Quiz 1.2 Philippine Technologies and Inventions

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GEC 007 – Science, Technology and Society

Name: Besana, Stephanie J. Date: February 6, 2021

Section: BAFM32S1 Prof: Ms. Clara Teresa Gene E. Portes

Instructions: Answer briefly the given question. 

1. Explain how Philippine scientific and technological inventions shaped and were shaped by the various
social contexts.

We all know that science and technology indeed play a major role in people’s everyday life. They
make the difficult and complicated tasks easier and allow us to do more with so little effort and time. The
developments in this field are not just a product of a one-time thought process - they are also brought about
by measured improvements to earlier works from different periods.

The Philippine scientific and technological inventions shaped and were shaped by the various
social contexts because of the influence of the history wherein Ancient time, Medieval and Modern age are
present. It is discussed in the module that even before the time of the Spanish colonization here in the
Philippines, our natives are already had practices linked to science and technology. We Filipinos during that
time were already aware of the medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants and the methods of
extracting medicine from herbs. We already have our alphabet, number system, weighing, and measuring
system, and a calendar. We Filipinos were already engaged in farming, shipbuilding, mining, and weaving,
various people and communities already practiced science. During the Ancient time, there is a lot of
scientists that greatly help in the economic development of a different country. Here in the Philippines, we
have several famous scientists and technologists whose ideal works and discoveries have contributed to
the progress of different industries in our country, such as Del Mundo’s invention, she invented an
incubator for those babies who are born early for them to survive and provides an environment that can be
adjusted to provide the ideal temperature as well as the perfect amount of oxygen, humidity, and light,
following Flores’s invention is the fluorescent lamp, which is the most widely used source of lightning in the
whole wide world.

In today’s generation, some of the inventions before are studied thoroughly to enhanced, improved
more for us to have a better life of living. Through science and technology, it is easier for us humans to
communicate with other people around the world. It is also significant in the field of professional because
transactions and other events are done through the use of technology which is the computer.  Science and
technology enable every people to live in an easy and modern way of life. As a student, I can say that
science helps me/us understand the underlying reasons why such a phenomenon happens. It is also
tackled in the module the contributions of Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud as they influenced the changes in
society through the use of their theory. An intellectual revolution had changed the way people perceive the
influence of science on society in general. Science shape up the future scientist and engineers that are key
to a successful nation. Science promotes innovation and the discovery of new technology. Science helps
rebuild a struggling nation to rise.

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