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Section 3

Famous Figure in Pharmacy

A. Pre-activity
I. Look at these pictures below. Do you know who they are?

Alexander Fleming Friedrich Serturner John Stith Pemberton

II. Work in pairs and find out what the people above had done.

B. Reading
I. Read the text below and discuss the following questions.

“The Discovery of Penicilin”

Alexander Fleming (born August 6, 1881, Ayrshire, Scotland—died March 11, 1955, London, England)
is Scottish bacteriologist best known for his discovery of penicillin. He was the seventh of eight children
of a Scottish hill farmer (third of four children from the farmer‘s second wife). He began his elementary
schooling at Loudoun Moor and then moved on to a larger school at Darvel before enrolling in
Kilmarnock Academy in 1894. In 1895, he moved to London to live with his elder brother Thomas (who
worked as an oculist) and completed his basic education at Regent Street Polytechnic.

Fleming began his medical studies at St. Mary‘s Hospital Medical School in 1901, funded by a
scholarship and a legacy from his uncle. There he won the 1908 gold medal as top medical student at the
University of London. Between 1909 and 1914 Fleming established a successful private practice as a
venereologist, and in 1915 he married Sarah Marion McElroy, an Irish nurse. Fleming‘s son, Robert,
born in 1924, followed his father into medicine.

In November 1921 Fleming discovered lysozyme, an enzyme present in body fluids such as saliva and
tears that has a mild antiseptic effect. That was the first of his major discoveries. It came about when he
had a cold and a drop of his nasal mucus fell onto a culture plate of bacteria. Realizing that his mucus
might have an effect on bacterial growth, he mixed the mucus into the culture and a few weeks later saw
signs of the bacteria‘s having been dissolved.

On September 3, 1928, shortly after his appointment as professor of bacteriology, Fleming noticed that a
culture plate of Staphylococcus aureus he had been working on had become contaminated by a fungus. A
mold, later identified as Penicillium notatum, had inhibited the growth of the bacteria. He at first called
the substance ―mould juice‖ and then ―penicillin‖. Fleming decided to investigate further, because he
thought that he had found an enzyme more potent than lysozyme. In fact, it was not an enzyme but an
antibiotic—one of the first to be discovered.

For the last decade of his life, Fleming was feted universally for his discovery of penicillin and acted as a
world ambassador for medicine and science. Initially a shy uncommunicative man and a poor lecturer, he
blossomed under the attention he received, becoming one of the world‘s best-known scientists.

1. What is the text about?

2. What type of text is it?
3. What did you learn from the text?

II. Complete the diagram below based on the information given from the text above.

…………..…….…… is known as ………..…………..

Born …………………………
…………………………… …………………….….

Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3

………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………

C. Building blocks
1. Biography Text: Definition
- Biography: a text telling a history about a person‘s life that is written by someone else.
- Autobiography: a text telling a history about a person‘s life that is written by that person
being told in the story.

2. Organisation of the text

 Orientation: it gives readers background information about the person including name,
birth date and the place where she / he grew up.
 Events: it tells readers about a series of events in chronological order, particularly about the
person‘s education, achievements and careers.
 Reorientation: it presents a type of conclusion consisting of a comment on the contribution
person has made.

Determine which part of each paragraph below belongs to.

Alexander Fleming (born August 6, 1881, Ayrshire, Scotland—died

March 11, 1955, London, England) is Scottish bacteriologist best known
for his discovery of penicillin. He was the seventh of eight children of
a Scottish hill farmer (third of four children from the farmer‘s second
wife). He began his elementary schooling at Loudoun Moor and
…………………………. then moved on to a larger school at Darvel before enrolling in
Kilmarnock Academy in 1894. In 1895, he moved to London to live
with his elder brother Thomas (who worked as an oculist) and
completed his basic education at Regent Street Polytechnic.

Fleming began his medical studies at St. Mary‘s Hospital Medical

School in 1901, funded by a scholarship and a legacy from his
uncle. There he won the 1908 gold medal as top medical student at
…………………………. the University of London. Between 1909 and 1914 Fleming
established a successful private practice as a venereologist, and in
1915 he married Sarah Marion McElroy, an Irish nurse. Fleming‘s
son, Robert, born in 1924, followed his father into medicine.

In November 1921 Fleming discovered lysozyme, an enzyme

present in body fluids such as saliva and tears that has a mild
antiseptic effect. That was the first of his major discoveries. It came
…………………………. about when he had a cold and a drop of his nasal mucus fell onto a
culture plate of bacteria. Realizing that his mucus might have an
effect on bacterial growth, he mixed the mucus into the culture and a
few weeks later saw signs of the bacteria‘s having been dissolved.

On September 3, 1928, shortly after his appointment as professor of
bacteriology, Fleming noticed that a culture plate of Staphylococcus
aureus he had been working on had become contaminated by a
fungus. A mold, later identified as Penicillium notatum, had
…………………………. inhibited the growth of the bacteria. He at first called the substance
―mould juice‖ and then ―penicillin‖. Fleming decided to investigate
further, because he thought that he had found an enzyme more
potent than lysozyme. In fact, it was not an enzyme but an
antibiotic—one of the first to be discovered.

For the last decade of his life, Fleming was feted universally for his
discovery of penicillin and acted as a world ambassador for medicine
…………………………. and science. Initially a shy uncommunicative man and a poor
lecturer, he blossomed under the attention he received, becoming
one of the world‘s best-known scientists

3. Language features: SIMPLE PAST TENSE

Forms (Bentuk)
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
(kalimat positif) (kalimat negatif) (kalimat tanya)

I studied … I didn’t study … Did I study …?

You studied … You didn’t study … Did you study …?
She studied … She didn’t study … Did she study …?
He studied … He didn’t study … Did he study …?
It studied … It didn’t study … Did it study …?
You studied … You didn’t study … Did you study …?
We studied … We didn’t study … Did we study …?
They studied … They didn’t study … Did they study …?

Yes, I / you / we / they she / he / it did.
No, I / you / we / they she / he / it didn’t.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

(kalimat positif) (kalimat negatif) (kalimat tanya)

I was … I was not… was I …?

She was … She was not… was she …?
He was … He was not… was he …?
It was … It was not… was it …?
You were … You were not… were you …?
We were … We were not… were we …?
They were … They were not… were they …?
You were … You were not… were you …?

Affirmative Negative

Yes, I / she / he / it was. No, I / she / he / it wasn’t.

Yes, you / we / they were. No, you / we / they weren’t.

Use (Kegunaan)
 Completed Action in the Past
(kegiatan yang selesai di masa lampau)

Example: Last year, I traveled to Japan.

 Past Facts or Generalizations

(fakta atau generalisasi di masa lampau)

Example: He didn't like tomatoes before.

 Habits in the Past

(Kebiasaan di masa lampau)

Example: They always skipped class when they were in the elementary school.

Simple Present Tense vs Simple Past Tense

Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense
I go to pharmacy every day. I went to a pharmacy last night.
I don’t go to pharmacy every day. I didn’t go to a pharmacy last night.
She goes to pharmacy every day. She went to a pharmacy last night.
She doesn’t go to pharmacy every day. She didn’t go to a pharmacy last night.

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Regular Irregular

Base (verb1) Past (verb2) Base (verb1) Past (verb2)

Complete Completed Win Won

Move Moved Begin Began

Fund Funded Eat Ate

Marry Married Drink drank

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

………………. ………………. ………………. ……………….

For regular verb, there are four rules:
- Verb ended with consonant is added with -ed: fund  funded
- Verb ended with ―e‖ is added with -d: move  moved
- Verb ended with ―y‖ is added with -ied: marry  married
- Verb is doubled consonant and added -ed: stop  stopped

D. Exercises
I. Find past verbs from the text “The Discovery of Penicilin” and complete the table
Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

Past forms Present forms Past forms Present forms

II. Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column

need study like try bake refer mix plan repeat worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied Double consonant + -ed

III. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets
Bob : Hi, Mary. I ..................... (not see)1 you at campus last Monday.
Mary : Hello, Bob. I ..................... (not come)2 on Monday. I ..................... (not be)3 feeling
well, so I ..................... (decide)4 to go to the doctor.
Bob : Oh! ..................... (be)5 it serous?
Mary : No, the doctor ..................... (examine)6 me and ..................... (tell)7 me that I had a flu.
Then, he ..................... (prescribe)8 some medicine and ..................... (tell)9 me to go home
and rest.
Bob : ..................... (do)10 you stay home all day last Monday?
Mary : No, only in the morning. I ..................... (have)11 to work in the afternoon, and guess
Bob : What?
Mary : When a friend ..................... (drive)12 me home, he ..................... (crash)13 his car
because he ..................... (not see)14 the red light.
Bob : ..................... (do)15 anyone get hurt?
Mary : Thank God, nobody ..................... (do)16.
Bob : I‘m happy to hear that. Well, Mary, I have to rush now. I remember that my wife
..................... (ask)17 me to go to the mechanic to get our car. See you later. Take care.
Mary : You too. Bye.

IV. Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the
pictures. Use the Past Simple.

My brother / eat / fried rice



1. Rob / buy a small car 3. cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s

…………………………………… ……………………………………

…………………………………… ……………………………………

2. Jenny / wear jeans / to the party 4. the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson

…………………………………… ……………………………………

…………………………………… ……………………………………

V. Rearrange the words below into a good order to form a correct sentence
1. action / My / me / a / took / doctor / get / brother / to / to / further
2. my / my / I / foot / when / a / sprained / paint / ankle / can / in / landed.
3. was / with / day / feeling / my / on / fine / that / But / foot / I
4. be / I / remove / paint / to / can / my / the / able / foot / from / couldn‘t
5. outside / ice / I / a / my / on / the / week / apartment / slipped / ago / of
6. the / I / with / the / So / reduce / can / filled / paint / to / swelling / ice.
7. scratches / hands / I / swelling / a / and / my / and / few / on / suffered / knees
8. accident / house / two / Just / days / painting / the / fell / after / my / while / ladder / I / from /

VI. Rearrange the sentences in activity V into a good order to form a sequence

E. Vocabulary Building
I. Read and Complete the table below with a correct word
Word in English Definition Word in Bahasa

Medical related to the treatment of illness and injuries

Venereologist a person who studies venereology

Enzyme a substance produced by a living organism

which acts as a catalyst to bring about a
specific biochemical reaction.

Fluids a substance that has no fixed shape and yields
easily to external pressure; a gas or
(especially) a liquid

Saliva watery liquid secreted into the mouth by

glands, providing lubrication for chewing and
swallowing, and aiding digestion.

Mild not severe, serious, or harsh.

Nasal relating to the nose

Mucus a slimy substance, typically not miscible with

water, secreted by mucous membranes and
glands for lubrication & protection

Dissolved become or cause to become incorporated into

a liquid so as to form a solution.

Fungus any of a group of spore-producing organisms

feeding on organic matter, including molds,
yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.

Mold a fungus that grows in the form of

multicellular filaments called hyphae

Potent having great power, influence, or effect.

Blossomed A condition or period of maximum


Scientists A person who is engaged in and has expert

knowledge of a science, especially a
biological or physical science.

Established to come into existence or begin operating

II. Fill in the blank with appropriate words provided in the box
1. Unfortunately, there is only one full-time __________ in this country.
2. The blood __________ of Limulus and Scorpio are very similar.
3. She had a sudden __________ headache.
4. When she got back on track, her career __________.
5. We had full __________ insurance and a pension program.
6. She'd __________ an internet blog devoted to the subject, with the hits increasing daily.
7. To deal with them the body produces __________, which is what makes smokers cough.
8. These substances can be __________ out in water.
9. Her face felt hot and cold by turns and she didn't have enough __________ to swallow.
10. Soy Sauce is made from soya beans by the action of the __________ aspergillus.
11. Grape Seed Extract is a __________ antioxidant for protecting skin tissue.
12. Mouth breathing, related to the small __________ airway, contributes to fissured tongue and
13. Oranges and pears are seriously damaged by insect and __________ pests.
14. Pineapple contains bromelain, which is an __________ that breaks down protein.
15. Teams of __________ in different parts of the world can collaborate virtually.

F. Writing
I. Things to write in a biography text
Birth  Alexander Fleming was born on August 6th, 1881, in Ayrshire, Scotland.
 He / she was born on . . . (date)  He was born on August 6th , 1881.
 He / she was born in . . . (year)  He was born in 1881.
 He / she was born in . . . (place)  He was born in Scotland.
Family  He was the seventh of eight children of a Scottish hill farmer.
 His father was a . . .
 His / her parents were . . .
 His elder brother, Thomas, worked as an oculist.

 He / she had . . . sisters and . . . brothers.
Marriage  In 1915, he married Sarah Marion McElroy, an Irish nurse.
 He / she got married to . . . in . . . (he got married to Sarah in 1915)
 He / she was never married.
 Fleming‘s son, Robert, followed his father into medicine.
 He / she had . . . daughters and . . . sons. (He had 2 daughters and 1 son)
 He / she didn’t have any children.
Education  He began his elementary schooling at Loudoun Moor.
 He moved on to a larger school at Darvel before enrolling in Kilmarnock
Academy in 1894.
 In 1895, he moved to London and completed his basic education at Regent
Street Polytechnic.
 Fleming began his medical studies at St. Mary‘s Hospital Medical School in
 He / she went to . . . school / college / university in . . .
 He / she attended a . . . (private/ public school)
 He / she studied . . . in . . .
Job  Between 1909 and 1914 Fleming established a successful private practice as
a venereologist.
 He / she first worked as a . . . in . . .
 He / she became a . . . (writer/journalist/singer) in . . .
 He / she was a . . . (writer/journalist/singer)
Achievement  In November 1921 Fleming discovered lysozyme.
 In 1928, he was appointed as professor of bacteriology.
 On September 3, 1928, he found the first to be discovered antibiotics called
 He / she became famous in . . . because . . .
 He / she . . . (won/ created/ discovered/ invented) . . . in . . .
Death  Fleming died on March 11, 1955, in London, England.
 He / she died of a . . . (cancer/heart attack/old age).
 He / she died in a car accident / in a plane crash.
 He / she committed suicide.
 He / she was murdered / assassinated in . . . (year).
 He / she was . . . years old when he / she died.
 He died at the age of . . .

II. Write a biography text about a person who inspire you

Orientation ………………………………………………………………………………….

Event 1 ………………………………………………………………………………….



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