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- Vol. 31-No. 1
. .,

'2 .'\ °

Ardmore Youngster
.. Covers Police Escort
With Tears, Candy
Even chocolate bars fed person-
ally by Lower MerIOn Policemen
failed to stop the tears of little
State T 0 Help Plan War MeInorial
• . . Being a Column of
Airline Hostess
Boro Health Center Agrees To Appropriate $2500
Jovla Mahjoublan on Wednesday
Chatter Abo u t People afternoon.
You Know JOVla, two-and-a-haIf-year-old
n\ DOROTHY M. OGDEN daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles

N. Ma:1joublan of 38 Linwood Ave.,
Tile SPI mg au' has spun ed Ardmore, was playing with her sis- FetesPublicNurses
much action alOund the Bora. tel', LUcy Ann, tour and a half,
Spotted .Joe Whiteside supcrvls- and some neighborhood friends.
ing paintl11g outside his stere, Just At about 4 P. M. she went in to
hefol e he left fOl the Rotary the house for a handkerchief, and
meeting on Tuesday afternoon I when she came out to play again,
Plan Program For
Schools, Community
If Borough Raises Like Sum I
: her SistEr and frwnds ~1ad disap-
Had a nicc note flom .John I peared. Nothmg daunted she de- I To Recognize Work Injured by Car ! Letter Received By Narberth's Solicitor "From
Rrcl1l1an of ""oodside A v e . I clded to try to find them. Unfor- Flve-year-old Jerry W1I1sness. I P PI" C ". -
Seem hc's with Mutual I,ife In- 'tunately, the more she looked, the
sura'He, and he's been made as- more they got lost until finally
As part of a nation-WIde eduea- son of ·Mr. and Mrs. John WInS-'
ness of 412 Walnut Place, Chat-
ostwar annmg ommlsslon In Harrisburg
sIstant mana~cr down thl're. LOI\ u' Menon Patrolman, Wilham tlOnal pro!<ram to promote better ham Village, ran mto the SIde of
'r Con!:"1 atula tion. to him, and I F. Denson, found her crying her IlUblIc understandmg of pubilc a cal' on sunday nIght, suffering The State Planning Commission has agreed to grant
know the Bol'O is mi!:"hty proud r~ es out at St. Paul's Rd. and < health nursmg, the week of ApI j] a cut hp and shock. I an appropriation of $2500 to the Narberth Planning Com-
to ha\e a member of it. Busi- Atl ens Ave., and took her to the , 7 to 13 Will be marked by speCial Jell'Y ran out 1ll front or a park- .. .
ness ('ounc·j] that high in dty pohce statIOn, w~1Cre Sgt. Daniel activities sponsored by the Com- ed car' on Walnut Place near Dev- mISSIon to help defray the costs of detaIled plans and speci-
• business cit·( If'S. Magee and Patrolman Philip Mm- mUlllty Health and Civic Assocla- on Rd., as Jerome H. Pmtof. of fications for a war memorial.
I1lS tiled to find out where she tlOn togethel' With the Child 315 Walnut Place was dl1vmg
Well, that pCIPelltal banter a1- hved. Fmally, m desperatIOn, they Health Center in Narberth. do\vn the street. Jerry was hit by - - - -~ - - - -- - In a leUer addl e!"sed to Henry
v. a vs g0ll1g on at "Doc" Schach- took her out m a patrol car, and On Api'll 8 at St. Margaret's the fender of Pmtof's cal. Pm- School Committee to A Flye. Borough CounCil sol1cl-
t' 11100lUm has hit thiS col- loured Aldmore to try to get her Parochial School, an open housf' tof took 111m to Bryn Mawr Hos- M tor, Malk S. James, director or
el S PI J El1' 'to I pmember where she hved. The Will be held stal tmg at 2 P Moo Pltal for tleatment. eet in Ardmore t:le Post War Plannmg Commls-

Trace Butter Boys

umn aQal11 It sp.cms S. 'IS 'hal t me she was lost Jovla With Mrs. Mary B. Himes, a staff The committee for the Mam slOn III HaIlIsburg, stated that the
~'rir;ht I\anls to make sUle that 1\ e I. ,
PatlolmalJ 1.1' Ro\-aheml alias elled steadily. despite the fact nurse, as hostess. A speclPI BARBARA ROBINS I Lll1e School fol' Chnstlan Educa- application made lecently by the
..... "Boots" Petrl's IS put "out on [hp I that Sgt. Magee, and OffIcer MISS JANE HAMILTON health movie Will be shown to lion will meet ThUlsdav evenll1g at ~oroUgh has been ~PPIOVEd, PIO-
f~\lm" so that Sunday el'enll1~S Mml1ls, fed her chocolate ';,ll, th.e
a t II 1('
W "j t . I b mOle peace- pomt I\hele both she and M.nl1ls
II, 1 S (a 1 (' weI e covel cd With salted tears
ful HoI\' dId I grt 111 tll!' middle mixed 1\ Ith chocolate or vice
W Leader t0
both palents and studp"1t.s. At MISS Balba. Hamilton Rob-
the Nal berth PlIbhc School a ins. formerly of 618 Hazel-
!slmllal program has been plan- hU1st Ave, Merion, recently
ned fOI' Api'll 11. graduated flom the ~10stess
By Park-mg T-ICket
the YMCA m AldmQle
church IS asked to send a le~le-
sentatlve t.o thIS meetmg.
Each \Ided that the BQlough puts up
an equal amount.
Flye. \\ho 1\111 pI('sent the let-
'lhiS I tn to the CounCil at the meetll1R'
of tillS an~ bow? I \ersa. w~1I be fOI speCific plannmg and Ito be held Apnl 9 stated t~lat tl1e
Speak at Council
" DUl'lng the week, a public tramlng school of the Trans-
opllllon poll \\'111 be taken Jl1 sev- contmental and WEstern All', 01 ganlzatlOn of the 1946 school Borough 1\ as 111 a pOsl1on to uraw
• 1\ <'OUrll' of wCl'k. hark. an
:t nnounl'l'Jl1en
t arrived fro m
Wben It looked as though s:1e'd
neler lecoglllze her home, the
polIcemen took her to the matron,
eral of the dl ug and produce Inc, 111 Kansas City. Mo. A
stOles as w('l1 as 111 t.he Narbelth [Olmer student at Vassar Col- Cleaned Of Ardmore
which WIll be held next Fall Jl1 the the necessal v amount flom tl'e
Bryn Mal\'1 PresbytrlIan ChUlCh Genrlal Fund of the budget, as
e John and Areh Tifft-just out MalgaHt Gillespie, where tbey Post Office to ask shoppers what lege, MISS Robll1s had been a ThiS school IS fOI Sunday School soon as tlie plans al e filllshed and
of 1he Arl11V. hoth of them- IS known about public health phYSICal sCience aide 111 Indus- Diner's Supply Last Teachels. Youth Leadels, Palenls apploved
statin'" that the\' had officiallY
figUled she could spend the mght.
T~le matlOn's home IS at 519 Gor- Annual Affair of GOP nurSl11g, the opllllOn reg:wdmg Its tnal test laboIatory at the Th d M· and ChUiCh Group Leadels. At In Older to leplacp the wlth-
.ioinpd up ,dth their <lad, .T. A. don Ale., Penn Valley. value to the commul1lty, and PhiladelphIa Navy Yard before urs ay ornIng the last meetlllg of the committee dl all al flOIll the genel al fllnd the
Tifft. SI., in the Phila<lehlhia
insurant e business, I can't
I HOI\ ever, MI s MahJo~!)lan had Women Will be Held what QuestIOns there may be entErmg the school In Febl ualY. the followmg ofheel's wei e elecled' BOIOUgh CounCIl 1\'111 submit a
about the service. She Will soon be eligible for PatIons of Dean Dmer, E. Lan- DJ. He11lY Noon, Dean; DJ. Rex S. bond Issue to the 10t('IS of t~le
think of "icl'r IleOllle to \\hom mls<ed the child and called the
I pollce statIOn at 6 P. M. Jovla's At Haverford The poll Jl1 the borough WIll be transfer to the alrll11e's 17,000 castel Ave, Wynnewood, received Clements, Chairman; BU111S Best, cOmmul1ltv at the commg election
to \\ish lots of success. Du-u- I fathrr, a dentist, called fOI' her I conducted b\' MI S. C. ArleY mile mternatlOnal service. no butter With their meals last TreasUrer and A O. Beckel, Sec- m ,TIme.

no? that /\I'eh and Jean Arbo-
g-ast al'e g-l'ttin~ marril'd in
at MIS Gillespie's Just as she was
about to be put to bed,
MISs ,Jane Hamillon of Wash- Falmer, a board member of the
ington. D. C .. aSSIstant dllectOl' of agency; Ml s. Ernest Dre,"" , Mrs.
of the Women's DIVISion of the Wesley Ayars, MIS. Douglas C.
een gers 0b
----- Thursday mommg and afternoon letary.
because two teen-age PhIladelphIa
boys stole ten pounds, WipIng out Woman Arrested
----.0;...--_ -
Plans fOI a SUItable war mem-
olial have been discussed by both
the local Plannmg ComnllsslOn
Republican Na tiona I Committee, MinO! and Mrs. Walter Knaup~·. Dean's stock. and the LegIOn Post In I esponse
Walkllll' <101\ nOll kN Ten acf'
in Al elmO! f' pasl t hf' Rcd An ow
Pll~gf' last I\c(k I hcaJ(i tho
24 Servicemen Are will be speaker at the annual all volunteers 111 the Child Healt.1
luncheon and meetIng of the Low- Center of the borou"h.
eI' Menon-Nalbelth CounCil of The program IS sponsored nfl-
- Center "We usually make our own
buttel," said Dean later, "but
because I\e were able to buy ten For Bad Checks
10 a lecent SIII\!'V made by the
LegIOn Htrl ans of the commun-
Ity I'oted fOI a sepll.late buIldmg
pallOj of I:l1l1dl ops Pu~~!ed. I Republican Women Tuesday, Ap- tlOnally by the NatIOnal Org<lll- pounds we had none of our own. fOI the 11'11'1 ans and the eommun-
"enl alcll1ld 10 tIll' pnllance and
1hpIP lIas a hi!! Jat Rcd A'lOW
hus grltmg showf'Hr! and sCl'1lb-
To Be Discharged I'll 9. at 19:30 P. M at the Hav- IzaztlOn for PublIc Health NUl:>-
erford COUI t Hotel, Ha\ erfOl d. mg. a ,oluntal y glOup which
I1e Ip locahtles establIsh and Also Wanted For
We made some that aftellloon,
and had plplllY m time for the
dmner lush"
- -_
Arees t ed Bef ore on
ltl as a Ilho1e.
COline II plans so fal call fOI an
addition to thl' pn'sent (Ommunl!y
brei Jl loot" rI O,llltl' (omplacf'nt Other guests at the luncheonl s
meetmR Will ll1clude MI s. Meade I mamtltm a high standard (,1 . . • The boYS sold t'le but tel' for 75 IbullclIll".
.. Ivlllle t'.l(> Plop()"ed
-. plan.~
\I 1111 till' l1pf'cllf' <.:1101\f'1 pOlllmg No Men in List for Detl\eller, preSident of tile Penn-I public health 11lnsmg sel vlee. Petty RobberIes In cents a pound. They also took $4 Similar Charges· Had 10f the LegIOn mclucie an entn ely
<101\ 11 011 II s 100f ft om a clp\ 1'1 Tl e Commul11ty Health and A r d more, B ryn M'
awr m cash. •
Served PrIson Term ' new bUllcimg fOl all IPlf'lanS \\'ho
PIJ1[' rlllall!,;f'JJlfnt OIclhl'ao T11f' Furloughs Prior svlval1la
Women; MISS CounCil
Sal aof KuIP.
secle-II CIVIC1 ASSOCiatIOn, " a .
membel I Olle of tile bo"s J
alrested Illle 111 the :uca pOlrled bl' tile
allrlldnnt l'xPlalllf'd thaI It I\as ta v f the State Council and agenc~' of the NatIOnal GlOuP, bv Lower MEllon Township and ---- Nalbelth FliP COl11panl. \\'Ith IpC-
I'l\cn n luhdOllll and "Imp aftPI To Release I' a . Will hold an open house on Apll1 FIl'r 16 and 17 year old boys Phlladelpllla detectives ThUlsday, Dorothy D Bockius had hel rratlOnal and meetmg loom fa-
t hI' SIlOII rl \\ 111( It pa( h bus I r- MIS James I~' DU~. Wife ~f the III flom 9 A M to 5 PM, at 25 flam Hal'elfold and Blvn Mawr I the othel on APlll 1. thlee \\eek maillage lI1telluptrd cilltics
Cpl, PS nt ]l',lst OIH n a 1\ ppk .. Among 1he lOcal sel VlCf'mpn and Commonwea tlS A tOlnc\' enel-IE Athens Ave AldmOle undel ale bell1O' held at the Delawale l Both boys are bemg held for the b\' Lowel MellOn Detpctll'Ps on Clalf'ncp Woolmlllglon. an offl-
\\omen "ho recently lecelVed their al They 1\ III be lI1tlOduced bv Itl' e dll e~tlOn 'of MIss' J o y c e " 'Montgomery Co un t y Juvemle Wedneiiday mght when she alIght- <tal of lhe BOI ough Plannmg
TAG LINES. R,\I'nr\ SII- honol able Glschal ge from the ser- MI s John Y. HUber. JI , of Hav- I F~ ant~, supelvlso!. COllnty Pilson at BlOad Meadows I COUI t. ed flom a Reci All ow LlI1e bllS at CommiSSIon slated I h~t a meetll1R
"rr's !1111 Fltnal' gOI hl'l splf the vices are' el fOld, Pi ogl am chal! man \\ ho I for a Juvenile COlli t heallng. T:ley LOll er MOlOn Detectl\'es C'lar- of till' glOUP has bpen ealled for
smaltrq 111'\\ hallC\ll-'1lS most PIt Helbelt Murphy. Bryn Will pleslde 111 the absence of MIS
. f Mdt
Car S·k
trI es Stone
e. - -

were allested last Fnday. III es PI

d GI Tt k I the P:ldmOl(' station to gO to hel FllduI' n I t t d
en 11 e - sisters fOI dlllnel. Igl 0 IS(llSS new pans
breol1111lg. I{a\ Spoltpd 1\11'. I Mal\!' Eal I HepbUin 0 eoon. presl en I ' . av OJ own I son !Iaced the boys through a MI s BocklUs was geltmg mar- for tlJP memollal
M<lJ!I''''' ~Olll~ 11110 a local shop TIS LOUIs A Pilldenlr. AldmOle. of the local CouncIl. Wall in Bryn Mawr I Accordmg to H 1'1 f d T - Ipal kll1g llcket willch was put on IIII'd ':;bout tlllee \\ eeks ago ~nd Ollgll1al plan< fO! milIa teci 111
One of the outstandmg younge~' shIp police on February 23, one of I their cal, parked on Chatham Rd went to Blau s Hall dle~slllg Shop I Septembrl. 1945 hal'e becomr 011-
• hClca 1wuts 111 the Bmo. WIth a
chcel\' <l111lr on 'llS face
Un- W\ nnew ood
George Burnham,
membels of the Repubhcan palt:\.

Walter C. Rlekel, 22, Ian mto l the boys bloke mto the Haver- Aldmore, at 4 A. M the mornmg 64 E Lancaster A\e. AldmOJe. to solete slllce Ihl' sUllrl rondllcteci
dl'lslal1cj lhat ".hgg-s" Tnrchiana I Pfc. John J. McKeown, Narberth. MISS Hamilton has b~en Idcntlfied the five-foot stone wall malkll1g I ford Commu11lty Center, where he I of the robbery. be "PI ettled uP" With e\ elythmg bl Ihr Halold D Speakman Leg-
\\ ants to know hOI\ 10 gl't mto I Sgt Raymond J. Cooney, Nar-
tllJS (ollml1l It·, no task. 'JIggS"1 berth.
-tol't ';10;1 '1' thp offll:l', O! gIve Pfc Lawrence S. Hefter, Menon
With natIOnal women s Republican the grounds of Mrs T. MeKean I plied open a locker and stole a
activities ,smce the 1936 Preslden- Downs, on Mt. Pleasant Rd. near • '~kot bock belonging to Miss S t
tlal compai~n, .~~1e has served 111 Green Valley In Bryn Mawr all Rosalie Elhott, director of the
ae · Group
-------- flom a ma11lCllle to a pellnanent. IOn Post
UI'fortur.:;:~:r, to pay the bill. The old plans called fOI the eon-
Mr~ Bocklus Signed a WOl thless stI uellOn of a lJulldl11g lal!'p
me a llllg on I he phone \\ Itll a I StatIOn. the Women s Dl\lslon smce 1937, Sunday morning. Center PockEtmg the keys and check. for $20, made out for ca"h enough fOI a basketlJ.lll cOlirt.

ponsors Contest
nPIIS Item HI's Mobllg-as' pro-I
Plll'IOl I 'knOl\ \Vplpome to'
Continued on Page Two
and her elevation to the assistant Rieker, engaged 111 convelsation $15 he' bill ned the purse. I I
on the Pennsyl\ anJa Companv alidltOlIlIl11 and a merll11Q loom
dllectOlshlp IS lecogDltlOn of hel With hiS Sister, AIleen, failed to Later on JJl the evening, he'S Albeit B1all, 01\111'1 of the bpauty 1 101 oth!'1 l'On'll111l1Itl' gIOIi]JS.
tOI',n DJ. .Jo(· ColI ('I), HI"I1 be p
opl'nm" a ehl1'O]Jorlhl 0 f f 1 C(' enn V a II ey Cu b S
extenSive expellence g a I ned make the sharp CUI ve at the tUl11 brought fOllr ot~ll'r boys back and
throu~h assoclatJCl!: \\lt11 MISS of Mt. Pleasant Rd., and crashed they vandalI~ed the Center.
shop, had the ('hee k Ietlllned I S1,1l1llR llI.ll Ilrlthel an al eh-
malkell 'eannot loeate" I Itcet 1101' anpllfuneel has "been pn-
dOlln,l,llls at Rano' Undelstand Held March Meeting Manon E Martm. ASSistant Com- mto the wall on the southeastel n After QuestlOnmg two of the Lower Mrllon detect lVI'S leal neel gagrd as I P( Woolnungton saId
t' thaI 111' was onl' o! t'llCP IhIlO- Contml/ea on Page TlDO cOIner of the mtel section. CI ush- boys admitted to stealmg two Two J -ocal BaIld s that she had l11tended to go to tha t he II II! Pll'<ent ,I 1 cpoll of
pOOlsts l!l til" South PaCific II Jth The Mal ch meetl1lg of the Penn - --_e_ -~- Ing the entire fl anL end of the blcvcles, valued at $80, one f r o n l " her :'ilstel'~ housp at 680 Pt Rencl- the 11ll'ptlng to the BOI011gh Coun-
the 13th Gl'nl'ldl HllS]Jlldl UIlI1 Vallev Cub Scouts was Ileld Malch Move Up Registration cal. MIS. James A. Cullen, 844 Penn 'ViII Compet e For mg Rd, AJ(lmole. und llwv fur- CII all Moncl,n nIght
101 lhl' Alnll' Sal\ :\Ial Row<' 29 at 730 PM. at the Montgom-
at chwrh on SlIlllla\' ,md hp told PI I' Dav School The theme for
!1lP lh.l! he IS aU 10 RIO de Jall- I the month 1\ as, "HelOes From
For Former Gl's
RiekeI', who Illes at 15 E Lever- st, Bnn Mawr, the other from
mg Mill Rd, Bala-C~l1\\'yd, was Leonard Howe, 720 Preston Ave,
Men or women dlschalged flom dl:lvlng hiS mothel's '41 Buick Br"n -, Mawi.
Championship Prize
thel discovered that she was gO- I
1111-: to use the Red AIIOW bus Imps
thp night of A]Jll1 3 Whpn she
N Commlttee
'ame .- __ -

• ('110 to 01 !!anlZp a SOli 1'1 Amencan Books." and each Dcn PI esented
a II 1111(' Hf' Icft on Monday
Dpal Charli(' and Reth Hammond.
a skit 1epi e<entl1lg helOes
The skits I\'ele won bl' Den Two,
SOil I' to hale called IOU bv sis- pOltlaymg Tom sawyer. The fol-
the armed forces after March I coupe. and said that he was. n~t I They sold the bicycles for $5 a
may leglster for votm'.( throu:::h familiar With the lOad and dldn t piece.
May 13, It \\ as announced thiS know about the shal p CUI ve at the
week by the Montgomel y Coun"y I11tersectlOn.
I MusiCians from eight hl~11 got off the bus at 730 P. M they
schools 111 the Southeastern dl.'- ~:lle~:skted her for passmg a bad
Accordmg to Lowpr MerIOn trlct Will VIP for hanOI s m the
Township pohcf', m 1945. four of contests to be helci thiS Flldav ThiS IS not MI s Bocklus S fil st
For GOP Campalgn
t 1'1' Nancy's nall1P last 1\ rek 111,10\\ mg bo\ s are members of the RegistratIOn CommiSSion -- --_e____ the same boys broke mto Halcum afternoon and eveDlng. ApIII 5, at offense In Janual v, 1943. she wa;.;
t allong about \'OUI ncw daughtcI" tlOOp' Eddie 011 Paul ColIl1ls,
and to ha'. c madl' \ 011 an cx- I Sam Colhns Robert Hess Drew
The CommiSSion moved up the Wins High Award School, Bryn Mawr, thlee times, Lowel Menon Semor High School. anest.ed by Lower Mellon TO\\n-
final date for reglstermg becausf' taking jewell'\'. money and mis- under the aUspices 01 I he Penn- shIP for passmg a \\01 thle<s che(·k.
Melchant Mannrl. 'steao of an ex-I La 1\ son Tommy McGlIlicuddy,
Navv man. Cbarh~ . . . There IS GeO! gr Pasfield. and Clarence Mc-
of the large number of SCI vice
people bemg discharged
Wilham Albrecht, a member of cellaneous Items
the Cynwyd Scout Troop No.3. In May, 1945. two of them en- League.
sylval1la ForenSic anci MusI~ alsO At that time she made I es-
tltlltlOn. and the chalges I\'ele
He'adquarters Opened
a pi ptt:\' stronl!" llllnor tIlat two Connell. Den One \\ on the par-
C'x-G.I's Will take mer tl1(' Ha\\s! ents attendance award, and Den
The Pnmary ElectIOn IS on Ma:, wIlllecelve the Eagle Scout award, tered t~1e home of Lilian Uzzle, Among the schools to compele dlopped She \\all apPlehended At Norristown For
21. the hlg~1est award to be given m 525 Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, tak- Will be Amblel, NOl"l'lstown, under the name of DOlOthy D Primary
haIOI\'al'e stOle. I didn't hear T\\o leceived the award for the Ulllegistered veterans leleased Scoutmg, ing $8 cash flom savmgs banks. Spnn~field (Montgomery Coun- Combls, for her filst marllage.
who they 1\ CI c. ~101\'e"el . Sorry achIevements With a seven pOint smce Malch 1 shOUld appear ·:t The ceremony Will be held Mon- On February 17, one of the boys ty), Spl'll1gfleld (Delawale Coun- In 1933, the lecold showed. she
that the BOIo's post Office achICvement per boy. the RegistratIOn Office m the day at 7:30 P. M, m the Cynwyd admitted stealmg a $35 bicycle ty), Lower Menon, Conshohocken. haci been anested fOI embezzll11~ I Membprs of tile Montgomery
CIOOnel', Tomm\' Wright Is trm- The electIOn of new committee COUlt House m Norl'1stown and Grammer School. The award rep- from Theodore Jones, also of 525 Havelford and Swarthmore. The about $17,000 flam her employels, COllnty Repubhcan Prlmary Cam-
pOlal"lIY ll1eapacltatcd. Seems a for the commg yea I Will be held
Continued on Page Two at the next meetmg.
presenL their discharge papers I esents years of work and Lancaster Avp., ArdmOl e, and pvents Will mclude vocal and In- a t which time she was sentenced palgn Commlttpe wei e announced I
When registerIng achievement. sellmg It for $4. strumental solos and ensembles to a t1llee-year tel:n :1t the Coun- I
--- - - - - - ------ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ty Pilson In Hoimesbul ~ That I t llS Ileek by ,10l1n A Lafore, Jr.,
Of paltlCular mterest Will be time she wa.s al1csted ulldel 111'1 Halel10ld l'hallman
the competitIOn between the two I
Bryn Mawr, Berwyn Oppose State Parking Ban ~
------ -----------------
Class A bands, NOInstown and malden name of Doyle.
Lower MerIOn Both schools have
H'adqlIaI tPI s for the campaign
MIS Bocklll.s 36, met hel' sec- wei e opened tills week al the of-
lIad state champlOnslllp bands 111 om! husband, Wilham BOl:klllS, at. flces of till' RI'Pllbhean County
lecent years, Lower Mellon ha\'- the Genelal Electll(' Plant Ilhple CommItte£', 545 SI\ede St, Norr!s-
mg won the tlOphy on two occa- they both WOl ked dUII11J; the war town.

New Groups' Aid Enlisted j~Oi~n~~~:~~ego. X~~~~c;~oCo?Story Koopman Speaks ~Ions Norllstown won once and He IS stili ~mPIOyed tIlCle. T~eY
now holds the cup. If Lower leslde at I. E Pal k Rd, LI. n- WOJ cestel
' eleh whele thev
M ellOn comes tlwoug I1 tl le d .s- apal tment smce their mailiage on
tlld competitIOn suceeiisfully, and M 1 16
ha\e had an
MIS Malme B Rothcnbelger,
IS Sf'CIl'tal v of the
Imal I' al11~algn omml ee an
Eall B Bee Hpl, Pottsto\\ n Is
tt d

By Ar dm0 re Merchants ~~~:~:J~r~~~~:~r~r~03~~!fF~ ~~Jt~·::g£~~:g:J:~~:~~~boG~ To CynwydParents follows With success m the Stat.e al c 1 trrasllrer
, .. finals at Johnstown on April 26 -"1--------E Vlre chaum('n m(']lIde Mrs
111 MontgomelY County. Of this pany's 1945 profits was $601,167. ,ll1d 27,' the school Will retall1 the Take College xams Clala P Andrlson, Uppcr Mer-
number 4.136 were RepUblIcans, It should have read $801,167. tlOphy permanently. One hundled and twenty Lowe I Ion: MIS Mary H Beelel', Nor-
First Large Meeting
885 were Democlats, 84 leglstered Due to the end of the war and The selo events Will be held in Menon High School semors 1\ III ,'Istown,
LI'~ aftel11oon, and the glOUp take the College Entrance Exam- Brendlmger. NOIl"Isto\\'n; Mrs
Mrs Mal guente K.
Non-Partisan and two as Socla- cancellatIOn of g 0 v e rnment d
. No Action Taken As Yet By The Main Line list.<;.
As of March 30, reglsteled vot-
contracts, sales of the Autocar
Company dUrIng 1945 ciroppEd to
Of Study Group Hel
T ues d ay; LIS Off"Icers
events III the evening. These are inatlon Board tests In Downs G~m. Agnes B Diehl. Cheltenham; Mr~,
open to the publIc, Without ad- SatUl'day, April 6, under the su- Edith Gagel. Sprmgficld; Mr~
Chamber Of Commerce; Lower Merion ers 111 the County numbered 140,- to $49,199,013 as compared to
252 of whom HO,421 are Repu- $59,852,068 m 19H.
miSSion charge.
clans and teachers wllI serve as
pervlslon of MI Harold HelVeS-j Hcnlletta Goff. Cheltenham; Mrs.
Prominent profeSSIOnal musI- ton, heaci of the mathematiCs de- Carolme M. Huber, Lower Mer-
The Cynwyd Parent Stu d y Judges Among them are Vernon partment.
Township To Make Report bllcans, 21,139 are Democrats, In making t:le annual I eport
2,612 are Non-Partisan and 80 are Robert P. Page, Jr., Autocar Group, W~llch now has more than Hammond, Director of the Acad-
Continued on Page Two

) , Ardmore merchants, whose businesses stand to suffer ---_e___

em oiled in minor parties. president, stressed the fact that 100 members, attended a mEeting emy of Vocal Arts; LOUIS G. Wer- Shades Of The Spirit
Autocar has enough orders on Tuesday Dlght m the gymnasIUm
l'en, Director of MUSIC EducatIOn,
the most from the Stale's ban of ~ollth ~ide parking on Member of Team hand to prOVide sustamed em- of the Cynwyd School The Group Phlladelpllla schools; Miss Emma
Van N. Logan, son of Dr anci ployment fO! its em pI oyes IS composed of mothers of the Kless, vocal teacher, West Chestci
Painter Tops Off 1-louse Robber:,,-
LancaRter A\e., enlisted h\o ntJw!' Main Line business asso- Mrs. VlctOi W. Logan ot 420 Bryn tlll oughout tlle remamcier of second grade pupils of the school State Teachers College; H. Eel-
ciationx in theil' fight this week.
The new bUSllless gl Ollps-the , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mawr Ave, Cynwyd, IS a member 1946.
of thiS year's Sprlll~ track team
ancl tlllS mcetll1g was Its filst large wurd Pike, Director of the Temple
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - scale session smce Its orgnnl~a­ Umvlslty Band; DaVid D. M.
With Rum P(,rty I" Graveyard
Brvn Mawr Bllsll1ess Assoealtlon The Wayne group has at The Peddle School.
A membel of the sophomore
L. M. Health Report tlOn In December at which time Haupt DIl'ctol' of MUSIC, Upper
MIS. YOlk A. -Kll1g, JI. 1\ as ap- Darby School DlstI Ict; Wllbe:'L Whether It was the rose 1:0101 I'd Ollt ball for Montgol11elY Countv
nnci tile Bell\ 'In BUsllless Assocl- deCided lIOt to Pi otest the State's class, he entered Pedelle 1ll Sep- The Lower Mellon Township pointed chaIrman. Hitchner, of the Department 01 rug, thlee radiOS, a bottle of COlllt 1J1' Ma~ostlatl' Flanklm P.
ntlOn-wele conlRl:ted by the actIOn because Lancaster Ave. t ember 1945. Board of Health has I pported eight Dr. P:lJlIp Koopman, assistant MUSiC EducatIOn, Temple Umvel'- KlomPI Monday· l1lght.
pal kmg committee of the Al dmorp till ough Wayne IS Wide enough to new cases o! chicken pox. three supermtendent of Lowel Mellon slty. Cuban lum 01' a t I11klmg SlIver Sta('khouse told the maglstl a: e
MClchants Asso('latlOn, w h os e pel mit plllklllg on both Sides of new cases of German measles, sev- PubliC Schools, was guest speak- The Lower Merion committee bell that "got Illm", ChaIles W. he broke mto thc M( Lam house
chairman is BaJl1ev F'lscher. thc stl eet. Name Leader en new cases of measles, mne new er. He spoke on the educatIOn of- In charge 01 managIng the many Stackhouse, 26 Cllcket Ave. Itm- about 7 P M and slayed untIl 2
MeanwhJle dlreclors of the M:un The Aldmore Merchants Associ- MISS Uisula M, paolone has as- ca<es of mumps, and one new case fered 111 Lower MerIOn Schools events mcludes George H. GII- erant Al dmore pamter, doesn t A M slppmg I um ancl sortmg out
Line Chambel' of Commelce met atlOn also sent a telegram to the sumltd the leadership of t he new each of scallet fever and whooping which he said have attained na- bert, pnnclpal of the Semor High remember . . . thl' household \aluablps
'Vednesday to conSider the park- State Hlghl\ ay Department last Semor High SchOOl Guls' Club cough for the week ending March tionWide lecogmtlOn for high School; Bruce C. Beach, director But he does remember that Then he movcd over mto till'
ing ban but took no actIOn Thcy \\ erk and lecelved a reply from known as the "Teen Tlmels". 22. standards and accomplishments. of mUSiC, and Vmcent V. Pealce, after mne hours of alternate loot- gmveYard, turned on a portablp
Fald th('y wantcd to talk It ovel T C. Frame, I'hlCf engmeer. He ----_._-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Out!mmg the philosophy of Vlce-PIlUClpal. I
mg and dl mkll1g he began to see radio. Ilsteneci to the Dawn Patrol
next Tucsdav \\ Ith the othcl lllCI- ~ald that thc cilfflcultles the mer- ------_.--- thmgs at the Church of Rp- And finished the bottle of rum. It
chRnt gToUpS. I'hants I\'ould suffer well' minor m
To cIate GO\elnOI Mal t 111. CAn- ('omparlson With the traffIC can-
Church Will Move To Suburbs rducatlOn affectmg se:1001 polIcies
in the township. he 1I1cluded two
basic factors: first. what IS known
Mary. K. Gibson to deemel' graveyard 111 the earlY was then. Stackhouse said, thal
mormng hours of March 23. So h< stal ted to see tlllngs
Head Democratic
didate fClr the Repuollcau nomma- 1 gestlOn as It IS now.
t Ion of U. S. Senatol, had not re- The Mam Lme Chambel of Com-
piled to a telegl am sent by Ray- mel ce Stl esscd the fact at It.<;
Buys Land of Llanerch Golf Club of child growth and development
through an Integrated interpre-
tation of psychology, and sacond, Campal·gn COmmI·ttee
many thmgs, he told Lowcl
the tombstones and left half of
Altlcles listed as stolen from
Merion pohce that he fied from McLam's house are candle StICl<S,
opera glassps. a slll'el bell, eight.
I ..
mond 0, Eylcl. lJlesldent of the boald of r;lrectors meetl11g that It the democratic concept Ii)I- human MalY K. Gibson of "Maybrook". his loot behind. pail'S of ladles stockmgs, 14 decks
Ardmore Merchants AssociatIOn Is conceivable that what seems like The Bethany CollEgiate Presby- th~ Bethany Temple Presbytenan C07ltl1lued 071 Page 1lVO Wynnewood, IS chahman of the Later and I:old sober Stack- of playmg c:ards, razor blades, n
The telegram onIv asked that the .hardslup on the business commun- terian Church of Philadelphia has Church, 53rd and Spruce sts. and pnmary electIOn campaign, for the house returned to Pick up the at- box of coms, golf balls, leather
Goyernor all ange a meeting with ltv might have beneficial reSUlts purc:1ased more than two acres the John Chambers Memorial Democratic Committee of Lower ticles he had cached among the wallets, a pail of SCissors, two
State offiCials to talk over the in- In the long run. from the Llanerch Country Club Presbyterian Church, 28th and
and Will move to Haverford Town- Morris sts., both in PhiJadelp:l1a.
Ardmore Scout Troop Merion Township and the Borough graves of some of the MaIn Line's small shal'1l1g bl ushes, two quarts
convelllenCe that the State's park- Lower Merion Township's park- of Narberth. She was named on most Important founding fathers. of gm, one rose colored rllg, one
jng ban was causing the mer- Ing committee, headed by John ship. It was also instrumental in organ- Visits Observatory Tuesday night at the Committee's They were all stolen from the stlvpr kl1lfe, one wrist watch, one
chant's customeis. Boardman, has thus far come to Elders of the church voted on Izing st. Paul's Presbyterian The Scouts of Ardmore Troop meeting 111 the Township Building, Haverford home of Louis McLain, necktIe, one bndge score pad, one
Eylel and Ch:llies Fanslol\', rep- no conclUSIOn concerning recom- Wednesclay to leave theu' present Church, 50th St. and Baltimore No.1 Boy Scouts of America spent Ardmore. 620 Pembroke Rd., where he had bug at cuff lillI,s, collar buttons
resented the Ardmore Merehants mendatlOns for alleviating the location at 22nd and Bainbndgr Ave. last Thursday evening at the Hav- Frank A Kergal1, chall'man of been Pl11ployed as a pamtel. The and studs. three I adiOS. sllvpr-
AssocIntlOn, 1\ hen the Mam Lme difficulties entailed 111 the present sts. John Wanamaker, founder of erford College observatO!y as the Democrattc committee, pre- McLam family is away. \I'm e, Jewelry, a sIlver fox fur
Chumber of Commerce met Wed- parking SituatIOns. The parking The new church. plans for the John Wanamaker store. was guests of Dr. Louis C. Green. sided and Kenneth L. M. Pmy, It was the rum and a pay enve- piece, a nd other Iterns
nesday. Tile Chamber of Com- committee Is to meet With the which are now being prepared by assoclBted with the church's early Dr. Green spent several hours chairman of the organization com- lope he carelessly dropped thut He was arrested by Lower Mer-
merce has appomted A. E. Hlcker- members of the Township Plan- a. bundin~ committee, w1l1 be at history, T~e church, originally demonstrating the telescope and mittel', reported that there are led to Stackhouse's arrest IJY ion Township police last ~ ear for
son Its president; Fredenck W nlng Commission to report on sug- Township Line Rd. and Concord known as the Bethany Presbyter- pointing out different planets and still a number of vacancies on the Lower Merion detectIVes Edward cntenng and burglal'lzmg Mer-
• Dreher, sr., developer of Subur- gestlons offered by members of the Ave.. Nort~ Aronomink. Ian Church was changed to Beth- stars. He also explained the dif- committee. A. Gorham and John Wallel·. Mc- rick's APothecary and the Mam
Square; William J. Lloyd. manager respective committees. When that Bethany in the early years of any Collegiate because of the ferent pieces of equipment In the The membership decided to Is- Lain's chauffeur, who discovered Line Times omces. FOl' thiS he
of the Pennsylvania Company's report is conclUded, the merchant.<; the 20th Century had the largest cl1Urch colleges. class rooms and answel'ed numer- sue a "Who's Who" of all Demo- the robbery, found the pay enVe- was sentenced to two to twenty
Ardmore branch, and Howard will be asked to meet with town- Sunday School in the world with Officials of the church. recog- ous questions. Several fathers and cratic candidates for oft'ice, which lope undel' a davenpOl t. months at the County Prison. He
Wayne smith, executive secretary ship officials to discuss the slt- 6000 members. nizing t~e place a church must mothers, who had furnished the will be distributed among the com- Facing charge~ of larceny, was stllJ on parole from the prison
of the Chamber of Commerce, as a uation "around the conference It, also, 15 known as the "Moth- take as a community center, are transportation, enjoyed the eve- mittel' members, for use in the burglary and receivmg stolen when he entered the McLain
filecial parking commlttM. ~". er oI Churc~e8." having organized Continued on PIlUS TlDO prl.q1ary. goods Stackhouse was held with- home March 23.
ning With their sons.
Apnl 4, 1946.
lWO :
N arbertlt Club OUR TOWN
ArdmoreMethodist scNHAOROBLERNTEHWS ~~n~~fa~~~me~g~~ cO~~=d~r!a1a~ I1 from Enter as IlCcoDd ClaY matter October, 1938, at tbe Post Olrlce ••
Pvt. Linwood R. Baltz, Glad- sore throat 11as kept him Hear Talks By Narberth. Pa.. under the Act ot March 3, 18711.

a es PIaDS
Mk An auditorium program is to be
given by the Third Grade. The
name of it Is "Your Land and
w y n e . ' ocalizlng lately .. ,
T/4 Robert B, Rowan, Narberth.
T/4 David H. Barsh, Merion.
T/4 Robert E. Cermlgnano, Interesting Items to give out
" " -
I.ou McCartney had several I Nurse, Doctor
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
GEORGE A WALKER. PresIdent and EdItor

Ardmore. with this last week. First of all. SUZANNE Y. WINGA'1'E, N;Eoc1ate EdItor
H LESSERAUX Advertlalnll Manaler
New Church Will Be Mine."d tIThe
I program. l t d 'Is built
le r socia s II II'S an erford.
d T/4 Joseph S, E, Crown, Hav- her son. Sam, (now an ex-NavY
Lt.) Is home, ready to re-cnter
Comm" t CI b Unl y U Published Evel']l Thursda,
Erected When Bldg. shOWtS IflOW Amoellrtil~labultll.aoSnsbecrOromme Captain John A. DeLaCova, Law School. He returned about IMeet Tuesday' Deadline tor advertlalnl and news copy-WedDesdQ II A.. II.
SubscrlPtloD rate-12 per year ID sdvllllce •
Conditions Permit
·· t
P re I Immary anl'cI11'p
II b'
other cOlin
rom c
tries contributing
m d fields of music, art and conserva- m I
ca s emg a e tlon. The flrst scene takes place
to the T
3 Do I . G D' J
m OIl' . I osep, r - Boro.
10 days ago. and I gather. Is
pretty pleased to be back in the
ILuncheon May 21I
Publication Olflc_Elllbt Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
Pbon6-Ardmore 572() llIId 5721; Greenwood 774(1
upon th e nl r nlb <>., ~
of tlln AI'd . E
more Methodist Church. Dr. CUn- mlds and the sphinx. The second

scme shows the Parthenon in

ton M. Chen~·. the pastor. prpach- GI.cnc'e. Rome. c.'ll0\\'I'ng tile col- Mawr.
- In gyp an s.lOWS many y - Bala-Cynwyd.

P ra Captain ,James D. McHugh,

1st Lt. Mary H. Lorimer, Bryn

Lou went on to say that Nar-
berth AVEnue's Cora Cowie gave I
I d
qu te THE bri ge-Iuncheon of the i
At'd- season last Thursday. Prlzcs for'1
At th
I' c u
I b
Narberth Woman's Community
Club held Tuesday afternoon
meeting- of t le

t E 18
Member ot Bucka·MoDtwome- Newspaper Publ'-hers A"oclatloD

M T I an
ngagemen 0 t f


Entertain at

Mr. and Mrs. Emest Gleave
ed last Sunday on " T he Lea If f Iseum is the scene in the third, T/5 Clarence R. Dawson, the party, which was given for the
, . ,
Mrs. Mary Hymes, Narberth pub- ryn . 0 Ogden, of 720 Montgomery Ave.,
Stewardship." They have cut paper dolls and more. Fellowship Committee of the , . iiI' health nurse, gave a talk on I MI'. and Mrs. James E. Tolan, Narberth, wl!l entertain at a
The Stewards of the church put t~lem on cardboards. The play '» '>~ r
lunched together followllw the ser- was written by the third graders.
vice and immediately \I ent out to The fourth grade has made a
call upon the mcmbership, to pro- sludy of Egyptian houses. They wyd.
1st'I' Lt. Edwin C. Donaghy. Bryn W omen 's community CUb,
1st Lt.
. Alfred J. Hart, Bala-Cyn- e Iuded Il beau t'Ifu I
Idea for a Spring party, isn't It?
• • •
' I'
I In-I
..... .
--.a """". __
the pub I'Ie h I'll I th nursing serVice., Jr. of 7.10 Wayne Ave., Nal'berth,
Next wee k IS pub III' healt I1 wee I(. ann
x~ a n ng
th d I
- tl n
ounce lC e gagemen a
e purp?se an I daughter, MISS Cathryn M. Tolan wedding anniversary.
t f tl .
small buffet supper on Sunday
1ell' evening April 7. to celebrate their

Vide for funds required for the hare made many types of Egyp- 1st Lt. El1a C. Scott. Haverford. Lita OvalIe (of the Narberth I MISS JANE REED function of the serVIce, she I to Lt. (j. gl John J. Escoffier,
new church building fund. The tlan houses which have been put Wll1lam W. Shugarts Ardmore. Beauty Shop) and her sister. stressed the fact that although I' USNR. Lt. Escoffier is the son of
properly formerly ('llool. occupied
on tile by the in T~le the fifth museum case. T/Sgt, George Albert Narberth. H e I en, are I,eep Ing h ouse b llea!!e111ent E L ' did
Isle, nurses are lar t 0 ge t d ue to t h e M r. CI au d I' E sco ff'IeI' 0 f CIlar Ies-
Holman S
corller grade Is preparing an Cp!. Loyal.
S IS g t , V mcent.
R. Burns, Cynwyd.
'A I themselves for a while. Their
(J v war, "aU can get aid by calling ton. S. C. I ALL TYPES ",
POa,~aelnlets ~lnadrchMrs1·lthN.
Argyle Rd. and Linwood Are" was album to send to Lima, Peru. They nge 0, iSS
recently acquired liS a :-;ile for the Iare working on flags. of different I Narberth.. . IMefl't' Of.lnne Reed nnd
the public health nurse. MM .Tolant't a dgrdadhuateu °lf LotW-
enon, a ~n I' AUTO RADIOS
erectIOn of a new Church. when 1 cOlmtncs. Their hyglrne. booklets
lel h
d II t t d StatIOn
Sg.t. Wilham F. Gale, Merion .
South America were they ex-
J 'll' 1 B J r.
r· I III Ill, -t.
tl Dr. Douglas Murphv. assistant! er
professor of obstetrIcs at the of Pennsylvama.
e n vers ty
bllllding eonditions permIt.
Next Sun d II V mornIng. Dr.' au .1aVf'
mat e alf·e I dllSI ra 1e
11' s ory a gOO lea th
. •• _ _ _ pect to stay till Selltember.
South Aml'riea should hang out I (l ,
University of Pennsylvania Hos-,
L E IT' .
. sco 11'1' IS presentlY attach-
Cherry \\llI preach on the tOPiC: habIts. In crafts they lire mak-
"Owning What You Own." In Ing sam.plers. .
Red Cross Concerned a sign "Welcome Nal'berth"
_ ..- '
Mr. and Mrs. Sal11l1el H. P. pita!. gave a talk on the hospItal's: ed to the U.S.S. Montpelier, and
I'RePd Sr., of 524 Brooklwrst Ave" r'ancrr project, and made a Plea,' before hIS entrance mto the ser-
the evening at 7.45 PM., his top- Thr kmdenwrtlrl.l's IInlt as ,Pre- A t Divorce Increase At the Ballet Theater last wppk. Narbrrt h. a11noI1l1('e thr em~age- for Narberth women volunteers. Vic~. ~ttended the College of South
ic will be: "His E\'es of Lovp." the sent Is transp~rtallon. :rhey .Iave National Conference on FamIly tlH' hero of one of the ballets ment of thdr daur-hter. Miss Jane . According to Dr. Murphy, their ~,aloll11a. as ~. student In mechan- Your auto need not be
fifth m a sel'les of Lenten sermons. made a wall fnpze shOWIl1R a. to.wn RelatIOns WIll use "New Founda- slapped the heroine WiCl It smack I . aIm IS to determine whether or Ical engmeellng.
tied up while our work
on th gel1Pra! tOPiC' "The PO\\ el and Its transportatIon faCIlItIes. tions for Marriage and the Fam-I that literall~' bounced off the walls Repd. to Wilham L. Batt, JI .. son, not cancer IS mherlted through
Of HI~ Llfp"
Walter E I
,The~' wor~lng on a Paoli Local ll~'" as the theme for its 1946 an- of the old Acaden1\'. A smal!. but' of Mr. and Mrs. Vll11lam L. Batt" tlle female. Thry have been in- St. Margaret's Church in Narberth
Irwin Dlstnct tmm 111 whleh art' seals made nual conference to be held Api'll 6 nonetheless distinct. voice prompt -, Sr. of 'Vync;ote. Pa.
M~nager of il1t' 'Phlladelilhla Elcc- I ~I;~~. Olange cratrs by the cllil- 10 8. at .the Brllel'~e~Stra.tfOr?Ho- IY, admonisl~~d t.l,w hero With a Miss Reeel is in charge of the 500 women
I'estigating the cancer history of Ion June 15.
bet\\',een the, ages C': I
The wedding will take place at

------••--- .-
I is being done. .,
trlC Company. \I III gl\'C' 1l talk lind' TI1f' home is the fir t gr dr' tel. GI eat concem IS bemg shown pi ot~stmg Hey w1l1r'h canw "Movlt'-Go-Rolllld" and the "Teen 45 r: nd
65. NO\l they \I ant the i C ongratulal10n8 90 day guarantee.
1\1~OW a film, on tlle sl1~;iect: ':pow-: main tapir. Thr~' Ine \I~rkin~ o~ by 1I1P Red Cross Home Service quite definitely from the distaff Age Partv" programs on WCAU. medIcal historY of 500 women who I I
~se ~t. ~HlS Q, a~.~ ~ Complete stock of

('I and HO\l to bdOl e the, 1Iouse that
Methodist Men s 01 ganlzatlOn m, wrlP mad{' bv till' ('hildren.
manr pllair5 that and other social agencIes over the side of the audience . • .
1he Pal Ish HalI at 8.00 P. M. Sun- i The audit orlum program that being granted and broken homes
unprecedented number of divorces I "." She attf'ndecl' thc Lower Merion do not ha\'e cancer.
I High School and grariuatecl from
Eva Sargent was tellm!" lIIe that the Gprmantown High School. appomted to do this cancer re- 1bemg
: 0f M
Dr. Murphy is one of five men , . ualJ)' .Lane. Havel fOld, are
Mrs. James ..Jensen
on the bllth parts. ,."
d~Y.. .All men of the communIty It Ilt' srcon~ grades are to prrsent resulting from the war, according silt' still has some fpw vIctory I Shp also attl'nded Trmple Um- search ,,·ork. He IS m charge of of I ~d~I~ht:l, ~ulIe J~nsen.
at I' 1m !led.
_____ ••_ I Miss Bishop's program IS called t I~e secle alY a . ne I male I S - ' · · .
. . t· f t' A'd I
,IS OCCU!lY1l1g Weir interest no\\'. to Mrs. Meta Van Haagen, execu- garden plots a\·aJlable. If therr are; vprsit \',
. D' any of yOU \\'110 11"\'''ll't '" ' .\. f' t a p -, Batl. . a fonnpr mawr m the
the famIly history work.
T 11' I "
mUSIcal I ~I
program InclUded daughter
cM · 2 'M . rs. Jensen IS the
ISS al y RJean Poorma,l
of the' d M • Essex Repair Shop
LaFollette to Speak I' The Cornlne of Easter." The plav tnct Home Sen·lCe. plied fOI thrm. Go to see hpr at: U. S. A .. spr·nt three ~'ears m the a Inano recital by MISS Madeline John H Poorman eovi ~~I prt~~
ARC f FollOWIng' this Nal ional Confer- 124 Chestnut Arp., to sIgn up-' European Tl1p~ t I'e of War. ancl Mark. a Chmese scholarship stu- I Ave Nai'berth I
. .~t otary on erence
lis closed with a dancr In whicll
f'Vlry child will takr part. MISS ener. Mrs. Van Haage~ mem_lt.~l()Se pJ?tsar~,~owJ~
and th;'Shor~-:won
on a Blonze Star for hiS work dent at the UnIversIty of penn-j ., --....:--•• - - -
NARBETH 2135 •
Ralph S. Dunne. llJi mber of the Srll's play is about a llttle girl brl s .of the Ardmore DIstrict Home I}dge tl ac,t. ~ knO\\, s~ .t.leY al e i lilstnbutllW foorl to einlHlns m sylvania; selectIOns by. the elub Spartans in 400 B. C. USed wood i
Bala _ C~.'mn.' _ NarlX'1 t:l Rotary that I dors
A not obC'y the traffiC ServIce '1' . staff W IfWill attendC f the Penn- call light gn'l'COI1\ enlCnt to BOI ott....<;. You the occUpll'rl ('ollntl'lcs.
her a nn!! at Narbplth' menal'll'Yll
IT I trw. I Katherm!'
WI d GII... s, SIlJO k e as. a fotm · .'
of gas walfare.
Club and ,w\,ernor d of Rotarv DIS-, aws. mong the dlaracters are ~~ \anta e are on erence to be 7 ,- At ]J1'l'sent he IS cc'onomlc ('on- ,anlla 1 lee er an Marwn· - ------ --- ---------
tllct 179, - 1\ III IH'ad ml'mb; Is of tlIt' tpaclwr. COlmiC' Laseh; Pat- !wld In Harrisburg. Api'll 9 to 11. 3 ~9-R to sN' how many of the sult'll1t III t.he onlees of Robert Walker.
theMaIl1LlllPRotalyclubs\rho 1 OOu I , rJ( H k J k'son and t]{' I - --, ---•• - ongmal
distnbute66. .plots . she has Ipft to' ,
I Nathan. an cconomIst " ll1 WaSl1- Mrs. Walker also sang thrc'e
will be hosts at tilt' annual dis- lIttle girl. June Wll1ters. All par- Church Will Move mgton. D. C. RusslUn folk songs and played'
tl'lc't C011fcr('I]('''_:-;"lll'Cl'III"d
, • to open ('nts are ll1\'lted to attend. Contlllllcd f'o P J Stolliled b~' to s'~e K,'ltlllnlle B all ISIaD ~o l'moeratlc c'ancI 1- lIra GerSll\\'ln pI'ano ' .,°ele~tlollS
< •• I,
Saturday. : To make . I theIr home room guid- 1 7Il age ,\\'inlder at hel' shOll , on . Tups- I datp lor Congress f rom M ont- Tile . pronram encled WIth group I
ThIS \1 III b~ till' fir:-;t postwar, ance a IItt r more interestll1g e1e plallnl'ng f or a separa t e S un d ay \ da)'. and ~he was telling me Ihat ,gomer,' C oun t y. as \\,e II a.'i cl lalr-'slnolng
n v
~ led bJ Mrs.GIles. •

... for Lllr dlstllet and' ~el'pnth . I
gradp boys and girls are S 1'100 I I b"'ld' ,,,I Ing W I111'I1 can be used her husband, USMC Pfe. .Tfle I ma no f tl le Amencan Ve t eran', L OIS H oag Ianr, I af t lel BeSSIe
it pronllsps to be the la !'!owst 111 \\'1'11 illg t lei I' own opinion of "Our f or recreatIOn purposes.
>. ) ""inkier (he's thc former state CommIttee It1 tle I PI11 Iae1c I pI I " k's S e I100 I 0 f Oratory, Phlla- I
Rotar~' history for this area. Inas-I' unior High Selloo!." ~Ilf'~' st~ldi- Tentative plans call for a trooller) is still I'll 'Tie!lto.I·II. : area. delpllla, gave three humorous
muc~l as more than 1.100 resrl va-, rei about other .Jul1lor H I Ii; h CIHilT I I b1111 d ina with a sealIng Chl·na. 11~'s beell oversnas ., 18 ,' -- - -- - - - - - \(·ac j'm~s and also read poems
tions Ila\'e bem made to datt'o I ~Sl' I100IS beforr \\Tillng tllen opin- eapaclty of 1000. , .
months. so she I'S IIOIJI'llg for 111'S ' ':Uon1an leader 'I'() ta k'en from a nrw book of poem.s
It will be a thre(' dav. confer- , IonWI() fi oms. I TI lP R ev. Charles Ferguson Bell, i return ver)' " shortl~' . • • l A b Y M rs. Robert McCaw, a ClUb
ence fpatllnng speakpls in nllli- I c' 1 ('01I1'ses to take at Lm\'er Ph. D .. IS pastor of Bethany Col- • . Conlzll11('d from Page 1 membpr. The book is still at the
tary and polit Ical selencr. joul11al-' Merion High School is t~le Home I . a
istic and rC'()nom1('~ field. In- Room tOIllC of the cighth grade Egt1l tel' HI' las b€en associated
Onp of the most rllarming 1\lain mltte;-CI1-;lrm~'ln ancl- 'Vomen's PU) IS le'·S.
\\ I 1 t le C11llrc:l for the past 15 Liners walkr d mto III~' offl('e. DI\'I<'IOll llll·ectol.
- ' - ~- - - II l
Hostesses for thl' afternooll
Gay Easter Hats •
LaFollette'. member of the'~' want
In t Ilf' grollp \1 III be Col rnr 1s.
to do for thrir careers ye~l;s. 1
cluded TI 11' gIrls all know what 0
Phlhp F. t:othp\, aftpl'!1oon Elizabeth BUI·t, Mlf,S Hal11lltLl I I has pla\'pd an \\'('l'e M\,:-;. Ahee Scg\\'abenland and
General MacArtllllr's staff. and anri so are discussll1g w h I c h le c lurch was organlzrd Fpb- Ryall of Gladw~'l1l1l' It \\·as. and llnportant roll' 111 the tipl'elOllment 1\lrs. Anne Rellbler. Mrs, Henr,' Sturdy. Bright Umbrellas for th08~ \\'
mary 14. 1858. m two, spcond- s:1(' had sOlne \'CI'\' 1·lltt'I·C.otl·ll.'" 01 tilt' N,~tl'Otl~,I FL'clpl'atlo'll of Bol<Ter and Mrs. Leslie MaxIm
former J:(OIl'lnOr of \VI~eonsin. 'eourscs I a I a k-pBat LBO\\'P\, 1~enon. s t ory rooms 0 f a house at 2135 ideas on helpll1~ tlIe llandlcapPprl, ., '" \Vompn·.o Relmbllcan "" Clubs. and poured. h
'Wanl's - -. -~.--
Sc'outs l~ll)r",. AR ARA ELY South St, \\'Ith 27 sr'holars and t
,'pelsu'lcPrl IIpr to dn: fo\' We last 18 months has b~en
W I " At t j d April SIIOIL'CI'S. Blo1lsPs, Sweaters, t

:> .,
StUdent Reportr\'. t . . . . \'e eran.
\\0 tea<:hels. Its gtowth was so a sene" of al·tlr·l~s fOI' lis 011 I'par]
a L'onsCl'\a Ion anc gar ens T
KI ,olltal" el"';'. Socl'a} Secur'l"ty Board
----- --.- --- . d tl
~~~18 1t l~t
d' I' . , '. . , - lls admmls'l"lllrl' assl"tant
llrmg t~e Summer of, Ju:-;tmcnt problpms flom tile rl\'ll-, 'S'lJ, W I~ '1)"01'11 Il\ F'Ol t Maciiso'1 at tlJe home of Mrs. Henry Bol-
eon1l11lltee mcetmg lJeld MarcIl ')6
Hand kerch iefs. \V
Food C ~
F I H} U j I '"
\las necessalY to move the llan angle-so krf'p an l'\,e ou t for I
Sunday School and ehurch into a them on au\' featll\(' p l';P
t tt' l i t bl" I . I" gel' Mrs. Samuel McCartn"\'
ow1a. Ja ene ec I sd PlI lC 'C. JOo s. pre~ident was guest of lIonor a;lc!' o
e ps nemp oyed tent on October 18 of the same I "n·. anc tlcn.\\a~ gra uatedtrom St. also pre~ided at 'the tpa ta'bh' o
camps at Camp Delmont. Boy' "Dllt' to uncertainty about jobs. year. Many thanl" f{)1' all YOUI' ,Kathermc s Sc!lOol 111 Da't'npor!.' Mrs. John Pllelps 01 JenkmtO\I n 243 HAVERFORD AVE. NARBERTH

Scouts' Su 111 Il1PI ra('at IOn sPot 111: the cost of Ii\ 1m:. stnke.". and --- - - Ilt.uel's an~1 I1hol1e ";llIs, Kf"CII ,Iowa. 1ll W34. Iga \,p a talk on flowers.
Montgol11en' COllnl~. \I 111 be pro- ~ 1IJ:1I1\, otllPl' unforesrf'n things. LEGAL NOTICES tht'm and I II see yOU I !VII". Jo,cplt Cairns, Jr .. of 1\1rl'-' It has been announ('pd that tllP
"ideo bl' tile Mam Lme Klwal1ls, \\orker.<; 65 or over should r~lve ES~A'1'E OF ROBERT W BURRITT, late B) e : Ion 1~ III rJJ.lL~e of rr',('1 \ alions I final luncheon and nlllslcal of the -
gO~l'e~:'~~~;;;~yofd';°e~~~d Ma~'
here agaIn next ncpk. - - - - - . - - -- ----
Club. I thonght to how some of thesp Merloll. Mont- 1I0W.", I and alTallf.:Cll1ellt." for tIle lunell- I dub \nll bp 11PIrl 21 at t he .lIl1l1l1tJ1l1l1l11l1l1t]III1I1I1I1I1t2I11I1II1I1I1U1II1I1I11I11UlllllillIlIlU,IilllmIiIUIII 111111 1IIU1 •
, Thp six I:H'gf' COIlUllnr!s. rost_;hapPP11I1l.gS may affect thcm and
mg se\'pral hundll'r1 dollRls. are their SOCIal secullty benrflts," H. d.crslr,D
r.l'ttots '1'estAmentory on the Abo,'e
F",IAI.. ..d.
hAvll1f: been gronled
all persons to the
Intlebted un-
to "<lIdN arne COlllllllttee
----- _ 0 _ ,
,roOIl. SI;{' IS bCIll," as"lslpcl by, BelleVlIP-Stratford, Pllllac!elpllla
11\11 s. ,Jolm St ormfc'llz of Penn I at T'k"
Wvnnp. I P. M, .
'= WlatJ W'" Jullp lJOlll ~ -

The Lcrl.' lat II p Group of the dub rooms. . R('sr\'\'at lOllS mu~t ::
made of alull1ll1l1m and msulated.' C HoarPl'. of the field btot .. are r.'qu"tl to m1k(' ImnwdlAtc C071tmucd from Page l ' I IC ets ma\ be seeUled at the - )lC
le f
At their dmner mpelmg at office of t he Social Security Board, p,lyment. and those havln'g legAl clAims.
Conestoga Mill. B I Y n Mawr. I Po."t Office Bmlding, Norristown, 10 PJ(··'('~t~~';.;::ln~ without delay. to
hi~ ~20Bg:"~:;lAne
- _ -__ - _
ion; Miss E. Mae Kaiser, Upper Council IS holding- an open fOJ'l~m I be made b~' Mav 17. 1"01' fmther I ~
E.I and (IlSCIIS:,IOn on ll:1.tlOlJaI affairs' mformatlOn. call 1\1rs. J. E. Bur-::

~1 _~IlC.IC.4'-1LA.;:;
Tuesc!av l1Ig:Jt the Klwanians also' said l week. PrO\'idence; Mrs, Kathryn \' , .
selected John P. FraZlfl' and Les-! For rxamplr, he said: "A wom- WynDewootl: Pa MacPllail. Pottstown; Mrs, Rp-I Fnrlay. Al'nl 5, at A. M. at til(' lrdl, Menon 0358-W. , : : ' .r- "1 -"
tel'S. Lamb liS delegatrs for theian 66 \rars old who works in a or2~~ersAtl~:n~,;ss~or~t'fIElfl~ch.E.'Q.: becca Miller. Soudrrton; MIS I11On1P of Mrs. Hallie F. Recd. 419 -::--~-
_.. !§§ ,') ~.,-~r; ~= = =
natIOnal C011\'pnt IOn of KIW:ll1ls plant recently tI~d liP by a 'stllke (McT'I~he~ ~,~,~.~ ~~ ~A~: H~len
Desmond?J' L. Rollins, ConshollOcken: I Lan.castpJ' Arp. Ha':.:'1 ford. Mrs. \ '9 '- 6a~tlJll..'J
Club June 9 to 13. Alternate' are I learned too late that she could KAlb St. NorllstowD. Fa Mrs. Mary F Selrlpl, Lowpr Mr1-' Ra\ . Scott. T8nnp!JIll of Bryn I HEADQUARTERS' I:: ~ LU.--LI...-X. •
~ "'~
Charlrs Fanslo\\' and Robel'! ha\"e reeei\'ed her monUl]y in"ul'- -; _, 28
O_!...... 2..:: :!l!._ IOn; Mrs. Ella M. S. Vauglm,' Mal\ r. eh'l11'man of til(' Group.' ::
I ~:\~
Stanton. allee payments If . she ,had ftlpd'her 1"1 011(' rA1E OJ" WARNER R SUPPLEE. Upprr Salford: MIS, Evelyn M: \\'Ill presitlt'. f or : :=
' S · IS

---- -~._ ~
of Ih., BOiough of NltrIJl'!th. WIsler NotT to . I - - - -.-

A warded Degl'ee
n I
OSlO laC enI k St

Arclllbalrl LOll ell Rupl'l'cht of ,J

C .
ate Rd. BRla.' N .. ,
dallll at the start of the strike Or. MOlltgonH'IY County, 1'"
bptter yet. as soon as she was' Lelll'lS lest,llnenl,lI\' on Ihe "bow I Membrrs of the gencral comnl1t-
16" ..
Hoo, pr added
. fl . "Come to the .1.lIl11' 01 delll"nds lIgaltJSt th., E'hlt·
01 the dec.'denl
was awarded Ills dr!:!rep by the i ~tl.lslO\:n eld office fo;' II1for- I <.. n1<'. And All pel "illS Indebted to Ihl' gan. Upper DUblin: Ben.1 a mm T.'
I ••

'1'·1..1. ha'e been g"tnt('d tn tlll' unllt'l- trp are: Dr. Frank P. K. B a r k l r . J
~,,,ned, w.ho n'Il""st all P"I ""JS ha\ In" Lower Mpriol1' William Bhchs~
to mak;' knowll' ille ton, Nornsto\\n; C:larles Brallli-
IS \\n.

. "

Car 'Vhen
John 1\!cClIlIollrdl 01 2536 Wpb-
-~ ,

•. '"'
= ~:=~
Collpge of PhY"lcians ond SU:'-' . m,ltlOn
: age or ov'r If ~ou all'
d' 65 ~ears of I Ilejc('drnl
t d.' a\'. to to 11101," PAl'll1l'nt, 1\ILhOUL Bntt , Abingtol1' 1\
. ."
III'II'd D . BI'O\"ll.. "Lt'r St P l l1lac 1plpll1a \\'IS S'I'lI n1 -
... - , . . . , . . . '". 1l'18 ElllpJ'C,"',o
'" ,."., $15 Dutchess
~;~~::~~~~ t~~~~~,~~;~;~~c;gTIIB::;~'i~ ~~:;~~n~f:Yo~u: 1~~~ula~·Ol~\'a~le~ ~~-:
I: ELEAN~~ :~o:~:~~!·:~"" I ~:~~t:~~~:~~~telJOl~~ ~1/lX~::r: ~~:lr~n~:t~~~~l~~II~ o~r~~~lB~~~'I:a~~ fJ;,~6 ;; Cold Walje . ==_i_

accelerated medical stUdH'S. " \\'orkdlletoashort-,Or 10 hpJ' Attolne;s Nalbcrth. Pcnna NOJristown: E. Amoid I '~o~:/~~t
A\e .. Mcrion, as ill' Lan- ~rossed ~ $1 •i S12· 50
Conshohocken: Alan W. I"rank('n~ easter A\e .. at Anderson Ave., in' All Medical Need.
He prepared for medwal school,age of matenals, part-time work' S,CARBORqUGH ond H ... RRlS.
.Illnes.~ PI:ii~~,!i"~\ ~tal~ BUlldt~g. I
\\hl~h bacllelor'~,montll \\'hlchl--~Il- 01_4:.4..~.
a.t . Hanal:d Unlrerslty. from: due to shortages, lor a., Trust _ fipld, Whitemarsh. A. A. Garl h- AI elmore WrclnC':,(la.l· night. ;:;
he IccPlved IllS or more, mj\ln' a_.P ,- wait,', Whitemarsh: Samuel 1\1. Patchall. an Annv reteran. tolrl
deglee In 1943. 'causcs you to lose tIme for al Glass, Whltt'marsll' Henl\' P LOI\pr Mp"lon Police that he
J. PAUL SHEA '==9::=-=

v, 't PI an:t'
______••• _ I month or more, a layoff."' : at SrAt..d Land In the County ot Mont, Glendmnin n Spnngfteld' J 'Wa< uldn't SPl' McClIl!ollr;11 IlnW alter,
Iwm.. r~·.forP..the ~ ,. I t lapppne.
NACA t o lSI The offic I' 11 a It·IS ale
. 830 A:M . t1Je1con nn.syll'onIA.
years 1940101AndTaxes dup tel' Hammonds. Lower Menon:
194'1 and h. I , th
I e "r(l(Cn
, '. i d M c C U 1- i ;:;
. ' . ,to 5.00 P. M. Monday to f!'lday i prior yea,". Robcrt A. Hayes. Lower Merion;' laugh. a Rpd Arrow Ll11e operator. , Pharmacy ~=_
HeRlmd an C. Helsel. of 205 Llan- lI1CIUslve. Telephone NorrIstown I
By I'lrtue or sundry Acts of the Wayne Herkness Lower Mor- I' ',\as dptamC'd at the Bryn Mawr 290 Montgomery Ave. 102 Essex Ave.
f all'
Philadelphia Chapter NatJo~al
" Ardmore. presldpnt of the' 536')
A'- I w. _ of Penns~'I"AnIA
Gcnelal Assembly of the ComnlOnweAlth I d' F t " ,
relatlllg to the sulp of I an: as PI' C. Hillegass. Penns-
s.. ~led land In the County of Mont- burg'; Lolus A. Hirsch Chelten-' of till' n~h! Ie>!.
,- H 'P t I . II bl f' t
as I a \I) 1 a POSSI e lac ure
At Narberth Station
Narberth 2838-2839
... Cynwyd 4868 Narberth 4077 =_=

s . . s : - ---.---- --
Just announced Cost Accountants.
t he first moJor
plant rlsltatlon smce before the' I Koopman Speaks
Conll/wcd from Page J
I will offer etc..ntforpublic
due AtAndtheunpaid,
CO\ll t ' ham' , '.
House. In the BOIough or NOIrlstown. to\ln, WI~!Iam H. Jones, Abmg-
. V. . I
ellll I
--'-- - --.---- P l l
al ey Club
t f I l\ ,I Pcnn6y!1anla. on APril 17th, 1946. ut ton; DaVIS T. KIrk Lanschlc'
s t al 0 t le \1,11'. ~embels 0, the, . ... . 10 o'clock .... M. the tollowln" dl'scrlbed Floyd B Kul) U
ASSOCIatIOn and 1Ilf'lr flH'lIds are, lelatlonshlps m a desllable so- pIece' 01 land In ,old County. 01' such R·' '1 R
>'. • <:
L' . A medmg of the Penn Valley
ppel G\I~nL'{ld" G'lrden Club Will bl' 11l'ld Mond'n:
.. .
inVited to \Iolt tbc RCA I' tll·lrty. P'll',' theleol as lIlaY b.. nl'ce.'S,,"Y to a~mollc . a\lson, Nornstown;' '. ,., , '.'
i C d' N J , . . . p,tl1 I He Said methods Wlt~l long"·,,,,ty the Al1luUll\ or III Xl" dU",,"d JolIn E J.l4ars~lall, Chtitenham;,AjJlll.8,.It 10.30 A. M .. ,It All
n .' am 01,
A plli 11 . I' ,
. . .It 1.45 P. M. st'1l1ding lecords of succc-s in ltllPuld ""ain't •.llue und cuntllllte tlll' KnOWlton D. Jl..10nt"omel\· To'v-' S:llnts Churl'lJ. \Vynnc\\·ood.
s. , - slll, IIOlll d,ll' to duy ItS the sunle n l . l l ' · ". , R.alpll Morgan. Cht'l-
. Mr W· It~ I"l II . . b . f
.• 1, el., a mem ~I .,0

••_ _ _ _

en poun s, It kills foxt's
b •
terpe!'sed WIth some Innovatio,ns, be tOUlld necessa'y.
SMALL BUT POWER t ' l ~omb1l1e for an e!fcctl\'e teaellll1g
AlthOUllh' the fisher W~io~s L I I .' program rather than large scale
ab t t
. f
l~'nx raccoons '1I1d dper EI' I',' I necessIty un all' to many of the be offelt'd for SAle.
The amount ot tAXI" "nd east a mll,1 11Um; R~ss F, Murphy. Lansc!ale; tlUn of flower 11ITani:empnts.
a 1 ~ I experimental units wbi~!J are of be Paill on the dul' When Ihe lunl! 16 Otto QUinque, LowPI' Salford' £
suld. otlwrwl-e Ihe PI opel tl' wl1l u~,l1n Ho" Ri'h I
S e.
G ' " , l'
"s. d, d
tenllam. Hat old C. Pike, CI1P!tI'n- t!J~ Llub. 1\ III plesent ,I drl110llstl a-

'~;;;';;;;;N;;;~~~~A;I~;;;;;i;;;;;;w:; I

~ ,
ZOO ieopard \~~S' killed bv'
, ,.
fie II '~' inciividual used liS educational
. a IS leI' 'tun a pi .

AlVIn Roll1l'nbergrr. Worcpster:

Wmslow J RUsholl" Noni to '11'
which brok€ mto Jts "l"e 'g
i gs. T"'A."n"l ot !\lontgomelY COllllt\' .. '" \I ,
I' S
TII'n.~I~I·""6 ~frIce.. !'on',lst?Wn; PA. pa:l1. Santangplo.
Dr. Koopman's discussion ranR-j
,', ed from broad gEneralization to
LO\\ F.It l\~I;-l~~mRIO\\ ~SIIII
spe('ific requirrments of klnder- Frol'Sf'r. Emma D, Greenfield Al'e. EdWll1 \'1. Semans. Lower MerIon;
Cb,ules L. Scl1ulz. Pottstown;


_ , garten and primary ~rades witll :;205. 53421 !"redenck B. Stmllte. Upper Mer-
t I
suggestIOns for consideration of M~~~~", Wm. Co, Delmont Rd ::;422 Lot, IOn. Dr. Edward R. Strayer, Up-,
i children varymg from average Robin~on. Albert. Delmont Rd :t413 per Dubl!n: Rohert R. TItUS, Low-
' standards. A question and answer Lot. $5.46: Delmont Rd. :;412 Lot, ir MerIOn, Joseph Valentine. NARBERTH 2455 I'll e '"ave beell unable to secure If Jletv lo,~"tion
!i t prrlod
Mrs. mg named a nomll1atmg
. .
Shurp. B .. n!. H, Delmont Ave ';:405 er5ford' J S·· d W b
Lol. 8546. . , .'
t' committee to draw up a slate for P0w<>1l Conslluctlon Co. I,ot 29 Rear ProvIaence; William E. WIlls. UP-
, election of officers to be held In w Co Ll~\L~!2~WYD
Lower Mcnon; Leon
. d 01.1
C PI', Lower

per Menon; EdWll1 Winner. Upper


McBRIDE WINDOW t'"US forcing tIle closiJlg of Ollr store at


Ii t May. Mrs. J. P. Grant will serve B.. lber. Milton H. Old Lancn,ter Rd Dr. O. W, Wmters, CLEANING SERVICE
as chaIrman of tile committee
I. . \\'~lich inl'luc!rs.Mrs
. John Brone-
lIIan and MIS. Robert \Vorc!en.
::103 Lot :tl, 85305
Coz.. m. Amelia
Ington Rtl 5' S. Lot.Blyn
8467Mawr & Weli- Plymouth.
MIllIgan. Palll, K .. nl Rd. ::310 Lot. ~• • • •
Nornstown; Frankl1l1 L. Wrig-~It.'

' ~N\Ao""'N\Ao""'N\Ao""'N\Ao,..,.~tl
I ...
-.-••••--••-.- ... 301 HAVERFORD AVE. ..

. Next meetll1g 01 the group is 8:1421; Kent Rd. ::308. S8864 •

. for M·l\'
' . 21 ,at. 815
. P . Mell1"lne,
149.98' S. Ch", J. ~~t,
Huvelfol<l OaK ltd. W •
ltd .. $3.12
1M. III thc school gymnasIum when OU'llJlool< HellllY Co .. Ol.'nwood Rd
: Mr:;, Crookstone, 1'ormer supel'- N s. Lot ~1l. S1556
I \'1,01' of pre-school activities at '1'I,1\'n,end, ~s B. E.,t. dal. Latch..s One to enelose youI' glll den. make a plan Pell Ol for
· I C I 1 Lane Lot _29, 531.11.
, F'rlt lIC S entl'll. \1'1 I I)e gUest H,,"b Wm T I'-t. B,ooklllllst CRI'ltr) the deeQl'lltll'e e11't'('t around your laWIl. Picket,
I ~pt'aker. ~14-526. Lot, S1826.

NARBERTH i Refreshments were served with IIRYN MAWR

t I MI s. Miner Merl'lek and MI s. J. P. C~~J~.14'4 Joseph W, M"llon A\·e. ::4~ s~
Rustic or Farm Type. SATURDAY, APR I L 6TH
Electric & Radio Co, j I Grant in l'harge. followed by a so- r;t'!'o~. Lllcy T, PlOspect AU', ::20. I
Cor, Havel'ford & Forest Aves. ' I ci~1 hour whrn parents mrt many TI~~~,;gIOOk Develm·t Co. 1'hOlnulook I
I of the teuehrl's on t~1C Cynwyd Au'. W. S. I.,",l PI 2 I Fl. S155. I
4182 ':. ISehool__ faculty. _ Helb.. rt. Annie GLADWYSI:
Y. BIAek Rock Road. I
25 Bala Ave" Bala-Cynwyd Cynwyd 0662
lOIs 1-2-~-llt 14-15. H.247 AC. 511818 I' :4,.liclcR Oil lzalld April 6th will be lrallsfer,.cd to our ncarcst
Closed NOON Saturday
FOR OV.~R :10 YEARS BI'n ". Ern.,t Lot 413 Jones St. &
.Jeffl'lSOn r"AI. S~ 12
Doll... John P., Pencord Ave, Lot 253.
xforc-16 E. Lallcaster Ave", AJ'dmorc-w!lere we shall be glad ..
0,,11"0. Antonio Est, HOll.<. & Lot.
NAlroWS ""'1' :;115. $11275. Nanow i& scn;e JIOU until we reopen soon in a new Narberth location.
A'·... Lot 122. $15.06.
GAIII<. LAurettA. Jones St
SIO 98; 415 Jones St. Lot 415. 87.27.
Shock. James R & I Hazleton Mrrkll.
RocKhill Rd Lot - 2068' 169.57' Real,
Lot 101.
F. H. A. 'A I
WArd. Oertl·ude. School Lone Lol 39.
oV9~:2r-,j~~01 Lone Lot 40. $3.91. LOANS .11,.8" Albright of the Suburban Beauty Salon, who has purchas-
ed our present location, has kindly give" us an extension of time
Make your application at our
bank for your F. H, A. loan. to April 6th.
It does not matter whether it
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