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..': : ! lD 3 0 R A VEt
:;,\R3ERTH t PA.


Vol. 31-No. 8


'. County G. O. P. Organization Wins With Ease

Wood T.ops Bryn Mawr. Man ~~:i?t~~~1o;;or School Doctors Say No Parade Narberth And Ardmore Posts
In Special Senate Election·, te:e=~~r~t~~n P~~I:O:tkit~~el~:~~
~~;~: :~~~~ ~c~~o~.w:~ l~en~~~~
T0 Stage J. C ·
oint elebratlon

" No Contest AMoog Democr~ s ye::.~s~lt~~~r:~~:'u:~Si5~~9:~~
t .

Lower Merion and Narberth Electors Help
and kindergarten children must
be five years old before February L. M. HI--¥ Group Bryn ~/Ia\vr Born
16 Divisions
Swell Totals For State and County
15, 1947. Parents are asked to
bring vaccination and birth cer-
tifiicates of children in order to
e Its Electlon
- To Be In Line
Can dI ales complete registration.

' ... Completc unofficial returlls jor /.lIe Special and Primary elections
in Montgomcry County jor tile 191 lloting precincts appears inside.

Montgomery County's Republican Organization, recent-

Launch Local War Michael P. Creamer
Is New President of
Merion, Bala-Cynwyd:
To Have Services
School Organization
ly acclaimed by State G. O. P. leader:" as "the finest in the
United States," li\'ed up to jt~ reputation in Tuesday's
On Black Market The Lower Merion Hi-Y Club
On Sunday
Resident-<; of Main Line com-
special election and party primary. held its annual election on last munities will join with the rest of
It ga\'e all State candidates top-heaYy majorities oycr Price Control Head Friday evening at a dinner meet- the Nation next Thursday in the
ing at the Main Line YMCA. first peace-time obsen'ance of
their independent rh-als and in the only t "'0 county con- Urges Housewives Those el()cted to office for the Memorial Day since America en-
tC'red thc most costly war the
tests-both o\,er the State Scnate post-the opposition was To Check Purchases coming year were Mic:lael P. world has ever known.
swamped i'e\'en to one. ----- An intensive drive to "uproot Creamer, president; Thomas w.j Higl1light of the impressivc
Voting in Lower Merion Town-
8hip and Narberth Borough fol-
Ne\v Pastor all black market operations in
Brower, vice-president; Jay R' rites planned locally will be a
parade in Narberth sponsored
this area as part of a nationwide Sharp, secretary; Shane Creamer, jointly by two local American
lowed the trend set by Republi- effort to stamp out iIIegal sales treasurer; C. Richard Mattis, Jr., 1 Lcgion groups,
cans in other parts of the County. \lOW threatening the nation's SergEant, at Arms and Paul B. \ American Legion Posts in
Cor.gressman Samuel K. McCon-
nell Jr.. who lives in Wynnewood. meat supply," was announced this Moses, Chaplain. Merion and Bala-Cynwyd will ob-
IJolled the highest number of votes- . ~~~ae~'mb:n Mo:'s'th~a~;~~oMre',£~~ze' Richard O. Stader, who has Rosemary Blong, nieCe of serre M('morialsDa~d' \\·ith. religliO\lSI'
in the borough and township but I Control Board. .
n been president for the past year, H a l' r y Eisenberg. stationery servlres on
presided. The Rev. Lawrence t t churches.
\In ay In oca
was unopposed. Among the candi- I
"New retal'l meat pl'ice ll's"s '" F sore proprie or
itzgerald of the Baptist Publish- West Consllohorken, has :'C'. at 700 Ford St.. PI II
an u/:,e ara e P d
dates who had opposition Gover-
nor Edward Martin, candidate for! were posted in the butcher shops 'ing Company and former Army cently completed a charactEr In Narberth plans have been
the U. S. Senate, wa.., high man.: throughout the country oniMay d1. C~laplain. was tl1e speaker 011 ro I e in Dttvi d O. Selznick's $5,- completed for staging one dof the
III Lower Merion Governor Mar- I
1TIley are simi'1 ar to t h ose a rea y "Hi-Y Ideals". William ·McDon- 000,000 TecJmicolor production.
argest Memorial Day para es in
tin topped 11is opponent, Mrs.• familiar to millions of consum- Henry A. Doll. of 215 Iona Ave., Narberth, 97-year-old CiVil aid, president of tl1e O\'erbl'ook the history of the Main Line un-
ers." Mrs. Dlez , said. "These new W ar veteran anti 10llg 11 f ami'I'lar fi gure In 'N a r b t l1' S annuli. 1 Hi-Y. entertained at tl1e IJial10 I'n who The IJretty blonde actre,s, (er I I t
Elizabeth Jordan. 5.151 to 337. i 'II . tl" 1'1'
' appears with the world i'('- I" tII1e join S .<;ponsorship
.. of the
r. and in the borough. 996 to 53. : retail lists shoWing ceiling prices M emorial Day Para d e. WI miss lIS year s ceremOl1les, Doctors a very artistic manner. Other nowned 'fillv Loseh in her dr,~- ,Claro ( D, pcrl .... man Post. Amer-
for every cut and grade of meat at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital. where he has been confined gUEsts were Harold Helveston. matic daneing s('cne in "Dllel Ican Legion. of NflrbNth, and
Light Turnout . :ne prinl:€d in green ink for easy :,ince a fall several yeurs ago. ha\'e refused permission for him sponsor 01' the clUb, George H. in tlw Sun" is a membrl' of A the ' Bullock
The only discouraging note for I ' Le - Sa.nderson Post,
identification." to attend for the sec011 d successiVe year. Gilbert. principal of the Lower Pennsylvania's famous Ei't'n- menean
F k CI gion. I of 'Ardmore.
the Republicans was that only 24 . Mrs. Diez suggested that house-
Boroug' l I T O'I,V'IS1'.1)
- F-·reme'l Merion High School, A, O. Becker. ran' JU lenger Is C lairman

' .. pcrcent of their eligible P:1.l'ty vot- .

ers went to the polls. Even with '
no 130 registered Republicans in i
the' County and the added attrac- i
ketbook by making certain in
each meat purchase of the grade,
cut. price and weight.
wi\'es can protect the famii" poc-

R e-or t!..
. 'S ke-E a t ers 'Cl u b
Executi\'e SeCl'et I of tl
LI'ne Y·M·CA. a'Y
The announcl'ment of a new

college scholarship of a $150 to be

berg-Jones family which holds of the joint committee plannin!J:
am its annual reuniry,;. at Pottstown tne .paradp and the exercises at
for its 2500 memllPrs.
Miss Blong was born and :ougn.
M '1'
l'mona 111 ne Bor-

tJOn of a special election the show- Grades and prices must be dis- {llllZC 1110 given by the Lower Merion Hi-Y raised in Bryn Mawr. ' The parade wiII form on Wind-
iJ'l::' was poor.
The turnout of Democrats in the
primary was even Ie",., encouraging
played in meat showcases on a
pin. ticket or card. she said.
Grades arc inclic'ated either by
The "Smoke-Eaters" got to-' t.heir own on-the-scene exper-I reccive applications Jor this schol-
club was made at sC!lool last Fri-
day morning. Mr. Helveston wiII Q- - H-
UIDlne elf, 78,
--~- - - , - - - - - SOl' Ave,. East of Wynnewood Rd.,
at 10,:;0 A. 1....1. The marchers will
go Ea~t 0; Windsor Ave. to Iona
Ask' from their State candidatcs
lre Democrats had no county
contests. Only 12 percent of their
party voters went to the polls.
letters ("AA", "A", "B", and "C") gether again Tuesday l1ight.
or in grade terms ("Choice",
I "Good", "Commercial", and "Util-.
,,:;y'\l .. ,. i.. '.
It w
th fi' t
e IS po ,
I iences.

. [were served. and the meeting ad- activities.

mg of the group, rr!lTlll!:orj ~~.1,?'; .,('umcd Jt " 1,~" hour.
arship which will be based on
stWllr meet-; After the pictures, refreshments character, need, scholarship and
This clUb ha~ had a year of 0111;-
RefusedD-IVorce Ave,. thence to Woodbinc Ave., to
Ees.';ex Ave .. to Haverford Ave .. to
Narberth A\'e" to Chestnut Ave..
to wynn.ewood Rd .. and then to
POl' both Republicans and Dem- Mrs. Diez said that shoppers years ago to promote l,armODY All the members of the "Smoke- standing activities and meets reg-I I t~Je War ¥emonal at Wynne-
" ocrats it was one of the lightest, ~ ood, Rd. and Wmdsor Ave.
primary votes polled in the history REV. n. D. FLOOD
shOUld ask that these grade among the active firemen of Eaters" are members of the Low- ularly on the first and third F r i - .
markings be displayed if they do lower Merion Township and Nar- er Merion Township Firemen's day during school club time and Aubrey \V. Weightman. 78-::ea ,'- It IS expected that the parade

J 0. -/
• r
of the county. not see them. berth Borough. Its monthly meet- Relief Association. Each fire com- Wit!l many special meetings sched- old Haverford socialite and ('}ul;- COlltllllled on Page Thrce
In the Republican contl'sts
County Chairman Lloyd H. Wood.
Evansburg. had opposition both in Pastof Named For In addition, she asked consum- ings were discontinued when the I pany pays one dollar a year for uled.
ers to watch their meat purch-I war broke out.
Dr,es as they are being weighed. I Pl~ns now call for monthly I me~1bership in the ~ssociation. In
eadl of ItS actIVe firemen as a
Navy Man Speaker 0--
man. lost his fight to divorce his ;---::=~----------,
third \\'ife, Helen Potter Weigh:.-
man, 70. in MontgomC'l'Y CO·-lnl.-; 11 • t 1/1 ----
1 he special election over the va-
Mrs. Diez also told retailers meetmgs of the club, to be held adnltlOn. the aSSOCiatIOn receives :'ourt. Norristown. last Thursd:1'. ~IC.
concy left by the death of Frank-
Methodist Church how theY could help insure com- at the different fireilOtlses. The i two percent of all foreign fire in-
n~xt AtiM
L Weightman's charge that his c."- ~
oca eet-Ing
lin Spencer Edmonds. White-
marsh, and in the G. O. P. pri- J;liance with OPA regulations. meeting will be held at the I surance l?remiums written on tranged wife deserted him Ort. 16,:
. mary where he was seeking the They shOUld. she said: Blyn Mawr firehouse on June 18. Lower Menon and Narberth prop- 1942, was denied by Master Clnrlc~'

full-term State Senate nomina- 1. Post the latest ceiling price At the Tuesday session. pic- city. Out of the association's H. Brunner..Jr" who ruled in favor
... tion. The special election was held Rev. Hammerly Will lists no farther than 20 feet apart tures of the mos~ disastrous and funds, any firel!1an injurec! in aC-1 of Mrs. Weightman's countel'-
to fill the unexpired term of State and where customers can read spectaCUlar fires 111 tile Phlladel- tlOn receives disability benefits. charge that it was "a contestaole ••• Being a Column of
. Eenator Edmonds which runs until Assume Post in them easily. phia area during the pust se\'en The aclh'e firemell in tile six Alan E Hale Chief W rra separation." Chatter Abo u t People
2. Tag meat in counters with years were shown by J3attalion local companies include about 45, ." a" '. nt He recommended 1.0 t.he court You Know .••
Continucd on Page Two Philadelphia the prices shown on the price ChIef Joseph Gindele. of the men from tl1e Bryn Mawr Com- ,Offieel: ~, S. N., spoke on Fin- that Weightman's divorce )Je'.ition
U noffical Tally I The Re\·. Harold D. Flood, re- lists, and mark the grade of the Philadelphia Bureau of ,Fire,. I pany; ?5 from tlie West Mana-I ger-Pnntmg Brought Up To Date be refused.
meat sO that customers can see He and former Battalion Chief Ylmk Fire Company; 35 from the And Applied To Business" at Weightman. who lives at 536
Last weekend turned out to be
I. Of County Vote rel~t1y difcharged from the Chap- '1nd read them.
' Frank A. Rowe. at one time a Union Fire Company of Bala- i Tuesday's luncheon meetil;g of Mulberry La .. Haverford. and the quite THE; \"eekend. It started
lain Corps. of the U. S, Marine 3. Avoid up-grading. tie-in sales Lower Merion resident. prOVided Cynwyd; 25 from the Penn'lthe AI'd' '. former Mrs. Hele:n Potter Knigh~.
SPECI AL ELECTION Corps. has been appointee! to the and other illegal practices which a running commentary to the pic- Wynne-O vel' b I' 0 0 k Hilis Com- i mOl e Optimist Club. held who listed her address as 448 Berl~_1 out with the Los An/[e1es
SENATOR IN GENERAL Narberth Methodist Church to rai"e prices above ceilings. t~res, explaining the causes of tI:e pany; 60 from the Merion Fire! at t~le Lla~erch Country Club. iey Rd .. Haverford. were maniec1! transit strike which made it 1It-
ASSEMBLY <. .. _ "The Government," Mrs. Diez fires sh.own, the methods use:d 111 Company of Ardmore and 40 from Fmgerpnnts for identification March 30. 1939. in the chapel of I erally imllossible for anyone to
•\ . Charles J, Hepburn, Jr., D. 4,788 "uc~e:d the Re\, Call R. Ham-I ::oncluded, "has thrown a much combatmg tl1em and descnbll1g the Narberth Fire Company. )1Ul:poses were applied by the COlltillued 011 Page Three get aroUlld in that town, except
Lloyd II. Wood, Rep. . , .. 29,756 melly.
The appointmenL \\'a.~ made tat, tlie field to combat the black
I the conclusion of thc Seventh All-I market at the slaughter level, as
30 Couples Ignore 61 GId
Star Men
larger staff of investigators into - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chmese thousands of years ago
for the purpose of making wiIls,"
said Hall. The Chinese wrote
Four Escape Injury
for the }Jeo}lle lucky enoug'h to
have cars. A few had the heart
to lliek us up and give us a ride
Housing Shortage As Cars Side-Swipe
Vlrgmius Ruffin, Dem.
Raymond C. Kratz, IWp
2.9761 nun l M ti g f tI PI 'I . 1 1
18,242 ,ee n 0
COJlf el enee 0
Church on May 20. .
tl 1e
11 l1Cli' P lJa
M t' 17 0

e ,10 1,,,,'t
'",ell as in the retail meat stores"

t L'
,I 'f b Y pre-arrall ~ ••• Il
heaven. where are marriages are
.... e t Will Be Honored
thClr Wills on clay tablets and put
their prints at the bottom. The
t ablet was then baked until hard. Foul' persons, inclllding a t\\'O-
to our destinations, but mostly
we had to rely on cabs.
My Navy brother, Tom, met
Next more soft clay was put on year-old baby. escaped in.f1ll'Y Sur:- me at the Burbank ail'port as I
• A native Philadelphian, the Rev. To Get DIscharges alleged to be made, e)(ltcHy 30 top of the hardened claY; the day night when their automobile:; stagg'ercd ofT the Seattle-to-
UNITED S'!'ATES SENAT.?~? Flood graduated from the ~\',arth- happy couples filled out marriage will was re-written, replinted and side-swiped on Bryn Mawr Ave,. I•. A. plane, g'reen and wobbly
Edwacd Martm ~ll,,~8 n~ore High School. He J'ecei\'ed Among the local men and wom- application forms for the sec- hardened. When the will Was near Woodbine .. Penn Valley. after a 1I0t-so-mild trip. Findinlt
Elizabeth Jordan , " 2,435 hiS Barhclor of Arts degree at en ~'ecently discharged from the ond Saturday in a roW bst we~k Sixty-one former students of the read, the tablets were broken The left. fronts of both ears wel'e taxis took his masterful touch,
GOVERNOR Duke Unh·er.~ity in 1932. and j'is servICe at nearby separation cen- at the Norristown olf;()c of the Lower Merion Senior High and apart, and if the two sections did demOlished. for which I was pretty grateful,
\- .Tames H. Duff 25,580 I Bachelor of Divinity deg.ree from ten; a r e : . . Montgomery County i)larriage Ardmore Junior High School who not correspond, the will was not One of the cars, oper<11.ed by because it was easy to /:'et very
~st .Lt. HalVey ~. Ebelsole, Nar- License Bureau.
Carl E. Mau
John U, Shroyer
1.2?81 Drew Theological Scmll1ary In
'1,~03 I 1935., .' . . b;,ltl;:. T /5 Robel t ~. Jones. Bryn Attaches of the Bureau, 1'1'- honored at special Memorial Day I
were killed in the service will be legal. Arthur Di Padova. 30. vf 270'1 lost with three bags in that mob
The first modern use of flnger- Chestnut Ave.. Ardmore. who wa.', trying to flag the cab drivers in
.. ,Sel \ mg as supply pa$tor m Bl\1~,\\I·M2nd.. LTt./sMHaIY .F. Curvan, porting that applications to date exercises on the Ardmore School prints was I'n tile eal'l',' 1890's, riding with his two-year-oJlcl son. front of the Biltmore Hotel.
Jo~,? 'fl. ::':ulwa!'IUlcl'..

6.5~_, G H'U\\.\lle f rom 1933 tAv 19.36. I1e ,. Jit ~ n B"aWl 11:.. emy D '.Gos - alre a d y ou t num b ered tllose c- - is bwn on Wedne.<;day, May 29, at said Hall. when the Brit'i.~h Gov- fence on an empty lot on Brvn
Francis. crasl1ed through a cable A weekend doing L. A. and
DanIel B. Strickler Z;{,llZo1 was admItted to the ~llllaQelpllla ~' nt,t ~":l, Pvt. La~Ience sued during the entirc month of 10 P. M. ernor General of India borrow- Mawr Ave. after the two cars cOl-' Hollywood JIigh sJlots brOKe us.
SECRETARY OF INTERNAL COnfe~'l'nc[' and apP?mted t? t~e St~I~~~/~~ll?mMI~.' ~Pl. Challe.<; H. May last 3'ear, were S<\id to be F?llowinR the custom started I'd the idea fmm the Chinese to What with the t.axi fare all
AFFAIRS EpwOl th ChUl'ch, PllllatlelphJa. Il1 T~ Bg , Me I~~, Cp!. Jesse A. wondering whethcr the news (J~ dunng the war years, a color identify ciril service employees" Jided. around that town (and you 1'1'-
1 laIn
E . L'IVengool, I J 1'... ,.,,..
r.".."r.-7 d 1936 l ' In 1939. Ill' \\'as' sent tf) .v ~rlll - Can'pbell
"te. ryn Ardmore' aWl. Pfc. Lt George
Col Nel H. the housing shorta"c .. had sprea... gllal'd '. buglel'
. a n d f'"
11m.. squa d IIe sal. 'd ' lJperated
Police ;;aid
by Frankt.hp other
Espostoear?2was of mem b er tl Ie servICeman . wh 0
J. Calvin Frank. .... .. . .. :l,810 eto\m and \11 194~ to Lawnd~le s~n M Eilison Bal~-Cyllw d" C i very widely in j\fotltgomery of u. S. !'JIarines will take part in "In the early 1900's a police 341 W Spring A\'e Ardmoi,; \~'llO post(~d a. sign outside of Tokyo
REPRESENTATIVE IN \cVh~r~ he Jenlllste1d441ll tbe Marl11e Artl1U;' J. O'N~iIl, Ardmor: i/s~t' County. tl}~ services; ~ormer servicem~l1, commissioner in London al~o I was riding with Ti~eresa ;><;im~n. whil'll read, "Los Ang'eles City
CONGRESS 01 ps \11 U y, 9 . . Edward J Romig ArdmOl:e . p~l1ents. and f!'lends have been Ill- started using the finger-print for 130 of 2704 Silvcrwood St Rox- I.imit,s"-well, he wasn·t exag-.
Samuel K. McConnell, J1'... 29,935 The Rev. Flood served nme T /4 John F Williams W'ynn _ 17 Main Line Boys vlt.ed ~o attend. police identification purposes, and ! bO~'Ollgh Philadelphh ., . gerahng one little bit!).
, . months III the PaCific Theater of . . , e A list of the known dead of in 1906 it came to America . •. • • •
SENATOR I~<;'~ERAL Operations. and. was discl1arged ~~3~0l.;;:/5T/~n~: ~. WulchYt:, Receive Scout ,A.. wards Wor~d .War II is as follows: "Since then its use has b~come • .------ • S6. Sunday morning, bright and
Lloyd H. W~So~E ..... , .. ,. 26,511 on .the. day of Ius appomtment tv Ardmore; Cp!. Ro~rt lD~Fl~~~~~' Wllha11? , Adelhelm '33, Sam,uel greater a~d ~mtil
greater ChIef Clerk ReSIgns
it is early .. Tom and I entrained for
Emer n C Custis 4346 NUlbelth. . . Narberth' T/4 Warren 0 W r.' Seventeen Boy Scouts were eer- ClevengeJ 35. Paul Blakeman 37, now used m many busmesses and Mrs. Florence E. Cartel' Shief IMOJa\e, IllS Inland base, called
,. so: :' The new pastor IS .marne:! to JI~ Ardm reo C l B " . e l~, tifled for advancement at the Stanley Nash '33, John Dixon '34, banks alI over the world," Hale Clerk in the office of the'Lower the Mojavc Naval Air Station,
Co7ttl7l11cd on Page Tleo th.e fOI'11:er ~ean Gar.r!s. ~f Sum- M~ore, Ar~more. p . enJamm . Main Line District Board of Rc- ~obert .Eyerhart '3:, ~rthur Fo~t stated. .. Merion Town~hip T!'p[lsurl'1' for which is. situated in the middle
_ _ _... lUlt, Ne\\ Jelsey. Then t\llee ehll- ..._ _ view and Court of HOllor, held ,)~, WI,ulf1m Hook 35, ~obelt At the meetmg It was announc- more Wan 30 years, announced Ill'" Contlnucd on Page Three
Miss Sutton Leaves dr~n are J~net. el~ht: Lawrence.
MerI.On TI'tle Books Monday. May 13. in th~ Ardmore Kistler 40,. Ja~es MacKenZie '38. ed ~hat A. Craig Boyd. a past lesignation last week. Mr~, Cal'-
Estate Of $5,00 0 SIX. and J?~ce. fOUl ..montl~~,. .
T CI J 2
The Re\. Flood \\Ill delI\el Ius
Presbyterian Church. d Ala:n ~umoe 3~. Antl~ony .Papo- preSIdent of the clUb, was ~lec~ed tel'. Wll0 lives at 503 Bryn ;\fawr
The • following Scouts receive 10m 32, Robelt Remhalt 30, governor of the Second Dlstnct. Ave .. \rrts first named chief clerk
Assumes Lea ders h·Ip
An est~te of $5.000 was .Ief~ by ~~~t :a~~~~~t.l~~~r~~gFm~~~t t~~~~ ~OOkS ~~~he ~~~h Title and ce~~~~~iet~ney, ArdlTlOre,

L• I Second Continued on Page Thre/l optimist International. in June. 1915, 'Of Teen Agers Group
MISS COlona sutton, 70-~eal-old parsonage at 314 Essex Ave., SOlne- Trust Company, which \vent into --~--- Mi~s Vio!pt Kaleh ha~ assumed
Where Veterans ~1ay Reside
Class scouts: Ted Seymour,
Haverford w?man .who was burn- time during the week. the hands of receivers in 1931 Thomas Wingate, and John Ross. the leadel'sllip of the "Teen-Tim-
PI'S Club" of tl1e Main Line YMCA
~i~~~:t~~~ctf;~e~~~~'a~~hr~ ~ll~~ ~l~o:~~~reA;~~~~~.a~e~~ieBJ'~~~:' gr(\~IP
ea to death m hel home May 10, The Rev. Hammerly, pastor of will be formally closed June 2 with of Ardmore. Merit Badges; John
the church for the past weeY. \1a:> a fifth and final payment to de- SI;(' was intro duce'd to the
, t . 'f W'II I'll been appointed to st. Matthew·s. post.iors of 5.81 per cent of initial by the present. Nancy Buel:ley. at
o ffi ?~ 0f tIl e Reg Is el 0 I S I ChUl'ch. 53rd and Chestnut St",. deposits. ins. Ardmore, Second Class Scout.<;; its regular meeting last Friday
NOMll.lsto\Vsn· b tl d I . Philadelphia, to fill the vaea IICY A"sets and property of the bank Ralph Loel1. Bala., M:el'it Badge; evenin~. Following the business
. ISS I Ufftt ont t equea 'I' ml . WI
oleft f' bv the death of the pastor which \\'as located at 7 E. '._"," ncas": Bill
Badge'.and Tom JOlles. Bala. mee t'mg, tl \e c1u b en.10ye
' d an 1lour
p~lsona e ec s 0 a llU . Jel >___ __ . , tel' Ave .. Ardmore, with branches
Explorer Scouts of
I of 1'011\'1' .,>katiJ'~ in thp ~;ym as a
Inends and placed the reSidUe of D SkAt in Narberth and Cynwyd. were Bala-Cynwyd. Eagle Scout Wi! - wekoml' to sl'\'eral new mC'mbl'l's.
•• !ler estate 111. trlust . for. the 11:e unne pea
S taken' over by the State Secrelary iam N. Albrecht. Wood n s 1an rank, The (']ub is {'oll1Poscd mainly of
oenefit o~. hel s stel, MISS Lmy Bala-Cynwyd Club of Banking October 28,1931. after and Eagle Scout C. William Ber- I sophomore,,> and junio!'< from Low-
~utton, With \\i1~Om, she hV~d .a.t depositors withdrew almost $4,- gel', three Merit Badges; Merion er Merion High Sriloo\. Bett"
385 W. Lancastel ~\e., HavelfOlu. Ralph S. Dunne, district gOv- 000,000 in nine months. Troop-Bob Herd. secolld Class; McCabe wa~ aPIJOintecl chairman
At the death of MISS L~cy sutton, ernor of Rotary, paid an official With the closing of the bank's John T, Bauer, Jr., First Class. of tllC' Program Committee Witll
other brothers and sisters Will visit to the Bala-Cynwyd-Nar- books June 2, depositors \I ill have and James Roberts M~rit Badge. Jean Burgess, Ann Batteu:I, Nan-
• share the balance of her cstate. b d Kendall Kurtz, of 'Merion. Merit cy CUgl1illi, Alln Nelligan 'Inti An-
_ _ _.... berth Rotary Club at their Tues- een repai 30.81 cents on the B~dge. and Gene WIJle, of Penn
'st daY luncheon meeting held at the dollar. Wynne, Merit Badge, gie Williams a~sisting, Tile com-
Bala-Cynwyd ArtI O~erbrook Gold Club. Dunne, a '0__ mittee met Monday afternoon to
• Mrs. Marie Finney, Hanger FI·ned ~500 I'n
member of t.he local Rotary b'TOUp, plan activities for the comin>:
Collapses at Church jl\'es at 9 Si,irley Rd., Narberth. ~ month.
Paul L. Milligan. 66, of 368 Kent President William S. Howard Rector's l\'lother, Dies Price-Fixing Charge ,Dr. Clements Speaks
Rd.• Bala-Cynwyd, was pronoun- presided at the meeting with Solemn ReqUiem Mass for Mrs.
ced dead at the West Jersey George Kirkpatrick. Marie E. Finney. mother of Rev. Hugh H. Hanger, of 431 Lever- Dr. Rex S. Clements, pastor of
Homeopathetic Hospital.. Camden, R Rotary",-.Visitors
d D hinclUdedJ Clifford
d Ai George M. Finne", J
for'mel' ooslst-
ing Mill
fined $500Rd.,
on aBala-Cynwyd, was
charge of violat- the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian
N. J., Tuesday mght after he col- ogers'll'
. .rie re
f er,
A'd 1' .• an F ec d ant rectol' of St. Colman's Cath- ing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Church. was the principal speak-
10lpsed while playing the violin at . C W 1 lams 0 lU' more; re olic Church, 110 E. Lancaster Ave., by Judge Bower Broad d S
us '10 U...... er Monday afternoon at the an-
all evangelistic meeting. \V Ik B
a er. D enG H bl
u E ey. B . J R I I
a p d1 Ardmore. was sung Snt.lll·da" nual prpsenta,tion cpremonies of
U"l ' in .
District Court, Washington. 'T ues-
Suffering a heart attack while vv I son.· 1'. eorge . arnes an the Church of the· Transfigura- the Upper Darby DistingUished
playing at the Woodlynne Bible ~~Vindg I EdgeMof Philadelphia; S, tion, 56th St. and Cedar Ave., da~anger. owner of the J, E. Han- .~:::t~~m·· Citizens' Award, The award was
•• Testimonial Church, WoodlYnne, th
N. J .. Mill igan was ta k en to the
lUen e d son ieed llan, secretary of
e Me ia c lib an York A. King,
Camden hospital after members Jr.. the guest of the Rev. Bryant
We.~t Pililadelphia.
Mrs. Finney, who was 69. died
at her home at 5316 Walnut St.,
gel' Co., of 336 N. 13th st, .• Phiia-
delphia. was conVicted llist Tuf"S-
day, together with twO o~\1e:' in-
Inauguration of a community-wide project to lease the old Wright School (above) on N.
Roberts Rd., ~osemont, as a temporary residence for Mltin Line veterans and their families were
made to Dr. Thomas Conway. Jr.,
president of the Delaware Coun-
ty Hospital Board, and president
of the Woodlynne Rescue Squad M. Kirkland, and E. C. Haines, a Philadelphia. last Tuesday after divlduals and five corp'>rlltions, of announced thIS week by members of the Main Line Chapter of the Anlerican Veterans Committee. of the Philadelphia and Western
attempted unsuccessfully to revive former member who was guest of a long ilIness. Burial was In st. price-fixing and conspiraCY In the The veterans' group. wlII seek to enlist community support for the project at the annool meetiIIg Railroad, at a luncheon meeting
Aim. . Sherwood Peters. Joseph's Cemetery, Downingtown. artifl.cial liJnb industrY. ' of the- Rosemont Clvic Association on June 3. of the Upper Darby Lions Club.


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