Journal of Economic Education: Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto

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JEE 7 (1) (2018) 24 - 30

Journal of Economic Education

The Influence of Student Consumption, Social Status of Family,The

Economic Parent Status, and The Economic Education of Family to
Consumption Behavior
Rinna Mulyani1, Partono Thomas2, Widiyanto2

SMA Negeri 3 Tegal, Indonesia.
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia.

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Consumption Behavior Consumptive students due to the knowledge of
Received February consumption and the lack of parental role in modeling and low family
economic education in providing education about consumption of their
Accepted April 2018
Published June 2018 children led to consumptive behavior. The formulation of this problem is
________________ whether there is influence of students' consumption knowledge, family's
economic social status, family economic education on consumption behavior
consumption, of high school students.The variables in this research are Knowledge of
socioeconomic status, Student Consumption, Parents Social Economic Status, Family Economic
family economic Education, and Student Consumption Behavior. The method used is data
consumption behavior
analysis with data collection techniques Student population of SMA Negeri
____________________ IPS Class XII. Sample of the research amounted to 191 respondents with
sampling technique using Proportional Random Sampling. Methods of data
collection using questionnaires. Data analysis with Linear Regression.The
result of research there is influence of student's consumption knowledge, socio-
economic status of family, and family economic education either partially or
simultaneously. Based on t test, the influence of students' consumption
knowledge on the partial consumption behavior of students obtained value of
7.239, the influence of socioeconomic status of parents to student consumption
behavior 3.852 and the influence of family economic education on student
consumption behavior of 1.686. Simultaneously influence of knowledge of
student consumption, parent economic ststus, family economic education to
student consumption behavior based on F test obtained value 30, 375.

© 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Alamat korespondensi: p-ISSN 2301-7341
Street Sumbodro No.81, Slerok, Tegal Timur, Kota Tegal, Jawa
Tengah 52125 e-ISSN 2502-4485

Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto / Journal of Economic Education 7 (1) (2018) 24 - 30

INTRODUCTION The existence of consumption pattern

pattern of high school children influenced by
High school students are groups of youth factors from within that is age, sex, amount of
that are categorized as early levels that play a role money owned, education level, experience and
in cultural transformation. Youth especially high others. External factors such as religious
school students is a national commodity so that background, income level of parents, social
guidance to the young generation needs to be economic sttsatus parents, advertising, association
invested in all aspects, both in the family and in with friends, the pattern of education in the family
school. and other factors.
Cultural and environmental values greatly The purpose of this research is to know and
affect the behavior of a teenager in particular has a analyze the influence of students' consumption
good culture pattern then the existing knowledge, the economic status of parents and the
transformation will have a positive impact, so it economic education of the family on the
will not be easily carried away patterns of life that consumption behavior of the students.
is less profitable for example students more relaxed
and having fun. The impact of behavior patterns of METHODS
teenagers more to the lifestyle that reflected the
consumptive pattern. This reserch is a powerful research that is
According to (Ellias G) (2010) the younger doing hypothesis testing to explain the relation of
the respondents are 36, 4% the more often they free variable and dependent variable. This reserch
shop twice a week and even more. This is done all SMA Negeri in Tegal City
explanation implies that their older respondents whichamount to 5 SMA Negeri.With a population
have a family so the supply is more so thereby of 607 students, with sampling with Proportional
shopping sparse than the young yng tend to eat out Random Sampling (Sugiono) (2012). The specified
and not many at home. The impact of such sample refers to the table of Harry King
behavior patterns is influenced by the imitative nomogram of 607 specified 191 samples. With
lifestyle that reflected the consumptive pattern. In details as follow SMA Negeri 1 as many as $0
this study also found that young people aged 18-19 students, SMA Negeri 2 as 36 stusdens, SMA
in high school to consumers who concluded that Negeri 4 as many as 37 student and SMA Negeri 5
shopping is due to elements kesengan and 38 student. The technic and data corellection used
awareness and freedom and without pressure. are questionaires and quetionnares given to
Social change also has an impact on the students. Of the questionnire data were analalyzed
culture of consumerism. This is disclosed by by experimnetal reserch and realibility test
(Solomon) (2012) where the culture of forrepeating a questionare which is an indicator of
consumerism and the lifestyle of the society that is a variable or contruct. (Ghozali) (2011).
considered luxury goods as a measure and pleasure Method of data analysis used in thois
so that consumerism arises which also means the research is descriptif statistic that descritive statistic
desire to have goods - goods by buying melibihi give picture or description of data which seen from
reasonable limits. mean, standardeviation, variance, maximum,
Preliminary study conducted in several high minimum, sum, range, kutosis and
schools in the city of Tegal that most visitors in skewness.(Ghozali) (2011).
some shopping centers most of them are teenagers Before the parametric inferensial statistic
like high school students. This tendency is test, the data must pass in the assumption tes, the
membaqwa impact of the pattern of fulfillment classical test can be specified as follows
needs. Initially parents have a great influence in :multicolonierity test which aims to test whether
purchasing activities for the consumption of the regriision model determined there is
children. The role of parents in influencing the correlation of the variable independent variable.
purchase began begeser in technological (Ghozali ) (2011).. The second test of
developments. heteroskesdesitas which aims to test whether in the
Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto / Journal of Economic Education 7 (1) (2018) 24 - 30

regression model there is a variance inquality of parent and family economic education equal to
the residual one abservation to another zero, then consumption behavior variable equal to
absevation.(Gohozali) (2011). The third test of 24, 737. Regression coefficient value for variable
normality aims to test wheter in the regression the knowledge of student consumption (X1) is
model, the buiies orresidual variable has normal 0.448 means that if there is an increase in the
attributes. How to detect the presence or absence student's consumption knowledge variable (X1),
of heteroskesdesitas with or not heteroskedesitas with the parent socioeconomic status (X2) and
that is by looking at the graph plot between the family economic education (X3) constant it will
predicated value of the dependent variable that is cause the increase of consumption behavior of
ZPRED with residual SRESID.The latter by 0.448. The value of regression coefficient for the
multiple regression tests. The data has ben variables Parental socioeconomic status (X2) is
obtained then diskor and prossed witn tabulation equal to 0.300 means that
data to be praised data normality. Data that has The socioeconomic status of the parents in
already met the standard or requirement followed the case of an increase in the variable (X2), with
by statistical testing. The research is to reveal the the students' consumption knowledge (X1) and the
causal relationsship between variables X1, X2, X3 constant family economic education (X3) will lead
to Y. After tabulation data is done next data to an increase in student consumption behavior of
analisys by using metohed multiple regression 0.300. The value of regression coefficient for
analysis the equation of the regression line to be family economic education variable (X3) is 0,101
formed is : meaning that if there is an increase in family
Y = β 0 + β1X1 + β2X2 +β3X3+ e economic education variable (X3), with knowledge
(Draper and Smith)( 1966) of student consumption (X1) and family
socioeconomic status (X2) constant it will cause
Y = consumption behavior the increase of consumption behavior students of
X1 = knowlege of consumption 0.101. In the Individual Parameter Significance
X2 = the economic status of parents Test table (Test Statistic t) with SPSS on variable
X3 = family economic education X1 (student consumption knowledge) obtained t
β = coefficient value = 7,239, with sig = 0,000 <0,05 so that there
E = error is influence of student consumption knowledge to
The accuracy of calculation result by using acceptable consumption behavior. In the variable
data processing in the form of sofware program X2 (socioeconomic status of parents) obtained
SPSS vesion 19.0. (Statistical Product and Service value t arithmetic = 3.852 with the value of sig =
Solution ) for Windows. 0.003 <0.05 so that there is influence of
socioeconomic status of parents to acceptable
RESULT AND DISCUSSION consumption behavior. And on the variable X3
(Family economic education) obtained t value =
Influence Knowledge Consumption on Student 1.686 with the value of sig = 0.001 <0.05 then
Consumption Behavior there is the influence of family economic education
Based on the analysis of multiple regression on student consumption behavior is accepted.
equations obtained data as follows: Y = 24.737 + The influence of consumption knowledge on
0.448 X1 + 0.300 X2 + 0.101 X3. consumption behavior has positive and significant
In the first hypothesis states that the effect. Good student consumption knowledge is
students' consumption knowledge affect the the result of the learning process during the school,
student's consumption behavior. SMA with good knowledge possessed by students in the
NegeriInTegal City. In multiple regression analysis hope that later can be used in conducting
has regression equation with meaning that is: consumption activities.
constant value 24, 737 mean if variable of student's Consumer knowledge variable shows 93
consumption knowledge, socioeconomic status of respondents stated strongly agree. A student is said
to have good consumption knowledge is if able to
Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto / Journal of Economic Education 7 (1) (2018) 24 - 30

understand and apply the material learned and behavior variable and declared rejected. On the
analyze and distinguish and arrange and plan in contrary the alternative hypothesis (Ha: bi ≠ 0)
terms of consuming which states the student's consumption knowledge
The purpose of learning is to form students variable is a significant explanation of the student's
able to overcome the problems of life including consumption behavior variable is accepted.
economic problems, where students should be able Knowledge of student consumption in the
to behave and behave economically fairly, category is influenced by the level of knowledge,
expected patterns of consumption behavior should understanding, application of the material being
also be in accordance with the values, norms and studied, the ability analyzeis for example in
mastery of the concept of knowledge obtained. But distinguishing, the ability in preparing and
the reality has not shown so. Mastery of planning in terms of consuming. Knowledge is
economics lessons is still low. In this case indicates also obtained from the learning process that is
the still low mastery of economic concepts, so observing and understanding so that there is a
there is a conjecture that the level of mastery of change in a person that is the change of
student economic material has not been knowledge, understanding and behavior.
understood that affect the behavior patterns in the Widiyanto (2012).
student's consumption. The same thing is also expressed
According to research (Suyanto) (1999) said byParthono Thomas (2017) that the behavior of a
economic learning is a basic concept of economics person is influenced by motivation and
is important in economic learning. Concepts encouragement by the interests of holding the
including the concept of economics is a building fulfillment or satisfaction of the needs that exist in
stone (building block) in thinking. Conceptual the individual. Behavior arises not solely because
economic learning can serve as a bridge to build a of encouragement but because of learning factors,
mental framework for students in analyzing new where student learning behavior includes character
examples, to see the relationship between concepts characters absorbed by students and the influence
and causal relationships, so that economic learning of the family environment, school and community.
models become provision for them to analyze So also expressed by Bloom experience in
critical economic problems and be able to search daily life that students are then students in the
for various alternative ways to overcome them consumption can not do consumption with good
Thus, economic learning to students should principles that tend to be wasteful and
be more emphasized on aspects of attitude and consumptive, while the indicators of knowledge
skills in analyzing rational situations and itself is very good, here means that students only
economic issues. After graduation, students are want academic targets with a value high so that
expected to think rationally and carefully in the from the knowledge that obtained is not in
face of their economic problems including my accordance with the behavior in consuming.
rational attitude and cycles in daily consumption. Knowledge of student consumption is
Knowledge of the consumption of high influenced by several factors, namely motivation.
school students in Tegal City in general has a The results of this study motivation in the
knowledge of moderate consumption, descriptively consumption of good categorized that is 50, 2%. In
62% has a very high creteria 0, 52%, high creteria this case, motivation indicates that students are
24%, low creteia 12%, kereteria very low 1.5%. strong encouragement in studying material about
From the result of SPSS data processing consumption so as to encourage students to be
above obtained t arithmetic for student encouraged to recognize the needs by performing
consumption knowledge variable (X1) equal to actions that aim to meet their needs by way of
7,239 when compared with t table equal to 1,9706. coming or getting as much information as possible
From these results proves that the null hypothesis in buying to meet their needs.
(Ho: bi = 0) which states that the student's The second factor that influences the
consumption knowledge variable is not a consumption knowledge is attitude. From the
significant explanation of student consumption results of research students have a good attitude
Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto / Journal of Economic Education 7 (1) (2018) 24 - 30

that is equal to 63, 35%. The attitude of students in behavior variable, declared rejected. On the other
consumption is categorized both because of the hand, the alternative hypothesis (Ha: bi ≠ 0) which
feeling as a consumer in the decision to buy goods states that the parental social status variable is a
in accordance with his wishes and the students' significant explanation of the consumption
trust on the packaging through advertising, behavior of students, is accepted.
packaging, media, and the quality and price of the The results showed that lifestyle was in the
product itself. medium category of 57.6%. The same thing is
While the third factor is the personality. expressed by Nugroho (2010) that lifestyle reflects
From the results of research students have a fairly the real problem that exist in pilikran customers
good personality that is equal to 51, 30%. who tend to blend and share things related to
Personality in the research here means that consumer psychological emotion problems is what
students have different personalities and the fastest students feel, how the attitude of students and
affect the personality is the social environment that opinions to the facts of life so as to bring the
will direct how the students are in meeting their implications of perforation-the change of taste, the
needs, because basically human wants to try to habit of consuming. Lifestyle of the parents are
meet their needs individually and society. Similar often identified with their children so that students
thing was told by Sumarwan that the one who tend to want the same thing when in consumption
distinguish individual one with other is permanent so that students tend to do the same expenditure or
and consistent nature, so that someone will do consumption with adults. It is potentially huge
tendency of behavior according to personality students in consuming to be wasteful. Parents
traits. should be in high category but they should provide
good guidance on how to consume, so they do not
Influence of Parents' Socioeconomic Status to fully submit purchasing decisions to their children
Student Consumption Behavior without priority giving priority. This is what
The influence of socio-economic status on causes consumptive student behavior.
consumption behavior has a positive and
significant effect. Socioeconomic status of parents Influence of family economic education on
greatly influence student consumption behavior. Student Consumption Behavior
Social Economic Status variable shows 100 The influence of Family Economic
respondents agreed. A student is said to have a Education on consumption behavior has a positive
good socioeconomic status when in fulfilling his and significant impact. The family's economic
needs always adjust the financial ability of his education affects the consumption behavior of the
parents. students
The socioeconomic position of the parent of The variable of family economic education
the student forms a social position or class where shows 80 respondents agreed. A student is said to
there is a grouping of the same person in behavior get a good family economic education then in
based on the economic position in the market. So fulfilling his needs will be in accordance with the
that in the students will tend to be in accordance education obtained from his family.
with social class because indirectly students whose The regression coefficient variable of Family
parents are high social class will use the cost of Economic Education (X3) is sebasar 0,101. The
living in accordance with the financial ability of his constant of 24,737 states that if there is no increase
parents. From this social class has an impact on in the value of the Family Economic Education
the lifestyle of students in using time and money. variable (X3) then the value of Student
For parental social status variables (X2) Consumption Behavior (Y) is 24.737. Multiple
obtained t arithmetic of 3.852 when compared regression coefficient of 0.101 states that each
with t table of 1.9706. From these results proves addition of one point or the value of Family
that the null hypothesis (Ho: bi = 0) which states Economic Education will provide a rise of 0.101
that the variable of social status of parents is not a points against Student Consumption Behavior.
significant explanation of student consumption
Rinna Mulyani, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto / Journal of Economic Education 7 (1) (2018) 24 - 30

The study of economic education of parents behaving. Mastery of economic concepts also
is categorized as good as 41.88% or as much as 80. embody the objectives of economic learning that
The indicator of family economic education is impact on students' behavior in consuming. From
good categorized care pattern that is 50.78%. this behavior comes a consumptive lifestyle.
While the pattern of cultivation values is F test results seen in the ANOVA table in
categorized very well 33, 50%. And the pattern of the sig column, it can be stated that the probability
the norms is also categorized either 57.06%. While 0.000 <0.05, or it can be said there is a significant
the indicator of family member involvement is also influence together the variables of student
categorized either that is 44, 50%. consumption knowledge, socioeconomic status of
The role of parents in this case is to teach parents, and family economic education on
the child to be an effective consumer. The child's student consumption behavior .
behavior toward product selection should also be
instilled by the family. This is evident from the
apparent consumption behavior of children is the Consumption
cultivation of values and economic norms by (X1)
parents in the family. Attitudes and behavior of
high school children is the result of a process that
begins since childhood, this is in line with the Socioecono Consumption
opinion of Sumarwan (2011) that the role of family mic Status Behavior (Y)

members in decision making such as the initiator is (X2)

to have ideas in buying a product to other family
members to consider and make a decision in order Family
to buy goods are not consumptive.
The same thing is also expressed by John (X3)
(2008) consumer decision in buying preceded by
the recognition of the needs of the nearest
environment and information searching to
evaluate alternatives of the various choices of
needs. The results of this research can be drawn
some pemasalahan put forward in the study of
Knowledge of student consumption, Social knowledge about consumption of socioeconomic
Economic Status and family economic education status of students, parents and family economics
simultaneously to Behavior of student education a positive and significant effect
consumption. simultaneously against perilku consumption at
Together all independent variables affect the high school students in the city of Tegal.
dependent variable, this statement is supported by
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