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Case Study: A Challenge for Quality

1. If you are part of the senior management team of Reliance Control

Systems, how will you convince the CEO that implementing the quality

standards of ISO 9000 will solve the organizational problem and will result

in achieving a greater market share for the company?

-As a part of the senior management of Reliance Control Systems, I will

convince the CEO by telling the importance and benefits of ISO 9000. First, is the

importance of quality. Many companies offer products and services, but it is

those companies who put out the best products and services efficiently that

succeed. Since ISO 9000 is a quality management standard that presents

guidelines intended to increase business efficiency and customer satisfaction. It

can offer more effective control of all aspects of the manufacturing process. At

the same time, customer realizes the importance of quality. And because the

consumer is most important to a company, ISO 9000 makes the customer its


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