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DPM 207

Reflection 1

Being an entrepreneur should not be just about making money, but also making a

difference. It should be about making life better not only for ourselves, but for others as well.

You may have come across businessmen who have a negative reputation with their

employees due arrogance or stubbornness. This is where some entrepreneurs fall short.

Although there is a need to take the business seriously, employees who feel unhappy in their

work environment are less likely to become productive. The topic of Miss Marianne

Abelgas which is entrepreneural perspective strucks me the the most due to her discussion

that touch the four basic aspect of entrepreneurship. Through her brief and concise discussion,

I am enlightened that entrepreneurs enjoy the independence, freedom, job satisfaction, and

money, but believe the long hours, stress, responsibility, risk, and lack of company benefits are

drawbacks of entrepreneurial activity. Successful Entrepreneurs are focused on making their

business work and can eliminate any distractions. They are consistent in all of their activities

and can maintain this for as long as needed. Every moment can possibly present a new

opportunity, or challenge. An Entrepreneurial Mindset allows you to see everything and

understand what is working, and what isn’t. It also means that you can adapt quickly to take

advantage of changing circumstances. Not only are you skilled at leading yourself and

determining your path, but you are skilled at leading others. An Entrepreneirual Mindset gives

you an understanding of the importance of teamwork, as well as the need to appreciate others,

support them and reward them accordingly.

DPM 207

Reflection 2

Second meeting of this course catched my attention by the topic of Miss Cynthia Felias,

The Entrepreneurial Skills. She discussed that the entrepreneural skills encompass a broad

range of various skill sets like technical skills, leadership and business management skills and

creative thinking. Because entrepreneurial skills can be applied to many different job roles and

industries, developing your entrepreneurial skills can mean developing several types of skill

sets. Negotiation is one of the important skills as a businessman, she explained further that

negotiation is a very powerful skill. Successful negotiation can help an entrepreneur clinch

deals that may otherwise slip through his fingers, settle small differences before they turn into

costly disputes, and develop and capture maximum value in agreements reached.

Based on her topic I additionally understand that negotiating requires give and take. You

should aim to create a courteous and constructive interaction that is a win-win for both parties.

Ideally a successful negotiation is where you can make concessions that mean little to you, while

giving something to the other party that means a lot to them. Your approach should foster

goodwill, regardless of the differences in party interests. A good negotiation leaves each party

satisfied and ready to do business with each other again.

I look forward in using this knowledge I gained upon starting my little business in the

near future. I am very thankful that I enrolled this course for it assess my understanding in an

entrepreneurship matters.

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