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11-MIKI 02/05/21

1. In your own opinion, why do you think Basketball is the most popular sport in our

Basketball had been a well-known sport not only in our country but in the whole world.
Furthermore, our country is known for having an enthusiastic basketball fan. In connection with
that, the colonization and influence of the western country became a huge factor in why
Basketball is famous. Moreover, Philippines have one of the strongest basketball team in the
Asian region.

Basketball is prevalent in our country because of the influence and colonization of other
countries, but because of its different characteristics. First, Basketball is fun to play; Basketball
has a breakneck and exciting pace of play. Also, each player on the court gets to play both
offense and defense, and the roles of each player are only loosely defined. Much of Basketball
can easily be practiced (like shooting or dribbling) with one person making it easy to learn. The
sport also is great for one-on-one play all the way up to 5-on-5, so you don't need a big crowd to
get a good game going. Second, the simple equipment. With Basketball, all you need are a ball
and a hoop. Many playgrounds throughout the world (especially in the USA) have hoops making
it easy to get a game going with just a ball. Third, Basketball is fun to watch. Some of the world's
greatest athletes are basketball players. The game is fast-paced and full of excitement, and lots of
scoring. Lastly, Basketball is an all-weather sport. Basketball is often played outside in parks or
in driveways but is also a winter sport played indoors. So you can play Basketball year-round.

Besides being easy to learn, the sport also fits well in the Philippines because of its strategic and
dynamic nature, making the game rewarding for both players and spectators. Filipinos, who love
being entertained, enjoy being kept on the edge of their seats by unpredictable twists. Basketball
is one of the most popular and known sports globally. Yet, this competitive and enjoyable game's
invention tells its own tale of how one man's simple idea could grow into a worldwide
phenomenon with many others' support and love.
2. Why do you think the History of Basketball is important for us to know?
For me, knowing the history is a way of showing appreciation and importance to the sports. It
will also give us a vast image and enlightenment about the essence of Basketball not only
because of its popularity in society. What history does is allow us to understand more fully the
reason current sports exist.
History does not predict the future. History only allows us to understand the present. What we do
with that understanding (or lack of understanding) determines the future. Studying history is an
excellent opportunity to learn about the sports that have shaped the modern world and learn from
the past lessons. More than that, however, studying history offers the opportunity to improve
several skills that are very helpful in several careers.
 First and foremost, history is an opportunity to hone research skills. Figuring out what are the
central themes and which details will help to paint a complete picture. A large part of history is
to read between the lines and behind the text to understand why the author or creator of any
historical source--much of a record consists of objects rather than a book is trying to make a
particular point. History encourages people to understand the perspective that different people
bring to their analyses and to understand why people interpret events in a specific way. This skill
is beneficial and allows people to direct their skepticism in a particular area.
3. Is the Equipment for Basketball being enough to enjoy playing the sport?
One of the best things about playing Basketball is that you don't have to invest in hefty
equipment. Besides a basketball, the other basketball gear you require to play the game is basic
and relatively affordable. The overall aim is to have the right gear and equipment for better
comfort and to improve performance. The equipment for Basketball is enough to enjoy the sport.
Sporting equipment, also called sporting goods, are the tools, materials, apparel, and gear used to
compete in a sport and varies depending on the sport. The equipment ranges from balls, nets, and
protective gear. Sporting equipment can be used as protective gear or a tool used to help the
athletes play the sport. Over time, Basketball's sporting equipment has evolved because sports
have started to require more protective gear to prevent injuries. The necessary protective
equipment should be used regardless of whether it is a game, practice, or just fun. This is because
the same risks apply to a competitive match or a game played for fun. Protective gear, such as
knee padding, mouth guards, etc., should be appropriately used whenever sports activities are
Playing Basketball sports without proper gear and equipment can be very dangerous, and if you
are not careful enough, a fun game can lead to a hospital visit. Wearing the proper gear
drastically reduces the chances of getting injured, enabling you to focus on the game and not
worry about accidents that might occur. Also, wearing the right gear does not exclusively apply
to rough sports. Whatever sports activity you're into, protecting yourself from possible dangers
should be a top priority. The proper use of protective equipment is a crucial part of injury
prevention in sports. The national governing sports body of any country has the job of laying
down equipment guidelines unique to each sport. The coach of any team or even individuals has
the responsibility to take heed of these guidelines to ensure that the correct protective equipment
is being used.
11-MIKI 02/05/21

1. Give 2 important skills in playing basketball? Why is it important?

 Let's face it, shooting may be the most important skill to have. After all, without hitting a shot,
you're not likely to win any games. Shooting is the most important skill in basketball. The
fundamental skills of passing, dribbling, defense, and rebounding may enable you to get a high
percentage shot, but you must still be able to make the shot. A large part of shooting is a mental
attitude. In addition to shooting skills, you must have confidence in yourself to shoot well. The
integration of the mental and mechanical aspects of shooting fosters shooting success. Shooting is
a skill you can practice by yourself. Once you understand correct mechanics, all you need is a
ball, a basket, and an eagerness to improve. But it is also helpful to practice shooting under game
conditions, including the pressure situations that occur late in a game. Practice with a partner
providing the defensive pressure of an opponent. Remember that through practice, you will
develop shooting skills and confidence. You also can benefit from having a trained observer such
as a coach, teacher, or a skilled player watch you shoot and provide corrective feedback.
However, most of your shooting practice will occur when a coach or teacher is not present, so
learn to analyze your shot's reaction on the rim to reinforce successful execution or reveal
shooting errors and their possible causes.

The second one is passing. Since basketball is a team sport, passing is an aspect you're just going
to have to learn. While this skill is a hard one to work on by yourself, mastering it comes down to
learning how to react quickly when under pressure from the other team. Accuracy is part of it, but
if you can't move promptly, eye up to your teammate and set the pass into motion, your accuracy
doesn't matter much. Important! A great passer makes other players better as they're set up to
make a better play and "finish." Great passers rarely turn the ball over, too. Your teammates will
love playing with you, also. Smart coaches recognize great passers and their value, as well.

2. Among the player position, what would you like to be?

To be honest, I'm a fan of basketball even though my favorite sport is volleyball, but if I had a
chance to play somehow, I would like to be a shooting guard. Base on every time I watch
basketball, the shooting guard always caught my attention. The shooting guard (SG) is also
known as the two or the off guard. Along with the small forward, a shooting guard is often
referred to as a wing because of its use in common positioning tactics. As the name suggests,
most shooting guards are prolific from the three-point range and extended mid-range. Some
critical aspects of being a shooting guard are patiently and methodically circulating the three
point line linear with that of the ball. This allows the ability to correctly get in open space for
other positions handling the ball. Just like all positions in basketball, the ability to communicate
efficiently with teammates is key. If a player's teammates do not know where/when a player will
be open, they won't deliver the ball when an efficient opportunity presents itself.

Besides being able to shoot the ball, shooting guards tend to be proficient at moving without the
ball to create open looks for themselves, often creating their own shots off the dribble. A versatile
shooting guard will have good passing skills that allow them to assume point guard
responsibilities and function as combo guards. To be a shooting guard, I could learn a lot of
aspects of playing basketball.

1. Why is it important for us to know the Rules of Basketball?

Rules provide an agreement of understanding to competition. In sports, rules define what is

allowed or not allowed to occur during situations on and off the court. Rules govern anything
from wearing proper uniforms to how to keep score during games of different levels of
competition. The rules of a game apply to players, coaches and officials, and vary among
different sports and age groups.

The rules of the game are meant to provide a fair contest and to protect the safety of the

If there were no rules in sports, then there really wouldn't be anything. Rules bring order and
fairness, without rules there would be chaos, and it wouldn't be a real game; just a bunch of
people doing there own thing with no goal or point. The game would actually be boring without

Rules are very important for anything because they make things more interesting and managed. If
there were no rules in sports, then they would become boring because nobody would understand
that what is going on or what not.

Rules are what actually define what the game is!!

If no rules existed at all, one could use boxing gloves another might use cricket balls,and another
player might just run around beating people up.

It is the rules that actually tell us what the sport is: including what equipment is used and what the
boundaries are.

Without it there would be no sports

Sports have rules so everyone can play fair and there can be a winner and a loser, each of which
conditions teach valuable life lessons for all.
Without rules, the games would have no structure. One team could decide a touchdown is worth
10 points, while another could decide forward passes are illegal.

Basically, sports having rules to know what is right & what is wrong.

Without rules it is just impossible to play sport: if sport is the body then rules are the soul -
without soul it is difficult to survive

Rules promote order and camaraderie between the each player.

2. What do you think is the relevance of still having Sports amidst the situation of the pandemic?

Since its onset, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread to almost all countries of the world.
Social and physical distancing measures, lockdowns of businesses, schools and overall social
life, which have become commonplace to curtail the spread of the disease, have also
disrupted many regular aspects of life, including sport and physical activity. This policy
brief highlights the challenges COVID-19 has posed to both the sporting world and to
physical activity and well-being, including for marginalized or vulnerable groups. It further
provides recommendations for Governments and other stakeholders, as well as for the UN
system, to support the safe reopening of sporting events, as well as to support physical
activity during the pandemic and beyond.

Sports have traditionally served as a global unifier. Race, religion, politics, socioeconomic status
and gender are all thrown out the window when supporters band together to celebrate (or
commiserate) the result of a competition.
As Nelson Mandela once said: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to
inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.”
With the world in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and people feeling more isolated now
more than ever with borders closed and stay-at-home mandates in place, sports—its athletes,
personalities, executives, coaches, leagues, teams and fans—can again prove that the cohesive
power of more is greater than any single individual.
“Athletes are role models in society. Kids listen to what athletes say more than they listen to their
parents; that’s a reality,” two-time NBA champion Pau Gasol said. “Let’s utilize that in a time of
need like this one in order to send the right message, in order to do the right thing, in order to
unite and bring the best out of people in a time of uncertainty and adversity. That’s a chance we
have right now. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will continue to have very considerable effects on the
sporting world as well as on the physical and mental well-being of people around the world. The
following recommendations seek to both support the safe re-opening of sporting events and
tournaments following the pandemic, as well as to maximize the benefits that sport and physical
activity can bring in the age of COVID-19 and beyond.

1. Cite benefits of engaging yourself in sports activities like volleyball. How will these benefits
affect your lifestyle?
2. How does volleyball affect the active participation and recreation among the Filipino youth?

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