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Sir Padampat Singhana Educaton Centre

Kamla Nagar K an p u r



PART A – Objective (40 M arks)
Reading: 20 M arks
1. Multiple Choice questions based on one unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation and inference. Vocabulary and
inference of meaning will also be assessed. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary. (10x1=10m)
2. Multiple Choice questions based on one unseen case-based factual passage w ith verbal/visual inputs like statistical data,
charts, new spaper report etc. T en out of eleven questions to be done. (10x1=10 m)
Literature: 20 M arks
1. Multiple Choice Questions based on two prose extracts, one each f rom the books Flamingo and Vistas, to assess comprehension
and appreciation. Any 2 out of 3 extracts to be done. (8x1=8m)
2. Multiple Choice Questions based on a poetry extract from the book Flamingo to assess comprehension, analysis and inference.
Any 1 out of 2 extracts to be done. (4x1=4m)
3. T ext based questions to assess comprehension, analysis, inference and interpretation from the books Flamingo and Vistas.
Eight out of ten questions to be done. (8x1=8m)

PART B – Subjective (40 M ARKS)

W riting Section: 16 M arks
Q1. Short w riting task –Notice/Advertisement up to 50 w ords. One out of the tw o given questions to be answ ered.
(3 M arks: Format : 1 / Content : 1 / Expression : 1)
Q2. Short writing task –Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply up to 50 w ords.One out of the two given questions to be answ ered.
(3 M arks: Format : 1 / Content : 1 / Expression : 1)
Q3. Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words. Letter types include application for a
job, Letters to the editor (giving suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to be
answ ered. (5 M arks :Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2)
Q4. Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be answ ered in 120 -150 w ords. One
out of the tw o given questions to be answ ered. (5M arks :Format : 1 / Content : 2 / Expression : 2)

Literature Section: 24 M arks

Q5. Five Short answer type question, out of six, from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo, to be answ ered in 30 -40 w ords.
Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. (5x2=10m)
Q6. T w o Short answer type question ,out of three, from Prose (Vistas), to be answ ered in 30-40 w ords. Questions should elicit
inferential responses through critical thinking. (2x2=4m)
Q7. One Long answ er type question, from P rose/poetry (Flamingo), to be answ ered in 120 -150 w ords to assess global
comprehension and extrapolation beyond the text. Questions to provide evaluative and analytical responses using incidents,
events, themes as reference points. Any 1 out of 2 questions to be done. (1x5=5m)
Q8. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas, to be answ ered in 120 -150 w ords to assess
global comprehension and ex trapolation beyond the text. Questions to provide evaluative and analytical responses using
incidents, events, themes as reference points. Any 1 out of 2 questions to be done. (1x5=5m)

Total (Part A+ Part B) 80

Sl .No. Chapter W eightage
1. Relations and Functions 6
2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 2
3 Matrices 4
4 Determinants 6
5. Continuity and Differentiability 8
6. Applications of Derivatives 9
7 Integrals 6
8. Applications of Integrals 6
9. Differential Equations 6
10. Vectors 5
11. 3 Dimensional Geometry 9
12. Linear P rogramming 5
13. P robability 8
Total 80

1 Electrostatics 10
2 Current Electricity 5
3 Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 9
4 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents 12
5 Electromagnetic Waves & Optics (Ray and Wave) 16
6 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 4
7 Atoms and Nuclei 8
8 Electronic Devices 6

1 Solid state
2 Solutions
3 Electrochemistry 23
4 Chemical kinetics
5 Surface chemistry
6 P - block elements
7 D- and f- block elements 19
8 Coordination compounds
9 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
10 Alcohol, phenol and ether
11 Aldehyde, ketones and carboxylic acids
12 Amines 28
13 Biomolecules

1. Reproducrion 7
2. Genetics 18
3. Biology human welfare 19
4. Biotechnology 13
5. Ecology 13

Total 70

1. Molecules of life 10
2. Concepts of genetics. 5
3. Genes and genome. 25
4. Basic unit of life. 10
5. Cell growth and development. 20

Total 70


Units M arks
Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Partnership Firms and
Part A
Unit 1. Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations 10
Unit 2. Accounting for P artnership Firms 30
Unit 3. Accounting for Companies 20
Total 60
Part B Financial Statement Anal ysis
Unit 4. Analysis of Financial Statements 12
Unit 5. Cash Flow Statement 08
Total 20

Total (Part A + Part B) 80


Part A Principles and Functions of Management

1 Nature and Significance of Management

2 P rinciples of Management 16

3 Business Environment

4 P lanning
5 Organising

6 Staffing

7 Directing 20

8 Controlling

T otal 50

Part B Business Finance and Marketing

9 Financial Management
10 Financial Markets

11 Marketing Management
12 Consumer P rotection

Total 80


Units M arks

Part A Introductory M acroeconomics

National Income and Related Aggregates 10

Money and Banking 6

Determination of Income and Employment 12

Government Budget and the Economy 6

Balance of P ayments 6


Part B Indian Economic Development

Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991 12

Current Challenges facing Indian Economy 22

Development Experience of India – A Comparison w ith Neighbors 06


Total (Part A +Part B) 80

Part C Project W ork 20

Units M arks
A Indian Society
1. Introducing Indian Society Non- eval uative
2. T he Demographic Structure of Indian Society 10
3. Social Institutions: Continuity and Change 10
5. P atterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion 10
6. T he Challenges of Cultural Diversity 10
7. Suggestions for Project Work Non- eval uative
B Social Change and Development in India
8. Structural Change 5
9. Cultural Change 5
11. Change and Development in Rural Society 10
12. Change and Development in Industrial Society 10
15. Social Movements 10
Total (Unit A+UnitB) 80
Project W ork 20


Part A: Contemporary World Politics

Units Contents M arks
1 Cold War Era and Non-aligned Movement 6
2 T he End of Bipolarity 8
3 New Centres of Power 8
4 South Asia and the Contemporary World 6
5 United Nations and its Organizations 6
6 Globalization 6
Total 40
Part B: Pol itics in India Since Independence
Units Contents M arks
7 Challenges of Nation-Building 08
8 P lanned Development 04
9 India's Foreign Policy 04
10 P arties and the Party Systems in India 08
11 Democratic Resurgence 08
12 Indian Politics: Trends and Developments 08
Total 40
Total (Part A +Part B) 80


Units M arks
Themes in Indian History (Part-I) 25
Bricks, Beads and Bones
Kings, Farmers and Towns
Kinship , Caste and Class
T hinkers, Beliefs and Buildings
Themes in Indian History (Part-II) 25
Bhakti – Sufi Traditions
An Imperial Capital : Vijayanagara
Kings and Chronicles
Themes in Indian History (Part-III) 25
Colonialism and The Countryside
Rebels and the Raj
Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement
Framing the Constitution
M ap Work 5

Total 80



1 Data Handling Using Pandas and Data visulatization 25
2 Database Query Using SQL 25
3 Introduction to computer Networks 10
4 Societal Impacts 10
Total 70

● प्रश्न-पत्र दो खण्डों -'अ' और 'ब' का होगा।
● खंड अ' में वस्तुपरक प्रश्न पूछे जाएं ग े।
● खंड अ' में कुल 58 प्रश्न होगें जजनमें से केवल 40 प्रश्नों के ही उत्तर दे ने होगें।
● खंड 'ब' में वर्णनात्मक प्रश्न पूछे जाएं ग।े प्रश्नों में उजित आंतररक जवकल्प ददए जाएँग े।

परीक्षा भार जवभाजन

खंड अ(वस्तुपरक प्रश्न)

जवषयवस्तु उप भार कुल भार

1 अपरित गद्ांश (चिंतन क्षमता एवं अजभव्यजि कौशल पर बहुजवकल्पात्मक प्रश्न पूछे जाएँ ग)े 15

अ) दो अपरित गद्ांश ों में से कोई एक गद्ांश करना होगा (450-500 शब्दों के) (1अंक x10 प्रश्न ) 10 10

ब) दो अपरित पद्ांश ों में से कोई एक पद्ांश करना होगा। (250-250 शब्दों के) (1अंक x 5 प्रश्न ) 05 05

2. कायाणलयी जहन्दी और रिनात्मक लेखन (अजभव्यजि और माध्यम' पुस् तक के आधार पर) 05

अ) अजभव्यजि और माध्यम पुस् तक से बहुजवकल्पात्मक त्मक प्रश्न (1 अंक X5 प्रश्न) 05 05

३. पाठ्यपुस् तक आरोह भाग -2 से बहुजवकल्पात्मक प्रश्न 10

अ) परित काव्यांश पर पांि बहुजवकल्पी प्रश्न (1 अंक x5 प्रश्न) 05

ब) परित गद्ांश पर पाँि बहुजवकल्पी प्रश्न (1 अंक x5 प्रश्न) 05

अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस् तक जवतान भाग-2 से बहुजवकल्पात्मक प्रश्न 10


अ) परित पािों पर दस बहुजपकल्पी प्रश्न (1अंक x10 प्रश्न) 10

खंड ब (वर् नण ात्मक प्रश्न)

जवषयवस्तु उप भार कुल भार

5. कायाणलयी जहन्दी और रिनात्मक लेखन

1 ददए गए तीन नए और अप्रत्याजशत जवषयों में से दकसी एक जवषय पर लगभग 150 शब्दों में रिनात्मक लेखन (5अंक × 05

2 औपिाररक जवषय से संब ंजधत पत्र लेखन (5 अंक x1 प्रश्न) (जवकल्प सजहत). 05

3 कजवता ,कहानी ,नाटक की रिना प्रदिया पर आधाररत दो लघुत्त रीय प्रश्न (3अंक x 1 प्रश्न)+(2 अंकx 1 प्रश्न) (जवकल्प 05
सजहत) 20

4 समािार लेखन (उल्टा जपराजमड शैली)/ फीिर लेखन/आलेख लेखन पर आधाररत दो लघुत्त रीय प्रश्न (3 अंक x 1प्रश्न)+(2 05
अंकx 1 प्रश्न) (जवकल्प सजहत)

6. पाठ्यपुस् तक आरोह भाग-2

1 काव्य खंड पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्नों में से दकन्हीं दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर (लगभग 50-60 शब्दों में) (3 अंक x2 प्रश्न ) 06

2 काव्य खंड पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्नों में से दकन्हीं दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर (लगभग 30-40 शब्दों में) (2 अंक x2 प्रश्न) 04

3 गद् खंड पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्नों में से दकन्हीं दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर (लगभग 50-60 शब्दों में ) (3 अंक x2 प्रश्न) 06
4 गद् खंड पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्नों में से दकन्हीं दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर ( लगभग 30-40 शब्दों में) (2 अंक x2 प्रश्न ) 04

कुल अंक 80

7 (अ) श्रवर् तथा वािन 10

(ब) पररयोजना कायण 10

कुल अंक 100


Units Unit Name M arks

Unit 1: Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Unit 2: Entrepreneurial Planning
Unit 3: Enterprise Marketing
Unit 4: Enterprise Growth Strategies
Unit 5: Business Arithmetic
Unit 6: Resource Mobilization
Total 70

LEGAL STUDIES Unit Names Marks

Unit 1 Judiciary 10
Unit 2 T opics of law 20
Unit 3 Arbitration, Tribunal Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution 10
Unit 4 Human Rights in India 10
Unit 5 Legal P rofession in India 10
Unit 6 Legal Services 10
Unit 7 International Context 10
Total 80


Serial No. Unit M arks

1 P lanning in Sports 04
2 Sports & Nutrition 05
3 Yoga & Lifestyle 11
4 P hysical Education & Sports for CWSN 06
5 Children & Women in Sports 11
6 T est & Measurement in Sports 05
7 P hysiology & Injuries in Sports 04
8 Biomechanics & Sports 06
9 P sychology & Sports 14
10 T raining in Sports 04
Total 70

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