Mcguirk 5e Lesson Plan2

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5E Lesson Plan

Section 1

Subject area / Physical Education/Life Sports: Individual, Dual, and Team/10

course / grade level

Standards (State State Standards: BL- 1.1; BK-1.3; BK-3.1; BK-3.4; BK-3.10
and ISTE Standards
ISTE Standard: 1a, 1c, 1d, 3b, 4b, and 5b
for Students)

Objectives Students can identify examples of each type of sport.

I can define the rules of multiple individual (golf, bowling), dual
(tennis), and team (baseball, football) sports.

Differentiation Students will work in pairs. Textbooks and websites will be used. For
Strategies: How will any student with any sort of disability, there will be specific
the lesson address modifications made to tailor the assignment to them.
the various learning
styles of the
students and the If students do not use technology well, they will be assigned a helper
needs of those with who is advanced with technology.
special needs?

The 5Es

E Information and Description Assessme


Engagemen Activity: Quizzizz https://creat

Students will use this website to review the definitions,
examples, and specifics of individual, dual, and team sports.
t-for- formative-
studentShare=true assessment

Exploration Students will go through these slideshows/websites that explain https://creat

the rules of various sports with their partners. The students will
answer the following questions after going through the etails/kahoo
presentations: t-for-

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E Information and Description Assessme

 In tennis, when is a serve a fault? assessment

 In tennis, when does the server win the point? /9829a724-
 In bowling, how many pins are there? 4cbc-4df5-
 In bowling, how many chances do you get in a frame? a50f-
 In golf, who can you ask for advice? What is the penalty 798898e9e
for breaking this rule? 85e
 In golf, what is the time limit for a lost ball?
 In baseball, how many outs does a team get?
 In baseball, how many players are on the field?

Explanation The teacher will hold a class discussion about the various skills
they just explored. The discussion will involve going over the
similarities and differences among the three types of sports.
Once the discussion has covered all topics and sports, the
students will begin their project.

Elaboration Individual Project: https://rubric

Each student is to choose a famous athlete of their choice and
research the following:
-What sport do they play? hp?/vaj8mf2
-What type of sport is it? roi9vcv6t5e
-What are the main rules of the sport? 4fkjqdgv5gt
-How many players are involved? espm61d80
Combine this information into a presentation using something
besides PowerPoint. The presentation must include the
following in addition to the information:
-Minimum of (3) Pictures
Here is an example of a presentation:

Evaluation Rubrics are attached to the following pages.

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Individual Project Rubric

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Work

Topic was completely
Topic was addressed. Topic was addressed.
addressed. Statements
Most statements were Some statements were Topic was not addressed.
20 points: were clearly supported.
supported. Had most of supported. Some of the Did not have all information
Had all information
information included: information was included: that was to be included.
included: video, pictures,
CONTENT: Topic video and 2 pictures. pictures but no video.
and Information
(0-5 points)
(11-15 points) (6-10 points)
(16-20 points)
Information was confusing or
All information was Knowledge of the Information was relevant,
irrelevant. Had few
accurate and was delivered athlete was evident. but details and examples
20 points: supporting details or
effectively. All questions Information included did not address all of the
examples. Did not answer
were answered thoroughly. details and strong questions. Knowledge
the questions. Knowledge of
CONTENT: Extensive details and examples that provided was evident, but was not
the athlete was not sufficient
Appropriateness, relevant examples were a clear answer to the displayed in pictures,
to make informational
relevance, details, used in presentation. questions asked. videos, etc.
and examples
(16-20 points) (11-15 points) (6-10 points)
(0-5 points)
Presentation was
Content was well organized Most of the presentation
organized with headings
with headings and was organized. The Presentation was hard to
and subheadings. Text
5 points: subheadings. Text and placement of text and read. There is no clear
and graphics were
graphics were neatly graphics sometimes made structure. Text and graphics
placed to make the
organized and made the the presentation hard to were randomly placed.
DESIGN: Organized presentation easy to
presentation easy to read. read.
and easy to read read.
(01- POINT)
All pictures, videos, and
Most pictures, videos, Some pictures, videos,
text were presented clearly. Pictures, videos, or text was
and text were presented and text were presented.
5 Points: Every question was left out. Questions were left
clearly. Most questions Some questions were
answered and displayed in unanswered.
were addressed. answered.
(0-1 POINT)

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