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Issue 10 • SEPTEMBER 8, 2020


DIST 3232 • 2020-21

Scaling heights
and finding Rotary

her space! SEPTEMBER

and Literacy

Welcome to a new week, dear Rotarians. and chairpersons under that umbrella,
Last week we had a most interesting have kept up a strong and steady pace of Birthdays
speaker - a female maritime expert and the activity since they took over this year,
founder of Maritime “She-EO” (a take on Covid and pandemic restrictions or not. 16th Sept – Rtn. Maya Thiagarajan
“CEO”, which sounds notoriously As young and fiery as any of the college 17th Sept – Rtn. Vivek A. Parachur
patriarchal, haha) and makes a case for students and school children they work 18th Sept – Rtn. R. Ashok Thakkar
more women to be in senior corporate with, our Youth Services teams have 18th Sept – Rtn. Dr. R. Chandrasekhar
positions in field of shipping and other seamlessly adapted to virtual meetings 21st Sept – Rtn. Shakthi Girish
maritime businesses. Quite a niche area of and events, a determined calendar of 21st Sept – Rtn. Shivkumar Eashwaran
interest, I must say; and the speaker activities and have kept the morale up and 15th Sept – Spouse Radhakrishna S.
Sanjam Sahi Gupta was as crisp and clear the train moving, like an unstoppable Iyer (Rtn. Nalini Radhakrishnan
as she was graceful and eloquent, as she juggernaut, albeit a speedy and sleek 16th Sept – Ann. Divya Chetti
walked us through her intriguing career one. Rtn. Shivkumar Easwaran gives us a (Rtn. Deepak Chander)
and fielded the Q&A session expertly. Behind-The-Scenes look at the superbly 20th Sept – Ann. Meghana
Our Rtn. Suresh Amirapu has given us executed Career Guidance Webinar they (Rtn. Kishor Dandeker)
an equally crisp and interesting review of spearheaded; and we see a roundup of
that talk, in this issue. other Rotaract activities as well. Energetic,
Our cover resonates with the progress indeed!
of women in business in India, especially There are plenty of “Awww” moments
in areas jealously guarded by the male in this issue too, but I don’t want to ramble
bastion; shipping being one of them. May on and take the sparkle away from them.
15th Sept – Rtn. Rinku Mecheri &
her tribe increase and may we see a future So I leave you to the reading and hope
spouse Rajeev Mecheri
with strong, confident women in all career see you all soon, at our next weekly
sectors. meeting!
But this edition is actually dedicated to: Let’s all remember: A full force of RCM
Youth. members at our weekly meetings is a force
As Youth Services Director, our Rtn. to reckon with, indeed! FELLOWSHIP
Balaji Chinni with his various committees - Rtn. Shri Shakthi Girish
“Thank you for joining us
virtually last night as Rotary Club
of Nairobi celebrated the 90th
Charter Anniversary.
Whilst we were waiting for
members and guests to log on, I
was having a conversation with
our club member PDG
Mohammed and he very jokingly
told me, “at 90, the celebrations
are past diamonds, emeralds,
rubies, sapphires... not certain
which gem to associate them with,
perhaps all together.”
President Kapil, your message
to members of RCN was
On behalf of RC Nairobi, I
congratulate you and members of
RC Madras upon 92 years of
We l o o k f o r w a r d t o a
strengthened bond between our
Thank you, truly

– Rtn. Pres. Ritesh Bharot

of Rotary Club of Nairobi

Rtn. Kapil Chitale, President Rtn. P B Prasad, Secretary

PP Rtn. Shanno Ravi Rtn. N. Prakash

Rtn. Maya Thiagarajan Speaker Sanjam Sahi Gupta

Rtn S. Balakrishna Pres Nominee Rtn Jayshree Sridhar

Rtn Suresh Amirapu Rtn Rani Muralidharan



A fter collaring, President Kapil Chitale called the 10th

meeting of RCM to order.
The RCM theme song was played.
that it was a proud moment for RCM, as many JWD clubs
were excited to be a part of the group. RCM, along with RC
Bombay, proposed to have a zoom meeting with the
The minutes of the 25th & 31st August, 2020 was duly Presidents/ International Directors on the 21st September,
confirmed by the President, after approval by the members. 2020. This is slated to be a historic moment as this
President welcomed guest speaker Ms. Sangam Sahi platform will be the first of this kind in the Rotary
Gupta – founder of Maritime SheEO, Probus Club members, movement. Most JWD clubs responded positively when
Rotarians, Rotaractors and other guests. approached, Rtn, Jayshree said.
President complimented the speaker as a pioneer in the Secretary PB Prasad read out a 2-week list of birthdays/
management of logistics/ shipping industry and promoting wedding anniversaries of Rotarians and spouses.
women empowerment, which is mostly dominated by men. The Secy. announced that the next weekly zoom meeting
Rtn. Maya Thiagarajan gave her views on the 4-Way Test would be on the 15th September, 2020 at 2.00pm.
and said that the Test contains very crucial questions The guest speaker will be Mr. S. Vijaykumar, Co-Founder
which helps her professional life move forward in a – India Pride Project and he will address us all on “A citizen-
positive manner, particularly when dealing with the led initiative to stop the plunder of cultured treasures of
younger generations. The first point ‘truth’ is an India”. The Secy. requested all members to log in and
interesting one and also a difficult one to follow, as it participate.
emphasizes the importance of being truthful in words as Rtn. Suresh Amirapu introduced guest speaker Ms.
well as in action, in all things we do in our day-to-day life. Sanjam Sahi Gupta, by reading out her impressive profile.
The principles are a guide for everyone to do the best in He complimented her on not only being a strong and
their respective fields, which leads to fair practices, positive inspiration for career women, but also for leading
goodwill and actions beneficial to everyone around us. by example by inducting female workers into her own firm
President was full of praise for Rtn. N. Sukumar, as he and supporting them in their career. Later, he acted as
was able to trace the original documents of BTS & CT and moderator for the Q&A session.
this tremendous effort will help RCM to re-apply for fresh Ms. Sanjam Sahi Gupta is the founding member of the
documents of RCMBT & RCMCT. Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association
Rtn. S. Balakrishna, Director – Covid-19 & Special (WISTA) in India, board member of WISTA International
Projects, informed members that the protocol for the and a member of the executive board of directors of the
industries, under Chairperson Rtn. Dr. Gauthamdas Udipi, World Maritime University.
was approved by the Industries Secretary Mr. Ms. Gupta spoke on “SheEOs” breaking the glass ceiling
Muruganandam on 7th July, but this was held back by the and achieving success in the maritime industry. She
Chennai Corporation. herself led by example, with her women-majority
Now, a revised protocol has been submitted and workforce. She spoke about focussing on leadership,
hopefully it will kick off in the coming months. This entrepreneurship and growth of women in the maritime
initiative of RCM is to see that safety is implemented in all and other traditionally male-dominated industries.
industries, as the main criterion. A video from International Chamber of Shipping was
Rtn. N. Prakash, Director – Community Service, shown, depicting the role and success of women in the
mentioned to members that he, along with President Kapil, maritime industry.
Rtns. Ravi & N.K. Bhatia had visited RCMBT and reviewed Ms. Gupta shared her journey from joining her family
the operations and activities for the coming months. The business and being at the forefront of driving gender
visit was fruitful, as a survey of the entire property was equality and diversity in the shipping line
done and they had discussed how the place can utilized Rtn. Rani Muralidharan thanked Ms. Gupta for her
more. inspiring talk with many take-aways – the surging position
It was heartening to see the toilets built by RCM in the of women in the professional world, avoiding self-
nearby villages were used by the people there, properly. sabotage, utilizing all opportunities that could arise and
More details about the plans will be updated shortly. aspiring to reach higher.
President-Nominee Jayshree Sridhar briefed members The meeting was then adjourned.

Life & the

“The 4-Way Test’s point on “truth” emphasizes
By Rtn. Maya Thiagarajan
the importance of being truthful in words as
well as in action, in all things we do in our
day-to-day life."



SheEO - Breaking Many

A Glass Ceiling!
By Rtn. Suresh Amirapu

The Rotary of Club of Madras can rightly claim to have

attracted a fascinating array of speakers for its weekly C ommon Man - defined as
ordinary people in a community
or nation, they form the majority of
meetings. Coming from diverse backgrounds, passionate
the population and are
about their subject, inspired and inspiring, they make for
representative of the maximum
great communicators leaving lasting impressions. people in a society and thus the
virtues, needs and deficiencies of a
Ms. Sanjam Sahi Gupta, Director of Sitara Shipping and common man would be a reflexion
founder of Maritime ShEO, who addressed the Rotary of that of most of the people in a
club on 8th September, ticked all these boxes and then society.
some more. Sanjam has almost an
evangelist’s zeal in promoting the
entry, acceptance and growth of
women in the workplace,
particularly in the shipping and
logistics industries in which she
herself works. These industries are
relatively unknown to the general
public and yet they have huge
growth and employment potential
in India. Though the common
perception is that these industries
are male-dominated, women have
been inducted and have had
successful careers playing
challenging and diverse roles.
It took a committed reformist like
Sanjam to promote and publicize
the fine work down by women in
these and similar roles. Apart from
those at the sharp end of the
business, Sanjam also promotes the
cause of women in the higher
echelons of Management. She is the
founder of Maritime SheEO – the
name says it all, to impel and
encourage women to move all the
way up the corporate ladder,
breaking boundaries and dispelling
traditional practices!
Sanjam recounted her personal
journey, joining her family
business, which was in shipping
and logistics, normally associated
with tough and demanding tasks
mastered by men. Citing passion

and hard work as key requirements, and As the Maritime and Logistics industry is not very
determination to succeed as an important factors, well known to many, Sanjam shared her experiences
Sanjam shared a photo of herself as a five-year-old in the International arena and the inspiring
with the caption “I am going to work with Daddy”. A personalities she works with including Ms. Despina
word of very practical advice was to try and get Panayiotou Theodosiou, President WISTA
mentoring relationships preferably a male and a International and Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
female mentor even from outside one’s organization. President of the World Maritime University.
It was important to believe in oneself and have an A lively Q&A session followed the presentation.
open mind so one could learn along the way. What is the percentage of women in the Shipping
Citing numerous examples of women who have Industry, she was asked. While the acceptance and in
succeeded in her profession and in adjacent turn the preference to employ women was increasing,
vocations, she effectively made the larger point that Sanjam cited the example of her own company, Sitara
given an opportunity, women can learn new skills, Shipping which had about 50 percent of its office
work competently and reliably, and deliver high levels work force as women. A regular visitor to their office
of productively without any compromise to safety or quipped that they may as well change the name to
good work practices. “Sita Shipping”! A more reassuring feature was that
She gave the example of lady CES (Container women were being employed not just in office
Equipment Specialists, more popularly functions like Account Claims and
known as crane operators, operating Administration, but in more customer-
cranes that are twenty stories high) facing roles as well at the sharp end of
at PSA Mumbai container terminal, the business.
probably the only terminal in the What were the challenges that
country where ladies are she faced as a woman in the
employed in that role. industry? The acceptance of
Assimilating the training they women in higher management
were given they have proved to roles was slowly increasing but
be safe, efficient and highly challenges remain. The fact that
productive operators. At the other women were giving a better
end of the spectrum was Ms. Liji account of themselves professionally
Nowal, co-founder and MD of ODEX, was helping to breakdown old
an online payment and documentation prejudices born mostly out of
platform for the shipping and Logistics unfamiliarity.
industry. Mrs. H. K. Joshi, was recently elevated What helped her in her journey? A supportive
as the present Chairperson and Managing Director family was the key. As hers was a family-managed
of The Shipping Corporation of India, a Navratna business, the support of her parents especially her
PSU. She is the first lady to hold this post and a father was very crucial. Her very supportive husband
true inspiration to aim for the highest echelons of enabled her to chase her dreams.
management. Sanjam went on to share photos of Though these were personal examples, Sanjam
women ship captains and officers. She also brought out that the underlying lessons were generic
mentioned her address to lady cadets. The and applicable to most wanting to enter the
maritime and logistics industry could do with more profession.
women, was her message. The attendees to the e-meeting were clearly
Sanjam’s modesty downplayed her personal impressed with Sanjam’s calm and dignified manner,
achievements but they are indeed impressive. Apart her deep knowledge of the subject and almost
from a host of awards, including Glenmark Pharma’s effortless ease of responding to the numerous
Woman of the Year 2019 and ‘Leading Woman in questions that came her way. Here was no fire-
Shipping Award’, Sanjam is the founder and breathing feminist. Nor an entitled dampener. Instead
President Emeritus of WISTA India – WISTA being she was the perfect ambassador to convincingly
Women’s International Shipping and Trading promote the cause of women in the work place from
Association. WISTA is a networking organization the shop floor to the board room. Sanjam ended with
whose mission is to attract and support women, at some advice and encouragement to women wanting
the management level in the Maritime, Trading and to join the industry.
Logistics sectors. She is board member of WISTA “Dream and go after your dreams with full gusto.
International. Her numerous achievements enabled I’m cheering for you -welcome aboard your journey in
her to be nominated as Executive Board Member of the world’s most fascinating industry.”
the World Maritime University at Malmo, Sweden. Time to break all glass ceilings!

The Making of The

By Rtn. Shivkumar Eashwaran (Co-Chairman Youth Service (Rotaract & Interact)

T his was the first big initiative of the Youth Service

team and the seeds of this initiative were sown by
our Youth Service Director Rtn. Balaji Chinni & Rtn.
to Covid-19. I enjoyed sharing with them, my
experiences as the Charter President of the Rotaract
Club of Pillar City & DRR of the District 3230 in 1992-
Parkavi Mahalingam. We initially wanted to conduct a 1993.
career guidance seminar for the Rotaractors of the 9 We had appointed Rtr. Harish Kumar, President of
clubs sponsored by Rotary Club of Madras, but when we Rotaract Club of JPR college as Chairman of the
called my close friend Rtn. Shriram Duvvri, Youth organization committee from the Rotaract side. He &
Service Director for this event, he helped us in making his team worked with us in the war room continuously
this program into a DISTRICT level initiative, for four days to bring out the event.
benefitting all the Rotaractors of RID 3232. The YouTube digital background was designed by
We had the privilege of having Mr. Datta – Vice DRR Rtr. PP Anbarasu as we decided to stream on both
President, Corporate Affairs, Hyundai Motors, Mr. Gopi YouTube live and Zoom platform. DRR Anbu is an
Shanmugavel – Regional HR Head, CAPGEMINI India, exemplary leader and he came to our war room and
Mr. Rakesh Prasad – Director HR, Indigo airlines and helped us without any inhibitions.
Ms. Nagalakshmi Karthikeyan – Assistant General The dry run was conducted on 4th September 2020
Manager HR, TATA Consultancy Services as facilitators. and helped us eliminate all technical glitches.
Registrations were open from 15th July 2020. We had (We finished the dry run only in the early hours of
a record registration of 2700 Rotaractors registering for September 5th 2020!)
this event, out of which 1847 were female and 853 were Mr. Ranjith from Rtn. Parkavi Mahalingam's office
male! worked with us as the session moderator.
13% of the candidates were pursuing a degree in The big day finally arrived and we assembled in the
Engineering while 87 % of the candidate were pursuing war room at 8.30 am.
a degree in Arts, law and Science. This signature event of RCM started through Zoom
We created a “war room” in my office, Eashwaran platform with 1000 participants. We had the balance
Towers. Mock sessions were held from 2nd September 1700 Rotaractors on YouTube.
2020 at the war room. These mock sessions were The inaugural speech was delivered by Rtn. Parkavi
memorable, as we got to see the Rotaracters face-to- Mahalingam. We had our RCM President Kapil Chitale,
face because we had not yet met them in person, thanks DRG Muthupalaniappan, Chief Guest Rtn. Sridhar, Youth

Service Director Shriram Duvvri and District Rotaract

Chairman Selvakumar motivating the Rotaractors with
thought-provoking speeches.
Mr. BC Datta, Mr. Gopi Shanmugavel, Mr. Rakesh Prasad
and Ms. Nagalakshmi Karthikeyan gave us insights to the
present-day market situation & opportunities.
The Q&A session was quite brain-stimulating and
captivating. Rtn. Balaji Chinni wrapped up the session by
expressing his thanks for everyone's presence. I delivered
the Vote of Thanks. The event came to an end with the
National Anthem, followed by fellowship and lunch at my
office-lounge; and was attended by all the committee
members. We, the Youth Service team, enjoyed organizing this
To this day we receive calls from Rotaractors, both ours program. It made us understand each other better and our
and from district, appreciating the way in which the program bonds of friendship became stronger than ever before. And
was conducted and also thanking us for giving them an hopefully, in the process, we shone a bright light in some
opportunity to attend such a life-changing program. youngsters’ future.


The Rotaract Club of

Madras received a
prestigious Value
Card at the 6th
District Rotaract
Council Meeting held
The Value Card is an
annual initiative
taken by Rotaract
Club of Zenith, along
with District Rotaract
Council to recognise
the clubs which have
given their club-
updates in most
creative manner at
the Council meeting.

TRAFODAETH By Rotaract Club of Jeppiaar Engineering College

(To one interested in a
parley on current affairs)

“Trafodaeth” was an International-cum-Professional

Service event, for those interested in a ‘parley’ on current
affairs. We joined hands with Rotaract Club of Young
India, RID 3011. The event was held on 30th of August,
The debate was on the topic of Indian parenting vs.
foreign parenting.
Three participants from each club participated in the
event. The event commenced at 3.05 PM and there were
20 participants who attended the event.
The afternoon began with the welcome note by the
emcee, followed by the address by both club secretaries.
Rtr. Siddarth from the Club Young India initiated the
event with Indian parenting, followed by Rtr. Abirami.
Her points were based on education, academics and
decision making, which is left to the child in the foreign
countries. Later, it was continued by Rtr. Vibhav and he
made his point, that education and academics is better in
India and one must have a proper guidance in decision-
making. Then, Rtr. Rekha Sree made her point that, more is important both in India and elsewhere. Both Indian
than learning from mentors, we can learn from and Western-style parenting is best in their own ways.
fellowship. Rtr. Anamika made her points about pros of This was followed by the vote of thanks, by Rtr.
Indian parenting. After that, Rtr. Harish Kumar kept his Abirami ISD of RaC JEC. The event came to an end at
points that every child must be taught about how they about 3.55 PM.
should treat their opposite gender, which is lacking in This event was all about debating on specific current
Indian parenting. affairs, for the participants to gain knowledge on the
The debate continued, with each participant making topic they debated on and on gaining strength in
their strong points. The emcee concluded that parenting communicating between people.

A DAY FOR Celebration!

It was a special day for all of us at RCM, when PDG M. Natarajan, our senior-
Rtn. Kapil Chitale
Rtn. P B Prasad
most Rotarian, celebrated his 95th birthday recently. Rtn. Dr. Vijaya Bharathi Rangarajan

This wonderful human being, beloved to all and the pride of RCM, was seen PRESIDENT ELECT
Rtn. P.V. Mohan Raman
wreathed in smiles and enjoying himself - and that gave us all immense joy as
well! Rtn. Jayshree Sridhar
His son-in-law Dr. Kandiah kindly shared photos of their sweet family Asst. SECRETARY/BULLETIN EDITOR
celebration with us. Rtn. Shri Shakthi Girish
Rtn. Shanno Ravi
Rtn. Balaji Chinni
Rtn. Hemant Chordia
Rtn. N. Prakash
Rtn. Dr. Anuradha Ganesan
Rtn. S Balakrishna
Rtn. Aditya Agarwal
Rtn. Gooch Kumar
Rtn. Nimish C. Tolia

Editor: Rtn. Shakthi Girish

Rtn. Indrani Krishnaier

Rtn. Shanno Ravi
Rtn. Sharon Krishna Rao
Rtn. Rinku Mecheri
Rtn. Rani Muralidharan

Send in your articles, news,

write-ups to be considered for
publication here on
Be in touch with the Lighthouse,
your very own RCM magazine!


Rtn. Asst. Secretary, Rotary Club of
Madras, 'Rayala Towers',
2nd Mezzanine Floor, 158, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 2, Ph: 28591020.
Contact the editor at:
Contact club secretariat at:

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