A. passers four field goals while Russ Hel'l'- Relax. over a coc~tall. then enjoy a I. . hats ~e could find-
succeeding team to follow in won the series ,ppener, 62-47, at mann and Bobby Suiter, of Nar- delicious tunch or dinaer, promptly ~
the footsteps of the great teams Coatesville and. after 10sin!1; the
of the past. ~econd game at Bala-Cynwyd
Junior High, 43-30. went back to
Coatesville last Frida~' and proved
lberth, scored seven and six
points. respectively,
Jim Joyce, of Temple, paced the
and perfectly served.
-LUNCH •• from 60e
over 200 of them. As
you win notice when
And this particular Radnor AU-Stars with 19 points, while DINNER •• from SSe you see them they are
team wiII ever be· an Inspiration it.s opening night victory \\'a.~ no Jack Kramer, Glen-Nor High, tal- Coe"ol/ Tim• •••• , , 3 /0 6 P. II,.
and an example to e\'ery Learn in fluke by drubbing the borough, lied 17 for the Kiwanis squad. priced way below their
the suburbs that has physical 60-40. Receipts of the game were
handicaps. "Remember Radnor This gal'e Coatesville a 2-1 lead
in 1945" will become the slog,,11 in the serie,~ when the teams
-----._-------- actual value.

for many a team t.Imt hasn'~ wyd, (Too clashed Wednesday at Bala-Cyn-

heIght or isn't, conceded a ch:mt:e, edition) . If late

for result in this
the Coates also won
Courage. hm;!'lc. drtermination, t.his fourt.h game.
a~gres.'iiven('ss, plus good coacll-
it, means they
could annex t.he title with a vic-
Priced 5 &95Up
i~g, do payoff, Radnor pro,'cd
• • •
tory Friday. However. if Narberth
squared the series Wednesday,
then a. victory at Coatesville Fri-
Btl1 Ander~on ;Inc] Strvr ,Juen·, day would pUt the borough .in a
gel', L. M. and Havprford eoach(·~. l10sition t.o take the championship

and conntless followers of thl'ir in a sixth game at Bala-Cynwyd •

respective team" werr among the next. WednesdaY.
6,000 who were rooting for an- Narbelth's yictory last Wednes-
other Radnor uj),'iet IIll'ainst Al- day ended a Coatesville winning
lentoll'n. T11P upstatp fans 'I'C\'2 streak that had reached eight •
contidpllt they were goint:( to W111 straight and came 'so easily there Next to Media Drug Store, Narberth
b~' 20 points or more ,'iO the. close never wa.~ any Question of the
struggle \"as a source of satlsfac- outcome. The borough roBed up
tion for local fans. a 9-0 lead, led by a.'i much as 26-
10 at one point and when the
Ihv('rfot'd follow('l's w('l'('n't Lukens five rallied to make it 26-
1I3M.lelllal'l" impressed ~'ith 20 Narberth spurted Quickly and \\Tines Liquors Beer
either team and mentally klck- decifiively to win going away. Really Pine
ed themsf'lves for their team Art Spector, former Villanova
ha\in/: missed the hoat. ~tar, led Narberth with 13 points. JOEY BURNS EAKElJ HAM SANDWICHES
• He missed the Friday ga.me at
Allent.own unquestionably has a Coatesville because his altimol'e
much betler 1.eam than it. was able team was playing Trenton in the
former Narberth star in the Main Line League indicated he won't
take a back seat for no one with t·he Athletics this year when he Dl\VE~S Hi\ll. ..
to show aga Il1st Raonor's irrit.at- American League playoffs and his got, foul' h"'s and scored foUl' runs in the first inter-camp game
ing pre~sing drfense, but. we fear absence was partly respon1'1ible for last Sunday at the A's training site at Fredprick, Md. 5004 CITY AVE. •
the Canaries are 100 ('onfidrnt for the one-sided opposite result of •Prices Good 10 Days Only
their o"'n good. WP. ba.ve a Wednesda~',
hunch Donora Hir.h. the Wester,l
champion, will win the State ti11p. capped by ;Spector s a.bsen?e. s~
Just as Nal bel U; ,,·as handl- Ber-lvyn Boys' Club Quintet
Shovels up from $1.50 .f

~. DINE OUT!):
Saturday as it has been beatJllp; I had Coatpsville been hmdel.ed b~
Needs Victory Over ~arberth
4 Tine CUltivator ....••.. $1.19
everv rival orcisi\'p!v p','er since the absence of Don Camelon m Trowels •.•......•.• , •.•••.22
·t·· .. tl WPIA- the Wednesd3,Y game.
1,s, openmg game m le L Cameron, hero of CoatesviIle's 25 ft. Gal'den Hose ••••.. $2.45
• •
opening game \'iet.ory. was again
one of the big guns in iL~ seconrl
Wa\'ne's newspapl'r finally re- triumph. getting 13 points on six
To Annex Conference Crolvn 50 ft. Garden Hose •••.. $4.95
"ealed a bit. of unusual intere1;t, field goals and a foul toss. But a s ' I-------------- Plastic Hose Nozzles ..... .49
in t.he Radnor team last week, usual Don Markward, league's Narberth Boys Club will nave its I BERWYN MANOA Onion Sets (YelIowl per Ib .39
printing a photo on page one and most valuable player. was the big- back to the wall when it opposes McCle",_, f ~.~. Frej,s, f
using a two column head to t~l1 pest pain in the neck io Narberth.
fi M"cAdo. f 3 0 6 Allen. f
~. ~. Pg
2 0 4 Onion Sets (White) per lb .43
of the Raiders title conquest m He scored ten field goals and a Berwyn Boys Club in the second ,J. Tenng'o, f 0 0 0 Smith. f 0 O· 0 I E\'ergreen Lawn Seed, 5 Ibs $2.60

District One.

l,;,<;ua IIv Radnol"s S 11 0 I' t s

('\,,,"tS :11'1' so hm'jed in thl'
singlf' foul to~s for 21 points. game of the playoff series for the Canlglln, c 2 0 4 Schelle. c 6 2 14 I
therrb~' booiiting his three-gam~ Main Line Basketball Confereucp Redmond, coo 0 McCart'y, gOO 0 i
serif'S total to 55 points, championship at
Russ Herrmann wa.~ high for Downs gym Friday night at 8 .30 Bowman, g 5 1 11
"'aXile PI'l''<;S that one ('an N ar b el' tl I. WI 1
.t! 16 . t
00111 S,
Lower Meri0

Ber\\'\,'n drew first blood in the

n's glr~r';'o,
Morrl', Il:
g ~
It ~ g ~.

13 ~ 29
White Clover ..•• pel' Ib S1.3~
Shredded Cow
Manure ....•••. 100 lbs $3.75
Pete Moss •••••. smalI hag .20
New Chatterbox
DINING ROOM (May Gibson Boyd, Owner)

scarcrl~' I1Jld them, Wonde!' This was a good ball game '1 d forb series opener bY scoring a 29-23 Tolnls 17. 3 37 Pete Moss .•..• , large hag .90
",heth!'r this lack of intel'est three periods. N ar b ert I1 t.ral I' y vlclory over th'e borough ~.'ouths Referee-Kelly, 839 LANCASTER AVE. ~.
isn't '<;!1ml'wha t th" reason [m' draw 25-14 at halftime but managed to . I -Clothes Props- BRYN MAWR, PA. -"..,-- •
RadnOl' hal'inA' fewel' sports bv thewithin four points 131-27) Tuesday n.ight. at Berwyn and the
of the third Quarter. upper Man.l Ll\1er~ need but one
teams than anx othel' sehool of bilt t1\enend L;lSI Week', Result,
New - Different
its rlass in the Suhurban Con- went on Markwark and Cameron more \'lctOlY to call'Y off the tItle.
individual sprees as
ManOR. 36; Good Counse!. 35.
The two teams broke even dur-I We,tll:Rte HlIls. 41: Stonehurst Hills, 28 3 for $1.00 Our meals are served piping. hot
ference? • Coatesville rolled up a series re- iug the regular season, Berwyn
eord total of 29 points in the final bp.ing undefeated in the first half
I ~er~Y~h 3~~M~no~, 2i,,-
ar er , ; RO, .
While They La.>t from the best foods obtainable. J
Lenten dishes WednesdaY and
'According to I.he Ha,'rrfon! period. race and Narberth failing to taste FINAl, STANDINGS Friday. Homelike surroundings.
HIgh baseball sl'hedule, releas(:d It was the last game for Vic de feat in the second half.. Narberth , ~~~~,~~. ~~~~~ .. , 0 1.000
.this week. Radnor is revi\'i:1g Butz. one of Coatesville's keY play- Lp.d by the sharpshootmg and Be"WYll , 5 2 .714. PREE Copy of LANDRETH'S Seed Catalogue TRY OUR SUNDAY
baseball aft.er being on the side- er,'i. He entE'rE'd the Army Mon- rxce)\ent a)\-around floor play of Good Connsel ",.,' ', .. , 5 2 .714
lInes too, t.oo many sp.asons, day after contributing nine points Jack McCless. Berwyn got. off to a W~~~~~I;'tlil~"""""'"'' 5 ~ :~~~ DINNERS

Dubois l'ecommrnrlpr!

Superint.endrnL of School!". A.

to th,..
Lower Mrl'!on School Board t.!Jat M"rkward, f
· d
no de d uctlOn br rna. r rom 1r (JarRwskl, ctl
in his final l'ow'l appraI'Rnee.
Ruhlllcom, f ,..... 3 4 3 4 ;;
I 13
flying start. Tuesda~: and le~ al- M';I~el'n
Compo,i1e Box,core first three gAmo", most all the way. Its margIn at M"noR ,
GP. G. F. PIs. halftime being 19-10.
3 22 11 5;; McCless t.allied three fipld goals
r ld
9 "I
COlHel I' d f'
0' e
IV. 0foul t.o,~~e:,
, .. ",'
B. Z. Strawbridge
:::::::::::::: 2 5 .286
,.'. 2 5 .286
I 7 .143


3.00 to 7.30 P. M.
Luncheon 11.30 to 2.30.
50c up
Dinners 5 to 8.15 P. M.
$1.00 and ~l.25
Served Uaily J<;x('ept TUf'sday

salan' (If Bill Andrrson while he Rut>.. g ' .. "".. 3 12 4 26 lEad both teams WIth 11 POInts,
is on leave of ahsence for rest and Conwron. g 2 15 4 34 McAdoo and Caniglia also were
treatment of fl paralysis of the Farln". g, '",."" 2 I 0 2 prominent in the Berwyn lineup, Open TlIl 29 Rittenhouse Place Ph. Ardmore 7081
. 1 Hughe" g
f ace. The B oa r d unal1lmOtlS !o' ,Crns"" f ... ,.'",' ' 2
concurred. Leaving no stone un-j Grl,wold. p; ." •• ', •• , I 2
' 1 I
0 2 eacll connectm' g for' four tl'mel'"
I I.
2 6 fleld goals.
. ,
9 P, M.
Fri. & Sat. rae
. Bala-Cynwyd's Social Center
turned, huh? McC"rthy, g I 0 0 0 In a final second half game;:;
• • • SaXlllger, f , .. ' I I 0 2 last week. Westgate HJlls defeated
\Vhich r('minds us: Thuse
l1erson,<; who an~ tr~'illA' to 01'-
, -; 62 28 l52 Stonehurst Hills, 41-28: Manoa
GP. G. F. Pts. upset Good Counsel, 36-35: then
More ana,_.peoplea.:e ~
ganlze pressul'(' to kel'p "And~" Suller. [ ' 3 11 5 2; lost to ~erwyn. 37.-29. and Nar- Mitk is an indispensable enel'lW-
at, Lower i\lCrion are silll'erp alll: I MnJor, f .' ',.,.. 3 3 124 2~' berth WhlP?~d PaolI, ~2-25. food for wartime livwg ••• for
Montgomery Ave. and Levering Mill Road, Cynwyd, Pa,
'. 11 rl ' t ' fl tt ' ~ \ Law. c 3 6 n BER" \ N NARBERTH •
mea,~ \{e .. an I IS a p.l'm~ . W,,,e. c I I J 3 G. F. P. G. F. P. health! Food 8borta~T scarcities
to And~·. but at thl' same Herrmnnn. g 3 10 12 3~ M'CleS'. f 3;; 1l Ayar" f 0 0 a dimiaish in importance wben
til1l4! isn't it also .iust a bit un- SpeAller. g ., .. ".,.' 3 2 0 8 M'Adoo. f 4 0 8 M'Qnl,'n, f 1 3 5
Lower Mrrion has been fort u-
DeCnmpo. f ,.,
Spector. [
Hinkle. g
' 3 3 2 221 C"nlgllo, c 4 I 9 P. Ettor'e, f 0 0 0
' 2 9 4
' l 0
Kirk. l: 1 0 2 Nel,on. p; 0 0 0
0 0 Csnlg-II0, It 0 0 0 .loyce. c' 1 1 3
Bowman. g 2 I 5 A. Etto'r. g 2 I 5
your me...lti.me stand-by. There'.
mOO'« energ:v-vall1e in each quart
na te to 11"\\'(' ha d "And~' all th(',:c
years. He could ha,'e had a col-
TOlnl., 3 45 40 130 Morn., g 2 0 4 M. CoP'U, gOO a
---,l.Cap'II.!' 4210
Totals . 16 7 39 F'rRt!n'n, gOO 0
than in J.~\1b. of steakl Drink it
••_me it ••• Joeep np.,..,.,r ~ RESTAURANT
lege job for the asking most ar.;!
time. But he was rontrnt to w?it
until the right one camp alon~.
The Lafayette job is supposed to
Laird Robertson TotRls
HAlf-time: BerW)'ll, 19-10.
8 7 23

EST. 1922 NARBERTH. PA. NAR. 9280

be that one,
It has unlimited
We hate to see
Andy go as much as thp nrxt one,
but if it's foJ' his betterment we're
Is State MatKing GIIlIRn. f
Frels, f
0 0 0 McDer'tt, f 9 2 20
2 0 4 Town. f
McCarthy. f 2 2 6 ,1. McG'y, t 4 I 9
Smith, f 0 0 0 Carr, f l O 2
"Serving the Main Line COVERED WAGON INN
al1 for him taking it. He deserves Ponzo, cOO 0 Barr, c 2 0 4
for over 21 years".

the best brrak 'he can get and 1l:J Haverford Youth Robb. c 6 0 12 Brenn'n, cOO 0
Grlfflt.h, I; 4 0 8 Devlin, Il: 0 0 0 RAINBOW TERRACE
attempt should be made to talk William,. gOO 0 Ken'e'y, Jl 0 0 0
him out of it if that's what he Wins 145-lb. Crown in Schelle, g 3 0 6 C, lo!cG'l', Jl 0 0 0
P. Sher'n, gOO 0
• PIAA Tourney Tot"18 17 2 36 Tot"l. 16 3 35 Charles R. Meyers, Pres.
Enjoy Splendid Food In a Delightful Atmosphere
Thaf.'s t hp. least WI' owe him Mano", ,. 2 22 6 6-36 •
for what he's done for Lowel' Ha\'erford High School has a Goad Coun,el 12 12 1 10-35 The Covered Wag-on Inn Is Under the Same
l\Ierion and the entire l\Iain state ehampion-in wrestling, Management Of Mrs. William ]. Bachman.
Line, • . He is Laird Robertson who fln- •
The Old Chapel at. West Point ished on top of the 145-pound
contains a memorial plaque to class in the annual state PIAA
"I work in a lau.ndry Lancaster Ave. & Old Eagle Rd. in Strafford
WAYNE 1169 •

Benedict Ar~old. but his name championship wrestling tourna-

has been dellberately gouged out. 1 FIGlIT FOR Tile FOUNTAIN of YOUTH
leaving only his rank and date of rnent at PelU1 State last Satur- •
birth. day, VICTORY, TOO" ' Life! Youth! Vigor! That was the allnring and beckon.
Having qualified for the big ,/ ing vision that led Ponce de Leon on ••. through the
Baseball League meet in the recent District One
toul'l1ey at Abington, Robertson ". am the wife he left behind. • am dangerous and unknown land that we call Florida_
Meeting Monday pinned' Joe Youl'chik, of Jeffer-
son High, in three minutes, 58
one of ten thousand American Broken in health from his campaign in Porto Rico,
The Main Line Baseball Ll"a- seconds with a half nelson and women. I know that clean clothe, this famous Spanish explorer and conquerer eagerly
gue will be reor!l'Rnized Monday crotl'h hold in a semi-final match
are essential to people's morale- sought, in 1512, the fabulou!! fountain of ma~ical water
night at a Ibeeting in the rec- in
reation room of the Montgomery the .afternoon at. Penn State,
Th'2n In the evening Robertson necessary to their health. that the Indians said was hidden away in this snage and .'
Court Apt.s.. Narberth. unknown land.
Al1 te~ms int.ercst.rd in senll'- ~cored a 3-1 decision over Jim Open .Evel'Y ,Day
ing franchises are reQllestp.d to Thompson, of Duboi~, to win the ". know that more women are Bitt Ponce de Leon never fonnd his It FounkJin of In the Week
apply through Secretal'y Charles much cherished title, working now than ever before. I Youth". _ • which, Ifterally translated. means "Life.
E, Harnden, Montgomery CO~I1·t Robertson, an end in football,
Apts.. Narberth, and to have was the only winner from District
representatives prpsent at the One, In fact, only two boys from
work in a 'laundry to keep these
women on the job. • know that
Givin~ Water."
Today. ho'wever, we ean actually enjoy a "Fountain of
meeting, A check for $50 must the Eastel'l1 part of the state won
accompany al1 applications. in the finals.
Only suburban teams with survivor being a Lancaster High
the otluzr Eastern airplanes,
built not
in the
guns are
Youth" such al Ponce de Leon never dreamed of. .• aa
endless supply of pu.re, safe, drinking water, 'which is. RESTAUR'ANT City Line •
home fields are,ligible, grappler, indeed "life.giving" ••• because, without water, there
but in laundries and all other busi- &
can be no life, treel', plants. vegetables, animals or
nesses which contribute to the home humBn being•• Haverford Rd.
Time fo,r a front.
". know that my employer is short
Think of tbe ease and convenience of turniug a tap in
your home Bud getting a plentiful supply of life-giving

• For the Best In DINNERS
Spring of workers i is bound by many re-
strictions. But I know he's doing
water ••• all the water you want ••• twenty.four hours a day
••• withont the slightest effort on your part.

Thill is the twelfth of a seriell of narrativell which
Check\ Up_ , a good job. When peace comes a
better I~undl'y service is his promise.
graphically tell the 8tory of water. Look for the next one
in this paper two weeks from today.
Put your car in the "pink of "I am proud to work in a laundry. WINES 81 LIQUORS

condition"-Keep it that way My job is important~ for I fight for eP~E B TIFI E D WATER Beautiful Cocktail Lounge-Fountain Service
-and you'll have economical
Victory, too."
transportation for the duration. IGNI1'ION
Do it now. !\1()'I'OIt H"~I',\IRS STaEAMS"
BA'l"l'ImY CUAltlilNG

• Wi,en Your Car Fails to Start-Don't Fail to Call US ST. MARY'S ,LAUNDRY Dinnel'S Served Dai'Zy ~cept Sunday •
MAIN LINE A C~·tilied Laundry
1236 Montgomery Ave. MARINE BAR

ARDMORE WATER COMPANY "or R ...rut.toh' Opell fro",
.304 W. L.caat~r Ave. Ar~~re 1825 Phone Narberth teza 4 1'. M. e

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