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TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10

students in Mathematics



Learning becomes more interactive by applying accepted learning

techniques. It helps in the development of the positive attitude of students

towards learning and to the learning process itself (Kamala, 2011). One of

these is what we called instructional technology. Instructional technology

includes practical techniques of instructional delivery that systematically aim for

effective learning, whether or not they involve the use of media. It is a basic

purpose of the field of instructional technology to promote and aid the

application of these known and validated procedures in the design and delivery

of instruction (Kurt, 2017). In addition, teaching technologies are paving the

way for innovative strategies to improve student achievement across different

learning styles, preferences, and strengths, not just for those with varying

abilities or learning disabilities. Improving academic performance with

interactive education can lead to incredible growth in the expansion of

personalized learning paths that help students thrive and interactive

experiences that further immerse students in the professions they’re pursuing.

Moreover, a study by (Almekhlafi and Almeqdadi, 2010) from two

schools in Al-Ain Educational Zone, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab

Emirates showed that the teachers at both schools integrated a variety of

technologies to promote students’ learning in their classes’ activities in

TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

spite of the barriers hindering such integration (e.g., technical problems, lack of

professional development training, and lack of financial support). It is rapidly

emerging as a predominant paradigm in the delivery of education in the society

and has been observed that the use of educational technology is the best way

to transfer knowledge from the teacher to students (Santiago, 2011). On the

other hand, in a certain research conducted in California, one of the

negative findings pertaining to the use of educational technology is the

enduring difficulty about technology and a lot of people thinking about the

technology first and then education later (Schacter, 1999). In addition, there

are some recommendations ranging from access, adequacy, and equity in

educational technology to the increase of educators and students access to

high speed internet services and appropriate instructional software with

increased technical assistance and maintenance support in using technology

(National Education Association, 2008).

In the Philippines, e-learning has been gaining ground in the education

sector with a big push from governmental efforts. The government and the

institutions that supply education services in the Philippines and in other

countries give high recommendation to this e-learning concept (Suplido &

Rodrigo, 2000). Technological resources such as computers, laptops and

mobile phones used in teaching and learning activities have both constructive

and destructive effects on the academic environment affecting both students

and teachers (Virginia Carbonilla Gorra, et al 2016). Recently, the Schools

TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

Division Office of Imus City, Cavite, Philippines staged the first-ever division

cyber expo in the country, through the Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) Unit. One of the event’s objectives was to understand and

maximise the use of these tools while also identifying new ICT tools that may

be helpful to teachers (Alita Sharon, 2020).

At Vicenta C. Nograles National High School where the researcher is

currently connected observed that most of the students do not have gadgets

like computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones that can be used as an

instructional tool for learning. There are few students who possess these

gadgets but they lack internet access or internet connection. Currently when

they were asked to choose whether to use online distance learning or the

modular distance learning, the majority of the students chose modular distance

learning. This is the reason why the researcher was inspired to look between

the relationship of instructional technology and academic performance of the


Rationale of the Study

Educational Technology (ET) is a learning system adopting the methods,

processes, and products to serve identified educational goals in an organization

for its efficient implementation (National Council of Educational Research and

TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

Training, 2006). Moreover, it is the use of computers as one of the major

peripherals in the implementation of the system with networks, software, and

internet included in the e-learning process. This study looked into the level of

implementation of instructional technology in the selected grade 10 students and

investigates if it correlates with academic performance of students in


The researcher hopes that this study will be beneficial to the Department

of Education, School Heads, Teachers and Students.

Department of Education. The Department of Education may utilize the

result in this study for their awareness of the current situation of the students and

teachers in the public school system. They may also provide training for teachers

especially those who are not good in the technicalities of using gadgets.

School Heads. The school heads may also find this study beneficial for

them to identify the different factors that affect the academic performance using

instructional technology of the students especially in Mathematics.

Teachers. The teachers may also find this study useful by knowing the

capabilities and how the students adopt new strategies of learning. They may

also use this study to know how it affects the academic performance of the


Students. Lastly, students may also benefit from this study because they

may be able to learn other skills that enhance their capabilities and knowledge.

Statement of the Problem

TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

This study aims to find out the instructional technology and academic

performance of grade 10 students in Mathematics. Specifically, it aims to answer

the following questions:

1. What is the level of instructional technology of Grade 10 students

when analyzed in terms of:

1.1 Interactive White Boards

1.2 Websites and Blogs

1.3 Projector

2. What is the level of academic performance of Grade 10 students

when analyzed in terms of:

2.1 Knowledge and Comprehension

2.2 Valuing

2.3 Learning Adaptation

3. Is there a significant relationship between instructional technology and

academic performance of Grade 10 students?


This study will be tested at .05 level of significance.

TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

There is no significant relationship between instructional technology and

academic performance of Grade 10 students.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study will anchor the theory on socio-cultural constructivism. Credited

for major contributions to the sociocultural constructivist theory is L.S. Vygotsky.

A Russian psychologist, Vygotsky is well known for his Zone of Proximal

Development (ZPD) theory. The ZPD is often defined as the relation between

what a learner knows and the knowledge that exists within the social context

(Staupe, 2000). Sociocultural constructivism uses this relationship and continues

it with stating that through this social interaction a new level of knowledge is

acquired. Emphasis is on dialogue that participants engage in as a means of

collaboration and negation of meaning to reach a new understanding. This

process allows the learner to internalize what is being taught, and thus, they

become an active part in shaping the learning environment (Nahme, 2000).

Sociocultural constructivism defines learning as a sociocultural dialogic activity

(Bonk, 1998). Therefore instruction needs to provide opportunities for

participation in a community of learners that learn through authentic tasks.

This study will anchor Connectivism. It is a learning theory established in

2005 by well known theorist George Siemens. He explored the theories of

chaos, network, and self-organization to formulate this theory. Siemens (2004)

proposes the need for a new theory to address the change in how people think

and handle knowledge as a result of the increased uses of technology in all

aspects of daily living. The theory states that due to the fact that information has
TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

now become digital, its flow has increased to a point of becoming too complex for

an individual to keep up with it all. The learner thus finds a need to create an

external network of valid sources such as people or content of information called

nodes. These nodes create places for the individual learner to organize up-to-

date knowledge that can be accessed when needed.

The conceptual framework of the study is shown in Figure 1. As seen in

Figure 1, the independent variable is instructional technology with three

indicators: interactive whiteboards, websites and blogs, and projector. On the

other hand, the dependent variable is academic performance with three

indicators: knowledge and comprehension, valuing, and learning adaptation. The

arrow connecting the two variables signifies the assumed relationship.

Independent Variable Dependent variable

Instructional Technology Academic Performance

● Interactive White Boards

● Knowledge and
● Websites and Blogs
Comprehension Level
● Projector
● Valuing

● Learning Adaptation
TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study


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2020 from

Serhat Kurt (2017), Definitions of Instructional Technology, Retrieve on

September 5, 2020 from

Ayelet Weizs (2019), The Impact of Education Technology on Student

Achievement, Retrieved on September 5, 2020 from
TItle: Instructional Technology and the Academic Performance of Grade 10
students in Mathematics

Noel Sobejana (2015), Educational technology and academic performance of

students in basic English in selected higher education institutions in
Davao del Sur, Retrieved on September 5, 2020 from

Alita Sharon (2020), WA government and Austmine launch digital mining export
hub, Retrieved on September 5, 2020 from

Valora Hodges (2004), Online Learning Environment and Their Applications to

Emerging Theories of Educational Technology, Retrieved on September
5, 2020 from
Atipat Boonmoh (2019), View of Factors affecting teachers' use of technologies
as teaching aids in Thai EFL classrooms, Retrieved on September 8, 2020 from

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