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Chemical Equilibrium

The collision theory is based on the assumption that for

a reaction to occur it is necessary for the reacting species
1. Explain the collision theory of reactions. (atoms or molecules) to come together or collide with one
2. Does every collision between reacting particles lead to products? What other factors are

involved? No, not every collision between reacting particles lead to products. Other factors involved are
orientation of molecules, concentration, surface area, and temperature
3. What is meant by the rate of the reaction?

it is the speed at which a chemical reaction proceeds in terms of concentration over time
4 A reversible reaction has reached a state of chemical equilibrium. What does this
information tell you?this tells us the rate of the forward reaction is equalled to the rate of the backwards
reaction AND all reactant and product concentrations are constant at equilibrium.
5. How do the rates of the forward and reverse reactions compare at a state of chemical
equilibrium The rates are equal

6. Write the expression for the equilibrium constant expression for each of the following:

a. 2HBr(g) H2(g) + BT2(g) Keq = (H2)(Br2) / (HBr)2

b. 2S03(g) 2S02(g) + 02(g) Keq = (O2)(SO2)2 / (SO3)2

PC15(s) PC13 (I) + C12(g) Keq = (PCl3)(Cl2) / (PCl5)

d. 2+120 (l) e» 2H2(g) + 026) Keq = (H2)2(O2) / (H2O)2

e. C02(s) C02(g) Keq = (CO2) / (CO2)

7. Find the Keqof each of the following:

a. At a high temperature the following system reaches equilibrium.

Keq = (NO)2 / (N2)(O2) M = mol/L
N2(g) + 02(g) 2NO(g) M = mol/1L
Keq = (0.020)2 / (0.50)(0.50)
Keq = 1.6 x 10-3 An analysis of the equilibrium mixture in a I-L flask gives the following results
0.50 mol N2, 0.50 moi 02, 0.020 mol NO.
M = mol/L
b. At 7500C this reaction reaches an equilibrium in a 2-L flask.
M = mol/2L

H2(g) + C02(g) e H20(g) + cot)

An analysis of the equilibrium mixture gives the following results: 0.054 rnol H2,
0.054 mol Cu, 0.048 mol H20, 0.048 mol CO.

Keq = (H2O)(CO) / (H2)(CO2)

Keq = (0.048/2)(0.048/2) / (0.054/2)(0.054/2)
Keq = (0.024)2 / (0.027)2
Keq = 0.79
1. Usinc the reaction A 4- 0B + 2D, determine the eauiliorium
constant if the following equilibrium concentrations are found. All

components are gases.

Keq = (D)2(C) / (A)(B)2
= 0.0567 M
Keq = (0.0006756)2(0.0003378) / (0.0567)(0.1171)2
[B] = 0.1171 M
= 0.000 3378 M Keq = 1.98 x 10-7
= 0.000 6756 M
2. in the reaction 2A 2C + 2D, deterrnine the equilibrium constant
when the following equilibrium concenÜations are found. All com-

ponents are gases.

Keq = (D)2(C)2 / (A)2
[A] = 0.1077 M
[C] = 0.000 4104 M Keq = (0.0004104)2(0.0004104)2 / (0.1077)2
[Dl = 0.000 4104 M Keq = 2.44 x 10-12

3. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following reaction. Note

the phases of the components.
2A(g) + B(S) C(g) + DC g)
The equilibrium concentrations of the components are

[A] 0.0922 M Keq = (D)(C) / (A)2

[C] = 4.11 x 10-4M Keq = (0.000411)(0.000822) / (0.0922)2
[D] = 8.22 XÄO-4M Keq = 4.07 x 10-5
4. The equilibrium constant of the following reaction for the decompo- K = 4.282 x 10-2
sition of phosgene at 250C is 4.282 X 10-2.
(CO) = (Cl2) = 5.90 x 10-3M
COC12(g) CO(g) + C12(g) Keq = (CO)(Cl2) / (COCl2)
a. What is the concentration of COC12 when the concentrations of 4.282 x 10-2 = (5.90 x 10-3)2 / (COCl2)
both CO and are 5.90 X 10-3 M? (COCl2) = (5.90 x 10-3)2 / 4.282 x 10-2
(COCl2) = 8.129 x 10-4
b. When the equilibrium concentration of COC12 is 0.003 70 M,
what are the concentrations of CO and C12? Assume the concen-
trations are equal.
Keq = (CO)(Cl2) / (COCl2)
4.282 x 10-2 = (CO)(Cl2) / (0.00370)
Consider the following hypothetical reaction.
1.58434 x 10-4 = (CO)(Cl2)

0.0125 = (CO) = (Cl2)

a. If K = 1 for this reaction at 500 K, what can you say about the We can say that the concentrations of A and
concentrations of A and C at equilibrium? C are equal, because if K = 1, then product C
will have to be equal to reactant A in order to
b. If raising the temperature of the reaction results in an equilib- cancel out and equal 1, or K
rium with a higher concentration of C than A. how will the value
of K change? K will increase because since C is a product, it
is a numerator, meaning if it were bigger than
6. The foliowinc reaction occurs when steam is passed over hot car- A, the denominator, then K will have been
bon. The mixture of gases it generates is called water gas and is increase
useful as an industrial fuel and as a source of hydrogen for the pro-
duction of ammonia.

C(s) + H20(g) co(g) + H2(g) Keq = 4.251 x 10-2

The equilibrium constant for this reaction is 4.251 X 10-2 at 800 K.
(H2O) = 0.1990 M
If the equilibrium concentration of H20(g) is 0.1990 M, what con-
4.251 x 10-2= (CO)(H2) / (0.1990)
centrations of CO and H2 would you expect to find? 8.46 x 10-3 = (CO)(H2)
0.0919M = (CO) = (H2)

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