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R. Douglas Hurt

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Hurt, R. Douglas, "FEDERAL LAND RECLAMATION IN THE DUST BOWL" (1986). Great Plains Quarterly.

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NATIONAL LAND-USE PLANNING government agencies struggled to halt wind

erosion and to restore the land in the Dust
In the spring of 1932, dust clouds swept Bowl. l
over portions of the southern Great Plains. For Their work mandated the development of a
the next six years, drought and the prevailing federal land policy that would enable govern-
winds wreaked havoc over fifty million acres ment officials to help farmers reclaim their
across northeastern New Mexico, southeastern wind-eroded lands. Recognition of the need
Colorado, western Kansas, and the panhan- for a new federal land policy, however, was not
dles of Texas and Oklahoma-an area known new. For nearly a decade social scientists, such
by 1935 as the Dust Bowl. Much of that as L. C. Gray in the Bureau of Agricultural
acreage was submarginal-land that, given the Economics of the USDA, had urged a compre-
price of wheat, did not merit cultivation-and hensive land-use program that would remove
it was easily windblown. Tillage with one-way submarginal land from production to help
disk plows pulverized the powder-dry soil, and solve the joint problems of surplus production
the nearly constant winds blew and drifted it and soil erosion. And in 1931 Gray influenced
across crop and grasslands. During the remain- the Hoover administration to call a national
der of the decade, the United States Depart- conference on land utilization. When the
ment of Agriculture (USDA) and other delegates from the land-grant colleges, farm
organizations, and the federal government met
in Chicago in November, they too called for a
R. Douglas Hurt is the author of The Dust Bowl: national land-use program that included the
An Agricultural and Social History (1981). His federal purchase of submarginal lands.'
article "The National Grasslands: Origin and The work of the national conference on
Development in the Dust Bowl" appeared in land utilization bore fruit in 1932 with the
Agricultural History (1985). He is currently formation of the National Land-Use Planning
associate editor of Timeline, a publication of the Committee, which Gray served as executive
Ohio Historical Society. secretary, and which worked for the removal
of submarginal lands from production. With
[GPQ 6 (Spring 1986): 94-106.J the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to

the presidency that year, land-use planning became chief of the Land Policy Section of the
continued with the creation of the Land Program Planning Division while remaining
Planning Committee of the National Re- head of the USDA's Division of Land Eco-
sources Board, which called for a long-term nomics within the Bureau of Agricultural
land-use policy that would remove as many as Economics. He, therefore, had major responsi-
seventy-five million acres from cultivation bility not only for developing a long-term land-
nationwide. It also concluded that "extensive use program but also for determining the
areas" of the Great Plains were unsuited for submarginal lands for purchase and reclama-
cultivation. The Committee estimated that tion. As chief of the Land Policy Section, Gray
more than 6.5 million acres in the Great Plains also had the opportunity to implement the
needed to be returned to grass and that some suggestions that had accumulated from the
16,000 farmers should be relocated.] Division of Land Economics, the National
About this same time, Chester Davis, Land-Use Planning Committee, and the Land
administrator of the Agricultural Adjustment Planning Committee. Soon, Gray's Land
Administration (AAA), created a Program Policy Section became the nerve center for
Planning Division that, with the support of planning the land-use program. 4
Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace Gray and others believed that a land-use
and others, he used to give government social program was needed in the Dust Bowl to
scientists the opportunity to plan and imple- enable acquisition of submarginal lands, con-
ment a national land-use program. Gray solidation of farms, relocation of inhabitants,


FIG. 1. The land utilization projects were part of the Roosevelt administration's national soil
conservation program. By November 1940, land reclamation encompassed several hundred thousand acres in
the Dust Bow!. Other land utilization projects were scattered across the nation. Courtesy Soil Conservation

restoration of land, and the return of re- New Mexico and two in Colorado, respec-
claimed land to commercial use under the tively called the Mills and the Southern Otero
watchful eye of the federal government-all for and Southeastern Colorado Land Utilization
the purpose of restoring submarginal cropland Projects, exemplified the purpose, problems,
to grass in order to help end the dust storms and results of the New Deal's land-use program
and improve agriculture. Although the intent in the Dust Bowl. i
of federal land reclamation policy was clear,
execution became difficult because it required PROBLEMS OF LAND ACQUISITION
private owners to sell their lands and federal
officials to institute the conservation measures By January 1935, after three years of
and managerial procedures that would prevent drought and dust and crop failure in north-
further soil erosion. No precedents existed for eastern New Mexico and southeastern Colora-
governmental planning and soil conservation do, residents welcomed the federal land-use
on this grand scale. Even so, by autumn 1934 program. The wind had eroded some crop-
the AAA had instituted a land-use program lands to the depth of the plowing, and grazing
that included the purchase of submarginal lands were blowing badly. To hold the soil on
lands in the Dust Bowl. Three projects, one in those wind-eroded lands, the AAA planned to


OCTOBER 1,1938


FIG. 2. In autumn 1934, the AAA began purchasing submarginal land in Harding County, New
Mexico, for the Mills Land Utilization Project. Two years later, the project expanded to Colfax and Mora
Counties. Courtesy Soil Conservation Service.

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FIG. 3. In late 1934, the AAA made its first land purchase in southern Otero County, Colorado. The
Southeastern Land Utilization Project in Baca and Las Animas Counties began in 1937. Courtesy Soil
Conservation Service.

purchase 64,440 acres of submarginal land ter" farmers, meaning those who were finan-
from 148 individuals in Harding County, New cially stable and owned productive croplands,
Mexico. In southern Otero and Las Animas would stay and lease the restored grasslands
Counties in Colorado, the federal government for livestock production. Policymakers in the
planned to purchase 300,000 acres on which AAA estimated the land in the Mills Project
250 families lived and nonresidents owned would cost the federal government between
approximately 45 percent of the land. In both $2.00 and $4.75 per acre while Southern Otero
areas, tax delinquencies were high. Harding Project land could be acquired for $1.50 to
County landowners or tenants were to be $2.50 per acre. 6
relocated on the Storrie Project near Las Soon after the AAA selected the land
Vegas, New Mexico, or on the Middle Rio utilization or reclamation areas in New Mexico
Grande Conservancy Project in the Rio Gran- and southern Colorado, agents met with
de Valley. The relocation site for Southern landowners and residents to determine their
Otero and Las Animas County farmers had support for the project and to explain land-use
not yet been determined. Not everyone, policy. Harding County, as well as Otero and
however, would be removed from the project Las Animas County, residents quickly showed
areas. Government officials believed the "bet- an almost "unanimous desire" for the land-use

program. Landowners particularly were sup- reclamation project because that area would
portive after learning that they would not be not support farming and ranching under
forced to sell their properties but would he private ownership. Thus, to prevent abusive
given the opportunity to sell at the appraised farming and grazing practices and to halt
price, based on the land's value for grazing further wind erosion, federal ownership and
purposes. The value of improvements would management were necessary. Although many
be determined by their condition. Govern- farmers and ranchers might have a large
ment officials also asked the Federal Land amount of capital invested in the land, federal
Bank to renegotiate mortgages when the policymakers felt no obligation to compensate
appraised land value was less than the mort- them for unwise or over investments any more
gage in order for the owner to receive some than they assumed the government was obli-
equity. Although federal officials hoped all gated to reimburse businessmen for losses that
lands within project boundaries would come they might incur.'
under federal jurisdiction and planned to In September 1935, a more serious, though
acquire or block-in as much as they could of brief, blow up occurred in Roy, New Mexico,
the area within project boundaries in order to over the Mills Project. Scattered rains, delayed
develop easily administered grazing districts, payments for optioned lands, and rumors that
they recognized that private holdings would the land, once restored to grass, would be
checkerboard the land-use areas.; rented at high prices to nonresident farmers
Most residents and landowners within or and cattlemen caused a small group of land-
nearby the Mills and Southern Otero reclama- owners, tenants, and businessmen to petition
tion projects supported the land purchase for the termination of the reclamation project.
concept, but some criticized land-use policy. Landowners who signed the petition charged
Dissatisfaction developed because a few land- that the federal government had appraised
owners hoped to sell their properties for more their properties too low and that the option
money than the government offered and prices would place them in an even more
because payment was not quickly forthcoming. precarious financial position. They also ob-
A southeastern Colorado rancher, for exam- jected to the "un-American" principle that
ple, had invested $15.00 per acre on a section required the relinquishment of deeds prior to
of land, but appraisers valued land in his area payment for their lands. Moreover, they
at only $2.00 to $3.00 per acre. Selling at that complained they had been misled about the
price, he believed, would turn him into a legal expenses involved. Federal officials had
"pauper" and force him onto the relief rolls, implied that the government would pay the
and others in his situation would share the expenses for quieting titles and other legal.
same fate. After enjoying years of adequate work, but the government deducted those
precipitation and bountiful harvests, farmers costs from the agreed price. They also argued
wanted prices commonly paid for land during that federal officials had indicated the restored
good times, not the prices of the drought- grasslands would be rented to residents at rates
stricken, dust-laden, depression years. There- competitive with taxes paid on privately held
fore, in late April 1935 a group of southern or state-leased lands, rather than to "outsid-
Otero County farmers petitioned the AAA to ers" for "materially higher" lease fees. In
pay not less than $2.50 per acre for lands addition, they maintained that those who sold
within the project area. S their lands would be "dispossessed of homes"
Norman G. Fuller, the project manager, and would thereby create another problem for
was unsympathetic to this plea even though the federal government. I,)
the AAA ultimately paid higher prices. Gray's Although these were good reasons for
Land Policy Section, he argued, had selected a second thoughts about granting purchase
portion of southern Otero County for a options to the federal government, return of

rain was the real reason for the farmers' change and Mills Projects did not stem from a
of heart. At least the most hopeful of these philosophical rejection of New Deal reclama-
generally optimistic plainsmen chose to believe tion policy but rather from the landowners'
that scattered rainfall in the early autumn of perception that they were inequitably or
1935 heralded the end of the Dust Bowl. Some slowly paid, and these objections were relative-
who had signed options now believed that ly limited.!2
they would be better off retaining possession of Most people within the Mills and Southern
their lands rather than selling to the federal Otero Projects had good reasons to be support-
government and moving elsewhere. Perhaps ive. In the Mills area, 85 percent of the
cynically, but accurately, the editor of the Roy inhabitants were on relief. Of the 250 farms
Record in Roy, New Mexico, reflected: "Know- recommended for purchase in 1935, the ap-
ing the propensity of the average mesa farmer praised value totaled $367,372 against mort-
to condemn the country when it is windy and gages that reached $250,000 for an average
dry, and then sing its praises at the first drop of indebtedness of $1,469 per farm. Many land-
rainfall, the Record many months ago predicted owners were far behind in their tax payments.
tough sledding for the land-use program. We By the end of 1934, 28 percent of the 1932
said then if favorable conditions returned taxes and 34 percent of the 1933 taxes still were
before the landowners were moved elsewhere, delinquent. Most of these farmers had slight
there would be a general clamor for cancella- chance of regaining self-sufficiency, let alone
tion of the leases. And it has come to pass."!! commercial production. Overall, the people
D. R. W. Wagner-Smith, the Mills Project were destitute and lacked the basic necessities
manager, tried to maintain control of the of life. Confronting economic problems such
situation by taking a conciliatory attitude and as these, the Resettlement Administration
by explaining federal policy. Wagner-Smith (RA) , which gained control of the land-use
believed the farmers' dissatisfaction stemmed program on 1 May 1935, expanded the pur-
from payment delays for optioned lands and chase plans to 74,500 acres in September to
from the government's failure to develop a give relief to even more landowners. More-
leasing policy that would favor residents with over, by reseeding 17,500 acres, the RA hoped
low rates. The latter problem, he contended, to make life in that portion of the Dust Bowl
was the "spark which set off the explosion." He less tenuous and disagreeable for those who
assured residents that the federal government remained.!l
would consult with them concerning leasing Similar tax and mortgage problems existed
policy and that the land-use program would be within the Southern Otero Project, where 90
administered on a "fair and equitable basis." percent of the inhabitants were on relief and
Soon after, residents who favored the program where 14,000 acres needed reseeding immedi-
called their own mass meeting to garner ately. By mid-October 1935, however, the
support for the project. Although those who Resettlement Administration had received
petitioned for the return of their options did funds sufficient only for the purchase of
not attend allegedly because they feared "mass 150,000 acres-a substantial reduction from
violence," the one hundred project supporters the original 300,000 acre purchase plan. But
who did participate voiced hearty endorse- options for these lands had been obtained with
ments for the Mills Land Utilization Project little difficulty, and Fuller believed the federal
and voted to circulate their own petition government could purchase "practically every
favoring its completion. With support from the privately owned acre" within one or two years,
Roy Chamber of Commerce, other commu- if funds were available. Nevertheless, the
nity leaders, and the majority of area landown- reduction of the project area by half hindered
ers, work on the project continued. Sig- the development of a conservation program
nificantly, opposition to the Southern Otero where drought, tillage, and overgrazing had

exposed 70 percent of the land to wind intended to remove the New Mexico and
erosion. 14 Colorado purchase areas from cultivation,
Other problems developed when some restore the grass, and return the land to
farmers within the Southern Otero Project commercial use under "strict control." No one,
optioned their lands, then sought loans from however, was quite sure how to achieve those
local banks to finance resettlement. Those goals. No precedents existed to help federal
individuals had located specific land on which officials develop a large-scale conservation
they wanted to reside, but they needed loans program, and no one was certain how much
to purchase it in time to plant the next year's time would be required to restore the grass-
crop. Although local banks were cooperative, lands. By February 1938, when the land
they were not willing to grant loans until the utilization projects were under the jurisdiction
government checks, which the farmers in- of the Farm Security Administration (FSA),
tended to use as security, arrived. Farmers on no one had developed a conservation program
the Southern Otero and Mills Projects who for the Southern Otero Project, and the
had given the government options did not federal government had done little to halt
want to plant acreages that the federal govern- wind erosion in the land-use area, even though
ment would soon control, yet they could not Fuller recommended that cover crops, such as
wait a year or more for payment and resettle- sudan grass or milo, be planted to retard wind
ment without cultivating their old lands. C. F. movement and to catch drifting soil. He also
Clayton, chief of the Project Planning and urged contracting with farmers who had
Control Section in the Resettlement Adminis- optioned their lands to plant soil-holding crops
tration's Division of Land Utilization could and contracting with others to seed cover
not promise a time of payment. Bureaucratic crops on lands of nonresidents. Although the
lethargy and a long appraisal process did not FSA eventually implemented his suggestions,
enhance congressional support, and resettle- restricted relief funds consistently limited this
ment delays cost the federal government conservation work. 17
additional planning time and money.IS Similar problems plagued the Mills Project.
Similar problems existed on the Mills Although the Resettlement Administration
Project. In April 1936 eighty-five families were planned to remove buildings, reseed grass,
ready to move, but the federal government did construct stock-watering ponds, build roads,
not have any place to send them. Those who and develop recreational areas, little work had
had optioned lands were embittered and been completed by December 1936. Inade-
contended that the administration had broken quate funding slowed contour listing and the
faith with them. In late April the situation seeding of sorghum cover crops until late June
improved when the RA authorized Mills 1937. The lands that were tilled and planted at
Project farmers who had optioned their lands that time would require relisting and replant-
to plant and harvest a crop even though ing in the spring, L. H. Hauter, regional
payment might be made before the work was director of the Resettlement Administration
completed. At that time, the federal govern- believed. Clearly, restoration of the grasslands
ment had paid for only 8,367 of 66,398 would take a long time. 18
optioned acres for a total expenditure of Still, federal officials made progress. By July
$31,376, and to speed the payment process one 1937, workers had plowed 18,000 miles of
landowner even had to hire an attorney to contour furrows on the Southern Otero Proj-
plead his case in Washington. 16 ect. In addition, the Resettlement Administra-
Once the land purchase program was tion supervised the construction of 120 miles
underway, the next problem was to formulate of fence and fifteen livestock watering ponds
a restoration plan for the wind-eroded land. and the removal of forty-two homesteads at a
From the beginning, Gray and his associates cost of$140,567. The RA planned to spend an

additional $43,779 during the coming year for results," an "emergency treatment" program,
Works Progress Administration (WPA) em- which involved contour listing, chiseling,
ployees to build another ninety-four miles of leveling, and reseeding, was planned for the
fence. Work on the Mills Project also pro- spring "blow months." Contour furrowing
ceeded on a modest scale. By 30 June 1937, would help prevent further loss of vegetation
employees had contour plowed 10,000 acres on wind-damaged and overgrazed pasture
and had seeded more than 7,000 acres, proba- lands. If normal precipitation returned, federal
bly with a sorghum nurse crop. Officials officials hoped to lease the better lands after
proclaimed that 40,000 acres were "revege- two or three years. Nevertheless, as late as June
tated," which probably meant the weeds had ·1938, the FSA used most of its financial
been allowed to hold the soil against the wind. resources for land acquisition, rather than for
Developmental work also involved the con- the development of a conservation program.
struction of three hundred miles of fencing. By At that time, for example, officials budgeted
that time, the federal government had ac- $502,740 for land purchases but provided only
quired 67,647 acres at a cost of $274,034, or $87,310 for conservation. Even so, workers
$4.05 per acre. It also had spent $118,847, or planted cover crops on 40,000 acres in 1939,
$1.76 per acre, for conservation work. The RA and officials optimistically hoped to complete
considered this expenditure reasonable for the soil stabilization program the next year. 20
returning the land to grass. Still, limited funds Funding for conservation and land acquisi-
and drought prevented a quick return of the tion, however, always was less than requested
grass to halt wind erosion. With only $30,000 or needed because Congress restricted much of
allocated for conservation work during fiscal the funding to aiding the unemployed. Conse-
1938, the RA planned to move fences and quently, during June 1938 the FSA authorized
reorganize grazing areas. Project officials also conservation work only for the most severely
planned to contour plow blowing fields and to eroded lands in contiguous blocks of 2,000
hold the soil with forage crops, if sufficient acres or more. If landowners within or near the
moisture was present to sustain growth. They projects treated their lands to prevent blowing,
also intended to keep cattle off severely however, project managers were permitted to
blowing lands so the vegetation would be conduct soil conservation work on adjacent
"unmolested" if it grew. 1'l federal lands to help prevent further wind
Similar conservation work began on the erosion or damage to those private lands and
Southeastern Land Utilization Project in Colo- thereby to enhance the economic position of
rado, which included lands in Las Animas and resident operators. Even so, after the Soil
Baca Counties, after project approval on 3 Conservation Service (SCS) became responsi-
November 1937. Although the original plan ble for the land utilization projects on 16
called for the purchaie of 377,000 acres, no October 1938, more than two years passed
one could say how much land eventually before the agency gave major attention to
might be acquired. This reclamation project reseeding native grasses to obtain permanent
included some of the most severely wind- stabilization of project lands in New Mexico
eroded lands in the Dust Bowl. In Baca and Colorado. 21
County alone nonresidents controlled 894,956
acres, or 55.2 percent of the land, and a high GRAZING DISTRICTS
percentage of resident landowners and tenants
were on relief. By mid-March 1938, conserva- While policymakers grappled with the
tion work on project lands in Baca County problems of land purchase and reclamation,
had priority over the five other land utilization they also developed plans to return the re-
projects in the Dust Bowl. With the FSA stored grasslands to private use. The New
pressuring the project manager to "show some Dealers believed that federally controlled graz-

ing would ensure the best use of the grasslands Land Utilization within the Resettlement
and enable cattle producers to develop eco- Administration, had designated the Mills
nomically viable operations. Moreover, in Project a "Grazing Reserve." "Grazing dis-
times of prolonged drought, federal manage- tricts" within the reserve were available for
ment would enable quick adjustment to reduce lease to any individual or association engaged
the number of cattle or sheep that grazed on in ranching or farming in or near the area.
project grasslands and thereby prevent over- Local livestock producers, who in general were
grazing, denuded lands, and the return of the not interested in forming grazing associations,
dust storms. would receive preference for grazing permits.
Indeed, by 1935 federal management Ranchers who depended solely upon livestock
seemed necessary on the Southern Otero for their livelihood were to be granted grazing
Project, where 15,500 sheep grazed on pastures permits for 125 animal units on project lands
sufficient for only 4,000 head. Although the while those who operated diversified farms
3,700 cattle present were below the 4,500-head could acquire permits for eighty animal units
limit for the project, policymakers were deter- until the carrying capacity of the grasslands
mined that the carrying capacity would not had been reached. If drought forced a reduc-
jeopardize the grass during times of drought. tion in the number of animals grazing on
Moreover, pasture rotation needed to be project lands, the RA could require livestock-
strictly enforced to prevent overgrazing and men to reduce their herds over a three-year
exposure of the soil to the wind. Federal period with a one-third reduction occurring
officials planned to reduce the livestock to an each year. Livestock producers could appeal all
appropriate number by the 1938 grazing reductions to the regional director of the land
season. In time, New Dealers hoped that utilization projects in Amarillo, Texas, who
resident livestockmen would form grazing transmitted those he approved to the secretary
associations that would rent the grasslands of agriculture. The $2 per animal grazing fee
and work with the project manager to develop equalled the prevailing rate for privately leased
plans for the best range management and to land in the Mills area. Although federal
determine equitable leasing rates. The federal officials recognized the advantages of long-
government would issue permits that specified term permits for agricultural planning, they
the number of livestock and the grazing period did not intend to issue such permits until a
for the leased lands. In the case of leases to comprehensive conservation program had
individuals, the applicant was to be a "viable been formulated. They expected the Mills and
land owner" or resident engaged in farming or Southeastern Projects to be self-liquidating
ranching who owned the livestock. Monthly within ten to fifteen years."
grazing fees per head of $.17 for cattle, $.22 for
horses, and $.04 for sheep were payable FUNDING PROBLEMS
semiannually on 1 May and 1 November.
Livestockmen were not to place salt near water By spring 1939, reclamation still proceeded
holes, nor were they to bed sheep in the same slowly in southeastern Colorado. Funds were
place for more than three continuous nights nearly exhausted for conservation work on the
from April to October, to prevent overgrazing. Southeastern Land Utilization Project. The
No one could erect a permanent corral, and SCS plans for June and July involved merely
livestockmen were responsible for the mainte- seeding cover crops to stabilize blowing soil.
nance of fences and ponds within their lease The agency had hired thirty farmers with
areas. " tractors to do the planting, but with only
Federal officials developed similar $8,000 available, each tractor could run only
guidelines for the Mills Project. By the spring ten days, halting planting about mid-June. The
of 1937, Gray, now director of the Division of SCS needed at least $26,000 to continue

planting until July 25-the date beyond which to acquire a portion of the optioned lands and
germination was limited. By the end of July, thereby increase the size and economic viabili-
only 4,000 acres had been contour furrowed in ty of their agricultural operations. In fiscal
southern Otero County at an expenditure of 1939, only $5,959 in WPA funds and $708.30
$13,640. Cost prohibited similar work on in PW A funds were available for conservation
another 100,000 acres. Optioned land was work, and project administrators could see no
often saved because the federal government alternative to reducing the size of the Mills
encouraged farmers to put it into the Agricul- Project. During fiscal 1940, they had only
tural Conservation Program, which provided $4,819 in WP A funds available for conserva-
reclamation funds under the Soil Conserva- tion work, but with restrictions on its use
tion and Domestic Allotment Act of 1936, but identical to those placed on the projects in
the federal government usually had to stabilize southeastern Colorado, no reseeding, fence
the worst lands because local farmers would construction, contour plowing, or farm pond
not undertake that task.24 construction could be completed. The onset of
Funding problems continued to plague the a new war did not improve funding, and the
development of the land utilization projects in SCS terminated land purchases after February
Colorado. The Soil Conservation Service 1943 except for small acquisitions to block-in
preferred to hire local farmers because they an area.'"
had the needed equipment and because this
policy built community goodwill, enabled
farmers to earn extra money, and permitted The resettlement of families from project
the agency to avoid the procurement and lands was the most controversial but least
maintenance of equipment. WPA funds, how- serious problem attendant on the projects.
ever, could not be spent to hire farmers with Inadequate funding, payment delays, procedu-
tractors; they could be used only to hire the ral changes, unclear objectives, and insuffi-
unemployed. On the Southern Otero Project, cient areas for relocation made an early
Fuller could not see any justification for shambles of this aspect of the land-use pro-
spending $30,000 to purchase the tractors and gram. Between January 1938 and July 1941,
grain drills needed so that fifty or seventy-five the federal government purchased 581,696
men could be employed for two months acres in the southern Great Plains, much of
planting grass seed. Moreover, Public Works which was in the Dust Bowl. Only 29.3
Administration (PW A) funds only could be percent of that acreage was grazed or culti-
spent for heavy construction and equipment, vated at the time of purchase; the remaining
not for conservation work such as listing, acreage was abandoned. Resident owners
contour plowing, and planting. Furthermore, occupied only 6.7 percent of that area while
the Civilian Conservation Corps did not have tenants held 10 percent of the land, thus
sufficient equipment for reseeding project leaving 83.1 percent of the land unoccupied.
lands, and WP A and PW A monies could not Although the resettlement program was con-
be used to buy equipment for the CCc. 2i troversial nationwide, the federal government
Similar problems existed on the Mills did not force a large number of owners and
Project. By February 1939, funding shortages tenants off Dust Bowl lands. Apparently, most
convinced project officials to purchase only farmers within the project areas moved with
the minimal acreage necessary to bring wind their own funds and relocated in places of their
erosion under control and to ensure the proper own choosing rather than accept federal land
use of the land. Although the SCS did not elsewhere. 2;
indicate the acreage reduction that could be
made, agency officials believed a cutback
would permit financially sound local operators Not everyone across the nation or in the

Dust Bowl supported the reclamation pro- purchased nor the grass restored immediately,
gram. Some journalists, businessmen, and many years were needed for this land-use
farmers, for example, argued that the land policy to show successful results. Indeed, the
utilization projects would ruin the local econ- Soil Conservation Service maintained control
omy and destroy the tax base. The critics, of the projects until November 1953, when
however, were a minority. Most Dust Bowl administrative authority passed to the Forest
residents, like those near or within other land- Service. In 1960 the USDA recognized the
use projects, supported the goals of the federal importance of these reclamation projects to
government and the work of Gray and his the national soil conservation program when it
associates. Certainly, the Department of Agri- created the Kiowa National Grassland from
culture and other agencies, such as the Re- the Mills Land Utilization Project and the
settlement Administration, Farm Security Comanche National Grassland from the
Administration, Works Progress Administra- Southern Otero and Southeastern Colorado
tion, Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Projects. Today, the Kiowa and Comanche
Federal Emergency Relief Administration, National Grasslands serve not only as grazing
helped farmers improve their soil conservation lands but also provide wildlife habitat, mineral
practices in the Dust Bowl and remain on the reserves, and recreation areas. Above all, the
land until the rains returned. The Soil Conser- Kiowa and Comanche National Grasslands
vation Service particularly was instrumental in remain monuments to a grand experiment in
helping stabilize the land as well as in teaching state planning and land reclamation in the
farmers and ranchers the best techniques to Dust Bowl. hl
conserve the soil. 18
Because of those efforts, and with the
return of near normal precipitation during the NOTES
late 1930s and early 1940s, the grass grew once
The author is grateful for the aid that he
again, the dust settled, and the work of the
received from Douglas Helms, historian, Soil Con-
SCS was much easier than in the past. servation Service, during the preparation of this
Certainly, the land-use projects in New Mexi- article.
co and Colorado were not capable of solving 1. R. Douglas Hurt, The Dust Bowl: An Agricul-
all of the economic and social problems in tural and Social History (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1981),
pp. 23-25, 30, 33, 67-137.
those portions of the Dust Bowl. As part of the
2. Richard Lowitt, The New Deal in the West
Roosevelt administration's national soil con- (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984), pp.
servation program, however, the land utiliza- 61-62; Yearbook of Agriculture (Washington, D.C.:
tion projects in New Mexico and Colorado GPO, 1923), pp. 415-506. '
helped to end the dust storms, restore wind- 3. Richard S. Kirkendall, Social Scientists and
Fann Politics in the Age of Roosevelt (Columbia:
eroded land, and return the region to a sound
University of Missouri Press, 1966), p. 39; Mary
agricultural base. Moreover, these land utiliza- W. M. Hargreaves, "Land Use Planning in Re-
tion projects and the newly organized conser- sponse to Drought: The Great Plains Experience of
vation districts encouraged improved the Thirties," Agricultural History 50 (October 1976):
conservation practices on private lands once 566.
4. Kirkendall, Social Scientists and Farm Politics,
normal precipitation returned to the Dust pp. 76-78,81-82.
Bowl." 5. R. Douglas Hurt, "The National Grasslands:
In retrospect, the purchase of submarginal Origin and Development in the Dust Bowl,"
land, the restoration of the grass, and the wise Agricultural History 59 (April 1985): 246-59.
management of the grasslands enabled the 6. New Mexico Submarginal Land Purchase
Project Proposal A-4, 10 January 1935, LU-NM-5,
federal government to ensure better use of the box 266, National Archives Record Group 114
land than ever before. These efforts, of course, (hereafter all manuscripts cited are from the Soil
took time. Just as the land could not be Conservation Service, Land Acquisition Files,

National Archives Record Group 114); Southern Acquisition of Land and the Execution of the
Otero County Land Project, Preliminary Proposal Development Proposed, 15 September 1935, LU-
A-3, 18 January 1935, LU-CO-4; Southern Otero NM-5, box 269.
County Land Use Adjustment Project, 20 February 14. Southern Otero County Land, Preliminary
1935, LU-CO-4, box 53; Final Plan, Southern Proposal A-3, 18 January 1935, LU-CO-4, box 53;
Otero County Land Readjustment Project, 23 July Norman G. Fuller to C. F. Clayton, 1 November
1935, LU-CO-4, box 54; L. H. Hauter to L. C. 1935, LU-CO-4, box 53; Development Plan for
Gr~y, 9 April 1935, LU-MN-5, box 268; Mills Land Southern Otero County Land Readjustment, Colo-
Use Adjustment Project, New Mexico Proposal A-4, rado, LU-CO-4, box 55; Milard Peck to C. F.
Final Plan, 15 May 1935, LU-NM-5, box 267. By Clayton, 24 June 1936, LU-CO-4, box 53. By July 7,
late 1936, appraisal values on the Mills Project 1936, the Roosevelt administration had allotted
averaged $4.10 per acre. See Semi-Monthly Project $433,413 for land purchases on the Southern Otero
Progress Report, Mills Land Use Adjustment Proj- Project. See A. W. K. to L. C. Gray, n.d., LU-CO-
ect, 30 November 1936, LU-NM-5, box 266. In early 4, box 53.
1937, appraisal value averaged $2.34 per acre on the 15. Norman G. Fuller to C. F. Clay top., 23
Southern Otero County Project. See Semi-Monthly November 1935 LU-CO-4, box 53; Clayton to
Project Progress Report, Southern Otero County Fuller, 25 November 1935, LU-CO-4, box 53.
Land Readjustment Project, 4 January 1937, LU- 16. Preliminary Plan for Land Acquisition, The
CO-4, box 53. In 1936, the Mills Project was Mills Land Use Adjustment Project, 23 April 1936,
expanded to portions of Mora and Colfax counties. LU-NM-5, box 267; Roy Record, 24 April 1936;
See Preliminary Plan for Land Acquisition, The writer unknown to Honorable John J. Dempsey, 29
Mills Land Use Adjustment Project, 23 April 1936, April 1936, LU-NM-5, box 266. Title clearance
LU-NM-5, box 267. The Southern Otero Project procedures caused project delays. Before payment
included land in Las Animas County, Colorado. was. made, the title had to be clear beyond any
See Agricultural Demonstration Project Proposal A, chance of contradiction.
CO-4, Lands Recommended for Purchase, 6 Decem- 17. Final Plan, Southern Otero County Land
ber 1935, LU-CO-4, box 53. Readjustment Project, 23 July 1935, LU-CO-4, box
7. New Mexico Submarginal Land Purchase 54; C. W. William Lawrence to W. M. Russell, 29
Project Proposal A-4, 10 January 1935, LU-NM-5, December 1936, LU-CO-4, box 55; Hurt, The Dust
box 266; Mills Land Use Adjustment Project, New Bowl, p. 80; Norman G. Fuller to James C. Foster, 7
Mexico Proposal A-4, Final Plan, 15 May 1935, LU- February 1938; Amarillo Regional Office Records of
NM-5, box 267; Southern Otero County Land Use the Project Plans Division, 1936-1941, box 16.
Adjustment Project, 20 February 1935, LU-CO-4, 18. Semi-Monthly Project Progress Report,
box 53. Mills Land Use Adjustment Project; Memorandum
8. U. S. Kellogg to Senator Edward P. Costigan, from Aurelia Plavk, subject telephone call for M.
4 April 1935, LU-CO-4, box 53; Petition from McMann, Senator Hatch's Office, 31 December
Otero County to the AAA, 23 April 1935, LU-CO- 1936, LU-NM-5, box 269; L. H. Hauter to W. W.
4, box 56. Alexander, 30 June 1937, LU-NM-5, box 268.
9. Norman G. Fuller to C. F. Clayton, 26 April 19. Memorandum for Dr. A. G. Black, 29
1935, LU-CO-4, box 56. October 1937, LU-CO-4, box 51; Memorandum for
10. Petition to the Honorable John R. Dempsey, Dr. Black, 2 November 1937, LU-NM-5, box 269.
n.d., ca. late September or early October 1935, LU- No itemization for reseeding was given.
NM-5, box 266; Roy Record, Roy, New Mexico, 4 20. H. H. Bennett, memorandum for the secre-
October 1935. tary, ca. 27 February 1939; LU-CO-4, box 59; Land
11. Albuquerque Journal, 8 October 1935; Roy Ownership, Baca County, Colorado, LU-CO-22,
Record, 4 October 1935. box 3; Land Acquisition Plan for Southeastern
12. D. R. W. Wagner-Smith to L. H. Hauter, 5 Colorado Land Utilization and Conservation Proj-
October 1935, LU-NM-5, box 266; Roy Record, 4 ect, Part V, 8 November 1938, LU-CO-22, box 59;
October 1935. Olaf F. Larson, "Rural Households and Dependen-
13. Conditions Justifying the Acquisition of cy," Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station,
Land and the Execution of the Development Plan Bulletin No. 444, May 1938, p. 13; Glen Briggs to
Proposed for the Mills Land Use Adjustment Norman A. Fuller, 2 April 1938, Amarillo Regional
Project, 1 February 1936, LU-NM-5, box 269; New Office Records of the Project Plans Division, 1936-
Mexico Submarginal Land Purchase Project Propos- 1941, box 16; Supplement, Southeastern Colorado
al A-4, 10 January 1935, LU-NM-5, box 266; Mills Land Utilization and Land Conservation Project
Land Use Adjustment Project, Proposal A-4, Final (Baca County, Colorado), 17 March 1938, LU-CO-
Plan, 15 May 1935, LU-NM-5, box 267; Mills Land 22, box 59; Unknown newspaper clipping, 11
Use Adjustment Project, Conditions Justifying the March 1940, Amarillo Regional Office Records of

the Project Plans Division, 1936-1941, box 16. The sion, 1936-1941, box 16.
six land utilization projects in the Dust Bowl 26. C. F. Clayton to Alan F. Furman, 4 Feb-
included Mills in New Mexico; Southern Otero and ruary 1939, LU-NM-5, box 5; Current Work
Southeastern Colorado in Colorado; Morton Program, Periods 1 July 1939-30 June 1940, Mills
County in Kansas; Cimmaron County in Oklaho- Land Use Adjustment Project, June 1939, LU-NM-
ma; and Dallam County in Texas. 5, box 5; Current Work Program, Periods 1 July
21. Writer unknown to John A. Martin, 25 1940-30 June 1941, LU-NM-5, box 5, H. H. Woo-
August 1935, LU-CO-4, box 53; R. M. H. to ten, The Land Utilization Program 1934 to 1964, U.S.
Martin, 31 January 1936, LU-CO-4, box 53; Policies Department of Agriculture, Economic Research
Governing Authorization for Land Treatment, Service, no. 85, n.d., p. 14.
Amarillo Regional Office of the Project Plans 27. Tevis E. Wilkins and George B. Mclntire,
Division, 1936-1941, box 16. "An Analysis of the Land Acquisition Program,"
22. Southern Otero Project Range Management Soil Conservation Service, Miscellaneous Publication
Plan, 12 August 1937, LU-CO-4, box 56; Final Plan, No. 28, August 1942, pp. 20, 23, 34. For a brief
Southern Otero County Land Readjustment Proj- overview of relocation problems for the Mills
ect. Livestockmen in the Southern Otero Project Project see Paul Bonnifield, The Dust Bowl (Albu-
were interested in organizing a grazing association, querque: University of New Mexico Press, 1979),
provided the federal government did not establish a pp. 150-51.
"complete dictatorship" regarding the formulation 28. Kirkendall, Social Scientists and Farm Politics,
of leasing policy. Lease fees were to provide a p. 85; Hurt, The Dust Bowl, pp. 117-18; Lowitt, The
reasonable return plus the equivalent in taxes, a New Deal in the West, pp. 59-60.
percentage of which was to go to the county for loss 29. Hurt, "The National Grasslands," p. 258.
of tax revenue. 30. Federal Register, 24 June 1960; New Mexico
23. N. H. Buck to C. F. Clayton, 10 August Submarginal Project Proposal A-4, 1 January 1935,
1938, LU-NM-5, box 269; Proposed Regulations for LU-NM-5, box 266; H. H. Bennett to W. P. Lam-
the Administration of the Grazing Lands under bertson, 5 August 1939, Amarillo Regional Office
Control of the Mills Project, ca. April 1937, LU- Records of the Project Plans Division, 1936-1941,
NM-5, box 266; W. F. Dickson to J. C. Foster, 24 box 16; Memorandum of the Secretary of Agricul-
August 1938, LU-NM-5, box 269; Mills Land Use ture, No. 1320, 2 November 1953, History Office,
Adjustment Project Conditions Justifying the Ac- Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. To-
quisition of Land and the Execution of the Devel- day the total amount of land acquired and the cost
opment Proposed, 15 September 1935, LU-NM-5, of the Mills Project in New Mexico and the
box 269; Supplement, Southeastern Colorado Land Southern Otero and Southeastern Colorado Proj-
Utilization and Land Conservation Project (Baca ects are difficult to determine. The records for land
County, Colorado), 17 March 1938, LU-CO-22, acquisitions and conservation expenditures were
box 59. One cow, bull, or steer equaled one animal poorly kept, if at all. Speed was the overriding
unit; two horses equaled three animal units; and concern as officials hurried to obtain land in order
five sheep equaled one animal unit. Livestock under to bring the blowing soil under control. As of
six months of age were not counted. September 1982, the area of the Kiowa National
24. Norman G. Fuller to Alan F. Furman, 25 Grassland encompassed 136,412 acres while the
May 1939, Amarillo Regional Office Records for the Comanche National Grassland contained 418,887
Project Plans Division, 1936-1941, box 16; R. H. acres. Some of that acreage, however, had been
Davis to H. H. Bennett, 28 July 1938, Amarillo acquired since the termination of the land-use
Regional Office Records of the Project Plans Divi- program in 1943. See "Land Areas in the National
sion, 1936-1941, LU-CO-4, box 16. Forest System as of September 30, 1982," USDA
25. Fuller to Furman, 12 June 1939, Amarillo FS-383, pp. 41, 51-52.
Regional Office Records of the Project Plans Divi-

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