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March 1st, 2021

President Kurt Creamer

Mason School Board
201 W. Ash Street, Suite 2A
Mason, MI 48854

Dear President Creamer,

We write to you as parents of students currently enrolled (and soon to be enrolled) in Mason Public
Schools, as well as concerned residents and taxpayers in the City of Mason. We ask you to take
immediate action to acknowledge the diversity in Mason Public Schools and support all students
through the diversity and inclusion steps outlined below.

As you know, education holds the key to our future. We believe our future elevates and honors the
experiences of families of color. To create a future where racism and discrimination do not linger in our
everyday interactions, we must teach our children inclusivity, equity, and diversity now. As parents, we
strive to teach these essential tools to our children at home, but we cannot do it alone because we
entrust the care and education of our children to Mason Public Schools. We ask that you to join us in
shaping our children’s futures by educating them on racial diversity and inclusion. In that spirit, we
submit to you the following requests:

1. Eliminate Board Policy 2240 - CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES (a.) immediately. This policy is
subjectively and loosely applied throughout the district. Many teachers have been reprimanded
for violating this policy this academic year, oftentimes due to the teaching of (or merely
discussion of) diversity in their classroom.
The Board of Education believes that the consideration of controversial issues has a legitimate place in the instructional
program of the schools.
Properly introduced and conducted, the consideration of such issues can help students learn to identify important issues,
explore fully and fairly all sides of an issue, weigh carefully the values and factors involved, and develop techniques for
formulating and evaluating positions.
For purposes of this policy, a controversial issue is a topic on which opposing points of view have been promulgated by
responsible opinion.
The Board will permit the introduction and proper educational use of controversial issues provided that their use in the
instructional program:
A. is related to the instructional goals of the course of study and level of maturity of the students;
B. does not tend to indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view;
Controversial issues related to the program may be initiated by the students themselves provided they are presented in
the ordinary course of classroom instruction and it is not substantially disruptive to the educational setting.
Controversial issues may not be initiated by a source outside the schools unless prior approval has been given by the
When controversial issues have not been specified in the course of study, the Board will permit the instructional use of
only those issues which have been approved by the principal.
In the discussion of any controversial issue, a teacher may not express a personal opinion.
The Board recognizes that a course of study or certain instructional materials may contain content and/or activities that
some parents find objectionable. If after careful, personal review of the program lessons and/or materials, a parent
indicates to the school that either content or activities conflicts with his/her religious beliefs or value system, the school
will honor a written request for his/her child to be excused from particular classes for specified reasons. The student,
however, will not be excused from participating in the course or activities mandated by the State and will be provided
alternative learning activities during times of parent requested absences.
The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines for dealing with controversial issues.

2. Immediately remove the current Mason Public Schools Diversity Committee Co-chairs and
appoint new chairs. Rather than chair positions being held exclusively by Mason Public School
Administrators, extend this opportunity to educators who are ready to lead on a volunteer basis.

3. The Mason Public Schools Policy & Curriculum Committee add to elementary, middle, and high
school curriculums to include, but not limited to, curriculum provided by Black Lives Matters at
School, a curriculum approved by the National Educators Association. We ask that this begin
immediately to provide adequate training opportunities for teachers to successfully implement
the curriculum during the upcoming school year.

4. No more neutrality. Mason Public Schools will no longer remain neutral on issues of race and
diversity as this stance is harmful to our students and families of color. The district should
collaborate with teachers, parents, and students in crafting a statement of support for ALL
students and families in Mason.

5. Members of the Mason Public Schools administration and/or School Board, specifically (but not
limited to) the Special Education Director of Mason Public schools, who believe that diversity
and inclusion education is controversial and/or seemingly political, issue an apology to all Mason
families or resign, effective immediately. It is unacceptable to deny the student body in Mason
Public Schools the right to learn about diversity and current events in their classrooms.

6. The District provide a publicly accessible document that specifically outlines how Mason Public
Schools’ Diversity Consultant, Dr. Karlin Tichenor, is being utilized throughout the district.
Furthermore, Dr. Tichenor should be utilized for all issues related to diversity, equity, and
inclusion, including (but not limited to) those listed in this letter, until all members of the district
have been fully trained.

Changes must be made in our school district to reflect the intention of all educators to foster a sense of
kindness, understanding, and civic responsibility in our children as they grow. We ask that, in a
collaborative spirit, the above recommendations be instituted by the Mason School Board immediately.

We, the undersigned, are committed to Mason School District becoming a model of diversity and
inclusion and offer ourselves as resources in this endeavor. Thank you for your prompt consideration of
this issue.


Rhiannon Klein
Advocacy Consultant
Mason, MI

On behalf of the undersigned Parents, Grandparents and Guardians of former, current, or

future students at Mason Public Schools.

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