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In-House Canine and

Feline Blood Typing

Bernard F. Feldman, DVM, PhD, Transfusion Reactions

VMRCVM In 1901, Lansteiner1 first described what we now know as red cell blood
groups. Within a few years, canine blood groups were described. As we
approach the 21st millennium, the veterinary profession should change
our century-old approach to transfusion medicine. When we provide
blood products, they should help, not harm, our patients. We learned
“primum non nocere”—first do no harm. Transfusion reactions indicate
that what you have administered is not working, that what you have given
is causing problems, and that you are burdening an already fragile patient.
Transfusion reactions are clinically manifested by a spectrum of findings.
Just a few include fever, pain at catheter sites, and acute or delayed
hemolysis. Crossmatching, blood typing, or both will eliminate most
transfusion reactions. Both tests should be accomplished in tandem.
Crossmatching determines the compatibility of donor and patient blood
and assesses the effect of antibodies either in the donor or patient. Blood
typing indicates whether the primary red cell antigens of donor and
patient are identical. Blood typing is essential when immune sensitization
has potentially occurred, has occurred, potentially will occur in the future,
or, in the case of cats, when naturally occurring antibodies to other blood
types are present. A simple rule in transfusion medicine is to never
administer to a patient an antigen that she/he does not already have.

Blood Group Systems and Antigens (Types)

Eleven different blood group systems with eight types have been identi-
fied in the dog. Three different blood types have been identified in the cat.
The most clinically important types in the dog are dog erythrocyte anti-
gens (DEA) 1.1,1.2, and 7. Of these, DEA 1.1 is considered the most
significant. Naturally occurring antibodies to DEA 1.1 and 1.2 are rare.
Naturally occurring antibodies to DEA 7 occur in 15% of dogs. Cat red
cell types are A, B, and AB (these are unrelated to the human A B O
From the Virginia Tech and antigens). All cats with A blood type have naturally occurring anti-B
University of Maryland, antibodies measured in relatively low titers. All cats with the B blood type
Virginia-Maryland Regional have naturally occurring anti-A antibodies measured in relatively high
College of Veterinary Medicine,
Polytechnic Institute and
titers. Transfusion of these blood types to an incompatible patient will
State University, result in hemolysis, significant morbidity, and, in cats with blood type B,
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0442. potential mortality.

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 455

456 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Blood Typing product needs over time (just a few examples include
Canine and feline blood typing may be accomplished by immune-mediated hemolysis, pure red cell aplasia, hy-
poproteinemia, and hemostatic disorders) must be blood
sending ethylenediaminetettraacetic acid (EDTA) anti-
coagulated cold (but not frozen) blood to commercial typed and crossmatched (the latter before transfusion of
laboratories, by using commercially prepared reagents in any blood product).
your hospital laboratory, or by using commercially avail- Blood typing in cats is critical to prevent transfusion
able blood typing cards. The blood typing cardsa have reactions.4 Feline type B red cells transfused into a type
A cat will cause reaction and minimal survivability of
the advantage of being relatively inexpensive, quick and
easy to use, and require quite small amounts of blood the transfused cells. Feline type A red cells transfused
(0.4 ml of EDTA blood).b The cards depend upon an into a type B cat will cause immediate and catastrophic
agglutination reaction. For DEA 1.1 and feline type A, anaphylactic reaction. Type A kittens born to type B
monoclonal antibody to those types are impregnated into queens will have neonatal isoerythrolysis. Determining
blood groups of the queen and tom prior to breeding,
the cards. Type A cats have low titer and relatively short-
lived antibodies to feline type B. Therefore, the manu- coupled with appropriate genetic counseling, can mini-
facturer uses a lectin with binding specificity for feline mize neonatal isoerythrolysis and fading kitten syndrome.
type B antigen in the card test. The kits come with easy- It is good science and good medicine to be able to
to-understand instructions and trouble-shooting guide, consistently deliver pretransfusion testing in your prac-
tice. The ease and simplicity of canine and feline blood
agglutination test cards, necessary reagents including
diluent, positive and negative controls, and pipettes and typing is a big step in a positive direction.
stirrers. The feline kit comes with feline blood group
report cards. Both kits supply additional referenced in- Rapid Vet-H Canine and Feline; dms laboratories, Flemington, NJ
formation. The author does not have any financial relationship with the company
producing these kits.
When the kit is received, reagents must be refriger-
ated (controls must not be frozen; frozen control re-
agents will be hemolyzed). The manufacturer indicates References
the canine cards are stable at room temperature for 19 1. Landsteiner K. Uber Agglutinationserscheinungen normalen menschlichen
months and can be stored in the refrigerator (this does Blutes. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1901;14:1132–4.
not lengthen the period of stability, and the cards must be 2. Vriesendorp HM, Albert E, Templeton JW, et al. Joint report on the
second international workshop on canine immunogenetics. Transplant Proc
returned to room temperature before use). The canine 1976;8:289–314.
diluent is stable for one year, and the reagents are stable 3. Swisher SN, Young LE. The blood grouping systems of dogs. Physiol Rev
for six months at 2˚ to 7˚ Celsius. 1961;41:495–520.
The feline cards are stable for one year at –20˚ Cel- 4. Auer L, Bell K. The AB blood group system in cats. Anim Blood Groups
Biochem Genet 1961;12:287.
sius. (Note: This is different from the canine cards.) The
diluent and control stability is identical to the dog when
appropriately refrigerated. The expiration date for both
kits represents the date of the shortest-dated component
in the kit.
Recognizing potential problems with the controls, the
manufacturer has reduced the size of the control dispens-
ing bottle and will provide additional control materials
for a small cost to users whose controls have expired
before the cards.

Rationale for Blood Typing

The purpose of pretransfusion testing is to select, for
each patient, blood components that, when transfused,
will have acceptable survival, will not cause clinically
significant destruction of transfused or patient cells, and
which will help, not harm, the patient. When transfusing
blood products, future needs of the patient must be also
considered. Antibodies to incompatible blood products
may form in five to seven days.2 Antibodies developed
in breeding bitches by such sensitization may result in
neonatal isoerythrolysis in subsequent litters. Dog eryth-
rocyte antigen 1.1 is the most lytic factor in canine
transfusion medicine.3 Patients with anticipated blood
Nasopharyngeal Diseases in Cats:
A Retrospective Study of 53 Cases
The records of 53 cats with nasopharyngeal disease were examined. Of the cats with
nasopharyngeal disease, 49% had lymphosarcoma and 28% had polyps. Clinical signs in these
cats were compared to 24 cats with nasal disease alone. Cats with only nasal disease more
commonly had historical nasal discharge and sneeze, whereas cats with nasopharyngeal
disease more often had stertorous respiration, phonation change, and typically reported less
nasal discharge or sneeze. It is important to include nasopharyngeal disease in the differential
diagnosis for cats with nasal discharge, sneeze, stertor, or phonation change.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:457–61.

Heidi S. Allen, DVM Introduction

Nasal disease in cats has been well described.1 The most common nasal
John Broussard, DVM,
diseases in cats include lymphosarcoma, bacterial or viral rhinitis,
Diplomate ACVIM
cryptococcosis, and lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis. The clinical signs asso-
Kathleen Noone, VMD, ciated with nasal disease include nasal discharge, sneezing, stertor, open-
Diplomate ACVIM mouth breathing, and epistaxis. Published reports of feline nasopharyngeal
disease are primarily of nasopharyngeal polyps. 2,3 One report from Aus-
tralia described five cats with nasopharyngeal cryptococcosis.4 The study
RS reported here was a retrospective study of 53 cats with nasopharyngeal
disease diagnosed by either nasopharyngeal biopsy alone or by computer-
ized tomography (CT) scan followed with a nasal or nasopharyngeal
biopsy. Findings in these 53 cats were compared to 24 cats with primary
nasal disease and no nasopharyngeal involvement.

Materials and Methods

The pathology records and CT scan logs were searched for nasal and
nasopharyngeal disease in cats. Cats included in the study had nasopha-
ryngeal disease noted by digital palpation, CT scan, or endoscopy. All
cats had a nasopharyngeal or nasal biopsy confirming the disease. One
author (Allen) examined all CT scans identified for the presence of a soft-
tissue mass in the nasopharyngeal area. Information on patient age, breed,
sex, date of diagnosis, history (including previous treatments), clinical
signs, and physical examination findings were taken from the medical
records. The medical records of 24 cats with nasal disease, confirmed by
biopsy, and no nasopharyngeal involvement on CT scan were reviewed to
compare histories and clinical signs.

Fifty-three cats met all criteria to be entered into the study. Of the 53 cats,
26 (49%) had lymphosarcoma, 15 (28%) had inflammatory polyps lo-
From the cated dorsal to the soft palate, and 12 (23%) had other diseases including
Department of Medicine, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoplasmocytic rhinitis/
Bobst Hospital of
The Animal Medical Center, pharyngitis, rhabdomyosarcoma, spindle cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
510 East 62nd Street, The mean age of the cats with lymphosarcoma was 10.7 years (range, five
New York, New York 10021. to 19 years). The mean age of the cats with polyps was three years (range,

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 457

458 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Published reports of nasopharyngeal disease in cats have

only described nasopharyngeal polyps2,3 and crypto-
coccosis.4 This study showed that although polyps are the
most common nasopharyngeal disease in young cats,
they constitute only 24% of all nasopharyngeal disor-
ders. Although Cryptococcus infections in cats are not
rare in New York City (actual incidence is unknown),
the authors did not find the organism in any of the
biopsies submitted for histopathological examination.
Most cats with nasal cryptococcosis infection present
with typical signs of discharge and nasal deformity. Di-
agnosis is usually made from nasal discharge cytology
and serum Cryptococcus antigen levels without the need
for nasopharyngeal imaging.
Clinical signs associated with nasopharyngeal disease
were similar to those associated with other causes of
upper airway disease, including stertor and open-mouth
breathing. Many of the 53 cats with nasopharyngeal
diseases had concurrent nasal involvement, displaying
Figure 1—Normal nasopharyngeal area in a cat as seen
by endoscopy.
clinical signs of nasal discharge and sneeze.
Stertor and stridor are often mistaken to be the same
four months to seven years), which is similar to the mean sound. Stridor is a sound that is produced by obstruction
ages previously reported.2,3,5 No sex predilection was of the laryngeal airway. Dogs with laryngeal paralysis
found, and the high percentage of domestic shorthairs produce a stridorous sound. Stertor, however, is a sound
(80%) is consistent with the population of cats seen at produced by a nasal or nasopharyngeal obstruction and
the Bobst Hospital of the Animal Medical Center, where sounds more like a “snore.”
this study was performed. Diagnosis of nasopharyngeal masses can be made by
Clinical signs and histories of the 24 cats with only endoscopy, CT scan, skull radiographs, oral examination
nasal disease and the 53 cats with nasopharyngeal dis- (with or without dental mirrors), digital palpation of the
ease with or without nasal involvement were compared. soft palate [Appendix 1, Figure 9], nasopharyngeal bi-
A higher percentage of cats with nasal disease alone had opsy, or any combination of the above. Biopsy samples
nasal discharge (79%) and sneeze (62.5%) when com- can be taken blindly [Appendix 2, Figure 10] or with
pared to cats with nasopharyngeal disease. Of the cats endoscopic guidance. It is important for veterinarians in
with nasopharyngeal disease, 47% had nasal discharge private practice to know that a diagnosis can be made
and 36% had sneeze. A higher percentage of cats with even without access to more sophisticated diagnostic
nasopharyngeal disease rather than nasal disease only equipment such as a CT scanner or flexible endo-
had stertor (49% versus 29%), weight loss (9% versus scope.
0%), and phonation change (17% versus 4%). Six (11%) It is recommended that all cats presenting for nasal
of the cats with nasopharyngeal disease also had severe disease undergo an oral examination and nasopharyn-
unilateral or bilateral waxy otic discharge (n=5) or an geal palpation. Nasopharyngeal masses are located in the
otic mass (n=1) noted on physical examination com- soft palate region, hard palate region, or both. Soft palate
pared to none of the cats with only nasal disease. Of the masses are easy to find by oral examination or soft palate
six cats with otic disease, five had inflammatory polyps digital palpation. If a mass is palpated, a biopsy speci-
and one had lymphosarcoma. Twenty-three cats with na- men should be taken of the nasopharyngeal area in addi-
sopharyngeal disease had soft palate digital palpation, and tion to imaging and biopsy of the nasal cavity [Figures
of those cats, 19 (82%) had a palpable soft palate mass. 1–4]. Masses in the hard palate region are not readily
palpated because of the palatine bone but can be imaged
Discussion by CT scan, skull radiographs, and flexible endoscopy
Nasopharyngeal disease is common in cats with upper [Figures 1, 5–7]. Therefore, if no mass is palpated but
respiratory disease. The most common diseases in cats of nasopharyngeal disease is suspected due to clinical signs,
this study were lymphosarcoma (primarily in older ani- an examination of the nasopharyngeal area by CT scan,
mals) and nasopharyngeal polyps (primarily in young skull radiographs, or flexible endoscopy is required. To
animals). Other diseases included squamous cell carci- only blindly biopsy or flush the nasal cavity without
noma, melanoma, lymphocytic-plasmacytic inflam- evaluating the nasopharyngeal area could lead to an in-
mation, adenocarcinoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. accurate or missed diagnosis.
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Nasopharyngeal Diseases in Cats 459

Figure 2—Computerized tomography scan of the soft palate

region in a cat without evidence of nasopharyngeal disease.
Arrow points to the nasopharynx.

Figure 4—Lymphosarcoma of the soft palate in a cat as seen by


Figure 3—Computerized tomography scan of a cat with a soft

palate mass. Arrow points to the mass.

Computerized tomography scans are useful in the

diagnostic workup of nasopharyngeal disease. Both bone
and soft tissue window techniques of both the nasal Figure 5—Computerized tomography scan of the hard palate
region in a cat without evidence of nasopharyngeal disease.
cavity and the more caudally located nasopharyngeal Arrow points to the nasopharynx.
area are necessary for proper evaluation [Figure 8].
Masses can be seen dorsal to both the hard and soft respirations or phonation changes are heard. This area can
palate regions on CT scans. It is important not to over- be examined and biopsied without any specialized or ex-
interpret mucous debris as a mass in the nasopharynx. pensive equipment, and doing so may lead to a more
Masses of the hard palate region are seen on the CT scan accurate diagnosis than nasal biopsy alone.
as a mottled mass effect in the ventral and caudal aspect
of the nasopharynx. Those masses associated with nasal a
Poppin forcep; V. Meuller Allegiance Healthcare Corp., Deerfield, IL
disease may show bony destruction of the palatine bone.

Conclusion References
Nasopharyngeal disease is an important cause of feline 1. Bedford PG. Diseases of the nose. In: Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, eds.
upper respiratory signs. Nasopharyngeal disease is fre- Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. Philadelphia:
quently associated with concurrent nasal disease but can WB Saunders, 1995:551–67.

exist alone. The nasopharyngeal area should be examined

in all cats with nasal disease, and especially if stertorous (Continued on next page)
460 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 8—Midsagittal section of a cat skull. Small triangle shows

the end of the nasal cavity. Large triangle shows the end of the
nasopharyngeal area.
Figure 6—Computerized tomography scan of a cat with a hard
palate mass. Arrow points to the mass. Note minimal involve-
ment of the nasal cavity.

Figure 9—Schematic drawing of digital palpation of the soft

palate in a cat.

Figure 7—Hard palate mass of the cat in Figure 6 as seen by

endoscopy. This cat had minimal involvement of the nasal
cavities as seen on the computerized tomography scan [Figure
6] and could not be palpated with digital examination.

Figure 10—Schematic drawing of a blind biopsy of the nasopha-

References (cont’d) ryngeal area in a cat using poppin forceps.
2. Pope ER. Feline inflammatory polyps. Sem Vet Med Surg 1995;10(2):
3. Bradley RL, Noone KE, Saunders GK, et al. Nasopharyngeal and middle
ear polyp masses in five cats. Vet Surg 1985;4:141–4.
4. Malik R, Martin P, Wigney DI, et al. Nasopharyngeal cryptococcosis.
Aust Vet J 1997;75:483–8.
5. Kapatkin AS, Mathiesen DT, Noone KE, et al. Results of surgery and long-
term follow-up in 31 cats with nasopharyngeal polyps.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1990;26:387–92.
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Nasopharyngeal Diseases in Cats 461

Appendix 1 Appendix 2

Digital Palpation of the Soft Palate Blind Biopsy of Nasopharyngeal Masses

Digital examination of the soft palate can be done in Blind biopsies of nasopharyngeal masses are relatively
most cats without sedation. If you are right-handed, use uncomplicated but need to be done under general anes-
your left hand to support the cat’s head. Place the index thesia with an endotracheal tube in place. Once the cat is
and fourth finger of your left hand on either side of the anesthetized, place it on its back. While keeping the cat’s
temporomandibular junction, with the palm of your hand head parallel to the table, an assistant should open the
supporting the head. The middle finger of your right cat’s mouth to its fullest extent. Using a poppin forcep,a
hand is then used to lower the mandible and pry open the one can reach behind the end of the soft palate, pull it
mouth. When the mouth is open, the index finger can slip forward, and biopsy the mass in the nasopharyngeal area
in and quicky rotate up to palpate the soft palate [Figure (below the soft palate) [Figure 10].
9]. Practicing on very cooperative cats or sedated cats
will help to perfect your technique.
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic
Purpura in a Cat
An 11-year-old, castrated, male domestic shorthair cat was presented for hematuria and
pollakiuria. The cat had a marked thrombocytopenia, and a bone-marrow core biopsy
demonstrated megakaryocytic hyperplasia with many megakaryocyte-associated neutrophils
(i.e., emperipolesis). On peripheral blood, collected at initial presentation, what appeared to be
platelets were noted to be within or adherent to occasional neutrophils. The thrombocytopenia
was idiopathic in that no definitive cause could be found. However, platelet concentrations
appeared to increase and decrease in response to changes in prednisone and cyclosporine
therapy, suggesting a possible immune-mediated pathogenesis. As tests to detect increased
feline platelet-associated antibodies are unavailable, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia can
only be tentatively diagnosed in cats by exclusion and response to therapy.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:464–70.

Catherine L. Garon, DVM Case Report

An 11-year-old, castrated, male domestic shorthair cat was presented to
Michael A. Scott, DVM, PhD,
Diplomate ACVP the referring veterinarian for hematuria and pollakiuria. Historically, the
cat had not been allowed outdoors and had no known exposure to toxi-
Kim A. Selting, DVM cants, including rodenticides. Vaccinations were not current (approxi-
mately 10 years past due). Physical examination revealed a bright and
Leah A. Cohn, DVM, PhD, alert cat with petechial hemorrhages on the pinnae and mucous mem-
Diplomate ACVIM branes. The cat’s temperature was 101.8˚ F; heart rate was 208 beats per
minute; and respiratory rate was 44 breaths per minute. A complete blood
count (CBC) revealed moderate lymphopenia (0.4 x103/µl; reference
C range, 1.5 to 7.0 x103/µl) and thrombocytopenia (85 x103/µl; reference
range, 200 to 500 x103/µl). Serum biochemical analysis demonstrated
mild hyperglycemia (219 mg/dl; reference range, 75 to 160 mg/dl). Blood
was negative for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) by enzyme-linked immu-
nosorbent assay (ELISA), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) by immu-
nofluorescent antibody assay (IFA), and Haemobartonella felis by IFA.
Serum total thyroxine (TT4) concentration measured by radioimmunoas-
say (RIA) was within the reference range. Ecchymotic hemorrhages were
noted on the ventral abdomen after obtaining urine via cystocentesis. The
urinalysis was consistent with hemorrhage (4+ protein, too numerous to
count [tntc] red blood cells [RBCs] per high-power field [hpf], five to 15
white blood cells [WBCs] per hpf) and transient glucosuria (2,000 mg/dl)
that was probably stress induced.
Several hours after presentation to the referring veterinarian, the packed
cell volume (PCV) and total solids (TS) decreased from 32% to 18%
(reference range, 24% to 45%) and from 6.9 g/dl to 4 g/dl (reference
From the Departments of Veterinary
Medicine and Surgery (Garon, Cohn) range, 6 to 8 g/dl), respectively. Activated clotting time (ACT) was
and Veterinary Pathobiology (Scott), prolonged at greater than 270 seconds. Abdominal ultrasonography re-
University of Missouri vealed a thick urinary bladder and an irregular mass within the bladder.
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Treatment consisted of a whole blood transfusion, dexamethasone sodium
379 East Campus Drive, phosphate (3 mg/kg body weight, intravenously [IV]), and ampicillin (20
Columbia, Missouri 65211
and the Kingsbury Animal Hospital (Selting), mg/kg body weight, IV once). The cat was referred to the University of
420 North Skinker, Missouri Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (UM-VMTH) the fol-
St. Louis, Missouri 63130. lowing night.

464 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association

November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Thrombocytopenia in a Cat 465

Figure 2—Bone-marrow core biopsy from the cat in Figure 1.

Several megakaryocytes are present, and two intact neutrophils
appear within megakaryocyte cytoplasm (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain, 900X).

Figure 1—Peripheral blood smear in an 11-year-old domestic 3.5 to 5.1 mmol/L), mild hypoalbuminemia (2.4 g/dl;
shorthair cat with thrombocytopenia. A platelet or platelet-like reference range, 2.7 to 3.9 g/dl), mild hyperbilirubine-
structure is associated with the neutrophil’s cytoplasm. Note the mia (0.8 mg/dl; reference range, 0.1 to 0.5 mg/dl), and a
similarity in staining of the platelet-like structure to the larger
platelet below and to the left of the neutrophil (Hematek stain, two-fold increase in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (377
1,900X). U/L; reference range, 20 to 170 U/L). The one-stage
prothrombin time (OSPT) was similar to control (9.5
On initial examination at the UM-VMTH (day one), sec; control, 9.7 sec), and the activated partial thrombo-
the cat had petechial hemorrhages on the pinnae and plastin time (APTT) was increased at 35.5 sec (control,
mucous membranes and ecchymotic hemorrhages on the 15 sec). Blood was submitted for Ehrlichia canis and
ventral abdomen. Thoracic auscultation revealed a grade Ehrlichia risticii titers, which later proved to be nega-
II/VI systolic murmur at the left heart apex, rapid and tive. Serum was not submitted for antinuclear antibody
shallow respirations, and normal lung sounds. The PCV titers because of the previous whole blood transfusions.
and TS were 14% and 5.6 g/dl, respectively, but a CBC The authors were unable to obtain a voided urine sample.
was not done. A Coombs’ test was not performed be- A bone-marrow aspirate and core biopsy were ob-
cause of the prior whole blood transfusion and evidence tained on day two under general anesthesia (diazepam
to support a blood loss anemia. Therapeutics included a [0.5 mg/kg body weight, IV] and ketamine [10 mg/kg
whole blood transfusion, cefoxitin sodiuma (20 mg/kg body weight, IV] induction, and maintained on iso-
body weight, q 6 hr IV), and IV fluids (0.45% NaCl and flurane) for prognostic purposes. The bone-marrow aspi-
2.5% dextrose at a rate of 12 ml per hr). Five hours rate was very hemodiluted with scattered hematopoietic
posttransfusion, the PCV and TS were 22% and 7.4 g/dl, cells, including several megakaryocytes. The bone-mar-
respectively. row core biopsy was of high-normal cellularity, with
The following morning (day two), a CBC demon- about 75% hematopoietic tissue and only about 25%
strated a low-normal hematocrit (PCV, 25%), mild aniso- adipose tissue. The myeloid:erythroid ratio appeared nor-
cytosis, moderate lymphopenia (0.5 x103/µl), and marked mal, with both cell lines appearing moderately hyper-
thrombocytopenia (less than 1 x103/µl; reference range, plastic. There was marked megakaryocytic hyperplasia,
300 to 800 x103/µl). An apparent neutrophil-platelet as- with eight to 20 megakaryocytes per 40-power objective
sociation was noted on the peripheral blood smears. On field. Many of the megakaryocytes had increased nuclear
each smear, there were several neutrophils that appeared lobulation with prominent nucleoli, and approximately
to contain or have membrane-adherent platelets [Figure 25% of them had one to many intracytoplasmic or sur-
1]. Several other neutrophils contained smaller, pink, face-associated neutrophils [Figure 2].
purple, or bluish cytoplasmic inclusions that varied from Radiographs of the thorax demonstrated moderate car-
homogeneous to granular. These did not have features of diomegaly, possible mild pleural effusion, dilatation of
Döhle bodies or Ehrlichia morulae but resembled plate- the caudal vena cava, pulmonary edema, and a pro-
lets or platelet fragments. Serum biochemical analysis nounced pulmonary vascular pattern. Abdominal radio-
revealed mild hypokalemia (3.4 mmol/L; reference range, graphs were unremarkable, and ultrasonography revealed
466 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

On day five, thoracic radiographs revealed improve-

ment of the pulmonary edema, and an echocardiogram
revealed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The pulmonary
edema was consistent with cardiac decompensation due
to anemia. During the next three days, the cat’s respira-
tory rate returned to normal, and the petechial and ecchy-
motic hemorrhages began to resolve. The anemia
remained relatively stable (PCV, 24% to 28%) and be-
came mildly regenerative, with a PCV-corrected reticu-
locyte percentage of 1.8% (reference range, less than
1.6%) on day seven. The platelet concentration increased
from 74 x103/µl on day five to 238 x103/µl on day seven.
The lymphopenia remained marked (0/µl each day). The
serum biochemical analyses on days five and seven dem-
Figure 3—Platelet concentrations in an 11-year-old cat onstrated mild hypokalemia (2.8 and 3.0 mmol/L, re-
presented with thrombocytopenia; (A) prednisone instituted at 2 spectively) and a two-fold increase in ALT activity (284
mg/kg per os [PO] q 12 hrs; (B) decreased prednisone to 2 mg/ and 277 U/L, respectively). The OSPT (patient, 7.7 sec;
kg PO q 24 hrs; (C) increased prednisone to 2 mg/kg PO q 12
hrs; (D) bone-marrow aspirate and core biopsy; (E) administered control, 8.5 sec) and APTT (patient, 16.2 sec; control,
vincristine at 0.025 mg/kg as a single intravenous injection; (F) 14.5 sec) were normal on day seven. The voided urine
cyclosporine instituted at 5 mg/kg PO q 12 hrs; (G) decreased had a specific gravity of 1.016 (while on IV fluid
cyclosporine to 4 mg/kg PO q 12 hrs; (H) decreased cyclosporine
to 2 mg/kg PO q 12 hrs; (I) discontinued prednisone (tapered therapy), with two to four granular casts per hpf; no
over previous two months); (J) decreased cyclosporine to 2 mg/ RBCs were observed.
kg PO q 24 hrs; (K) increased cyclosporine to 2 mg/kg PO q 16 The cat was discharged seven days after admission
• No platelet clumping was found when platelet concentrations with resolving idiopathic thrombocytopenia and the di-
were reported agnosis of mild to moderate hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
• Platelet clumping was found on days 65, 86, 97, 121, and 212 thy (HCM). The HCM was treated with furosemide (1
• Manual platelet counts: days 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 105
• Automated platelet count using either a Cell-Dyn or a mg/kg body weight, PO q 24 hr) and atenololf (6.25 mg
Technicon H1 hematology analyzer with slide review: days 1, PO q 24 hr), and prednisone (2 mg/kg body weight, PO q
20, 29, 40, 129, 153, 182, 236, 294, 301, 317, 351, 365, 372 12 hr) was continued for possible immune-mediated
thrombocytopenia [Figure 3A]. Doxycycline (2.5 mg/kg
dorsal thickening of the bladder wall with possible calci- body weight, PO q 24 hr), which had been initiated upon
fication, but no mass was visualized in the bladder. It is presentation, was continued for a 10-day regimen. All
likely that the original mass in the bladder was a he- other therapies (cefoxitin, vitamin K1, heparin) were dis-
matoma. continued. Serum ALT and potassium values were nor-
Additional therapeutics included doxycyclineb (load- mal when tested three weeks after discharge. Furosemide
ing dose of 5 mg/kg body weight; maintenance dose of was discontinued one month after discharge.
2.5 mg/kg body weight, per os [PO] q 24 hr) for possible Over the next 10 months, the cat had multiple recheck
infectious thrombocytopenia; vitamin K1c (2.5 mg/kg examinations with the referring veterinarian and re-
body weight, subcutaneously [SC] q 12 hr) for a possible mained clinically well, despite reports of varying de-
vitamin K deficiency or antagonism despite a normal grees of thrombocytopenia. Feline platelets clump easily
OSPT;30 prednisoned (2 mg/kg body weight, PO q 12 hr)
during routine blood collection and processing, but plate-
for a possible immune-mediated thrombocytopenia;
let clumps were not noted on smears corresponding to
furosemidee (1 mg/kg body weight, IV q 12 hr) for
any of the reported values. Platelet concentrations ap-
pulmonary edema; and heparin for possible thromboem-
peared to fluctuate in response to changes in doses of
bolic disease (75 U/kg body weight, SC q 8 hr). The
cefoxitin was decreased to q 12 hr, and 20 mEq of prednisone and cyclosporine [Figure 3]. Two weeks af-
potassium chloride (KCl) was added per liter of 0.45% ter discharge from the UM-VMTH, the platelet concen-
NaCl and 2.5% dextrose (infusion rate, 12 ml per hr). tration remained above 200 x103 /µl; therefore, the
The cat was monitored through the weekend (days three prednisone dosing schedule was changed to 2 mg/kg
and four), during which time the respirations remained body weight, q 24 hr [Figure 3B]. Subsequently, lower
shallow and rapid, a gallop rhythm was noted along with values persisted from day 29 (28 x103/µl) to day 40 (97
the systolic murmur, and crackles were ausculted in the x103/µl), so prednisone dosing was increased on day 40
lung fields. Marked thrombocytopenia (3 x103/µl on days to 2 mg/kg body weight, PO q 12 hr [Figure 3C]. A bone-
three and four), lymphopenia (0.169 x103/µl on day three; marrow aspirate and core biopsy were repeated on day
0.240 x103/µl on day four), and neutrophil-platelet asso- 97 because of persistent thrombocytopenia [Figure 3D].
ciation persisted. The PCV and TS remained stable at The marrow was moderately cellular, with mild to mod-
24% and 7.2 g/dl, respectively. erate megakaryocytic hyperplasia (seven to nine
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Thrombocytopenia in a Cat 467

megakaryocytes per 40-power objective field) and nor- Discussion

mal-appearing leukopoiesis and erythropoiesis. Neutro- Marked thrombocytopenia is rarely reported in cats. Sig-
phils were rarely associated with megakaryocytes as they nificant thrombocytopenias in cats have been associated
had been in the initial bone-marrow sample. Because with FeLV, FIV, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), toxo-
thrombocytopenia and megakaryocytic hyperplasia were plasmosis, ehrlichiosis, neoplasia, cardiac disease,
still present, prednisone was continued at 2 mg/kg body thromboboembolism, disseminated intravascular coagu-
weight, PO q 12 hr. On day 121, a single IV injection of lation (DIC), and several drugs including griseofulvin,
vincristine (0.025 mg/kg body weight) was given to in- doxorubicin, azathioprine, carboplatin, propylthiouracil,
crease the circulating platelet numbers [Figure 3E]. There and ribavirin.1–9 In contrast to dogs, immune-mediated
was minimal improvement in the thrombocytopenia (64 thromobocytopenia has been clinically diagnosed and
x103/µl) on day 129; therefore, prednisone was contin- reported in only a few cats.10–15 In a retrospective study,
ued and cyclosporine microemulsion (5 mg/kg body thromocytopenia was observed in only 41 of 3,300 (1.2%)
weight, PO q 12 hr) was instituted [Figure 3F]. The cats in which CBCs were performed. Only one of the 41
platelet concentration (187 x103/µl) increased dramati- (2%) cases was thought to be due to primary immune-
cally; however, the cat developed gastrointestinal signs mediated platelet destruction. 2
(i.e., vomiting). The cyclosporine was gradually de- Thrombocytopenia in the cat of this report was idio-
creased (beginning on day 153) to a dose of 2 mg/kg pathic in that its cause was not found. The anemia was a
body weight, PO q 24 hr on day 236 [Figures 3G–3J]. consequence of hemorrhage. The initial presenting signs
The prednisone was discontinued on day 212 (tapered by of hematuria and petechiae, with a platelet concentration
50% monthly over the previous two months). On day of 85 x103/µl, suggested platelet dysfunction or a vascu-
275, the platelet concentration was only 50 x10 3/µl, so lar disorder in addition to thrombocytopenia. A con-
the cyclosporine dose was increased to 2 mg/kg body currently prolonged ACT is evidence that the thrombocy-
weight, PO q 16 hr. The platelet concentration then topenia may have been consumptive, and the presence of
remained above 125 x103/µl with no adverse clinical megakaryocytic hyperplasia supports a consumptive or
signs [Figure 3K]. Ten months after initial presentation, destructive process. The platelet concentration was ob-
the cat was presented to the referring veterinarian for tained several hours prior to the ACT. The concentration
melena of one week’s duration. Medications at that time was dropping; therefore, it was possible that the platelet
included cyclosporine (2 mg/kg body weight, PO q 16 concentration decreased to a significant level (less than
hr) and atenolol (6.25 mg PO q 24 hr). Hematological 10 x103 platelets/µl), prolonging the ACT. History, physi-
evaluation revealed a marked regenerative anemia cal examination, and laboratory data failed to reveal a
(PCV, 12%; reticulocytes, 16.2%) with a low-normal cause for prolonged coagulation times such as vasculitis,
albumin (2.3 g/dl; reference range, 2.1 to 3.9 g/dl) and a marked thrombocytopenia persisted in the cat.
and globulin (2.3 g/dl; reference range, 1.5 to 5.7 The cat was diagnosed with HCM and had signs of
heart failure when it decompensated after becoming ane-
g/dl), consistent with a blood loss anemia. The plate-
mic secondary to hemorrhage. With severe anemia, sys-
let concentration was 175 x10 3/µl; all other values
temic vascular resistance falls, decreasing cardiac
were normal (including APTT and OSPT). After no
afterload and increasing cardiac preload. This results in
response to conservative treatment (i.e., cimetidine and
cardiac failure due to a high output state or functional
sucralfate), upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a
volume overload.16 While thromboembolic disease can
proximal duodenal mass. The mass was surgically re-
occur secondary to HCM,17,18 thrombocytopenia is rare
moved and diagnosed histopathologically as a gastric and not marked in the absence of overt signs of DIC.2
adenoma with clean margins. The cat fully recovered This cat had no clinical signs typical of thromboembo-
with no change in platelet concentrations. lism, such as cold extremities and limb paresis or paraly-
sis, and no laboratory data to support organ failure or
Clinical Update
significant dysfunction. There was no evidence of throm-
Fifteen months after initial diagnosis, the cat was pre- bosis on echocardiography or thoracic radiographs. The
sented to the referring veterinarian for vomiting. Physi- right heart size was normal on the echocardiogram, sug-
cal examination revealed an abdominal mass. A CBC gesting the lack of pulmonary hypertension. Thoracic
revealed platelet clumping. The platelet concentration radiographs revealed changes consistent with left heart
subjectively appeared adequate. Surgical removal of the failure: pulmonary edema, pulmonary venous distension,
gastric mass was successful; however, the cat did not and enlarged left atrium.
recover postoperatively. Histopathology demonstrated a There was also no evidence to support other condi-
marked, focally extensive, chronic pyogranulomatous tions known to be associated with thrombocytopenias or
inflammation with intralesional, filamentous bacteria coagulopathies in cats. There was no known or expected
suggestive of Nocardia spp. exposure to any drugs or toxicants, including anticoagu-
468 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

lant rodenticides, which have been associated with throm- reflected in this cat’s blood. The presence of antiplatelet
bocytopenia in dogs.19 Furthermore, the OSPT (which is antibodies could also have impaired platelet function,24
sensitive to vitamin K absence or antagonism) was not which could help explain petechiation when the platelet
increased. Tests for FeLV, FIV, and ehrlichiosis were concentration was 85 x103/µl.
negative. An IFA for FeLV was not performed on slides The increased APTT could have been related to
of the bone-marrow aspirates because of an insufficient antiphospholipid antibodies, though they were not as-
number of suitable slides. Signs typical of FIP and toxo- sessed. In humans, antiphospholipid antibodies (APA)
plasmosis were not present and did not develop. Evi- are reported to occur in 46% of patients diagnosed with
dence of liver failure, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, and they
(leading potentially to vitamin K deficiency), and en- may cause prolongation of the APTT without prolonga-
venomation were absent. A gastric adenoma was diag- tion of the OSPT.25,26
nosed 10 months later, but there is little evidence to Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia can occur alone
suggest a connection to the previous episode of disease. or in association with neoplasia, inflammatory disease,
Hereditary defects of coagulation factors in the intrinsic infectious disease, or drug administration. When im-
pathway (XII, IX, and VIII) were excluded by a normal mune-mediated thrombocytopenia leads to purpura in
APTT 10 months after presentation. the absence of an identifiable cause, it is often referred to
The marked thrombocytopenia and prolonged APTT as primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. Im-
resolved rapidly after transfusions, antibiotics, vitamin mune-mediated thrombocytopenia is believed to be
K1, immunosuppressive doses of steroids, and heparin. caused by increased antibody (generally immunoglobu-
An immune-mediated component to the platelet destruc- lin G) binding to platelet membranes, which enhances
tion, either primary or secondary to an unidentified pro- destruction of platelets by the mononuclear phagocytic
cess, was considered possible because of the initial system.27,28 Immunoglobulins may be directed at auto-
response while on prednisone, an apparent relapse of epitopes on the platelet surface, at adsorbed antigens, or
thrombocytopenia when prednisone was decreased, and they may be present in the form of adherent immune
subsequent increases in platelet concentrations after in- complexes. Cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system
stituting or increasing cyclosporine therapy. It is impor- (mostly in the spleen) recognize and bind Fc subunits of
tant to note that reported platelet concentrations for platelet-associated immunoglobulin molecules. They
routinely submitted feline samples may be inaccurate then phagocytize the platelets and process them, together
due to the strong tendency of feline platelets to aggregate with any adsorbed antigens, for presentation to adjacent
after collection. While it is possible that platelet clumps antibody-producing lymphocytes, thereby amplifying the
were present in some of the later samples from the cat in immune response.28,29 A healthy bone marrow will re-
this report, platelet clumps were looked for and not seen in spond to platelet destruction by increasing the number
every instance where a platelet concentration was reported. and volume of megakaryocytes. However, antiplatelet
The presence of many megakaryocyte-associated antibodies can cross-react with megakaryocytes and de-
neutrophils in the initial bone-marrow sample from this crease thrombopoiesis, thereby exacerbating the
cat was unusual. This finding would generally be thrombocytopenia despite adequate or increased mega-
regarded as emperipolesis, which refers to nonphagocytic karyocytopoiesis.30,31
engulfment of cells by megakaryocytes without damage The diagnosis of primary immune-mediated thrombo-
to either the megakaryocyte or the engulfed cell. This cytopenia is a tentative diagnosis of exclusion, even in
phenomenon has been noted in many humans with human medicine where decades of research have re-
primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, but it is sulted in numerous assays for antiplatelet antibodies.32
nonspecific, and it has been associated with many other The most recent assays, antigen capture assays, have
causes of increased thrombopoiesis.20 There is electron improved specificity for primary immune-mediated
microscopic evidence that emperipolesis may not always thrombocytopenia, but they still lack clinical utility in
be benign and that neutrophils may sometimes be reliably differentiating primary from secondary immune-
attracted to damaged megakaryocytes.21 Though purely mediated thrombocytopenia. Very little work has been
speculative, it is possible that this cat’s neutrophils were done to develop assays for immune-mediated thrombo-
attracted to antibody-damaged megakaryocytes. Mega- cytopenia in cats. Several assays have been developed
karyocyte hyperplasia concurrent with impaired throm- for dogs, but they are not widely available, they lack
bopoiesis occurs in human patients with immune-mediated proven specificity for primary immune-mediated throm-
thrombocytopenia.22 Similarly, it is interesting to bocytopenia, they have variable sensitivity, and they
speculate about the possible significance of the apparent have not undergone rigorous clinical testing.27,33
neutrophil-associated platelets seen in the peripheral The cat in this case report was treated sequentially
blood of this cat. A role for neutrophils in the destruction with glucocorticoids, vincristine, and cyclosporine. Glu-
of antibody-coated canine platelets has been suggested cocorticoids primarily suppress macrophage destruction
by in vitro studies, 23 and such a process may have been of platelets.28 In dogs, vincristine has been shown to
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Thrombocytopenia in a Cat 469

increase platelet numbers by causing acute fragmenta- 4. Povey RC. Effect of orally administered ribavirin on experimental feline
calicivirus infection in cats. Am J Vet Res 1978;39:1337–41.
tion of megakaryocytes and stimulating release of
5. Hahn KA, McEntee MF, Daniel GB, Legendre AM, Nolan ML.
thrombopoietic factors.34 Cyclosporine indirectly inhib- Hematologic and systemic toxicoses associated with carboplatin
its macrophage function and antigen presentation by in- administration in cats. Am J Vet Res 1997;58:677–9.

hibiting T-lymphocyte activation, blocking interleukin-2 6. Beale KM, Altman D, Clemmons RR, Bolon B. Systemic toxicosis
associated with azathioprine administration in domestic cats. Am J Vet Res
transcription, and impairing proliferation of activated T- 1992;53:1236–40.
helper and T-cytotoxic lymphocytes.35 The cat initially 7. Peterson ME, Hurvitz AI, Leib MS, Cavanaugh PG, Dutton RE.
responded to prednisone but became unresponsive after Propylthiouracil-associated hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and
antinuclear antibodies in cats with hyperthyroidism. J Am Vet Med Assoc
the dose was tapered. Vincristine did not elicit a favor- 1984;184:806–8.
able response despite an adequate number of megakaryo- 8. O’Keefe DA, Schaeffer DJ. Hematologic toxicosis associated with
cytes in the bone marrow. However, the authors are doxorubicin administration in cats. J Vet Int Med 1992;6:276–82.
9. Levy JK. Ataxia in a kitten treated with griseofulvin. J Am Vet Med Assoc
unaware of documentation of the efficacy of vincristine 1991;198:105–6.
in thrombocytopenic cats. There was an apparent re- 10. Gaschen FP, Smith Meyer B, Harvey JW. Amegakaryocytic thrombocy-
sponse to cyclosporine at doses of at least 2 mg/kg body topenia and immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia in a cat.
Comp Haematol Int’l 1992;2:175–8.
weight, q 16 hr; however, gastrointestinal signs devel-
11. Gabbert NH. Systemic lupus erythematosus in a cat with thrombocytope-
oped when cyclosporine was administered more nia. Vet Med/Sm Anim Clin, 1983:77–9.
frequently. Because of the variable absorption of 12. Vitale CB, Ihrke PJ, Gross TL, Werner LL. Systemic lupus erythematosus
cyclosporine, whole blood levels should have been mea- in a cat: fulfillment of the American Rheumatism Association criteria with
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sured to assure adequate trough levels.
13. Harvey JW, Gaskin JM. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia and hemorrhage
followed by thrombocytosis in a cat. Feline Pract 1980;10:25–31.
Conclusion 14. Joshi BC, Raplee RG, Powell AL, Hancock F. Autoimmune thrombocy-
Thrombocytopenic purpura is uncommon in cats. When topenia in a cat. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1979;15:585–8.

known causes are excluded, primary immune mecha- 15. Cain GR, Cain JL, Turrel JM, Theilen G, Jain NC. Immune-mediated
hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia in a cat after bone marrow
nisms should be considered; however, immune-mediated transplantation. Vet Pathol 1988;25:161–2.
platelet destruction is difficult to definitively establish. 16. Shulman LN, Braunwald E, Rosenthal DS. Hematological-oncological
The cat in this case report had idiopathic thrombocy- disorders and heart disease. In: Braunwald E, ed. Heart disease: a
textbook of cardiovascular medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB
topenic purpura that appeared to begin with a mild, tran- Saunders, 1997:1786.
sient coagulopathy of unknown etiology. Diagnostic and 17. Van Vleet JF, Ferrans VJ, Weirich WE. Pathologic alterations in
hypertrophic and congestive cardiomyopathy of cats. Am J Vet Res
therapeutic plans were directed at known causes of throm- 1980;41(12):2037–48.
bocytopenia in cats, but the cause was not determined in 18. Laste NJ, Harpster NK. A retrospective study of 100 cases of feline distal
this case. A contributing immune-mediated pathogenesis aortic thromboembolism: 1977–1993. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
was suggested by the exclusion of other causes, by the
19. Lewis DC, Bruyette DS, Kellerman DL, Smith SA. Thrombocytopenia in
resolution of thrombocytopenia in association with ste- dogs with anticoagulant rodenticide-induced hemorrhage: eight cases
roid therapy, and by demonstrating repeatable favorable (1990–1995). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1997;33:417–22.
responses to immunosuppressive therapy. The gastric 20. Cashell AW, Buss DH. The frequency and significance of megakaryocytic
emperipolesis in myeloproliferative and reactive states. Ann Hematol
adenoma found 10 months after initial presentation ap- 1992;64:273–6.
parently played no significant role in the cat’s thrombo- 21. Parmley RT, Kim TH, Austin RL, Alvarado CS, Ragab AH. Emperipolesis
cytopenia, because its removal was not associated with a of neutrophils by dysmorphic megakaryocytes. Am J Hematol
rebound thrombocytosis. The pyogranulomatous gastric
22. Ballem PJ, Seagal GM, Stratton JR, Gernsheimer T, Adamson JW, Slichter
mass found five months later was probably a complication SJ. Mechanisms of thrombocytopenia in chronic autoimmune thrombocy-
of the previous surgery and chronic immunosuppression. topenic purpura. J Clin Invest 1987;80:33–40.
23. Shebani OI, Jain NC. Mechanisms of platelet destruction in immune-
mediated thrombocytopenia: in vitro studies with canine platelets exposed
a to heterologous and isologous antiplatelet antibodies. Res Vet Sci
Cefoxitin sodium; Merck Sharp, West Point, PA
b 1989;47:288–93.
Doxycycline; Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc., Morgantown, WV
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Vitamin K 1; Phoenix Pharmaceuticals Inc., St. Joseph, MO antibodies. Sem Thrombo Hemost 1995;21:46–59.
Prednisone; Roxane Laboratories Inc., Columbus, OH 25. Stasi R, Stipa E, Masi M, et al. Prevalence and clinical significance of
Furosemide; Fujisawa USA Inc., Dearfield, IL elevated antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with idiopathic
f thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood 1994;84(12):4203–8.
Atenolol; Invomed Inc., Dayton, NJ
26. Feinstein DI. Lupus anticoagulant: general considerations. In: Hoffman R,
Benz EJ, eds. Hematology: basic principles and practice. 2nd ed. New
York: Churchill Livingstone, 1995:1742–58.
References 27. Lewis DC, Meyers KM, Callan MB, Bücheler J, Giger U. Detection of
1. Peavy GM, Holland CJ, Dutta SK, et al. Suspected ehrlichial infection in platelet-bound and serum platelet-bindable antibodies for diagnosis of
five cats from a household. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1997;210(2):231–4. idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc
2. Jordan HL, Grindem CB, Breitschwerdt EB. Thrombocytopenia in cats:
a retrospective study of 41 cases. J Vet Int Med 1993;7:261–5. 28. Lewis DC, Myers KM. Canine idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
J Vet Int Med 1996;10(4):207–18.
3. Peterson JL, Cuoto CG, Wellman ML. Hemostatic disorders in cats:
a retrospective study and review of the literature. J Vet Int Med 1995;9:
298–303. (Continued on next page)
470 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

References (cont’d) 33. Kristensen AT, Weiss DJ, Klausner JS, Laber J, Christie DJ. Detection of
antiplatelet antibody with a platelet immunofluorescence assay. J Vet Int
29. Karpatkin S. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood 1980;56: Med 1994;8(1):36–9.
34. Mackin AJ, Allen DG, Johnstone IB. Effects of vincristine and prednisone
30. Joshi BC, Jain NC. Detection of antiplatelet antibody in serum and on on platelet numbers and function in clinically normal dogs. Am J Vet Res
megakaryocytes of dogs with autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Am J Vet 1995;56(1):100–7.
Res 1976;37:681–5.
35. Vaden S. Cyclosporine and tacrolimus. Sem Vet Med Surg (Sm Anim)
31. Helfand SC, Cuoto CG, Madewell BR. Immune-mediated thrombocytope- 1997;12:161–6.
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32. George JN, Raskob GE. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: a concise
summary of the pathophysiology and diagnosis in children and adults. Sem
Hematol 1988;35(1):5–8.
Leukoerythroblastosis and
Normoblastemia in the Cat
Over a six-month period, 6% of 313 cats evaluated hematologically had either
leukoerythroblastosis or normoblastemia. Diseases associated with these hematological
conditions included haemobartonellosis, hepatic lipidosis, trauma, viral and bacterial infections,
myeloproliferative disorders, and hemangiosarcoma. The finding of leukoerythroblastosis or
normoblastemia may aid in diagnosing cats presenting with nonspecific signs.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:471–3.

Alan S. Hammer, DVM, Introduction

Diplomate ACVIM The term leukoerythroblastosis (i.e., leukoerythroblastic reaction,
Maxey Wellman, DVM, PhD, leukoerythroblastic anemia) is defined in veterinary medicine as the pres-
Diplomate ACVCP ence of both nucleated red bloods cells (nRBC) and an increased number
of immature myeloid cells in the peripheral blood. In humans,
leukoerythroblastosis is restricted to patients with myelophthisic anemia
where the implication is that the anemia is nonregenerative and release of
RS red and white cell precursors is due to disruption of normal marrow
architecture. Normoblastemia, or metarubricytosis, is the presence of an
increased number of nRBCs without a left shift. Marked leukocytosis or
anemia is not a necessary component of either leukoerythroblastosis or
normoblastemia in veterinary medicine.
In humans, a variety of disease conditions have been associated with
leukoerythroblastosis and normoblastemia, including blood loss,
hemolytic anemias, solid malignancies, thrombotic microangiopathy, tran-
sient hypoxia, bone marrow necrosis, and myeloproliferative diseases.1–4
Leukoerythroblastosis may also be present in humans as an incidental
reaction to infection, uremia, or cardiac failure and following the use of
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF).1,5
Dogs have a wide variety of disease categories associated with
leukoerythroblastosis and normoblastemia.6 Hematopoietic and nonhema-
topoietic neoplasia were the two largest categories, followed by immune-
mediated hematological disease and trauma. Hemangiosarcoma is the
nonhematopoietic malignancy most often associated with leukoerythro-
blastosis and normoblastemia in the dog.6,7
There is little data concerning leukoerythroblastosis and normoblas-
temia in the cat. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection and lymphoma
have been reported in two cats with leukoerythroblastosis.8 Given the
prevalence of hemotropic parasites, retroviruses, and myeloproliferative
disorders in this species, leukoerythroblastosis and normoblastemia may
be more common than previously thought and may be useful clinical
From the North Coast indicators. This study was performed to determine the prevalence of
Veterinary Specialist (Hammer),
6336 North Ridge Road, leukoerythroblastosis and normoblastemia in cats presenting to a referral
Madison, Ohio 44057 hospital, the disease conditions associated with them, and whether
and the College of leukoerythroblastosis carries a poorer prognosis than normoblastemia.
Veterinary Medicine (Wellman),
The Ohio State University, Materials and Methods
Columbus, Ohio 43210.
Complete blood counts (CBC) performed on 313 cats presenting to the
Address all correspondence and reprint Veterinary Teaching Hospital-Ohio State University (VTH-OSU) be-
requests to Dr. Hammer. tween July 1, 1992 and December 31, 1992 were evaluated. Total nucle-

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 471

472 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

ated cell counts and red blood cell (RBC) parameters

were obtained using an S-Plus IV Coulter a counter, and Table
differential nucleated cell counts were determined by Cats With Leukoerythroblastosis
microscopic evaluation of Giemsa-Wright-stained blood and Normoblastemia
smears. Reticulocytes were stained with new methylene
blue and counted with a hemacytometer. Reticulocyte
Leukoery- Normo-
counts were done only when the packed cell volume Disorder throblastosis blastemia
(PCV) was less than 24%.
Hemobartonellosis 0 4
Normoblastemia was defined as greater than 100
nRBC and 300 or fewer band neutrophils per microliter Hepatic lipidosis 2 2
(µl). Leukoerythroblastosis was defined as greater than Acute trauma 3 0
100 nRBCs/µl and greater than 300 band neutrophils/µl. Upper respiratory 2 0
The medical records of cats with normoblastemia or infection
leukoerythroblastosis were reviewed, and the signal- Myeloproliferative 1 1
ments, hematological values, underlying disease pro-
cesses, treatments, and clinical outcomes were abstracted. Blood loss 0 1
Successful clinical outcome was defined as survival at Hemangiosarcoma 1 0
one month after first detecting either leukoerythro- Mammary carcinoma
blastosis or normoblastemia. Fisher’s exact test was used —chemotherapy 0 1
to determine the prognostic value of leukoerythro- Bacterial abscess 1 0
blastosis versus normoblastemia with regard to survival Obstipation 1 0
at one month.9 A p value of less than 0.05 was consid-
ered significant.
anemia based on reticulocyte numbers; three cats had
Results nonregenerative anemia. Cats with anemia were evenly
Over a six-month time period, 11 cats (3.5%) were found divided between having normoblastemia and leukoery-
to have leukoerythroblastosis, and nine cats (2.8%) had throblastosis.
normoblastemia. The diseases most often associated with Five cats with leukoerythroblastosis died or were
leukoerythroblastosis and normoblastemia were hemo- euthanized; these cats were diagnosed with hepatic lipi-
bartonellosis (n=4), hepatic lipidosis (n=4), acute trauma dosis, myeloproliferative disease, acute trauma, heman-
(n=3), upper respiratory infection (n=2), and myelopro- giosarcoma, and upper respiratory viral infection with
liferative disorders (n=2). No other underlying cause secondary bronchopneumonia. One cat with myelopro-
could be found in any of the cats with hepatic lipidosis. liferative disease and normoblastemia died, and the clini-
Other disorders included chronic blood loss, subcutane- cal outcome at one month in one cat with hepatic lipidosis
ous hemangiosarcoma, mammary carcinoma, bacterial and normoblastemia could not be determined. The re-
abscess, and obstipation secondary to pelvic fractures. maining 13 cats were alive one month after the initial
The cat with mammary carcinoma was receiving doxo- finding of leukoerythroblastosis or normoblastemia. Nine
rubicin and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy at the time of these 13 cats were re-evaluated hematologically at
of the normoblastemia, and there was no evidence of one month, and the leukoerythroblastosis and normoblas-
infiltrative carcinoma in the bone marrow based upon temia had resolved in six cats. Using Fisher’s exact test,
bone marrow aspirate. No other cats were receiving con- there was no significant prognostic difference between
current medication at the time of diagnosis of leuko- cats with normoblastemia or leukoerythroblastosis with
erythroblastosis or normoblastemia. The Table lists the regard to survival at one month (p equals 0.13).
number of cats with leukoerythroblastosis and normo-
blastemia in each disease category. Of the 13 cats tested Discussion
for FeLV and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), only Normoblastemia and leukoerythroblastosis appear to be
one was positive for FeLV; that cat had hemobarto- uncommon hematological abnormalities in sick cats, with
nellosis and normoblastemia. a frequency of 6.3% in the population of cats seen at the
The median nRBC number was 550/µl, with a range VTH-OSU between July 1, 1992 and December 31, 1992.
of 130/µl to 16,100/µl. Cats with greater than 2,000 Cats presenting to the VTH-OSU may have more serious
nRBC/µl had hemangiosarcoma, hemobartonellosis, and illnesses and may not be representative of the cat popula-
rhinotracheitis. The median band neutrophil number in tion as a whole. This percentage of 6.3% is similar to the
the cats with leukoerythroblastosis was 1,400/µl, with a percentage of dogs (6%) with leukoerythroblastosis or
range of 600/µl to 3,800/µl (reference range, 0 to 300 normoblastemia in another survey.6
band neutrophils/µl). The median PCV was 21.5% (ref- Normoblastemia and leukoerythroblastosis in the cats
erence range, 24% to 42%). Seven cats had regenerative evaluated as part of this study were associated with
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Leukoerythroblastosis and Normoblastemia in Cats 473

blood loss and hemolytic anemia; this is similar to dogs prospective studies are needed to determine whether there
and humans. It is interesting to note that normoblastemia is any prognostic value of leukoerythroblastosis and
alone was found in cats with hemobartonellosis. All four normoblastemia in ill cats.
cats with hemobartonellosis in this study had strongly
regenerative macrocytic anemias. Three cats presenting a
Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL
with blunt trauma and fractures also had leukoerythro-
blastosis. Splenic contraction or traumatic injury to the
bone marrow with release of red and white cell precur- References
sors may be the mechanism involved. The finding of 1. Clifford GO. The clinical significance of leukoerythroblastic anemia. Med
leukoerythroblastosis and normoblastemia in cats with Clin N Am 1966;50:779–90.
2. Byard RD. Leukoerythroblastosis: a much maligned phenomenon
hepatic lipidosis is unexpected and difficult to explain. It (editorial). J Can Med Assoc 1987;137:191.
may possibly be related to stress or dyserythropoiesis 3. Jandl JH. Aplastic anemias. In: Jandl JH, ed. Blood: textbook of
associated with the liver disease. Twenty-two percent of hematology. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1987:139–42.
cats with hepatic lipidosis in one study had microcyto- 4. Shamdas GJ, Ahmann FR, Matzner MB, Ritchie JM. Leukoerythroblastic
anemia in metastatic prostate cancer: clinical and prognostic significance in
sis;10 the authors found 25% of cats with hepatic lipidosis patients with hormone-refractory disease. Cancer 1993;71:3594–600.
in this study also had microcytosis and normoblastemia. 5. Arici M, Hazendaroglu IC, Erman M, Ozcebe O. Leukoerythroblastosis
The abnormal iron metabolism reported in dogs with following the use of G-CSF. Am J Hematol 1996;52:123–4.
6. Mandell CP, Jain NC, Farver TB. The significance of normoblastemia and
portosystemic vascular shunts may provide a possible leukoerythroblastic reaction in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
mechanism as to why some cats with hepatic lipidosis 1989;25:665–72.
have normoblastemia, leukoerythroblastosis, and micro- 7. Shull RM. Inappropriate marrow release of hematopoietic precursors in
three dogs. Vet Pathol 1981;18:569–76.
cytosis. 11
8. Madewell BR, Feldman BF. Characterization of anemias associated with
Extramedullary hematopoiesis is a common mecha- neoplasia in small animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1980;176:419–25.
nism for normoblastemia or leukoerythroblastosis in hu- 9. Rosner B. Fundamentals of biostatistics. Boston: PWS-Kent Publishing
mans and dogs.1,6 Extramedullary hematopoiesis was not Co., 1990:341.
10. Center SA, Crawford MA, Guida L, et al. A retrospective study of 77 cats
identified conclusively in any of these cats. Lack of with severe hepatic lipidosis: 1975–1990. J Vet Int Med 1993;7:349–59.
normal bone-marrow stromal barriers is believed to re- 11. Meyer DJ, Harvey JW. Hematologic changes associated with serum and
sult in premature release of cells in extramedullary hepatic iron alterations in dogs with congenital portosystemic vascular
anomalies. J Vet Int Med 1994;8:55–6.
hematopoiesis. Disruption of the normal bone-marrow
12. Bagby GC, Shaw G, Segal GM. Human vascular endothelial cells,
microenvironment by trauma or infiltrative diseases or granulopoiesis, and the inflammatory response. J Inv Dermatol
chemotherapy may result in leukoerythroblastosis or 1989;93:48S–52S.
normoblastemia. Myeloproliferative diseases, tumors
metastatic to the bone marrow (e.g., mammary carci-
noma, lymphoma), or tuberculosis are common causes
of bone-marrow injury and secondary leukoerythro-
blastosis in humans.1,2 Release of red and white cell
precursors may be part of the reaction to a severe stress
or infection. This breakdown in the normal marrow bar-
rier may be the mechanism for leukoerythroblastosis or
normoblastemia in the cats with severe upper respiratory
infection, hepatic lipidosis, and bacterial abscesses in
this study. It is interesting to note that the cat with
hemangiosarcoma in this study had leukoerythroblastosis
similar to that seen in dogs.7 Various cytokines (e.g.,
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, granulocyte-mac-
rophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin 1,
interleukin 6) are released by normal endothelial cells,
and if released by neoplastic endothelial cells,
leukoerythroblastosis may result.12 Further studies into
hematological changes in cats with hemangiosarcoma are
needed to determine the prevalence and mechanism of
leukoerythroblastosis in cats with hemangiosarcoma.
When the veterinarian is presented with a cat with
leukoerythroblastosis or normoblastemia, the differen-
tial diagnoses should include hemobartonellosis, heman-
giosarcoma, blood loss, hepatic lipidosis, acute trauma
with fractures, and myeloproliferative disease. Further
Long-Term Case Study of
Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Dog
A 10-year-old, female shih tzu was diagnosed as having myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
based on the presence of a nonregenerative anemia, dysplastic changes in the three
hematopoietic cell lines, a normal to hypercellular bone marrow, and less than 30% blast cells
of all nucleated cells in the bone marrow. Low-dose aclarubicin, a differentiation-induction
therapy for MDS and atypical leukemias in humans, was administered. Hematological
improvement was observed, and the dog lived for 809 days after the first presentation.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:475–81.

Tadashi Miyamoto, DVM, PhD Introduction

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is comprised of a heterogeneous group
Toshiaki Horie, DVM
of clonal bone marrow disorders, characterized by cytopenias and faulty
Terumasa Shimada, DVM, PhD maturation and production in one, two, or all three hematopoietic cell
lines.1–3 A number of MDS cases associated with feline leukemia virus
Mitsuru Kuwamura, DVM, PhD have been reported in cats,4–9 whereas in dogs only three cases have been
reported.10,11 Prognosis of MDS in the cat and dog is generally poor. Blue,
Eiichiroh Baba, DVM, PhD
et al.5 reported that outcomes of MDS in the cat were similar to those of
acute myeloid leukemias (AML); 85% of the cats in each group died or
were euthanized within one week of diagnosis. In three reported cases of
C dogs with MDS,10,11 one dog died 10 days after initial presentation, one
dog was euthanized five weeks after initial presentation, and one dog
developed acute myelomonocytic leukemia 10 weeks after initial presen-
tation and died three weeks later.
There have been few reports about treatments for MDS in dogs or
cats.8,10 Therapies for MDS in humans are also not well established,
despite extensive study. Intensive chemotherapies prescribed for humans
with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, including corticosteroids or ana-
bolic steroids, are usually ineffective. Supportive therapy with blood trans-
fusion has been the mainstay of treatment for human MDS.12,13 The peripheral
blood cytopenias seen in MDS are considered to be secondary to ineffective
bone marrow hematopoiesis, which is evidenced by disorderly cell line
differentiation; whereas in AML, leukemic cells are recognized as blasts in
which differentiation has stopped.1,2,14 Differentiation-induction therapy,
therefore, is often performed in humans for both the treatment and differ-
entiation of AML and MDS. In cell culture systems, various compounds
such as 1 α, 25-dihydroxy vitamin D3, retinoic acid, low doses of cytosine
arabinoside, or low doses of aclarubicin have been shown to have differ-
entiation-promoting activity.3 Human leukemic cells exposed to these
substances develop morphological, biochemical, and immunological char-
From the Department of acteristics of their mature counterparts. With induction of terminal differ-
Veterinary Medicine, entiation, immature nonfunctional cells lose their proliferative capacity
College of Agriculture, and enter the postmitotic compartment, thereby reducing the size of the
Osaka Prefecture University, abnormal clone. Although most of these findings were derived from in
1-1 Gakuencho,Sakai, vitro experiments, it has been suggested that differentiation-induction
Osaka 599-8531, Japan.
therapy might be beneficial for the treatment of MDS and AML.3
Address all correspondence to This paper describes a long-term case study of MDS in a dog that was
Dr. Miyamoto. treated with a differentiation-induction therapeutic protocol.

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 475

476 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 3—Bone-marrow smear from the dog with myelodys-

plastic syndrome taken at the same time as the findings in Figure
2. Notice megaloblastoid cells (A) and binucleated erythroblasts
(B) (Giemsa-Wright stain, bar=10 µm).
Figure 1—Information regarding platelet, red blood cell, and
nucleated cell counts as well as treatments employed in a dog observed. No other morphological abnormalities of eryth-
with myelodysplastic syndrome. The number of arrows and bars rocytes and no nucleated RBCs were seen. Mild leuko-
indicates the number of treatments.
cytosis (18.6 x10 3/µl; reference range, 6.0 to 17.0
x103/µl) and neutrophil nuclear hypersegmention (3.0
x103/µl) were noted. No blood parasites were observed.
A direct Coombs’ test was negative. An elevated serum
iron level (322 µg/dl; reference range, 94 to 122 µg/dl)
was found. The results of other serum biochemical tests
were within normal reference ranges.
The cause of the anemia could not be identified, and
the PCV value decreased to 12% by day four. The dog
was transfused with crossmatched, fresh, whole blood
and treated with prednisolonea (1 mg/kg body weight,
bid, per os [PO] for 14 days; then 1 mg/kg body weight,
sid, PO for nine days), amoxicillinb (11 mg/kg body
weight, bid, PO for 23 days), and vitamin B complex.c
However, the PCV decreased further to 7% on day 28,
and the anemia remained nonregenerative. Peripheral
Figure 2—Blood smear from the dog with myelodysplastic
syndrome. Notice the dysplastic changes in three hematopoietic blood smears revealed a normocytic, normochromic,
cell lines; ringed nucleated neutrophils (A), Pelger-Huët-like nonregenerative anemia and dysplastic changes in the
nuclear anomaly of neutrophils (B), giant neutrophils (C), three hematopoietic cell lines. Granulocytic lineage ab-
binucleated myelocytes (D), nuclear hypersegmentation (E),
abnormally segmented neutrophils (F), and binucleated normalities included ringed nucleated neutrophils, a
metarubricytes (G) (Giemsa-Wright stain, bar=10 µm). Pelger-Huët-like nuclear anomaly of neutrophils,
giant neutrophils, binucleated neutrophils, nuclear
Case Report hypersegmentation, and abnormally segmented
A 10-year-old, female shih tzu weighing 4.6 kg was neutrophils. Binucleated erythroblasts as well as mega-
presented to the Osaka Prefecture University Veterinary thrombocytes and micromegakaryocytes were also
Teaching Hospital with a three-week history of anorexia, seen [Figure 2].
depression, mild diarrhea, and mild polydipsia. The dog A bone-marrow aspirate was obtained from the proxi-
had an anamnesis of bacterial cystitis at four years of mal femur and exhibited moderate cellularity with pro-
age, otitis externa at six and nine years of age, and a liferation of erythroid cells, which accounted for 58% of
surgical excision of mammary tumors at nine years of all nucleated cells (ANC) [Table 2]. There appeared to
age. On physical examination, pale mucous membranes be a normal maturation sequence within the myeloid
and a slight splenomegaly were noted. A normocytic, series. However, a slight increase of myeloblasts was
normochromic, nonregenerative anemia (packed cell vol- found, which accounted for 3.7% of nonerythroid cells
ume [PCV], 19%; reference range, 37% to 55%) was (NEC). A high percentage of the myeloid cells were
noted [Figure 1; Table 1]. Reticulocytes were less than segmented neutrophils. Megakaryocytes were rarely
1% of red blood cells (RBC) and slight anisocytosis was noted. Metarubricytes were rarely observed, and the
Table 1
Hemograms of a Dog With Myelodysplastic Syndrome

November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Day 0 Day 4 Day 28 Day 45 Day 53 Day 67 Day 130 Day 145 Day 580 Day 597 Day 757 Day 809 Ranges

*PCV (%) 19 12 7 28 18 36 15 36 17 21 11 9 37-55

RBC (x106/µl) 2.91 1.88 1.06 4.25 2.57 5.37 2.17 5.29 2.35 2.78 1.58 1.3 5.5-8.5
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 6.4 4.3 2.5 10.5 6.5 14 5.9 12.7 7.1 7.8 4 3.6 12.0-18.0
MCV (fl) 65.3 63.8 66 65.9 70 67 69.1 68.1 72.3 75.5 69.6 69.2 60.0-77.0
MCHC (%) 33.7 35.8 35.7 37.5 36.1 38.9 39.3 35.3 41.8 37.1 36.4 40 32.0-36.0
Reticulocytes (%) <1 <1 <1 <1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 <1 0-1.5
RBC/100 WBC 0 0.5 4.5 3 2 0.5 0.5 2 4 1 0.5 0.5 0
WBC (x103/µl) 18.6 26.1 12.6 19.6 5.4 13 16.2 22.2 26.5 30.5 27.9 37.4 6.0-17.0
Band neutrophils (x103/µl) 0.2 1 0.4 0 0.3 0.2 0.2 0 1.2 0.6 0.4 2.8 0-0.3
Segmented neutrophils
(x103/µl) 10.4 17.6 8.5 14 4.1 9 11.5 17 20.3 24.4 21.5 30.5 3.0-11.5
Lymphocytes (x103/µl) 4.5 2.7 1.8 2 0.3 2.5 2.8 3.7 1.6 1.8 2.4 0.9 1.0-4.8
Monocytes (x103/µl) 0.2 2.5 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 0.2-1.4
Eosinophils (x103/µl) 0.2 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.3 0.6 0 0.1-1.3
neutrophils (x103/µl) 3 1 0.5 1.9 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.8 0.7 0
Others (x103/µl) 0.2 1.2 0.8 1.1 0.3 0.2 1.1 0.1 1.3 1.5 1.1 1.1 0
Platelets (x104/µl) 55.7 70.6 24.4 73.7 20 71.7 55.8 65.4 30 20.9 25.4 13.3 20-50
Normal platelets (x104/µl) 54 68.1 19.6 71.9 19.2 68.1 53.8 65.4 27.3 20.5 23.7 13 20-50
Megathrombocytes (x104/µl) 1.7 2.5 4.8 1.8 0.8 3.6 2 0 2.7 0.4 1.7 0.3 0
Megakaryocytes (x104/µl) 0 0 Rare 0 Rare Rare Rare 0 Rare 0 0 0 0

* PCV=packed cell volume; RBC=red blood cells; MCV=mean corpuscular volume; MCHC=mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; WBC=white blood cells
Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Dog
478 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Table 2
Bone Marrow Cell Counts of the Dog With Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Day 28 Day 53 Day 580 Day 809

Erythroid series (%) 58.0 51.5 44.0 25.5

Rubriblasts (%) 2.0 0.5 1.5 7.5
Prorubricytes (%) 16.0 7.0 4.5 6.5
Rubricytes (%) 35.0 40.0 33.0 11.0
Metarubricytes (%) 5.0 4.0 5.0 0.5
Myeloid series (%) 40.0 48.0 56.0 73.0
Myeloblasts (%) 1.5 1.0 2.5 29.0
Promyelocytes (%) 0.5 1.5 1.0 10.5
Myelocytes (%) 1.5 1.5 3.5 16.5
Metamyelocytes (%) 2.5 2.0 2.0 10.0
Band neutrophils (%) 5.0 8.5 2.5 1.5
Segmented neutrophils (%) 28.5 33.0 44.5 5.5
Eosinophils (%) 0.5 0.5 0 0
Other cells (%) 2.0 0.5 0 1.5
Monocytes (%) 0.5 0.5 0 0
Lymphocytes (%) 1.5 0 0 0
Megakaryocytes (%) 0 0 0 1.5
Myeloid/Erythroid ratio 0.69 0.93 1.27 2.86

predominant erythroid cells were prorubricytes and rubri- intravenously [IV] over two hours. Blood examination
cytes. Dysplastic changes such as megaloblastoid cells, was repeated every seven days. Over the next 2.5 months,
binucleated erythroblasts, ringed nucleated neutrophils, there was a gradual reduction of the PCV from 37% to
and nuclear hypersegmented neutrophils were also ob- 15% [Figure 1], and the previously identified morpho-
served [Figure 3]. Based on peripheral blood and bone logical changes remained.
marrow findings, erythropoiesis was judged ineffective. On day 130, the PCV had decreased to 15%, a fourth
According to the criteria by the animal leukemia study whole-blood transfusion was performed, and treatment
group for classification of AML and MDS, 1,2 the periph- with LD-ACR (5 mg/m2, sid, consecutively for five days)
eral blood and bone marrow changes were consistent was resumed. Subsequently, the dog’s activity and appe-
with a diagnosis of MDS with erythroid predominance tite improved and the PCV values remained around 25%
(MDS-Er) [see Appendix]. for 15 months, although the cellular dysplastic changes
On day 28, a crossmatched, whole-blood transfusion seen in the peripheral blood did not disappear. On day
was performed, and the PCV subsequently increased to 253, a mammary tumor was diagnosed and subsequently
35%. Differentiation induction with low-dose cytosine surgically removed on day 339. The mammary tissue
arabinosided (LD-AraC) was initiated on day 28. Cy- was not examined histologically.
tosine arabinoside was given at a dose of 10 mg/m2 On reevaluation on day 580, the PCV had decreased
subcutaneously (SC) twice daily for three weeks. On day to 17%. Peripheral blood smears showed persistent dys-
53, the PCV had decreased to 18%. A repeat bone- plastic changes in the same three cell lines, which were
marrow sample was obtained from the proximal femur, similar to those initially observed on day 28. A repeat
and results were similar to those seen on day 28. Since bone-marrow aspiration, obtained from the proximal fe-
LD-AraC therapy was considered to have been ineffec- mur, revealed hypercellularity. The percentages of eryth-
tive, a third whole-blood transfusion and low-dose roid cells and myeloblasts in ANC were 44% and 2.5%,
aclarubicine (LD-ACR) therapy, consisting of two respectively. The dysplastic changes in the three cell
courses (seven-day interval between the two courses), lines continued. Ringed sideroblasts were not found.
were performed. Each course of LD-ACR therapy con- Because the blast cells were less than 1% in the periph-
sisted of five days of ACR (5 mg/m2) given daily for a eral blood and less than 5% in the bone marrow, and the
total cumulative dose of 25 mg/m2. Aclarubicin was ringed sideroblasts were less than 15%, the dog was
mixed with 50 ml of 5% dextrose in water and given diagnosed as having refractory anemia (RA) in MDS
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Dog 479

The Classification and the Summary of
Diagnostic Criteria of the Myelodysplastic
Syndromes (MDS)1,2,14
Pan(bi)cytopenia with dyserythropoiesis,
dysgranulopoiesis, and/or dysmegakaryopoiesis
1) Refractory anemia (RA): Blast cells ≤1% in
peripheral blood (PB), <5% in bone marrow (BM).
2) Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS):
Ringed sideroblasts ≥15% in BM, blast cells ≤1% in
PB, <5% in BM.
3) Refractory anemia with excess of blasts (RAEB):
Blast cells 1%–5% in PB, 5%–20% in BM.
4) Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMMoL):
Figure 4—A photomicrograph of the spleen from the dog with Monocytes and promonocytes >1,000/µl in PB,
myelodysplastic syndrome. Notice erythroid precursors,
blast cells <5% in PB, ≤20% in BM.
megakaryocytes, and numerous blast cells (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain, bar=50 µm). 5) Refractory anemia with excess of blasts in
transformation (RAEB-t): Blast cells ≥5% in PB,
20%–30% in BM, or presence of Auer rods.
[see Appendix]. After an additional whole-blood trans- 6) Myelodysplastic syndrome with erythroid
fusion and LD-ACR therapy consisting of two additional predominance (MDS-Er): Erythroid cells >50% in
courses of five days of ACR (5 mg/m2, sid), the PCV BM, blast cells <30% in BM.
maintained itself around 23% for approximately six
The mammary tumors relapsed on day 637, and mul- myeloid cells, erythroid cells, and megakaryocytes in the
tifocal masses, suspected to be metastatic lesions, were spleen and lymph nodes as well as in the bone marrow
observed in the liver by ultrasonography. The PCV had [Figure 4]. A small number of hematopoietic cells were
decreased to 11% and neutrophilia was observed by day also observed in the liver.
757. The previously identified morphological changes
continued. Supportive therapy consisting of a whole- Discussion
blood transfusion, cephalexinf (30 mg/kg body weight, French-American-British (FAB) classification has been
bid, PO), prednisolone (0.5 mg/kg body weight, bid, proposed as specific criteria for identification and
PO), and vitamin B complex were administered on day classification of AML and MDS in dogs and cats.1
757 until the dog was euthanized on day 809. Myelodysplastic syndrome is characterized by single or
At necropsy, mammary tumors were found at the multiple cytopenias together with morphological changes
right-fourth (5 cm in diameter) and left-first (2 cm in in the three peripheral blood and bone-marrow cell lines;
diameter) mammary gland. The liver had whitish nod- a normal to hypercellular bone marrow; ineffective hem-
ules in the left-lateral lobe (9 by 8 by 6 cm) and right- atopoiesis; and elevated but less than 30% blast cells of
lateral lobe (5 cm in diameter). Histopathologically, the ANC in the bone marrow. 1,2 The present case was char-
mammary tumors were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma, acterized by a nonregenerative anemia, normocellular to
and the masses in the liver were metastatic adenocarci- hypercellular bone marrow, and dysplastic changes in all
noma of mammary gland origin. Tumor metastasis was hematopoietic cell lines. Dyserythropoiesis was distinc-
also found in the lung. The bone marrow was markedly tive with binucleated erythroblasts and megaloblastoid
hypercellular [Table 2]. A large number of myeloid and cells. Dysgranulopoiesis was characterized by ringed
erythroid cells and a small number of megakaryocytes nucleated neutrophils, Pelger-Huët-like nuclear anomaly
were observed. There was an increased number of both of neutrophils, giant neutrophils, binucleated neutrophils,
rubriblasts and myeloblasts. There was also an increased nuclear hypersegmentation, and abnormally segmented
number of cells at the prorubricyte and rubricyte eryth- neutrophils. Morphological features of dysthrombopoiesis
roid stages and the promyelocyte and myelocyte myeloid included megathrombocytes and micromegakaryocytes.
stages. Very few segmented neutrophils were evident, An increased number of blast cells, which was less than
and there was a decreased number of metarubricytes. 30% of ANC, were also found in the bone marrow.
These findings suggested both ineffective erythropoiesis Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed as
and myelopoiesis with maturation arrest. These bone having a MDS.
marrow findings were consistent with refractory anemia According to the FAB classification in humans,14
with excess of blasts in transformation (RAEB-t) in MDS MDS is further divided into five types: RA, refractory
[see Appendix]. There was a large number of immature anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS), refractory ane-
480 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

mia with excess of blasts (RAEB), chronic myelomono- two courses of LD-ACR therapy, which then maintained
cytic leukemia (CMMoL), and RAEB-t. Myelodysplastic the PCV around 23% for an additional six months. As
syndrome with erythroid predominance has been added the ACR treatment in this dog was coincident with the
by the animal leukemia study group for classification of administration of blood, and no bone-marrow examina-
AML and MDS1,2 [see Appendix]. The individual syn- tion was performed after the ACR was given, it is diffi-
dromes are differentiated on the basis of the percentage cult to estimate the effects of ACR. The authors conclude
of blast cells in the peripheral blood and bone marrow, that the RA was resistant to treatment with whole-blood
percentage of ringed sideroblasts in the bone marrow, transfusion and LD-AraC therapy; however, the RA was
presence of monocytosis in the peripheral blood, and the benefited by treatments with whole-blood transfusion
number of cell lines showing dysplastic changes. and LD-ACR therapy.
Myelodysplastic syndrome is considered to be a preleu- Side effects of LD-ACR therapy in humans include
kemic state of the bone marrow, and there is a possibility nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and mild hepatopathy.12,13,16,17
of development into AML.1,2,7,8,14 The present dog was During the course of treatment, the dog in this study
diagnosed as having MDS-Er on day 28, which pro- experienced no side effects or complications. However,
gressed to RAEB-t as defined by bone marrow findings further studies on the safety and effects of ACR in dogs
seen at postmortem examination. and cats must be undertaken.
Aclarubicin is an anthracycline with a potent cyto- To the authors’ knowledge, the treatment with LD-
static effect on leukemias, lymphomas, and other neo- ACR for MDS in dogs and cats has not been reported.
plasms. In addition to its cytostatic effect, low-dose This case report suggests that LD-ACR therapy may be a
concentrations of ACR are reported to have a cell-differ- potential strategy in the treatment of MDS. The optimal
entiation or maturation effect on some human myeloid dose and schedule of ACR for the treatment of AML or
cell lines and freshly isolated human leukemic cells in MDS in animals are still uncertain. Further studies with
vitro.3,13 Aclarubicin also increases expression of eryth- more widely ranging clinical trials are needed.
roid transcription factors and erythroid genes in human
erythroleukemic cells.15 Clinical trials of low-dose ad- a
Prednisolone; Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd, Osaka, Japan
ministration of ACR in humans with MDS and AML b
Pasetocin; Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
have been reported, and a differentiation-inducing effect c
Neurovitan; Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Osaka, Japan
has been demonstrated.12,13,16,17 Harada, et al. 17 reported d
Cylocide; Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd, Kyoto, Japan
outcomes in 18 human patients who had received LD- Aclacinon; Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
ACR therapy; in 11 RAEB/RAEB-t patients, two had Larixin; Toyama Chemical Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
complete remissions and four had partial remissions,
while in seven RA patients two partial remissions were
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Subsequently, another whole blood transfusion and one 1988;73:17–20.
further course of LD-ACR therapy was required to main- 10. Couto CG, Kallet AJ. Preleukemic syndrome in a dog. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 1984;184:1389–92.
tain the PCV at 25% for an additional 15 months; the
11. Weiss DJ, Raskin R, Zerbe C. Myelodysplastic syndrome in two dogs.
anemia and dysplastic changes in the blood persisted J Am Vet Med Assoc 1985;187:1038–40.
throughout; however, relapse occurred at day 580, ne-
cessitating an additional whole-blood transfusion and
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Dog 481

12. Shibuya T, Morioka E, Taniguchi S, Ohhara N, Okamura S, Niho Y. 15. Morceau F, Aries A, Lahlil R, et al. Evidence for distinct regulation
Treatment of four patients with myelodysplastic syndrome with a small processes in the aclacinomycin- and doxorubicin-mediated differentiation
dose of aclacinomycin-A. Leukemia Res 1987;11:851–4. of human erythroleukemic cells. Biochem Pharmacol 1996;51:839–45.
13. Shibuya T, Teshima T, Harada M, et al. Treatment of myelodysplastic 16. Sato S, Sakashita A, Ishiyama T, et al. Possible differentiation treatment
syndrome and atypical leukemia with low-dose aclarubicin. Leukemia Res with aclacinomycin A in acute myelomonocytic leukemia refractory to
1990;14:161–7. conventional chemotherapy. Anticancer Res 1992;12:371–6.
14. Bennett JM, Catovsky D, Daniel MT, et al. Proposals for the classification 17. Harada M, Shibuya T, Teshima T, et al. A randomized phase ΙΙ trial of
of the myelodysplastic syndromes. Br J Haematol 1982;51:189–99. low-dose aclarubicin vs very low-dose cytosine arabinoside for treatment of
myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia Res 1993;17:629–32.
Paraneoplastic Thrombocytosis-Induced
Systemic Thromboembolism in a Cat
A six-year-old cat presented with clinical signs consistent with distal aortic thromboembolism
while clinical signs of cardiovascular disease were absent. Diagnostics, including thoracic
radiographs, electrocardiography, and echocardiography revealed no cardiovascular
anomalies. Thoracic radiographs revealed multifocal pulmonary lesions consistent with
neoplasia. Complete blood cell count demonstrated a marked thrombocytosis, leukopenia, and
neutropenia. Histopathology of the pulmonary lesions confirmed multiple bronchoalveolar
carcinomas. Myelodysplasia with megakaryocytic hyperplasia and ineffective myelopoiesis was
noted on bone-marrow histopathology from multiple sites. The absence of other causes
suggested a paraneoplastic thrombocytosis. The diagnosis of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis-
induced thromboembolism was made due to the lack of underlying cardiac disease and the
presence of a marked thrombocytosis. The presence of thrombocytosis and thromboembolism
associated with neoplasia is discussed. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:483–6.

Daniel F. Hogan, DVM, Case Report

Diplomate ACVIM A six-year-old, 4.8-kg, male, castrated domestic shorthair presented to the
Ravinder S. Dhaliwal, DVM, Small Animal Clinic at the University of Illinois Veterinary Medical
Diplomate ACVIM Teaching Hospital (UI-VMTH) for evaluation of hind-limb paralysis of
three hours duration. Pertinent physical examination findings included
D. David Sisson, DVM, cool hind limbs with no palpable femoral pulses, absent segmental re-
Diplomate ACVIM flexes, and no response to deep pain. There was a notable lack of cardio-
vascular abnormalities on the physical examination, with no murmurs,
Barbara E. Kitchell, DVM, PhD,
gallops, or distinct signs of congestive heart failure. Diagnostic testing
Diplomate ACVIM
(Oncology, Internal Medicine) included a complete blood cell count (CBC), serum biochemistry profile,
feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
tests, thoracic radiographs, an electrocardiogram (EKG), echocardiog-
raphy, and a nuclear perfusion study using free (i.e., unbound) Tc99m.
C The EKG and echocardiogram were normal. The nuclear perfusion
study demonstrated abrupt blockage of aortic flow immediately distal to
the left kidney, with some collateral circulation to the hind limbs consis-
tent with an aortic thromboembolus. There were multifocal, interstitial to
alveolar areas noted on thoracic radiographs, with no significant cardio-
vascular changes [Figures 1A, 1B]. Abnormalities on serum biochemistry
profiling included hyperproteinemia (8.5 gm/dl; reference range, 5.8 to
7.8 gm/dl), hyperglycemia (160 mg/dl; reference range, 65 to 129 mg/dl),
hypercholesterolemia (163 mg/dl; reference range, 63 to 130 mg/dl), and
hypokalemia (3.1 mEq/L; reference range, 3.8 to 5.0 mEq/L). The CBC
revealed marked thrombocytosis (1,026 x103/µl; reference range, 300 to
700 x103/µl), leukopenia (2.82 x103/µl; reference range, 5.5 to 19.5 x10 3/
µl), neutropenia (0.554 x103/µl; reference range, 2.5 to 12.5 x103/µl), and
From the Department of a marginal normocytic normochromic anemia (hematocrit, 29.7%; refer-
Veterinary Clinical Medicine, ence range, 30% to 45%). Examination of the peripheral blood smear
University of Illinois, confirmed an increased number of normal-appearing platelets. Retroviral
1008 West Hazelwood Drive,
Urbana, Illinois 61802. tests were negative.
A tentative diagnosis of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis-induced aortic
Address all reprint requests to Dr. Hogan. thromboembolization was made. Pulmonary neoplasia was suspected, but

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 483

484 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 1A
Figure 2—Photomicrograph of a pulmonary lesion from the cat
Figures 1A,1B—Lateral (1A) and ventrodorsal (1B) thoracic in Figure 1, demonstrating a neoplastic epithelial population
radiographs in a six-year-old cat with aortic thromboembolism forming papillary structures (arrow) contrasted to the more
demonstrating multifocal pulmonary lesions (arrows). normal lung tissue (top right) (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

Figure 3—Photomicrograph of bone marrow from the cat in

Figure 1, demonstrating hyperplasia of megakaryocytes (arrows)
and a marked decrease in the myeloid/erythroid ratio with an
almost complete absence of marrow granulocyte reserves. There
is also a marked early asynchrony of the myeloid cell line with a
predominance of myeloblasts (arrowheads) (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; 1,000X).

Gross necropsy findings confirmed an aortic throm-

boembolus at the aortic trifurcation. Firm, slightly raised,
pale lesions varying from 10 to 14 mm in diameter were
noted in the left-caudal, left-cranial, and right-caudal
lung lobes. Histopathology of the pulmonary lesions re-
vealed multiple bronchoalveolar carcinomas [Figure 2].
There were no structural cardiac changes identified. Re-
nal changes consisted of marked, chronic, membranous
glomerulopathy. Examination of bone marrow from the
femur and rib demonstrated myelodysplasia with hyper-
Figure 1B plasia of the megakaryocytic line and ineffective my-
other inflammatory diseases or pulmonary thromboem- elopoiesis [Figure 3].
bolic lesions could not be ruled out. The clients were
informed of the tentative diagnosis, and a guarded prog- Discussion
nosis was given. A therapeutic plan of thrombolytics and Thrombocytosis in cats is defined as elevation of the
supportive care was offered along with continued diag- platelet count above 700 x103/µl. Initial differential di-
nostics to confirm the etiology of the pulmonary lesions. agnoses for thrombocytosis included essential thrombo-
The owners elected euthanasia due to monetary and per- cythemia, chronic myeloproliferative diseases (MPDs)
sonal concerns. (such as myelofibrosis and chronic myelogenous leuke-
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Systemic Thromboembolism in a Cat 485

mia), acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, solid neoplasms, If there is concurrent increased platelet aggregability in
and secondary thrombocytosis due to acute or chronic the presence of thrombocytosis, it would appear the risk
inflammatory conditions.1,2 Other possible causes of for thromboembolic events would be high. In a large
thrombocytosis include physiological (i.e., exercise, epi- study of distal aortic thromboembolization in cats, a
nephrine), postsplenectomy, iron deficiency, and rebound small number had concurrent focal pulmonary lesions,
thrombocytosis following a thrombocytopenic episode.3–5 suggesting a possible association.12
The term thrombocythemia or autonomous (i.e., primary) There was marked, chronic glomerulopathy on renal
thrombocytosis is used to describe an increased platelet histopathology, although hypoalbuminemia was not
count in patients with MPDs. Thrombocytosis in patients noted on serum biochemistry. Nephrotic syndrome has
with other diseases is referred to as reactive or secondary been associated with an increased risk of thromboembo-
thrombocytosis. lism through antithrombin-III deficiency along with
In human patients, paraneoplastic thrombocytosis is increased platelet aggregability.13,14 Urine was not sub-
often associated with carcinomas of the pancreas, lung, mitted to determine a protein-to-creatinine ratio nor were
gastrointestinal tract, ovary, and breast.6 The etiology of antithrombin III levels measured; therefore, the severity
thrombocytosis in most cancer patients is unknown, al- and potential role of glomerular disease cannot be as-
though paraneoplastic overproduction of thrombopoietin sessed in this cat.
or thrombopoietin-like substances has been suggested.5 Systemic arterial thromboembolization in the cat is
In a study of 118 dogs and 17 cats with thrombocytosis, usually associated with some form of myocardial disease
the most common disease categories associated with such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, restrictive car-
thrombocytosis were neoplasia (25%), gastrointestinal diomyopathy, or dilated cardiomyopathy.15,16 Throm-
disorders (19%), and endocrine disorders (10%). 7 boemboli are thought to originate from a dilated left
Corticosteroids and antineoplastic agents were the auricle or atrium, with the left ventricular apex repre-
most common drug classes clinically associated with senting a less common site. Emboli travel downstream in
thrombocytosis in the same study. Thrombocytosis sec- the systemic circulation to that point where their size
ondary to azathioprine and doxorubicin has been exceeds vessel diameter. The most common site of oc-
reported in cats, with up to a 31% incidence in cats clusion is the aortic trifurcation; but brachial, cerebral,
treated with doxorubicin. 8,9 In the present case, a diagno- renal, and splanchnic embolizations have also been re-
sis of reactive thrombocytosis as a paraneoplastic syn- ported. Clinical signs are dependent on the site of
drome secondary to pulmonary carcinoma was made vascular occlusion. Distal aortic thromboembolization
based on the exclusion of other causes of thrombocyto- classically presents with pelvic-limb paresis/paralysis,
sis. Bone marrow from two different sites (i.e., rib and loss of femoral pulses, cool pelvic limbs with firm pel-
femur) showed no evidence of myeloproliferative dis- vic-limb muscle groups, loss of deep pain, and absence
ease. Essential thrombocythemia was ruled out based on of segmental reflexes. Many cats do not survive the
the absence of circulating megakaryoblasts and bone- initial thromboembolic episode, and those that do often
marrow histopathology.1 Iron deficiency anemia-induced suffer reembolization.
thrombocytosis seems unlikely based on the normal mean The cat reported here exhibited clinical signs consis-
corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglo- tent with distal aortic thromboembolization. The lack of
bin concentration (MCHC), and lack of hypochromasia abnormalities noted on cardiac examination, normal
on the CBC, although serum iron levels and total iron- echocardiographic study, and lack of significant cardio-
binding capacity (TIBC) were not measured in this case. vascular changes on thoracic radiographs suggested a
Epinephrine-induced thrombocytosis cannot be com- noncardiac cause for the thromboembolic event. In this
pletely ruled out due to the lack of serial CBC evalua- cat, the only identifiable abnormalities were pulmonary
tions, but there was no evidence of a stress leukogram in neoplasia and thrombocytosis.
this cat. There was also no history of thrombocytopenia To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported
as a cause of rebound thrombocytosis. case of reactive thrombocytosis secondary to pulmonary
Paraneoplastic thromboembolism in humans (i.e., carcinoma in a cat. Further, this is the first reported case
Trousseau’s syndrome) has been associated more with of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis-induced systemic
neoplasia of the pancreas, lung, and gastrointestinal thromboembolism in a cat. Cats presenting with classic
tract.10 The correlation between thrombocytosis and in- clinical signs of systemic arterial thromboembolism with
creased platelet aggregability has generally been poor; lack of significant cardiac pathology should prompt fur-
therefore, the clinical risk of thrombocytosis-induced ther evaluation for possible underlying neoplasia.
thromboembolism remains unclear.6 Platelet aggrega-
tion studies have revealed increased platelet function in Acknowledgment
dogs with malignancies.11 It is unknown if cats demon- The authors wish to thank Joanne B. Messick, VMD,
strate these same changes, and these studies were not PhD, Diplomate ACVP for her assistance in pathology
performed in this cat nor was coagulation profiling done. interpretation.
486 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

References 9. O’Keefe D, Schaeffer DJ. Hematologic toxicosis associated with

doxorubicin administration in cats. J Vet Int Med 1992;6(5):276–83.
1. Hammer AS, Couto CG, Getzky D, Bailey MQ. Essential thrombocythemia
10. Heffner RR. Myopathy of embolic origin in patients with carcinoma.
in a cat. J Vet Int Med 1990;4(2):87–91.
Neurology 1971;21:840–3.
2. Burton S, Miller L, Horney B, Marks C, Shaw D. Acute megakaryoblastic
11. McNiel EA, Ogilvie GK, Fettman MJ, Salman MD. Platelet hyperfunction
leukemia in a cat. Vet Clin Path 1996;25(1):6–9.
in dogs with malignancies. J Vet Int Med 1997;11(3):178–82.
3. Bithell TC. Thrombocytosis. In: Lee GR, Bithell TC, Forester J, Athens
12. Laste NJ, Harpster NK. A retrospective study of 100 cases of feline
JW, Lukens TN, eds. Wintrobe’s clinical hematology. 9th ed. Philadelphia:
distal aortic thromboembolism: 1977–1993. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
Lea & Febiger, 1993:1390–6.
4. Helfand SC. Platelets and neoplasia. Vet Clin N Am (Sm Anim Pract)
13. Green RA, Russo EA, Greene RT, Kabel AL. Hypoalbuminemia-related
platelet hypersensitivity in two dogs with nephrotic syndrome. J Vet Med
5. John WJ, Foon KA, Patchell RA. Paraneoplastic syndromes. In: DeVita Assoc 1985;186(5):485–8.
VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds. Cancer: principles and practice of
14. Green RA, Kabel AL. Hypercoagulable state in three dogs with nephrotic
oncology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997:2397–422.
syndrome: role of acquired antithrombin III deficiency. J Am Vet Med
6. Bick RL, Strauss JF, Frenkel EP. Thrombosis and hemorrhage in oncology Assoc 1982;181(9):914–7.
patients. Heme Onc Clin N Am 1996;10(4):875–907.
15. Harpster NK. Feline myocardial diseases. In: Kirk RW, ed. Current
7. Hammer AS. Thrombocytosis in dogs and cats: a retrospective study. veterinary therapy IX. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986:380–98.
Comp Hematology Int 1991;1(4):181–6.
16. Bonagura JD, Fox PR. Restrictive cardiomyopathy. In: Bonagura JD, ed.
8. Beale KM, Altman D, Clemmons RR, Bolon B. Systemic toxicosis Kirk’s current veterinary therapy XII. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
associated with azathioprine administration in domestic cats. Am J Vet Res 1995:863–7.
Primary Hypothyroidism Associated
With Leishmaniasis in a Dog
A case of primary hypothyroidism associated with leishmaniasis is described in a four-year-old,
male Yorkshire terrier. Clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism was confirmed by a low baseline
serum tetraiodothyronine (T4), a reduced response to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
stimulation, an increased serum TSH concentration, and scintigraphic thyroid gland
examination. Examination of a thyroid biopsy showed many Leishmania amastigotes, both
inside and outside of macrophages, together with signs of follicular atrophy.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:487–92.

L. Cortese, DVM Introduction

G. Oliva, DVM, PhD Endocrine disorders associated with protozoal infections have been de-
scribed both in humans 1 and in animal species. In experimentally induced
P. Ciaramella, DVM trypanosomal infections in small ruminants,2–4 abnormalities were identi-
fied within the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, the thyroid and adrenal glands,
A. Persechino, DVM, PhD and the reproductive tract. Thyroid dysfunction may be related to para-
B. Restucci, DVM sitic action as well as to the operation of complex mechanisms, such as
chronic stress and massive release of specific cytokines, capable of im-
pairing pituitary hormone secretion.3,4 Canine leishmaniasis (CanL) is a
common parasitic disease in all the countries of the Mediterranean area.
C Canine leishmaniasis, which is caused by Leishmania infantum, is charac-
terized by the following signs and clinical laboratory abnormalities:
lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, pale mucous membranes, weight loss,
dry exfoliative dermatitis, onychogryphosis, epistaxis, anemia, hyper-
globulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and thrombocytopenia. To date, no en-
docrine disorders have been reported in dogs infected with Leishmania
spp. The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical, laboratory,
biopsy, and postmortem findings in a case of primary hypothyroidism
associated with leishmaniasis in a dog.

Case Report
A four-year-old, male Yorkshire terrier weighing 5 kg, was referred to the
authors’ clinic for further evaluation. The dog had been living with his
owner since two months of age and had received regular annual vaccina-
tions and antihelmintic treatment. The owner reported that for the past
eight months, the dog had started to progressively lose hair and 1.8 kg of
its body weight. During this period, the dog was seen by several practi-
tioners who tried various treatments (e.g., cephalexin, dexamethasone,
and griseofulvin) without success.
Physical examination revealed emaciation, a generalized decrease in
From the Sezione di Clinica Medica
muscle mass, depression, and weakness. The dog was anorexic, reluctant
Veterinaria – Dipartimento di Scienze
Cliniche Veterinarie (Cortese, Oliva, to move, and had a slow, uncertain gait. The skin examination showed
Ciaramella, Persechino), and the areas of alopecia on the back, the ears, and the tail (called “mouse tail”),
Dipartimento di Patologia e with widespread scaling which was nonpruritic [Figure 1]. In nonalopecic
Sanità Animale (Restucci), areas, hair was dull and epilated easily. Fistulas were seen in the perianal
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II,”
region, and there was a large ulcer in the right carpal region, as well as
via Delpino n°1,
80137 Napoli, Italy. onychogryphosis and scrotal and sternal edema. Pale mucous membranes
were observed, and the lymph nodes (especially in the prescapular region)
Address all correspondence to Dr. Cortese. were enlarged. The temperature was 37.8˚ C, the femoral pulse was slow

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 487

488 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 1—Skin of a four-year-old, male Yorkshire terrier

diagnosed with Leishmania infection and hypothyroidism. Areas Figure 2—Dorsoventral view of pertechnetate (99mTc) scan
of alopecia and onychogryphosis are evident. performed in the dog from Figure 1. Uptake of 99mTc is normal by
the parotid salivary glands (large arrows), which are readily
at 60 beats per minute, and the breathing rate was normal visible, but it is markedly reduced by the thyroid lobes (small
arrows), which are barely visible. Highest uptake is indicated by
at 20 breaths per minute. There was unilateral keratocon- red color.
junctivitis sicca (KCS) with hyperemia, chemosis of the
conjunctivae, and irregularities of the corneal surface; TNF-α. e Serum concentration of TNF-α was 6,067.73
Schirmer tear testa values were 2 mm wetting per minute. pg/ml, high when compared to the canine reference range
Routine hematology and serum biochemistry were of 0 to 120 pg/ml, according to the Department of Immu-
performed with results provided in Tables 1 and 2. Ab- nology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utretch. In
normal laboratory findings included a normochromic addition, electrocardiography and radiolabeled Techne-
and normocytic nonregenerative anemia, hypercholes- tium (99mTc) scintigraphy of the cervicofacial region
terolemia, marked hypoalbuminemia, and a polyclonal were performed. Electrocardiography showed hypovolt-
gammopathy. The immunofluorescence test for Leish- age of QRS complexes in lead II (height of R wave in
mania-specific antibodies (IFAT) yielded a positive titer lead II, less than 0.5 mv; reference range in small canine
of 1/640, and the diagnosis of leishmaniasis was con- breeds, 0.5 to 2.5 mv), combined with sinus bradycardia
firmed by the observation of many amastigotes, both (60 beats per minute; normal value in toy breeds, 100 to
inside and outside of macrophages, in preparations ob- 180 beats per minute) and signs of myocardial hypoxia
tained from the lymph nodes and bone marrow. Parasite (S-T segment depression). On scintigraphy, a marked
reduction in uptake and concentration of 99mTc within
density in smears, determined according to the method
the thyroid gland was found when compared with the
described in previous papers,5 was 5+ (10 to 100
uptake and concentration of salivary glands [Figure 2].
amastigotes in a 1,000 power microscopic field) [Table
Findings were consistent with a diagnosis of hypothy-
2]. Thyroid function was evaluated by determination of
roidism; euthyroidism and euthyroid sick syndrome were
the baseline serum tetraiodothyronine (T4) concentration
by radioimmunoassay (RIA) using a solid-phase com-
Biopsy specimens were obtained from the thyroid
mercial kit.b A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
gland and from the skin at the level of the dorsolumbar
stimulation test was performed by intravenous (IV) ad-
region, peripherally to an alopecic area. The samples
ministration of 0.4 IU of thyrotropin,c with a serum T4 were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and embedded in
concentration assayed six hours later. The plasma thy- paraffin wax. The 5-µm thick sections were stained with
roxin level was below the reference range (0.4 µg/dl; hematoxylin and eosin; for the skin sections, Alcian
reference range, 1.6 to 3.4 µg/dl). Although it increased blue-periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain was also used. His-
after the administration of TSH (1 µg/dl), it did not topathological examination of the thyroid gland biopsies
obtain values indicative of a euthyroid state (greater than revealed dilated follicles which were filled with colloid,
1.9 µg/dl) [Table 3]. Baseline serum concentration of within which the thyroid cells appeared strongly flat-
TSH was determined using a homologous canine TSH tened. In adjacent areas, some follicles showed decreased
assay.d The TSH serum concentration was above the size and colloid content while others showed total dis-
reference range (0.9 ng/ml; reference range, less than 0.3 ruption of their normal architecture. In some sections,
ng/ml) [Table 3]. As tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) complete follicular atrophy was also found. No inflam-
interferes with thyroid function in some neoplastic, bac- matory cells were seen. In all sections examined, espe-
terial, and parasitic diseases,3,4 the authors measured it cially in the thicker interstitial spaces, amastigotes inside
by means of a bioassay employing recombinant human macrophages were found together with free parasitic forms
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Leishmaniasis in a Dog 489

Table 1
Hematological and Serum Biochemical Data From a Four-Year-Old Yorkshire Terrier
With Leishmania Infection and Hypothyroidism

Hematological Values* Serum Biochemical Values

Hb g % 8.9 (13.5–18) Urea mg/dl 48.8 (25–50)
RBC x106/µl 3.8 (5.5–8.5) Glucose mg/dl 82.0 (60–110)
PCV % 25.8 (35–45) Creatinine mg/dl 0.1 (<1.8)
MCV µ3 67.8 (60–77) AST U/L 35.2 (5–45)
MCH pg 23.4 (20–24.5) ALT U/L 23.7 (10–47)
MCHC % 34.5 (31–34) ALP U/L 156.0 (<180)
Reticulocytes % 0.2 (0.0–1.5) Total bilirubin g/dl 0.4 (0.10–0.5)
WBC x103/µl 26.1 (6–17) Total cholesterol mg/dl 300.0 (136–270)
Lymphocytes % 13.0 (12–30) Triglycerides mg/dl 120.0 (20–60)
Monocytes % 1.0 (3–9) CK U/L 53.0 (<50)
Neutrophils % 86.0 (60–75) LDH U/L 107.0 (<100)
Eosinophils % 0.0 (2–10)
Basophils % 0.0 (0–1)
Platelets x103/µl 240 (200–400)

* Reference ranges are provided in parentheses

Figure 3—Histopathology of the thyroid gland in a Yorkshire Figure 4—Histopathology of the thyroid gland in a Yorkshire
terrier with hypothyroidism. Dilated follicles filled with colloid, terrier with hypothyroidism. Macrophages with amastigotes and
together with atrophic follicles, are evident (Hematoxylin and free parasitic forms are evident in the interstitium thicker spaces
eosin stain; 250X). (arrows) (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; 500X).

clustered around vessels or inside sinusoids [Figures 3, 4]. A specific antiLeishmania treatment protocol was es-
Histopathological examination of the skin biopsy showed tablished and included liposomal amphotericin B f
an increased thickness of the stratum corneum. The dermis (3 mg/kg body weight, IV sid, for 10 consecutive days)
appeared thickened with swollen collagen fibers. combined with supportive therapy (prednisone, 1 mg/kg
Macrophages rich in amastigotes and free parasitic forms, body weight, per os [PO] bid; lactated Ringer’s solution,
together with some lymphocytes and plasma cells, were 350 ml per day, IV). After one week’s treatment,
present. Many hair follicles were in telogen arrest, with L-thyroxineg was administered at a dose of 20 µg/kg
follicular infundibula often dilated by keratin. Melanotic body weight, PO, every 12 hours. After a slight initial
debris and vacuolation of the arrector pili muscles were clinical improvement, the general condition of the dog
also observed [Figures 5, 6]. progressively deteriorated. Death, caused by myocardi-
490 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Table 2
Results of Diagnostic Tests for Leishmaniasis (Serum Electrophoresis, Cytology, and Serology)
in a Four-Year-Old Yorkshire Terrier With Leishmaniasis and Hypothyroidism

Lymph Node and Bone Marrow

Electrophoretic Pattern* Parasitological Density
Total protein 7.0 g/dl (6.0–7.8) 6+ >100 amastigotes/microscopic field
Albumin 0.90 g/dl (2.3–3.4) 5+ 10–100 amastigotes/microscopic field†
α1 0.28 g/dl (0.20–0.50) 4+ 1–10 amastigotes/microscopic field
α2 0.53 g/dl (0.30–1.10) 3+ 1–10 amastigotes/10 microscopic fields
β1 0.44 g/dl (0.70–1.30) 2+ 1–10 amastigotes/100 microscopic fields
β2 0.86 g/dl (0.60–1.40) 1+ 1–10 amastigotes/1,000 microscopic fields
γ 3.99 g/dl (0.90–2.20) 0+ 0 amastigote/1,000 microscopic fields
A/G ratio 0.14 (0.70–1.11)

IFAT titer‡

1/640 (<1/80)

* Reference ranges are provided in parentheses

Result for the dog in this case report

Leishmania immunofluorescent antibody titer

fiber discontinuity, granular degeneration, and hyalino-

Table 3 sis were also noted [Figure 7]. In all the other organs
examined, amastigotes were observed either free or in-
Results of Thyroid Function Testing in a
Four-Year-Old Yorkshire Terrier side macrophages, without significant concurrent inflam-
With Leishmaniasis and Hypothyroidism matory changes.

Normal Reference
Hormones* Values Range Many authors have reported the association of leishma-
niasis in dogs with other diseases, such as neoplasms
T4 (µg/dl) 0.4 1.6–3.4 (e.g., hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, myeloma), infec-
T4 (µg/dl)† 1.0 >1.9 tions (e.g., ehrlichiosis, hepatozoonosis), and parasitic
TSH (ng/ml) 0.9 <0.3 diseases (e.g., sarcoptic and demodectic mange).7–10 In
the leishmaniotic dog, appearance of clinical signs is
* T4=Tetraiodothyronine; TSH=thyroid-stimulating associated with the development of a T helper cell-2

(Th2) response characterized by high serum antibody
Six hours after thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
administration (0.1 U/kg) levels, anergic response to intradermal antigens, sup-
pressed lymphoproliferative response, and low produc-
tion of protective cytokines.11,12 The severe immune
suppression caused by the protozoan may predispose to
tis (subsequently demonstrated by histopathology), oc- the onset and development of either infectious or neo-
curred 30 days after the initiation of treatment. plastic conditions. The clinical case reviewed in this
Histopathology was performed on samples of thyroid, paper is the first report of an endocrine pathology, hy-
lungs, mediastinal and mesenteric lymph nodes, heart, pothyroidism, associated with leishmaniasis. The para-
liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, small and large intes- site invaded not only the thyroid gland but all the other
tines, pancreas, adrenal and pituitary glands, and brain organs examined. The diagnosis of primary hypothy-
obtained at postmortem. In the myocardium, foci of in- roidism was based on clinical signs, laboratory data (in-
terstitial infiltration characterized by plasma cells, to- cluding thyroid function testing), histopathological
gether with macrophages rich in amastigotes, were examination of the thyroid gland and skin, and thyroid
observed. In areas neighboring these foci, signs of scintigraphy. This data, in its entirety, allows the exclu-
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Leishmaniasis in a Dog 491

Figure 5—Skin histopathology in a Yorkshire terrier with hypo- Figure 7—Histopathology of the myocardium in a Yorkshire
thyroidism. Increased thickness of stratum corneum is evident. terrier with hypothyroidism. Plasmacellular accumulations and
Vacuolated arrector pili muscles and swollen collagen fibers are macrophages rich in amastigotes infiltrating the myocardial fibers
observed in the dermis (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; 200X). are seen. Signs of myofiber hyalinosis are evident (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; 400X).

stress, with a consequent increase in corticosteroid lev-

els and a subsequent depressed activity of several pitu-
itary hormones and of thyroid function.4 Other authors
have hypothesized that the activation of the immune
system in protozoal infections causes the release of sev-
eral cytokines, among which is TNF-α, which may down-
regulate the endocrine system. Tumor necrosis factor-α
is capable of inhibiting the secretion of pituitary hor-
mones, such as gonadotropic hormone14 and TSH.15 In
this case, the authors found a marked rise in TNF-α
which may have had a pathophysiological role in the
hormonal imbalance. The ability of the Leishmania spp.
to cause the release of proteolytic factors that may affect
Figure 6—Skin histopathology in a Yorkshire terrier with
hypothyroidism. Macrophages rich in amastigotes (arrows) are endocrine balance, could also be an important factor in
evident between vacuolated arrector pili muscles (Hematoxylin disease expression. In the future, growing interest in this
and eosin stain; 400X). zoonotic disease should clarify the complex and the still
unknown relationship existing between leishmaniasis and
endocrine dysfunction in the dog.
sion of euthyroid sick syndrome, which is also possible
in severe, chronic illnesses like leishmaniasis. It is diffi- a
Schirmer tear test; Schering-Plough Animal Health, Kenilworth, NJ
cult, however, in this case to determine whether and to b
T4 RIA/Coated Tubes; Radim, Milano, Italy
what extent the presence of amastigotes affected the c
Thytropar; Rorer, WA
functional state of the thyroid (i.e., whether leishmania- d
Milenia Canine TSH; EIMA, Diagnostic Product Corporation,
sis was the primary cause of glandular disease or whether Los Angeles, CA
it only aggravated a pre-existing condition). In trypano- Standard TNF-α used was a recombinant human TNF-α preparation;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht,
somal infections in ruminants, decreased plasma levels the Netherlands
of thyroid hormones are coupled with structural damage AmBisome; Vestar, San Dimas, CA
of the thyroid gland itself.2 Various pathophysiological Eutirox; Bracco, Milano, Italy
mechanisms resulting in glandular impairment have been
described by different authors, which can be directly and Acknowledgments
indirectly ascribed to the presence of trypanosomes.3,4 The authors would like to thank Professor Francesco
The first is the release of biologically active factors (i.e., Lamagna, Istituto di Clinica Chirurgica Veterinaria,
phospholipase, protease) capable of degrading protein Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II,” for per-
hormones, among which is thyrotropin release factor forming the thyroid biopsy; Dr. Antonio Tommaselli,
(TRH).13 The indirect effects could be accounted for by Dipartimento di Endocrinologia ed Oncologia Clinica,
the establishment of a condition of chronic hypothalamic Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, for performing the thy-
492 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

roid scintigraphy; and Dr. Wilbert Bernardina, Depart- 7. Margarito JM, Ginel PJ, Molleda JM, et al. Hemangiosarcoma associated
with leishmaniasis in three dogs. Vet Rec 1994;15:66–7.
ment of Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of
8. Braca G, Macrì B, Galofaro V. Leishmaniosi e neoplasmi. Correlazioni ed
Utretch, for the TNF-α assay. The assistance of Profes- interferenze tra leucemia linfoide e leishmaniosi in un cane boxer di anni 7.
sor J. Verstegen, Service d’obstétrique et des troubles de Riv Zoot Vet 1982;10:396–400.

la roproduction des petits animaux, Universitè de Liège, 9. Macrì B, GalofaroV, Braca G. Leishmaniosi e neoplasmi. Nota II:
correlazioni ed interferenze tra leishmaniosi e tumore venereo trasmissibile
in conducting the TSH assay is also appreciated. (sarcoma di Sticker) nel cane. Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 1982;36:510–2.
10. Ciaramella P, Oliva G, De Luna R, et al. A retrospective clinical study of
References canine leishmaniasis in 150 dogs naturally infected by Leishmania
infantum. Vet Rec 1997;141:539–43.
1. Hawking F, Greenfield J. Two autopsies of Rhodesian sleeping sickness:
visceral lesions and significance of changes in cerebrospinal fluid. 11. Pinelli E, Killick-Kendrick R, Wagenaar J, Bernadina W, Del Real G,
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1941;35:155–64. Ruitenberg J. Cellular and humoral immune responses in dogs experimen-
tally and naturally infected with Leishmania infantum. Infect Immun
2. Ikede BO, Logos GJ. Pathogenesis of Trypanosoma brucei infection in 1994;62:229–35.
sheep. III Hypophysial and other endocrine lesions. J Comp Path
1975;85:37–44. 12. Martinez-Moreno A, Moreno T, Martinez-Moreno FJ, Acosta I, Hernandez
S. Humoral and cell-mediated immunity in natural and experimental canine
3. Mutayoba BM, Gombe S, Kaaya GP, Waindi EN. Effect of chronic leishmaniasis. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 1995;48:209–20.
experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection in the ovaries, pituitary,
thyroid and adrenal glands in female goats. Res Vet Sci 1988;44:140–6. 13. Tetaert D, Soudan B, Huet-Duvillier G, et al. Unusual cleavage of peptidic
hormones generated by tripanosome enzymes released in infested rat
4. Mutayoba BM, Gombe S. Effect of African trypanosomias on plasma serum. Int J Pep Protein Res 1993;2:147–52.
cortisol and thyroxine concentration in goats. Res Vet Sci 1989;47:315–8.
14. Walton PE, Cronin MJ. Tumor necrosis factor inhibits growth hormone
5. Oliva G, Gradoni L, Cortese L, Orsini S. Comparative efficacy of secretion from cultured anterior pituitary cells. Endocrinology
meglumine antimonate and aminosidine sulphate, alone or in combination, 1989;125:925–9.
in canine leishmaniasis. Annals Trop Med Parasitol 1998;92:165–71.
15. Pang XP, Hershman JM, Mirell CJ, Pekary AE. Impairment of hypotha-
6. Hall IA, Campbell KL, Chambers MD, Davis CN. Effects of trimethoprim/ lamic-pituitary-thyroid function in rats treated with human recombinant
sulfamethoxazole on thyroid function in dogs with pyoderma. tumor necrosis factor (cachectin). Endocrinology 1989;125:76–84.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 1993;202:1959–62.
Suspected Myelinolysis Following Rapid
Correction of Hyponatremia in a Dog
A dog developed signs of neurological dysfunction five days after rapid correction of severe
electrolyte derangements, including hyponatremia, caused by gastrointestinal parasitism
(i.e., trichuriasis). History, laboratory findings, and onset of neurological signs following
correction of hyponatremia led to a diagnosis of myelinolysis. Myelinolysis is a
noninflammatory, demyelinating brain disease caused by sudden, upward osmotic shifts in
central nervous system plasma, often a result of rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia. The
pathogenesis is complex, but recovery is possible. Iatrogenic damage due to myelinolysis can
be avoided by adherence to therapeutic guidelines for correction of chronic hyponatremia.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:493–7.

Richard K. Churcher, BVSc Introduction

Myelinolysis is an iatrogenic brain disease, frequently reported in hu-
A.D.J. Watson, BVSc, PhD, FRCVS
mans, caused in most instances by rapid correction of chronic hyponatre-
Andrew Eaton, BVSc mia.1,2 Typically, the disease is seen in human alcoholics, liver transplant
recipients, and patients taking diuretics, many of who have a tendency to
develop electrolyte derangements.3 Rapid correction of chronic hyponatre-
mia with intravenous (IV) saline infusion, increasing plasma sodium
C concentration by more than 10 mEq/L per day, can cause symmetrical,
noninflammatory demyelination of stereotypical locations in the brain
including the pons, cerebellum, thalamus, external capsule, and basal
nuclei. Neuronal cell bodies and axons are generally spared.1 Sudden
osmotic gradients, created between replenished extracellular fluid (ECF)
and central nervous system (CNS) cells depleted of organic solutes (i.e.,
osmolytes), cause damage to myelin sheaths and the oligodendrocytes
which produce them.4 Signs of neurological dysfunction usually occur
several days after correction of hyponatremia and are typically motor and
localizing, in contrast to the diffuse encephalopathy of untreated chronic
hyponatremia. Death, permanent neurological impairment, and full re-
covery have all been reported.5 Myelinolysis has been produced experi-
mentally in several species, including dog, rat, and rabbit.1,2,6,7 Two cases
of naturally occurring canine myelinolysis have been reported; diagnosis
was made antemortem by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and was
confirmed by necropsy in one.8
This article reports a dog with gastrointestinal tract dysfunction and
From the Department of Veterinary Clinical electrolyte derangements associated with trichuriasis, in which severe
Sciences (Churcher, Watson), neurological signs, consistent with myelinolysis, developed several days
The University of Sydney, after rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia. Although gastrointestinal
New South Wales 2006, Australia, and
signs resolved quickly following fluid and anthelmintic therapy, neuro-
Kingsford Veterinary Hospital (Eaton),
70 Gardiner’s Road, logical signs required several weeks to dissipate.
Kingsford, New South Wales 2032,
Australia. Case Report
A six-year-old, 19.6-kg, neutered female Samoyed cross was presented to
Doctor Churcher’s current address is
Kingsford Veterinary Hospital with a history of diarrhea and weight loss
North Shore Veterinary Hospital,
94 Alexander Street, of six weeks duration, culminating in lethargy, inappetence, and vomit-
Crows Nest, New South Wales 2065, ing. Physical examination revealed a thin dog, 5% to 7% dehydrated,
Australia. profoundly weak, and unable to walk. Rectal temperature was 101˚ F, and

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 493

494 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

the heart rate was 120 beats per minute (bpm). Labora- Neurological examination revealed absent bilateral
tory examination revealed neutrophilia (17.4 x109/L; ref- menace responses with normal pupillary light and
erence range, 4.1 to 9.4 x109/L), lymphocytosis (3.7 oculocephalic reflexes. A gag reflex was present. The
x109/L; reference range, 0.9 to 3.6 x109/L), hyponatre- dog was tetraparetic and, although difficult to assess,
mia (108 mEq/L; reference range, 130 to 153 mEq/L), proprioception and postural reactions were absent. Mild
hyperkalemia (6.0 mEq/L; reference range, 3.9 to 5.7 hyperreflexia of patellar and flexor reflexes was present,
mEq/L), and hypochloremia (77 mEq/L; reference range, and crossed extensor reflexes were inconsistently elic-
101 to 114 mEq/L). Mild hypoproteinemia was present ited in both pelvic and thoracic limbs.
(5.3 g/dl; reference range, 5.5 to 8.0 g/dl) with an el- Hematology revealed a packed cell volume (PCV) of
evated blood urea nitrogen ([BUN], 33.6 mg/dl; refer- 35% (reference range, 37% to 55%), 2% reticulocytes
ence range, 7.0 to 26.6 mg/dl) and poorly concentrated (reference range, 0% to 1.5%), mild anisocytosis and
urine (urine specific gravity [USG], 1.020). Remaining eosinopenia (0; reference range, 0.14 to 1.2 x109/L), and
hematological indices and serum biochemical values lymphopenia (0.2 x10 9/L; reference range, 0.9 to
were within reference ranges. 3.6 x109/L). Abnormal biochemical findings were hy-
Fecal flotation revealed many Trichuris vulpis poalbuminemia (2.14 g/dl; reference range, 2.3 to 4.3
(T. vulpis) eggs. A diagnosis of parasitic gastroenteritis g/dl) and hypernatremia (156 mEq/L; reference range,
with secondary hypoadrenocorticism-like electrolyte de- 130 to 153 mEq/L). Urinalysis revealed dilute urine
rangements was made, and the dog was placed on IV (USG, 1.015). Electrocardiography was unremarkable.
lactated Ringer’s solution at a rate of 5 ml/kg per hour Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection, done under gen-
with oral administration of a combination of praziquantel, eral anesthesia, and analysis revealed a total protein of 8
oxantel, and pyrantela and milbemycin oxime.b Fluids mg/dl (reference range, 0 to 30 mg/dl), with three nucle-
were changed to 0.9% sodium chloride, and biochemical ated cells per µl (reference range, less than five nucle-
tests nine hours later revealed plasma concentrations of ated cells per µl) consisting of lymphocytes, neutrophils,
sodium at 125 mEq/L, potassium at 4.5 mEq/L, and and occasional monocytes and erythrocytes (1,034 per
chloride at 95 mEq/L. Oral fenbendazolec was started at µl; reference range, 0 to 30 erythrocytes per µl), which
50 mg/kg per day for three days. By the end of day three, was interpreted as likely blood contamination. An
the dog seemed bright and alert and was eating and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; acthargel at 2.2
walking, although still a little weak. At time of dis- mg/kg body weight, intramuscularly [IM]) response test
revealed a resting cortisol concentration of 59 nmol/L
charge, plasma sodium concentration was 137 mEq/L,
(reference range, 25 to 75 nmol/L) with a two-hour post-
potassium was 2.6 mEq/L, and chloride was 104 mEq/L.
stimulation cortisol concentration of 887 nmol/L (refer-
Over the next three days, the dog continued to eat and
ence range, 200 to 400 nmol/L). Basal ACTH was 144
drink but became progressively weaker and more lethar-
ng/L (reference range, 30 to 80 ng/L).
gic. When reexamined, the dog was unable to walk, was
Over the next two days, the dog ate and drank well
tachypneic, and was 10% dehydrated. Melena and
with assistance, was unable to stand, and did not def-
hematochezia were noted. Heart rate was 90 bpm, and
ecate. No medication was administered and fluid therapy
the rectal temperature was 100.7˚ F. Neurological ex- was discontinued. By day three, she was able to stand
amination revealed tetraparesis, dysphagia, and dimin- and walk two or three paces with assistance, and vision
ished bilateral menace response. Further IV fluid therapy seemed normal. Semiformed feces were passed, which
(i.e., lactated Ringer’s solution) was administered over tested negative for nematode ova, Giardia spp., and
three days, but the dog’s neurological status continued to blood. A rectal scraping was negative for Prototheca
deteriorate, and she was referred for further assessment. spp. By day five, the dog appeared bright and alert, and
Clinical examination at Sydney University Veteri- strength and locomotion were much improved. Gait ab-
nary Teaching Hospital (SUVTH) revealed a thin, normalities included pelvic and thoracic limb ataxia and
obtunded dog in lateral recumbency and unable to stand. marked hypermetria. Postural reactions were sluggish.
The dog was tachypneic and when stimulated would Proprioception was present but diminished in pelvic
spasmodically contract her thoracic limbs and exhibit limbs and absent in thoracic limbs. Trismus had re-
mild myoclonus, at which time she appeared agitated solved, and the menace response was present bilaterally.
and distressed. Rectal temperature was 98.7˚ F, heart and Liquid diarrhea was passed in association with tenes-
pulse rates were 80 bpm, and capillary refill time (CRT) mus, increased defecation frequency, and mucus. A com-
was one second. Trismus was present, although the jaws bination of praziquantel, febantel, and pyrantela was
could be opened forcibly. Prehension of food appeared administered, and the following day the dog passed a
difficult. When food and water were offered, exagger- normal stool.
ated licking movements occurred and the dog weaved its A presumptive diagnosis of myelinolysis secondary
head about as if unable to locate the bowl. Once food to rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia was made,
was in the mouth, swallowing appeared normal. and the dog was discharged from the hospital on day
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Myelinolysis in a Dog 495

eight, at which time thoracic limb gait appeared mildly created between ECF and the extracellular compartment.
hypermetric with moderate proprioceptive deficits. With the onset of hyponatremia, sodium, potassium, and
Monthly anthelmintic treatment (i.e., praziquantel, chloride rapidly exit the cell, followed by other solutes
febantel, and pyrantel a) was prescribed. On physical known as organic osmolytes. This group includes the
examination one month later, the dog appeared clinically amino acids glutamine, glutamate, and taurine, as well as
normal. myoinositol, phosphocreatine, and glycerophosphor-
ylcholine (GPC).7 As a result of this adaptive solute
Discussion translocation, equilibration of the osmotic gradient be-
Myelinolysis as a cause of CNS dysfunction has been tween ECF and the intracellular compartment occurs
recognized in humans since 1959.1 With the advent of within two to three days. After an initial influx of water
advanced imaging techniques such as computed tomog- down the osmotic gradient, brain water levels return to
raphy (CT) and MRI, many reports of the condition have normal.3 With rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia,
emerged worldwide. Lesions were originally thought to CNS cells are now vulnerable to osmotic stress as blood
be confined to the pons, but are now regularly reported becomes hypertonic relative to the brain. Rapid compen-
in humans in extra-pontine locations such as the thalamus, satory intracellular influx of electrolytes and GPC oc-
midbrain, cerebellum, basal nuclei, and cerebrocortical curs, but reaccumulation of other organic osmolytes is
grey and white matter junctions.5,9–11 Lesions produced outpaced by rising plasma osmolality.7 This is particu-
experimentally in dogs follow similar anatomic distribu- larly true in certain regions of the brain where topo-
tion, although thalamic lesions typically predominate.1,8 graphic correlation between demyelinating lesions and
Two dogs reported previously with clinical signs of my- delayed accumulation of osmolytes exists.14 The subse-
elinolysis were found by MRI to have bilaterally sym- quent sequence of events is uncertain. Logically, one
would expect dehydration of brain cells, and this has
metrical lesions within the central thalamus. 8 Much
been demonstrated by some.7,19 However, others have
speculation exists as to why lesions are distributed
found increased brain water content after correction,
stereotypically in the brain. One hypothesis suggests
with electron microscopic studies revealing transient
predisposition for regions where extensive apposition of
breakdown of the blood-brain barrier due to endothelial
vascular-rich grey matter and white matter occurs.12 Oth-
cell shrinkage, leakage of edema fluid perivascularly
ers implicate oligodendrocyte topography13 and regional
(i.e., vasogenic edema), and subsequent degeneration of
concentrations of organic osmolytes14 as contributing
myelin sheaths and oligodendrocytes. A direct toxic ef-
fect of sodium chloride-rich edema fluid on oligoden-
Myelinolysis is caused by rapid increases in CNS
drocytes has been hypothesized in this setting.4,6
plasma osmotic pressure. This is seen most commonly Clinical signs in the patient of this study closely re-
following aggressive fluid therapy with sodium-rich flu- semble those in two confirmed canine cases of myelinoly-
ids for hyponatremia that has been present for more than sis, both of which had thalamic lesions.8 Obtundation,
a few days; however, oral fluid restriction and isotonic quadriparesis, ataxia, hypermetria, loss of postural reac-
saline infusions can create similar lesions if plasma so- tions, upper motor neuron signs in limbs, episodic myo-
dium concentrations rise rapidly as a consequence.1 Other clonus or flexor spasms following stimulation, impaired
hyperosmolar solutions (e.g., mannitol) that perfuse vision, trismus, and exaggerated licking were similarly
poorly into cells have reproduced myelinolysis experi- reported.8 Thalamic and subcortical white-matter lesions
mentally after rapid infusion.15 Experiments in rats sug- could account for many of these signs.20
gest that reinduction of hyponatremia following onset of Laboratory findings supported the original diagnosis
myelinolysis may aid recovery.16 Recommended rates of of trichuriasis-associated hyponatremia and hyperkale-
correction of hyponatremia in humans aim to increase mia. Eosinopenia with lymphopenia suggested cortisol
plasma sodium concentration by no greater than 10 secretion, confirmed by hormone analyses. The high
mEq/L per 24 hours.3 Similar recommendations have basal ACTH concentration and supranormal increase in
been made for dogs.8,17 Fluid therapy in the present case cortisol on stimulation with ACTH were consistent with
resulted in elevation of plasma sodium concentration by pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, due either to
17 mEq/L in nine hours, clearly exceeding current guide- a stress-induced, physiological response or to an ACTH-
lines. The situation is somewhat different where hy- secreting pituitary tumor. The former seemed more likely
ponatremia has been present less than 24 hours; in this as severe, concurrent, systemic disease was present and
instance, cerebral edema secondary to acute-onset hy- previous clinical history did not include signs sugges-
ponatremia can itself cause life-threatening, diffuse en- tive of pathological cortisol excess. Low urine concen-
cephalopathy and may warrant more aggressive fluid tration in the presence of severe dehydration suggested
therapy.17,18 impaired renal concentrating ability secondary to renal
The pathogenesis of myelinolysis is still unclear. Brain medullary solute depletion. Anemia and hypoalbumin-
electrolytes and other solutes play a key role in protect- emia could indicate recent gastrointestinal blood loss or
ing CNS cells from damage due to osmotic gradients chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal disease.
496 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

In humans with myelinolysis, CSF protein levels are mia may play a role. Dogs with hypoadrenocorticism
consistently increased, with myelin-basic protein (a by- hypersecrete corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in re-
product of myelin degradation) present.5 The dog of this sponse to hypocortisolemia. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
study was not tested for the latter, and CSF protein levels is cosecreted with CRF from paraventricular neurons, pro-
were normal, as in the two previously reported canine moting dilutional hyponatremia in addition to that caused
cases. 8 by renal sodium losses due to hypoaldosteronism.30 By
Although later fecal flotations were consistently nega- contrast, trichuriasis-associated hyponatremia is thought
tive for T. vulpis, the large-bowel diarrhea on day four to occur from direct gastrointestinal loss of sodium.24,25
was thought to be due to ongoing gastrointestinal para- In this setting, a large increase in plasma sodium concen-
sitism, as whipworm egg burdens sometimes correlate tration may be more rapidly attainable during therapy
poorly with clinical infection. than in a dog with hypoadrenocorticism, where the
Differential diagnoses for the neurological signs ex- dilutional effects of ADH excess will tend to attenuate
hibited by this dog include inflammatory encephalopa- increasing plasma sodium concentration following elec-
thies, intracranial vascular derangements, intoxication, trolyte therapy.
traumatic events such as tentorial herniation, and other Clinical presentations of posttherapy myelinolysis are
metabolic diseases.21 Normal CSF protein content and apparently rare in small animal practice. However, the
absence of pleocytosis did not support an inflammatory risk of myelinolysis occurring should always be consid-
cause. Melena and hematochezia noted by the referring ered when IV fluid therapy is undertaken in patients with
veterinarian suggested the possibility of a hemostatic chronic hyponatremia. When hyponatremia is an inci-
defect; however, platelet numbers were normal. As bleed- dental finding and signs of cerebral edema (e.g., leth-
ing tendencies were not detected at SUVTH, intrinsic argy, nausea, vomiting, seizures, coma) are absent,
and extrinsic coagulation pathways were not assessed. conservative therapy with mild water restriction and
Ischemic myelopathy secondary to thromboembolism monitoring of plasma sodium content can be imple-
should result in increased CSF protein content secondary mented. In patients with chronic hyponatremia and
to parenchymal necrosis.22 There was no history of expo- plasma sodium concentrations less than 110 mEq/L, so-
sure to toxins, and laboratory findings did not support a dium (Na) deficit can be calculated using the formula:
diagnosis of other metabolic diseases such as hypoglyce- Na deficit in mEq/L = 0.6 x lean body weight in kg x
mia or hepatic encephalopathy. Increase in intracranial (normal Na – patient’s Na).17 Using 0.9% sodium chlo-
volume due to edema can potentially exceed compensa- ride containing 150 mEq Na, the total volume of fluid
tory limits, with resultant precipitous increase in intra- (TVF) required for correction can be calculated. An esti-
cranial pressure leading to shifts in brain parenchyma. mate of the volume that can be administered per day is
Tentorial herniation often causes pressure on underlying then:
structures such as the brain stem, in particular the mid- 5-10 x TVF
brain. 23 Oculomotor nerve dysfunction is common in (normal Na – patient’s Na)
this setting; however, there was no evidence of this in the where 5-10 represents the desired correction rate of 5 to
patient of this study. 10 mEq/L per day.
Definitive diagnosis of myelinolysis is made histo- It is prudent to monitor plasma or serum sodium
pathologically or by demonstration with brain imaging concentration during correction of chronic hyponatre-
techniques of symmetrical lesions in typical locations. mia, as calculated rates of correction may not correspond
These are best seen using MRI and are typically to actual changes in the patient, and to limit increments
nonenhancing, hyperintense T2-weighted images.3,10 in plasma sodium concentration to no more than 10
Neither procedure was performed in this case as the dog mEq/L per 24 hours.
was improving clinically three days after admission.
Thus, the diagnosis of myelinolysis is presumptive. How- a
Drontal; Bayer Australia, NSW, Australia
ever, the occurrence of typical signs five days after rapid b
Endovet; Novartis Australia, NSW, Australia
correction of a likely long-standing hyponatremia, and c
Panacur 25; Hoechst Australia, Vic, Australia
their subsequent resolution, point strongly to myelinoly-
sis as the cause of the neurological dysfunction. Acknowledgment
All canine cases of myelinolysis reported thus far Thanks to Dr. Richard Malik for assistance with this
have been associated with T. vulpis infestation.8 While case.
trichuriasis-induced hyponatremia is documented,24,25 other
causes of hyponatremia, such as hypoadrenocorticism, ap-
pear to be more common in dogs.26–29 Curiously, signs of References
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24. DiBartola SP, Johnson SE, Davenport DJ, Prueter JC, Chew DJ, Sherding
10. Schimrigk S, Amoiridis G. Extrapontine myelinolysis. J Neurol Neurosurg RG. Clinicopathologic findings resembling hypoadrenocorticism in dogs
Psychiatry 1996;61:250. with primary gastrointestinal disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1985;187:60–3.
11. Ellis SJ. Extrapontine myelinolysis after correction of chronic hyponatre- 25. Malik R, Hunt GB, Hinchliffe JM, Church DB. Severe whipworm infection
mia with isotonic saline. Br J Clin Pract 1995;49:49–50. in the dog. J Sm Anim Pract 1990;31:185–8.
12. Norenberg MD. A hypothesis of osmotic endothelial injury. A pathogenetic 26. Willard MD, Schall WD, McGaw DE, et al. Canine hypoadrenocorticism:
mechanism in central pontine myelinolysis. Arch Neurol 1983;40:66–9. report of 37 cases and review of 39 previously reported cases. J Am Vet
13. Riggs JE, Schochet SS. Osmotic stress, osmotic myelinolysis and Med Assoc 1982;180:59–62.
oligodendrocyte topography. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1989;113:1386–8. 27. Schaer M, Chen CL. A clinical survey of 48 dogs with adrenocortical
14. Lien Y-HH. Role of organic osmolytes in myelinolysis. A topographic hypofunction. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1983;19:443–52.
study in rats after rapid correction of hyponatremia. J Clin Invest 28. Melian C, Peterson ME. Diagnosis and treatment of naturally occurring
1995;95:1579–86. hypoadrenocorticism in 42 dogs. J Sm Anim Pract 1996;37:268–75.
15. Soupart A, Penninckx R, Stenuit A, Prospert F, Decaux G. Mannitol 29. Kintzer PP, Peterson ME. Treatment and long-term follow-up of 205 dogs
induced brain myelinolysis in hyponatremic rats without correction of the with hypoadrenocorticism. J Vet Int Med 1997;11:43–9.
serum sodium. J Am Soc Nephrol 1994;5:374.
30. Rose BD. Antidiuretic hormone and water balance. In: Rose BD, ed.
16. Soupart A, Penninckx R, Stenuit A, Perier O, Decaux G. Reinduction of Clinical physiology of acid-base and electrolyte disorders. New York:
hyponatremia improves survival in rats with myelinolysis-related McGraw-Hill, 1994:155–64.
neurologic symptoms. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1996;55:594–601.
Regression of Hypertrophic Osteopathy in
a Cat After Surgical Excision of an
Adrenocortical Carcinoma
A 12-year-old, spayed, female domestic shorthair cat was diagnosed with severe and extensive
hypertrophic osteopathy of the appendicular skeleton. Diagnostic ultrasound detected a mass
lesion in the right adrenal gland. A right adrenalectomy was performed, and histopathological
examination confirmed an adrenocortical carcinoma. No radiographic evidence of pulmonary
metastasis was found on initial presentation or recheck thoracic radiographs taken 15 weeks
later. Almost complete regression of periosteal new bone formation occurred 15 weeks
following the successful surgical removal of the adrenal tumor.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:499–505.

Timothy J. Becker, DVM, Introduction

Diplomate ACVIM Hypertrophic osteopathy (HO) is a polyostotic bone disease characterized
Ruby L. Perry, DVM, by periosteal new bone formation. The periosteal new bone formation
Diplomate ACVR usually occurs over the diaphyses of long bones and digits. The carpal and
tarsal bones can be involved, but to a lesser degree of severity. Radio-
G. L. Watson, DVM, graphically, the characteristic changes include a nodular, spiculated, or
Diplomate ACVP palisade pattern of reactive periosteal new bone formation, leaving the
bones with an irregular surface. Hypertrophic osteopathy was referred to
as hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in earlier literature and
C usually occurs secondary to primary or metastatic pulmonary neoplasia
in dogs.1–3 Less commonly, HO has been reported to occur secondary to
other intrathoracic diseases including pulmonary granulomatous disease,
pulmonary abscessation, intrathoracic esophageal granuloma due to Spi-
rocerca lupi, intrathoracic esophageal adenocarcinoma, and bacterial
endocarditis.1–7 Rarely, HO has been reported to be associated with intra-
abdominal neoplasia without intrathoracic involvement in the dog.1–3,8–11
Hypertrophic osteopathy has rarely been reported in cats.12–15 Hyper-
trophic osteopathy has also been reported in humans, horses, cattle, and
other species.1–3,16–20
The pathogenesis of HO is poorly understood. Increased circulation to
the extremities secondary to the underlying disease process is thought to
play a major role in the new bone formation in dogs and humans.16,21–22
Neurogenic and humorally mediated mechanisms have been proposed as
From the Internal Medicine Service (Becker) causes of the increased circulation to the extremities.23–26
and Radiology Service (Perry) To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of HO in a cat
of the Department secondary to an adrenal gland tumor, with regression of the skeletal
of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, changes after successful surgical removal of the tumor. Long-term sur-
and the Surgical Biopsy Service (Watson)
of the Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory,
vival and the resolution of HO from a variety of other initiating causes
School of Veterinary Medicine, have been reported in humans, dogs, horses, and other species. 19,24,26–28
Michigan State University,
East Lansing, Michigan 48824. Case Report
A 12-year-old, 3.1-kg, spayed, female domestic shorthair cat was referred
Doctor Becker’s current address is the
Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center,
to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Michigan State University (VTH-
123 West Cedar Street, MSU) with an 18-day history of decreased appetite, decreased activity,
Norwalk, Connecticut 06854. and progressive lameness with swelling and pain in all four limbs. The

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 499

500 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 1A Figure 1B

Figures 1A, 1B—Lateral and craniocaudal radiographs of the

left front limb in a cat with hypertrophic osteopathy, demonstrat- mal. Cardiac auscultation detected a grade five out of six
ing extensive periosteal new bone formation of a “palisade” systolic murmur that was loudest at the left parasternal
pattern involving the humerus, radius, and ulna (arrows). area of the thorax. The thyroid gland was normal on
palpation. The physical examination was otherwise un-
cat’s condition had not been responsive to previous anti- remarkable.
biotic therapy. The vaccination status of the cat was The minimum database collected included a CBC,
current for rabies, rhinotracheitis, calici, and panleuko- serum biochemical profile, UA, thyroid hormone profile,
penia viruses. The referring veterinarian’s evaluation and radiographs of the thorax and extremities. The CBC
one week prior to presentation included a normal com- was normal except for a mature neutrophilia (13.62 x103/
plete blood count (CBC), serum biochemical profile, µl; reference range, 2.5 to 12.5 x103/µl). Abnormalities
and urinalysis (UA). Serological tests for feline leukemia on the serum biochemical profile included a low total
virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) calcium (8.2 mg/dl; reference range, 8.4 to 11.5 mg/dl)
were negative. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs were and an elevated alkaline phosphatase (105 IU/L; refer-
unremarkable. Radiographs of the appendicular skeleton ence range, 4 to 81 IU/L). The UA was within reference
demonstrated extensive periosteal reactions consistent with ranges. The thyroid hormone profile (i.e., total and free
hypertrophic osteopathy. tetraiodothyronine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3]) was
On presentation to the VTH-MSU, the cat was lethar- normal.
gic and emaciated. The cat was reluctant to ambulate, Radiographs of the thorax, including left and right
wobbly in gait, and had significant diaphyseal thicken- lateral views and a ventrodorsal view, were unremark-
ing in all four limbs. There appeared to be thickening of able. Radiographs of the limbs revealed extensive peri-
both the long bones and the overlying soft tissue, but osteal new bone formation demonstrating a “palisade”
pitting edema was absent. The limbs were also slightly pattern involving the scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, dig-
tender on palpation. Rectal body temperature was nor- its of the front limbs [Figure 1], and pelvis, femur, tibia,
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Hypertrophic Osteopathy in a Cat 501

Figure 2A Figure 2B

Figures 2A, 2B—Lateral and craniocaudal radiographs of the

right hind limb in a cat with hypertrophic osteopathy, demonstrat- sive cells [Figure 4]. These cells had abundant, foamy
ing extensive periosteal new bone formation of a “palisade” cytoplasm with occasional multinucleated cells, a highly
pattern involving the tibia, fibula, and tarsus (arrows). variable nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, anisokaryosis, and
a fine chromatin pattern. Nucleoli were prominent, vari-
fibula, tarsus, and digits of the hind limbs [Figure 2]. able in size and number, and occasionally enlarged. The
There was sparing of the carpus and the first digit in the cytological impression was a carcinoma, most likely of
front limbs. Soft-tissue swelling was pronounced over endocrine origin.
the distal femur, proximal tibia, distal humerus, and To screen for a functional adrenocortical tumor, urine
proximal radius and ulna. was submitted for a cortisol:creatinine ratio, and plasma
Since the thoracic radiographs did not demonstrate was submitted for a resting cortisol concentration. The
signs of intrathoracic disease, an abdominal ultrasound urine cortisol:creatinine ratio was five (reference range
examination was performed to search for an intra-ab- for this ratio is not well-defined in the cat; however,
dominal cause of the HO. Diagnostic abdominal ultra- there is evidence to suggest that reference ranges for the
sonography demonstrated a well-marginated hypoechoic cat are probably similar to those of the dog [canine
mass with mineralization between the caudate lobe of reference range at VTH-MSU, eight to 24]).29 The rest-
the liver and the cranial pole of the right kidney in the ing plasma cortisol concentration was normal (18
area of the right adrenal gland. The mass measured 2.1 nmol/L; reference range, 15 to 97 nmol/L). These endo-
by 1.1 cm [Figure 3]. The differential diagnoses for the crine tests were not suggestive of active cortisol secre-
adrenal mass included adrenal gland hypertrophy, an tion by the adrenal tumor.
adrenocortical tumor, or a pheochromocytoma. In order to evaluate for intraocular signs of current or
An ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the previous systemic hypertension, a complete ophthalmic
mass was performed. Cytological examination demon- examination was performed. Abnormalities on the oph-
strated a very cellular sample with large sheets of cohe- thalmic examination were limited to the posterior seg-
502 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 4—Cytology of an ultrasound-guided fine-needle

aspirate of the adrenal mass from Figure 3. The cells had
abundant foamy cytoplasm with occasional multinucleated cells,
a highly variable nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, anisokaryosis, and
a fine chromatin pattern. Nucleoli were prominent, variable in
Figure 3—Diagnostic abdominal ultrasound image in the cat size and number, and were occasionally enlarged (Hematoxylin
from Figures 1 and 2, showing the well-marginated hypoechoic and eosin stain, 304X; bar=50 µm).
mass between the caudate lobe of the liver and the cranial pole
of the right kidney in the area of the right adrenal gland. The ness were within normal limits. There was no evidence
mass contained mineralization and measured 2.1 by 1.1 cm.
of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy nor vegetative lesions
ment. Numerous, deep, intraretinal and choroidal hemor- on the aortic or mitral valves.
rhages were evident in the tapetal and nontapetal fundus. Surgery was performed to remove the affected adre-
Distinct alterations in the retinal vasculature included nal gland. At surgery, the left adrenal gland was deter-
numerous, focal constrictions of the retinal arterioles mined to be normal in size and shape. The right adrenal
resembling a “box-car” effect, and mild, focal widening gland was enlarged, the capsule was intact, and it was
and compression of retinal venules at arteriovenous cross- not adhered to adjacent structures. A right adrenalec-
ings (“arteriovenous nicking”). Degeneration of the peri- tomy was performed, and the tissues were submitted for
papillary retina in both eyes (OU) and peripapillary histopathological examination. The right adrenal gland
exudate in the right eye (OD) was also evident. The and the associated tumor weighed 3.8 grams and mea-
retinal hemorrhages and vascular changes were sugges- sured 25 mm in length, 19 mm in width, and 10 mm in
tive of systemic hypertension. Other differentials for the depth [Figure 5]. Additionally, bone biopsies were ob-
intraretinal hemorrhages included coagulopathies, tained from the lateral surface of the proximal tibia and
ehrlichiosis, and severe anemia. The hematocrit and submitted for histopathological examination. The cat re-
platelet counts were within reference ranges. A coagula- covered quickly and was discharged from the hospital
tion profile and serology for Ehrlichia spp. were not two days after surgery.
performed. Histopathological findings of the bone biopsies dem-
Indirect systolic Doppler blood pressure was mea- onstrated multifocal necrotic foci and trabecular bone,
sured from both the palmar metacarpal and plantar meta- but were otherwise unremarkable. Histopathological ex-
tarsal areas. Three consecutive systolic readings of 160 amination of the right adrenal gland mass documented
mmHg were obtained from both sites sampled (normal the presence of an adrenocortical carcinoma. The carci-
value for cats at VTH-MSU is less than 160 mmHg noma had compressed the normal adrenal gland to a
systolic). Diastolic blood pressure readings were not minute rim of cortical and medullary cells and a rare
obtained. Systolic blood pressure was rechecked several focus of cortical cells. There was relatively mild atypia,
times during the cat’s hospitalization period and was with variability in nuclear size and in the nuclear to
found to range from 120 to 160 mmHg. Systemic sys- cytoplasmic ratio, with occasional mitoses. The mass
tolic hypertension was ruled out on the basis of these was primarily expansile and was within the capsular
blood pressure readings. margins. Immunohistochemical staining of the adrenal
An echocardiogram was performed to determine the gland carcinoma was performed to determine the cell
cause of the heart murmur. Mild left atrial enlargement origin. Staining was negative for the medullary markers
was noted. The echocardiogram was suggestive of mitral chromogranin A, neuron-specific enolase, and syn-
regurgitation, but the heart rate was too rapid to clearly aptophysin, and was also negative for the cortical marker
document regurgitation with color-flow Doppler. Vigor- cytokeratin. The immunohistochemical staining ruled out
ous left-ventricular wall and septal motion was detected; a diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, as the results deter-
however, left-ventricular wall thickness and septal thick- mined the tumor was not of medullary origin.
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Hypertrophic Osteopathy in a Cat 503

Although numerous cases of HO have been reported in
dogs, only a few cases in the domestic cat have been
reported in the veterinary literature.1–3,13,16–18 In dogs,
the majority of HO cases occur in association with pri-
mary or metastatic pulmonary neoplasia. Rare cases of
HO in the dog have been associated with intra-abdomi-
nal neoplasia without pulmonary involvement.2,8–11 In
the few reported canine cases of HO with intra-abdomi-
nal neoplasia, none were associated with an adrenal tu-
All four previously reported cases in domestic cats
were associated with neoplasia.12–15 Two of these were
associated with bronchiolar carcinoma; one was diag-
nosed with benign thymoma; and one was associated
with a renal papillary adenoma with no reported in-
trathoracic involvement.13,16–18 Three of the cats were
euthanized at the time of diagnosis, and the fourth cat
died during a radiographic procedure. The cat presented
in this paper was confirmed to have an adrenal gland
carcinoma with no apparent intrathoracic lesions. The
bony changes associated with HO progressively resolved
following surgical removal of the adrenal gland carci-
noma. There was no radiographic evidence of intratho-
racic metastasis on initial presentation and 15 weeks
Figure 5—Photograph of the right adrenal gland cut in the Adrenal cortical tumors can be highly aggressive and
midsagittal plane, demonstrating the tumor. The right adrenal
gland with the tumor weighed 3.8 grams and measured 25 mm in may metastasize in spite of minimal cellular atypia.30,31
length, 19 mm in width, and 10 mm in depth. In this case, there was no evidence of pulmonary me-
tastases, intra-abdominal metastases on diagnostic
ultrasound, or gross metastases during abdominal ex-
ploratory surgery. At surgery, the capsule of the right
adrenal gland was still intact. There was concern regard-
Eight weeks postoperatively, the owner reported that
ing the presurgical ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspi-
the cat was much more active, was jumping onto high
rate, in that it might increase the risk of spreading the
surfaces as it had in the past, and showed no evidence of
malignancy along the needle tract. Needle biopsy or
lameness or discomfort when running around the house.
aspiration may not be recommended in cases where sur-
On the follow-up physical examination, all four limbs
gical excision is contemplated, since the potential for
were normal on palpation. Follow-up radiographs of the
iatrogenic metastasis may exist. However, needle-tract
extremities were obtained [Figure 6]. There was a marked
seeding with malignant cells is a rare complication fol-
change in the appearance of the bone formation. The
generalized periosteal bone formation was of a “lamel- lowing percutaneous fine-needle aspiration of abdomi-
lar” pattern and smoothly marginated. There was no nal tumors in human clinical case reports.32–34
evidence of reactive new bone growth. The retinal changes were suggestive of current or
On the 15-week postoperative recheck examination, previous systemic hypertension; however, serial indirect
the owners reported that the cat was doing very well at Doppler systolic blood pressure measurements were
home and did not exhibit any abnormalities. There was within reference ranges. Indirect diastolic blood pressure
no evidence of pulmonary metastasis on thoracic radio- and direct arterial blood pressure were not measured.
graphs. Radiographs of the limbs demonstrated that the The pathophysiology of HO is thought to result in part
remodeled “lamellar” periosteal pattern was less obvious from hyperperfusion of the appendicular tissues. Arterial
and remained smoothly marginated. An ophthalmologi- vasodilatation in the extremities could have resulted in
cal recheck examination was performed, and the fun- indirect blood pressure measurements that were not rep-
dic examination was normal. The intraretinal and resentative of what was occurring systemically or dia-
choroidal hemorrhages were resolved OU, and the stolic hypertension, but this is speculative. The retinal
retinal vasculature appeared normal. The peripapil- hemorrhages and vascular changes had resolved by the
lary exudate OD had resolved. 15th week postoperatively.
504 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Figure 6A
Figure 6B
Figures 6A, 6B—Follow-up lateral radiographs of the extremities
in the cat from Figures 1 and 2 eight weeks postoperatively, which time. Ideally, a low-dose dexamethasone suppression
were obtained to evaluate for regression of the periosteal new test should have been performed preoperatively to screen
bone formation. There was a marked change in the appearance of
the bone formation. The generalized periosteal bone formation
for hyperadrenocorticism.35 Intermittent hypertension
was of a “lamellar” pattern and smoothly marginated. due to a pheochromocytoma was one distinct possibil-
ity.36 A 24-hour urine collection for catecholamines and
Since the retinal changes were suggestive of hyper- their metabolites was not performed. However, the corti-
tension, despite the normal indirect systolic blood pres- cal location of the tumor, its histopathological appear-
sures, an evaluation for potential causes of systemic ance, and special immunohistochemical stains for
hypertension was undertaken as part of the authors’ pre- specific biochemical markers ruled out a pheochro-
operative work-up. Differential diagnoses for systemic mocytoma. The initial retinal changes suggestive of hy-
hypertension include renal secondary hypertension, hy- pertension remain an enigma.
perthyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, pheochromocy- The referring veterinarian reported that the cat had the
toma, and essential hypertension. systolic heart murmur prior to the current presenting
Renal values, urinalysis, and electrolyte concentra- condition. There was no echocardiographic evidence of
tions were normal. A presurgical thyroid hormone pro- cardiomyopathy or endocarditis. Bacterial endocarditis
file was normal, and there was no palpable thyroid is rarely reported in cats but has been reported to be
nodule. The cat did not have the characteristic dermato- associated with HO and arterial hypertension in one
logical findings of feline hyperadrenocorticism, and the canine case.4,37–39 The HO in the cat reported here is
urine cortisol:creatinine ratio and resting plasma cortisol thought to be related to the adrenal tumor and not sec-
concentration were not suggestive of hyperadrenocorti- ondary to cardiac disease.
cism. Basal serum cortisol concentrations are not consid- There are extensive and detailed discussions on the
ered a valid screening test for hyperadrenocorticism since proposed pathophysiology of HO reported in the veteri-
serum cortisol concentrations vary considerably over nary and human medical literature. Various mechanisms
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Hypertrophic Osteopathy in a Cat 505

have been proposed to attempt to explain how the pri- 18. Van de Watering CC, Zwart P, Bakker J. Cavernous tuberculosis of the
lungs and secondary hypertrophic osteo-arthropathy in a Siberian tiger
mary lesions can mediate the skeletal changes observed (Panthera tigrus). J Sm Anim Pract 1972;13:321–7.
in HO. Neurogenic and humoral theories have been pro- 19. Chaffin MK, Ruoff WW, Schmitz DG, Carter GK, Morris EL, Steyn P.
posed as possible explanations.23–26 The proposed neuro- Regression of hypertrophic osteopathy in a filly following successful
management of an intrathoracic abscess. Equine Vet J 1990;22(1):62–5.
genic mechanism underlying hypertrophic osteopathy 20. Lavoie JP, Carlson GP, George L. Hypertrophic osteopathy in three horses
suggests that a nervous reflex exists, with afferent fibers and a pony. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1992;12:1900–4.
originating in the thorax and efferent pathways affecting 21. Holling HE, Brodey RS, Boland HC. Pulmonary hypertrophic osteoar-
thropathy. Lancet 1961;2:1269–74.
the connective tissue and periosteum of the limbs.25
22. Holling HE, Danielson GK, Hamilton RW, et al. Hypertrophic pulmonary
Production of a humoral or toxic factor from the osteoarthropathy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1963;46:310–21.
neoplastic cells leading to the HO seems a more plau- 23. Steiner H, Dahlback O, Waldenstrom J. Ectopic growth hormone
sible explanation in cases of HO without intrathoracic production and osteoarthropathy in carcinoma of the bronchus. Lancet
1968;Apr 13:783–5.
lesions. 24 The location of the tumor in the adrenal gland 24. Greenberg PB, Beck C, Martin TJ, Burger HG. Synthesis and release of
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1972;Feb 12:350–2.
case raise the question of a possible humoral factor as an
25. Watson ADJ, Porges WL. Regression of hypertrophic osteopathy in a dog
inciting cause of the bony changes. following unilateral intrathoracic vagotomy. Vet Rec 1973;Sept:240–3.
Serum and plasma samples were obtained prior to 26. Hara Y, Tagawa M, Ejima H, et al. Regression of hypertrophic osteopathy
surgery for future analysis for a possible humoral factor. following removal of intrathoracic neoplasia derived from vagus nerve in a
dog. J Vet Med Sci 1995;57(1):133–5.
At the time of this publication, the authors have no
27. Madewell BR, Nyland TG, Weigel JE. Regression of hypertrophic
evidence that the tumor was actively secreting a humoral osteopathy following pneumonectomy in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc
factor. 1978;172:818–21.
28. Kelly MJ. Long-term survival of a case of hypertrophic osteopathy with
regression of bony changes. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1984;20:439–44.
29. Goossens MM, Meyer HP, Voorhout G, Sprang EP. Urinary excretion of
References glucocorticoids in the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism in cats. Domst
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Invasive Multiple Lymphangiomas
in a Young Dog
An unusual case of multiple lymphangiomas with lymph node involvement is described. A
seven-month-old, spayed female golden retriever was presented with a myriad of cystic
masses in the inguinal and caudal mammary regions. She was diagnosed with congenital
lymphangiomas (i.e., lymphatic hamartomas). As in human lymphangiomas, lymphatic
endothelial cells expressing factor VIII-related antigen and smooth muscle were present in this
case. A literature search did not identify similar characteristics in other reported canine
lymphangiomas. The dog was treated surgically and had a recurrence. Following a second
surgical intervention, she is now disease-free. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:507–9.

Marie C. Belanger, DMV Case Report

A seven-month-old, female spayed golden retriever was referred to the
Igor Mikaelian, DMV
Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Montreal (VTHUM)
Christiane Girard, DMV, MSc, with a four-month history of subcutaneous (SC) turgid cystic masses
Diplomate ACVP involving the inguinal and caudal mammary regions. The referring veteri-
narian had first seen this animal at 10 weeks of age for a 1 by 1-cm mass
Sylvie Daminet, DMV, MSc, in the right inguinal region. A fine-needle aspirate of the mass was
Diplomate ACVIM consistent with a hematoma. The entire content of the mass was emptied,
and no further investigation was performed. Over a one-month period, the
mass progressively recurred. Fine-needle aspirates were repeated and
C yielded the same cytological results. The animal was reexamined one
month later. The inguinal mass was still present, but a distinct new mass
had appeared on the medial aspect of the left hind limb. No further
investigation was performed at that time. Two months later, the animal
was admitted for sterilization. The veterinarian found a myriad of nodules
(0.2 by 0.2 cm) along the left-caudal mammary chain. A clear fluid
obtained by fine-needle aspiration was submitted for cytological analysis
and interpreted as a transudate. The animal was then referred to the
Upon presentation, the dog’s overall physical condition was good
except for multiple, alopecic, fluctuant, poorly circumscribed SC masses
ranging from 0.5 to 3 cm in diameter in the inguinal and caudal mammary
regions. The cystic masses were connected in some areas by a palpable,
cord-like structure. A clear, serous fluid oozed upon digital pressure of
the masses. Mild, nonpainful swelling of the dermis and subcutis was
present around the masses. The skin overlying the masses was neither
erythematous nor pruritic. Upon abdominal palpation, a cord-like exten-
sion of one of the inguinal masses extended into the inguinal canal toward
From the Departments of Clinical Studies the abdominal cavity. The right inguinal lymph node was mildly enlarged
(Belanger) and Veterinary Pathology and firm. The dog’s vaccination status was current.
(Mikaelian, Girard),
Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Diagnostic tests included a complete blood count (CBC),a serum bio-
Université de Montréal, chemical profile,b modified Knott’s test, fecal parasitological examina-
C.P. 5000, St-Hyacinthe, tion, complete coagulation profile (i.e., buccal mucosal bleeding time,
Quebec, Canada J2S 7C6 activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time), abdominal ul-
and the Department of Small Animal trasonography, thoracic radiography, fine-needle aspirates of the masses,
Medicine and Surgery (Daminet),
The Royal Veterinary College, as well as skin and inguinal lymph node biopsies. Results of the CBC,
Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms, serum biochemistry, modified Knott’s test, fecal analysis, coagulation
Hatfield, Herts, England AL9 7TA. profile, and chest radiographs were within reference ranges. The abdomi-

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 507

508 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

actin antibodies using an avidin-biotin immunoperoxi-

dase complex technique. Histopathologically, these tu-
mors were well delineated from the normal surrounding
tissues but were unencapsulated. They consisted of large,
irregularly shaped anastomosing vascular channels lined
by a discrete endothelium and supported by a delicate
meshwork of mature fibrovascular tissue [Figure 1]. En-
dothelial cells showed no cellular atypia and stained
strongly positive for factor VIII-related antigen. A few
fusiform cells formed an incomplete ring around the
vascular structures. These cells stained positively for
smooth muscle actin and were interpreted as smooth
muscle fibers. Vascular spaces were filled with a pale
proteinaceous fluid containing rare lymphocytes. The
Figure 1—Lymphangioma from a seven-month-old golden stroma was multifocally infiltrated by few lymphocytes
retriever. Neoplastic lymphatic vessels of irregular size and
shape are embedded in dense, collagenous matrix with
occasionally forming lymphoid aggregates which pro-
numerous smooth muscle fibers. A lymphoid aggregate bulges truded into the vascular spaces. The medullary sinuses of
into the vascular lumen (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; the inguinal lymph node were moderately distended by a
bar=150 µm).
proteinaceous fluid, and the walls of some of them con-
tained a few smooth muscle fibers. There was also a
moderate diffuse paracortical and cortical lymphoid hy-
nal ultrasonogram indicated a tubular cystic extension of perplasia.
one of the inguinal masses toward the abdominal cavity A diagnosis of multiple lymphangioma with lymph
and possibly through the inguinal canal. The abdominal node involvement was made, based on the macroscopic
organs showed no abnormalities. Cytology of the fluid and microscopic findings.
retrieved via fine-needle aspiration was interpreted as a
transudate (protein, 2.4 g/dl; specific gravity, 1.018; Discussion
nucleated cells, 0.88 x109/L) with a predominance of Lymphangiomas are rare congenital or developmental
lymphocytes (61%) accompanied by a few eosinophils anomalies of the lymphatic system and are regarded as
(8%) and plasmocytes. A mild histiocytic response was benign neoplasms, hamartomas, or lymphatic malforma-
also present. The lymphocyte population was composed tions.1 They are considered as having minimal potential
of small lymphocytes, prolymphocytes, and a few lym- for metastasis and limited invasion of surrounding struc-
phoblasts. Erythrocytes were observed in large amounts tures.1 Lymphangiomas have been described in rats, dogs,
in some samples. cats, cows, horses, mules, and humans.2 Congenital lym-
Upon surgery, the masses were poorly delineated. phangiomas (i.e., hamartomas) develop when primitive
They consisted of a myriad of 0.5 to 3-cm diameter lymphatic sacs fail to establish venous communication,
cystic cavities filled with a clear, watery fluid. One of leading to the formation of cystic masses. In humans,
these masses extended deep into the inguinal canal and most lymphangiomas are present at birth or are detected
was surgically resected. The inguinal lymph node was within the first years of life.3 Skin and SC tissue are the
slightly enlarged and was wet on cross section. All cuta- most commonly affected sites.4
neous masses and the inguinal lymph node were com- In dogs, 56 case records of lymphangioma have been
pletely resected. documented from 23 North American colleges of veteri-
Forty-eight hours after surgery, the skin oozed sero- nary medicine over a 30-year period (1964 to 1993), which
sanguineous fluid, and the entire surgical region became accounted for 0.005% of all canine entries.5 Golden re-
severely edematous and bruised. Hydrotherapy and cage trievers are overrepresented among affected purebred dogs.
rest were started. The animal recovered uneventfully and There is no sex predilection.2,6–11 Age of onset varies from
was discharged five days later. five weeks to eight years. Sites recorded involve the skin,
Six months later, four nodular masses, measuring 1 to urinary bladder, liver, mediastinum, lung, mesentery, kid-
3 cm in diameter, rapidly developed in the inguinal re- ney, tongue, spleen, mouth, and nasopharynx.2,3,5,6,12,13
gion a few centimeters from the initial site of the lesions. These lymphatic defects generally form large, fluctuant,
These masses were surgically removed. Histologically, poorly circumscribed masses.8 The clinical signs appear
they were identical to those initially excised. secondary to lymphatic obstruction, organ compression, or
Several masses and the inguinal lymph node were local invasion of adjacent tissue. Final diagnosis relies
routinely processed for histopathology. Sections of these upon histopathological examination of the mass.
tissues were immunostained with rabbit polyclonal Upon histopathology, this tumor has to be differenti-
antifactor VIII-related antigen and antismooth muscle ated from a cavernous hemangioma which generally is a
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Multiple Lymphangiomas in a Dog 509

dark-red, well-circumscribed tumor. Lymphangiomas a

Hematology analyzer; Cell-Dyn 3500, Abbott, Abbott Park, IL
consist of blood-filled, angular, vascular spaces lined Chemistry analyzer; Synchron cx-5, Beckman, Brea, CA
by a discrete endothelium, and their walls are always
devoid of lymphoid aggregates.13,14 Characteristic fea-
tures of hemangioma were absent from the tumor of References
this study. The presence of blood in the first aspirate 1. Wilcock BP. Neoplastic diseases of skin and mammary gland. In: Jubb
KVF, Kennedy PC, Palmer NC, eds. Pathology of domestic animals. 4th
may have been iatrogenic and reflected the puncture ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1993:727.
of a blood vessel. 2. Remedios A, Bauer M, McMurphy R, Pharr J, Panciera D. Mediastinal
As in human lymphangiomas, lymphatic endothelial cystic lymphangioma in a dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1990;26:161–3.
3. Caro WA, Bronstein BR. Tumors of the skin. In: Moschella SL, Hurley JH,
cells (which expressed factor VIII-related antigen) and eds. Dermatology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1985:1608–9.
smooth muscle cells were present in this case.14,15 Smooth 4. Saijo M, Munroe IR, Mancer K. Lymphangioma: a long-term follow-up
muscle cells had not been described in other reported study. Plast Reconstr Surg 1971;56:642–51.
canine lymphangiomas, and expression of factor VIII- 5. Lawler DF, Evans RH. Multiple hepatic cavernous lymphangioma in an
aged male cat. J Comp Path 1993;109:83–7.
related antigen had not been tested in these tumors.2,6,7–11 6. Stambaugh JE, Harvey CE, Goldschmidt MH. Lymphangioma in four dogs.
In the present case, the tumor recurred six months J Am Vet Med Assoc 1978;173:759–61.
after surgery. Recurrence of lymphangioma has often 7. Turrell JM, Lowenstine LS, Cowgill LD. Response to radiation therapy of
lymphangioma in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1988;193:1432–4.
been attributed to incomplete surgical resection. Alter-
8. Woods JP, Johnstone IB, Bienzle D, Gartley CJ. Concurrent lymphan-
natively, the high recurrence rate of these lesions6,9,11 gioma, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, and von Willebrand’s disease
may provide evidence that lymphangiomas are not true in a dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1995;31:70–6.
neoplasms, but instead are lymphatic malformations that 9. Fossum TW, Hodges CC, Scruggs DW, Fiske RA. Generalized
lymphangiectasis in a dog with subcutaneous chyle and lymphangioma.
arise from a failure of connection between lymph vessels J Am Vet Med Assoc 1990;197:231–6.
and the lymphatic system.13 Therefore, after incomplete 10. Post K, Clark EG, Gent IB. Cutaneous lymphangioma in a young dog.
surgical resection, the remaining unconnected and ab- Can Vet J 1991;32:747–8.
11. Berry WL, Nesbit JW, Pearson J. Lymphangiomatosis of the pelvic limb in
normal lymphatics may eventually cause a clinical a maltese dog. J Sm Anim Pract 1996;37:340–3.
relapse. Radiation therapy might provide a useful alter- 12. Padgett SL, Tillson DM, Henry CJ, Buss MS. Gingival vascular hamartoma
native for treatment of nonresectable or recurring le- with associated paraneoplastic hyperglycemia in a kitten. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 1997;210:914–5.
sions. 7 The reason why radiation therapy is sometimes
13. Enzinger FM, Weiss SW. Tumors of lymph vessels. In: Enzinger FM,
effective on such benign tumors remains unknown. Weiss SW, eds. Soft tissue tumors. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby,
However, it should be emphasized that in humans 1994:679–700.

there are cases of malignant transformation following 14. Walder EJ, Gross TL. Vascular tumors. In: Gross TL, Ihrke PS, Walder EJ,
eds. Veterinary dermatopathology. St. Louis: Mosby, 1992:419–29.
radiation of lymphangiomas. Additionally, diuretic 15. Nagle R, Witte M, Witte C, Way D. Factor VIII-associated antigen in
administration may help alleviate clinical signs 16 by canine lymphatic endothelium. Lymphology 1985;18:84–5.
decreasing venous pressure and thereby improving 16. Scott DW, Miller WH, Griffin CE. Neoplastic and non-neoplastic tumors.
In: Scott DW, Miller WH, Griffin CE, eds. Small animal dermatology. 5th
net fluid reabsorption from the interstitial space. Glu- ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1995:1045–6.
cocorticoids are usually not helpful in these cases
since inflammatory cells are not present upon histo-
pathological examination. Moreover, glucocorticoids
may be deleterious by causing water retention, thereby
worsening the lymphatic congestion and local edema
in severely affected areas.
Long-term prognosis of lymphangiomas in the dog is
not well-established and probably depends on the ability
for complete surgical excision. In humans, complete sur-
gical excision is curative. 4

This is an unusual case of multiple lymphangiomas with
lymph node involvement in a young dog. Histopatho-
logical examination of the masses was required for diag-
nosis. As previously reported, canine lymphangiomas
characteristically have a prolonged course of disease
prior to histopathological diagnosis.8 As seen in this
case, diagnostic delay allows further tumor develop-
ment, making complete surgical excision difficult. Fur-
ther studies are needed to better characterize these rare
tumors in dogs.
Feline Retinal Degeneration: Clinical
Experience and New Findings (1994–1997)
A retrospective case series of 26 cats with diffuse retinal degeneration is presented. The most
common presenting complaints included bumping into objects, dilated pupils, and reluctance to
jump. Ophthalmic examination findings were consistent with those reported in dogs with
progressive retinal atrophy. Breed predilection of the Siamese cat was observed. Cats with
primary retinal degeneration presented late in the clinical course of their disease, when vision
loss was severe. Early symptoms such as night blindness and secondary ocular complications
(i.e., cataract and retinal detachment), reported in dogs with progressive retinal degeneration,
were not observed in this study. All cats showed excellent adaptive capabilities to blindness.
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:511–4.

Elizabeth A. Giuliano, DVM Introduction

Alexandra van der Woerdt, DVM, Progressive retinal atrophy refers to a group of inherited retinal diseases
MS, Diplomate ACVO in dogs and cats.1 Progressive retinal atrophy is a bilateral, symmetrical,
progressive retinal degeneration resulting eventually in blindness. 2 Oph-
thalmic findings include mydriasis, weak to absent pupillary light re-
sponse, diffuse tapetal hyperreflectivity, retinal blood vessel attenuation,
RS optic nerve pallor, and impaired vision.2 Dogs with progressive retinal
atrophy may develop secondary ocular lesions such as cataract and retinal
Retinal degeneration in cats has not been studied as thoroughly as in
dogs. To date, research efforts have focused primarily on Abyssinian
cats.4–7 Studies of feline retinal degeneration in other breeds have been
rare and limited to select case reports in Persian, Siamese, and domestic
shorthair cats. 8–10
The objectives of this retrospective study were, first, to better describe
feline diffuse retinal degeneration and to determine if any age, sex, or
breed predilection existed in a random population of cats. Second, to
identify any potential risk factors in the progression of this disease,
including diet or drug therapy. Third, to evaluate if secondary intraocular
abnormalities develop in cats, as reported in dogs. Fourth, and finally, to
more formally examine the ability of cats to adapt to blindness through a
standardized interview process.

Materials and Methods

All cats in which bilateral, generalized retinal degeneration was diag-
nosed between November 1994 and September 1997 at the Animal Medi-
From the Department of Medicine, cal Center and Ultravet Diagnostics were included in this study. Excluded
the Animal Medical Center,
were cats with retinal degeneration secondary to glaucoma, any other
510 East 62nd Street,
New York, New York 10021. primary intraocular disease, or any systemic disease known to have
secondary ocular complications.
Doctor Giuliano’s current address is the Medical records of 26 cats were reviewed, and the following informa-
Department of Veterinary Medicine tion was recorded: signalment, clinical signs on examination, vaccination
and Surgery,
status, disease history, blood work (i.e., complete blood count, serum
College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Missouri, biochemical profile, serum thyroxine concentrations), diagnostic proce-
379 East Campus Drive, dures, and medication history. Initial ophthalmic examination included
Columbia, Missouri 65211. slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy. Abnormalities on

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 511

512 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

ophthalmic examination suggestive of retinal degenera- menace response (n=1). Seven cats had no history of
tion were tabulated to include the following: character of vision loss. Four of these seven cats were perceived to
the menace response (present, absent, or inconsistent); have vision loss by the admitting internal medicine clini-
character of the pupillary light response (present, absent, cian and were subsequently referred to the ophthalmol-
or weak/inconsistent); degree of retinal vascular attenua- ogy service for evaluation. Two of these seven cats were
tion (mild, moderate, severe); and degree of tapetal presented to the ophthalmology service for evaluation of
hyperreflectivity (mild, moderate, severe). Intraocular dilated pupils, and one cat was referred for evaluation of
pressures were measured by applanation tonometry.a epiphora. Nineteen owners each reported that the abnor-
Owners were contacted by telephone for an interview. mal behavior exhibited by their cat had been slowly
Owners were asked to review the initial clinical signs progressive, with a mean time±SD of 4.0±4.9 months
that alerted them to an ocular or vision problem in their (median, 2.3 months) from onset of clinical signs to
cat and to assess the progression of vision loss (over initial ophthalmic examination.
time). Owners were asked to give their cat’s dietary Abnormalities consistent with diffuse retinal degen-
history and comment on ocular or vision problems of any eration found during ophthalmic examination of the 26
known littermates. Owners were asked to describe their cats included absent menace response (n=17), weak men-
cat’s quality of life as poor, fair, good, or excellent. ace response (n=4), absent pupillary light response (n=4),
Disease and medication histories were reviewed with the incomplete pupillary light response (n=12), and a large
owner to confirm or further elucidate information from resting pupil size (n=6). Optic nerve pallor was observed
the medical record. in six cats. Twenty-two cats were judged to have severe
Follow-up ophthalmic examinations were performed retinal vascular attenuation and severe diffuse tapetal
to assess the occurrence of intraocular complications hyperreflectivity. Three cats had moderate retinal vascu-
secondary to retinal degeneration in a manner similar to lar attenuation and moderate diffuse tapetal hyper-
that of the initial ophthalmic examination: slit-lamp reflectivity. One cat had mild retinal vascular attenuation
biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, and applana- and mild diffuse tapetal hyperreflectivity. Patchy depig-
tion tonometry in all cats. To minimize bias, the initial mentation of the nontapetal area was noticed in one cat.
ophthalmic examination findings were not reviewed by Other ophthalmic abnormalities observed included iris
the ophthalmologist before follow-up examination. Re- atrophy in five cats, multiple pigmented spots in the iris
sults of follow-up examinations were compared with the in one cat, and epiphora in one cat. Incipient anterior or
results of each cat’s initial examination, and changes posterior cortical or lens suture cataract was noticed in
were recorded. seven cats. Intraocular pressure was measured in two
A reference population for the breed and age distribu- cats and was within normal limits. Whole blood taurine
tions of these cats is not currently available, so statistical concentration was measured in one cat (369 nmol/ml;
analysis was not performed. The authors calculated mean, reference range, 300 to 600 nmol/ml).
median, and standard deviations of the data using statis- Vaccination status on examination was known in
tical software.b 19 cats and was up-to-date in 17 cats. Fifteen cats
were seronegative for feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
Results and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Feline leu-
Diffuse retinal degeneration was diagnosed in 26 cats. kemia virus and FIV status was unknown in 11 cats.
Breeds included the Siamese (n=11), domestic shorthair Sixteen cats including eight Siamese, six domestic
(n=11), and one cat of each of the following breeds: shorthair, one Abyssinian, and one Maine coon had
domestic longhair, Abyssinian, standard American short- no previous medical problems before examination.
hair, and Maine coon. The mean age±standard deviation Ten cats (three Siamese and seven other cats) had
(SD) of all the cats on initial examination was 9.5±4.7 medical problems within 12 months before ophthalmic
years (median, 9.9 years). The mean age±SD of the examination. Lower urinary tract disease and inflam-
Siamese cats was 12.1±2.8 years, and that of all other matory bowel disease were the most common prob-
cats was 7.6±5.0 years. Fifteen cats were castrated males, lems reported. Medications administered within the
10 cats were spayed females, and one cat was an intact 12-month period before examination included
female. All cats lived exclusively indoors. enrofloxacin (for five cats), amoxicillin (for four
Twenty cats were examined initially by the ophthal- cats), and prednisone (for two cats).
mology service, and six cats were referred to the oph- Dietary information was obtained in 22 of 26 cats.
thalmology service after consultation with internal Sixteen cats were fed a variety of commercial diets;
medicine specialists. Complaints on examination in- five cats were fed prescription diets; and one cat was
cluded bumping into objects (n=17), dilated pupils (n=9), fed a homemade diet. Information regarding family
and reluctance to jump (n=8). Other abnormalities noted members was obtained for three cats. Two siblings
by the owners included reluctance to look up (n=3), and one parent were described by their owners as
cloudy eyes (n=1), slow movement (n=1), and absent having no perceived ocular or vision problems.
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Feline Retinal Degeneration 513

Of the owner population for the 26 cats, 19 were ers did not appreciate loss of vision in their cats before
contacted for a telephone interview at a mean±SD of examination.
1.2±0.9 years (median, 1.1 years) after the initial exami- Causes of retinal degeneration include nutritional de-
nation was performed. Thirteen owners each judged their ficiencies, 13 inflammatory diseases, 2,14 retinal detach-
cat’s quality of life (since the initial examination) to be ment with reattachment as seen in cats with systemic
excellent, and six owners judged it to be good. Fourteen hypertension, 15 and genetic abnormalities.7,8,10,11 All but
owners each reported that their cat’s vision loss had been one cat in this study were fed commercial feline diets
stable since the initial examination, and five owners each from a variety of different pet food manufacturers, mak-
reported progression in their cat’s vision loss. ing taurine deficiency unlikely. Plasma taurine concen-
Seven of the 26 cats had follow-up ophthalmic exami- tration was measured in one cat and was within reference
nations. The second examination was conducted at a ranges.
mean±SD of 1.0±0.6 years (median, 0.8 years) after the Retinal degeneration secondary to inflammatory dis-
initial examination. Five of the seven cats had no clinical ease usually results in multifocal areas of retinal degen-
differences between the first and second examinations. eration with possible involvement of the retinal pigmentary
One cat with a weak, inconsistent menace response and a epithelium and evidence of previous uveitis.16 All cats in
slow pupillary light response bilaterally on initial exami- this study had diffuse, symmetrical, retinal degeneration
nation had progressed to a negative menace response and without evidence of previous or concurrent intraocular
a negative pupillary light response bilaterally on second inflammation. Approximately two-thirds of the cats had
examination. One cat with normal lenses on initial ex- no medical problems before retinal degeneration was
amination had developed an incipient posterior cortical diagnosed. Half of these previously healthy cats were
cataract in the right eye and a prominent lens suture in Siamese. The remaining one-third of the population suf-
the left eye at follow-up examination. The intraocular fered from a range of medical problems during the 12
pressure was measured in both eyes by applanation months before examination, with the most common be-
tonometry in all seven cats and found to be within nor- ing lower urinary tract disease.
mal limits. Retinal detachment was not observed on ini- Systemic hypertension can lead to an acute retinal
tial or follow-up ophthalmic examinations in any of the detachment.15 Once hypertension is appropriately treated,
cats. the retina may reattach, often resulting in diffuse retinal
degeneration. Blood pressures were not obtained in the
Discussion cats of this study. However, the slowly progressive onset
The breeds most commonly represented in the 26 cats of vision loss in combination with the complete absence
with retinal degeneration were the Siamese and the do- of intraocular hemorrhage makes hypertension with reti-
mestic shorthair. The Siamese cats were older on exami- nal detachment and subsequent reattachment unlikely in
nation than the other cats and had less variation in age these cats.
(mean±SD: Siamese, 12.1±2.8 years; all other cats, 7.6±5 Retinal degeneration often occurs in uncontrolled
years). There did not appear to be a sex predilection glaucoma.2 Although intraocular pressures were not mea-
among the cats in this study; only slightly more males sured consistently on initial ophthalmic examination,
than females were presented. other signs consistent with previous or concurrent glau-
Most cats had severe retinal changes at the time of coma (such as optic nerve cupping) were never observed
presentation to the ophthalmology service. The most in any cat in this study, and no owner reported any
common complaints on ophthalmic examination were historical episode consistent with ocular pain or buph-
bumping into objects, mydriasis, and reluctance to jump. thalmia. Intraocular pressures were found to be within
Although most owners had appreciated a slowly progres- normal limits in all cats on follow-up examination.
sive (over months) loss of vision in their cats, the vision Adverse reactions to some medications include blind-
loss was most likely severe before owners were aware of ness.17 A variety of medications were administered to
a problem. In the initial stages of progressive retinal several of the study cats within the 12 months before
atrophy in the dog, decreased night vision is commonly examination. Enrofloxacin was used most commonly.
observed early in the disease process.1 This early clinical Vision loss is not a reported side effect of this medica-
sign was not observed by any cat owner in this study. tion in cats. Studies of other fluoroquinolones in cats
Ophthalmic findings were consistent with those pre- have demonstrated electroretinographic changes and his-
viously reported in cats with retinal degeneration.9,11,12 topathological abnormalities in the rods and cones.18 At
All the cats in this study lived indoors and adapted well this time, no information is available regarding the reti-
to their blindness. All owners judged their respective nal toxicity of enrofloxacin in the feline.
cat’s quality of life to be good to excellent. No owner Early-onset rod-cone dysplasia has been described in
considered euthanizing his or her cat because of a known the Abyssinian,6 Persian,8 and mixed-breed cats.10 Al-
handicap resulting from blindness. Further evidence of though modes of inheritance may differ, cats with early-
good adaptation to blindness is the fact that seven own- onset dysplasia show degenerative retinal changes within
514 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

the first few months of life. In contrast, late-onset pro- References

gressive retinal atrophy has been described in the Abys- 1. Millichamp NJ. Retinal degeneration in the dog and cat. In: Millichamp NJ,
sinian cat.4,7 In this breed, ophthalmological changes can Dziezye J, eds. Vet Clin N Am Sm Anim Pract 1990;20:799–835.
2. Barnett KC, Curtis R, Millichamp NJ. The differential diagnosis of retinal
first be observed between one and two years of age. degeneration in the dog and cat. J Sm Anim Pract 1983;24:663–73.
Affected cats progress to complete blindness by middle 3. Peiffer RL, Wilcock BP, Yin H. The pathogenesis and significance of pre-
age or older. A cause for the primary retinal degenera- iridal fibrovascular membrane in domestic animals. Vet Pathol
tion in the cats of this study could not be determined. The
4. Narfstrom K. Progressive retinal atrophy in the Abyssinian cat: clinical
Siamese cats were relatively homogeneous in age and characteristics. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985;26:193–200.
health status compared with the other cats. Previous 5. Narfstrom K, Nilsson SEG. Progressive retinal atrophy in the Abyssinian
studies have suggested hereditary progressive retinal at- cat: an update. Vet Rec 1983;112:525–7.
6. Barnett KC. Progressive retinal atrophy in the Abyssinian cat. J Sm Anim
rophy in Siamese cats.9,19 The other cats varied consider- Pract 1982;23:763–6.
ably in age, disease, and medication history. 7. Narfstrom K. Hereditary progressive retinal atrophy in the Abyssinian cat. J
Dogs with progressive retinal atrophy can develop Hered 1983;74:274–6.
secondary ocular lesions. Cataracts commonly develop 8. Rubin LF, Lipton DE. Retinal degeneration in kittens. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 1973;162:467–9.
in poodles with progressive retinal atrophy and have 9. Carlile JL. Feline retinal atrophy. Vet Rec 1981;108:311.
been reported in other breeds in the later stages of this 10. West-Hyde L, Buyukmihci N. Photoreceptor degeneration in a family
disease.1 In addition, a thin peripheral retina may tear of cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1982;181:243–7.
and result in a retinal detachment.1 Important ocular 11. Barnett KC, Curtis R. Autosomal dominant progressive atrophy in
Abyssinian cats. J Hered 1985;76:168–70.
complications secondary to retinal degeneration were
12. Carlile JL, Carrington SD, Bedford PGC. Six cases of progressive retinal
not present in cats in this study. atrophy in Abyssinian cats. J Sm Anim Pract 1984;25:415–20.
13. Barnett KC, Burger IH. Taurine deficiency retinopathy in the cat. J Sm
Conclusion Anim Pract 1980;21:521–34.
14. Davidson MG, Nasisse MP, English RV, Wilcock BP, Jamieson VE. Feline
In this case series, a predilection for retinal degeneration anterior uveitis: a study of 53 cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
within Siamese cats was observed. No dietary or drug 1991;27:77–83.
factor was identified as contributing to the progression 15. Stiles J, Polzin DJ, Bistner SI. The prevalence of retinopathy in cats with
systemic hypertension and chronic renal failure or hyperthyroidism. J Am
of retinal degeneration in this population of cats. Cats Anim Hosp Assoc 1994;30:564–72.
with primary retinal degeneration do not develop impor- 16. Curtis R. Retinal diseases in the dog and cat: an overview and update. J Sm
tant secondary ocular complications as seen in dogs, Anim Pract 1988;29:397–415.

according to the results of this study. 17. Imperia PS, Lazarus HM, Lass JH. Ocular complications of systemic
cancer chemotherapy. Surv Ophthalmol 1989;34:209–30.
The authors recognize the inherent limitations in this 18. Schluter G. Ciprofloxacin: review of potential toxicologic effects. Am J
retrospective study, including the lack of a reference Med 1987;82:91–3.
population, initial examination of cases at near end-stage 19. Barnett KC. Retinal atrophy. Vet Rec 1965;77:1543–52.
progression of disease, and difficulty in securing a ma-
jority of follow-up examinations. The feline retinal de-
generation observed in this study was slowly progressive
in nature, as evidenced by historical findings and follow-
up information. The predilection for Siamese cats as
observed in this random population suggests that a he-
reditary form of progressive retinal atrophy may exist in
this breed. Early diagnosis may be missed due to excel-
lent feline adaptive capabilities, especially if housed ex-
clusively indoors. Progressive retinal degeneration in
cats is probably more common than is currently sup-
posed. The importance of routine funduscopic examina-
tions is emphasized to help in the identification and
study of this disease process. Further investigation of the
Siamese breed is needed to determine what mode of
inheritance, if any, exists for progressive retinal degen-
eration in this breed.

Tono-Pen XL Applanation Tonometer; Mentor O&O Inc., Norvell, MA
Excel 4.0 a; Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA
A Two-Dimensional Analysis of
Limb Symmetry in the
Trot of Labrador Retrievers
Sixteen sound Labrador retriever and Labrador retriever cross-breed adult dogs were evaluated
for symmetry while in a trot gait using a two-dimensional motion analysis system. Reflective
markers were placed at selected joint centers. Each dog had the right side and then the left
side videotaped while in the trot gait. The markers on the videotape were then digitized for
analysis. There was no significant difference (p less than 0.05) between the movements of the
two sides. It was concluded that the trot gait is symmetrical and that a two-dimensional system
can be used to analyze gait in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:515–20.

Robert L. Gillette, DVM, MSE Introduction

Body movement can be used to evaluate the physical status of the subject
Carole J. Zebas, PED
in question. By understanding and defining normal movement, one can
then evaluate abnormal movement. Animal movement has been a subject
of research for a long time.1 Both qualitative and quantitative gait analy-
O ses have been used to analyze horse and dog movements.2,3 It has been
used to evaluate normal gaits (i.e., trot) and abnormal gaits in dogs with
hip dysplasia and cranial cruciate ligament rupture. 4–6 Limb symmetry
indices have been evaluated using ground reaction forces and kinemati-
cally to assess hind-limb symmetry. 7,8 Motion analysis can play a very
important role in helping to understand how the body is functioning.
Veterinarians, breeders, owners, and trainers can potentially benefit
from the recent advances in gait analysis. Improved capabilities for data
collection, storage, and analysis in combination with the advancements in
personal computer technology have provided an opportunity for these
analytical techniques to be utilized in the respective areas of interest.
Currently these capabilities are only accessible at the institutional level,
or they are so highly technical that its use is limited. The authors believe
that a priority should be placed on researching methodologies that provide
these tools to the professionals who can utilize them.
The objectives of this study were to kinematically describe the trot in
the Labrador retriever/Labrador cross-breed dog and to assess the limb
symmetry in the trot of the Labrador retriever using a two-dimensional
video analysis system.

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted under protocols approved by the Auburn Uni-
versity Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the University
of Kansas Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
From the Scott-Ritchey
Research Center (Gillette),
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animals
Auburn University, Sixteen clinically sound Labrador retriever and Labrador cross-breed
Auburn, Alabama 36849 dogs that were older than two years of age and younger than eight years
and the
participated in the study. Veterinary records for each participant were
Department of Health, Sport, and
Exercise Science (Zebas), examined for any historical orthopedic abnormalities. Soundness by ex-
University of Kansas, amination was defined as a zero degree of lameness when using the
Lawrence, Kansas 66045. lameness quantification system described by Sumner-Smith.9

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 515

516 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Experimental Design parameters that did not have a significant difference

Reflective markers were made by cutting a 1-inch between the paired right and left sides were considered
styrofoam balla in half. Retroreflective tapeb was placed on
the styrofoam to reflect light back to the camera. Reflec- Results
tive markers were placed at the joints of the defined body
For reliability, one dog was put through the methodology
segments. This was done by first placing masking tapec
three times. The coefficient of variance, significance
over the predefined locations. Adhesive glued was applied
level of p less than 0.10, was determined for the angular
to the back of the reflective markers, and then the markers
displacement of the shoulder, elbow, carpus, hip, stifle,
were attached to the tape at the anatomical points to be
and tarsus for both the right and left sides. The results are
measured. The axial markers were placed behind the ear on
reported in Table 1.
the lateral aspect of the atlantal vertebral bone, on the
The values from the right side were then compared to
dorsal aspect (i.e., point of cranial angle) of the scapula, on
the left side using a paired t-test statistical equation with
the dorsal point of the iliac crest, and on the lateral point of
a significance level of p less than 0.05. The means,
the ischial tuberosity. The forelimb appendicular markers
standard deviations, maximums, and minimums of the
were placed on the acromion/greater tubercle of the
linear kinematic parameters are shown in Table 2 and
scapulohumeral joint, on the lateral epicondyle of the hu-
summarized in Figure 1. The means, standard devia-
merus, on the ulnar styloid process/ulnar carpal bone of the
tions, maximums, and minimums of the angular kine-
carpus, and on the distal lateral aspect of the fifth metacar-
matic parameters are shown in Table 3 and summarized
pal bone. The hind-limb appendicular markers were placed
in Figure 2. The results of the t-test scores are listed in
on the eminence of the greater trochanter of the femur, on
Table 4. There was no significant difference between the
the femorotibial joint midpoint between the lateral epicon-
values derived for both the right and left sides.
dyle of the femur and the fibular head, on the lateral
prominence of the malleolus of the distal tibia, and on the Discussion
distal lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsus.
Body movement can be used to evaluate lameness and
The test area was a level and even roughened concrete
gait abnormalities in the dog. If normal movement were
surface. The camera was placed perpendicular to the move-
symmetrical between both sides of the body, then any
ment of the canine subject, 20 feet from the test subject
abnormal movement of a body segment would produce
path. The movement was filmed by an SVHS video cam-
asymmetrical locomotion. This plays an important role
erae at a speed of 60 Hz using a shutter speed of 1/500
in the evaluation of conformation, lameness, perfor-
seconds. A handler led the dogs on the test path at a speed
mance, and rehabilitation.
that induced a trot gait. The dogs were trotted on the test
The significance of the reliability showed that the
path first with their right side perpendicular to the camera
methodology used in this study was consistent and re-
and then with their left side perpendicular to the camera.
peatable. There was no significant difference between
This was repeated for three sequences.
the kinematic measurements of the right side and those
After filming, the videotape was subjected to a kine-
of the left side. Healthy, sound Labrador retrievers and
matic analysis using the Peak5 motion analysis software
Labrador retriever cross-breed dogs move symmetrically
package.f The reflective balls were used in locating the x
while in a trot gait.
and y coordinates for each of the joint centers.
Previous studies have established that computer-as-
Motion Evaluation sisted videographic gait analysis can be used to analyze
canine locomotion. These studies were performed using
The linear kinematic parameters measured were the stride
a three-dimensional motion analysis system. The aver-
length, stride frequency, stride time, and linear velocity.
age stride length for this study was longer, the average
The angular kinematic parameters were the angular dis-
stride frequency was faster, and the linear velocities
placement of the shoulder, elbow, carpal, hip, stifle, and
were faster than those reported in other studies.4,10 There
tarsal joints and the angular velocity of the shoulder and
was also an increase in the degrees of angular displace-
hip joints. A Butterworth filter, which is incorporated
ment in this study as compared to the other studies, as
within the Peak Performance analysis software,f was used
seen in Table 5. These somewhat higher values could be
on the kinematic data. The results of the three sequences
a result of the trotting pace differences in previous stud-
were then averaged for repeatability using a coefficient of
ies. Another reason for the higher values could be the
variance. After defining the linear kinematic parameters,
way the parameters were defined. The lack of a signifi-
the angular parameters of the right side were compared
cant difference between the kinematic measurements of
with those of the left side to assess symmetry.
the two sides shows that it is possible to use the two-
Statistical Analysis dimensional analysis system for determining gait sym-
Paired t-tests were used to determine if there was a metry. One previous study used a two-dimensional
significant difference between kinematic parameters. All system to characterize normal locomotion of the dog
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Analysis of Limb Symmetry 517

Table 1
Reliability of the Digitizing Technique

Angular Displacement Measurements in One Dog

Repeating the Methodology Three Times
Joint Body Side Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 Co. Var.*
Shoulder Right 41.09 44.16 36.81 0.0907
Shoulder Left 41.59 38.65 39.14 0.0396
Elbow Right 69.60 67.68 61.15 0.0670
Elbow Left 65.56 71.96 65.64 0.0542
Carpus Right 143.88 142.26 153.26 0.0405
Carpus Left 148.96 156.31 145.78 0.0359
Hip Right 40.14 39.94 42.10 0.0293
Hip Left 47.03 46.45 39.74 0.0912
Stifle Right 76.58 69.99 70.39 0.0511
Stifle Left 60.85 65.75 57.19 0.0701
Tarsus Right 67.90 61.39 70.39 0.0932
Tarsus Left 66.46 54.89 58.18 0.0996

NOTE: The values for the measured angular displacements are in degrees
* Co. Var.=coefficient of variance values

Table 2
The Mean, Standard Deviation, Maximum, and Minimum Values
of the Linear Kinematic Parameters

Kinematic Parameter* Body Side Mean SD† Maximum Minimum

Stride length (m) Right 1.2139 0.1540 1.5125 1.0121
Stride length (m) Left 1.2214 0.1718 1.7077 1.0172
Stride time (s) Right 0.4259 0.0369 0.4843 0.3507
Stride time (s) Left 0.4330 0.0497 0.5177 0.3507
Linear velocity (m/s) Right 2.8721 0.4424 3.6228 2.0898
Linear velocity (m/s) Left 2.8581 0.5244 4.0903 1.9745
Stride frequency (str/s) Right 2.3650 0.2099 2.8514 2.0648
Stride frequency (str/s) Left 2.3370 0.2609 2.8514 1.9316

* m=meters; s=seconds; str=strides

SD=standard deviation

using nonlinear dynamic stability measurements.11 Us- sound dogs. This gait symmetry has the potential to be
ing the protocol described in this current study, the move- used diagnostically, in that a parameter on one side of
ments filmed on the right side can be compared to the the body could be used as the control for the same
movements filmed on the left side. The two-dimensional parameter on the opposite side. When assessing gait and
system can be used as an alternative to the three-dimen- joint movement in the trot, any difference between the
sional system to measure body symmetry. two sides could be used to help diagnose lameness. Fur-
ther tests are needed to evaluate the use of this methodol-
Conclusions ogy on unsound or lame subjects.
There are two areas of conclusions as a result of this Second, the results also show that a two-dimensional
study. The first is that there were no significant differ- analysis system is both valid and reliable. It allows the
ences found between the right and left side parameters in filming of one side of the body to be followed by filming
518 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Table 3
The Mean, Standard Deviation, Maximum, and Minimum Values
of the Angular Kinematic Parameters

Kinematic Parameter* Body Side Mean SD† Maximum Minimum

Shoulder ROM (degs) Right 42.98 5.35 56.36 35.68
Shoulder ROM (degs) Left 42.60 6.80 58.16 33.52
Elbow ROM (degs) Right 69.09 10.64 94.84 52.48
Elbow ROM (degs) Left 66.08 5.38 79.04 57.55
Carpal ROM (degs) Right 150.02 14.51 179.66 135.61
Carpal ROM (degs) Left 143.88 9.85 165.79 124.31
Hip ROM (degs) Right 45.65 5.30 58.15 37.14
Hip ROM (degs) Left 43.36 9.21 66.76 28.37
Stifle ROM (degs) Right 65.86 8.98 79.93 48.49
Stifle ROM (degs) Left 65.97 11.64 96.07 48.92
Tarsus ROM (degs) Right 61.27 7.01 71.80 48.34
Tarsus ROM (degs) Left 59.10 8.14 76.21 45.46
Shoulder AV CW (degs/s) Right 378.86 84.99 612.30 287.10
Shoulder AV CW (degs/s) Left 355.94 59.02 468.40 260.30
Shoulder AV CCW (degs/s) Right 460.46 120.00 686.80 212.40
Shoulder AV CCW (degs/s) Left 416.78 97.87 586.90 251.50
Hip AV CW (degs/s) Right 251.63 65.61 397.10 167.60
Hip AV CW (degs/s) Left 290.09 74.18 406.90 172.10
Hip AV CCW (degs/s) Right 374.41 207.16 946.90 160.60
Hip AV CCW (degs/s) Left 333.21 151.07 698.80 154.60

* ROM=range of motion or angular displacement; degs=degrees of movement; AV=angular velocity; CW=clockwise

movement; s=seconds; CCW=counterclockwise movement

SD=standard deviation

Figure 1—A graph comparing the means of the linear kinematic Figure 2—A graph comparing the means of the angular
parameters of the right side to those of the left side from dogs kinematic parameters of the right side to those of the left side
undergoing two-dimensional gait analysis. There was no from dogs undergoing two-dimensional gait analysis. Measure-
significant difference (p less than 0.05) in any of the parameters ments are in degrees of range of motion. There was no signifi-
compared [see Table 2]. cant difference (p less than 0.05) in any of the parameters
compared [see Table 3].
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Analysis of Limb Symmetry 519

Table 4
Results of the Statistical Analysis for the Comparison of Right and
Left Kinematic Parameters in the Assessment of Gait Symmetry

Kinematic Parameter* t-test Value Deg. of F.† P Value Significance

Stride length 0.217 15 0.831 NS‡
Stride time -0.752 15 0.464 NS
Linear velocity 0.543 15 0.595 NS
Stride frequency 0.629 15 0.539 NS
Shoulder ROM 0.284 15 0.781 NS
Elbow ROM 1.202 15 0.248 NS
Carpal ROM 1.842 15 0.085 NS
Hip ROM 0.875 15 0.395 NS
Stifle ROM -0.0415 15 0.967 NS
Tarsal ROM 0.998 15 0.334 NS
Shoulder CW AV 1.373 15 0.190 NS
Shoulder CCW AV -1.518 15 0.150 NS
Hip CW AV -1.488 15 0.158 NS
Hip CCW AV -0.586 15 0.567 NS

* ROM=range of motion or angular displacement; CW=clockwise movement; AV=angular velocity;

CCW=counterclockwise movement

Deg. of F.=degrees of freedom


analysis system. Such individuals could send videotapes

Table 5 to the laboratories that have these systems for gait analy-
sis. Any individual that would learn the protocol could
Angular Displacement Values of Right-Side then benefit from computer-assisted video gait analysis.
Joints While in the Trot Compared to Future studies should include more information on
Previously Reported Right-Side Values the different breeds. This would help in defining the
conformation standards for breeding purposes. Analysis
Results of Allen, DeCamp, of more sound dogs in general would define the normal
Joint This Study et al.10 et al.4
maximum and minimum ranges. This would help when
Shoulder 43.0 29.4 30.3 diagnostically analyzing gait. Increasing the number of
Elbow 69.1 55.8 53.7 dogs analyzed that have prediagnosed musculoskeletal
Carpus 150.0 102.3 106.0 pathologies would set standards for the parameters that
Hip 45.6 30.4 31.0 are associated with those specific etiologies. Once some
Stifle 65.9 49.5 54.1 of these standards are set, this methodology can be used
Tarsus 61.3 48.7 37.0 to quantify response to treatment in a clinical setting or
in the research environment.
NOTE: The values for the measured angular displace- Professionals, trainers, and owners should be edu-
ments are in degrees cated on the use of computer-assisted video gait analy-
sis. The more information that is distributed, the greater
the potential to benefit from the knowledge gained about
of the opposite side of the body, with similar results. The animal locomotion.
two-dimensional analysis system is more economical
than the three-dimensional system, and because of this, it a
Floracraft, Ludington, MI
would be more affordable to those individuals that could b
3M Scotchlite retroreflective tape #7610; 3M, St. Louis, MO
utilize these methodologies. c
National Tape Corp., New Orleans, LA
A major benefit of the two-dimensional analysis sys-
tem is that filming outside of the laboratory is possible.
Not all clinicians have the potential to purchase a motion (Continued on next page)
520 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

d 4. DeCamp CE, Soutas-Little RW, Hauptman J, et al. Kinematic gait analysis

Livestock identification tag cement; W.J. Ruscoe Co., Akron, OH
e of the trot in healthy greyhounds. Am J Vet Res 1993;54:627–34.
Panasonic Systems Co., Secaucus, NJ
f 5. Bennet RL, DeCamp CE, Flo GL, et al. Kinematic gait analysis in dogs
Peak Performance Technologies, Inc., Englewood, CO with hip dysplasia. Am J Vet Res 1996;57:966–71.
6. DeCamp CE, Riggs CM, Olivier NB, et al. Kinematic evaluation of gait in
Acknowledgment dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Am J Vet Res 1996;57:120–6.
7. Budsberg SC, Jevens DJ, Brown J, et al. Evaluation of limb symmetry
The authors would like to thank Dr. Paul Rumph for the indices, using ground reaction forces in healthy dogs. Am J Vet Res
use of his laboratory and instrumentation. 1993;54:1569–74.
8. Schaefer SL, DeCamp CE, Hauptman JG, et al. Use of kinematic analysis
to evaluate hind-limb symmetry of the trot in healthy dogs. Vet Surg
References 9. Sumner-Smith G. Gait analysis and orthopedic examination. In:
1. Leach DH, Dagg AI. Evolution of equine locomotion research. Slatter DS, ed. Textbook of small animal surgery. 1993:1577–86.
Equine Vet J 1983;15:87–92. 10. Allen K, DeCamp CE, Braden TD, Bahns M. Kinematic gait analysis
2. DeCamp CE. Kinetic and kinematic gait analysis and the assessment of of the trot in the healthy mixed breed dogs. Vet Comp Ortho Traum
lameness in the dog. Vet Clin N Am (Sm Anim Pract) 1997;27:825–40. 1994;7:148–54.
3. Leach DH, Dagg AI. A review of research on equine locomotion and 11. Marghitu DB, Kincaid SA, Rumph PF. Nonlinear dynamics stability
biomechanics. Equine Vet J 1983;15:93–102. measurements of locomotion in healthy greyhounds. Am J Vet Res
Surgical Treatment
of Idiopathic Pericardial Effusion in the
Dog: 25 Cases (1978–1993)
Twenty-five cases of canine idiopathic pericardial effusion are described. All were treated
surgically and underwent thoracotomy and pericardectomy, with histopathological evaluation of
the resected pericardial sac. No tumor, infection, granulation tissue, or foreign body was found.
Thirteen of the 25 dogs were golden retrievers, and all were large or giant breeds. Three (12%)
died in the immediate postoperative period, and four (16%) died within one year of signs
possibly related to the original condition. Eighteen (72%) survived at least 18 months; seven
died or were euthanized for reasons unrelated to pericardial effusion (median, 44 months); and
11 were still alive at last contact (median, 61 months). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999;35:521–5.

Michael G. Aronsohn, VMD, Introduction

Diplomate ACVS Idiopathic pericardial effusion (IPE) is a condition in which serosan-
James L. Carpenter, DVM, guinous to bloody fluid accumulates in the pericardial sac and no evi-
Diplomate ACVP dence of neoplasia, cardiac disease, trauma, infection, or uremia can be
found.1–9 Idiopathic hemorrhagic pericardial effusion, idiopathic pericar-
dial hemorrhage, spontaneous pericardial effusion, benign idiopathic peri-
carditis, and benign pericardial effusion are terms that have, at times,
been applied to this condition in the dog. The specific etiology of IPE
RS remains unidentified, as historically all diagnostic tests (including radiog-
raphy, ultrasonography, electrocardiography, pneumopericardiography,
cytology, microbiology, and histopathology) have failed to demonstrate a
definitive cause.4,5,9–12 Surgical treatment by pericardectomy has been
reported for 23 of 38 cases previously described in the veterinary litera-
ture; however, satisfactory follow-up information on these cases is not
The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical and histopathologi-
cal features and outcome of 25 additional cases of IPE in dogs treated by

Materials and Methods

Criteria for inclusion in this study included: 1) significant pericardial
effusion causing clinical signs; 2) thoracotomy with pericardectomy and
histopathological evaluation of resected pericardium; and 3) no evidence
of tumor, infection, granulation tissue, or foreign body.
The case records of all dogs with pericardial effusion presented to
Angell Memorial Animal Hospital between 1978 and 1993 were re-
From the Departments of Surgery viewed. Of the 81 dogs identified, 47 were eliminated on the basis of
(Aronsohn) and Pathology (Carpenter),
Angell Memorial Animal Hospital,
disqualifying information in the patient record. Nine more cases were
350 South Huntington Avenue, eliminated by review of histopathology or by follow-up information
Boston, Massachusetts 02130. received from telephone interviews with referring veterinarians. The 25
dogs in this study were divided into three groups:
Doctor Aronsohn’s current address is Group I: Nonsurvivors
Veterinary Specialists of South Florida,
9410 Stirling Road, Dogs that died before hospital discharge. All dogs in this group had a
Cooper City, Florida 33024. necropsy.

JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association 521

522 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

Causes of Death in Group III Dogs

Survival Time
Case/Breed (months)* Cause of Death
1. Golden retriever 18 Malignant melanoma of digit; metastatic lung disease
2. Golden retriever 24 Large abdominal mass; metastatic lung disease
3. Golden retriever 36 Euthanasia; severe arthritis
4. Collie cross 48 Euthanasia; vestibular disease
5. Old English sheepdog 48 Euthanasia; respiratory disease
6. Golden retriever 60 Euthanasia; thoracic wall mass
7. Golden retriever 72 Euthanasia; oral fibrosarcoma

* Survival times are approximate in some cases and are based on owner or veterinarian recollection and not medical
records. Medical records of deceased patients are not retained at many hospitals.

Group II: Short-term Survivors death to be pulmonary thromboembolism in one dog and
Dogs that died within one year after hospital discharge myocardial necrosis in two dogs; however, the etiology
of causes possibly related to the original disease process. could not be determined. Both dogs with myocardial
necrosis had a significant amount of bloody fluid present
Group III: Long-term Survivors in the thoracic cavity.
Dogs that lived at least 18 months with no recurrence of Group II: Short-term Survivors (16%)
related clinical signs.
Thirteen dogs underwent a right lateral thoracotomy Four dogs lived between one and 12 months (median, 7.5
through the fourth or fifth intercostal space, and 12 dogs months) after pericardectomy and died of causes possi-
had a median sternotomy. From 1978 to 1982, single or bly related to the original disease process. Circumstances
multiple openings were created ventral to the phrenic involving the death of each patient were established in
nerve near the apex of the heart in four dogs to allow telephone conversations with the owner and/or referring
continuous drainage of pericardial fluid into the thoracic veterinarian. One dog developed acute respiratory dis-
cavity (pericardiotomy). Subtotal pericardectomy was tress and died within 24 hours at 12 months postopera-
done on all dogs after 1982 (in 21 cases). The pericardial tively. One dog recovered well for three weeks after
sac ventral to the phrenic nerves was resected through surgery and then rapidly declined and was euthanized. A
either a lateral thoracotomy or median sternotomy inci- St. Bernard was euthanized after developing edema of all
sion. Nine different surgeons performed the 25 four limbs 12 months postoperatively and being unable
procedures. Pericardial tissue was submitted for histo- to walk. Another dog was euthanized six months after
pathological evaluation in all cases. surgery for recurrent episodes of thoracic effusions that
required drainage. No necropsies were performed on
Results dogs in this group.
Thirteen (52%) of the dogs in this study were golden Group III: Long-term Survivors (72%)
retrievers, and two (8%) were German shepherd dogs.
The remainder were individual purebred dogs or mixed The 18 dogs in this group were followed for at least 18
breeds. All dogs were relatively large, with a minimum months and either died or were euthanized for reasons
weight of 25 kg (55 lb). There were 10 neutered females, unrelated to pericardial effusion (n=7), or they were still
10 intact males, and five neutered males. The male:female alive at last contact (n=11). Dogs that died or were
ratio was 1.5:1. The median age was seven years, with a euthanized had lived for 18 to 72 months (median, 44
range from three to 14 years. Ascites was noted as an months) after pericardectomy [see Table]. Last contact
initial physical examination finding in 17 dogs (68%). with owners or veterinarians of surviving dogs was 20 to
96 months (median, 61 months) postoperatively.
Group I: Nonsurvivors (12%)
Histopathological Findings
Three dogs died in the intensive care unit during the
immediate postoperative period at one, three, and seven All 25 dogs had biopsy sections of their pericardial sac
days after surgery. In all cases, death was associated examined histopathologically. The microscopic findings
with respiratory arrest. Autopsy revealed the cause of of pericardial sacs with IPE consisted of diffuse fibrosis,
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Idiopathic Pericardial Effusion 523

Figure 1—Photomicrograph of a normal fibrous pericardium Figure 2—Photomicrograph of the fibrous pericardium, from a
from a dog. The inner surface (top) is covered by a single, flat dog with idiopathic pericardial effusion, that is about three times
layer of mesothelial cells. The fibrous portion overlies mediastinal normal thickness. Mesothelial cells are absent. The dense zone
adipose tissue, with two veins and an arteriole shown (Hema- of regular fibrosis has larger and older vessels in its deeper zone
toxylin and eosin stain, 52X). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, 52X).

congestion, old and recent foci of hemorrhage, few in- The mediastinal cardiac pleura that is continuous with
flammatory cells, regions void of parietal mesothelium, the fibrous layer of the sac usually had increased vascu-
and areas of mesothelial hyperplasia [Figures 1, 2]. Some larity and congestion, with or without perivascular lym-
sacs had distinct layers of fibrosis of variable matura- phocytic nodules or fibrosis within the fat.
tion, with the most immature layer (having fibrin depos-
its) located at the innermost portion in contact with the Discussion
effusion. The laminae of fibrosis suggest an episodic The use of the term idiopathic pericardial effusion
effusive process. throughout this paper reflects the preferred terminology
Three of the 25 dogs had biopsy specimens of the of the authors based on the clinical findings of this
parietal portion of the sac that had “onion-skin” fibrosis condition. This is consistent with terminology used in a
about blood vessels located within the fibrotic lamina. recent study of dogs with pericardial effusion.18 The
Some vessels had been obliterated by thrombosis and terms idiopathic pericardial hemorrhage and idiopathic
fibrosis, leaving only “onion-skin” fibrotic nodules [Fig- hemorrhagic pericardial effusion, as used in previous
ure 3]. None of the dogs included in this report had a reports in the veterinary literature, can be used inter-
prominent leukocytic, plasma cell, or mast cell inflam- changeably with IPE. 13–17
matory component in their pericardium. Hemosiderin- The total number of dogs reported with IPE in previ-
laden macrophages varied from few to many. The small ous studies was 38.13–17 Pericardectomy was performed
numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells, when present, in 23 of these cases; seven were managed by pericardio-
were in a perivenous pattern. centesis alone; and eight were euthanized. Most dogs
524 JOURNAL of the American Animal Hospital Association November/December 1999, Vol. 35

mulation of pericardial effusion is associated with slowly

developing heart failure. In dogs with IPE, the pericar-
dial sac gradually stretches to accommodate the fluid
until right-sided congestive heart failure and ascites de-
velop. In more aggressive conditions such as neoplasia,
pericardial fluid accumulates more rapidly, resulting in
acute or subacute clinical signs including collapse and
cardiac tamponade, but not ascites.18
Pericardiocentesis followed by medical management
and monitoring for recurrence of clinical signs has been
used successfully to manage cases of pericardial effu-
sion. In a report of 14 dogs with IPE, six dogs survived
for a median of three years (range, 0.5 to 6 years) follow-
ing treatment by pericardial drainage alone; however,
two required additional pericardiocentesis.13 In another
study involving eight dogs with IPE, one dog treated
with pericardiocentesis survived for 54 months, although
interim pericardiocentesis was necessary.14
Disadvantages of conservative management of peri-
cardial effusion include risk of sudden, life-threatening
cardiac tamponade; inability to examine thoracic struc-
tures at the time of surgery to rule out other causes of
pericardial effusion, including tumor or foreign body;
and the potential for development of constrictive peri-
carditis.19 Two dogs previously diagnosed with IPE de-
veloped constrictive pericarditis three months and 1.5
years after treatment by pericardial fenestration and
pericardiocentesis, respectively.19,20
The choice of surgical approach to the pericardium in
this series of cases was at the discretion of the surgeon
and was based on results of presurgical evaluations,
Figure 3—Photomicrograph of a thickened and nodular fibrous including ultrasound, as well as experience and prefer-
pericardium from a dog with idiopathic pericardial effusion. The ence of the surgeon. Advantages of median sternotomy
nodularity is caused by chronic thrombosis and perivascular
fibrosis (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, 52X). include visualization of the entire pericardial sac, heart,
and thorax. Advantages of a right thoracotomy include
were reported to be of large or giant breeds. There were access to the right atrial appendage and decreased oper-
six St. Bernards, five Great Danes, and five golden re- ating time. Disadvantages of median sternotomy include
trievers, as well as one miniature schnauzer14 and one the need for specialized equipment such as an osteotome
miniature poodle.15 In one study involving 10 dogs, in- and oscillating saw, as well as increased operating time.
formation regarding breed, gender, and weight was not The major disadvantage of right lateral thoracotomy is
included.17 The minimum weight of dogs presented in the inability to visualize the left side of the heart and
this study was 55 lb (25 kg). The median age of dogs in thoracic cavity, including the left side of the pericardial
previous reports was six years13–16 (range, one to 14 sac and the left phrenic nerve, requiring some blind
years) compared to seven years (range, three to 14 years) dissection of the pericardium ventral to the phrenic nerve
for the cases reported here. Eighty-five percent of dogs on that side. Although more postoperative pain and a
in the previous studies13–16 were male, compared to 60% higher incidence of wound complications have been as-
of the cases reported here. sociated with median sternotomy, this was not the au-
Ascites is a common clinical finding on initial exami- thors’ experience. Prophylactic antibiotics and pain
nation of dogs with IPE and was noted at presentation in medication were used routinely.
all five dogs with IPE in one report.15 In the present The use of a pericardial fenestration (i.e., pericar-
study, ascites was recorded in 17 of 25 records at the diotomy) in four cases in this study did not affect mor-
time of initial examination, and it resolved after surgery bidity or mortality. Although utilization of single or
in all survivors. In a study of 46 dogs with pericardial multiple small openings in the pericardium for drainage
effusion from various causes, patients with concurrent of fluid into the thoracic cavity will be effective initially,
ascites were statistically less likely to die of their under- adhesions or fibrosis may result in reaccumulation of
lying disease than dogs without ascities.18 Chronic accu- fluid and recurrence of clinical signs. If a substantial
November/December 1999, Vol. 35 Idiopathic Pericardial Effusion 525

portion of the diseased pericardium is not removed, con- 7. Aronsohn MG. Cardiac hemangiosarcoma in the dog: a review of 38 cases.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 1985;187:922–6.
strictive pericarditis may result.15 All pericardectomies
8. Cobb MA, Brownlee SE. Intrapericardial neoplasia in 14 dogs. J Sm Anim
in this study were performed ventral to the phrenic nerve, Pract 1992;33:309–16.
although some surgeons prefer to perform a total 9. Aronson LR, Gregory CR. Infectious pericardial effusion in five dogs.
pericardectomy.21 Vet Surg 1995;24:402–7.
10. Bonagura JD. Electrical alternans associated with pericardial effusion in the
The etiology of IPE was not determined from clinical dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1981;178:574–9.
or histopathological data in this series of cases and re- 11. Bonagura JD, Pipers FS. Echocardiographic features of pericardial effusion
mains unknown. There is no evidence that this condition in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1981;179:49–56.
has a viral or immune-mediated basis as has been postu- 12. Thomas WP, Reed JR, Gomez JA. Diagnostic pneumopericardiography in
dogs with spontaneous pericardial effusion. Vet Rad 1984;25:2–16.
lated.14 It appears from the histological evaluation of
13. Gibbs C, Gaskill CJ, Darke PGG, Wotton PR. Idiopathic pericardial
tissues that pericardial blood vessels and/or lymphatics haemorrhage in dogs: a review of fourteen cases. J Sm Anim Pract
are the target of the disease process. The presence of 1982;23:483–500.
14. Berg RJ, Wingfield WE, Hoopes PJ. Idiopathic hemorrhagic pericardial
“onion skin” layers of fibrosis around blood and lym- effusion in eight dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1984;185:988–92.
phatic vessels in addition to evidence of old and recent 15. Matthiesen DT, Lammerding J. Partial pericardectomy for idiopathic
foci of hemorrhage indicate a chronic, progressive patho- hemorrhagic pericardial effusion in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
physiology. A histopathological classification of chronic-
16. de Madron E, Prymack C, Hendricks J. Idiopathic hemorrhagic pericardial
active pericarditis has been applied to this condition.15 effusion with organized thrombi in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc
Many pericardectomy cases in previous studies were 1987;191:324–8.
monitored for only a minimal period of time after sur- 17. Kerstetter KK, Krahwinkel DJ, Millis DL, et al. Pericardiectomy in dogs:
22 cases (1978–1994). J Am Vet Med Assoc 1997;211:736–40.
gery or were lost to follow-up. Only three of 12 dogs in 18. Dunning D, Monnet E, Orton EC, Salman MD. Analysis of prognostic
previous studies that had pericardectomy were followed indicators for dogs with pericardial effusion: 46 cases (1985–1996).
J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;212:1276–80.
for at least 18 months.13–16 In another study, 13 dogs
19. Schwartz A, Wilson GP, Hamlin RL, et al. Constrictive pericarditis in 2
with nonneoplastic pericardial disease that underwent dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1971;159:763–76.
pericardectomy (including 10 dogs with IPE) survived 20. Thomas WP, Reed JR, Bauer TG, Breznock EM. Constrictive pericardial
for a median of 26 months (range, six days to 48 disease in the dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1984;184:546–53.
months). 17 In the present study, seven long-term 21. Bouvy BM, Bjorling DE. Pericardial effusion in dogs and cats. Comp Cont
Ed Pract Vet 1991;13:633–41.
survivors (Group III) died 18 to 72 months after
pericardectomy, while 11 were still alive at 20 to 96
months. None of these dogs developed significant prob-
lems related to the surgical procedure or recurrence of
clinical signs of IPE.
Idiopathic pericardial effusion is primarily a disease
of middle-aged, large- and giant-breed dogs. The data
presented here supports subtotal pericardectomy as the
diagnostic method and treatment of choice for dogs sus-
pected of having IPE. Differential diagnosis for pericar-
dial effusion includes tumor, foreign body, and infection.
It is only possible to make a tentative diagnosis of IPE
prior to thoracotomy. The resected pericardial sac should
be evaluated by a veterinary pathologist. Prognosis is
good for a complete recovery in dogs with IPE that
undergo pericardectomy and are discharged from the

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