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Material For XA, B TKJ, X PS

Hello, my dearest students; how are you today? I hope all of you are fine.

Today we’ll still study online yach.... So, don’t be bored yach. keep spirit and keep
healthy to avoid corona virus!

Last week, I had given you to make a video about story telling. have you done and
collect it? If you didn’t collect it yet, I’m still waiting for your assignment until April,
10th, 2020.

Today we’ll continue to learn a new material.

Do you know what material will we learn for today?

Okay, today We’ll study about “Conditional Sentence.”

What is it?

Let’s start to learn!!!!!!

Conditional Sentence
(Kalimat Pengandaian)

What is Conditional Sentence?

Conditional Sentence is sometimes called by Conditional If. Conditional Sentence in

Indonesia means kalimat pengandaian. Pernahkah kalian berandai-andai? Misalnya,
Andai saya menjadi orang kaya, saya akan berbelanja setiap hari. Nah, today we’ll
study it in English.

Firstly, you should know that there 2 clauses in Conditional Sentence. one is “Main
clause” and the second one is “If clause”. The main clause is in future form.
There are three types of Conditional Sententence.

A. Conditional Sentence Type 1 (The real situations in the future time)

The conditional clauses in the real future are used to indicate that
realization of fulfillment of the idea or activity is possible at any time in the
future time.

Sentence pattern :

If + Simple Present Tense, Present Future Tense

If Clause Main Clause

If + S + V1 (s/es) / tobe 1 + O, S + will + V1 / be + O

There is no fact in Conditional Sentence Type 1 because it is the real situations.

Examples :

1. If I have much money, I will buy a new car.

If S V1 O S will V1 O

If Clause Main Clause

2. If I am late, my teacher will be angry.

3. We will not go to the swimming pool if it rains.

4. If I don’t pass the examination, I will not continue to the university.

B. Conditional Sentence Type 2 (Unreal situations in the present time)

The conditional clauses in the unreal present are used to indicate that the
realization of fulfillment of the idea or activity is impossible at anytime the
present or future. in other words, this kind of conditional is for imaginary idea
which is impossible to realize.
“Be” in conditional sentence type 2 is always “WERE” (for all subjects).
the fact is always the opposite of the conditional sentence whether in meaning
or tense (become present time).

Sentence pattern :

If + Simple Past Tense, Past Future Tense

If Clause Main Clause

If + S + V2 / were + O, S + would + V1 / be + O

Examples :

1. If I had much money, I would buy a new car.

If S V2 O S would V1 O

If Clause Main Clause

Fact : I don’t have much money so, I don’t buy a new car.

2. If I were late, my teacher would be angry.

Fact : I am not late so, my teacher is not angry.

3. We would not go to the swimming pool if it rained.

Fact : We go to the swimming pool because it doesn’t rain.

4. If I didn’t pass the examination, I would not continue to the university.

Fact : I pass the examination so, I continue to the university.

C. Conditional Sentence Type 3 (Unreal situations in the past time)

The conditional clauses in the unreal past are used to indicate that the
fact in the statement is not fulfilled. As a matter of fact the statement is
contrary to the fact in the past. The fact is always the opposite of the
conditional sentence type 3 whether in meaning or tense (become past time).
Sentence pattern :

If + Past Perfect Tense, Past Future Perfect Tense

If Clause Main Clause

If + S + had +V3 / been + O, S + would have + V3 / been + O

Examples :

1. If I had had much money, I would have bought a new car.

If S had V3 O S would have V3 O

If Clause Main Clause

Fact : I didn’t have much money so, I didn’t buy a new car.

2. If I had been late, my teacher would have been angry.

Fact : I was not late so, my teacher was not angry.

3. We would not have gone to the swimming pool if it had rained.

Fact : We went to the swimming pool because it didn’t rain.

4. If I hadn’t passed the examination, I would not have continued to the


Fact : I passed the examination so, I continued to the university.

Demikianlah Penjelasan dari bu Titik tentang Conditional Sentence. Semoga dengan

membaca penjelasan dari saya di atas dapat menambah pemahaman tentang materi
ini. Oke cukup sekian, dan terimakasih atas waktunya. Semoga kita semua bisa
belajar kembali di sekolah dan ucapkan Good Bye pada Covid 19. Jika ada
pertanyaan atau komentar mengenai materi ini silahkan tinggalkan komentar..

Untuk materi selain dari saya bisa juga diakses dari berbagai sumber dan aplikasi belajar online
seperti :
1. Ruang Guru
2. Rumah Belajar

3. Kelas Pintar

4. dsb

Nah… sekarang anak-anak.. untuk mengeavaluasi materi kalian, cobalah kalian buat
beberapa kalimat pengandaian menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang benar dengan
memperhatikan situasi real.

……….. GOOD LUCK ……..

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