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Maturity; the state, fact, or period of being mature: their experience, maturity, and
strong work ethic| the delicate style of his maturity (OXFORD AMERICAN dictionary 2005)

In many years of living in this world, people are passing some steps of life stage. We
are born and we grow up. We learn as long as we live. Baby, childhood, teenage, and adult
are steps of our life stage we are going through. And one of things that we learn is being
mature. To understand what maturity is. Everyone has their own understanding about
maturity. And so do I. In my opinion, maturity is being unselfish, having ability to control
emotional, and being responsible of what we do.

There are some signs that indicate you are mature, but there are three main signs
that really indicate the maturity in one’s self.
First: you solve problem by discussing it, and you open yourself of people’s opinion.
We live with about billion other people in this world. And we must keep in touch with them
because it is necessary. We must have social life and on the way we go through socializing,
we usually have differences. Not to mention some people that like to differentiate their
selves to get a problem, we still have differences between us. And the differences usually
cause problems. How do we solve that? Discuss it. Listen what on other’s mind. If you do
that, means you are unselfish enough and you are sort of mature person.
Second: you chill yourself out and see the trouble calmly before doing something else.
Have a bunch of problems? Feel like no one understand and not even care? That usually
happens. When I was in junior high I usually sigh if my condition was bad. I didn’t do
anything sincerely. I kept complaining of what happened in my life. I saw problem as a big
obstacle not a steppingstone to be a better person. If you are a mature person you will stop
awhile to see everything carefully. You don’t get panic and see everything from other side
instead. If you do these things it means you can be counted as a mature person.
Third: you don’t throw your mistakes to others and carry on the result of what you did
My teacher once told me about one of her family. She’s still a kid. One day she came home
from her school and her mother asked her about her first day on school. She said it was
okay but her expression and acts didn’t say so. Her mom wondered why her behavior didn’t
fit in her words. And that girl just answered “Yaaa, It was my choice. Like it or not I have to
live with it.” Very surprising her answer is, remembering that she was just an elementary
school student. But that is what a mature do. They don’t complain of something that they
cause. They take the responsible. And if you do it, you are definitely a mature person.

From this essay, we can conclude that maturity is unselfishness, emotional-control

ability, and responsible that mature have no matter your age is. Because it’s not regulated
by the calendar. If you have those signs in you, means you have the maturity. And if you
don’t, you should see yourself carefully to see whether you are a mature or not. As simple
as it is.

Ira Eliya Rahmadhani

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