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Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, Till heaven 3) External confirmations for the

and earth pass, one stroke or one pronunciation

mark shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be
Bible's accuracy
fulfilled. - The writings of the Bible are confirmed by:
- The testimony of secular historians (i.e. outside
1) The redaction of the Bible: the Bible), the testimony of archaeology, the
The Bible is a real prodigy in itself by its testimony of prophecies and the testimony of
characteristics: statistics.
- The Bible has not been written by one single - The critical study of biblical manuscripts is
"illuminated" man like all other religions: ex: the confirming the reliability of the Bible. How does
Koran (by Muhammad), Buddhism (by Buddha the Bible, a 3500 years old book, can still be
"Siddhartha Gautama") today's global Best Seller?
- The Bible began to be written about 3500 years - The Bible still applies today because it is
When one begins reading the Bible, there are ago and it was written over a period of 1600 years. addressing man's heart, which in itself, has not
certain questions he is entitled to ask: - The Bible is a repertory of 66 books written by
40 different authors (some of them shepherds, - The Bible is the most attacked book in the world.
- Is the Bible true? kings, important men, scribes, priests, wise men, Several have tried to destroy it: Emperors and
- Can we rely on the Bible? poets, historians, lawmen, a tax collector, a doctor, kings, governments, nations, authors (Voltaire was
and fishermen without instructions) one of those who attempted to discredit the Bible;
It is important, since the Bible tells us that it ironically, after his death, his house and his press
- The Bible was written on 3 different continents:
contains the Word of God; so this will have a were used to the print Bibles).
Asia, Africa, and Europe.
major impact in our daily lives if we accept what - God takes special care in preserving the scrip-
- Yet the Bible is of stunning unity, its continuity
it teaches. tures and in spreading them around the world.
is incomparable and it does not contain any error
We will try to examine the Bible from the outside or contradiction. This phenomenon is inexplicable
unless one sees the work of God.
4) The Bible's prophetic accuracy
to see if it has exclusive characteristics or if it is
- Throughout its redaction, the Bible has an-
just like any other book.
2) The publication of the Bible nounced the future from Genesis up to Revelation.
But before we look at the way it was written, let's - There are 5500 complete scripts of the New - It is a great risk to write a prophetic book
look at what the Bible is saying about itself: Testament (48-95 after J-C). because if a prophecy does not come true, one
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by could easily discredit whole thing.
- There are 1000 complete scripts of the Old
inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, Testament (1500-200 before J-C). - But have no fear; the Bible's prophecies are
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in without any flaws since it is God who made them,
- It is a lot of manuscripts if we compare it to other
righteousness: That the man of God may be and He knows the beginning and the end of all
writings like Plato's Tetralogies - 7 manuscripts,
perfect, thoroughly furnished to all good works. things.
Homer's Iliad (Trojan War) - 643 manuscripts, the
Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar - 10 manuscripts. - God puts even to the challenge anyone to predict
2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time
the future with 100% accuracy as He does it.
by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as - The copyists or scribes, those who copied from
they were moved by the Holy Ghost. the original biblical texts, were very thorough and
counted all the letters in each page, and if one was
Isaiah 40:8 The grass wither, the flower fades: but missing, they would redo the entire page.
the word of our God shall stand for ever.
Isaiah 41:22 Let them bring them forth, and show B) There are over 300 prophecies that Jesus-Christ 5) The power of the Bible
us what shall happen: let them show the former fulfilled when He physically came on this earth.
things, what they be, that we may consider them, The Bible is a book which transforms lives.
- According to the probabilities, there is 1 chance
and know the latter end of them; or declare us in 83 billion that so many predictions would Ask Christians for the testimony of their conver-
things for to come. happen on a single person sion and you will hear about the transformation
that occurred when the Holy Spirit entered in their
Isaiah 45:21 Tell you, and bring them near; yes, Examples on His 1st coming: lives. The Bible tells us in 2 Cor 3:3 that every
let them take counsel together: who has declared - His miraculous birth from a virgin (Isa 7:14; Mt Christian is like a written letter.
this from ancient time? who has told it from that 1:22-23) (predicted 800 years before) Now if you believe that the Bible is really the
time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God - In Bethlehem (Mic 5:1; Mt 2:5-6) (predicted 740 Word of God then you have a choice to make.
else beside me; a just God and a Savior; there is years before)
none beside me. The Bible asks that we believe in Jesus Christ and
- The healing of diseases (Isa 53:4; Mt 8:16-17)
(predicted 800 years before) that we let Him take control of our lives by
Isaiah 45:11 Thus said the LORD, the Holy One obeying to His Word. Read the Bible and put what
of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come - His entry in Jerusalem mounted on a donkey you read in practice. You will discover who God
concerning my sons, and concerning the work of (Zec 9:9; Mt 21:4-5) (predicted 600 years before) is along with the wonderful message He has for
my hands command you me. - The casting of lots for His garments (Ps 22:19; man.
Mt 27:35; Jn 19:24) (predicted 1000 years before)
We can acknowledge that of all the prophecies we
can presently verify; everyone of them happened - The temple that became a cave of thieves (Isa 6) Conclusion
100% exactly as prophesied up to the slightest 56:7; Jer 7:11; Mt 21:13) (predicted 800 years I hope this leaflet has convinced you that the Bible
details. before) is not like "any other book" written by men. You
- The 30 pieces of silver offered to Judas by the may not yet believe what is in the Bible but, at
A) We can find many examples on the nations: chief priests (Zec 11:12; Mt 26:15; Mt 27:3-10) least, you have to acknowledge that the Bible has
- The destruction of Jerusalem and the Jews' (predicted 600 years before) special characteristics that set it apart from other
deportation in Babylon: carried out in 586 before books.
- The 30 pieces of silver were used to purchase the
Jesus-Christ by Nebuchadnezzar. potter's field. (Zec 11:13; Mt 27:7) (predicted 600
- We even have specific names of individuals 400 years before)
years before their birth. As is in the case of king
Cyrus of the Medes and Persians who conquered Note that these are the very specific things and
several nations and who ordered the reconstruction that each happened to the last detail.
of the Temple in Jerusalem.
The prophecies concerning the second coming of Other leaflets available
- The predictions concerning the succession of Jesus-Christ will certainly materialize too!
kingdoms and nations revealed in Daniel 7 and 8
are so precise that historians have difficulties to We can read in the book of Revelation to see what To reach us
believe that this text was written in the time of is going to happen: Jesus will come back as the
Daniel; but it really was. King of kings. He will judge and fight with
- The 2nd destruction of Jerusalem and the justice. He will rule over the nations with a rod of
deportation of the Jews in the world: carried out in iron. (Rev 19:11-21)
the year 70 under the Roman legion directed by
general Titus.

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