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Team Building Exercise

The world is coming to an end. You have been selected as part of a committee to
determine the personnel that will be allowed to take a Space Ship to another planet in
order to guarantee the survival of the human race. The Rocket only holds 9 people and
you and your team have been provided with a list of 16 personnel from which to choose.
Who would you designate as expedition leader?

The future of human race depends on your choices

70 year old Buddhist Monk

20 year old female liberal arts student
A Hollywood Movie Starlet
An Accountant
The Accountant’s pregnant wife
A policeman with a gun
A black Professional Football player
A male Politician
A female nurse
A male scientist
A female Auto mechanic
A Soldier
A computer programmer in a wheel chair
A poet/Author
A farmer
A journalist

Takeaway: The discussions in the groups mirror the different interests and standpoints in
a UN Mission

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