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englishforeveryone.o Name : Nelvin Alvaro K.

rg Date : 8 - 02 - 2021

An adjective is a word or phrase that is used to describe a noun or pronoun.
A comparative adjective is used to make a comparison between two things.
This comparison may show equality or /^^^//Zybetween the two things.

• To show an equal comparison, you need to use an adjective between the
subordinating conjunctions"as".

• To show an equal comparison, use the foaenfadjective]

Example Julia is as tall asthe bookshelf.
Example The water is as cold asice.
Directions:FilI in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. The light shines as Bright as the sun.
2. The runner moves as Fast as the wind.
3. The apple is as Much as a firetruck.
4. The giraffeisas Tall as the tree.
5. That clockis as Old as mygrandfather.
6. His voicewas as Loud asthunder.
7. The truckwasas Big as ahouse.
8. Your bookbagis Weight as arock.
Directions:Write two of you own sentences which show an equal comparison.
1) Her nature as cold as an ice cube
2) His mind was as clever as Enstein's

• To show an unequal comparison, you need to use an adjective followed by
the subordinating conjunction "than". You may have to double the final consonant
letter for some comparative adjectives.
• To show an unequal comparison using an adjective with one syllable, you
"er" to the ending.

[adjective + "er"]than
Example Yuri is smarter thanJoe.

DirectionszFilI in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.

1. Dennisis older (old) thanKiki.
2. lam taller (tall) than the bookshelf.
3. Mydogis faster (fast) than mycat.
4. Thesoupis hoter (hot) than themilk.
5. Therock is harder ___ (hard) than thebanana.
Directions:Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison
using an adjective with one syllable.
1) He is smarter then Me
2) My body is biger than you •
To show an unequal comparison using an adjective with more than one
syllablethat ends in "y", you must omit the "y" and add "ier" to theending.

[adjective + "ier"]than
Example The plane is heavier thanthe bird.
Directions:FilI in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. Yuki wasat school erlier (early) than Iwas.
2. Riceis stickier (sticky) than salad.
3. Thisexercise is trickier (tricky) than the lastone.
4. My littlebrotheris sillier (silly) than lam.
5. Thispictureis prettier (pretty) than the otherone.
Directions:Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison
using an adjective with more than one syllable that ends in "y".
1) He is luckier than me (lucky)
2) She is chubbier than me (chubby)
• To show an unequal comparison using an adjective with more than one
syllablethat does not end in "y", the ending of the adjective remains unchanged and
you must use "more" or "less" before theadjective.

[more / less]

Example The butterfly is more beautiful thanthe spider.

Directions:FilI in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. Hermotorcycleis more dangerous (dangerous) than mycar.
2. Goldis more expensive (expensive) thansilver.
3. Butterfliesare more beautiful (beautiful) than snakes.
4. The greyjacketis less colorful (colorful) than the pinkone.
5. lam more tired (tired) now than I was thismorning.
Directions:Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison
using an adjective with more than one syllable that does not end in "y".

1) I am more exited tham yesterday

2) You more beautiful than she

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