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• J,


VII ! IDS 0 R. AV E ,

-Vol. 31-No. 5
Internationalism Antid,ote For Atom Bomb-Dr. Roy K.

however, atomic energy research and knowledge become world prop- -atomic bombs and start thinking again on atomic energy. This try to stop the use of the atomic bomb. Mere agrecments are use-'
Community Forum at Narberth School erty, then the principle can be used for saving I Ives mstead
- 0 f d e- ,'can only be done '''hen
" military control Is d'-nontlnued.
...,.. less. The people of the world must be united III opinion and feeling'
- The antidote for the atomic: bomb is a new growth of inter- stroylng them.
nationalism, according to Dr. Ruy K. Marshall, director of the Fels Dr. Marshall presented a very clear summary of the history
"The McMahon BI1l at present in the Senate would provide
civilian control of atomic energy, jUst as we have civilian control of
if the goal is to be achieved.
"Let's rea!Jze," Marshall said, "that there are other things worth
d ever~hing else. M1l1tary control has never been permitted in other
• Pl:metarium. of atomic research, and a pictu:-e of cunent atomic concepts an things. and certainly should not be allowed here. American scien-
paying as much for as we paId for war. Let·s spend on gOod will.
We can afford to buy peace If we have to; \\'e can III afford to insist:
Dr. Marshall addressed a Community Forum on atomic energy investigations whish was easily understood by the non-scientific aUd- t1sts seem at last to be winning their battle in this respect. Nation-
on our national pnvlleges, as \I' ell ave been d01l1g."
last Tuesdl"Y evening in the Narberth School Auditorium. ience. He pointed out the fact that what the U. S. has accomplished ally, a year or so from now, there will probably be enough freedom
Dr. Marshall concluded his talk WIth a discussion of international_
The form of atomic energy used in the atomic bomb was dis- In the form of the atomic bomb, any other world POWer with sufIic- for scientists to apply atomic energy to saving lives Instead of de-
covered by the combined scientific brains of many races and creeds, ient financial resources can also do in an equalJy short time. stroying them. If we show that we are civilian-minded in our ism and its necessIty for a peacefUl world. Putting responslb1lity to
- the speak~r explained. It is not a discovery of the U. S. Army "In attempting to shroud the work With secrecY." he said, "we
and cannot be kept under its control; to attempt to do so may lead are daring other nations to do this work." "On the other hand,"
atomic research, 1t will relieve the pressure among foreign nations
to perfect their atomic bombs."
Ow mdlv1oual. he saId. "We must all do as much thmking about
international peace as we can. The people of the world can Ul1lt~
to the very military fascism which We have fought to stamp out, he continued, "scientists of the world want to stop thinking about The next task before the world, Dr. Marshall explained, i~ to 1f nationalIstic governments do not enforce pohc1es whiCh keep them
and will ~rt~n~ breed ~~rnatioo~ distru~ and~e:s:p:~=n:a:g:e:.~I=f:, ~ ~ _ apart."
-iO,OOOth-F-oodBox Ready To Ship Congressman To May Day Hoop-Rolling at Bryn
50 Reclaim Loot

Speak Next Friday Stolen by Youths
- Republicans Will Victims Meet at
Hold Rally In Boro Police Station;
Community Bldg, Identify Belongings
Congressman Samuel K. Mc-
- Connell, of Montgomery County,
will speak at the Narberth Repub-
More than 50 persons c1'Owdec:\
iUlo thc HU\'rrfOld Township police
.. lican Club meeting at the Com-
munity Building next Friday at
st at JOn last Thursday e\,cnll1g to
idrnlifY lhelr brlongll1gs In the
8.15 P. M. loot rcco\'Crcr! from 1\\ 0 vetera ns
Lloyd H. Wood, candidate for who robbed 18 110111('S In the past
state Senator; Lambert CadwaJa- two month".
del' candidate for re-election to The btll glars .•John Gl ir('o. 20, of
the' General Assembly for the First
• Leg1slative DistJict of Montgom- Woodlyn, ane! He11J'~' Hellver 25 ot
erv County' Fred C. Peters, county Allent own WCl e nlTP.~tcd April 19,
co·mmis.~ion'er and candidate for by Sg-l. Jesse D. "Val Is. of the Hav-
- re-election as Republican State
committeeman. and Nancy P
I erfOl d TO\\,l1,',}llP pO]HT. Gl\-en a.
Il('n !'lug In sl WC'c1l1eschl ,- b,· ,Just ice
I of thp PencC' Hov B!aekbul'l1, thc~
Hig-hley, candidate for re-election
as Republican State CommIttee- I wple lJPld \lllllO\lt ball fo!' the Dcl-
woman. are among the speakers ,l\\arl' Count\' Glane! ,Jurv.
who will be present. Pla\'lIlg hosl at the sho\\ ing Of
John A. Lafore. Jr.. chairman Traditional grand finale to the annual May Day ceremonies at Bryn Mawr College is the seniors' hoop-rollmg contest. th"
bpPIlloot 15 S',
gl\'ell t. W.I
cla"s IIs.I' as
len\ \\ 110a has
of the Montgomery County Re- Legend Ilas 1t that the winner wiiJ be the first of her class to marry. The May Day celebratIOn bcgan Just befO! e dal',l1 Wed- W,I1 d for Ills nlel t a('t 1011; Sgt. of
publican Primary Campaign Com- nesday, when the sophomores awakened the senlOrS and gave them May baskpts. Then the SCl1lors marched to the home of Dr. Del eet 1\ f'S Nell Ml'1"acidell. Detec-
mittee, WIll preside and Jolm C_ Kathenne E. McBride, prcs1dent of tile college. After breakfast. there was the w1l1dl11g of t!le Maypoles and the ('rO\\l1Ing 01 the tI\p John f'eanlon. Lt James Hart-
Balchelor. chairman of the Repub- May Q u e e n . , -Piloto courtc"y oj Pill/a. J:l'cortl ness aile! f'U)X'nlltellClel1t of Police

W~M.- FishElecied--J-anitor-Wlto T ool~-School Fund -r Voter~- Hold Me~ting ~~~~I~~'llll~C\~;~~;Cl~.f ,~11111~ 1~~·I~\~·~l;,~
11can ClUb, wil open the meeting.
Miss Evelyn Fleck will sing. I

, Head of Rotary ' :In South Ardmore I C01dllY dl·tpctl\-es Earle Allcn and

Methodists End .W.aller M. Fish. wa? elec,tee!

Ples1dent of the AldmOle Rotaly I
Club last Thursday at the lunch-
Is Glven Suspell,lle(l Sentence I
A lJ1eelmg of t1lC' Rl'publlcan'
I \\olkers of the South Ardmole \ot-
I 1"reo Jack,

'UZZ J 0
- - • - ••-

I I JI1g' ellStl,J( ,l, No.2" .as.he,Id Wed-

Drive For $6000 eon meetll1g held at Haverford
Court Hotel. EllI'yn P. Bndgeman, 60, belov-I He came brfore ,Ju?ge Dahlle- ,11e.selay 11IQllt al, 107 Walnul, A\'[~ .. I
Other officers elected were: I eo ane! tl"1lst~d .lanitor at the hOlI "I' to entC'r a. gUllty plea to South ArclmOl e Th" gUC'sL spc lk- Et-Ire M-
'n erl9l',n Area

• preSIdent. James A. RItchie.• , CYnwyd PUbhc School fOl • 25 fI, BuL
secretarY Dr HoI' ard Wayne d d
cllarge last ani\'
It not
Fllela\·.Ua\l' I ('r \',US HelbC'rt. PlllJ1tel. Conmlls-
. ~ ,
Report On Campaign i
Smith' 't;-easm:er Alb~rL C. BOw- years, was gll'en a suspcn e hun a CTIl11mal record. but It COSt I SIOll('r of the South Alclmore eils-' _
e' d direct rs' Harr' W. Gen- I "'ntc11ce 111 1\10ntgol11cry County 1:llJl thc .lob he ]1l'ld for mOll', tilC'!. •• - • r-
To Be Made Sunday ,,~m:~ and Er~ AxelsOl~. ! COl1l't last FndaY lor stpalll1g l,he tllall a quarter centur.l- and It al-: Amol1fY those present \1C'lp' Ho,,-- DIVIng PIlot Zooms
PreSIdent CI,ll'~nce MYers ]1re- I schoul cafC'lel'!a fund. He h\ cs at so cost hnll the lights of pel1~lon I 'u cl Mull'lllt'V Jp 111 Mul"anpv' 0 8t S h I
• Morning folded at today'~ ~esslOn wh~n
Col. I 43 Rose~l1ont. ~,v~.,
,Ro<;e,ll1OlH' d
\: l~e oU:~r ~ll1\:e
ellJoyed 111 anot!ll'r I Gl'or~p
]\1:[[ (I;(:ws. ",VIIJlam' KC'I;: v~r a O~l
I... I ; C 00
--- Samuel HepbUln head of tlle sal-I He \\as leg,Udle! as a
The Narberth Met hod is t . tlOn Army 111' the Philadelplua \\ orkll1g kmdlY mal1. alwaJ s readY
al IJll1 1'1,1 s. l1cl!y GC'o\"(I'Lp,ll'h ,JaI111" MulJ-
Bndgl'Il1an ha:; mae!e compkle I III B'e; tlla Dp\ lUI PI ank ,J. Dl'1 _
Chlldl'en Ii'l'lo-lltened
Church's campaIgn to raIse $6000 ~~ea told of welfal'e work carned : to do a klJ1d dped fol' anyune Ipsi It utlOn to tllP ScI1001 Dlstl'll't I Ill;. MaH'.ll cL M~GIJ\'I'I n, ,Josl'ph
I _- - - --
01 bV the orO'al1lzatJon for dP-1 \lheLl1er It was one 01 the glade 01 the S178. It ll'pll'Sl'ntec! mOI1I'y C dlop, l\lcll"atI'L Jonl','; CIlllllt s Ht"Ie!I'nh of l\!I'llOn l1l1e1 R t8'itP.
• and reduee the church indebted- 111quenlS and (h(' ulldel'pnv1legec! s(hooi pupIls 01' an OfilCWI 01 tile that hac! bl'pn IUll1pc! 0\1'1' to till' I H~~\s. 'Robell' 11.1\'lS 1)(01 lIt'IlI\', (,: PI1Jladl'lplll.1 s sl\IJ1lln~ ~111'­
ness to the fil'st mortgage was 1,1~~'ouglJout the countl-~' as well as' Lo\\'pr MerIOn School Dlstlll't UIlll('lpal, ot tiIl' e.lletl'll.\ lor a i AI)bH' AIlPlJ. Bl'l1,1alJlll1 CLUJlOnl~- pJdlll' ,)lJ :\1~lIld," \\11'11 a (,I'ram
concluded thIS week. for serV1c\,men at home lind I
And Bnc!!':ennll1 \Ias all those fUlir e!aJ '" penoc!. .. tUI, and EIl'lI'n WhIle. I,dlo! bIdl' )ll;llll' 1ll.III,eI HI flom
- . -
He11lY A. Flye and WI
Iham J a road
"BIII!PV 11l'~ds t.he r~lJ1pall~n wluch
-I b .
U•t -S-:- --.--- I
IlJu1Vs ulltll last Mal cll 10.
"r Icall,- ll'pI sorry for ~'OU,
On tile late 11el('rnool1 of lhal, Judge Dal1nl'hol\'CI' told Bl'ld';t'-
__ _~~ ___ _
' 111l' Wf"1 SLOI t 11- bl'1Ol I' 4 P. :\f.,
.'I'd m'ld" .'1 I"l',t :1 'JOZl'll rill\'&
un~l1Irs i Ihat lJ' Oll':iIt hll11 .lllsL alJo\e the
• opened last November.
01 p US S0 or (1.1\ 11l' \','PllL Jnt(l tile ptindpai's !llall_ "1(,,, too LJad a mall WIth
c!Ii.c'e to empty a \\ aste basket. .,0\11' prL'I'IOUS good cha1'llctel' ane! I III I U.Il.U 1101l.'l'lops.
Cunlll1UII1'~ 1'1(' Ht'l obal !('S for
ec t Off-
Ballf'y wiU speak before the con- The door of a .',mall safe \laS I eputation woulc! pP1mlt a temp- I
. t t S d y m rn1l1g's
gleg.a IOn a . un a
finanCIal. achIevement smce ~he
serv1c~ presen.tmg f\, statement of
. G-IfIDe
S ay amp
-lIghtly ajar. Insldp he sa\1 a roll lallon 1lI a \\l'ak moment to rob lEI
of mone\'. Blu!geman Pllt tlll' ,'Oll of tllat reputatIOn. as \\1'1i a"
mone~' II1to JllS ]JockeL. The roil I Jour position and your ]JenslOll."
contained $178. I Jlldge Dnnnello\' er gave Bl'1(kl'-j
. left'S '.tt least 10 111!I111t"s lll'fCllc lIe
i 1\1'111 ~!T, 11,1' Pill" \IOllld (lit olf
: LIS molor elll(' fol' the tlPes, and
I tl1('11 (111 11'" ll1fJIOI' !IJ l1llel clllllb

Youth Conference
]fJ1J)Jl /
coz:structlon ofe the. new ChUI ch
b~uldll~g. In th. pulpIt at. ~h:- ser-
once \\'111 be DI. G. G, DIII\Olth 0{
Phll.adelPhla, secretary Of. the
Eight Weeks Outing
He saId :notlllng to anyone, not lnun a sllRpendcci sentel1('c and I
e\'en hiS \\'Ife abollt \\'1J11t he had Idu·C'cted hllll to pay.the costs.
done. But hc did payoff some Even ASSIstant Dlstnct Attor-
bills for whIch he was being l1PV Roger B. Reynolds felt sorry

Plans ITnder\"ay 11'or

Supper !)ance
r\ t
o,;trepl\'. Slorl'S of t llllcll rn .lllst
C;I S lJJISS0el ItOlJJ thnr c!l1'srOOI11S
I crowded Ille sll'C'l'ls ill'fore tile
I dlllll>: lle'(nn, ape! t l1C'n 1 an for

~.].alR At Haverford C1tyS br~nch of the Amellcan p1(~ssed. lor the defcndant, as~ertll1[:( tllat

To Be Held on Bryn B' I CI 1 I ('0'. Pl'. 111,1110' 1ll1O tile 11 o111(' S of

BIble SocIety. 'M C An 1l1vestigatlOn was started 'lt 1S unfortunate that a man of a aU) str:mget s.
• ~embers of the Youth Fellow- awr ampus and Oillcer Glcnn Turkelson, of tillS type, who hus served tile ---- 11w s" Itt hiloalC! of thp Lo\\'er
slllp Wi~l 11ave as guest speaker g at the Lower Ml'l'ion pollce Clep,ul- i ~'outh of Cynwyd for 25 yeal', The Narbel tiI .Jlllllor \V:nJ1f'I1's, :Vl('I!01l 1'0\\ l'sl III' Polll'f' \\'as
• • • Beine a Column of Main Line Group to Sunday s 6.45 P. M. meetlll. EI- The Main Line Branch of the ment finally traced the theft to, nnd who enjoyed a p('rfectly Ull- Communlt\' Club held Its election jJl1('k('l! 1'llIl (CJlJJpJall1lJ1g ("Ils, all
wood Arnold of Bala-CJnwyd Amencan Red Cross 1S sponsor- tile trusted Ja11ltor. Confronted suilled reputatIOn, should be 111 _ m I
- Chatter Abo u t People
Hold Annual Affair JlInlOr High School faculty. At . \uth the accusation he confessed_ buch a plight." (" 0 H'prs
Tl d It th 'II Ill" tIll' S"llH' l"t'''ls(I'II!Oll l111m.
ltln' al' l1,g 1 m e !JI'I 'I~ld ell:; JIIO~ or'tl'e 11nne.
You Know .••
Quite a weekend .iust past. ..•
All Day Sunday young AdUlts will meet to s~Ud~ the ages of 8 to 12, 1t \Vas an- i
rhe Book of Ro~ans. A se1vt1cd nounced recently by Mrs. Arthur I
BurgIars Re..V·IS'-t Emergency F00d
the same tane members of We mg a day-camp for gU'ls between - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Iub rooms oit tilt' N,ll bel I h Co1ll-
1l1l1l11t... B!lI1l1l!J~
1[' CI
I !I'I;}(I!ll~ ';jJ]lcp!'
) E I" l' I 0111
'I ellev al thl',01)
The\' 101l'e! 011 lilt' follol'lIll: l'rI tllat Ill' hac! 11ll1!Jl'c!1.l1l!\' ('011-
t Im'p, C

1 saw mOI'e jleople around town. Mrs. Crystal Bird Fauset WIll be I,It· 7.45
P. M. Will be conduc e P B
t . th R \' Carl R
I J h'
- aug-l, 1'.. c a1rman 0
f tl
le I
' t [ I II
IlOllllll't!l'cI Of!I\'t'I' Ph'sll!l'nl, :ll' el
C I A'
11' III
. tlttC A!I
S _
(j,lJll!' me!'1 11'l'lk vt tll~l! lee-
Market Drl·ve Opens Here

. . . At The Tavcrn on Frida~'
nite, spotted new L. M. Com-
missioner Joscph Wright from
the main speaker for the evenmg
sessIOn of the fifth annual Mam
Lme Interchurch Youth Confer-
'J le pas 01, e e.
!lammerly, ~hol·Will preaoc!J 01;
.he theme. Is Re IglOn an PI.ate
. M' L

U 111 Ildle.
B 1
Pen U1111g Ju lJ an
· , d A t
ugus I
r I\1t". ~letlllJg CIWl1;: \lll'-pll'SI-
,it'llt, 1\11., 1Id,'s CltjJsl1,IIJI alltl
onls \U', sta'ltl'(1.
1"I~lllk K ~llllill. ot 34:! Merion
• the Pencoyd district, Jim Bar- ence_ The conference \nll be held Monday at 8 P. M.
CIrcle 5 of the Women's Soe1et~· . tl
membel sOon the Bryn Mawr COllege camp-
. b d' b
1\11 s Gt 01 "C' II BUI'II',' LOln's- Pu 1\11'1'1011 I'l'c'cnt I\' (l!scl 1arged
'. ' . . -. . " -' . ., I . d
nett from Narberth of the Bol'O on the Haverford College Campus
Sunday afternoon and evening. 01 Chnstian Service will meet at us: le camp WIll e Ilected y l,olll!lllg SV('I('\al\ , MIS R.dllh ,t1t~:· clul\' 111 I~'c. ~:It llle .1 10,H
and Township Veteran's office, the home of Mrs. J. H. Dean of M1SS Janet Yeager. a member of Loot Included Cash Dr. Smith Explains Roll!ll', ant! ;\Irs. II,t1ole! DOllllvl-1 a I r bUel!. ~,t1el, Ih(' pilot a).-
lJI ell pd to ile dll llJ~ Oil till' Mel-
Following the theme of the
ly, dm'elo!", MIs. Robl'lt ~1~I'I, Hil l'llllD.1d stallon. He macle at
which is under Dr. Allyn Rog- the PhYSICal EducatIOn depart-
conference "For SUch A TIme As Montgomery Court nApts. Mrs. IV; ment of 'Bryn Mawr College She And Sugar,' Apt. Need of Canned }?ood
ers' supervision. along with
This." chosen by the Program R AdM~'
ansac k ed
Gould anW1dll be
WI'111 cdl:arge 0: 11e will have an staff of trained and 1\lrs. J Btll pel' Clayeol1JlJ lllld 11,."sl a tlo/ell PlI',SPS aL It bpfore
various and sundry other com-
munit~· luminaries.
man. the speaker's topic W111 be
U ted Nat10ns Orga11lzat1~n
Committee. Harriet Smith, chau'-
111 _ _ ~_..
volunteer assistants. The hOllls
will be from 9,30 A. M. until 4.30
I n oney MIS. WIIl!~llll LoUgll. he fie\\' olL HOII' III' mana'(l'd to
I A socllIl hour follo\1 ed the busI- Il11SS I'! a,c.'km g !lJl IS mOl e than I
l'a~11 ~'1~N ] ~'I N 11 J
"Spiritual Values For SUch A g y
Gay Painter (shc's the wife of Time As ThIS." Harold McCoo. Narberth . School to P·AM., Molnldav thk ll'OU fh Fndall · b
sma wee y ee WI e l M '
The Ardmore Market House, I
LOwcr Merion citizens met in Incss SI'.'Slon.
M '1'1 fi I tl or f tl k It eae ,vac I'! , 1'.,0
f 832
L, M. Commissioner Herbert J.)
Hold ExercI'ses
director of Parkside Community ma ~ef' I;: 0 ,ll' -I?,: "II,ltlOII L,lll<.', Ml'llOll, c:tllcd the
charged. The ch11dren WIll pro- 216 West Lancaster Ave .. and the t le am Lme Y. .C.A .. Ardmorf'. 1('
says that she is haVing a tea for Branch YMCA. will lead the sing- VIde their own lunches and frUlt apartment above 1t were ~an-Ila't Monday ni~ht, where Dr_ Ho\\'- tll,lg all~. SI';1 llJ~ ;I?:IP \ 111 t,t l I Plll!adelpllla Na\ al Base. She
• the Haverford Branch of the
Needlework GUlld on May 7.
Ing for the evening and Miss Jan-
et McCormick will be the organ-
The Narberth Public School will jUice; milk and crackers wilJ be sacked by thieves Monday 11Ight. l1rd Wayne SmIth told of the Ulms ~lla(e :llXt '!h\llsd, '. at. ~.15. P· :· SaId, "He \\'as so lo\\' I could read
110ld I··s annual FIeld Dav. exer- furnished by the camp. Swim- at thl 110me 01. MI S. Fi ank P u 1- tlll' nnllllJers as If they \\ f're 111 a
There is a membership dnve on '" Thursda,.·, May 16 at 1:30 ming lessons will be given in the Damage to the property was es- of the NatIOnal Food ColJection cell
C1se,s on
ist. Soloi~t for the even1l1g will be " , 118 Conltel
,. ., _ A\e
. , A1dmole : lelP)Jhone book nr,ht 111 front of
- this year, and all members are
asked to brmg a fr1end to the tea,
W. J. Meyers. The evenmg ses-
SlOn will be open to the pubhc.
P. M. on the communit.y plaY,- college swimmmg pool by quali- timated at $200 by the owners. I Committee_
gl·ound. Mr. Allen Weatherell. fi e d ms t ruc t ors. Otl ler supervlscd Money and merchandIse worth "The purpose," declared Dr IJles1dent
1\1 " .F' ede111 k M 'Robb
" announced tod'tl'
" JI ml'."
, . .'a 1\1rs ThOll1nS Budd, of 500 Va I _
which will be held at 4 P. M. at
", the Painters' house on Ballytore P hysical training teacher, will be recrea t lOna
John S. HoUlster of the ForeIgn
Service Staff of American Friendsin charge of events.
· I ac t'1VI·lCS,
t·· WIth some approximatelY $100 were stolen' Smith, "IS to gather fOOd and new
educational value are being plan- from the. store. .
I .
!tOSllltllIlZC'cI . "
Sel'llc'elllen s IeI' VIC'\\' I1el .. 1\!erlOn, s:ud "The
money for the purchase of food to plo,lect ul1<!eltaken 1)\ the ('1nb h<1l1fo{'S shook w!Jen the pIlot
Rd., over in Wynnewood. All Service Committee WIll be the ned. Accordl11g to Lower MerlOn I supplement the relief offpred to tlw \, III urO\ Hlp cI,mee ]JoIl'tnl'rs lUi' stal'lecl hiS motor ag:un, and
Boroites, please do your bit, she speaker of the afternoon on Mrs, Rollin W. Sidlvell WIll
I'n charge of a fOOd sale, Sp011S01'cd be 1 d
C 111 I'en I
WI I be accepted TownshIp po!Jce. tlle
t lUbbcrs
l' I . I hungl.v st1iC'ken countnes of the con\'alescents
filsL I
• 'It •
• V'dley FOl!<I' e\('1'\' mO!l1ent r expccted to hear
asks.• , • "Sharing At A Time Like TillS." by the Parent-Teacher Associa- th rough t Ile recommen d ation of entercd the apar mcnt. wRllCb 1 IS world by UNRRA_ Two thin£s ~ are G c n cr al H 0SPlt.'lI ' I el 'I y Wee!nes• - It (;1 asll."
Soloist for the afternoon WIll be the Home SerVlee D1vision of the occupied b~' Mys. Anna a mo- desIred: tmned food and money. day altel'lloon, _ _••
spotted Tommr Huff from Marjone Wmstram, soprano of tlCi11. She WIll be assisted by Mrs. Red Cross, the Federation ot I' They !{ot 1n through a rear The tins should contain milk (con- Plans are unclel'l\ay for a sup-
I ..
over in Merion down at the Lower Menon Township High Samuel Barclay, Mrs. Albert Churches and Commumty Health wm~ow .fl'om the back roof. Mrs. clensed, evaporated or dried), mf'at. per dllnce sehedtlkcl at till' B,tla Scouters Meeting Set
party which Plays and PlaYers School. Alfred B. Montgomery, Cat!llman, Mrs. John Clayton. and CiVIC Association, and other, Rabmovltz was not at home. fish, pf'anut butter, babY foods. Golf Club luI' tlle el'ellllJg ot M,l\' The r('l~ull1l' monthly lIll'l'tlng of
..ave In their Studio Room af- Mrs. Paul Collins, Mrs, Ralph church and c1vic organi:r,ations.
J1., will be orgal1lst for the after- Clothes and contents of draw- )laked beans stews, soups, fruits. 1(1 !\Irs. FI link E. Purtell IS I{pn- Bnla-Cvll\l'\ cI Cub Pack No. 213,
Continued Oil Page TilTee ContInued on Page Three
Dickie, Mrs. ROy Ebeley. Mrs. 0 - ers and closets were stre\\-n over JU1ces and vegetales. The moncy t'l al cll<lIr1nan 01 the a!fall' \lltll sponsol:l'el by till' Bnla-C.vnwyd
Odell Fletcher, Mrs. Harry Geb- Memorial Services the floor; mattresses wcre puUed 11'111 be used to purchase such food. Mrs. Edmund Cluc!tprOI1 and Mrs. Metllodl,'1 Cl1utl'lI, \l'lll ill' helel on
off the beds and bed covers toss- None of the fund coUected will bl' SleJlllJg Cham III chal'!~e ot c1t'('- FIlc!al'. Mal' 10111, at 7:10 P. 1\1.
.. 137 170 M· aJor P art y M embers,
hardt. Mrs. Austin Hartzell. Mrs.
Franklm Hutchinson, Mrs. Robelt Memorial Day services at the ed on the floor. But nothmg was used for expenses."
LeItch, Mrs, Benjamin McSeveney. Bala-CYllwyd Methodist Church takC'll from the apartment.
uratlOns and Mrs. Halolei Don- at till' Woman's Clull. MI'. W. H.
: WIlllll1TI H. Eden of the PllIla- ll('lly, tIcket:;. I De 11lt'y IS eub n1<lstl'I'.
' Mrs. Charles Offenhauser. Mrs. wlIl be attended by members of The t!llc\,es next broke l,hrough delphia Committpl' expnineel a svs- _ _ __ _ __ 1

- I
- -bZe to V ote lit
EZzgl - M ay p.
rlm,ary gent, M~s.
James Kennix, Mrs. William Sar- the Merion Post of the American a door leading from the apart-I tern of COllpons for ptllc'hasers ot
John Snyder. Mrs. W1I- Legion. ment kItchen into O.ll' store, Hele goods to be shipped abroad. TIll' l!!:
H - 1t S l i B 1 Cl - W-lIt
C 1,00 I U1I.£ - lOtr
ues A t J 1 sto
Stllte T rOll1-
lard Wll1ters and Mrs. Donald Occupying special pews in the they knocked o\-er pIles of canned I ioeal conlll1lttee \\'111 co-operate L' ,
• Woodward. church, the members of the POst goods and other merchandise, and I with this cffort, \,
A total of 137,170 Republicans and Democrats, together WIth 12 -------- wl1l honor four men who dIed While Icft things in sU~h a mess that' Those presenl votec! t.o support I 0 III I Vlt
Prohibitionists, are regIstered and ehgible to vote at the Primary Uproots Tree While in the service, two of whom were It took the propl'letor, Mrs. Rab- the effort 111 Lower Menon. Dr.
Election May 21. according to the final count of reg1sterecl voters m post members. I Continued 071 Page 7'hree Smith WIll sl101'tlv announc~ the
Montgomery County made public this week by the Rcgistratlon Retrieving Cigarette -- --- -- --- membcrshlp of four commIttees
., Commission. A Navy veteran
Although the grand total of regIstered voters m the Counly is }us car while he was retrievin!( a lost control of Take Part l,t POZl-tl· s Ofil-Cl-al C , _ I pmg",collection,
for pack1l1g. andVosillP
finance andl?ubhc_lty.
The mUSIcal junkct of Lowpr the stn lc Till' Choir I ('('ell'('(! an
un-- I\rcrion HIgh School's 150 slI1gers 'Exrcllent" I almg for first. place,
139,850, those registered as Non-Partisan and m romor parties whIch
have no ballot of theIr own WIll not be eligible to vote at the Primary. Ilt cigarette from the fioor and up-
They all may vote, however. at. the General Election in November. ~~.te~o~nV;:, 111 Merion early Fri-
T e ZZ N ew GZa dlVy'te P ost Vets,
teer help of ali kmds IS sol1c1ted. and II1s11umenlalists to tl1l' statp tu beat out Cll1lton. the lunner-
Those desiring" to help should com- cr,ntesl, at Johnstown endpd suc- UJl 111 thIS e\E'n!. John D. Ray-
municate with Dr. Snuth at 17 E. ccssfullv la1e Saturday evening. I 01011 conducLed tlw cholal gIOUpS.
The breakdown by partIes shows 110.130 RepUblicans, 27.040 'd ..' I Lancaster Ave., Ardmore. \\ hen the Band and A Cappclla The party left Al dmore Fllday
Democrats, 2,603 Non-Partisans, 65 Sociahsts, and 12 Prohibitiol1lsts. . ACCOl l~g too Lo~el Mellon p~- ~_ ellOlr home \llth two handsomc i OIol'!lIng on t\\'o spccllll coaches
• The count for electIOn dIstricts of Lower Medon Township and lice, Robel t GIllespie. 22.619 GeOl- Gladwyne veterans received a I John E. Baltz, Jr., was install-I Childr~~ Two HurttrophlC's 111 their pPlll1anellL pos- and H1I'lIeel hom£' late Saturday
Narberth Borough Is as follo\\'s: ~ef, Lane, Ard~ore Park,
I was g~- challenge to participate in com-I ed as tlw Commander of Glad- WT T ... • B'l CH'Sllln. t'lpntng TIll' contestants turned
, ~n~ south on H1ghla d. Av.e_. Me1- mUlIity politics from their tow11- wyne Post No. 6956. Other of-I":.,. J~n
Lower lUerlon Registration I {e !'-ats ar Each olgalllzaUon won fust Gut Satlllel:.>\' mOlnll1'~ 111 the 1l1lclsL
plncl' 111 tllPlI' el'ellts, Iu l1Juh '[I 01 ~1I0\\' I!UIIW.~ ane! bItter cold
- Votln&" Districts Rep. Dem. N. P. Misc. Totalllon, when he dropped Ius cigarette. slnp commlSslOner, at installation fi('ers are: C"'iscom Bettlt, Jr",
North Ardmore, D1St. 1 , .. 1I 73 118 12 1303 Thc car jumped the curb, struck eeremonies for the new Glad\\'yne spnior vice-commander; John C. Ann McCloskr;,l' daughter of Mr. tlJe llnre! tllull1ph III 1ecent \('.Irs. I Wl!10s, gHtll1~ a Ipal l.lsle of
North Ardmore, Dist. 2 1034 159 40 12331 a hee and tore it up by the roots Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars Vander Veur junior vice-com- and Mrs. Matt!',L'\\' H. McCloskey, The Malool1 lI1uslCluns !ttl cd I Sprlllg III ihl.' \Vestl.'ln Pl'nnsyl-
I. South Ardmore, Dist. 1 691 96 11 798 The tree was on the property of Sunday afternoon. ' mander; Enl'1' Hanson. omcer of of' IndIan Creek Rd" and, Inge- well 111 otlwr ~olu and group, \'~~l1lU moullt all1s.
South Ardmore, Dist. 2 ,.. 952 194 11 1 Soc 1158 M. J. Cooper, 453 Highland Ave" "The peace of the world can be the day; Ray Roberts, quarter- borg Rd., Overbrook.. was 111ju",ed evellt,s, LIst I'd below are 1I1e l'\'ent~ I A SPlIllg- COI1l'Pl't is planned by
South Ardmore, Dist. 3 .......• 1652 149 34 1 Soc 1836 MerIon. kept only by each person's taking master; Joseph Pfizennayer; Ray- Monday when the bicycle she and entered and the places won: the:;e groups, tup'tlJer \\IUl the
- South Ardmore, Dist, 4 1644 155 39 1838 ----- a vital interest in his local com- mond Holland, quartermaster; Kathleen FI:ank. o~ 520 Baird Rd., FIrst Place-Class A Band. Class 111glJ school orchestra. this Priday
West Ardmore 1204 187 18 2 So_c 1411 13 Local Servicemen munity problems. which reffect Waldo Vander Veur. chaplain; Merion, colhde<l lth un automo- A Chorus. Gills' Chorus, Mlxl'd und Satulday eVl'nll1g. ThIS w1ll
;Bala .. " .. ,.,................ 975 176 37 1188 On DI'scharge List those of the world at large. Prac- ~rm,j{ C. Titlow, historian; John bIle on Ba1rd Rd., neal' Bowman Snl1tl1). QtHl.1 Id, Balltonl:' Horn (Helll y complett' tbe l'anw:ugn fur funds
to defray exPensl'~. To date about
.• East Bryn Mawr 1056 177 25 1258 tices in politics at home will pay M. Lapin. adjutant; Ervine Feni- Ave., Menon.
West Bryn Mawr 951 241 27 1219 Among the local servicemen diVidends when 1t comes to poli- more, patroitic instl'Uctor; John Ann and Kathleen w~re taken to S~cond Place - Girls' Ensembll', ::'2800 has bern raised through tlc-
Cynwyd , 1570 169 43 1782 who have received their honorable tics abroad," E. A. Stuebnez. Low- Bartley, Francis Ray Haley, and th~ Bryn Mawr HospItal by the Mixed OCtl·t. kel ~all's and by c!onatlOns by
General Wayne 1749 150 57 1 Soc 1957 discharges from nearby separation er Merion Township Commisslon- Napoleon Smith. Jr.. trustees; dnver of the automob11e, Mrs, Hel- Kubn, Others who competed were Bll1 Mall1 LlIle community and servIce
Gladwyne ,........... 966 74 25 1065 centers are: er, said. and John M. Lapin, service oIDcer. en Yeatman, of Conshohocken bantolle solo: June Flsch- clubs and mdlv1duah,
Haverford ., ,. 1171 101 38 1370 Cpl. Jame.. W. K .. rr. Ardmor.. ; Egt. He particularly emphasized the Chief of staff of the Depart- State Rd .. VillanO\·,l. Ann was man, pmno; mIxed ensemble; ~lrIS' The ('ontest); were held under
Merion. Dist. 1 1377 212 57 1646 Thoma.. L ShIppen, Ardmore; Pfe need of working through the local ment of Pennsylvania of the Vet- treated for a broken collarbone trio; alt 0 ~olo I ManDl ie Wl'n- the manar-ement. of the Pcnnsyl-
Merion. Dist, 2 •.••.••.•••.•••• 769 8O 22 871 (Jeorge
Dubin, W. Young, CPI.
Ardmore; Ardmore;
J. lzzy
Mc- churches. erans of Foreign Wars, Arthur and Kathleen was trea t e d f or Ilea<i st1"Cm); Sllake~peare Readmg. Ted \ anJa FOI rnslc and MUSIC' Leal/lie
Pencoyd, Dist. 1 •............. 836 214 5 1056 Combe, Ardmore; Pte. John J, Orecn. Magistrate Walter B. Lownes, Schoen. conducted the installa- lacerations. Both ch11dren are 13 Azpell. 111 cooppration w1th the sc11001 dl-
Pencoyd, Dist, 2 389 31 10 430 Bala-Cynwyd Jr., was the other speaker of the tlon of officers_ years old. The Lower Ml'rion Band, under r('c'1ors of Johnstown_ Approxl-
Rosemont ., ,..... 948 102 17 Cp). Frank
1067 Alexander J. TalarIco,
OIMattl•. Ardmore;
Ardmore; T/4 day. He pointed out that there
Pfe. Har- Dr. Frank Rose of the Glad- Po l'1ce sa Id tl11' b'ICYc Ie ran int0 the direction of Dr. Beech. re- l1lateh' 2,000 students competcd_
Narberth Registration vey B. AustIn, Narberth; T/4 E, N. OIa- had been 87 eVictions on the Main wyne Presbyterian Church spoke the side of the car. Ann's father cril'ed the 11lghest POSSIble rat1l1g Directors of the band and A
- Narberth, Dist. 1 · ., , 933 120 17 1070 comueel, Ardmore; CP), Oeorge A, BaileY. Line in the past year. He also briefiy on the necessity for faith is the former co-chairman of the of "Superior." and was adjudgcd C~ppella Chou' are Bruce C. Bcach
Narberth, Dist. 2
Jll&rberth. Dist. 3 •• ••....•..•... , 1465
• • • • • • • • • • • • 649
1692 ~~~~~i ~~d
766 Bryn Mawr.
tt been taken care of. basis for lasting peace. Philadelphia.
~mfa~ JH.8'\V~~ii:~: said that all those evicted had in each other as the primary Democratic City Commit~e in Clairton High School Band, which fellow instructors. Andrew R.
considerable margin abo\-e the and John D. Raymond and their

- represented the Western section of French and Gex:ald H. Woerner.

• ·1 '(

;rrwo -, OUR TOWN May 2,1948.

Work of County '''.,.-.

OUR TOWN Congratulations, William J. Lloyd' Salvation Anny To May Queen Greets Her Subjects ,
Bnter M Ilecond class matter October, 1938, at the Peat Ollic• •,
Narberth, Pa~ under the Act of MarCh 3, 18711.

Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association Give Report Lunch Chairman Praised •
GEORGE A. WALKER, PresIdent and EdItor
HELEN FITZPATRICK. Buslne8ll Manager
SUZANNE Y. WINGATE, As!oclate Editor
a LESSERAUX. Advertlalng Manager
Workers To Attend Tribute Made to ..
Publlabed Even Thursda, 2nd Affair Planned Lloyd K. Wood by

Deadllne for advertlalng and neWII copy-Wednelda, II A. ...
SubscrIptIon rate-S2 per ,ear In advance To Aid Annual Drive Congressman 1,'

Publication alflce-Elght CrIcket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.

Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; GreenwoOd 7740 The second report luncheon of A glowing tribute to the "earn- •
Member or Bucu-Montgomel'7 New811aner Publlahere AuoclatloD the Salvation Army's Maintenance est, sincere and intelllgent work"
Fund Campaign for $750,000 will
be held in the Rose Garden of
Samuel K. MCConnell, Jr., Mont- •
the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel on gomery County'S Congressman,
Note: For pUblication on ThlU'llda:r, aD church notices m_
be recetved b:r Monda:r at I P. M. eaeb week. MaD notice to
May 6, Wesley M. Hellman, chair-
of the drive announced this .,~
rwas paid by Lloyd H. Wood, Chair-
man of the Montgomery County
,,~;j I Republlcan Committee, at a meet-
this paper, c/o 80s 310, Ardmore, PL, or telephone Ardmon At least 1.000 of the 20,000 vol- ., I ing of the Pottstown Republlcan
unteer workers active in 'The Sal- , I ClUb Tuesday night.
5720 or Hilltop 3610.
vatlon Army's most important ap-
peal' are exPected to attend the
"We are very fortunate," Wood
declared, "to have such a flne, cap-
Narberth Methodist Church Narberth PresbytBr1an report luncheon.
In urging continued support of
' , I
able, fearless, honest and intell!-
gent young man representing us
Essex and Price Avenues Church
Minister. Cnrl R Hammerly the "Army's" drive for funds with at Washington. He deserves the
SUNDAY WIndsor and ~yllng Avenuetl which to ca1'l'y on its great Im- ill wholehearted support of every Re-
1l.4~ A. M.-Church School. Rev. Bryant M. Kirkland. Paator manltarian work in the Philadel- .; publlcan in Montgomery County."
11.00 A. M.-Sermon bY the Minister. John Van Ne... D. D.. Pll.'5tor Emerltul
6.45 P. M.-Youth Fellowship and Renel E. Johnson. Assistant Paator. phia area. Heilman recalled the i The Republlcan candidate for
Young Adult Fellowship. SUNDAY words of President Truman writ- i State Senator, who as Chairman
'7.45 P. M.-EI·pnlnK Sen·lcp.
• Holy '1'rinity. Lutheran
9.45 A. M.-Blble classes for aU.
11.00 A. M.-Worshlp service. Sermon
by the Pastor.
ten recently when the Salvation
Army celebrated the 80th anni-
of the Ways and Means Commit-
tee of the House at Harrisburg
1l.00 A. M.-Nursery tor Infants and versary of Its founding. knows something of the problems
According to Hellman, every encountered In legislative halls,
WoodbIne and Narberth Ave.
Rev. Cletus A. Sentt. Plllltor.
1l.00 A. M.-Junlor Church.
president since Grovpr Cleveland stated that "Sam McConnell is •
6amuel T. Nicholas, D. D., Pastor Baptist ChU1'ch of the has endorsed the social welfare gaining experience in WashIngton
In-ellarge. work of the Salvation Army W h i C h ,' which I am hopeful will redound to
SUNDAY E'vangel,
is now launching its program of his credit and ours after the New

g.45 A. M.-SundlW School. WUlIam Narberth, Pa.
Hofstetter. superintendent expanded aid to manl~ind- ! Deal is cast into the Umbo."
of the senior department;
Mrs. Kenneth Hoover, su-
perintendent of the Ju-
Rev. R. G. MIddleton, Pastor.
Howard Beard, StUdent Ass't. Pastor
"Marching Forward to a Better
McConnell was scheduled to ad-
dress the Pottstown meeting In
1l.4~ A. M.-Church School.
nior department: Miss 10.00 A. M.-Adult DIble Clas•. "Every cent of the $750,000 goal person but Congressional duties
Georglaun Hoffsten. su- 11.00 A.
perIntendent of the Ilrl-
M.-Mornlnlt Worship. Sermon.
7.00 P_ M.-Youth FellowshIp.
(Photo. cOllrtesy, Norristown Times Herald) of the Campaign now in progress called him back to Washington. •
mary department. William J. Lloyd, left, assistant vice president of the penn- is needed to maintain and expand The Congressman had another
11.00 A. M.-Mr,rnlng Worship and set-
man by the Pastor.
St. Margaret's CatholU: sylvania Company and manager of the Ardmore branch, is con- the Salvation Army's work in the advocate at the affair, too, County
11.00 A. M.-Nursery tor pre-school Church gratulated by J. L. Michel, vice prei>ident and i>ecretary of tile Philadelphia area. Were it not Commissioner and Republican •
chlldrcn. Mrs. Carl Krieg, Abington Bank and Trust Company, on hii> election as president for the unselfish cause to which !leader Fred C. Peters, a candidate
superintendent. Re\'. James F. Toner, Rector.
7.00 P. M.-Junlor and Senior Luth- Rev. Charles P. O'Conner of the Montgomery County Bankers' Association. LlOYd, Who SalvationiSts have dedicated their for re-election to the State Re-
er lRMrue. Rev. Cilarles T. Dinan succeeds Michel in the post, took office last Thursday at the asso- llves-the rendering of aid and publican Committee.

THURSDAY In residence. Rev. Wl1Ilam J. Kane. ciation's annual meeting in the ValleY Forge Hotel, Norristown. comfort to all without regard for -Photo cOllrtesy Of Phi/a. Inquirer Peters pointed out that Con-
7.00 P. and Youth ChoIr reo SundaY Masses-6.30; 7.30; 9: tChll-
+ gr~ssmen are going to be the prin-

hearsnls. drrn's); 10.15 aud two Masses at 11.15: race, creed or color-the Salva- Rulh Joy Rutland. of Atlanta, Ga., addresses her fellow stu-


W•J. UoydEIecled
11.00 P. M.-Scnlor Choir Rehearsal.
------------ An nua l
Or.e In the Upper Church aud one In
th~ Lower Church.
Inner tion Army's work would not be
possible on such a modest sum."
Those who have not yet made
dents at Bryn Mawr College after being crowned Queen of the
May at the traditional college ceremonies Wednesday morning.
Standing beside her at the maypole is Dr. Katherine E. McBride,
cipal targets all over the country
at the November elections and in
Montgomery County especiallY.

Beauty Shop Takes First Trip By Couoly Bankers PIanne. dFor May 8
Llanerch Woman, 86, their contributions to the Salva- president of the college. "we shOUld show our support for •
PIaygrounds Will PasIor Akd s e I0
tion Army's Maintenance Fund
are urged to do so without delay.
"If yoU are not contacted by a
McConnell by a big Primary vote."
In a well reasoned address.
County Chairman Wood discussed
Is Opposed l In Airplane
Pennsylvania Co. N b th CI b PI
Marther D u ht ans
Mrs. Anna M. Cowan. 410
Darby Rd., Llanereh, accompa-
Open Satur day Relum to Church volunteer campaign worker. mail
your donalion directJoy to Salvation
Army headquarters, Bond Build-
ing, 106 South St., Philadelphia,"
the issues of the Primary caro-
paign and touched briefly on the
qualiflcations of the candidates for
State offices.
Executive to Head er- aug er
In Haverford nied' by her great nieee. Miss
Aff all' W ed nes d
" ay '
Ruth Wilds. daughter of Mr.
I List of Supervisors Ardmore Methodist
Heilman said.
He hailed James H. Duff as "the
next Governor" and maintained

Lower Merion Board

low Brook Rd., Manoa, flew to
Wt'st Palm Beach for a two
and Mrs. William J. Wilds. Wil-

y S s Proposa \ITho WI"II Be In' Recalls Dr. Cherry

William J. LlOYd, assislant vice The annual mother and daugh-
that "yoU will be working for
something that is real in support-
ing Jim DUff." Wood also paid

VeloedBy Slale Charge Released For Second Year

week stay last Thursday. I ' . I tel' dinner of the Narberth Meth- Vl' tribute to the late Senator Frank-
Denies Appeal Of Mrs. Cowan. who reeently cel- president of t 1e Pennsyl\'amR, odist Church will bc held Wed-
cbrated her 86th birthday. and Company and manager of its nCi>day. May 8, at, 6.30 ~. M., a!1d
i lin Spencer Edmonds, to the pro-
gressive administration of stll:te
Cynwyd Woman who had lIever set foot in an Ardmore branch, was unanimoui>- will be sponsored by C1rcle FIVe , government under Edward Martm.
airplane before last 'rhursday ;y clecied president of the Mont- of the W?man's Sociely of C h r i s - . Supervision of Lower Merion Dr. Clinton M. Cherry, pastor of Of his own candidacy for State
wrote a Llanerch f.·ienl! that . tlan SerVice. playgrounds will begin Saturday at the Ardmore Methodist Church Senator, he pledged that 'I wlll be
NINE PETITIONS from now on she never wallts to gomery Count~' Bankers AssocJa- Mrs. Samuel M. Russell will acl S H f rd Road 9.00 A. M. and will continue until bll tI t you
travel in anything but an alr- lion at ItS. annual meelmg last as toaslmaster, and the invocation ays aver 0 the last Saturday in September. was asked to return to the Church mailldnd~~1o~nr:t:a\?or gt~ ~~~i5ter
ARE APPROVED plane. She and her nieee will Thll1'sday mght. . will be given by Mrs. Carl Ham- Is Not Built For Until the close of school, the by the members of the congrega- my official duties honestly Bnd
A d eCISlon f t! I
return b\' the same route.
Active 'in J,lanerch and Phila-
AbH.e I,succeeds John L. M1chel, of mer]'.'.
I11g on. ..
A tribute to the mothers will
Truc k T ra ff· IC
grmmds will be supervised from tion at the fourth quarterly con- sincerely."
4.30 to dark Monday through FI;- ference held last Friday. _. _
° ](' ,ower _ Lloyd. togelher with \'1ce prei>- be presented by Mrs. Wayne Dea- day, and from 9.00 A. M. to dark T
Merion Township BoaN! of ~~h~~i~r~~1~~.~~a~i;J~~('M{f~;:~~·I; Ident, Rw;sell Hl1l_egass, preSident vel'S while the return tribute to The use of Haverford Rd. as a I :m Satur?ays and holidays. th:h~i~~6~es~fw~em~~rl;~~I~~~ Phila. Attorney 0
' .
Ad.1wdment I <lst mOll tl1 th a't Needlework Guild. a director of Tlusl of the Co.. Union NatIOnal Bank
Souderton; and Mrs.
Treasurer the daughters will be given by b _
Henry A. Frue. Y pass f01' ll'uck t1'affic "'ouldn
yarious gl'ounds aSSigned
are'. to the area. D r. Ch erry l las i d
rece SkAt
ve 561pea C C .0 f .
the Baby's Hospital in Phila- EI E SIt f tl J t T new members into the church dur-
two discharged veterans were delphia, board member of the mer .• ay 01', reasurer 0 1e The musical entertainment for not be advisable, according 0 . Ardmore Avenue Playground: ing his first year. The Main Line Chamber of
VIO. Iating zOl1lng . regu 1a t'Ions Presbyerlan t· I lome f or. '''id ows Security
I d f I Trllst 1 nCo..
f the the e\,ening will include 1 "a VOcal C. FI'alne, chief engineer of the Albert C. Adam and Richard Di- N1'ne young people fl'om the Sen- Commerce \"1'11. meet Wednesda.v_
and Single Women, Philadel- Ii 1 0 II' f 1ew 1C. 'S 0 t k solo by Miss Mary Va entme, IlC- State Highway Department. Bat.isla. ior Yout.h Fellowship attended a noon, May 8, 111 the HaverfOJd
5n operatill~ a ben;rage coin- Council 0 Admil11stration 00 companied by Miss Louise Sauer- . Bryn Mawr Playground: Robert conference of Youth Fellowships Court Hotel, Montgomery Ave.
P am.' in Baja, was ren;rsed PI~~ elder in the Llanerch Pres- ofIice for 1946-47 immediately brey. selections by the ('hurch
I In a leltel- to Evan L. James, A. Hill and Paul H. Harkins. I
from the Philadelphia Conference and Grays Lane, Haverford. .
byterian Chlll'ch, Mrs. Cowan, following lhe election. chorus. accompanied by Mrs. L. manager of Lower Merion Town- Bala Playground: Millard L. al Chester. TIlOse attending from The speaker .will b.e A. ~: Dalx,
at another zoning hearing' was the Llanerch's first Republi- Speake:' of the evening. was K. Connell.. ~hip, Frame said he IHld investi- nrJ\vell and Theodore N. Robinson. the Ardmore Methodi~t Church !3rd, whose subject Will be ,';'Vhe:e
T! d b d
f~'e ~~
Th Joseph T. Rf'ls!er, vIce preSident Guest speaker Will be Mrs. T. F. I' I d 1" a I'e- South Ardmore Park: Edgar M. \'e Drl'ftlllg In the Law Dalx
ast ' 1U I'S ay. e on 1', can cOlllmittee-woman. of the Manufacturers Trust Co., Brown, Jr., literature secretary for gated _t Ie ploposa u mg. . Whistler and Frank E. Groff. were:. . . attorney of Philadelphia.
meeting at the Township Several ~'ears back she reedv- New York City, whose topic was the Philade1pllia. Methodist Con~ [.cent Visit to the Ardmore dlstnct I Merion Square Park (Gladwyn): .~~.IY Lee Emlet, Jack Ii Will, ~ob president of the United. Buslne~
Blll'ldl'llg, }\!'tlmol'e, 'le"I'dt'tl ell the Delaware Connt~·, Sorop- "Present Day Aspects of Bank ference. whose subject will be, ofIice of the State Highway De-' J. Charles Hutton and Herman C. ~IIC~S, E~l~'Il; P~st. ':~elc~el~vci Men's Association of PI1Jladelphia
- c c tilllist award for outstanding ~r- Investment Problems." ,"Mothers and Daugllters." I partment. Giersch. 91e~ce I :ell'Y aV1 s a and II member of the Pennsyl-
that it had no jurisdiction in vice to the eOllJlty and the eom- He predicted that it is unlikely The committee in charge of the "1 have investigaled the subject General Wayne Park: Wm. C. Ohvel. We sh. 1'" e vania Delaware River Joint Com-
munity. t.he Government budget will be, affair includes Mrs. J. H. Dean, of Haverford Rd. for truck uses," Bahn;ermann and Robert C. Alex-I .Fl?den~e f g;1e~~'la~~s hiel~~n~ mission.
the case. I
balance dthis year and said it Mrs. Dea\,ers, Mrs. Robert he said, "and find that this road ancer. pleSI en 0 e I e P aa Bill • _
At the same hearing, the: such, is permissable in a resi· cannot reasonably be expected Haycock, Mrs. J. B. Jordan, Mrs. is already taxed beyond its ca- Bala-Cynwyd Park (Belmont I fere~ce Youth Fellol~vs~i Pnt n d he The first gypsy newspaper In
! dence district,. The property is that deposits will attain their IGeorge Lees, Mrs. Benjamin Merz, pacity. It is not very. adequate Ave.): H. Gendell Reeves and Peter I &~~~11~t~'~cr~~~l~ ~~ft~wshiP Of t
b d I' t't'
oar grantet !Jlne pe I lOllS: just across the street from the 1941 pe_ak. Ho.wever, he sal~, five and Mrs. Charles Nevl11s.
for variance and .special e~-I Haverford School. ~(j 28 bllh?ns 111. currency W11l re- I
citlley strllcturally or WIth respect F. Hocman. . I Other district officers ele~ted n1anla.
(A.~hland I incIud the following:
the world was established In Ru-

.' .
e!)tion and cont1J1ued untIl, Led oy Samuel Sco\llle, JI., 415 tun.1 to cll'culatlOn to help offset
, I Lancaster Ave., who lives next a nse m loan volume..
next month a beauty parlor I door to the proposed beauty par- Lloyd, the new preSident, spoke
Form Leglon
- Post -----0- ._- -- LO WIdth,"

a\'enue to tl,e Ardmore Merch- Flemi~g.

M c M a I' a n Park
Frame's letler closed another School): George L. Lutz and Alex I Mar~ Lee Emlet. chairman of'
.. committee on World Friendship;
ants ASSOCiation and the Bryn I E.QUJpment and supplJes Will be and Jack IrWin, chairman of the
petition opposed by Haver- lyor, Harerford. residents ma~e brlPfiy, outl1l1mg the progress
ford residents.
strenuous objectIOns to Ferraro s made durmg the past 12 months
plans. m the field of pubhc relaUons. He
In WesI Manayunk Mawr Busmess ASSOC1f~tlOn to re- a~allable .for tenms. Quoits, check- committee on Community Service.'
lieve traffic and parkmg conges- ~lS, dommoes, softball. basebal~,
tlOn along Lancaster Ave.
Next Sunday the Youth Fellow-'
\olley ball. basketball, soccel, ship will attend the Interchurch'
Decisions on lwo cases contin- Calling it an opening edge for Ilad serve~ as the asso~iation's Re_cently the State placed. a I ~.odge ball, marbles, touch fo.otball, Youth Conference to be held at' Rustic Cedar Posts and
ued from month. one Inrolv- other such establlshmenls, theY chaIrman 111 charge of thIS func- parkmg ban on tl1e South slde ,. ling games for el1ildren, cloquet, Haverford College. Poles have long life and
inR' an apm tment JlOuse dispute' said they didn't. Wink it right tion. and urged that the group's West Manayunk has organized a 01 Lancaster Ave. to relieve t.raf- sand box,. SWillgS: may-poles,
in Cynwyd. were also rendered. i that such a busl11ess be .allow.ed I a.chICremenls along lme be fic congestJOn m Wayne, Eryn "slides, ho~b1e~ and 1.eadmg. serve an artistic purpose.
Ito break mto a purely reSIdentIal contmued thIS year "With a head post of the American Legion. to Mawr and Al·dmore. The merch- The M~m Lme Baseball League. If you want them white,
r •
\eter.\I1s Case . . community. The residential char- start." be called West Manayunk Post ants and Lower Merion Township I The Mam LJl1~ Softball League
~ast m.ont~l. Ed~\'~rd L.. Wm~ acter of our neighborho.od shollld
gel 1" .28, \ etezan thel, ~pplled fOi be mamlallled, t.hey sa1d.
p,el'll1lsslon to erect a sign ad\'er-; They also objected to the prob-
tlslng tile Suburban Beverage Co., able noise and confusion which
0 I·ee ChI-efS Try
--_.0.__·_ 857. commissionel:S sent .80 comlJ.lit~ee a~d the FederatIOn of B.oys' C~U?S I
Herbert Hunsworth was elecled to HarrisbllJ'g to diSCUsS lift1l1!S w,ll be active agam thiS yeal 10 I
commander of the post by a ballot the ban with officials of the State the parks where there are baseball ,
vote. Other officers include Frank Highway Department. Their re- and softball diamo~~s. I
the bark can be removed
and the post painted.
These are very appropri-
at .27 ~eckamore !'td.:. Balli.. HIs. would result. The noise. would
paltnel 111 the busmess is Thom- I bother tile immediat€ neighbors
as Dorrian, 28, 1348 Garden Rd.,: who enjOYed sitting in their yards,
T0 Pass New Law J. Myers, senior vice-commander; quest was refused.
Brooke C. Jones, junior vice-com-
. ~r:Y group.s . desl1'1~g to make
Frame in l1is letter also told 1~se~ vatlOns for a pal t o~ the fa- I
mander; l<-'rank P. Lut.z. flnance of- James that he knew of no rea- clhtles ~hould ~et permlls from·
ate for Signs or Lampi.
Special made Arbors and
Overbrook. Dornan WllS former-! jusl out~ide the windows of the I ficer; Salvatore Cofonl, adjutant; :;on why parking meters could not tl:e pa1k .. J?ePal tment, ~UIt any: Benches make attractive
]y an ambUlance drl\'f'r. for the: room to be used for the beauty I Rev. Robert Sheeren, chaplain; be erected in Ardmore if they did gI~UlJS deSllll1g to f~~'II1ulate PI~l~S I
American Field Service 111 Italy.: parlor. they said. . •. Charles Alesio, historian: Natale 1I0t interfere with the flow of fel ~ t?ur?ament o. some pa1_tJ- I additions to the garden.
Wlngert·s request was refused I Ferraro tesLified that if he is At a 1 «:cent meeting, of ~h~ Delsito, service officer; Salvatore traffic. ,cula1. ~lOgiam should co?sult wltn
and he \\'a.~ given a hearing be- permitted to establish the beau- MontKoI~1el y County Pohce ChIefs Bm·do. and Peter N. Godino, ser- •• supel VIsors at the playglound.
cause the HeckalnOl'P Rd. area Is ty parlor, he \vill make no chang- AI'' SI ?~latl?n. members :xpressed geants-at-al'lns: Robert E. Tay-
not zoned for busines~. es to the outer 01' inner appear- t ell b~!Jef that-t.h~ ca1eless act lor, Joseph M. Dennis. and William Files For Divorce
Health Report All Medical Need. SHULL LUMBER
La.~t Thursday., the board 1'1'- ance of the house. I of .leavmg the igmtlOn key in a J. Trimbur will comprise the ex-
considered the application, and Both he and Mrs. Ferraro said " ked . automobile ' . SI10.uld b e C0n - ecu t lve · comllU'tl ce. Mrs. Eleanor
h f Irwin
M Carey
d M Guck-
P FI'fty-sI'x new c'''ses
.... were re-
decided that since "the only thing they had gone to school for six SlQe1ed a traff1C ViolatIOn.
before the board for considera- months and had spent eight hours
Frank T. Challenger. deputy er, daug ter.o r. an
A motion providing that their commander of the 9th district of c~. C. :Made1ra, J~'" of 46 Turn- Lower Merion Township, for the
rs. er- ported to the Board of Health,

J PAUL SHEA 25 Bala Ave.
tlon wa.s an appeal from the re- a day learning the beauty pro- Legislative Committee prepare a the America~ Lte.giOn wats. presendt SUIt budge for R~., Havel
d1vorce fro~ford.Dr.has ftled II week
Thomas ca.~es reported
Theending April 26. were: Chick- I Pharmacy Bala•Cynwyd
fusal of a permit to erect an ad- fession. stalement of their stand to be pre- at the orgamza 10n mee mg, an GU~k~r, 3rd, m N01TlStown. TI1e, en pox, six; Diabetes. one; Ger- N berth" Cynwyd 0662
vertising sign, and since the ap- "Our business is not just hav- sent cd to the State Legislature for Elmer R. Leddon. 9th district com- socla!J~e ~~ortswoman has char g -/ man Measles. three; Mell.';les, 12; ~t ar StatiOll
peal was formally withdl'awn by, ing a superficial knOWledge of possible enactment into law, was mander installed t.he officers at cd mdlgl1ltles. Mumps, 29, and Whooping Cough, 2838-283. Closed NOON Saturda,.
the appellanl, the board's action
?f .M'.lrch ,~8, 1946, was without. Fe1'l' .r . I how a to o wash and
" . set hair," said unanimously approved. the
Chief Lawrence Shores, Upper held at t le West meetin l g on APIM'i! 23.
anayun Ikt wflas
l'e C - - . - - -
D I - t four. ~~iiii~~iiiiii~iiii~~:~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii
JUl'lSdlctlOn . Hall' dressmg 1S conSidered a Moreland. stressed the fact that house. onventIon e ega e I o!. .:-
It i~ :lOW up to tl~~ township, profession now, he said, and it the majority of automobiles re- Hunsworlh, newly-elected com- Mrs. Robelt P. Wetherald of the i I j.
commiSSIOners to deCide wheth- IS licensed by the State II.'; a pro- ported stolen in the county Were mander of the post. is a World War Lower Merion Township League of I .~
er The Suburban Beverage Co. fesslon. those in which keys had been left. 1 veleran, who has long been in- Women Voters is the League's II'
can continue to operate. . The board continued the hear- Among those named to commit- terested In veterans and their delegate to the National Conven-
Woman's Petition 1I1g unlll next month. tees by tIle p1'esl'dent, C111'ef Ken- problems. During the war he sent tioll that is meeting in Kansas
out a regUlar newsletter to men
Last month on grounds of in- B M 0----- neth Lear, Lansdale, was Samuel in service concel'11ing home front C~iat~' 3M.issouri, from Aprll 30 to I' 1-
conclusive evidence the board,
continued a hearl'.1g 011 an ap_1 F ryn d D
a d Woman
tH 'VI' Gearhart, superintendent of police doings which was very popular.
In Lower Merion Township. He

0 _

peal of Cynwyd property owners oun ea a orne was a member of the Uniform The Egyptian God Isis was the
who charged that ~rs. Gladys M, Miss Rose Hagan, 72, was found Firearms Law Committee. guardian of the dead.
Storey was operatll1g her garage dead in her home at 638 Da\'ton
Engaged COllple Feted
and dwelling. at 34 Derwen Rd., Rd., Bryn Mawr, Friday night.
Csnwyd, as a multiple dwelling Delaware County Coroner' John J.
which is illegal in an R-3 resi- Stretch. Jr., said she died of nat-
dence district. ural cau~es.
Last Thursday, after hearing I Haverford Township police said
." To Our Many Patrons
the new evidence, the board sus-I a neighbor, Wll0 hadn'l seen Miss
tained the appeal of the property I Hagan for ~ome time. asked lhem
owners and declared that Mrs.; to hwestigate. Patrolmen Thom-
for )'our expressions of
Storey had been operating hel'l as Murphy and Bernard O'Connor,
garage and dwelling illegally. found her in the bedroom. NARBERTH good-will and understand-
· She admitted that there were I'
now five apartments in the house Local Boys Win Scout
. .- - -
Electric & Radio Co. lng in the temporary clos-
and one over the garage.
· A representative of the Land Awards at Meeting Cor. Haverford & Forest Aves. lng of our Narberth store.
· Title and Trust Co., from WhOm\
Mrs. Stoney leased the place in James Roberts, 1327 Hllls1de
. . NARBERTH 41l1ll
We will be back soon in a
1936, testified that according tol Rd., Wynnewood, was awar?e~ the new, permanent location.
their inspections and records of I an~1Ual Legion M.edal A\\ a1 d at
1936 and 1938 there were no in- eel emonies held Iecently by the
dicatiOlIS that 'the house was used Merion Scout Troop. Roberts re-
as a multiple dwelling. The first celved the award for the r.n~st ou~­
F.H.A. In the Illeantime, :articles on
they knew of it was when they standing boy In Scout \\ 01 k dUl-
received a letter from the Lower ing the year.
· Merion Township building Inspec-
At .the same ce1e~onies,. J~hn
LOANS hand, were transferred to
our nearest 16 E. ~tore,
tor saying there was evidence of ~auel,.3 Hampde~ A\e.. Nal~elth, Make your application at our
violation of the zoning ordinance. \\ as y1est'nted w.1th the B !field
They wrote Mrs. Storey advis- Awa1d as the most loyal and help- bank for your F. H. A. loan. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore,
ing her that unless she corrected ful scout of t.he TrooP. It does not matter whether it
the violation under the terms of I. 1-0 where we shall be glad to
the lell.';e, they would terminate Po hng P ace pens is for a new home or for an
serve you temporarily.
it. This resulted in the .sale of I George Butts, Judge of Elec- old home, we can place it for
the house to Mrs. storey ill 1940'1' tiollS, North A!'dmore District No. you. Consultation free.
Beauty Shop Protest 2, alll10unced early this week the
Ap appeal by Joseph Ferraro new poWn!!' place for the North J-1ttO[O t:ourcesy l!:VClt1.71y JJ~lht,;"~I'
for permission to use the first i Ardmore' district will be in the
fioor of property he is buying at I basement of the Wynnewood Park
417 LanclI.';ter Ave., Haverford, lIS' Apts., Wynnewood.
a beauty parlor, was contested ..
I\liss Hazel Virginia Downes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
A. Downes, of 1301 Hlllside Rd .. Wynnewood, and her ftnance,
MI'. Charles Bennett Shipley, son of Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T.
Bhipley, of Garden Court Apts.. Philadelphia, chatting at an In-
The National
Bank of Narberth ORANGE elea.liers
vigorously by Haverford residents. In this world, it is not what we
Ferraro contended that h1s oc~ take up, but what we give up, that
formal party recently at the President Hotel, Atlantic City. The
engagement of Miss Downes and MI'. S11ip~('j' w~ 5 :mnoum":od re-
cupation is a profession and, Boll makes us rlch.-H. W. Beecher. cently by her parents.

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