10project - Question Worksheet

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Year 10 Inquiry Project

Designing Your Research Question (Worksheet #1)

Complete the following worksheet and upload it via the assignment on CANVAS. This worksheet is
due by the end of Term 1, Week 5 (Friday 26th February)

Part One – Identifying Areas of Interest

1. Which subjects have you really enjoyed?

Subject A Subject B Subject C

2. Which topic areas or themes or periods have you been intrigued by within these subject
Subject A Subject B Subject C

Part Two – Linking Areas of Interest with Real-World Problems

Connect your subject area(s) of interest with real-world problems or areas of need. Note – you can do
this for more than one area of interest to help you find your topic.

Subject Area of Locally (within

At SCHS Global Issues
Interest Australia)

Part Three – Applying Limiting Factors

Use the below table to refine your choses area of interest into a workable research question. Note –
you may need to go through this process a couple of times to completely refine your question.
Year 10 Inquiry Project

Original question/title

Limiting factors:
Highlight or list the
terms that can be
Refined question/title

Limiting factors:
Highlight or list the
terms that can be
Refined question/title

Limiting factors:
Highlight or list the
terms that can be
Refined question:

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