TUG - Jakarta Viz Challenge: Indonesia Data Skill

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TUG - Jakarta Viz

Challenge: Indonesia
Data Skill
As we know, there is a very high demand for data experts in the world. Indonesia, as one of
the countries with the 4th largest population in the world, certainly doesn't want to be left
But how is the condition of talent data in Indonesia? In this competition, let's show your skill
in presenting data related to Indonesia Data Skills with Tableau :)
How to join this Challenge ?
➔ Start here
Create or sign in to your Tableau Public profile

You can use any of the Tableau Desktop family to build and publish your viz with, including the free
Public Edition.

➔ Stuff you'll need

Data : Looking for data? Here are some examples for datasets on :

◆ https://data.go.id
◆ https://www.bps.go.id
◆ You can also check out generic data pool on Kaggle and Reddit.

Viz : Make it awesome! Your entry will be judged on design, storytelling, and analysis.

➔ Submit your viz

After you’ve completed your viz, publish it to your Tableau Public profile and Tableau User Group
Indonesia Linkedin with hashtag #TUGJakarta and #TUGJakartaViz and fill out this submission

➔ Deadline submission on 19 February 2021 23:59 JKT time ! and we will announce the winner on
TUG Jakarta Meet Up at 26 February 2021
Term and Condition
➔ One person only can submit one Viz
➔ Submit and register your Viz
After publish your viz on Tableau Public profile, please fill out this submission form

If viz doesn't register, it will not be included in this competition.

➔ All jury decisions are final and cannot be contested.

Find out more on :

Tableau User Group Indonesia

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