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A. Preparation of Copper Standard Solutions

0.5ppm,1.0ppm,1.5ppm, 2.0ppm, 2.5ppm, 4.0ppm copper solution were prepared

by adding 1ml of 1% v/v of concentrated nitric acid to each standard solution. The
volume of copper stock solution that is needed for dilution is calculated based on a

Then, the standards solution prepared is analysed and shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: The set-up of the apparatus for the prepared copper standard

B. Operating the atomic absorption spectroscopic

For optimizing the Burner System, a blank solution is prepared and the known
solution was aspirated using 2ppm and 4ppm. The burner solution was adjusted using
adjustment knob and the nebulizer adjustment nut until a maximum absorbance is
displayed on the screen and the absorbance of the blank solution was checked again
and should be zero. To check the performance, the characteristic concentration was
clicked in the analyse menu and the sample concentration and instrument reading
were entered. Tab key was pressed and the measured characteristic concentration
should be around 20% of the comparison characteristic concentration value. Another
way the characteristic concentration value can be calculated was by using an

Characteristic Conc. Value = 0.0044 X known concentration used

Absorbance for known concentration used

A calibration curve was calculated with the nebulizer tube was immersed in the
blank solution. In the Manual Analysis Control window, the Analyze Blank is clicked.
From the drop-down list, the calibration standard that was going to be analyzed was
selected and the Analyze Standard key was clicked. The step was repeated using
0.5ppm, 1.0ppm, 1.5ppm, 2.0ppm, and 2.5ppm and the calibration curved was
checked. Lastly, the samples were analyzed with the nebulizer tube was immersed
into the sample solution and the analyze sample key was clicked.

Figure 3: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic (ASS)

From the experiment, we managed to calculate the volume of the copper stock needed
for the serial dilution by using the formula M₁V₁=M₂V₂. The volumes are calculated
from the concentration of the copper stock to obtain the desired concentration of
serial solution. Characteristic concentration value can be calculated by using formula:

Characteristic Conc. Value = 0.0044 X known concentration used

Absorbance for known concentration used

The measured characteristic concentration value for 2ppm is 0.021 mg/L while for
4ppm is 0.40. After several calculations has been made, the % RSD (mean) for this
experiment is xxx and the R2 or coefficient correlation (final) is xxx while the
absorbance of unknown 1 and unknown 2 are 0.013 and 0.034 respectively. We know
that the concentration value for unknown 1 is xxx ppm and for unknown 2 is xxx ppm
by substituting the value of absorbance into the formula y=mx+c. The amount of
copper used in each samples can be obtained by using the formula:

Mol of copper used = concentration of solution x volume of solution used

Based from the obtained result, we conclude that the higher the concentration used,
the higher its absorbance. Therefore, this experiment follows the Beer-Lambert’s law
as our results shows linear relationship between absorbance and concentration of an
absorbing species.

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