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7th – 8th November 2019, Makassar, Indonesia
Venue : Novotel Hotel Makassar

Hari ke-1, Kamis 7 nov 2019

Waktu Kegiatan PIC
08.00 – 09.00 Registrasi (file, poster, seminar kit) Ladies and gentlemen, the opening
ceremony will be started in 5 minutes.
Please be seated.
09.00 – 09.10 Pembukaan Strarting our agenda today, we would
Tarian tradisional like to welcome you with a traditional
dance …….

09.10 – 09.30 Menyanyikan lagu : Next, let us sing the National Anthem,
1. Indonesia Raya Indonesia Raya, ladies and gentlemen,
2. Mars Unhas please stand up…

Please have a seat

Now we would like to invite the choir to

sing Mars Universitas Hasanuddin for us.
09.30 – 09.45 Sambutan : Excellencies, distinguished guests,
1. Ketua Panitia participants, ladies and gentlemen…
Muhammad Aswad ………………
2. Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Unhas Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam, M.Si.,Apt. Good morning and we are delighted to
welcome you here to THE
DISCOVERY 2019 with the theme of
“Frontiers in Drug Discovery and
Development” held by The Faculty of
Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University,
Makassar, Indonesia.
First of all, we would like to mention our
honourable guests….
Our excellency (abis nyanyi)
- Governor
- Rector
- Dean
- Speakers
- Participants
Ladies and gentlemen, now we’re going
to listen to the welcoming speech from
the Chair of ISBDD, please welcome Dr.
Muhammad Aswad

Thank you Dr. Muhammad Aswad for

the welcoming speech

Ladies and gentlemen, now we’re going

to listen to the welcoming speech from
the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy,
Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Gemini
Alam, the time is yours

Thank you Prof. Dr. Gemini Alam for

the welcoming speech
09.45 – 10.00 Sambutan Rektor Unhas sekaligus Excellencies, distinguished guests,
membuka secara resmi participants, ladies and gentlemen, now,
Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu we are going to listen to the welcoming
speech from the Rector of Hasanuddin
University, and afterwards, we would
like to request the rector to officially

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome,

Prof. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu

Thank you Prof. Dwia Aries Tina

Pulubuhu for the welcoming speech
10.00 – 10.30 Keynote speaker We are now continuing our meeting to
Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan the next agenda, that is to hear the
Prof. Ir. H. M. Nurdin Abdullah, Keynote Speech which will be delivered
M.Agr.,Ph.D by the Governor of South Sulawesi.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome,

Prof. Nurdin Abdullah
Thank you Prof. Nurdin Abdullah for
keynote the speech
1030 – 12.30 Invited Speaker Excellencies, distinguished guests,
1. Habibah A Wahab participants, ladies and gentlemen, now,
2. Chris Alderman we’re going to continue to the next
Moderator : Yulia Yusrini/ agenda which the first session of invited
Marianti A Manggau speeches. Let us first introduce our
honourable invited speakers. The first is
Habibah A. Wahab from School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti
Sains Malaysia and the second is Chris
Alderman from School of Pharmacy and
Medical Sciences, University of South

Ladies and gentlemen, without further

due, now please help me welcome our
invited speakers, Habibah A. Wahab and
Chris Alderman. This session will be
moderated by Yulia Yusrini and Marianti
A Manggau.

For Yulia Yusrini and Marianti A

Manggau, please come forward to open
this session

Thank you very much for Habibah A.

Wahab and Chris Alderman for the
And we would like to ask you to stay on
the podium, because we would like to
present the ceremonial gift to you for
sharing your expertise in the session.
And to present the ceremonial gift kindly
be invited…………………
12.30 – 13.30 ishoma Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, For the next
session the attendees are welcome to
lunch break. Please note that the next
session will begin at 13.30
13.30 – 16.00 Invited Speaker : Excellencies, distinguished guests,
1. Hiroshi Tomoda participants, ladies and gentlemen, now,
2. Jalifah Latip we’re going to continue to the next
3. Muhammad Aswad agenda which the next session of today’s
Moderator : Subehan / Andi Arjuna agenda. Let us introduce our honourable
invited speakers. The first is Hiroshi
Tomoda from Graduate School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato
University. The second is Jalifah Latip
from School of Chemical Sciences and
Food Technology, University
Kebangsaan Malaysia. And the third,
Muhammad Aswad from Faculty of
Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University.

Ladies and gentlemen, without further

due, now please help me welcome our
invited speakers, Hiroshi Tomoda,
Jalifah Latip and Muhammad Aswad.
This session will be moderated by
Subehan/Andi Arjuna.

For Subehan/ Andi Arjuna, please come

forward to open this session

Thank you very much for Hiroshi

Tomoda, Jalifah Latip, and Muhammad
Aswad for the speeches.

And we would like to ask you to stay on

the podium, because we would like to
present the ceremonial gift to you for
sharing your expertise in the session.
And to present the ceremonial gift kindly
be invited…………………
16.00 – 1630 Coffee Break Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, For the next
session the attendees are welcome to
lunch break. refreshments will be served
in/at ….

16.30 – 16.45 Sponsor Presentation

Ladies and gentlemen, we now are
approaching the end of today’s agenda.
The event will be continued tomorrow
morning for the parallel session of oral
and poster presentation.

Thank you very much, see you


Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Hari ke-2, Jumat 8 Nov 2019

8 Nov 2019
Waktu Kegiatan PIC
08.00 – 09.00 Registrasi
09.00 – 11.00 Sesi Pararel (Oral and Poster) Excellencies, distinguished guests,
Moderator : participants, ladies and gentlemen…
1. Aminullah ………………
2. Muh. Nur Amin Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
3. Yayu It is now the second day for THE
6. Sandra 2019.
7. Achmad Himawan Today’s agenda is the parallel session for
8. Nana Juniarti oral and poster presentation.
9. Ismail

11.30– 13.30 Shalat Jumat/Lunch Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, For the next
session the attendees are welcome to lunch
break. Please note that the next session will
begin at 13.30
13.30 Closing

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