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0 Conclusion

 In conclusion, the techniques used in performing this experiment are very important, so it is
best to first read and understand all the methods and procedures. Its gasses had been obtained for
the preparation of methane, ethene and ethyne gas using a technique that is the process of the
downward displacement of water. Based on the result obtained, there are no changes occur for
methane while moderate oily solution produced for ethene and oily solution produced for ethyne
when all of the gases react with 4% solution bromine in carbon tetrachloride and left in the dark
room (set 1A) but when the same solution left under the sunlight (set 1B), methane shows the
most cloudy when the color of solution changes, slightly cloudy for ethane and the least cloudy
for ethyne. After that, the test tube is blown at the mouth of the test tube using breath and
bromine colors will turn colorless as alkane interacts with bromine in the presence of light and
formed precipitated. Therefore, in the presence of HBr, methane in set 1A and 1B form water
droplets because of HBr which dissolves in breath moisture and no reaction for ethene and
ethyne as there was no HBr present which was proved by blowing breath through the mouth of
the test tube after removal of the stopper. 

Additionally, these collected gasses can also be separated by using Baeyer's test that added a
neutral solution of permanganate. Three varying potassium permanganate concentrations were
used. When the gasses were applied 2 ml of 0.3 percent potassium permanganate solution (set
2A), methane shows a purple color solution turned to light purple because it is a saturated
hydrocarbon while ethene and ethyne formed dark brown precipitate because it is unsaturated
hydrocarbon. The gasses also reacted with 1 ml of alkaline potassium permanganate (set 2B),
methane does not show changes. Brown precipitate formed for ethene and ethyne because it is
unsaturated hydrocarbon. Lastly, the mixture of the gases with 2ml of acidified potassium
permanganate solution(set 2C) produced light brownish solution for ethene while purple color
turned to light purple for ethyne and purple color of KMnO4 remain unchanged for methane

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